ee ee a5 eeiasare aeneeens: 8 reese ~ e 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jenuary 24, 1966 Oshawa Hawks |Edge Hamilton In Last Minute Oshawa Hawks moved closer to the league-leading Welland A's, in their Ontario Intermed- iate Basketball League race, when they scored an import- ant 73-70 victory over Hamilton Cosens, right in Hamilton, on Saturday night. i With less than five minutes left to play, Oshawa trailed Ham- ilton by five points but they unleashed a closing spurt of! speed and rapid-fire attack which the homesters couldn't match, to snatch the victory, Tom Olinyk accounting for the last four points, to give Hawks their margin. | Olinyk's total of 16 points made him Oshawa's_ second- highest scorer for the i Al Fleming taking the top honors . awit with a Searninicent performance |@ntry 8-4, in their final game. that netted him a total of 23 |points. Jim Rowden with 14 and Brian Jenkins with a nine-point contribution, were the other high scorers for the Hawks. game, double draw event, | Pete Badger was the big gun |the 11:00 o'clock draw, they ha \for Cosens, with a fine 20-point|a total of 10 points, for their} total while John Manel with 14,|three wins, each scored over an| Carl Weir with 11 and Al Hard-|Oshawa rink. They beat out Ed.) ; SEAGRAM'S TROPHY EVENT ,gram's Trophy Men's Open Bon- spiel, at The Oshawa Curling Club, here on Saturday, when @ points, collected in their second], WHITBY -- full entry of 32 rinks competed! game. } ay for the top prizes, in the three-' The best point-total for two /*ng.Jcnn Kitchen, skip, 6 (L) Runners-up in the day's play! was one of three Peterborough entries, the rink of Bob Pren- KEEN COMPETITION tice, Don Boone, Bob Ford and ' 'Rod Sjoberg, skip. Playing in| The general observation made A rink from Toronto Terrace; was fourth, their aggregate be-| Club captured the annual Sea-|ing 25. High one-win prizes in the learly group were claimed by 'Don Holden's rink, with 8-plus-2 | wins, in. the 11:00 o'clock draw, The winning rink, consisting of Was compiled by Ed. Disney's} John Dick, Mike Trites, Sandy |entry, with 16-plus-6, : | Sargent and "Bo" Sumner, skip, |first two games. Herb Robinson |o, ', Men and Mt. Founder giniame. jdivision, were claimed. by | "Casey" Luke's home club rink, | with a point - total of 8-plus-4. qd by the-gallery of spectators who lenjoyed the day's play, was that Saturday's bonspiel produced man with eight, were next in| Disney's entry, skipped by Ken the season. line. In addition to Oshawa's strong lfinish, their victory was also highlighted by some great def- ensive checking, Bob, Booth and Brent Oldfield combining for a} 4... great job in holding their old : teammate Bob "Big Daddy" Grier, to a meagre six points. |; "idk Hawks were ahead 41-35 Fred Etcher, \the halfway mark, fell back in |the third quarter but then came rearing back to snatch the vic- |tory. of Ted Shreve, Bill but was outstanding as Osh- awa whipped Petes 5-2. --Oshawa Times Photo action took place during the second period of Saturday's game. Sandford. didn't score, the Peterborough net as Petes goalie Brian Caley is caught out of position, The DANNY' SANDFORD, Oshawa General left-winger, awaits a pass from behind points. OTHER PRIZE WINNERS Conlin, in their third game, 8-4. "Bud" Moore's Oshawa rink Gibbie, Lloyd Algar and Moore as skip, scored three wins in the early all close, for a total. of five points and in the late draw, r Fred Thompson's rink, including |Sented his company's trophy The trophy winners and also the runners-up, were both out-of- {town entries -but all other eight jsets of prizes were claimed by |home club entries. Harley Carr, district sentative for Seagram's, repre- pre- of the day's games. | Co-chairmen of the successful event, who not only handled the ; J I als i O le [ etes | OSHAWA HAWKS: Fleming) High two-game prize winners entries, arranged for prizes and j |(23), Jenkins (9), Olinyk (16),/in the early draw were both|acted as drawmasters, as well /Booth (5), Rowden (14), Old-|Oshawa rinks, each with a total} a5 Supervising the presentations, | |field (2), Calder, Gunn (2), Jep-|of 13 points. Gord MacMillan's| were "Ruddy" Andrews and Art! }ma (2), and Boivin. Total, 73.\rink got the third prizes in that Stubbins. HAMILTON COSENS: Hard-| Section, with an aggregate total | Following are the complete |man (8), Snaidero (7), Bader.|0f 29 and "Rich" Vesey's rink | results: Trail Leaders By Three PETES -- |(20), Hue, Gravino Manel (14), | |Weir (11), Grier (6), and Daly | (4). Total 70. ' , ; . neve | Goal: Caley; Defence: Cur- Anyone who hadn't witnessed,O'Shea adding a goal and two; Peterborough goaltender), PETES -- Goal: Caley; Defence: Cur. Oshawa Generals' 5-2 victoryjassists: While he didn't score,|Brian Caley matched saves with |Vanderberg, Johnston, McLeish, Herri over Peterborough Petes Satur-)Cashman assisted on two goals/Young until the third-period out- iran, Merahane. Lacroix, Dufour, Godson, day night, might have con-jand was every bit as outstand-|burst. He ended up blocking 32 r cluded afterwards that Bep'|ing as his line-mates. Oshawa drives. FIRST PERIOD Guidolin and Wren Blair were} Chris Hayes sparked the sec- 1. Generals: O'Shea finalists in a grinning contest. {ond line with a goal and an as- Steal Aad The cause of their mirth was/|sist, with George Babcock scor- : : | "" (Lacroix, Plager) ; 19:54 not so much that Generals had|ing the other goal. Billy Heind!|S©#50" between the clubs and) | penaities | -- Roberts. 'inierterence) moved to within three points of|assisted on a pair faemerals so over the oF Oe es 9 & the first-place Petes, as the| The Danny Sandford - Brian|™eetings. They won three, tie manner in which they had done|Morenz - Bob Black line was|}wo fri lost ede ae aie it. |held scoreless, but they too won rns 'i age Pe 7 SOLE ORE oN ares: Dutouy.-(croas: eheckine) ; So impressive was their team/praise from club officials. Sand-|fT, first place, incl uding home-'3:o8, cagieux (interference) 7:28, Godson) in their game on Satudray af effort that they were praised by/ford's tireless skating led the|@%d-home series with Hamilton, | hooking) 16:41. |noon but losing to the home-|'? nose On ie. of general manager Blair as hav-|threesome Toronto, Montreal and St. Cath- THIRD PERIOD }sters 5-4, on Sunday morning. ed ibis by ing played their best game in| BEST GAME larines. They host London, Kitch- 3. Generals: Littie '| Mike Cyr, with four goals, | doubleheader. two seasons. | Chris Roberts played his best/°Mer and Niagara oe oe! | ee oa ® was the outstanding performer) ai In five minutes. of post-game|game of the season on defence, each, ~ visit Kitchener twice! (Grant, Curtis 7:2\in the first game. Other Otter ood : eonversation, coach Guidolinjreceiving more than adequate Titi delbea pene gre Poe geen scorers were Carl Ruxycki, with es used the phrase "'so-and-so play-|support from Bobby Orr, Paul|{hursday night against the Red). conrrais: Haves a couple and Mike Curry, Steve| ir ed one heck of a game" at least|Cadieux and Nick Beverley. Orr| Wings in Hamilton, game time) | (Heindl, Orr) 13:30 rnp Pipigh ops Coutanche, | a half dozen times. Each time|added three assists, raising his|'**"' ery ea) 16:09, each with a singleton. < he inserted the name of a dif-|poirit total to 74. : |. SEABEALS & Dekh Vana) Daten Ge coe Little) Yerry Welsh, Joan Nestic and ferent player. , Despite the sturdy defence, |orr, Beverley, Roberts, Cadieux, Wilkins: | ne 0% Reet digs Hercia shared Oshawa's Most of the 4,351 fans -- Civic|Petes managed 30 shots at the |[orwards: O'Shea, | Morenz, Helnd!, ae thtee goals. es Auditorium's largést crowd of|Oshawa net, and all-star Ian|casnman, Dossiaume, Sandford" . 7 AS laces On Sunday, John Nestic scored the season -- would agree with| Young played a prominent role); ee two goals, : their opinions. in the win. Jerry Welsh again got land rwin, With Oshawa's three forward) Guy Dufour and Mickey Red-| apiece and Bill Prentice scored) versaroop lines, all four regular defence-|mond scored for Peterborough. | the other. Johnson, Tripp, men and goaltender Ian Young| The all-out effort was precise-| Winnipeg Juniors Find | atesieaags 4 playing superbly for 60 minutes,|ly what the Generals needed) jay and Mike Curry were the Ottawa Midgets Win-Lose Here GENERALLY SPEAKING: | » 11:01 The game was the last of the) ?- Petes SECOND PERIOD : Np Scorin even split, defeating Oshawa 9-3/Place in the ter-| when they came 'in business."' the second game, "She: Penalties -- iments 6-4. FIRST GAME OSHAWA TV: goal, Cirk; Generals Petes goal, Braiden; Alexander First Period (Marshall) . Penalties -- None. Second Period 6, Versafood, R. Myles (Reid) Penalties; Keenan and Wilkins, Third Period 7, Oshawa TV, Hall . 8. Versafood, Brad Primo Carnera, giant Ital- jan heavyweight boxer, made his North American debut 36 years ago tonight-- in 1930--and knocked out Big Boy Peterson in the first round at New York. In the UAW Hockey League Ottawa Migedts visited Osh-| doubleheader, at the Civic Audi-) awa over the week-end and in| torium on Sunday morning, bent their two-game set, gained an| Safood practically clinched first} league standings, With only two schedule dates roe' Starr) 1. niture, who climbed out of) , | the league ceHar with a Win last! 3. Tony's, Morden week, continued their improved play to defeat Tony's Refresh- defense, Dennis Hercia and|keenan, Marshall and Wilking; forwards,| 6 Starr, Young one|Copeland, Hall, Georgeff, Prest, Wright 9:56 + 13:15) = » 1:4) 16:42 Versafood Tightens Grip UAW League's Top Berth 12:29/capped by being short of man-|lor club and in their previous (Tripp) seeeee 9, Versatood, Armstrong (A, Myles, Tripp) Penalty: Kénarowski. SECOND GAME TONY'S REFRESHMENTS: goal, |nick; defense, Bobbie, Glaspell, land Dowe. | STARR FURNITURE: goal, Briaden defense, Fogal, Bryan, Watson and Mun ris, First Period Starr, Fogal (Duffield, Ruth) tee. Starr, Dick (Beck) ... (Glaspell, Sutton) . 4. Starr, Wills (Beck) Penalties: Glaspell and Watson. | Second Period 5. Tony's, Dowe (Sutton, Morden) (Beck, Wills) Penalty: Fogal. Third Period 7. Starr, Young (Woods, Norris) 8. T 9:25 defense, | and Reid; . " Konarowski, Napiorkowski, Ron Coutanche, Claude Du- Armstrong, R. Myles, Brad and A. Myles. 5:00 « 18313 13:35 10, Starr, Beck 14:25 Penalties: Munroe Ford and Kemp. (mise.), ' Morden from behind|and w. Porteous; forwards, Sutton, Weid- to nose out Oshawa TV, 5-4 in|mark, Ford, McDonald, Pullen, Kemi the weekly forwards, Duffield, Wills, Beck, Nor-| 4:4) Watson, 2 mm] Toronto Terrace Rink. Wins Men's Open 'Spiel 9:00 O'CLOCK DRAW First Games LEASIDE -- Ron Brown, Ron Mu: Grove, Bruce Sibbaid and G. Crawford, skip, 7; OSHAWA -- Don MacMillan, Don Marks, Bob Matthews and Gord Mac- | Millan, skip, 6. Doug Scott, Mac Benning, skip, 7 (W); OS [Bill Joyce, Doug Taylor, Lioyd Sturch 'Hal Butler, 8; CAN'S -- D. Rodgers, J. Kerr, 8. Kerr and J. Hepburn, skip, 5. } -- Ed Lupton, \Frank Young and John Greer, skip, ROYAL -- Bill Kellar, Ken Williams, compiled a total of 15-plus-1| Skipped his rink to fourth prizes Frank Kellar and Gerry Farrow, skip, 6. points, for their three wins,|in this group, with two wins and playing in the 9:00 o'clock draw, |@ total of nine points. | defeating G. Crawford's Leaside; High one-win prizes in this) TORONTO TERRACE Mike Trites, Sandy Sargent and Sumner, skip, 9; OSHAWA -- Hopps, Joe Bolahood, Jim Naylor, skip, 6. | OSHAWA GOLF -- Dys Brooks, Ress |Gibbs, Bob Johannson and "Rich" Vesey, skip, 9; OSHAWA -- John Luke, Jack ;Perry, Doug Ciemens and Oak Craw- ford, skip, 2. TORONTO -- Jack Keating, Fred Good man, Don Jones and A. Faudemer, skip, 7; OSHAWA -- Fred Elliott, Deryk Thorn, Vern McLaughlin, 5, OSHAWA -- Ted Shreve, Bill Gibb Lloyd Algar and "Bud" Moore, skip, 6; {TORONTO -- Ed. Fifzhenry, Bob -- John Dick, "Bo Doug Norm Ward and and Don Holden, skip, Second Games N. Pounder, 6; Bud Moore, 7; Rich Vesey, 4. A. Faudemer, 4. Don Holden, 15; C. Lawrence, 5. Jim Naylor, 7; J. Hepburn, 6 0. Crawford, 7; Gerry Farrow. 5. G. MacMillan, 12; John Kitchen, 5. G. Crawford, 12; H. McKinley, 3, B. Sumner, 11; John Greer, 2 Third Games John Kitchen, 7; C. Lawrence, 4 G, MacMillan, 11; Don Holden, 5. |0. Crawford, 7; A. Faudemer, 6. Austin Wiltshire and congratulated the winners,|8. Sumner, 8; G. Crawford, 4. ud Moore, 6 (W); N. Pounder, 6 (L). ; B jand. Elmer Pollard, won their|in the presentation ceremony | jin, waylor, 12; H. McKinley, 1. three games, for a total of seven|Which followed the completion Rich Vesey, 12; John Greer, 6. J. Hepburn, 6; Gerry Farrow, 5, | Rolling their best total for |the past eight weeks, the Scu- gog Cleaners five-pin club came jup with a nice victory over |Ginn's Cartage with 1371, 1436 and 1200 for a three-game total of 4007, in the Willowdale Major | League. The Ginn entry was handi- HAWA --) Hope, | some of the keenest curling of |Glenn Brubacher and C. Lawrence, skip, | 4. 11:00 O'CLOCK DRAW Fi Games 'irst -| OSHAWA -- Bob Ciements, Phil Law lrence, Carl Olson and Chas. Peacock, iskip, 10; BARRIE Ross Bertram, \Clare Mills, Ell Crawford and . Walter Craig, skip, 6. | OSHAWA -- Gord Dyck, imond, Dou: Ham- iskip, 9; |Tuck, Mel Mackey, Bob McQualg ai | Doug Chamberiain, skip, 5. PETERBOROUGH -~ Bob Prentice, Don Boone, Bob Ford and Rod Sjoberg, skip, 8; OSHAWA -- Cliff McCarten, "Fibber" McGhee, Les Eveniss and Herb in their) RovAL CAN's -- J. Pineo, R. Geel Robinson selbe a. OSHAWA -- Fred Sturge, Ken Bates, | Vince Lazure and George Bates, skip, 11; | OSHAWA -- Martin Jamieson, Tom Steen USr., Roy Mercer and Tom Steen Jr., skip, | OSHAWA -- Fred Etcher, Austin Wilt- jshire, Elmer Pollard and Fred Thomp- son, skip, 8; PETERBOROUGH -- E, | Hopkins, B, Mader, M. Duncan and R, Malby, skip, 5. OSHAWA -- Ed, Branton, Bert Ding- ley, Bert White and Wally Butler, skip, \10; BROOM AND STONE -- Tom Yorko, | Rugs Vanstone, Pete McArthur and Jim Frise, skip, 8 OSHAWA -- Len Glover, Gord Jack- sen, Ed. Drinkie and Ed. Hill, skip, 9; OSHAWA - ¢s Gorrie, Bob Skitch, Fred Asbworth and "Casey" Luke, skip, 7. OSHAWA -- Ed. Disney, Alex Mackay, Bob Patte and Ken Conin, skip, 17; AVONLEA -- T. Morrison, K. Mocken- danze, G. Park and D. Anderson, skip, 5. Second Games F. Thompson, 7; George Bates, 5. Wally Butler, 7; Ed. Hill, 5. "Casey" Luke, 16; J. Frise, 4. H. Robinson, 9; D, Chamberlain, 7. D. Anderson, 9; Walt Craig, 7. R. Malby, 16; Tom Steen Jr. 6, Ed. Disney, 13; Chas, Peacock, 3. R. Sjoberg, 8; G. Campbell, 6. Third Games J. Frise, 13; Tom Steen Jr., 5. R. Malby, 5 (W); "Casey" Luke, $ (L), George Bates, 9; Ed. Hill, 4. + Wally Butler, 5. Ed. Disney, 4 + G. Campbell, 4, |H. Robinson, 10; D. Anderson, 3. Wait Craig, 9; D, Chamberlain, 6. Scugog Cleaners Beat Ginn's Club | The team totals for the three games were, Scugog Cleaners 4007, Ginn's Cartage 3644. Ray jSawchuk led. the losers with }811 (288); Arnold Vesik 858 (318) and Don McLean 787 | (363). | This week's opposition will be the hard-hitting Chase and Tay- |power but never gave up and meeting it took a 4329 three- ¥:92/finally after a determined fin-|game total by the Scugog club, jish in the third game, came/to win a two-to-one decision. met-|through to: take it and. salvage | fe points. Bob Gallagher, who has been absent from the Scugog line- The Oshawa boys had little|up for the past three weeks, jtrouble in the' first two games|will be available for this one. ;}which were never in doubt | ,|The Scugog Line-up will be, 1371 - 1180 and 1436 - 1118. In| Ron Jay, Dave Bishop, Al Perry ; : ' ; ; \the first i $ Jay | Ji ning, the win set Versa-|ii4°unm Woods Ruth.' Suoryke and} game it was Ron Jay Jim Cassells, Harry Gillard and )331 and Al Perry 322, who set Bob Gallagher. ithe pace. edge. | Dave Bishop came through| t:20jnicely in the second game with y4:51|4 brilliant 380, followed by Jim/ea] Mayor Jean Drapeau said 18:07| Cassells 340, to give Scugog the Friday the city could build an PLAN FOR OLYMPICS WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Mont- Olympic village on Notre Dame Sheer determination paid off| and Ste. Helene islands if Mont- jgame when-a strong finish by |Don McLean 363 and Ray Saw- |chuk 288, were the telling blows. | Jay was best for Scugog in the three game set with 907 (331, 304); Cassells 805 (340); Bishop 795 (380); Perry 739 (322); Edd Moody 713 (267) and Harry Gillard 645 (241). Remember When... ? | By THE CANADIAN PRESS 3. Westclair. (Lowe, Ross 4. Wegtclair. Wright (Pelyk) 5. Westclair, Foxcroft (Wright, Hawke) 6. Whitby. Lavendre (O'Shea, Davidson) OSHAWA CIVIC AMBULANCE SERVICE Due to rising costs it has been found necessary to revise the sckedule of rates for the ambulance service, operated by the Oshawa Fire Department. W581 59| 3rd Period Existing rates have been in effect since April 1, 1953, and a motion of Oshawa City Council, has approved the following revisions: NEW AMBULANCE RATES: EFFECTIVE FEB. 1, 1966 ALL CALLS WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE CITY : ALL CALLS TO OR FROM AREAS OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS -- PLUS 75c per mile or portion. thereof, one way. OXYGEN CHARGES...... per call $3.00 17:32 Wright ending) 11:33, Hinton |) 16:58, MacMillan 18:52. no one welcomed the chore of|to down the fired-up Petes, who : 8 | Ottawa scorers, with Coutanche) 1, versatood, Tripp (Brad) selecting the three stars. kept pace until the third period. | a 10na u xpensive | getting a pair. | 2, Oshawa TV, Georgett The number one line of Billy/The score was tied 1-1 after 20) : Noga: crema lore 3, Oshawe TV, Marshall Little, Wayne Cashman andjminutes, and Oshawa outscored) : - 1 ow e dc. Vetuutonl, A. avin Danny O'Shea contributed three|the visitors 4-1 in the third ee Mani-| The junior body asked the Ca-' NHL Atom League (armstrong, Ttripp) goals, Little scoring twice and/a scoreless second. ee ckey Associa-|nadian Amateur Hockey Associ- 5. Oshawa TV, Copeland ' tion complained Sunday that} ation to reimburse each team ' Canada's 'national team has! $1;000 in lieu of lost gate re-| Saturday $ Games, BATTLE OF 'STEELERS' drawn away fen supror trom eins trea ofthe peta] ys | four Winnipeg junior teams,|in the city of the Nationals. The| In the first game of the leaving the juniors in dire finan-| request. was refused by dele-| Weekly doubleheader, in the| . |eial difficulties. gates to the CAHA's semi-|NHL Atom League Saturday, | Westclair York Hurts oe ee ee meeting |Maple Leafs blanked the Red! H The national team moved into| Wangs od waggle | Wi a a | : c $ over} ge 'Hawks Defeat | wines two years aro." "" game Back, Whitby's Playoff Hope harienages Sid heap | enone we hw one mae eneBer, Faw ne Sy r s the bi i > Leafs' Peterborough tized vit tie Sunors, °°" was the, bie, gun in the Lents By CLIFF GORDON Whitby have seven games left : "But how can we subsidize|Northey and Murray Christian- Westclair York Steelers dealt|to play and are three points out; _1W late goals by St. Catha-|anyone when we (the CAHA)|son each scoring once, in adli- a stiff blow to the Whitby Lasco|of a playoff position. It is up to|Times Black Hawks handed /lost $51,000 on our own oper-|tion to playing well defensively, Steelers playoff hopes, last | the players now, if they want to| Peterborough Petes a 5-4 de-/ations in the last two years?"|to help Doug Hartwick get his night, at the Whitby Arena,|hang them up early and sit by) feat in OHA Junior 'A' action) Juckes said the CAHA had at-| shutout. when they handed the listless|and watch the other teams | Sunday. tempted to help the juniors in| Frank Schram with a pair and} Carnera won the champion- Whitby team a 6-3 setback. battle for the chance to go on|, Jean-Paul Leblanc scored two|other ways by allowing them| Terry Hanna did the scoring for| ship in 1933, lost it the year Lascos trail the St. Michael's|into the Ontario playdowns. for the Hawks, including the|free ice time at the Winnipeg| Black Hawks while Canadiens'| after, and later turned to College Buzzers by three points, | Manager: Ivan Davie "alone winner, Kerry Bond tied rena on days the Nationals/ orphan tally was scored by Don| acting and wrestling for a for the sixth.and. final. playoff cieny-tis coach Jin Cherry Hive (soe Ve.-SOC 5 ier-after )-w out-of oe. It aiso pro-| Layton. career. spot, in the Metro Jr. B league| done all they can for the fellows.|>"° Kitts had benched their|vided them with receipts from " ese anne omesewnae standings. They can not go out and sit the goalie in favor of a sixth at-)an all-star game played in Win- It was not all the good play i B put the | tacker. nipeg j * ipuck in the net for them. St ner i "3 * Th ; of the Westclair team that won|" mp... ; = er ... Steve Latinovich and Doug The brief, compiled by the ride : The same two teams will play $hel ' te H - ' last night's game. Several of the tamorrow night in Westclair and Shelton got the other St. Catha-|Manitoba Junior Hockey local players appeared to be just ou cad Wet That the whip will rines' goals, while Andre La-| League, showed that average out for a pleasure skate, while he ringing out for that one croix, with two, John Vander- attendance for junior games in others appeared to exert con-| ~ berg and Danny Grant replied| Winnipeg has declined from 647 siderable more effort at trying, | | 1st: Peres for the Petes. fans in the 1963-64 season to 339 . to degrade the referee than they| 'cna py. Macmillan, 12:07. Elsewhere, Montreal Junior | jast season. did trying to score goals. Codch| 2. Westciair. Acomb Canadiens defeated Hamilton Cherry was also of the same, {Ross ate 18:19 Red Wings 6-2 'and Toronto opinion after the game. ee x Rite eds ag eh oie Marlboros edged Kitchener | In an eefort to spark the and Period Rangers 5-4. Whitby team to try a little steal | Jim McKenny, Doug Dunville, | RE harder, coach Cherry inserted ) 3:03| Barry Watson, Tom Martin and | Mike Willoughby in the Whitby) t1:s5, Cam Crosby scored.for Marlies. net. He played well and could Bill Hway and Ken Gratton only be really faulted on one scored two each for Kitchener. goal, despite the fact that he 19 Jacques Lemaire and Don was beaten six times. Poor pave te gi ia a ie ba um Liesemer sparked the Montreal clearing around the local. net}jor), Quintitlian (maior), 7:05, Thornp-| attack with two goals each while and lack of hustle paved the ea 12:43, MacMillan 12:43, team-mates Norm Ferguson and way for the other goals. Norm Descoteaux added others. -- oe , : iFred Speck and Rick Morris ped SHARE GOALS il Tene, Benes 4:56, Were the Hamilton marksmen. ere was narry a repeat). 8. Westclair, Hughes . 10:00 var "| ithe j 9. Whitby. O'Shea, } scorer for citer team lest)" tem ae tee ghes, p enalties. Pelyk, Lavender .38, Hawke, Doug Acomb, Terry {4:7 ecanen smalor for: butt NOT FOR Parsons, John Wright and Tom) 4:2, Lowe 46: a, Maem Foxcroft scored for the victori-| - ous visitors. THE DEAF The "SPECTRA", a new tiny oid -- $0 small it can barely be seen when yorn -- Dave MacMillan, Tom Laven-} der and Kevin O'Shea shared| YOUR SATISFACTI | ON Se aici : | C the light-blinking for the Whitby | 1S OUR AIM team. The visiting Steelers were held All Cors Carry Our GUARANTEE on even terms for the first 20 minutes with each team scoring Kelly Disney Used Cars once, Westclair built up a 4-2 lead after 40 minutes of action and then coasted to their 6-3 Ltd. 1200 Dundes E, Whitby 668-5891 win. Despite the heavy snow that BUDGET TERMS pRroe in a miracle for As times to say the least, Fantastic anyone with nerve deofness aids Once you see and try powerful as three its size it you'll be convinced that this is what you have wanted for Ask about guarantee Paul fell in the area, a goodly num-| ber of fans turned out and it is} a shame that the young fellows on the local team could not put forth with a reward their faithful fans 'with better hockey. | years our or FILTER TIP CIGARETTES 5-year Signed; Alderman J. Brady, Chairman Traffie and Public Safety Com. Just phone or write Bellinge 723-5401 sii Brille, 3 Dated at Oshawa January 18, 1966. better. effort t ald (Acoust 1119 Northridge St., Oshawa on Hearing Aids onc KINGS ---- IN 12 MONTHS y Hair Specialist Will Show Men and THEY RE-GREW HAIR! IN: 3 MONTHS Here Tuesday Women How to Save Hair and Prevent Baldness | OTTAWA, Ont. & New home treatment methods for saving | hair and improving its growth will be demonstrated in Osh- awa, Tuesday, January 25 at | the Genosha Hotel. Specialist, Mr. A. Jespersen will be in charge, representing | the dynamic Roberts Hair and) Scalp Specialists organization. He will personally examine hait-worried men and women from 1:00 to 8:00 p.m. This new treatment is neither "mail order" nor "cuxe-all'"'. It is adapted to the individual after a personal examination |} and progress is checked at regu- Har intervals by a Roberts Spe- | Clalist. | WHO CAN BE HELPED? | Will the new Roberts treat: | | ment cure baldness? "No!"' For| jwe cannot help men and women who are slick-bald after years of gradual hair loss. But if you still have fuzz and your scalp is still creating hair, you can at least save and thicken what you have. Some conditions, such as "spot baldness" usually have complete coverage if caught in | time! Other conditions that usually |bring on excessive hair-loss --! dandruff, itching, over - oiliness | or dryness follicle clogged with sebum or seborrhea -- can be corrected by the Roberts home treatment if caught in time. "DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S | TOO LATE." | Baldness won't wait for doubt-| ers to be convinced, you're] going to keep rignt on losing hair 'til you're bald -- unless} you get your scalp in healthy, | hair-growing condition again, EXAMINE YOU FREE We want to make it clear that) you incur absolutely no charge} or obligation by coming in for an examination. Your only obligation" is to} yourself. We do not accept! cases that will not respond. | GUARANTEE SATISFACTION | The Roberts Specialists will give you a written guarantee that you must bé satisfied with- in 30 days or it will cost you nothing. For a free examination and| discussion of your hair 'prob- lems ask the desk clerk for Mr. Jespersen's room number. He does not make appointments, so/ come in at your convenience 1 Examinations are giyen in private. | s.o9|for the Ginn club in the third|real is approved as site of the 1972s Summer Games. | Big Night Of [HOCKEY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Ist 8:15 P.M. a when the OSHAWA GENERALS meet the 1958 WORLD CHAMPIONS WHITBY DUNLOPS TICKETS ON SALE AT Auditorium Office Bolahood's Sportsheven Bishops Sporting Goods Whitby Arene Kiwanis Members ADULTS -- 2.00--1.50--1.25 CHILDREN -- 1.00 @ DOOR PRIZES @ SEE THE RETURN OF THESE GREAT STARS HARRY SINDEN BOB ATTERSLEY SID SMITH DUNC BRODIE TED & TOM O'CONNOR JACK KANE GORDIE MYLES REFEREE: -- BILL MORRISON N.H.L, Hockey League "fy GIVIG ot Cy ise TC presented by OSHAWA KIWANIS CLUB INC. proceeds for charity work