omy _THs er AWA TIM®S, Monday, January 24, 1966 1 OSHAWA = sin Mri OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS BOWLING NEWS MEN'S COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Men'? High Triple -- Bob Carter, 777. Men's High, Singie -- Greg Element, nu & \ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ANTONI ZAJAC sometimes known as Anthony and as Tony Zojac, deceased: All persons haying claim against the Estate of the above-named deceased, lote of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, who died on. or about the 26th day of November, A.D. 1965, ore hereby notified to furnish proof thereof to the under- signed before the 12th day of February, A.D, 1966. After the said date the Executors will distribute the Estate hov- ing regard only to claims of which notices have been filed. Dated at Oshowa, Ontaro, this 5th day of January, A.D, 1966. PARASKA ZAJAC and WALTER ZAJAC Executors, by tneir Solicitor, Z. T. SALMERS, B.A 63 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario. petal STOCK MARKET 4 IN MEMORIAM BELLIS -- In loving memory of @ dear |maother, Agnes Bellis, who passed eway | January 24, 1960, y --Lovingly remembered - by Marjorie jand Bert. HADASSAH RUMMAGE SALE TUESDAY, JAN, 25 -- 10 A.M, 154 154+ Bet rs] 26% 26% -- 52 2 15% 15% 67% 674+ Ve o 12% Pe 38% 18% TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCKS McKen Distributed by CP Toronto Stock Exchange--Jan, 24 Quotations in cents unless marked $. 2--Odd lot, xd--fx-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--€x-warrants, Net change is from previous board-lot cloging sale, INDUSTRIALS 10:40 Net High Low a.m, Ch'ge $122 12% 124+ % $114 114 W%4-- " $682 68 .6812--- 2 $3614 36 364+ % $42% 42% 42% $4614 46% 46am $262 264 26% + 4 $13% 13% 13% -- Ve $25 25 $54 5% $66'4 6594 $764 76 360% 60% 315% 15% St Pav St Radio Steel Can Steinbo A Thom N.P Torlm 8k Tower 7 T Find T FinA p Tr Can PL Trans Mt Trans PPL Un Carbid Versatd Versatile 3194 Ts 4 + -1 * 5 600 Scores and over -~ Sunny Lawrence 642, Dominic Serra 616, Vince Serra 708, Al Lupton 646, John Hubband 797, Greg | Element 642, Ross Wright 669, Fred Mel- anson 710, Jack 'Gwilliam 657, Bab Lavergne 614, Joe Leclair 623, Reneto Subiotto 720, David Dow 615 and Ken Bent 695, Mick Harrison 756. 200 Scores and over -- Sunny Lawrence 202, 260, Bill Krootze 209, Ruddy. Longton 202, Vince Barrasse 220, Dominic Serra 239, Vince Serra 222, 230, 256, Al Lui 20%, 215, John Hubband 211, 308, Nick ot BETH ZION CONGREGATION 144 KING EAST Large seelction of good cloth- ing for the enitre family, also household articles, Special Feature ---- Huge variety new + BELLIS -- In loving memory of @ dear mother and grandmother, Agnes Bellis, who passed away January 24, 1960. --Lovingly remembered by son George and daughter-in-law Eva and grandchil- dren. u + + 5 $500 102 10 Wi" 2000 232 23% 23'4 +1 250 \ ied 1000 bog Stock Abitibi Alg Cen Algoma Alumint Alum 414 p Alm 2p 4\a Anthes A Arg C Per Asbestos C Auto El Bank Mont Bank NS Bell Phone Bicks Bow Valey Bow Val p Bow Val w Brazil BA oil BC Forest BC Sugar Bulolo Burns CAE Ind Cai Pow cD Sug Can Iron cst Cc Brew CB AlAw Cdn CanA Cc Chem w C Dredge Cc Hydro Cimp BkC Cind GO cIL Cc Mare CPR Sales 900 390 173 2397 50 100 145 200 325 275 735 77s 1581 100 265 283 4 14 17% 17 i 2S "al 8 18 +1%/ 222 $40 545 + §|Bocher 248, Ron Holmes 225, Ross Wright 24 25 +114) 253, 273, Bob Carter 266, 253, 258, Fred 2) 21a +114| Melanson 203, 215, 292, Ron Graham 217, 17 17 + 14|Herry Michael 241, Jack Gwilllam 251, 138 242, Bob Lavergne 237, Bill Giddings 222, Joe Leclair 253, 200, Renato Subiotio 293, 242, Hector Smith 213, 218, David Dow 218, 218, Don Cotton 201, Fred Porter 256, Ken Bent 277, 220 and Mike Harrison 244, + 1¥4/ 260, 252. i Lemons -- Dave Hickey Points Taken -- Vince's 5, Rebels 27 Doyie's Const. 7, Honys FORESTALL -- In loving memory of 4 dear wife, Cora Forestall, who passed away January 24, 1963. | Tenderly we treasure the past, With memories that will always last, And when we cease fo think of you Will be when we are not here too. 1 But some sweet day we'll meet again, ST GREGORY S Beyond the toll and strife, ») And clasp each other's hands once more In a new and happy lif life, Wed., Jan. 26 at 8 P.M. |--Ever remembered. by pouena Thomas Prizes, Lunch; /.dmission $i, | FORESTALL -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Cora Forestall,,who pass- ed ay January 24, 1963, ear Mom, what we would give if we could say, "Hello Mom', In the same old way? To see you sitting In that chair; To know you waited there; To hear your voice and see your smile, To sit with you and chat awhile. BIRTHS We wonder why you had to die | | | | Without a chance to say "Goodbye", | 5 $10%e 10% 10% Well FinB Ree See 18 West ind Westc'st Weston A" Whte Pas Woodwd A SOCIAL BINGO Sponsored by Catholic Church Extension Group 260 260 260 $244 23% 23% + Ve 7300 25 $21%4 21% 21% + % 312 12 12 + % i 100 $26% 26% 26% + Ve = | gold % Nor 10 $l MINES ' +2 | 3000 64 Oh St PR ie | « 000 24 135 135135 ao 8 68 20 ~1 pe 184 270 95 +13 2 8% b4--% 264 26 62+ Va 25 4 34----% 45 157 «(157 330 330 25%a 254 --4'4 %6 WY 590 595 2. 0 440 4 $16%4 16% 27 25 Ets ob My 65% -- Se 76\4 + % 7 Acad Uran Acme Gas Agnico Akaltcho All Pitch AAm Moly Ang Ruyn Ang U Dev | Ansil Armore A Arcadia Argosy All C Cop Aunor Bankfield Baska Bethim Biack Bay Bralorne Brunswk Bounty Ex Bunker H Cam. Mine Camflo Camp Chib SOCIAL BINGO, St. George's Hall, corner of Albert - Jackson. Monday, January 24, | okers 0; Beatty 18 o'clock, Lunch and prizes. } } -- Vq| Haulage 7, Dodgers 0; and City Yards 4, + | Dempster 3. 10| Team Standings -- Doyle's Const, 17, 5 Beatty Haviage 16 Dodgers 12, City Yards 11, Dempsters 10, Rebels 9% Vince's 7 and Honyokers 2 200 185 + 2000 16 73 $10% 7000 394 33500 33 27500° 17 2134 $7014 1000-28 a! 10% 10% Pax 3 8 Pce Expl Peerless Pine Point Porc Pay Pow Rou Preston Purdex Que Man Q Matigmi Quemont Quonto Radiore Rayrock Rie Algom Rowan Cn Ryanor Salem Satel Sherritt Sil Eureka Silvmaq Sit Miller Si! Stand Siscoe Starratt Steep R Sud Cont Sullivan Sunburst 7 CATHOLIC LEAGUE 70% | Marie Meinychuk has the Ladies' High +1 | Triple and High Single with 703 (264). 0 | John Cardinal won the Men's High Triple land High Single with 797 (348). 200 and Over Scores -- John Cardinal 236, 213, 348; Mildred Rolfe 200; Arsenault 250; Harry Dickinson . 237; Marie Meinychuk 264, 252; Bob Rorabeck | 254, 233; Mona Peters 235, 244, 210; Ed Giles 256; Barry Leach 241; Jerry Rolfe 1/228; Peter Lamouche 238; Marg. Armi- tage 205, 202; Joe Peters 216, 248, 218; Olive O'Kane 211; Mari. Baker 217; Marie Castilloux 239; Rita Wrubel 248; Jeanette McDonell 207; Dan Rukaruk 7| 225, 202, 290; Allan Oerton 248 and Betty ac nT M non " ee 16\ So you who have a mother, Cherish her with care, For you will never know the heartache Until you see her. vacant chair. --Sadly missed and always remembered by daughter Helen and son-in-law Ray. SICILIANO -- Joe and Margaret wish ' fo announce the birth of their first child, la son, weight 6 Ibs. 7 ozs., on Monday, ljanuary 24, 1966, at the Oshawa General | Hospital. 40 16% GOODWIN -- In Clarence George Goodwin, January 24, 1956. | Love's last gift -- Remembrance. DEATHS Ever remembered and sadly missed by/ € Faraday |mother and father, and sisters Alice es | , Cdn Keely | | loving memory of who died on 475 $20 40008 14500 28 3500 20 243575 91 2250 610 200 125 16250 55 2500 25 500 125 200 242 37--Auctions BALIFF SALE Baliff Sale of goods and chat- : | tels of Elmer Knight formerly ASHTON, Henry James Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa At Memerial Hospital, Bowmanville, Stirt . Friday, January 21, sof Os og vag acs lashton, aged 88 years, husband of the all, a 5 nawa on late Edith Montgomery, dear father of Thursday, January 27 at 7:30 Meta (Mrs, Arthur Read), Haydon; Fred,} P.M, Terms cash Toronto, Louis, Peterborough; Bert, Te MYLES KING ronto; and the late Caryle Ashton; dear AUCTIONEER | brother of Cyrus, Bowmanville; and Ethel 38--Coming Events Sandra, Chemcell Cc Malart Clairtone Candore Col Cell Cantre Col Cell pr Captain Con M § 385 8 hy « Cassier Con Paper Cent Pat Con Gas Chester Crestork Crow Nest Crush int Dalex pr Dist! Seag D Bridge D Coal pr Dom Elect Dofasco | Dofasco p JONES" -- tn loving memory of -™Y) Hom Giass C Hatt | r mother, Isabell, who passed away) Dem Store * | CC Marben | January 24, 1965 } + C Mogul Years of striving, little of play, | » J 4 dag C_ Maorrisn Loving, giving the whole of the way? =| Faic 32 } pt ' Cc" Mosher | - Noise Makers 4, Joe's Moontighters 4, Slow Pokes 0; The Wonders 1; Orbits 2 and Nite Hawks 2 Lemon League Gail Cover 87, Tony | Araujo 83, Helga Mueller 85, 95 and Joan Brady 78. GAY WARMER By ALICE BROOKS QUICK, COZY! Knit each slip- per in one flat piece on two ALBERT STREET CHURCH League | Needles -- just knit, purl. Texmont Standing -- Jays 20, Rockets 20, Stars; Be a pal! Knit cable-trim slip- Tex-Sol --- | 1% Satellites 19, Starlings 18, BL te ai 16 | pers for yourself and husband, i gaa + 3/Sea Fieae 16 Hawks Is, dels 1% Ord! father or boy-friend. Extra-easy, Tormont +1 |8ugs 8 | 7 y U_ Buffadn High Triple for the night was rolled) Pattern 7258: women's, men's UCL Mine by Glen Maunder with 717 (283, 240). Next) |; es S. MI Ua wane w yo;was Stan Gray with 711 (286, 224, 201);| SIZES ©, NO, Oa. : Urban @ =1 [Doug Wilson. 467. (245,220, 200); Roger THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) H >. 19 | Plancke (303); Bill Pike ; ree. as + 10 796); Richard Crouter 623.~ (222 209); for each pattern (no stamps, Wetting a ag gg Ne My ar By nog lig Rag io White Star : me aus e Oshawa Times, Needlecra 1 -- 19) Ross Clark 218; Lioyd Edwards 216, 209; : ! Wilirey 19 Fim' Scott 216, 2017 Allan. Venema. 214,| Dept., 60 Front Street West, To- Winch 4h Crank conper 8. and form Meer ronta: 1, Ontario, Ontario resi- bola ys | "Winnie Scott was high for the tedies|dents add ic sales tax. Print Yukeno with 234; Grace Locke 226; Marg. Mossey/plainly PATTERN NUMBER, Zenmac 218 and Jean Morrison 210, \NAME, ADDRESS Zulapa Points Taken -- Bugs 4, Satellites 0;|* pie: r Rockets 4, Jets 0; Hawks 3, Stars 1; Jays| GIANT 1966 Needlecraft Cat- 3, Top-Cats 1; Sea Fleas 3, Starlings 1. alog stars knit, crochet -- many more needlecraft designs. Three free patterns printed in catalog. Send 25c. NEW! 12 Collectors' Quilt Pat- terns for you in color, with quilt- ing motifs. Finest patterns ever collected from famous mu- seums. Send 60c for new Mu- seum Quilt Book No. 2. Deluxe Quilt Book No. 1 -- sixteen com- plete patterns. 60c. on| JONES -- Cherished memories of my es| dear wife, isabell, who passed away Jan vary 24, 1965. | in tears | saw you sinking, 1 watched you fade away, My heart was almost broken, You fought so hard to stay. But when | saw you sleeping, So peacefully free from pain, 1 could not wish you back To suffer that again. Sadly missed by husband Ross. HAPPY SEWING! By ANNE ADAMS GO-EASY, sew-easy skimmer with magic, long, side darts to shape a lean, graceful midriff. Fling of scarf adds dash and dare to collar, Printed Pattern 4747: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 requires 2% yards 45-inch fab- r + Ve Coniagas : Con-Key Con Shaw C Bellek C Callinan CG Arrow Mrs. Lestie Graham), Haydon. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman: ville. Service In the chapel on Monday at 2:30 p.m, Temporary interment _...| Bethesda Cemetery Vault. +1 | | CAVERLY, Scott Darin A cherished smile, a heart of gold; ' To the dearest mother the world could 0 ae C Red Pop Cop Corp Cop Man Coulee Courvan Craigmt Croinor Crowpat 'a Daering | D'Aragon 5 1 «6B | D'Eldona 330 305 320 | | Deihi Pae 194 19% 1914 a a & Denison $37% 374 37% Dicknsn 510 510 510 Discovry 270 270 270 Dome 40% Donaida 35% Dunraine 35 Duvan Fleet Mfg Fraser Godyear p Guar Tr Hard CrpA Hawker S$ Horne Pf Home A | Hur Erle | Husky Imp Oil Ind Accep Inglis IMC int Nickel int Util ntipr PL nt Sti P ip St! P pr inv Grp A James Stl E Amphl Jefferson 5 East Suil Jeff Bw 2 3 F Mar Jockey C¢ 5 51 Frobex Kelly DA Giant Lafarge A Glacier LOnt Cem Gienn Exp LOCem w Goldray aur Sec N Granisle Lau Fin Grandroy Levy Green Pot Levy B pr Guich Life Invest Gunnar LobCo A Headway LobCo B Heath bobG | pr High-BI Loeb hold, Happy memories, fond and true, } From one who thought the world of you. | Sadly missed by son Douglas. | ic. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. COME ALIVE FOR SPRING! Send for our new Spring- Summer Pattern Catalog. 125 top shapes for sun, fun, dancing, dining, everyday! One free pat+ tern -- clip coupon in Catalog. Send 50c, j | | JOHNSON, Seears Rehese | KILGOUR -- In loving memory of a| dear mother and grandmother, Wil- | Hlamina Kilgour, who passed away Janu- ary 24, 1965, --Lovingly remembered Frank and family. Bush Janu: by Rebecca, WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE ,3| 'The Six Hundred Club is 2 well -- Keep up the \ Games over 600 -- Shirley Powers 675 -- 10/ (129, 293, 253) Gerry May 665 (202, 220, \| 243); Brenda Webster 647 (226, 220, 201); +, 5/ Brenda Grennon 623 (207, 197, 219); Joan +? ||Beaton 615 (161, 183, 271); Betty Pearce [615,167,206 242)4 Jo Cobbledick 610 +1'91 (211, 201, 198) and Verna Dewell 603 (166, $00 222- 222 $11% 11% EL} 305 267 Ms 40 22 oa nM Wil} y 1 } ot a5 doing very * rk! < ws 270 355 40 34 6 900 5 bed 14% 14% vw 17 14Va 144 70 70 455 2 C Homestd Cdn SupO Cent Del Dome Pete Dynamic 2229 $2% 214 22% 201 $11" Vie 11" -- %) 176, 261) 24317 17 17 James 7500 147 142 (147 + orden 258. E. Hulchok 28, M, Merton iw 300 290 290 290 -- Worden 253, E, Hutchuk 238, M. Morton 2100 $11% 11% 11% luntit United Church for service at 2:30 p.m. interment McNeil Cemetery, Wick. Yk s14% 7 4" 7 7\237, S$, Konarowsk! 236, F. Mitchell 209, |231, |, Rogers 229, G. Speagie 222, E. ve Lupton 221, S$. Wilson 220, S. Pearce 220, D. Bowen 213, H, Hoogsteen 211, F. 3|Bracey 201, 211, B. Lean 210, M. Fitz. Si gerald 208, M. Harris 208, C. Garrow 206, 7) R. Trowasse 203 and J. Bird 203. | Lemon League -- Mrs. Ernestine 96, 4\¢. Garrow 94, D. Henson 92 and E. Saun- | 2| ders 84. 2\" Points Taken -- Dreamers 4, The Mice 2500 88 330 $13 2500 9% 10 555 2400 2 2000 31 1000 153 2700 54 4600 245 87) = 8? 13% 13% Mill City 9 91 Murphy N Cont Permo Place @ Ponder Provo Gas OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks el- on the ready to serve you. "host Oil Budget Plan available, sister Allce, ++) + McQUAID -- Cherished memories of & edad and granddad, Kenneth Mc M |For further particulars phone the Arm | strong Funeral Home, 728-5173. Quaid, whe passed away January 24, 1941. in our hearts, a mémory is kept for a dad we loved -- And will never forget. Maclean H Hollinger Huds B int Bibis T Int Heliun Ranger Scurry Rn Spooner Triad OW 1451 1324 $21% 21% 7 50 206 12/3, Happy Gang 5, Shindigs 4, Ringos 4, 4) Dipety Do's 4, Lucky Six 5 and Flippers 3. NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL On Saturday, January 22, 1966, Scott | Darin Caver! aged 4/2 months, beloved lson of Bruce and Janet (Brown) Caverly } (004 Beaufort Avenue, Oshawa), dear |the Morris Funeral Cha: Bowmanville lfor service on Monday at 11 a.m. Inter- ment Hampton Cemetery. Entered into rest at the Brier | Hospital, Stouffville, on Sunday, @ | 7 Y ae was the beloved husband of Mary {Reesor and Lois Shier, both predeceased and loving husband of Alice Reesor, dear @} F |tather of Waller of Oshawa, Marion (Mrs. Fred Wilson), and tila (Mrs. Bruceidear mother and grandmother, Soniey) both of Oshawa and Reg of Sun-|jiamina Kilgour, who passed away Janu: lderiand. Also survived by ohe sister, Miss/ gry 24, 1965. ' S H A W A | Etta Johnson of Oshawa, % grandohildren| Her memory Is as dear today land @ great-grandchiidren. Resting at the; As in the hour she passed away. | Pinkham Tuesday noon, thence to Pinedale| Agnes, son-in-law Hubert, granddaughter | {Minnie and husband Jim, grandson Bar-) | clay and wife Neenah. ASSOCIATION -- | meauannie, mavde clad. Canesaras ie) Entered into rest at Green Acres Rest | brother and uncie, Willlam Robert, who/ Home, Newmarket on Sunday, January left us January' 22, 1963. | TU ES DAY }iate Angus McQuarrie and mother of Mrs. |--Levingly remembered by Neil White (Rhoda) of Levack, Ont., Mrs, |nleces and nephews. JANUARY 25th Michael Grash (Beula), Ross and Bruce| j Lorne of Scarborough, in her 81st yeer. H @) T E L from Rutland United Church. Interment jRutland Cemetery, British Columbia, |brother of Brent and Sharon, Resting at M | ary, 23, 1966. Rob Johnson, in his Vist Lorne Snoddon) of Lindsay, Rete (Mrs.) KILGOUR -- In loving memory Funeral Chapel, Sunderiand,'Lovingly remembered by daughter! 23rd, 1966. Maude Strong, widow of the| Gone but not forgotten. all of Toronto, Delbert of Levack, and | MUNDY, Edith Jean Entered into rest in Kelouna Hospital |Kelouna British Columbia, January 2st 1966, 1 Kenville Irish Cop Iron Bay Iso Union Olt U Canso 385 (375 «(375 Vandoo 16% 15%a 1614 W Decalta 5650 380 380 380 Sales te 11:00 a.m.: 2,451,000, Foreign Trading 500 $18% 18% 18% 100 140 140 140 300 500 Always remembered by son Albert, daughter - In - law Hilda, grandchildren Mary Ellen, Kenneth and Allan. HARMAN PARK LEAGUE } Ladies' High Single -- R. Phillips, 238, Ladies' High Triple -- ©, Rukaeruck 639 (180, 224, 235). Men's High Single -- Gladwyn Mac- Lean, 275. Men's High Triple -- Jim Montpetit 717 (252, 210, 255). 600 and Over -- D. Rukaruck 668 (193, 210, 265); B. Taylor 637 (118, 288, 231); M, Denault 604 (223,257, 124); J. Meini- chuk 663 (252, 176, 225); J. Gow Sr. 608 | (222, 145, 241); R. Phillips 605 (230, 238, 137); Gladwyn MacLean 649 (193, | 181, 275); T. Patterson 604 (183, 202, 219); Joan Montpetit 621 (175, 210, 236) and J. Rukaruck 657 (263, 194, 200). 200 and Over -- Gloria Maclean 234, A Robinson 227, &, Plume 218, 211, Dia Gow 248, G. Denault 235, B. Duffin 206, N. Meinichuk 213, 213, B, Melnichuk 228, V. Stansbury 211, S. Lawrence 205, J. Gow Jr, 211, J. Phillips 261, &. Barchard 273 and K. Moffitt 230. Points -- Hot Bums 0 Misfits 7) Curves 4, Lemons 3; The Sexy Set 0, Moonlighters 7; Lucky Strikea ©, The Lovers 7. Met Stores Milt Brick L+tt+l4+1 +41 McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 i KING $7. W. loving memory of @ and = grendmother, way Janu- NORTON -- In dear wife, mother Elsie A. Norton, who passed ary 24, 1962. Her memory Is our keepsake, With which we'll never parts God has her in his keeping, | We have her In our hearts. --E€ver remembered by husband Wils and temily. of Mr. and Mrs, . | Bowmanville, sister of Arthur Burgess, \Bowmanville, In her 39th year, Funer |service Monday, January 24th at 11 a. , COAL & Home Agnico SUPPLIES Coch WII Int Bibis Multi-Min Nick Rim Ponder Provo Noranda Nor Ctl @ Ogilvie Oshawa A Pac Pete Pembina 500 147 200 22 57 245 13% 13% 13% 842 MA Mi 200 $l4%e 14% 14 + 3 «6 8 +I v7 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral errangements for ail Annual Election of \ ee Officersand General) MAA SHOPPING Business 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE BINGO 728-6555 St. Gertrude's AUDITORIUM TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M 690 KING E. ot FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jackpot $120. 546 Nos $20. Consolation Reg: Jackpot 55 Nos. $100. $20. Consolation. Good Prizes GOOD PARKING Extra Bus Service tL Dufavit Lakehead L Osu L Shore La Luz Leitch Liberian it Lac Lorado Madsen Marchant Marcon Martin Matach Mattgmi Maybrun _--'15500 +1 McIntyre 240$101 100% 10014 + 4 Me~--Adam------2000-120 18 WEST -- In loving memory of @ dear wite and mother, who passed away Janu- ary 24, 1954, Oh happy days we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still, But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. ver remembered by husband Rogs and} femily, Ethel, Howard and Keith. Uv Ww 200 6280 280 -- 10 319% 19% 19% + Ve 620 600 610 + 10 S18% 18% 18%-- 14 180 M45 4 16% 40 1% 247% 80% 10% 400 20% 26% 27 715 720 294 294 15% 920 aie SMASHING STARTS On their first trips to the plate in the major leagues, Gates Brown and Bill Roman , of the Detroit Tigers each hit a home run -- Brown against Boston in 1963, Roman against New York in 1964. R Little Rockowr p Rockwell Rolland. A Rothman Royal Bnk Salada Secur Cap Shell Can Shell. | pr Shell Iw Simpsons Stater Stl r Aw 11% 24% $802 80% $10% 10% 400 400 $20% 20\2 $27 725 130 + Kindness beyond Price, within reach of all, _GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 yet Everlasting Memorialization is almost possible with the MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER thot we -supply_and-_install; Please call MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 58 1 +1 17% 17% 5 $184 s41aat | | OBITUARIES MRS. ARTHUR H. MUNDY Church at 2:30 p.m. Jan. 25.) The death occurred, following|Interment will be in McNeil a lengthy sickness, Jan, 21, at\|Cemetery, Wick. | Kelowna, B.C., of Mrs. Arthur Bnew aber iy her 26th | IT'S GREAT TO ei awn IHAVE EXTRA MONEY! And it's so easy to get it! Just make at Ontario Motor Sales Sewer ¥ wonsae kane The death occurred Jan. 18, at Trenton Memoria) Hospital of Bertie (Bert) san Rat PERR ig {Sext) "PER? A daughter of Mr. anl Mrs. Morley R. Burgess, RR 3, Bow- manville the deceased was born Bu, 2 ii. 2 door herdtop with the ts, floor eonsole, rad . In ebony, Lic, H310 $2999 1965 FORD FALCON 4 DOOR SEDAN "283" P.S.P.B., V-8 eutomatic, bucket k The highly styled "Tu: Tone' with its combination of inished in @ beautiful black with red olors has fast of Canada's most stylish a a list of those no-longer-needed ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRIC 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM SINGLE VISION BIFOCALS items around your home (and you'll find plenty!). Then let a fast-acting little want Fovors Prizes Lunch BINGO |; i jin the Oshawa area and re- j year. He had been in failin ADELAIDE McLAUGHLIN/ ceived her education here. | health for six months. ' Home & Schoo! Association Mrs, Mundy is survived by her| A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. : ec | husband, Rev. Arthur H. Mundy;|John Perry, the deceased was Night of Cards ja daughter, Susan. and a son,/born in England. A resident of Feed ~. os is a) Trenton for 50 years, he was a brother, Arthur Burgess, Bow-| carpenter and cabinet maker by January 24, 1966 manville |trade. He was a member of the 8 o'clock The funeral service was held} United Church. | at 11 a.m, today in Rutland] Predeceased by his wife, the| ADELAIDE McLAUGHLIN United Church. Interment was|former Harriett L. Perry, the) PUBLIC SCHOOL in Rutland Cemetery in British] deceased is survived by a daugh-| ce | Columbia. |ter, Mrs. Boyd Williamson (Mar Admission 75c¢ | |garet) of Frankford and three EDGAR R. JOHNSON jsons, Kenneth of Athena, RY, A farmer in Brock Township| Norman and Edward of Trenton fo than 30 y > | se ahthe ; H Robson ohnson, of Sunderieee, | Aise, urviving are sister ad diicioms of hae Sze \died Jan. 23, at the Brier Bush Mrs, Robert Winifrey (Edith) of; | Hospital. Stouffville. He was in| Bewdley and a brother, Sidney of Cherry Hill, N. J. be surprised at how many people KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game FREE ADMISSION Jackpots 52 ond 53 Children under 16 not allowed Specie! 7:30 bus from 4 Corners WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO 53 and 55 TONIGHT-8 P.M. Nos. this 91st year, | | A son of the late Mr. and |Mrs. James Johnson, the de- jceased was born in Reach Town- | Ship. He farmed in Brock Town- ship from 1914 until he retired to Sunderland in 1945, Mr. Johnson was a devoted member of Pinedale United! iChurch where he was superin- tendent of the Sunday School for 25 years. He was later a mem- ber of the session at Sunder- land United Church. | Mr. Johnson was predeceased | by two wives, the former Mary |Reesor and Lois Shier, and is survived by his third wife, the former Alice Reesor; three daughters, Mrs. Lorne Snoddon| The funeral service was held at the Weaver Funeral Home, Trenton, at 2 p.m, Jan. 21, fol-| Jowed by entombment in Mount Evergreen Cemetery. The active pallbearers were Jack Colasante, Jack Bizeau, Lorne 'Bassett, Earl Armstrong, Philip Woodacre and Kenneth Allore. The honoraty. bearers were Bert Pane, Alex Berry, Russell Ruckstuhl, Thomas) Wilson, Herman Parks and| James Vanderblink. at @ FOR MEN LIMIT HELP DUBLIN (Reuters)--The| Irish government said Friday | © FOR WOMEN ii COMPLETE WITH FRAME, LENSES AND CASE _ PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES AT SAME LOW PRIC' @ FOR CHILDREN @ BUY DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND SAVE @ FIRST QUALITY LENSES ... SATISFACTION GUARANTEED jg @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT @ OCULIST'S PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT SAME LOW PRICES Hes 6 cyl. motor, A.T. dual in_ 4. deep. sreen and. matchi range transmission end roadie. Finished ing interior, The. ideal family compect with only 12,000 miles and carrying the bol f 's K23267. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY Na a $1666 This is a correction from Saturday's paper. are looking for just the things you might want to advert ise. Get started right now and enjoy that extra money. TELEPHONE 723-3492 For Fast Efficient Service : : OPTICTAN (Marion) of Lindsay, Mrs. Fred night it refused to allow its} ° |Wilson (Reta) and Mrs, Bruce|jarmy chief of staff, Gen. Sean | Sonley (Lila) of Oshawa and | macKoinn t in Ge ' two sons, Walter of Oshawa and|, if ae tinted, sdod hg Reg of Sunderland. head of the United Nations) Also surviving are a sister, peace force because it does not Miss Etta Johnson of Oshawa; | want further involvement in the . irae aa and nine island, Canada and Ireland are Mr. Johnson is at the Pinkham of the Funeral Chapel, Sunderland, for|!0. the UN peace force on the lservice in Pinedale United/isiand. RED BARN _ EXTRA BUSES EUCHRE ew a Club # ae Prizes and Refreshments 50¢ Admission 17 Bond Street East 2nd Floor Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND WEST acti CLASSIFIED we Phone: 728-1261 Wed. Closed All Day (of Glodstor ey ms 8:15 two largest contributors | & ' . i Bidhches' in' Many Principal Cities of Canadu and U S$ |