ee |20---Reet Estate tor Sale 20---Reol Hetete: for Sole | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jenvary 24, 1966 7 es {20---Real Estate for Sale {i19--Mele and Femele i6--Male Help Wanted {20--Rea! Estate for Sale 20--Real Estote for Sale Progressive Local Firm Requires TELEPHONE COLLECTOR Previous ¢redit or finance company. experience on asset. Salary commensurate with experience. Good company paid benefits and excellent working conditions. Junior matriculation preferred, ages 22-32. Please send resume - ef age, martial stotus, ond previous experience in own hondwriting including tele- phone to Box 14250, Oshawa Times If you wont o position that has rea! good opportunity call us about our vacancy for a FRANCHISE DEALER This job requires hard work in good and bad weather. It requirees a man who is hon- est, clean cut and hos o good sales personality. The job offers an opportunnity to; 1. Earn good money. 2. Te work on your own. 3. Advencement. If this position interests you, phone or write: CANADA BREAD COMPANY LIMITED 40 Albony Street, Oshowo 723-4657 GOOD OPPORTUNIT Because of our continued ex- pansion progrom, we require one additional mon. We of- fer @ permanent future for a responsible executive or sales- type individual accustomed to octive contoct with the pub- lic. Three year initial salary plus handsome incentive com- pensation and all group bene- fits. Oshawa resident prefer- red 21 -- 40, no travel, Po- sition offers stable career with substantial income ond to the right person manogerio! op- portunity, Reply in confidence BOX. 13727 Oshawa Times SCHOFIELD-AKER| LIMITED with 30 yeers continous Service in Oshawa «na dis- trict would like to interview three soles representatives to sell real estote. If you're looking for a permanent po- sition with high income possibilities, then phone for contidential interview. BILL McFEETERS Daytimes 723-2265 or 17% 725-17 IMMEDIATE OPENING Aggressive mon required handle accounts receivable. Good salary plus bonus plon, usuo! benefits. to FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW CONTACT " MR. CLARK 728-7344 GROCERY CLERK FULL TIME ANI AIT EN SUPERMARKET 564 King East STORE MANAGER INSURANCE INVESTIGATORS Full or part time men make insurance investigators No selling or collecting. Well suited to those with early retirement. Must have car, moderate typing ability REPLY TO P.O. to BOX 603 OSHAWA, ONT. FULLY QUALIFIED TINSMITH Steady yeor round Older man considered. Apply 91 Bruce St., Oshawa. 9 a.m 5:30 p.m APPLE TREE pruners, time or weekends. castle. Telephone 725-5813 until 5 evenings 725-2413. Z WELDER LANCER, steady work qualitied person. Write box 14368 Osha Times. work full time, pi After WE HAVE AN OPENING in our organ tion for @ family man who might be de sirous of Improving his position or creasing his income. The prsition off @ complete and thorough tra grant and a startiny form ef remune: tien in keeping wag pnene requ ments, 1 you oud nterest in discusding this on YY 'confidential bas would. be very harpy to hear at your convenience. Piease feel free telephone ftr én appointment at 728-94. AUTOMOTIVE PAINTER Apply G. non's Aulo Body, 335 Bloor Street We: Oshawa SALESMAN wanted for men's cloth store. Apply Dunn's, 36 King Street Ea Oshawa: GRILL MAN and shor! order cook Charbroli. Orive-in. Age no. barrier phone 942-6143. YOUR WEXT JOB! Will it pay up 912,000 in @ year? We have a fine of for @ man Over 40 who can make 5r auto trips around Oshawa. Write Pres, ie NT, P.O, Box 70, Station Terente Onteria, Orchard near New- ning pr 4. | Tele} <c REAL Help | Wanted _ TAXI DRIVERS . Part or Full Time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 BOOKKEEPER - CLERK . EXPERIENCED To control all phases of office routine in accounting in new automobile dealership. For interview call Harry Peleshok 942-6300 TIME FOR A CHANGE? Was last year really @ successful year? Does your pres- ent job offer you all the gpportunity you want? A Income potential? if your rroinh is no, Box 13198, Oshawa Times. ESTABLISHED WATKIN'S route avall- able, full or part-time. Telephone 728-2383 between 8-9 p.m. HAIRDRESSER WANTED. Steady em- ployment. Apply Guleada and Dino, 109 Byron Street South, Whitby. 668-6031. PAPER BOYS or girls wanted for Whitby and North Oshawa area. Call Mrs. Lee at 725-6647 INCREASE YOUR INCOME. Earn $3 or $4 per hour selleng Rawieigh Products. Full /or part time. Only one vacancy. Write. Rawleigh, Oept, A10-1¥, 4005 Richelieu, Sti Henry, Montreal. 20--Real Estate For Sale write QUALITY BUILT HOMES BY ECHO CONST. LTD. \147 FULL DOWN (To Those: Who Qualify) WALTON BLVD. WHITBY Large selection of 614% N.H.A. homes featuring 3 bedrooms, storms and screens on all windows, aluminum storm doors, built-in stoves and ovens, furniture, finished cupboords and mony other exciting features DIRECTIONS Drive West on Rossland Road to Brock Street, Whitby then two short blocks further west to Walton Blvd y Open daily and week-ends. L. N. BIRD Real Estote, Ltd. Call eee 6061 OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 TO 5 P.M, @ Trades Accepted @ Bungalows ond two stories @ Electric or Oil heat @ Many other feotures @ Choicest crea in town @ Priced from $14,975 DOWN PAYMENTS from $1,275. DIRECTIONS: Follow King E. to Wilson Road, turn south to Athol and De- von Streets. Joseph BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 OLIVE HOWE REALTOR $15 Brock St. $., Whitby 668-5853 ILLNESS FORCES SALE For this thriving business, busy Tonch counter with ex- cellent weekly turnover, plus three apartments. All' with private -- entrances Paved parking, situated on a large lot 115 x 132° with highway frontage; For rther inform- ation on this Business Prop- erty contact Audrey Moore 668-4088 or 668-5853. OPEN HOUSE DAILY HARMONY VILLAGE Harmony Re South, East of Donevan C giate, Florell Drive and Walnut Court, "Luxury Living Homes" by K. R. BELL & SONS LTD. 5 exciting models featuring 3, 4 and 5 bedrooms, 2 cor garages, 2 bathrooms, stone fronts, wolk-out basements, sodding front and rear ad Low Down Payments Trades Accepted Possession One Week or 11 SUITE APARTMENT $9,000 PER SUITE '| PARK ROAD NORTH for wa art leased, revenue over 000 per year, hot water re 2 j tarrazzo hallwoys Fully $13 coll BILL MILLAR 86 or 725-2557. a ors o-| ral "| W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 67 ia St. £, mal BUILDER'S LOSS st)| Two mew homes located in, | North West, both featuring" 1 t fecorating 6 reasonable cons'd- from you to! an! st for! rades te trades C ort} 5. D HYMAN ESTATE LIMITED/ 728-6286 4 Sold Last Week DontBe TooLate R. BELL AND SONS LTD. eads The Way ODOWN PAYMEN IF YOU OWN YOUR PRESENT HOME, LOW DOWN PAYMENT IF YOU DON'T. ne Easy Payment INCLUDING PRINCIPAL, TAXES, That Adjusts With Your Income INTEREST AND This Method of Financing is Revolutionary, BUT IT'S TRUE If You Can Afford Any New Home In Oshawa ... We Guarantee: You CanAffordA... LUXURY LIVING HOME HA See for Yourself the Finished Models Now on Display Yam. to Yp.m: DAILY Siahdie ON AFTER DARK 5 ins @ Notural Stone Sronts @ Wolk-out Basements @ Sliding Patio Doors @ Patios @ Fully Sodded Front and Rear Yards @ 3- 4- and 5-Bedrooms @ 2 Cor Garages @ Two Both- rooms @ Storms and Screens @ Twindow Units in Living Room @ Fully Decorated Inside to Your Choice of Colors @ Armstrong Corlon in Kitchen and Bathroom Are Just a. Few of the Features You Will Find When You Get Here. BRING THIS AD WITH YOU FIND OUT HOW TO SAVE $1,000 DIRECTIONS Harmony Road South to Donevan Collegiate, turn East on Florell Drive, Sales Office Located at. 883 Walnut Crt. IN HARMONY VILLAGE Created and Developed by KR. BELL AND SONS LTD. TELEPHONE 723-6541 GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 NORTH WEST DREAM 1 @ Owner transferred: Must) sell his dream home. Stone fire- place in the sunken living room. balcony large enough for picnic. Double attached goroge. Three bedrooms and tw bathrooms Ravine lot. Many other extro features. Call us for all details ond appointment to inspect, 316 HILLCROFT li @ Well located three bed- room brick bungalow in North East section close to school. Large bright tiving room with nice dining area, completely broadloomed. Modern kitchen which includes automatic dish| washer, Attached garage «nd! bock yard beautifuly landscop- ed. Call now .This one will sell| fost, EXECUTIVE HOME 11] @ Here is'your charice to hove thot beautifully eloborate horhe you have always dreamed abdut. Fhree bathrooms, sarge family sized kitchen, living room with natural fireplace, room with walkout to the patio, | five large bedrooms and finish-| ed recreation room with an- other fireplace. This home is| located in the preferred North West area and priced ot $35,- 000. P.S. There is ao double oat- tached garage with this magnif- icent two storey dwelling, THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW IV @ This attractive bungalow is situated on a quiet residential street in Harmony Road North crea with ample cupboards in the hollywood type kitchen. Beautiful recreation room. Only six years old, Call to-day for your approval on a home you would like to own, NORTH. EAST V @ Immaculate ranch bung- alow with extra large double garage. Recreation room with bor in an area where prestige homes are exclusive. Many extras too numerous to mention Priced to sell ot $31,900, RURAL LIVING AT ITS BEST | | | dining} | | VI @ Have you or will you be} retiring in the neor future and wont something to do in your) spore time? We hove just ac- quired a home for sale with ap- proxamitely one acre of ground, situated just of No. 2 highway. For the man who likes garden- ing this may be the answer to your dream, For your inspec- tion and approval call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED now. BRENTWOOD AVENUE Vil @ Let us show you this lovely three bedroom brick bun- jalow in this excellent location ully landscaped, rear yard fenced, sunken patio, living room windows facing south, built-in gorage and a cleon basement. You will be impres- sed with this home ond the closensss to the public school is another odvontage you should consider. Act now BUILDING LOT Vill @ Ten acre lot between Oshawa and Bowmonville. This is an ideal location for a coun- try style bungalow. Only a few minutes drive from Oshawa. $2,500. down payment requir ed. Call now for full particul ors oahl LESKARD ROAD @ Ideal location for your new home, near Orono. Poved| roads and schools. Priced to sell ot $1700. INVESTORS SPECIALTY X @ Two acre parcel of land with spruce ond pine trees within easy commuting distance of Bowmonville and Oshawa Asking only $3,000. cash. Call now. Call 723-5281 for full particulars, Open Daily from 9 am. to 9 p.m. After Hours Coll Leon Manitius 728-2754 Evelyn Cassel 725-3710 Len Bissell 725-2070 Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 Albert Blicharz 723-1121 Eleanor deJong 728-2949 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Steven Englert 728-5581 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Jack Graham 725-9947 El Ann Thompson 728-4731 Doug Trivell 723-7390 Walter Mittler 728-7083 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 George Nyrneyer 728-4241 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 We list exclusive and Photo M.L.S Member of O.D.R.E.B. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS King Hill, right at 2nd Street (Athabaska) to Labrador Home OPEN DAILY (Except Monday and Tuesday) FROM 1 TO 6 P.M, PARADE OF HOMES by Lysyk and Sons Ltd, LABRADOR DRIVE Floodlit After Dark DIRECTIONS: Street East post flasher Hart's turn over light, Drive Model EXLLUSIVE AGENTS | | } | | DELUXE 2200 SQ. FT. GORDON OSBORNE REALTY Watch for the Signs That Sell and Call "The Hot Line" 668-8826 NEED A LOCATION FOR BUSINESS ? Some business venture will find the room they need in the Whitby Baptist Church building at Colborne and Centre St. Make ideal store or space for furniture market, office space, club house or even private school. Someone needs this building and the price con be right. Asking $32,000. with excellent terms, WHITBY -- WALNUT ST. AT BROCK -- $12,500. Not too much grass This 2 bedroom Inspect Frame home with garage ond low taxes to cut here and so handy to centre of town retired couples home could be yours of you act quickly, ond moke.offer, TWO. BEDROOM HOME -- $10,900, on College Hill. Decoration ready to move in. Low taxes and heating for retired folks living on @ shrinking dollar. Make on offer with your down payment ond move in next week. 3 BEDROOM -- Gener -- $13,500 on Ridgeway near schoo! home for the dollar conscious hareitly Rooms are tira her re too. Inspect today and move ni secon ches and shopping: A | KINGSTON RD,. E.--PICKERING---10 MIN, OSHAWA 5 bedroom family home with low taxes, large 70' x 192' lot all fenced to keep the children safe. Gorage, paved rocd and sidewalk, All mew decoration, A good home for roomers and boarders too. Full price only $13,900. BROCK ST. S., WHITBY, LIGHT INDUSTRY location with 163' by 209' frontage. Two bedroom older style cement block home plus land for your business operation. Machine shop or other light industry operation could be well located here. Full price $15,500 DELUXE 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY -- $21,000. A fine Whitby home thot shows loving care with neat stone fireplace, paved drive and not too much garden to look ofter. Close in location in older part of town with many built-in feat- ures including stove, oven, refrigerator, etc. Broadloom in living room and hall plus drapes will save you some of the extra money after buying. Completely finished recreation room, finished laun- dry room, 114 baths, A prestige home for those who don't like subdivisions. PICK PICKERING BEFORE HYDRO rush and have your home at a sensible price, For $13,900. we have a modest 3 bedroom home built about 8 years ago on a full size desidential lot on Georgina Drive in this growing villoge with close by school and churches. Drive to work from lovely Pickering and enjoy the country atmosphere, Only 10 minutes to Oshawe and save money too. BUSINESS LOCATION EAST OSHAWA NEAR POWER STORE Remodel this brick home of 5 rooms into store or office and be in one of the better business: locations with increasing traffic on King St. Lot size 42 by 133'. Full price $18,500. OSHAWA 6 PLEX $55,000 This neot money maker is close to Oshawa Shopping Centre assuring good occupancy and good rents. Retire here and have your investment where you can see it. Would consider a property in trade os part payment. ROSSLAND RD. W. OSHAWA Seven year old ranch bungalow with fine mahogany trim, poved drive, car port, 23' recreation room, 3 large bedfooms and dining room. Complete landscaping here. Full price $19,750. 3 BEDROOM BRICK IN WHITBY $14,500, A good average home for the price you can afford near school Some broadioom, pointed basement, steel beam construction. Neat and tidy with landscaping finished. Inspect and buy for eorly possession. » NEWCASTLE 8 ROOM home on large lot with shade trees, garden, paved drive and low taxes, This neat, clean 1% bath, family home with 2 cor car- port, sun porch ond awnings is only 15 minutes to Oshawa but oway from the hustle of éity life. The spacious rooms will be o real delight to the lorge family so act quickly here, Full price $13,900. CHRISTINA DRIVE PICKERING $22,900, Four bedroom, 2 storey 'brick with attached garage on fine Pickering Street. Only 11 miles from Oshawa ond 10 miles from Metro. Extra large rooms on spacious 65 by 165' lot, Cheery open fireplace, heavy broadloom ond sharp. decoration make this a home you will delight to entertain in. Truly a modern property for a growing family and so.convenient toall schools and shopping, One mortgage will do it here too with reasonable down poyment WHITBY -- 7 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS 1% storey insul brick home in central Whitby location. A real 20--Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER Over-A Quarter Century FOR THE CHOOSY BUYER 1ARCE SC LTD. 723-2265 Of Service OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P'M, An excellent six room stone front bungalow in on ideal locotion. Twin bosins in the vonity, beautifully finished rec. room with stone fireplace, and lorge double attached goroge, are. just a few of the many extras to be found here, To see it is to love it. Call tonight for appointment to view, NORTH WEST AREA Where, todoy, in @ choice orea can you 'find a spa- cious three bedroom bun- golow with fireplace, sepa- rate dining room, very large kitchen, attached gorage for $22,000.00? This home is close to' bus, schools and shopping, also park area for younger children. UARE FOOTAGE who like a Split Home ---- this is. o dondy! A very livable pion, this seven room home has much to offer in comfort and enjoyment. Rec. Room 22 x 12, extra 2 pc, bath, attached garage. Must be seen to ap preciate the mony extras. COME AND SEE What $2,425.00 will buy for you in @ brand new 3 bed- room bungalow in a good north end olcation, The lotest in counter tops' and cup- boards, vanity in bathroom Call to-day to inspect, THE CHARM Of on older home is over- flowing here. Close to North Simeoe School, bus, shop- ping, this three bedroom 114 storey brick home has a most gracious living room with na- tural fireplace, large seporate dining room, large kitchen with more cupboords than you need, cosy den with book- shelves and wall to wall rug. All broadioom remoins. Gorage -- paved drive, Deep lot. WE HAVE THREE LOVELY NEW HOMES For sale in BEAU VALLEY, one bungalow, one split en- trance, one 2 storey, all with either single or double at- tached garage. Prices are con- tinuing to rise -- now before you have to pay more. EXECUTIVE HOME Situoted on a lovely land- scaped lot this seven room bungalow is a home you would be proud to entertain in. From the large living room with broadioom ond fireplace to the large beautifully ap- pointed Rec. Room this home is @ gem. Double ottached gorage, Coll for further por- For Level those OLIVE HOWE REALTOR 515 Brock St. South, . Whitby, 668-5853 TRADE ; For a small brick bungalow. in. Park Rd. Oshawo orea -- for a Large Ranch Bungalow Custom Built, extra large kitchen ond breafast area, 3 bedrooms, completely finishes ed basement. with kitchen bedroom, large rec. room. For further information. call 668-5853. "WE HAVE THE KEY" To show you this Four Bed: room, two storey home. Stone. and Aluminum Siding cone struction, two cor gorage, stone fireplace in the 27' 'iv. ing room, ponelled den with Bow window, 1% bathrooms, electric heat, storms ond screens, roughed in fireplace in recreation area, attractive- ly decorated, huge family kif chen with English pantry, site ucted on a lot 100 by {33 Immediate possession nar be arranged. Call Audrey Moore at 668-4088 or 668- 5853 for further information, GOOD FAMILY HOME Well located to schools and shopping. Four bedrooms, separate dining room, 18 x 12' living room with naturd? fireplace. Oil heating, gar- age, paved drive. Nicely landscaped, needs decorating, For further information call Beatrice McFarlane 668~ 5853 or 668-5125, LOTS Serviced building lots In Osh-. awa. Call .Audrey Moore 668-4088 or 668-5 5853 for further information. CHARMING Two storey older home cen. trally located on beautifully treed lot featuring immocs ulate kitchen with lots of cupboards, Large bright liv- ing room with patio entrance. Separate dining room or den. Garage, paved drive. Oil heats ing. Excellent condition. Aske- ing $17,900. For further ine - formation call Beatrice Mes Farlone ot 668-5853 of 668-5125. SPLIT LEVEL $15,500, 3 bedrooms, broadioom in live ing room, dining room and hallways, storms ond screens, landscaped lot, patio, cement driveway, lorge combined kit- chen and dining room. For further information call ond ask for Audrey Moore to ar- ronged appointment at 668- 4088 or 668-5853. EVENINGS ' Olive Howe 723-0085 Audrey Moore 668-4088 Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 Beatrice McFarlane 668-5125 ticulors. HOW IS PROPERTY SELLING ? That's @ question we are asked most every day Frankly the way a property 'moves' when it is offered for sole, depends a let on "how" it is handled. For this reasén, we suggest that you consult our firm. Moving pro perty is our business, If you really want to sell -- ploce full confidence in us. We don't let you down. Call 723- 2265 For full particulors call 723-2265 income home for boarders, roomers or just live here ond divide into 2 living quarters, A cledn tidy home with pleasant decora- tion, Extra large lot for garden here too. Inspect and make your offer 3-BEDROOM, OLDER STYLE 14-STOREY, WHITBY Frame house with large lot on Byron St. S., Whitby. This econ- omical property is presently rented but out of town owner soys sell. Possibility of havina 4 bedrooms here for $10,900. with low down payment. You will be delighted with the cleanliness of this property. 28% ACRES, BUSH, CREEK, NEAR WHITBY A real hideaway for the busy executive and so relaxing watch ing the spring fed creek meandering through the cedar 'illed bush. You will have several interesting locations to place your dream home on this choice property. Asking price $700. per acre BETTER WHITBY HOME DIFFERENT DESIGN on large 73' by 145' lot out of subdivision area. You will be the talk of the town with this outstanding property. All three bedrooms are spacious and family room is 13' by 24'. Balcony off 24 living room. Try to see this one if you can. Full price $24,900. with as low as $4,000. down. "MONEY MAKER" $18,300. Centrally located just off Simcoe St. S. this two family home is 0 good one for the person looking into the future. There is a 2 cor garage here as well for only $5,000. down, PY "HIGHWAY. 12" Just north of Whitby --- 5 acres with fruit trees, lorge garage 725-3867 723-1358 723-2859 728-5205 728-1066 723-9692 725-9345 728-2233 728-2870 lrene Brown Marg Hal! George Koornneef Irwin: Cruikshanks Bill Johnston Don Howe Ed Drumm Moible Boudreau Allan Thompson Ren Alber 775.0901 Bill McFeeters. 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. 360 King St. West. Free, easy, safe parking _ BOLAHOOD BROTHERS FOR YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE MOVE FOUR BEDROOME $15,900.00 7 room, 2. storey home in spotless condition. Good size modern kitchen, separate din- and born plus 175' frontage mokes a.good investment. The 2 bedroom house with forced air heating is just the place for the retired couple or small fomily to relax and anticipate the spring and the joys of puttering on this lovely little farm. Full price only $18,500, 4 BEDROOM INSUL BRICK $8900, N. WHITBY With jumbo 76 by 145° lot: Surrounding new brick homes; rew roof, 3 piece bath, stove heat. Trees here too for your new home after you have worn this one out. Worth investigating this one is you are looking for low cost living. $2,000, down may buy here. VACANT READY TO MOVE IN OSHAWA 2 bedroom stucco home with large kitchen, 94' by 150' lot on paved road just outside of the city. Full price $14,700, with $2,500. down poyment ~~ EXECUTIVE HOME $39,500 Situated on a wide sweeping lot with landscaping galore and 2 car garage in better Whitby location. This 2 fireplace, hot water heated home with huge recreation room, heavy carpeting. in- direct lighting can be seen by appointment. Do not come to see if you are not willing to pay the price as owner has one sensible price for this quality property. OSHAWA $2500. DOWN 3 BEDROOM Neor shopping centre with lower taxes, ¢lean decoration, attach- ed garage, tine hollywood kitchen, Economy twin. home with one GUIDE REALTY LIMITED mortgage payment to look after everything only $102, monthly, A keen buyer will epprecicate this value, ing room, living room, broad- loom, garage, fenced lot plus many other fine features. Asking only $15,900. It's a real pleasure to show this most desirable home. Just ask for Allen Johnston ot 728- 5123 or 725-1381; WHITBY Attractive split level seven room brick home with stone front, There ore four bed- rooms, kitchen, dining and living room complete with rec room and bar. See this delightful: home now by call- ing Jim Brody at 728-5123 or 728-0483, NEAR : SEPARATE SCHOOL Five room, three bedroom brick bungalow with extra -bedroom in basement, Double garage. This is in the south east area of Oshawa Tsk for R y y Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD, 101 Simete Street ' Member of O.D,R.E.B, ACTIVE _ REALTY LIMITED "Action Office' NEW NINE SUITE APARTMENT BUILDING EXCELLENT RETURN: ON INVESTMENT Close in location. 2 bedroom suites individually heated, ELECTRICALLY, balconies, wollte wall. broadloom in oll suites, built-in stoves ovens, built-in refrigerators. Linen ond clothes closets are numerous. Fully equipped with storms, screens and TV an- tenno. Loundry room with autometic appliances. ing. Exceptional terms are offered on this good invest~ ment 'by. the owner who ig leaving the country. sis by appointment only. triflers please. Call 728. sist Park- ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South 728-5157 VISIT ibraemor gardens Stevenson Rd; N. ond Annapolis Oshawa's Most Convenient Community BROILER BARGAIN . Board quote, over 23,000, fine country home, modern conveniences, Possible labor profit up to $20,000 per annum. Quick action needed, CALL FRED BRAY at J. KERN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 389-1381, Residence 389- 0344; 665 James Street South, Hamilton, or your own Realtor, $1395 DOWN @ New Semi-detached Homes @ Electric Heat @ Separate Dining Room e Three Bedrooms @ One 614% Mortgage. CALL: Gord Hawkshaw 723-1861 Bob Johnston 725-9365 METCALF REAL ESTATE 'petal ee for Sale Continued on Page 18