Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jan 1966, p. 11

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errw wwe wee eww : HIM SLANS SAT | By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Self - control and emotional) ability. will, be needed now.) There may be evidence of stress on the part of some, so you must do your special part to maintain harmony. During the| evening hours, avoid extremes of any kind. FOR THE BIRTHDAY Iftomorrow is your birthday, | your horoscope indicates 'that, | for the next year, it would be| "= |wise to temper monetary am- _bitions with thriftiness. Even) though some good financial) breaks show in your chart notably, during early May, July, mid-September, mid-Octo-| ber and next January -- you} would not be wise to undertake any real expansion along these lines for another year. And, if} you happen to be engaged in| any speculative ventures now, be sure you are out of them by the first week in June. Two more admonitions: Make no, loans in late May and be ex-} ceedingly cautious in protecting monetary interests between Nov. 15 and Dec. 15. Occupational interests will re-| ceive a boost from late April) through late May; also in late December and early Januany,| |but you'll have to put forth best efforts to attain them. This is} one of those years in which nothing will be handed to the | Aquarian on a silver platter The one exception is the crea- tive worker, who should have} an exceptionally good year, with June an outstanding month. Personal interests will . be livelier than business pursuits, however. Romance is especially} favored, with outstanding good jaspects governing sentimental matters in late June, all of July and late September. The latter) |two periods will be most auspi- cious for marriage. Travel does not seem to be highlighted in While you should encourage your chart this year but, if you want to take a short trip, the jmost propitious period will oc "4 wont | } PP trait | why wee blobs | CEENER WEE ba bbini' hha > Biay WRHM *brbr e --| in| the boot is both smart and most practical. Made of pretend crocodile, it is high enough for the snow banks and yet looks great on city streets. It is designed with a little heel and is com- pletely waterproof --By Tracy Adrian Boots are certainly very "in" this season and the higher the boot, the better it goes with the rising hem- lines. This one is a style that will not only appeal to teenagers but will also get a "go" signal from their mamas. The reason is that CHILD GUIDANCE Parents Should Assist Gifted Pre-School Child By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD , Many parents and grandpar-| him in his zeal to read, you may ents suppose a youngster Of)phe tempte i , r average ability from two to five mpted to ine him unduly jcur during the first three weeks is unusually bright. They may more. Your greatest/of July, early October and late cause him to repeat certain re-|temptation will be to emphasize|December marks as proof that he is bright./his reading achievement too) A child born on this day will If their guess is right and he|much and thus -to weaken his|be extremely sentimental, emo- has been tested, they may feel wider interest in learning other-|tional and intuitive. to read C Accuracy in Measuring Determines Safety Of Bleach By ELEANOR ROSS |dirt that can be accumulated} "Glug-glug" went the pouring | --the wash should be sorted into at a recent "home ec" meeting|stoups of items that can ebe --and what came out wasnt't|done together under the same potable. conditions. Very dirty things re- The idea was for guests to/quire? high water temperature | guess the measure of laundry | and full washing time. cionne, beach as It USEC PROPERTIES NOTED 1 failed | eerness and delicateness of Bo chagtug nny ome On aay \the fabric must be noted as well field as wash - and - wear properties. 4 ; . \Sheex materials and garments Fla get mg Bie Pas Just arbi lgvith weak seams should have should -- that this arctinic| Wrage ener ek acante i method of measurement is fre-| 4...6q oe hi * ho id quently the cause of much grief |Guced irom. synthe repent Ne sts in the laundry room be washed in warm water. If The demonstration challengd|°0's are fast, they can stand visitors to "guess eight ounces." Hot water, asamp make vital We had a lot of fun with the it is only warm when colorfast- test, but. very few came close ness is questionable. the best sarin "blind" with any de- advice ig grr with color lis to read the label. gree of accuracy. | : Why eight ounces? That's the, The Lag eomanyy ord to re recommené@ed quantity of liquid store sien as 0 gage chlorine bleach for top-loading ve nga gage hPa eon sar washing machines. A half-cupiion or water with 2 tablespoons (four ounces) is the prescribed «laid ehiorine bi ce d . figure for front - loading ma- yb basis pgs hold" Hts | chines. These proportions repre- ORGY aeakine "or 18 ema sent the-amount of sodium HYPO | tes, the articles should be! chlorite required, when diluted | vinsed aid dvied. with normal machine -- Pee to remove dirt effectively. ' ae Ookpik' To Be Safety Symbol HANDY GAUGE A standard eight-ounce. meas- | SASKATOON (CP) -- Some of Canada's safety. slogans ureing cup is one of the best friends a housewife has; it as-| may read QOokpik says: Be Alert and Stay Unhurt if an sures accurate measurement, | some Saskatchewan | | and therefore optimum effec-| tiveness in the cleaning process. | Next to correct measurement | = ee 0 a eee. NeCaTNess, Nvuillaice Guide Designer By JEAN SPRAIN WILSON ROME. (AP)--Women looking for men will be much in favor of the spring collection Italian designer Enzo presented today. They were the neat, romantic, figure-conscious kind of gar- |ments that flatter women most. Enzo brought pack the little middle, a style anachronism. He was influenced by the masters of tiny waist lines, the Spanish. With wvide-brimmed sombre- ros on their short neat coiffeurs, the models swung onto the run- way of the Grand Hotel in long- torsoed coats with gored or pleated skirts, full-skirted suits with high-banded toreador-like jackets, and some costumes with hip - length, jackets. But everything emphasized the slim waistlines. Date dresses for manhunters were sheer and soft with cowl necklines which plunged or crosswrapped in back. There were no one-shoulder, bare mid- riff or thigh-high costumes in the lot. One-piece palazzo pyjamas were high-waisted, slim at the hips and ballooning at the _| ankles. Another type of pyjama, glistening with sequins, was a full skirt over narrow trousers. CARRY COLOR THEME From daytime clothes to eve- jning wear the shoes were de-| signed to carry on the color theme -- usually pumpkin and green. Where gloves were worn this was true again. sake nape THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, January 24, 1966 11 KEEP IN TRIM Nutrition Course Leads Lass Out Of Fat Class | By IDA JEAN KAIN Te agers, if. you feel "trapped in fat," as one young lady described it, today's story) "I am more outgoing, more may inspire you to spring the) secure, and content with myself. trap. You need not stay in the|I feel at ease in social gather- fat girl'class! Despite past fail-|ings, with men and women. ures you can triumph, if you) "' still watch to see that I get ehoose the right course of ac-|proper nutrition without a load tion. Let a girl who has been of calories. Also, 1 exercise through it tell you the way: (daily. Actually, I guess I am "One summer, between my lucky ing in a profession that fresh and soph e years /requires much walking. Try in high school, I put on 25) walking from one end of a hos- pounds! But that only seemed/pital corridor to the other sev- to make matters worse, = Ijeral times a day! | kept getting heavier. Finally,) "Tell your teen-a my mother took me to the doc-|is possibl to ines tas actie tor. This didn't help either, and| weight and to keep it lost. Ex- he implied that I would have tolercise is a great help, too. And get bea to ter Page se it sure is worthwhile." : time graduate! rom hig She signe school, T.weighed 145 pounds for|RN and gn eee eee five-feet-three-inches and wore) -- a size 16 dress. | "Throughout high school had become quite introverted, directing my energies along the lines of science. 1 wore dumpy clothes, horn - rimmed glass-; jes and won science prizes. But 1) wasn't happy with myself and iyet I couldn't seem to do any- thing about it. "That fall I entered a school of nursing, which included a course in basic nutrition, Well, jthat course was the best thing |I took in college! I learned the This smart girl nut her brains to work for beauty, too, and along. the way she found her outgoing self. By this plan she "graduated magna cum laude" from. the fat girl class. right places and have these) |measurements: Bust 35, waist 23%, hips 35. | ' City-Wide Delivery 'MITCHELL'S DRUGS ig? Simcoe N. - 723-3431 Open Evenings Till 9 P.M. 1 | Men! "Cash-In". On This! 7 MEN'S SLACKS! of laundry essentials, probably the most important step is proper dilution. The liquid chlorine bleach should:be added to the water in the washing machine before putting in the laundry. Or the bleach should be diluted in a quart of Water and introduced only after the cycle has begun and the fabrics are saturated with water. Of course, many models now include an automatic bleach dispensing unit which greatly simplifies the dilution process Another basic principle home- makers will profit from is proper sorting. Because of the many. combinations of fabrics and fibres in today's clothes still more inclined to show him wise. Z Your son needs to find normal for all other children who don't| basket-- enjoyments at making and cre-|learn as rapidly as he does, or ating things with his hands and|who are different from him in {at fun he can share with other! any other way. |children of his own age. ANSWERING QUESTIONS BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 Noon te 2 P.M. DINNER 5:30 to 8 P.M. NEEDS EXPAND Q. Do we want our children As your son grows older and\eyer to see or feel that we are Fully Licensed Dining Room Ample Parking advances further in the elemen-| ashamed of the kind of car we HOTEL LANCASTER jtary school, your great oppor- drive or of the home we live in, | 27 King St. W., Oshawe | tunity will be to find materials | provided our income and oppor-| he can enjoy reading, materials |tynity to earn warrant no more which will further stimulate his! costly car or house? interest and eagerness to learn.| A. Certainly not. Now Has 2 Convenient Locations @ 1120 Simcoe St. N. It is fortunate if his school 728-2361 does well in this direction, al- though you might be able to do ® Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-1023 so more effectively at home. There is no reason why you for pick-up and delivery call 728-2361 off and brag about him, if his 1.Q. is very high Suppose your child at the age of three, four or five shows un- usual interest in learning to read. Suppose, without undue urging, he learns to read. How) eager he is to learn to read and how rapidly he succeeds at reading, without special effort on the part of any person should be a practical measure of his ability to learn from books. But te be able to say he has an 1%. of 140 or more might make you more eager to let/ other people know he is a gifted child, It is not easy for parents of a gifted child "under "school age to keep from exploiting him for their own gratification. However, I can imagine an occasional parent knowing that| her child under six is highly| gifted, who would deal wisely} with this child. | Is HE GIFTED? A mother writes: "Our son, five, is beginning to read rather fluently. He just started kindergarten last Sep- and the many types of | idea by | homemakers catches on Homemakers' clubs in the | Blackley, Sask., district are | using the furry owl developed | by the Fort Chimo Eskimo co-operative as a symbol in a pilot safety project, says | member Helen Ducie "'All our safety symbols for | Canadian safety campaigns have originated in the United | States,"' says Mrs. Ducie. 'We plan to use Ookpik, a_ dis- tinctly Canadian symbol,. and hope the idea may catch on nationally. This will be a kind of pilot project." Designer Valentino demon-|; 7 r strated Monday night that the re gens ig My hegitl so jage of elegance has not suc-| followed I lost 20 pounds, bring- cumbed completely to the| ing my weight down to 125 young. _|pounds and a size 12 dress | After that I stayed on a plateau SWINGING BISHOP DIES [But this time I did not get de- CAMBRIDGE, England (AP)| pressed and eat up my anxiety. Rt. Rev. Frederick Dudley|Instead, I revised my eating Vaughan Barborough, 70, known!pattern, cutting calories from las the Swinging Bishop of the| foods I knew I did not need. By | |Anglican Church, died Friday.|the time I graduated I weighed Bishop Barborough, who re-|110 pounds, and: wore size eight signed from his Anglican Col-| dress , . . just half the size I chester diocese in October, was had worn in high school. a stocky, jolly man and jazz| "Today I weigh 110 pounds. | jenthusiast. Luckily, I lost weight in all the | WOOLWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN ! could not keep reading to him from sources far more advanced than those he may be exposed to at school. In your home con- version with your son, you could fire his interests and cause him to be more eager to learn about things not found in books to- gether with many things found in them. Ideally you parents} will be learning with him. | All the time you should aim to| cultivate in him a high regard DELICIOUS -- Strawberry Roll SPECIAL THIS WEEK FRESH RHUBARB PIE 359: @ Another Woolworth's Service Only PARTY SANDWICH TRAYS -- Serves 16 to 20 people 5.95 SPECIAL THIS WEEK € Buy One Pair And Get Another Pair for Only Toilored from the finest English and Domestic All-woo! yore, dyed and worsted ond flonnels, in smart neat checks and plein colors. In Banker Grey, Dark Brown, Lovet, Slote Blue, Black and Charcoal. Regular styles with belt loops or the popular young man's "Continental Style', Sizes 28 to 44. FIRST SLACKS EXTRA SLACKS 1.00 8.95 14.95 1.00 13.95 19.95 1.00 18.95 © USE YOUR CREDIT @ YOU SAVE ECONOMY RANGE DELUXE RANGE HAND GRADE @ 2 LOCATIONS @ 36 KING EAST AND OSHAWA DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open te 9 p.m. Fridey Open te 9 p.m. Thure &-¥ri. tember and is not being taught| reading in school. He has been| learning this on his own for about a year now. He has aj} wonderful memory for almost) everything he sees, hears or} does | termine whether he is gifted or just .extremely interested in learning? How can | help him so he will continue to want to learn and enjoy school? He! likes kindergarten very much. | "He has enjoyed hearing | stories since before he was two. | On his second birthday he could | recognize all the letters of the| alphabet and recite some nur sery rhymes (with the help of} only a word or two) | "He has always. been.a child! who would sit still and listen for CONTINUE READING ---..-.| EASHION THAT GOES UNDER By GOTHIC DAISY SARONG No twa women have the same figure 1 1 cinch there's a 'Gothic', 'Daisy Talo to teak girdle that will do the most for you. Tempted to find out? Just drop by and be fitted by a Walker's trained corsetiere. We dare you. My reply in part Assuming vou have accurately described your little son, one} might conclude that he is highly} gifted. Why bother about getting) an 1.Q. on him now? His eager-,. » ness to learn to read and his suecess at it surely indicates that he has high learning abil ity. How wonderful it is that he has been read to for so many| years. I hope you keep on read-| ing to him for many more| years, an hour or more daily,| and from materials much more} difficult than he can read for| himself. There is hardly a bet-| ter way to keep your son's in-| terest in learning alive and growing. | INVENTS OWN TRICKS Actor Patrick McGoohan in- vented most of the spy gadgets used in his TV series Secret) Agent e SALE Bridal Gowns $25 Complete with your Ch Piece and Veil. Perfect Condit BRIDESMAIDS or PARTY DRESSES $7.50 each Complete with Head Piece SARGEANT'S "RENTALS and SALES 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 ce of Head on Open Daily 9:30 a Thurs, and Fri. a Daisy Fresh' bra in cotton. Daintily embroidered A, B, C cups. 32-38 b Power net panty 8, My ty Ly oa c Embroidered cotton bra with stretch straps by "Gotuic'. A, B, © CUR, B20 08 -incicesiceiais-nuesenne 2.50 girdle by 'Daisy Fresh', d Regular power net girdle by 'Daisy Fresh', CTE Tae DR 9 SIGs eb tig eden AR aie et ere ao Saree tar eorme e White broadcloth bra by 'Gothic' with 'Cordtex' in- serts for more firm uplift. AA to D cups. 30-40 f 'Sarong' junior girdle of power net with Jacquard front panel. Waist sizes 26 - 29 g Cotton long line bra with freedom-giving elastic inserts by 'Daisy Fresh'. A to D cups. 32-44. ......... . h k 'Sarong' Hi-Waist regular girdle with side zipper closing. Waist sizes 27-38. Average and full hip fittings. 'Sarong' long leg panty girdle fashioned from lycra. Proportioned torso lengths. M, L, XL, XXL. ........ 'Gothic' cotton bra with 3" band that does so much for so many. figures. A to D cups. 32-44. ...... The above is just a sampli: the » many trained corsetiere can lis tod econ pose to find for-you 'underfashion'. For the sake i: in he ed of your figure come in and put WALKER'S .m, 'te 6 p.m. to 9 p.m, $5 $3 $5 $5 $4 Just-meant-

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