Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jan 1966, p. 15

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NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES New Brunswick Clergyman St. George's Church Installing New Organ During the past week the in- terier of St. George's Memorial Anglican Church Centre st. has looked like a storage warehouse as workmen for Casavant Freres, of St. Hyacinthe, Que- bee, began the task of installing a new pipe organ. The installa- tion will take five to six weeks to complete, The body of the church will be clear for all ser- vices. Of special interest of members of the Church of England is the Ecumenical Service to be held at 7:30 p.m. this Sunday in St. Paul's Church, Bloor st., Tor- onto. Archbishop Pocock of the Archdiocese of Toronto will be the preacher. The Anglican) Bishop of Toronto will be in) charge of the service. He will be assisted by the moderators of the United and Presbyterian day. Rev. N. T. Holmes, chair- Accepts Call To Oshawa Rev. §. Donald Feltmate, pastor of the Moncton, N.B., Pentecostal Church, has accept- ed a call to become pastor of the King Street Pentecostal & Church, Oshawa, He will suc- ceed Rev. Howard Kerr who re- cently returned to Argentina to carry on his missionary work there. The call to Mr. Feltmate was approved during a meeting o! \the King Street Chureh congre. gation and was accepted by ' by long distance telephone, The new pastor will assume his duties in Oshawa Jan, 23. After eight years of struggle and sacrifice the people of the Roman Catholic parish of St. Mary of the People saw the realisation of- their hopes Sun- ay when Archbishop Philip Po- cock formally blessed and dedi- cated the new church/on Ste- venson road n. The formal opening of the $285,000 structure was one of the highlights in the life of Rev. Norbert Gignac, pastor of the will be the special speaker at Street Pentecostal Church. He eae a yaar er yh ees will also conduct services at held in St. John's Unite urch],, ' 'mn. Mond Brougham, at 2:30 p.m. Sun- ig ond i ee Rev, L, Walsh will be the speaker at the Oshawa Spiritu- alist Church at 7 p.m. man of Oshawa Presbytery of the United Church will preside and Rey. H. Lackey will read the lessons. The nature of God as "Truth" will be the subject of the ser- vice at the Oshawa Christian Science Church this Sunday. Scriptural readings will include theh psalmist's prayer; '"'With- hold not thou they tender mer- cies from me, O Lord let thy loving kindness and thy truth continually preserve me." The Oshawa Citadel of the Salvation Army will observe Corps Cadet Sunday, Jan. 23. The young people will take an active part in both services. Rey. and Mrs. Ira Leach will be in charge of both services at the Byng Avenue Pentecostal Church. The special speaker at the United Spiritualist Church of Ontario will be Rev. Ben Har- lick. Rev. Edith Harlick will be the guest spiritualist, Thant Hopeful The inducation service will be held Jan, 30 at the 11 a.m. ser- vice when Rev. R, A. Bombay, the district superintendent and representatives from the nations office of the Pentecostal Assem- blies of Canada in Toronto will be the guest speakers, Mr. Feltmate, who is married with two daughters, is a gradu- Bible College. His wife is also a graduate of the same college. Following his graduation he was engaged in evangelistic work for two years. He then be- ate of the Eastern Pentecostal) jy Churches. The choirs of St. Paul's and St. Michael's Roman Rev, L. Wesley Hebert will Catholic Cathedral will sing jeonduct the Sacrament of In- fant Baptism at the morning Rev. Dr. A. C. Forest, editor) service in King Street United] of The United Church Observer, | Church. ee Meee Evangel Pentecostal Church) pe have two special speakers jthis Sunday. Jack Zurber will) |speak at the morning service} jand Pastor R. D. Ellis at an} evangelistic service in the eve-} ning | if i Evangelist David Dean, of | | Trouble Areas Discussed Vietnam, the Congo, Kashmir,| Indonesia, Cyprus, they all spell/ trouble, and they all mean|Dallas, Texas, will continue his death. To those directly con-|series of addresses at both ser- cerned and to other thinking] vices this Sunday at Simeoe| f people, appears the age - old) ~~ question, 'If a man dies, shell he live again?" Over 900 peopte crowded into the Port Hope High School Jan, 16, to hear C. E. Union Ratifies jcame pastor of the Pentecostal Food To Be Sent|<m.! in Truro, N.S., where UNITED NATIONS (CP) _.j|he ministered for four years. UN Secretary-General U Thant| While there he was also Sunday said Thursday he is "hopeful"|S¢hool supervisor for the Mari- that Canada and the United|time district of the Pentecostal States will provide substantial) Assemblies of Canada and a quantities of food for India, -- of the district execu- ive. threatened by a famine. India has brought "to my at- tention the very serious crop Returning to Ontario he be- came pastor of the Pentecostal j ian? ; chure aris d later min- situation". in that country and|Church in Paris an y listered in the Pentecostal requested that the secretary-| ak fi fi general appeal "'to those. coun-|""uren in hy ge OF Rika' tries which could contribute|¥e@™s. During the last four substantially towards the eas-|Years he has been pastor of the ing of the prospective famine in| India," Thant told a press con-| erence. Commenting on his | Tuesday with Canadian Agricul-; ture Minister J. J. Greene and| U.S. Agriculture Secretary Or-| Christian Living Meeting Topic talks REV. 8. D. FELTMATE Pentecostal Church in Moncton, .B, As well as his pastoral duties Mr. Feltmate was active in the work of the Moncton and dis- irict ministerial association where he served as vice-presi- dent. For the past season he has been moderator of the pan- jel discussion periods of The Faith in Action program on the {Moncton television station. $600 Damages In Slander Suit | SUDBURY (CP)--A six-man| |jury today assessed $600 in {damages in a slander suit) | against Raymond Poirier, finan-| jcial secretary of Local 6500 of| jthe United Steelworkers of America (CLC). Poirier was sued by Weir) | /for money to establish a brand- | new parish since it was formed some nine years ago. At the end of the bi-lingual service of blessing Father Gig- nac mounted the pulpit and thanked all his friends and par- ishoners who had helped to make possible the great day. He said later that the begin- nings of the church, which serv- es French Canadians in the Osh- awa district and English-speak- ing people in the parish, were in 1958 with the initial drive for funds. "Other parishes in the city then were raising money to pay off debts or for expansion of facilities," said Father Gignac. "All that time we were. looking parish and build oursel- ves a fine church." The fund drive, coupled with another in 1962, raised enough cash and pledges to make the building a reality Several features of the new church reflect the new empha-| sis in church life as recommen-; ded at the Vatican Council. { CRUCIFORM SHAPE | The building is cruciform inj shape wit accomodation for the congregation in three arms of | iRt, Rey jor Our Lady of Help Church in {Sacre Coeur Church, Toronto. New Church Blessed By Archbishop Pocock One of the most popular sec- tions of the church at Sunday masses is thespecial glassed-in gallery called the "'cnying room" It is used by young mothers with their babies. "This is such a young parish with many young families that the gallery is packed each sun- day," said Father Gignac. "even though it can hold more than 60 people," "The gallery means that the young women can attend church and their. babies don't bother the rest of the congregation by ery- ing." Some of the babies' cries come out in either French or English as the parish is more than one- third Rrench-Canadian. Father Gignac, a French- Canadian from Penetanguishene, Ont., says that many of the French-speaking families attend- ing St. Mary of the People are from Northern Ontario or the Maritimes. In line with the French-Eng- lish character of the church were the ceremonies and ser- mons at the formal blessing. The solemn blessing was con- ducted alternately in English and French while sermons in each language were given by L. F. Barnett, pastor the people of God." The blessing of the church was performed by the archbish- op by sprinkling the exterior walls with holy water. The con- gregation and clergy waited out- side the church while Archbish- op Pocock entered and began to bless the interior of the build- While the ceremony was underway the solemn Litany of the Saints was sung by student priests from. St. Augustine's College .in Scarborough. The young priests and students are specially trained in the liturgy of the church and accompany the archbishop on his travels around the diocese, The rector of the college, Rt. Rev. Walter Kerr, was one of the guests present at the event. Another guest was the Rt. Rev. John O'Mara, secretary of James, Cardinal McGuigan, and his special representative. Interested observers of the ceremonies were clergymen of Protestant denominations. Rev. Albert Woolcock of St. Mark's Anglican Church, Rev. John Romeril of Courtice Unit- ed Church, Rev. David Summers a United Church minister and a 9 Saturday, Jenuary 22, 1966 15 tm mmm s Yorn ' Provestent toy shoved the: pews with Roman-Catholics, Father Gignac sald that the invitation to the non-Romas Catholics was partly spurred by the ecumenical movement. "But I have known these people for years, we have worked together in Oshawa, and they are my friends, and its nice to have your friends there when you have one of the most memor- able days in your life." Before the erection of the new church services were Car- ried @n in a building which dou- bled as a church and church hall, St. Mary of the People parish has a congregation made up of some 700 families drawn from the north-west section of Oshawa, od BAHA'I WORLD FAITH Teaches: "Religion and science must go hand-in-hand" For informetion re: weekly meetings or literature Write Box AS Oshewe Times executive member of the Re- ligion-Labor council, and other eee, Toronto, in English, and Rt. Rey. A. J. Belanger, pastor of The dialogué mass following the blessing was in both ton- gues, not in Latin. In his address to the congre- gation Archbishop Pocock, coad- jutor bishop of the Roman Cath- olic Diocese of Toronto, spoke OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH STORIE PARK HALL -- MILL STREET Branch of Toronto Spirituolist Temple Pastor: Rev, Roy F. C. Stoddard re Meetings Sunday 2:30 p. 7:00 P.M.--DIVINE SERVICE m. -- Healing Service. | Reid, 47, secretary of the prop-|the cross. The fourth arm holds erty trust committee of Local/the altar which is in full view |598. International Union of Mine| jpartly in French. In English he |said: "The creation of a new church is like the creation of a new life, it is a thing of pride | of all other parts of the church. | REV. L. WALSH Thursday 7:30 P.M.--Open Class Thursday 8:30 P.M.--M Psych y? rey | B-A Contract ville Freeman Thant stated MOOSE JAW, Sask. (CP)--A| "I am gratified to say that contract providing job-security| they were very sympathetic to guarantees and a wage increase | the requirements of the Indian was ratified by union members| government, and 1 am hopeful Thursday, ending a strike that| that very substantial quantities began Sept. 19 against a British;of food aid will be forthcom- American Oil Co. refinery here. |ing." Representatives of the Oil) Chemica! and Atomic Workers'| BOWMANVILLE -- Arranged Mill and Smelter Workers (Ind.)) by Rev. G. K. Ward through)ers (Ind.) ithat the altar must be the fo- the christian education commit-? The suit was based on a se-| cal point of the church -- vis- tee of Trinity United Church, a) ries of articles written by Frank! ible to all jseries of three meetings will be| Drea in the Toronto Telegram; Atop the altar is a wooden) held in members homes to dis-|in December, 1959, in which Mr.|canopy or baldachino. Other| cuss Dr. A. B. Moore's book,| Reid was described as a Com-|ornamentation in the church is 'Jesus and the Christian Life."'| munist leader. sparse. licens The first of these meetings! At the time the articles were| 'We are trying to get away ' * ss jwas held. last Sunday evening.} printed, was financial|from the gold leaf and all that : CADETS" BANE RETIRES (The subject was "Jesus, Life| secretary for Mine-Mill. stuff in cherches," said Father the dead. He, therefore, refer-/ Union (CLC) and the company | HALIFAX (CP) -- Regimen-'and Mipistry". The topic for) The Supreme Coult jury de-|Gignac. "We want to make the! red frequently to it during his} were to sign the contract today.|tal Sergeant Major Ronald Fin-| discussion Jan. 30 will be "The| cided that the slanderous words|building more homelike for discourse, "What Does the Res-/ The contract calls for a 10-/nie of the Black Watch of Can-|wWay of the Cross'; while on|/had been given to Mr. Drea by|people." urrection of the Dead Mean for|cent-an-hour wage increase ret-|@da retired after a '35-year-old/ Feb. 13 the topic will be 'Christ| Poirier, and that their publica-| | The building is plain in design You and Yours?" roactive to April 15, 1965, 1ojlove affair' with the army.|is Our Life." ltion by The Telegram has re-|and decoration. The exposed ce- To help prepare him to over-|cents effective on the date of|After transferring from the) A panel discussion will be/sulted in special damages to|ment blocks forming the walls) see the work of more than 140|Signing and an additional 15|British to the Canadian army held at 8 p.m. Feb. 27, in Trin-|Mr. Reid. The jury assessed|are beige in color while the! tions in southern On-/cents on April 15, 1966. The pres-|in 1942, RSM Finnie whipped|ity United Church at which ques-| $500 for the damages caused by|steel roof beams are pastel wage scale ranges be-jinto shape more than 2,500/tions arising from the home| publication and $100 punitive|/blue. Pews are a mellow mah- This is in line with the idea} aay. hv FC STORDARD For Information Call -- 725-7183 or 655-4966 409 ADELAIDE AVE, EAST PASTOR: REV, D, N. HABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th. 11:00 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP Nursery Care Provided 7:00 P.M.-EVENING SERVICE Redio Ministry Chr. Ref. Gents each Sundey et 9:15 P.M. (Back Te God Hour), every ether Sunday et 11 A.M. CKLB and beauty, | "Today we baptise a new church, just as we would bap- tise a new child. This is the House of God, and a place for UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 320 Ritson Road South {near Olive) 723-6325 Statton, district supervisor of Jehovah's Witnesses for south- ern Ontario, answer that ques- tion. Mr. Statton stated "that in ac- cord with Bible teaching and evident facts, a resurrection of the dead is certain." He outlined how the Bible is the only book that explains a resurrection of ! } Poirier | i ! | | ! The Whole Gospel to the Whole World tario, Mr. Statton attended and/ent graduated from the Watch Tow-|tween $1.47 an! $3.25 an hour, | young officer-cadets. |meetings: will be discussed. damage. er Soclety's special college in| ~~ Brooklyn, N.Y. He and his wife} , have travelled extensively in Canada, and this past week he) has worked in the Port Hope! area where he acted as chair- man for the semi-annual cir- cuit assembly of Jehovah's Wit- nesses. Another feature of the three-| day assembly was an immersion Saturday afternoon when four ~ persons were baptized. CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH {Anglieen) Mary and Hilleroft Streets SERVICES , 8:00 AM 11:00 A.M, 7:00 P.M, Nursery Core--11:00 AM, Wednesdey--10:00 A.M. Hely Communion ----EE--E>> eee '| HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 135 Harmony Rd. South Pastor Wm. J, D. Lewis 9:45 A.M, Sunday School 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP "Discover the Difference" -------------------- HEAR The Back to the Bible Broadcast DAILY Mon. te Set 9:30 - 10:00 a.m Think April. than five letters, first five letters. 1350 RADIO Fo ee REORGANIZED CHURCH | OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS (World Headquarters, independence, Missouri) ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA 10:00°A.M. Church School For Children end Adulte 11:00 A.M Marning Worship All Are invited Phone 728-9606 Think Income Tax. (The sooner you get it done the sooner it's out of your way or you get a refund.) By now you probably have your Personalized Tax Form. Keep it safe until you have your T4 slips. Then-- why wait? But before you start, here are a few things you might like to know and remember. First, note the way we've spelled your name in creating your account number. If your name's longer gp see that we include only the t also has seven digits. bination gives far faster and more positive identifi- cation. That's so our computer can zip it through "Ts this the year I fill out my income tax right?", faster and much more economically: ogany stain. a! I Sunday: 10 A.M.---Sunday Schoo! ° 1} A.M.---Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.--Evangelistie Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Fri., 8:00 P.M:--Young People |) EVERYONE WELCOME UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ONTARIO Drange Temple Bruce $t., Oshewe (Upstoirs) (churches In the erea) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Rev, 'N. Frank Swockhammer, 8.A, Miss Judith Davison, Bee. Mus. 11:00 A.M.--CHRIST'S CHURCH IN HIS WORLD 7:00 P.M.--JESUS AND THE ART OF LIVING (3) A DEFINITE DECISION 9:30 ---- The Bible Schoo! Nursery ond Jr. Church. et 11 @.m. HEALING SERVICE 2:30 to 4:00 P.M, HEALING --- Open Circle 7:00 P.M, and 8:30 P.M, Guest Speaker: _- REV. BEN HARLICK Guest Clairvoyant: THE REV, EDITH HARLICK Our platform guests this even- ing are man and wife working || with Spirit hos been @ mejor part of their life. The know. ledge they have achieved from these wonderful years they shore with others to bring hap- piness insteod of tears. April already? Another thing: be sure to fill out every part of the Personal Exemptions side of the form that you're en- titled to. It's for your own sake. If you happen to leave out a new baby (it happens) or some other exemption, you'll be paying more than you should. And we have no way of-catching it for you. Now, what if you have problems? your District Taxation Office. It cos' that's what they are there for--to you're stuck. Why not make this the year you m This com- 4% The Hon. E. J. Ben 4, , oe & %, come tax early? It's easy. Just pretend it's April. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE Talk or write to ts nothing. And help you when ake out your in- REV. RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister 9:45 A.M.--Sunday ae 11:00 A.M. \ "SOUND DOCTRINE ABOUT GOOD BEHAVIOUR" FROM TITUS 7:00 P.M. "THE SWEETNESS "TO THOSE BITTERLY TRIED" No. 4 In series, "Another Look et Jesus Christ" 6:30 P.M.--PRAYER FELLOWSHIP Lhe Tomorrow! Reveols the startling signi- ficance behind world news! . with PROPHECIES next 20 yeors! Monday - Soturday 9:05 - 9:35 P.M {or Immediately following Jr, A Hockey) and Sunday 10:30 - 11:00 P.M. 1350 RADIO ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. The Reverend Canon F, G. Ongley, M.A.--Rector The Reverend R. G. Brooks $.Th.--Asslstont SUNDAY, JANUARY 23rd -- EPIPHANY Hi 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER Sermon: "THE GIVING" -- Rector 4:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER 7:30 P.M.--Eeumenice! Service in St. Paul's, Bloor St., "Toronto Nursery Facilities Available et the 11:00 a.m. Service THURSDAY, JAN., 27th -- HOLY COMMUNION -- 10 A.M. son, Minister Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Can ada EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evangeline & Phillip Murray Postor: REV, ERNEST WINTER 9:45 AM BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "CHRIST PRAYS FOR -HIS OWN" 7:00 P.M. "TREASURES IN FULL" WED. 7:43--BIBLE STUDY and PRAYER Catvary Baprist CENTRE ond JOHN STREETS Postor--REV. ROBERT B. LYTLE can Eee ere ams 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M.--"FASHIONED BY GOD" 7:00 P.M.--FOLLOWERS OF GOD" 7:00 P.M.--SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO Wednesday 7:45 Bible Study and Prayer Annual Business Meeting

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