Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jan 1966, p. 16

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JULIET JONES - o sotto 1 LA 3 a, = OIDN"T 1 REALLY, DEAR TWAS vusT J° kKiwone ¥ 3 SS. ' WOU DION'T SCARE ME CAST A I six OH, YO! 16 CLEVER TO BE Yi A BULLMOOSE/? THEY Af IS ALL SO RICH/! . YO DONE PUT LI'L ABNER'S LIFE IN DANGER /! te ALL HE DESIRE! AN' THEY MIGHT' MAKE ME A WARP OF THE IN THIS STATE-- COURT TO "PERTECT MY J INTERESTS *-- WHATEVER # OF THAT OLD REWARD MONEY I NEVER WANTED IN THE FIRST DARREL micwer AN AJAN oi LOOKEE THERE, TWINK/ JUST DIDNT MAKE GOT ANA/ ACTUALLY IT's vchenes Spedieeta, lac. 1960, Werld tights recurved © Kiva F YOU ARE NOT HAPPY TO SEE ME? ARE: YOU NOT GOING TO KISS ME? OFELIA, WHAT \NOT MUCH, L THINK.» DOES SUE SEE |I BELIEVE SHE I> IN THAT MANZ, BAKED AT OUR GET CLUBHOUSE / L HAVE LET THECRUST ER...BUT IT DOES LOOK GOoD/ THAT'S A CEMENT BLOCK, GRANDMA / [OUR BREAD is \ OVER coca U EXCUSE ME, AGENT 44... I DIDNT RECOGNIZE You IN YOUR. DISGUISE! if AJENT NO.44-ON DOOTY- SPYING FOR THE FBI." 1SNTA DISGUISE, A DISGUISE WOULD ATTRACT TOO MUCK ATTENTION! MAY T COME OUT NOW, TEACHER? SKEETS.,,.1S EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT? wires Syndicate, Inc. 1966. Workd sights reserved, \) FINKLE, HOW CAN'T WHICH LED TO FINDING EVER THANK es deb yee Alaa f SS: . -- = | tees or '4 | You NEEDS ME, JUST} -- | DIDN'T AN TELL AWANDY LITTLE LET ME KNOW. YOU AHID COMI CREATURE. 5 TO THINK me | }} . IN HANDY? a = YEARS HE PERSISTS) [BUT ONE APRIL DAY, HIS, NEWS 6UCC! AND RE SURPRISED TS LEARN FROM KINGSVILLE » SS [AUNT HIM... [ DAD, JACK MINER'S DONE iT ! ELEVEN GEESE HAVE LANDED ON HIS POND ! THE LONE RANGER overlooking ay SECRET AGENT X9 Ard in Surie apartment the city DONALD DUCK Ls CROSSWORD DOWN 1. Native INT BRSTAIC] ACROSS 18, Belong: Mt SERRE Tea 1, Naked Rial TiAMBRL i IME} 5. Issue 9. Havana resident 10, Strange 12, Pungent 13. Concord .or muscat 14, Peel AlS MeL YI AlW] Tiel MESIAlVL folRl ot FINIAIS MM OJO[OIcIE| Finland ¢[EIpicie|s) io E10 > aa ENTS Yesterday's Answer 30. Every 31. Tooth 35, After awhile 36. Mimic 37. Greedy 39, Babyl. god 40. Steal Anz 8. Shelter for Sitting Bull 9. Furniture wheel 11, Smooth: phonetics 15. Encoun- tered commander 23. Before 26, Mysteries 27. Procla- mations 29. Old weight for wool 24, Insurgent 1 4 25. Irregular 28, Scattered 9 ty about 85, Connective 36, Man's name 38. Metallic sound 40. Fasten firmly 41, Capital in the news 42. Leaves out 43. Flows 44, Resting places YOUR HEALTH Let Baby Howl - Don't Spoil Her TELEVISION LOG Channei 3--Buttaic Channel 3--Barrie Channe) 4--Buttale Channel 6--Toronte J--Buttaie 8--Rochester 9--Toronto Channe! 11--Hamilter Senenrersninteuenes ner 4--Friday Movie 4--Gomer Pyle 3~The Wiid Wild West 9:30 PLM. \--Petticoat Junction @2--Mr, Roberts 7--The Farmer's Daughter PRIDAY avBmne 4--The Smothers Bros. 10:00 P.M, many Nees 11--Merv Griffin 8--Movie 6-2--U.N.C.L.E. eile 7--Deb Stars of 1966 --Shindig 4--Trials of O'Brien o-Lleys 10:30 PM. b--Spotligh? On 11:00 P.M. MT BBS Dh orang Weatier Baar ty Ws18 PM, Petre Pinat 6--Viewpetat 11:00 A.M. 1l--Previews of Progress %--Milton The Monster +2--Top Cat 7--Cartoon 4--Tom and Jerry 14:30 A.M. $--Peter Potamus 7--Magilla Gorilla 6--Robin Hood 4--Quick Draw McGraw my P.M, 9--Theatre 8-2--Exploring 7--Milton The Monster 6--Tennessee Tuxedo 3~-Whipiash 1:00 PLM. j!l--The White Hunter | 68--The Mevies 7--Bowling 5-3--Wrestling 1:30 P.M. |ll--Long John Sliver 7--American Bandstand 4--News 5:30 PLM, S--Leeve ¥ to Beever 7--Rocketship 7 é--Music Hop 4:00 P.M, The Press 11:20 P.M. 7-4--Christmas Program | 6:20 PLM, | s-etight Metre V-- News | 11:30 P.M, |--Lete shew wae, 9 |t2--Tenight Siew | 6--New Year's Eve j B--Mowle 11:40 PLM. | $--HETIme Check Heely 3--Shindig 4:30 PLM, 7--Twilight Theatre Theetre N--Femily Tt | 2:00 P.M. }11--OHA Junior "BY 8--Huntley-Brinkley | Mockey ° Ne ows ?--Cheyenne ¢--Acrese é--Premiere Theetre §-2--NCAA Football 7:00 P.M, 9--Convoy 7--American Bandstand 1i--Honey West | SATURBAY &3--Sports Presents %--The Flintstones } 8:00 A.M, | 7~Stan Roberts Outdoors Uniimited | 4--Basketbali 7--Farm and Home Hour rf 4-Bowery Boys } 3:08 P.M, 5-3--Golf Classic 3--Compat Bask f 3--Huntley-Brinkley jasketball 130 P.M. s | N--Wild, Wild West 2--Funny Co. } %--Smothers Brothers 9:00 A.M. 4--Fun To Learh 2--Porky Pig oe A. 3:30 PLM, Bowlers Tournament 4:00 P.M, |11---Out Doors Unlimited | After Four' 7--F lintstones 4--Addams Family 4--The Wiid Wiid Weert JH THE GEMAWA Thane 36 THE OSHAWA Yims, Friday, Jenuery 21, 1966 'BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER © (Top record-holder in Mesters' -- Iindividuel Chempionship Play) BIDDING' QUIZ 'You are the dealer, neither side vulnerable, and have opened One Heart. Partner re- sponds Two Hearts. What would you bid now with each of the following four hands? ~ 1. @AJ6 YAQST OKQS SKIS 2. @5 YINTE42 OAS BAKOE 3. MAKE YAITIS @K82 4Q9 - GATTZ YAKO8ES @-- BAIS 1. Three notrump. The two heart bid can take many forms, but, in general, it represents 6 to 9 points, whether in high cards, distribution, or a com- bination of both, Consequently it follows that there is a com- bined holding. of at least 26 points and that a game contract must be reached. . - A rebid of two notrump would be inadequate. Responder is not required to bid again and might pass, Three notrump is not necessarily the final say in the matter, Partner may have a hand which indicates that a suit contract is better than notrump, in which event he is at liberty to bid four hearts. 2. Four hearts, A hand can rise tremendously in value de- pending on the nature of part- ner's response. Thus, this hand containing 12- high-card points is not impressive if partner re- sponds one spade or one no- trump, but it zooms greatly in value when partner raises to two hearts. The real worth of the hand revolves about the question of partner's having a heart fit, and, once this is dis- covered, the chances of making a 'game are vastly increased. Losing four tricks becomes highly unlikely. 3. Three hearts. Here you are not in the best position to° judge whether you can make four hearts; a great deal de- pends on how good a raise your partner has. The way to find out is to bid three. What this says to partner is: "We may have a game. If you have a minimum raise, we can't make four hearts, because if we could I would have bid it with- out asking you. But if your raise is a good one, let's go to game because I have enough extra values to produce ten tricks opposite a maximum raise." : 4. Two spades. Here there is no question that a game can be made. The spade bid is the first move of an investigation for a slam. It is a forcing bid. Actually, partner does not need a maximum raise for a slam to be made. The slam, if there is one, is a question of fit. If partner has no wasted values in diamonds, a slam might easily be made. Thus, partner might have a singleton spade and the king of clubs, which would already make twelve tricks feasible. The final contract depends on partner's responses. If he keeps signing off, we settle for just a game. GRANDMA STRIKES BACK LAVENONE, Italy (AP)-- Maria.Zenaglio, 73 - year « old grandmother, was outraged when a royal eagle with an eight-foot wingspan pounced on her flock of chickens. She tac- kled the invader with club and killed it, emerging? with scratches and bruises but with 'most of the hens safe. SALLY'S SALLIES &--Camp Runamuck 5:00 P.M, $--Patty Duke Show 7--Tammy 63--Get Smart N--The Sonina her conten 10:08 A.M. |#-2--Secret Squirret 7--Popeye 6--Extension 4--Mighty Mouse Playhouse | 4:30 PLM. | |1--Hawkeye | £ teats Pig pani --World of Sports | 4~--Golf Classic 5:60 PLM. | Dennis the Menace |$3--Forest Rangers | 4--Beat The Camp -- | Bowling Series. VW--Man From UNCLE OA Go6e 6 10:36 A.M. |ll--Hobby Time with Zane Grey 9--Casper #-2--Under Dog ~The Beasties | 5:30 P.M. | @--Cousin Bill ii}--Johnny Quest | 4--Linua The Lionhearted |é3--Bugs Bunny Addams +3--Tommy Hunter Show 4--Hogan's Heroes $:00 PLM. --Movle ¥--Honey Weet By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: My 20-|yet knowing the tricky depths month-old daughter has a prob- lem, If she gets to sleep early, she will awaken after a short nap and all the coaxing and rocking will not get her back to sleep until midnight Don't tell me to let her alone and she will go back to sleep, for we have tried that. She cries so that nobody can sleep.-- Mrs. V. B. This is habit, not a physical need, and it fairly often hap- pens with a first child or an only child who gets a iot of at- tention--and wants to keep on getting it. The best way to prevent this \| sort_of thing is to-nip-it inthe y first babies more often develop the habit of howling for attentioh, Their parents, not of the infant mind, got all ex- cited the first time thereswas wakeful crying, and/ tried "coaxing-and--rocking."' Baby liked it--and got some more the Same way the next time! Sometimes there's no answer except to sacrifice your own sleep a few times until baby decides that the nocturnal howl jno longer produces the extra! j attention | Here, however, is one thing that sometimes helps. Have you jtried putting a loudly-ticking |clock (alarm clock or.whatever, if you can find a suitably tiny one) in the room? A baby some<« times will focus attention on the |not only keeps the young one You also might, if you have | This is utter hogwash. The the facilities, try some soft lul-| only correct part is that an av- laby music. But look out! Baby|erage egg represents something | still may get the idea that yell-| ing will produce more music like 70 or 80 calories. There isn't anything that you every night. Lean eat a lot of and get thinner If these suggestions - feet ee many people wish work, better get your pediatri-| " 2 cian's help. I do not (referring| Dear Dr. Molner: I am aller- to a paragraph I cut out of your|gic to chocolate. Is carob letter) like the idea of using | Powder a safe substitute? Is medications to put a. child to|it high in carbohydrate?--B.B. sleep unless this is the only | Carob powder comes from a possible recourse, and is done|bean grown in the Mediterran- only for a limited time and un-/ean area (it is also known as der the direction of a pediatri-|St. John's bread). It is used as cian or your family physician. |a thickening agent and has no jrelationship to chocolate, so I Dear x, Molner; I read' a| can't see how it can be a "'sub- magazine Reticle about "'minus"| stitute." There's nothing "un- calorie foods..As an example, | safe" about it. It is 80 per cent, an egg is 80-caleries but 92 cal-| carbohydrate, which is high. | yet juireu fo Note do G.Mi: "C.N.S." means} Therefore, by eating an egg you} "central nervous system," so O Uigest dt.) entertained but has the soporific leffect of counting sheep, 4 lose 12 calories. I Would greatly|'"'C.N.S. pathology" means appreciate further ifformation.'something prong there, New and Used You Con Exchange Skates Thet Are Too Smell Fer A New or Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF ~ HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, ete. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224

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