Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jan 1966, p. 12

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« * 'Robarts Hits Lack DIEF, DOUGLAS RECALLS DAYS OF OLD Opposition Leader John pear to recall days of old Diefenbaker (left) and NDP during a reception follow- leader T. C. Douglas ap- ing the State Dinner at Government House, Ottawa, Monday night. (CP Wirephoto) 3 Ottawa Women MPs Have The First Word OTTAWA (CP)--Women MPs }out the new Parliament with | the problem of low incomes in | Canada | Blaming a wide spectrum of |social problems on. poverty, |Mrs. MacInnis said her con- }cern was for "the one-third of ithe Canadian people living in| a Jewish organization which| the state of poverty." oy | ON FEDERAL - PROVINCIAL BASIS Of Communica tions By RAVE MacDONALD | MONTREAL (CP) -- Premier John Robarts of Ontario said |Monday techniques of federal- /provincial communication have {not developed fast enough to |keep pace with the growth of | Canada. | An example of this was the \federal proposals for medicare, It was time for a new federal- has a list of Canadian subsidiar- provincial tax arrangemnt.jies of U.S. companies. I where "we collect and we He said as far as he knew On- spend.' This would be better|tario has not been approached than the present arrangement/by Quebec with a concert pro- where the federal government] posal to set up a Canadian In- collects taxes then hands back/terpol. Ontario had, however, an some of the revenue to the'intelligence system, a police provinces, |commission and a police college ' ' with which to fight organized iwhich he said were presented HASN'T BEEN MADE i to the provinces with insufficient) Asked at-a press conference 'ptior consultation. jlater whether Ontario has yet | | Speaking to the Canadian Club made a decision on the federal | -rimes," he said,_"It's an ever- jof Montreal, he said the Cana-|Medicare proposals, Mr. RO-|/present threat." |dian constitution gives the prov-|barts said: "Our decision is not' ize said Ontario plans to pub- |inces broad responsibility for so-|yet"made but the costs of ad-/jicize tourist facilities so as to \cial services but limited sources|#inistrating such a scheme are /jtake advantage of the influx of of tax revenue to carry them|bound to be higher for Ontario | visitors to the '1967 Montreal lout. |than other provinces. | world's fair. "The federal government is; "A province whose costs are' 'We have an excellent road, proposing that the provinces|higher should get more finan-|system in Ontario," he said.| jeach establish a medicare pro- cial assistance from Ottawa. ('You can-enter the province at! | gram to which it will contribute? 'If the plan is to be carried| Windsor and drive right to the} 50 per cent of the actual na-| through in its present form On- | Québec border without stopping, |tional per capita cost. = | tario's share of assistance must|as long as you've 'got enough} | "On the basis of present data|be re-assessed. gas. ; | \this will mean a contribution of} "Had there been shore fed-|_ We hope to trap visitors to} |$14 per person and will repre-jeral-provincial consultation be-| Expo 67 before or after they| {sent a contribution of some|fore the proposals were pre- visit it, on their way through | | $98,000,000 to the Province ofjsented to us these matters Ontario | [Ontario from the federal gov-| might have been ironed out be-| Mr. Robarts visited city hall) forhand." ernment. prior to his address to the Ca-| | /nadian Club and met Montreal's | MUST SPEND Mr. Robarts said the key '0/ Mayor Jean Drapeau and Lu- "However, in order to take | Solving athe pal hg a sens A Saulnier, chairman of the} ladvantage of this opportunity, | Problems Hes In Close Tall city's executive committee | we shall be automatically com-|Provincial 'consultation, co-op-|-- en mitted to an expenditure that| eration and co-ordination | Provinces could not plan their will exceed that amount by! -- es ! | Firm To Spend } $182,000,000 per annum if we|fiscal policies adequately with-| ac | are to meet the requirements | out peg gg ot ge and Ls $100 Million i 1 gov-jities of the federal governmen ---- AKRON, Ohio (AP)--The B. F. Goodrich Co. announced jernment."' jand vice versa, ae eee F that | TRERE'S SOME TRUTH Monday it will spend a record At the press conference, Mr.| $190;000,000 for capital improve- ithe plan be compulsory for all, be government - operated, of-/Robarts said he thought there| is Seat jaliete' . P ments this year compared to fer physicians' and specialists'|was "g - certain element of| $58,000,000 in 1965. services and be portable be-!truih" in what was said by| Jj. w Keener, president, said |Eric Kierans, Quebec's former | the Akron-based' manufacturer rime. "Montreal and Toronto are lush fields for organized tween provinces He compared the federal gov-/revenue minister in a recent|/of rubber products expects to ernment's declared $328,000,000/ letter to the U.S. commerce de-| spend $400,000,000 in the last surplus on a national accounts | partment. lhalf of this decade, compared basis in 1964 with the combined! yr Kierans' letter dealt with| with $258,000,000 spent between deficit, of $348,000,000 of the ine effect that recent U.S. legis-| 1960-65 od provinces and municipalities for jation may have on the expan-| Keener said 80 per cent of the} the same period. sion plans of Canadian subsid-| funds wilt be used for domestic This situation, he said, makes|iaries of United States compa-| outlays. Funds will be used for it "relatively easy for the fed-|nies and consequently, on the/new plants, plant moderniza- 'the University of Montreal by may not have the last word in the 27th Parliament but with a helpful nudge from a Canadian women's organization, three of them had the first word here Monday--the day before Parlia- ment was to be officially opened. The three were Mrs. Jean Wadds, a Conservative who has represented the Ontario con- stituency of Grenville - Dundas in the Commons since 1958; Mrs. Margaret Rideout, Lib- eral member for Westmorland, New Brunswick, and Mrs. Grace MacInnis, the New Dem- cratic Party's first woman member, from the British Co lumbia riding of Vancouver- Kingsway. They were guest speakers at a 'shalom' tea held by the 3,000-member Pioneer Women, bills itself as the women's la-| bor Zionist organization of Can- ada. "Shalom" is a Hebrew word meaning both "welcome"| and '"'peace go with you." State Secretary Judy La-} Marsh, the only other woman| member of the House of Com-| mons, could not attend due to! the pressure of pre-session bus-/ iness. Mrs. Wadds said she favors a federal department of educa- tion. "'This would simplify edu- cation for people moving from! province to province." i She hoped more financial aid| would go to research and the| "preventable side' of health care. | Mrs. MacInnis, whose father, J. S. Woodssrorth; founded: the| CCF party, said she would be} particularly concerned through- Mrs. Rideout said her great-|eral government to make such/ecanomy of Quebec and Can-|tion; expansion of new product est concern in the Commons/a:contribution but would "incur| ada. will be for the people of her|certain hardships" New Brunswick constituency. SELLING OUT! { lines and increase of product distribution around the world, he said Mr. Robarts said he does not on the prov-| 'know whether his government nces | Lesage Denies He Wants Prime Minister's Post -- MONTREAL (CP) -- Pre mier Jean Lesage: said Monday he has no ambition to succeed Lester' Pearson as prime min- ister of Canada. "T plah to go along for a very limited number of years in my present capacity and then go back to law practice,' he said to students at Montreal's Sir George Williams University. The premier made this state- ment to a friendly Sir George Williams crowd after having spoken earlier to an antagonistic group at the French-language University of Montreal. "When I retire, I will have the feeling that I have done my share for my province and my country. I have been through it for more than 20 years." He made the following points |" in speeches at both universi-| ties; --Quebec is driving to, ge into the field of indirect taxa-| tion. : | --Quebec intends to implement its 1960 free university educa-| tion promise "in a few years."' --Legislation in favor of uni: lingualism is not possible. Quebec wants. unconditional control over money it re-| ceives after "opting out" of! federal-provincial joint pro: | grams. } | HE'S NO SOCIALIST While advocating establish- ment of some Crown corpora-| tions on the grounds that French} Canada has little investment capital. of its own, he said he is not a socialist. | The premier was greeted at pickets favoring the "strike" Monday of many of Quebec's 27,000 technical and vocational students. He later met with a delegation of their leaders. At his meeting with the dele- gation of the leadership of the striking students, Mr. Lesage said he did not occupy the post of premier because he wanted to. He was without family life, friends, time for relaxation and especially without the time to devote himself to intellectual pursuits. "I am not thirsiy for power You have only to see how my} cabinet works to be aware of) it," he said. | In reply to questions, he said he will not be retiring as pre- . s mier in favor of a career in federal politics, ' Earlier' in the day at the University of Montreal, Mr. Lesage was asked by a student to define what he meant by particular status for Quebec. He replied that particular status already exists in Quebec province because the province has decided to take over the administration in fields which come under its. constitutional jurisdiction while the other provinces cede their power to Ottawa. ; "In this sense Quebec is the only province which now is truly federalist. He who says io state says decentraliza- ion, Deputy Ordered To Leave Zambia 'LUSAKA (AP) -- The Zam: bian government said Monday it ordered Britain's deputy high commissioner out of Zambia .|because his continued presence was considered harmful to Brit- ish - Zambian relations. A Zambian source said the diplomat--John Anthony Moly- neux---had written a letter ta the Commonwealth office in London 'but it mistakenly was placed into an envelope ad- dressed to the Zambian gov- ernment. The informant said Zambian officials disliked what they called Molyneux's - high- handed manner. Contents of the letter were not disclosed. A British spokesman said Britain complied with the re- quest but-told Zambia it con- siders the charges against Molyneux unwarranted. ny OA A NER RAR NEE ETERS PR ,| NEVER BEFORE SEEN ON THE SCREEN... Every incredible scene is real! This is the SHOCK of your life! (EASTMANCOLOR TODAY at... 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 2nd Hit FABIAN "HOUND DOG MAN" Color TODAY from 6:45 THE ODEON _ eeeeeere, camtyrv for 'petscure DORIS DAY BILTMORE ence emanintee OOH OHOR OEE ener eeeneeeees eens eet Sex, ry ROD TAYLOR FEATURE TIMES: 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 7:35 - 9:40 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:25 LEASE EXPIRED | EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD... ©'Clock High is usually a story|colonel had some pretty narrow | built around the icts within a|aged. but of course he man- e and emotional conflicts within a| aged. | Second. World War bomber; The same basic story could | GENERAL ELECTRIC DUAL TEMP 2ONLY squadron stationed in England} have--been used, with a small = = S222 EE 4 a sAVINGS : & and led by Col. Joe Gallagher.| amount. of tailoring, for any LARGE FREEZER, FROST FREE 4 WRINGER WASHERS By a simple expedient, mre Sumber of other stories. Run REFRIGERATOR SECTION, Compare cat 319.00 | Large load capacity. 2 year warranty, day night's episode was con-|For Your Life, for instance, verted into a classic example|could have used it to have the 24" AUTOMATIC TEMP. of another type of adventure} hero smuggle a girl out of East tale--the: hunted man plot. Berlin. I Spy could have used All that was necessary was to, it to remove an important per- | 3 Year Warranty on Elements. Compare 179.00. While They Last have Col. Gallagher bail out of | Sonage from Communist China. | ONLY 2 Compare 39.95. Only 14.88 15.50 4 SPEED RECORD his plane, land in neutral Swit-|seEKS IDENTITY 'PLAYERS. Priced from. . 19.00 ; 8.95 zerland and try to get back to| 'The single thread tHat' con-| England. inects the weekly episodes of A/| Then the story became the|Man Called Shenandoah is star | 78 SIMCOE ST. NORTH' CcuT SATURDAY PHONE 723-1411 the underground! Rahert -Horton's -qnest-for--his| EXCEPT SATURDAY PLACER ALI "12 O'Clock High" Gets New Treatment On TV NEW YORK (AP) -- 12jkilled by the Gestapo. The As Aaron Rosenberg- Martin Melcher Production 'Aion Storing HERMIONE BADDELEY - SERGIO FANTONI Protvend by AARON ROSENBERG & MARTIN MELCHER Diactod by RALPH LEVY Scranipiey by MILT ROSEN & RICHARD BREEN GinemaScope - Color by DE LUXE ~ .. - DON'T FORGET! the fabulous RAW ARIPCr KAT PRIAC SHOW COUNTRY MUSIC with GRAND OLE O'PRY STARS @ RAY PRICE @ Little. Jimmy. DICKENS @ CHEROKEE INDIANS and @ BLAKE EMMONS "EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER... Tues,,. Jan, 26th List 59.00. 6 to go. While They Lost Sa 39.00 .M ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS. F Name brand, two Brush. 23 $8 a i@uusuar one on and the resistance, the hiding | identity places, secret passwords and all | amnesia. the rest. There also was a} Monday night, his quest car- Young deserter from the Ger-jried him to that familiar way | man army and a pretty French|station at which the overland girl whose father had been|stage changes horses BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE .. Motorist Fined $25 Drove While Suspended An Oshawa man, RalphiWard Morton Brooks, of Som- Campbell, of Lawson rd., wasierville st, a $100 finé and fined $25 and costs or 10 daysicosts or 15 days in jail. He! in jail after pleading guilty to alpleaded guilty to the charge. charge of driving while under} suspension at Oshawa Court! Driving while under suspen-| yesterday jsion cost Gene Allan Peters, of! A further charge of imparied| Applewood cres., Whitby Town-| driving was dismissed by Mag-|\ship, a $100 fine and costs or! istrate Harry Jermyn. 30 days in jail. Peters admitted | the charge | For being drunk in a public place Stanley Clay, of Cam-| Driving while impaired cost bridge ave., was fined $50. and|John Kosiachynski, of Glen st., costs of 30 days in jail. Heja $100 fine and costs or 15 days | pleaded guilty to the charge. 'in jail. He admitted the charge! [which was reduced from ome of Driving while impaired ~ cost' drunk driving RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH 5,00 PER DAY _,,,7%,'0 MILEAGE CHARGE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa Pg T.V. Console Hand wired chassis, transformer circuit, twin speakers. Limited Quantity. ONLY 5 TUBE MANTEL RADIOS. Cdn. Made. Compare 29.95. 15 $8 e Limited Quantity. ONLY Silent listening . 125.00 RAY PRICE PORTABLE T.V features. Compare 169.00. Only BUY TICKETS NOW AT @ AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE @ DISC SHOP, Oshawe Shopping Centre BOLAHOOD'S SPORTSHAVEN, Downtown Oshawa BISHOP'S SPORTING GOODS, Downtown Oshawa THE CENTRE SMOKE SHOP, Ajox WHITBY ARENA WHITBY MUSIC SHOP RAY'S SMOKE SHOP, Bay Ridges CREST HARDWARE, Port Perry @ ALEX MeGREGOR DRUGS, Bowmanville SUNBEAM FRYPANS Complete. Only 4 SLICE TOASTERS. Compare 19.98. Only . . STEAM IRONS and TOASTERS. Priced from Bus Service Leaves downtown Osh- swo Corner Simcoe St. North and Bond Street 7:30 -- 8:00 -- 8:30 P.M... . return after the show. Fl 7 OR Advance Tickets Aduits 3 Children .... 5 lost when he. suffered | CLOSER Att SALE STARTS TUES. 11 A.M. THORNTON RD, SOUTH OFF KING 57. WEST BAY MONDAY oni ment SAL j

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