Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jan 1966, p. 5

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Ran i - = te pee con [Whitby Firm Plans . | pasonas sss: : oar | , ! ALS. --javenr, rats tr ta Sperial Games Planned |r tensive Expansion |2#=="="2 i222) HONEST CAL re i For Minor Hockey Week week vacation at Nassau in the|also celebrating their 'Mirthaay | f Whitb i N : } WHITBY (Staff) -- The Wil- | allow shipping for the first four)J. S. McClure, pastor of St. Bahamas. later this month. i y Ss ew WHITBY (Staff)-- Minorjor members of the executive of liam J. Anderson Company, Lim-|to si ths of this y Many CN ee See Se : | : # ' sompany, Lim-| to six months of this year, Many) Andrew's Presbyterian . church,| ¢ ee P 0g Hockey Week in Whitby will be! , iation. Es ie a Se ae § : ' | A New_Year's holiday visitor} On the occasion of ,the 30th ockey Week in Whitby will be|the association ited, of Whitby, has extensive|stock runs will be larger and in Whitby, and Mrs. McClure; /at the home of her son and| Wedding anniversary oe Mr, and/ Factory eta 1s gs | : THE OSHAWA TIMES, YRursday, Januery 13, 1966 5| held Jan: 24 to 29. ( 99 startinar at 5 ' . 0 "ases, theref: i ly eee Yn Jan. 29, starting; at 5 p.m.| plans for development this year, some cases, therefore, will only FR Frost Wiithy town' cleskldaughter-inlaw, Mr, and Mrs.|Mrs. Hugh Ashby the following] During. the weck, tickets will Ness Fae aa i mieten' nit hav: be made twice a year. |° A : He four games of hockey will -be|It was auuounced Tuesday night/have to ; : and Mrs. Frost; Arthur Conrad,| Bruce Campny, 1010 Dundas st.|@ttended the celebration held in} be rpéded to attend any of the vees' be 4 hai sai : 5 aes ak wisi bikie «y./at the.annual-employees' ban-| The chairman said the net} : Spies ; sip + is j idence.4 yhitby Arena. ° * leniles will play teams from Can- 5 afini ans| ; : ; rs Usb oe surat Brains hau ' ne oi Although no definite plans;modest from the company} Jack Mulligan, Mr. and Mfrs. | Tickets will be. available from|nington and' the bantam and). : + thelstandpoint. Increases in yavroll| Whitby, and Mrs. Conrad; A. 4 J any played in the Whitby Minor) midgets, will play 'teams from} nave, | onal gore Ain A outlay and raw e atariale' hax! Anderson, Canadian Imperial! Mrs, Claude Gaudreau, Horn- Frank Mulligan, Brooklin; Mr. | h * h Hockey League or the coaches,!Ajax., * \selopmerit plans include. addi-lconsum-ed a considerable| Bank of Commerce, Toronto; G./ payne and 'two children, Chris-/and Mrs. Ernie y vay | 205 John St, E. on the corner of Ash ; ; " ineinanhik © |Horg ' the Canadian|tine and Robert, are visiting at| Ridges; Mr. . . ltional working floor space. "An| amount of the increased volume. Horgan, also of | g i , : fel : r k ' 'e. | the > or par ; » | Steven y Mrs. . | Slides Show Hospital Work: ~ ladditional 40 by 60 foot space| Co-operation of all depart- Imperial 'Bank of Commnsrce, | the home of her parents, Mr. 7 A es Mi Don: Pow-| BROCK ST ny : on two flgors is planned," Tom ments in the plant, however, has Toronto; George Anderson, pres-| and Mrs.. James Campbell, 999) ©", Oshawa, Mir. anc Mrs. Carl} ; a St: Mark's United Chu rehja worship perios assisted by| scott, vice-president and chair-|resulted in increased production | ident of the company and Mrs. | Lilac terrace. Poeracert Sosa and Mrs. Benny Women. Unit No. 7, met Jan.|Mrs, Ronald Pascoe and Miss| man of, the banquet miceting|and' shipping. "Dollar volume! Anderson; Tem Scott, vice- | Huinin Mr. ,and Mrs. Sterling) 10 in the church parlor with|/Roxena Ledgett. stated, has increased by 14 per cent," president and Mrs. Scott; A. J./ On the occasion of the birth-| Cougle, Mr. and. Mrs. Kalvin) 13 members and one visitor pre-| Mrs. William Irwiti showed) yyy. scott explained' further|Mr. Scott said, An even greater | Stewart, company director from|days of Mrs. William Barry,|Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Les. sent. The leader; Mrs.Thomas|colored slides of Wrinch Mem-|that through such provision, the|increase in the new year is Toronto and Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. James Ballard and heriBeadle Whitby. _ Farndale, apened the meeting |orial Hospital in Haze:lton, B.C.! niant may well have additional | expected. : with a poem entitled 'At the)showing the work acc omplished | warehouse space to inventory; Production capacity of the gate of the Year" at this United Church Hospi-| the complete range of a line of|plant. is also expected to be in- : : "ee Cuieer pode ben Mire. Tewin ghee Nhe comm-| yroducts. 4 recent addition to|creased through installation of THE WHI T BY & AJAX from the ildren's. Aid Socie-'entary the vls ALAR hepa Be covering machine. Other : a plant some two years agoja new covering machine, Ot! ty, Oshawa, was read thanking Lunch was served with Mrs iwas now found to be insuf-|innovations in production oper- BUSINESS and SERVIC E DIREC i ORY the Unit for donations of cloth-/H: Grylls, Mrs. Borg; Jorgensen ficient, with finished goods still!ations include installation of ing ie and Mrs. R. J. Minter as hos- stored in manufacturing areas. compressed air units by piere- Mrs. Wiiliam Hay conducteditesses. PRODUCTION GROWING ing and hinging some. of the « eL. Production at the firm has/firm's products : Police, Rambler Teams Win: progresséd well during the'past Head table guests at the an- MOD PERRY ST. ASH ST. - [HONEST CAL | isvi "LS SVGNNG JOHN ST. = 5 9 CONSULT A - HARRY'S year, the chairman said. Plans|nual. banquet meeting were: e \ i Harry Matheis led the Police,ning' and Mack Howe. with two have been: started to privide| Whitby Mayor Desmond New- START BY CALLING US LICENSED REALTOR JANITOR SERVICE Association to a 6-5 win over|goals and Jim Quanirill with enough stock for one product to'man and Mrs. Newman; Rev. EXPERT ADVICE 668-8873 J Largest Selection of Legion by scoring three goals in) ofte. | & DRAPES * BROADLOOM the Whitby Minor Hockey Ban- For the Pee Wees, Dave ms J * PAINTS * WALLPAPER @ INDUSTRIAL | ' tam League. In other games, Heron fired two goals and Bob @ COMMERCIAL Abners Ramblers downed Ro-| Richards one. Lone Kinsmen ap er SSIS S DODD & SOUTER OLIVE HOWE @ COMPLETE JANITORIAL tary 3-1 and the Pee Wee All-/scorer was Glen Jeffirey with i REAL ESTATE SERVICE " Stars edges Minsinen £2 ite eaees parton ater 668-8873 Largest Selection of Chestertields in the Whitby . . Matheis was followed by! Three players shared the scor- sk N d F | 107 B St Whitby - - ee Garry Gillespie with two goals, ing for Abner's, Terry Halton, wo ee aml 1e$ Bhat preg hh y ss ts -- Sees 609 HARRIET WHITBY and Oshawa District. Over 100 to choose from. y vitt For Pete- Bayes and Br J 6 . roc Si itby ss att eg estes O eas Gary Sein per aaee i pie alte soudtord WHITBY -- The House of, Mrs. John Vickery moved that Hi Large choice of styles, colors, etc. At these ridicul ; reba ic Windsor ODE Chapter held its-the House of Windsor Chapter ous Low Prices -- Cash and Carry. ; January meeting Jan. 10, at the [ODE hold a dance Feb. 19. 1 ' 4 Group Works On Quilt Patches away 7, Mrs Clarence Freek, Committee members fo this ARNOLD S Mercury Furniture ROYAL 4 : The Pentecostal Church Wom-; welcomed, Mrs. George Sullivan "gah onthe + bony Saun ee aa 115: BROCK NORTH WHITBY and Appliances HOTEL LOW PRICES en's Missionary Council held its} and Mrs. J, Muree The Regent, Mrs. John Davies 7 oan Mrs. Clarence Freek er Heit Waeeting of the sear, Jan It was decided to sent! a quilt, opened the meeting. Mrs. Stuart "OFS@") SIRLOIN .OR.WING * Phillips ts Featuring: Items sold at less than factory wholesale prices, y "\ : and Mrs. John Harvie and six rs of handknit mitts! Roblin reported two nee fam. 21 \. 10 at the home of.Mrs. Albert! and one - of soc Rev Rk lille hr cota $6 It was announced the chapter STEAKS : gk 4 . and one pair of socks to Rev. R.jilies of Whitby were tre : : j c tun) ! Midgley, 124 Lupin dr. During Zabriskie of Pentecostal Mission|Christmas dinners and all the will hold a pot luck re * Clairtone v's ag DO NOT WAIT net MONS the work period members were) in. Quebec, Mrs. Midgley led in trimmings and that gifts were March 14, at the home of Mrs lb 85c * G.E. wel © Atmosphere busy counting and assorting | scripture reading and Mirs. Ted distributed ano elon each eee ie . Fe Fully g i requested ring two pers ; stamps, mending used clothing) Colhourne prayed for 'sick and 'The Whitby Ontario Hospital yr4 sues pind lg i BUTTERMATE WHITE BREAD FREE DELIVERY 2 Licensed HONEST COMPLETE oj i} . e. ' Buy at uae oney raise & this project ap and making up quilt patches.) hut-ins Volunteer Service was discuss- Silt he and toe ae IODE Head- Regular 22¢ 15° Harwood, Ajax 942-3711 Enjoy arr evening out Ten members were present. Lunch was serve y Mrs.ied. Most members agreed it! aetore Centnnial Fund Fol | Loa ey " 171 Brock N. 668-5012 and two new members were!Stuart Miller / should be carried on. Mrs. Mur- ioe eg d nner a t ss : : ; ™ lowing the dinner an auction ¢ "8 j ray Detlor asked for two volun- caje will be held including Plan Visits To Newcomers teers to attend a "Volunteer|jomebake goods, and miscel- For As UALITY CAR from You Own rom, Steering Committee" meeting laneous articles St. Andrew's 'Presbyterianicharge of Bible Study. The to try and form an auxiliary.| ily 4 : z | z ; boot ge ' : An executive meeting will be Women, Group No. 1, met at| theme was "Hymn of Creation."" Members of the Chapter who yo1q Jan. 31, at the bone of NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. 7 ' > were t it 7 is ting Jz g a a gs Be Z 7 the home of Mrs. Thomas Sloan,|//2"S were made to visit new- will attend this meeting Jan. 18 Mrs. John Davies, 806 Henry st : comers in the area. Plans re will be Mrs. Walter Weir, Mrs. ° r¢, ' : : < Clne 146 BROCK N, 668-3331 ill Tea hostesse ere Mrs. Clar- Cochrane st. In the absence of aicg made for a ia Tan?! . ea hostesses w r ar : : also me f sprigg Te Stuart Roblin and Mrs. Andrew ence Freek. Mrs. John Harvie pos greuger Mrs William)in May at the home 'of Mrs. Glenny and Mrs Murray Detlor cott, the vice-president, Mrs.; Donald Wilson, 401 Faimview dr . wee ie ' ; . : tibe rot read from Fair he Fe Nt 4 Thomas Sloan, chaired the' Refreshments were sarved by he ee a +My got <a fark CONNELLY SCHOOL BEAVER LUMBER meeting. Mrs, D. Zilstra assisted by the r . ony : ' eee ies of DANCING co, LTD. Rev. W. J. 8. McClure was in' hostess for their Christmas gifts Morgan . s , Dancing 3 "Home Beauty Guild Holds Games Night Canadian Players -- Presents hassel . Improvement sl} ieee , - " A very successful annual] Grace Pritchard, B. Alugustus' Abies j Headquarters easy to look poe nie, enaeaed by the) Mrs. J. A. Mackey, Mae Mac-]. ¢ + for Ladies se ii. «++ So nice. ivening Guild if All Saints' Ag-| Millan, Mrs. Owen Gifforci, Ruth i Register NOW , a ats ig a held Mol | Latlpe Marion Jorden, Win- in the ee gn forme 668-5818 FOR APPOINTMENT ay nig n the parish hall.}ona McEwen, Mrs. D. E. Heard, 4 513 Mary E, 668-3219 || 419 Dundes E. Whitby 6628. The guests were welcomed by/ Carolyn Jackson, Janici: Skea, By J. S. Elliott ¥ 668-3992 Mrs. 8. J. Armstrong and Mrs. nd Mrs-!k. Heitzner, Ruth Stewart, E : Vincent Graham. The game ot eee an sear a aerson At -- Anderson St. High School Stafford Bros. This Space your choice was played. Tasty Sproule Madelene Herderson, refreshments were then serv-/Mrs, John Tuskey, Mrs. Vick, WHITBY BUSINESS Is Available ed. Lucky draws were made! Cathy Hadwin, Nettie F: Ltd. OF THE WEEK For Your by Mrs. Cassells. Lil Levingston, Kay Fairman, * b= (ie Monuments : COMPLETE LOVELY 5-PCE. The following. were the win- Doris sims, Peart Greene. | Fey, Jan. 14th 8:00 p.m _ : ADVERTISING CHROME SUITE a f uf wie : BEDROOM SUITE GROUP x Bonnie McDonald, Mrs. J. Hare,| Kelly, Mrs. Robert Knox, Mrs. ae 114 Lupin Drive, 723-3479 From $12.00 see 229.00 ners of prizes: Mrs. A. J. Bay-|Mrs. R. Thompson, Jeaya Fair- in stone and LEHN'S MESSAGE ' ' ALL Mrs. Flo Lott, Mrs. G Beaton,|Gordon Rae, E. F. H.ayner Brock St. N. -- Whitby, or at the Anderson St. High School, qi 4 a Gentetion BAKERY Phone BUY THREE GROUPS 318 Dundas €. 668-3552 WHITBY MONTHLY s; B. Morris . "| P rt elo t s es, B orrison, Florence Ing,| man, Mrs. F. J. Mackey, Sadie Tickets on Sale at Wm. Schatzman Real Estate Office on R marble Tillie Toms, Mildred Rousseau,| Jack Wilson and Ron Caarter. of Experience COMPLETE 2 ARN . = " ~ ba 3-ROOMS . ~-- ABNER'S hn Conode tom | ARMSTRONG 1 ONLY IN EACH STORE ss Our 3rd Anniversar sO feinrerchs| HOMES | experience. He served a 5 y 7 y THE GREAT NEW abesinneralond red ine canines ir Proudly Presents 4-Seater Chesterfield 127 RAMBLER gil falas ct Caling Southwood Park In 100% Nylon : Ludwig opened | ness on 114 Ajax and Fuys " re Lupin Drive in Whitby September Rolling Hills Estates 1 ONLY IN EACH STORE 1955 and has been serving oft rs . - oS ---- ' P : ive randview, Oshewe #1 STO | | P| 2c of Wty he finest bakary| OW © Seo Om 3-Seater Chesterfield $99. 1003 Brock S, 668-5391 43 SHERWOOD E PICKERING If you need a wedding or cake, sandwiches for o just want to treat yourse n ' 3-PIECE SMOOTH TOP Py ieee Tenderest || 8eixoom Suite | MATTRESSES VerlOad QPIVICE Jon she premises to guorontee you MEAL. $89.50 $24.95. complete freshness * SECRETARIES * TYPISTS | Lehn's Bakery Twas wer wi Prog ress : 4 # BKTRA STAFF gon, 9 im, daly_Turdoy to} 4ST ea | KITCHEN or DINETTE =5:PCE. SETS "MAILING & DUPLICATING | on Sundays from 12 noon to 9 p.m SERVICES Remember for the finest in cakes' MEAT MARKET ag ng ---- 29 95 and past s LEHN'S BAK nly in each st se eeee 101 Dundes W. 668-6181 | 113 lan' Daw, Woe 313 BROCK S. i ae ' , Py 668-6941 WHITBY Every Article. of Merchandise -- scitt7,| Gq moverton| GOLD'S \2' MOTORS FURNITURE "|| 'Continental BEDS (Complete) ... 39.95 CED f HORTON'S STUDIO New cs Uipeleal os REDU! rom INDUSTRIAL % Licensed Mechanics Furniture and ag ---- . Pl oa 249° Marconi Portable TV's 117.00 and up CHILD STUDIES Chrome Kitchen Sets : PORTRAITS % General Repairs .. . - SPECIAL : # WEDDINGS : % Quality Fina Products a SWIVEL ro ' 942-1110 ate ; ~ 215 DUNDAS ST. E. PLATFORM ROCKERS. . 19.95 to 39.95 i 37 STATION PLAZA, AJAX Y Ree OCR aatT 668-5481 : L c : ; : 4 BURNER HEAVY DUTY STOVE F) - ; | GEO. HARDING DX OIL : WEEKEND In Copper, Brand Name | | | SPECIAL! oS ° fs 6 f : - E : ' bd f Entire Stock of Girls', Ladies', Boys' and aac euaipig id Now is the time CAKES - "GIBSON 10.2 cu. ft. "FRIG 5S | Variet in Coke Li -- to arrange for your Special Varieties in Cake Lines - Specialty FOR CUP ea ane Werieticn Men's Wear, Alljat Prices to Clear! rsTeEvice ree ame ON | a a es a $169.00 668-3566 668-3341 Lehn's Bakery -- , 411 Feiniew Dx. =~ Wity [No.2 Hwy. Whitby ||, 668-8117 : MERC ANTULE | piggy 02% ppcynayer| HONEST CAL DEPARTMENT STORE -- | scree. [rus eo |! Gig | Re Briar Pipes 321. BROCK ST. S. --- WHITBY PLAZA - PH. 668-3468 WILDE RENTAL |). Srrunision 205 John St. E, at Ash St., Whitby 668-6361 ; SERVICE & SALES = || * Cameras * Films Geo. H. Vick Ltd. 424 King St. W., Oshawa 728-9191 1415 Dundas St. E, HOURS 8 A.M, -- 10 P.M. DAILY || 668-3579 and 668-3330 Whitby -- Ph, 668-3226 || 121 Brock N.. 668-8361 ||, 108 Brock N. | Whitby

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