Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1966, p. 5

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ifs 2 wa KY PY... 'County Soll And Urop Th VILIC) | Tre OSMAWA TIMES, Monaay, January 10, Tee ¥ inta Avann Tretaltlation af under! 1.8. ROAN TOLL, 44.170 ground Caves fas aise oor UXBRIDGE The annual meeting of the Ontario County , |Soil and Crop Improvement Association was held in the Legion Hall, Uxbridge, Jan. 6, with approximately 100 farmers in attendance. The meeting started at 10.30 a.m., with Pres- ident Walter Beath, Oshawa RR 2, in charge. The report on the various projects carried out in 1965 were discussed by Lynn Fair, agricultural representative, and Harvey Wright, regional soils and crops specialist, for this area; and the various co-opera- tors who took part in the dif- ferent tests and demonstrations during the year. A very interesting program was carried out during the year; 151 different farmers took an active part in one or more crop improvement projects this year. Tests and demonstrations were carried out on a total of 135 acres, James MacDonald, Western & a Group Holds Meeting corn or high moisture corn. He also emphasized that In order to get good quality corn: that it was necessary to plant a vari- ety with a maturity suitable to the area, to make sure there was plenty of soil fertility; that weeds were controlled; and that the corn was put in the silo at the right stage of maturity. He said that the right stage of maturity would be when the ker- nel of corn was down to around 35 per cent moisture, This would mean that the whole plant would be around 66 per cent moisture. Mr, MacDonald also explained a number of feeding trials that had been conducted during the last few years on both beef and dairy cattle at the Western On- tario Agricultural School. | It was decided to hold the Annual Seed Fair and Hay Show again this year. The de- tail regarding the place, date, and the program was turned! jover to the 1966 officers and directors. } > me A a u LHICSC il Ransacked _ ixtetaten is sertrin 0 ORONO (TC)-- Last Thursday |" three} CHICAGO (AP) = Tie Wa- tional Safety Council says 1965 U.S. traffic accidents through last November claimed a record 44,170 lives. The council said 0. | Many complaints have been between 7 and 9 p.m, levelled over the darkness at these entrances which apparent- ly will be corrected in the near) future with the installation of! lights. The Orono Police Trustees held their first meeting Wed- nesday evening after receiving word from the Department of Municipal Affairs that such a) meeting would be permissible, providing that it was not re- corded as such prior to the date) of Jan. 20 at noon. | It appears that an error does) exist in the Municipal Act which | in effect leaves police villages) without an administrative body | for a period of twenty days. It is necessary that at least the officers for the Hydro are a- ppointed in order that pay cheques can be signed. This was carried out Wednesday night. homes in the Village of Orono were broken into by an unknown! thief or thieves. Entrance was gained into the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. Johnson, Mill St. through a bed- room window even though the doors were unlocked at the time. Those gaining entrance used a wire cutter taken from the garage of Lloyd Tay-| lor. The only item taken from the house was a new spinning reel, A cash box. was broken open but it only contained some personal papers which were left scattered over a bed, | The same evening entrance} was gained into the home of} Mr. and Mrs. Carl »Billings,| through the cellar door. Sever-| al gold and silver coins were} stolen. Here also a cash box | was forced open, using an axe) taken from the Billings garage. | Friday this was a two-per-cent increase over the previous year, One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Waltpeper end Murels Custom Dreperies Broadioom C.1.L. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitbe PHONE 668-5862 Its contents was again person- al papers. A sum of $50 in cash along vith a new electric carving! WHAT IS YOUR FUTURE? La W Ontario Agricultural School,| 'The delegates to the Annual|y Ridgetown, addressed the meet-| soi! and Crop Improvement Con- jing. The subject of his address| vention, to be held in the Coli- was the utilization of the corn'seym, Exhibition Park, Toronto, nife was stolen from the home jof Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Bowins on the corner of Somerville Dr. and Main St. Entrance to the) Are you satisfied to be dependent on others for your employment? HITBY PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD FACES BUSY PROGRAM the problems facing the Chairman Gordon Mcllwain., Whitby Public School Board Back row from left, John during th 5 Howard, Norman Edmond- meng ee ee ee son, Douglas Maundrell and In the above photo the Robert Clements. board members are seen at the inaugural meeting at the Kathleen Rowe School. Trus- tees in front row. from left are: Leslie McFarlane, vice - chairman; Mrs, Ian Hamer, Mrs. Joan Reed and crop. CORN SILAGE He émphasized the impor- |tance of corn as silage, and also A progressive educational program with an ever ex- * panding adjustment to the rapidly changing local de- velopment scene are two of --Oshawa Times Photo | 'Hospital Auxiliary Names Officers And Committees Education Building Plans Are Approved |... 99.5 sat aaa, cr |Jan. 26 to 28, are Charles Had- iden, Blackwater and Albert 'Hockley, Claremont RR 1. |OFFICERS ELECTED directors resulted as follows:| [Honorary president, Walter Beath, Oshawa RR 2; president, } Charles. Hadden, Blackwater,| RR; first vice - president, Albert) Hockley, Claremont, RR 1;)} secretary - treasurer, Lynn Fair. | Uxbridge; auditors, Clarence Armstrong, Uxbridge RR 4, and| iTed Croxall, Uxbridge, RR 3. | home was made through the cel- llar. Provincial Police are in- vestigating the break-ins. INSTALL LIGHTS las a high energy feed as shelled; 'The election of officers and) work has been underway in- stalling light standards at both the south and north entrances If not we havea tremendous opportunity tn the Distribution of Heating Oils for someone with sales ability, Business Acumen the desire to earn more than an average income and to grow with Whitby. We offer financial training and promotional assistance to the right mon. ARE YOU HE? IF YOU BELIEVE SO WRITE BOX 150 D Giving Full Particulars witth the assurance that all replies are strictly confidential. 'Auxiliary of the Memorial Hos-|- Mrs, T. W. Cawker presided|shago, RR 1. Church, requested that patients being ad-j pital, Mrs. S. McMurter present-|for the annual meeting and) 'Townshi Ae W.McHugh, mitted to hospital list the name) ed the slate of officers for 1966: |thanked all officers le tedtiwcres' tice nena er ron United Church will take the|from Albert Street Unitedof the congregation to which; Past president, Mrs. S. Mc-| work during the year. The cor-|awa RR 1: Whitby John Batty form of a pot-luck supper, Jan. | Church. they belong, rather than just the; Murter; president, Mrs Wm,| responding secretary, Mrs. Cal-| Brooklin "RR 'e g Pickering, 20, at 6.30 p.m. in the lower! Rev. Winnifred Bridges has denomination. Rudell; first vice - president, | lan, reported sending 15 cards| Ceci] Disney Brooklin RR 1:| hall. Plans for a proposed new |- see a Mrs. L. Ayre; second vice-presi-| and six bud vases to members| tjxphridge, Rae Ewen, Uxbridge: | Christian Education Building dent, Mrs. D. Smith; treasurer,|in hospital. I Seott Maustyn "MeKnight Ux.| have been approved by the Mrs. R. Cowie; recording sec-| Mrs, Rudell thanked thelbridge, RR 2; Scugog, Clifford Building Committee and will retary, Mrs. J. Cuddahee; cor-| members for the excellent sup-| / : in be placed before the congrega- cntponting denretary, Mrs. G.lpoet they gave dulare the fant ne ee eS tion at this time. All interested | Vice. ltwo years and asked for their) each, Lloyd Smith, Port Perry, ® . Election Of Warden First U . d C ® B . parties are urged to attend. nite ounties usiness Buying committee, Mrs. 0.|continued help, She reminded|RR 2; Brock, William Heron, The proposed structure will be Plummer, and Mrs. D. Smith;|the members of an executive|Sunderiand; Thorah, Clarence located approximately 20 feet to| COBOURG -- United Coun-, The signing of the agreement); 7a NY, | me j | | the south of the church. To be|ties council pill -hold its in-/for the establishment of an a} wea ie Jan. 12 in the board| Hewitt, Beaverton, RR 3; Mara,| of cement block construction, it) augural meeting at 2 p.m., Jan.|/area jail was a big step. Mrs. Cc. G. Morris, Mrs. K. Ms. J. O'Neilrl turned in $35 John Speedie, Brechin, RR 1;) Sig A CE ". \Rama, Lawrence Copper, Wa- will house a gymnasium the full) 18. , | The completion of a roads! Ferguson: tray favors, Mrs. E.| d : length of the structure on the First order of business will needs study has put the coun-| Thompson: eeratnon ridge, Tan pcre pe goon cy ages BROCK One Complete Program Each WHITBY Evening -- Starting at 7:30 north side. The south side is to| be the election of a new warden. | ties road committee in a posi-|Mrs. J. O'Neill and Mrs. E. V.|sent to the kitchen staff in THE YEAR'S MOST GLITTERING CAST! KEDRON (TC) -- The annual ,Northminster United Congregational Meeting of Ked-|and Mr, and Mrs. RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN Town of Whitby TAX Prepayment Certificates Prepayment receipts may now be purchased at the Treasurer's Office in the amount of $10.00 or any multiple thereof, the discounts are as follows: SAVE TAX DOLLARS AND PROVIDE YOUR OWN PENSION FOR THE FUTURE be two storeys, the ground floor| Two men have said they will/tion to meet the future needs|Hoar, co-conveners; Mrs. J 'ati to consist of = kitchen and a|stand for warden and s third of the member municipalities, Van Nest, Mrs. L. Dippell, Mrs. eS an hg . pr ges study or class room, with addi- | is undecided. : lhe said. "The implementation|,. Aye. os A, oul and| monthly auitinis tional class rooms above. Reeve A. U. Wartman of|of 'this plan in the next few|Mrs, S. McMurter. | wh ais | the addi-| Percy Township and Reeve Flex years will see a great change! Gift shop, Mrs, A. L. Hooey ys e es bps asked to} | McMillan of Alnwick TOveRsMe hin standards of maintenance,| x, 1 o Maton aired Vanli end the -- meet: the entire structure to provide Mave said they will let their! construction and repair of our) Nocj Mrs. E "phompsdn; "Mrt | ech age . eu Street) additional class rooms and an/"4mes stand for election. |counties roads, necessitated by|¢ yyoMurter, Mrs. .V H tated: (ai ita pee all cMurter an assembly hall. The intervening) Cobourg's Reeve W. I. Tho-| the ever-increasing demand and/{¢. committee, Mrs Ghistnee standing Wg wel Mist be space between the church and|mas, the man that many coun-juse by the travelling public,"|,14q Mrs. J. te Nine: vale § ae or re-nomination on the main building will then be|cillors say is in a good position/he said. a Me LO Maen lay? a ' " ibd pend son,| Lists were passed around for b | unteers, "i mo ose Ce ee ele nated on taterest fa running gee sre err ee! tame | Mrs. B. Thompson, Mrs Plum-| donations of food to the Bridge adies' parlor. i ; *jand Art Show Jan, 19 and 20 at \indicated an interest in running| ness at the start of a 30-acre mer, Mrs. Hurzon; layette, Mrs The general meeting of the the A, Sylvester; library, Mrs. W.|the Lions Centre gg aa + siekckuus public park adjacent to United Church Women will be Ar is nc 'United Counties ildi .| Walli z "ie a held Jan. 11 at 8 p.m. in the|reeve of Darlington Township,| p,, an ¢ PS yn Wallis and Mrs. E. Rundle. An invitation was received lower hall. On the agenda is the| Will be retired from his post| 1, he ) mat oe Bd Membership Mrs. §S. Mc-\from Port Hope Hospital Aux- installation 'of officers for the, Dut will retain his seat on coun-| 4), Paigiened diniagae gd ee with) Murter Mrs. Jackson and Mrs.|iliary to attend a Valentine Tea coming year. il__ representing his mun-| ",,., 5 P vege pecs G. Vice: executive committee|Feb. 9 in the afternoon. er a icipality. | nis park will provide an The February meeting pwill be New members received into| Reviewing the past year, the| attractive entrance to Cobourg -- Pagar wd Mie. G_ |tollowed - Se eee aa + and an appropriate back-|Mrs. W. Cawker, and Mrs. "|and will be held in Trinity Unit-| nominating com-'ed Church Sunday School at 2 . _ January Ust-17th 18th-3 1st 9.89 9.91 49.47 49.55 98.93 99.10 $00.00 494.63 495.50 496.39 497.10 1,000.00 989.26 991.00 992.78 994.20 These receipts may be applied on 1966 property taxes by the purchaser surrendering the same with the tax bill on the due date of the first instalment, April 15th. Dsicount allowed by the purchase o prepayment receipts is in addition to the regular discount allowed on prepayment of property taxes in full by April 15th. PURCHASE NOW AND OBTAIN MAXIMUM DISCOUNT JOHN R. FROST, Town Treasurer. February Ist-15th 17th-28th 9.93 49.64 99.28 | Amount 10.00 50.00 100.00 Future plans include tion of an upper storey over : 49.71 $99.42 Begins 8:50--Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT $O -- 2nd FEATURE ATTRACTION AL Begins 7:30 "THE FIGHTING WILDCATS" With--Keefe Brasselle -- Koy Callard the congregation at the Sunday | warden said the counties ex-|: - service were: Mr. and MrS.|nerienced a "busy and reward-| Sound for our municipal build-| Stephenson; 'mittee, Mrs, Rudell, Mrs, §S. p.m. Frank Trull, on transfer from! ing year." ing," he said. YY way PRICE GP cILTONE and CILUX FLAT-SEMI-GLOSS-LATEX-FASHION GLOSS AND SUPER GLOSS -- Standard Colors _ ALLAT... 2 PRICE OUTSIDE HOUSE GP PAINT GP 20% OFF - SALE ONLY PAINT PAINT BRUSHES - ROLLERS 33% OFF ALLPAPE READY PASTED 1965 Sunworthy EVERY ROLL IN THE STORE THEY MUST BE FOR LESS AT Wallpaper LESS THAN '2 PRICE 100 ROOM LOTS MAKE US AN OFFER SOLD YOU BUY QUALIT DODD & SOU DECOR CENTRE L WHITBY Free Delivery 107 BYRON ST. 5S. ONE BLOCK WEST OF 4 CORNERS, TURN SOUTH TD. LARGE 16-0Z. SPRAY BOMBS 99- LUCITE BY DUPONT -- WALL PAINT 30% OFF SUNWORTH EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT FULL WALL MURALS -- 25% to 50% PHONE 668-5 OPEN FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M.

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