Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1966, p. 2

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i YEARS OLD FAIRVIEW RESIDENT 100 Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson a 100th birthday Jan. 7. She is resident of Fairview Lodge, shown with Mrs. W. J. Whitby, celebratedher Munro (Nellie), on left, her New Municipal Set-up For Metro Is Proposed TORONTO (CP)--A new form,mended division of the Metro of municipal government forjarea into cour cities was ig- --Oshawa Times Photo | Peking | Raps | eee eee eee nue! Castro | WEATHER FORECAST suburban boroughs, was pro-jcities of Toronto, Etobicoke,| posed today by the provincial/North York and Scarborough. | prKInG (Reuters) -- China government. Toronto would have included has govused Gdban feeimier! The government rejected a/York, Swansea, Forest Hill,| wide} Castro of making state- royal commission recommenda-|Leaside and East York. North) tion for a four-city system in/York would take in Weston. | frets PARI wind gid Metro and at the same time/Etobicoke would include Long)+,sq. | tossed out proposals for amal-|Branch, Mimico and New Tor- . i , : | The charge was madé Sunday mation of Metro's 13 munic-!onto, and Scarborough would by a "responsible official nd ties into one big city. jremain as is. ee Instead, they will be squeezed; Premier Robarts stated no} China's m inist A of foreign| into six new municipalities as|particular reason for choosing|'rade" in an interview with the ef Jan, 1, 1967. jsix municipalities rather th an|New China news agency about Toronto will annex the vil-|four in the new structure. He| Statements by Castro at a mass lages of Forest Hill and Swan-|said only that the government] fally in Havana Jan. 2. sea, making a city of 681,500. |agreed with Mr. Goldenberg) The offic ial also accused| The township of Etobicoke that Metro's 13 municipalities|Castro of "unilaterally and un- will be combined with the) should not be amalgamated. __|truthfully" publicizing the con-| towns of Mimico and New Tor-/EXPAND COUNCIL | tents of preliminary trade talks ento and the village of Long! Mr. Robarts said Metro-;now in progress between the Branch into the new borough ofpolitan Toronto council, which) two countries. rival of the colder air into|Low tonight, high Tuesday: Etobicoke, with a population of/now has 25 members--12 fro) "We cannot but feel regret at/southern regions by this after-| Windsor 1) 8 if Britain fails to do this,| tan in. 1963, but many of them 239,000, the city and 12 from the sub-| this'? he said. noon. Snow squalls are 'ex:|St. Thomas 10 99 |Ghana said it will confer with|yearn. for the new way of life COAL & 723-3481 110 The township of York will joinjurbs, with an outside chairman} The 'responsible official'| pected to devieop to the lee of London .... 10 29 jother African countries to de-|discovered in Britain and all SUPPLIES KING ST. W. with the town of Weston to form|--will be expanded to 33 mem-|was questioned about Castro's\[ake Huron and Georgian Bay Kitchener .... 10 29 termine how the matter can be|the trappings of civilization. | the borough of York, popula-/bers. Toronto will continue to|statement that the volume of|this afternoon. "Mount Forest. 10 15 |raised in the Security Council. Some of the 25 have beeni tion: 138,700. jhave 12 but the five boroughs) trade between the two countries} (iesring and colder weather| Wingham ...... Pe | 15 Bue Aes CREATE BOROUGH will have 20: North York 6,/in 1966 would be less than it), i) cee the province tonight|Hamlton ...... Re 1 The township of North York,|Scarborough 5, Etobicoke 4,|was in 1965 and that Chinese), 4. fonowed by a a St. Catharines.... 15 22 with a population of 341,500,|York 3 and East York 2. jexports to Cuba would fall "be-| sunny but cold day Tuesday. |Toronto ......, ia AS 29 low that of any of the trade years between 1961 and 1965." Terms of office for elected |representatives in Metro will be will become Gas demeiile 6h, Raat: ert ded h The township o ast Yorkjexpanded to three from two. ' will be consolidated with the|The municipal franchise will be| AGREE ON VOLUME town of Leaside, forming the|extended to everyone over 21. | , The official said Chinese and_| borough of East York, with a| Each of the six boroughs will| Cuban delegations have tenta-| population of 90,700, have its own school board but| 'ively agreed upon a trade vol-| The last borough will be the|the Metro school board will con-/Ume between the two countries| present township of Scarbo-|tinue to have main financial re-| lower than that of 1965. cough. which has a population sponsibility, The school tax levy| 'But it is still higher than| of 253,300. will be equalized across Metro.|that of 1962 or 1963 and is} The announcement of the gov- Mr. Goldenberg's recommen-|'oughly the same as that. of ernment's proposals for revis-\dation for 11 small school dis-| 1964" the official said. ing municipal government in|tricts, crossing over the borders} He said Castro's charge that the Metropolitan arealof the proposed four cities with-|Chinese exports to Cuba would was made by Premier Robarts'out regard to municipal boun-|be lower this year than in any in a 27-page statement. daries, was rejected without|trade year between 1961 and He said the two-level form of comment. 1965 was '"'at variance with the the borough of Metropolitan government in ex-| The Metro council will take facts." istence for the last 13 years willjover responsibility for welfare, Every country arranges her be continued,.as recommended|ambulances services and gar foreign__trade_in-_-accordance by royal commissioner H. Carl|bage colieciion from tie munie-.With her economic situation -at Goldenberg in his report last ipalities, but they will retain June. responsibility over fire protec- But Mr. Goldenberg's recom- (tion, the time' he said. "Therefore,| fluctuation in Se vets of in- ternational tra is a usual phenomenon," Mid-air Crashes Foared si MOTO-GUIDES FOR '66 Osi en egg Alta. (CP)-- a The chamber of co rce's Because Of New Regulations ivi": sonenion vases ' here plans to hire y ; wi LONDON (Reuters) -- Brit-;are due to com into operation tateroeine ae youths with ish airline pilots Sunday night) Thursday. for & oneanonl warned of the possibility giant, [ate Sunday night the pilots/next summer. . |sent a telegram to Britain's|--~ transatlantic jetliners colliding|new aviation minister, Fred\ in the air because of new regu-| Mulley, urging him to check the| | Jations allowing more aircraft|safety of the regulations. While| ; to cram the busy North Atlantic|9 miles between aircraft| sounds a safe distance the pi- routes. lots argue that the risk of navi- The -3,000-strong British Air- gational errors makes: it dan-| line Pilots' Association pro- gerously small. They say it is| tested at the internationally- not uncommon for 600-mile-an- agreed decision to reduce the hour jets to be 30 miles. off permitted distance between air-|course in mid-ocean and cases eraft flying parallel course on of yp to 45 miles have been re- transatlantic routes from 120) ported, miles to 90 miles The International Federation | The new regulations, drawn of Airline Pilots' Associations up by the International Civiljhas protested to the ICAO over Aviation Organization to ease |ihe regulations, agreed in Vi- congestion over the Atlantic,'enna, Austria, in October. guides period tourist trial HERE and THERE Mrs. Eleanor McKean of A. Larmer, kitchen commit- Cherrywood has been ap- tee; Mr. S. W. Wannamaker, pointed chairman of the No. cards and flowers; Mrs. 1 Public School Area Board Patrick Tresise, representa- in Pickering Township. She tive for Hillsdale Tuck shop. succeeds Donald Gibson of New president, Miss Pellow, Brougham, The vice-chair- announced following the in- , man is Charles McTaggart. Stallation of officers at Cen- tennial Hall that the United The 1966 executive of Alice Church Women Group would Jackson Unit 1, King Street hold a general meeting Jan. United Church, has been 13, 2 p.m., at the Hall. A installed. New officersare: congregational meeting will Mrs. Douglas Redpath, past be held January 25, 7:30 p.m. GARY NESBITT Representative SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada Oshawa Shopping Centre PHONE 725-4563 | special committee on election| any party to make its case, es- fexpenses, the 1,200,000-member| pecially if it receives in addi- {active backer of the New Dem- the five - member committee) rule, carefully shielded from the daughter, and Robert John- | which for 14 months has been) public eye and revealed only by a son, her eldest son. | studying election expenses with} accident. . . ."' . ana S ------ | how they should be controlled. would '- | the candidate and half to his| broaden the base of party sup-| I 0 As t party. port by éncouraging contribu-| SIS 4,800-WORD BRIEF SUBMITTED 3 ae = CCL Asks Overhall On Election Laws CLC said there should be a maximum amount for such ex- emptions but did not suggest a figure, . Taken together, disclosure laws and tax exemptions would lead to a greater degree of fi- nancial parity between those parties that contest elections on a national scale. jtion the free services which we| 'The brief also urged abolition | of the $200 deposit for federal candidates. This deposit is re- turned to winners and those los- ing candidates who receive at least half as many votes as the zp aia praimescane OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana-|didate would have a budget of dian Labor Congress today pro-| about $7,500 and his party would posed a_major overhaul of fed-| be able to spend up to a sim- eral election laws that could end ilar amount," the congress the domination of election cam-| added. paigns by the big political par-; "We believe that an average ties. |of about 30 cents a voter per In a 4,800-word brief to the | tiding should be sufficient for CLC recommended: | # --Full public disclosure of|™ecommend. : : political contributions over| This plan would "restrict the $100. | opportunity of a_ well-funded --Tax ememptions for all po-| Party to swamp its opponents litical contributions. through the sheer volume of its} lee --Limits on the campaign Propaganda. bile iy mae } spending of candidates and) FREE SPENDING Poverty should bar no man parties. Parties, however, should be| from being a candidate. --Free broadcast time and/left free to shift their spending| Referring to the growing par- postal distribution for each! to concentrate on ridings where] ticipation of trade unions in pol- candidate. jthey feel the best opportunities! itics the labor body said there --Official recognition of par-| for success exist. should be no curbs on this ac- ties. under the Canada Elec-| On the question of disclosing, tivity, It asked the committee tions Act. party the CLC} tO oppose legislation such as The CLC, in recent years an| said: that passed in British Columbia ? "We are dismayed by the| Which bars union contributions! locratic Party, presented its|fact that the sources: of elec-|to political parties. | | contributions, | views at a closed meeting with! tion campaign funds are a.s a }a view to recommendations on} The veil of secrecy should be) NOT ON THE MENU FOR INFANTRY "Operation Crimp" - - on lagoon al ge dug. Photo by Associated jungle stronghold tunnels o and opened fire on the 28th Fons, Photographer Horst infantry's 1st battalion unit. | j}completely removed. The vot-| | | The brief said the limit on|ing public had a right to know F F Infantrymen who had just campaign spending should be|the main sources of party or orces | settled down for lunch | scramble for cover from | sniper fire today during the | massive Allied assault - - Men in foreground leap for a trench the Viet Cong had set at 30 cents per voter pith! funds. kaif of the amount applying to). Tax exemptions --(AP Wirephoto "In a constituency of 50 000) tions from persons who now felt electors, for example, the can-'they could not afford them. The i: | by radio from Saigon) © ACCRA (Reuters)--Ghana to- | ~~| day called for an armed force, provided by African countries | 25 On Atlantic Island oe FALSE TEETH Foo authorized by the United) Nations, to intervene in Rhode-| B k F. Fi U K R ' Rock, Slide or Slip = sia, 3 ac. are or . = eturn FASTEETH, an improved powder | M h C ld i ht: A statement issued from Pres- : rate' Siar falas test hbk Atle uc 0 er onig ' Ling + : LONDON (Reuters) -- About, promised their old jobs back,| P, place, Do not glide, slip or rock. ° gumm: ident Kwame Nkrumah's office} |said the best and most effective|25 inhabitants of Tristan da|but the big problem is how to| }0,eummy, gooey, pasty taut oF g | method of ending the Rhodesian) Cunha lonely wave-lashed is-jreturn without spending what| seid). Does not sour. Checks "plate unn 0 er ues a | rebellion is by the use of armed|land in the South Atlantic want| little money they have. drug counters everywhere. Re ' | force | ' }to return to Britain in March "Ghana believes this armed force shall be provided by Af- but cannot afford the fare for rican states and that its use| 'le 8,000-mile journey, it pas ' should be authorized by the/learned here Sunday. | EL United Nations,"' the statement! The group is part of the is-| NOW IS THE TIME said. land's entire population of [| OIL TO CONVERT AND CALL TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts ;cold. Winds northerly 25 to 35 issued by the weather office at| becoming light tonight. 5.30 a.m.: White River, Algoma, Sault Synopsis: As a disturbance Ste. Marie: Windy and turning continues rapidly eastward into colder with snowflurries today. Quebec today cold air will once|Mostly clear and cold tonight more surge southward across|and Tuesday. Winds northwest the Great Lakes. The snow inj 25 to 35 decreasing to light early the north will taper off to scat-| tonight. tered snowflurries while a few flurries will accompany the ar- OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! teke advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks el- ways on ¥4 ig to poet ag ; ritai / Fuel Oil et Plan available, It called on Britain to convene bought to Britain in 1961 after il Budg ti IN § ity! Coane oe onpeer eee volcano erupted and wrecked) sition of mandatory sanctions, their homes. rather than the voluntary ones) Homesickness persuaded) Forecast Temperatures ' 2 existing now. them to return to rugged Tris-| Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Ni-/Peterboroygh ..... 5 = 15 agara, Lake Ontario, southern|Kingston .... Haliburton, Windsor, Hamilton, aan tone Ae 1 1S neeseasses Toronto: Turning windy and| colder with a few snowflurries|Muskoka ...+.0+0. -5 10 this afternoon. Clearing and | North Bay.scscvcs +10 5 much colder tonight. Tuesday |Sudbury ....... see 10 5 ' mainly sunny but cold. Winds|Eariton ....... see ~20 "5 westerly 25 to 30 decreasing to Sault Ste. Marie.. -10 10 light tonight. Kapuskasing ..... -25 +5 Lake Huron, southern Georg-| White River 30:10 ian Bay: Windy and colder with Moosonee .. -- snowflurries and scattered limmins ......... -25 5 See wee lied | : Snowsqualis this afternoon. Clearing late tonight. Tuesday sunny with a few cloudy pe- riods and cold. Winds west to northwest 25 to 35 decreasing to light overnight. CASH Sparetime Income Manufecturer is seeking reliable Northern Georgian Bay, |f individuals to service established northern Haliburton, ~ Killaloe; g-scceunts No selling, 4 te 6 hours sa i ; A weekly. Only people with ood iunagami, Cochrane, NOTthP employment record need oppiy. Bay, Sudbury: Snow and drift-| ing snow tapering off to scat- tered snowflurries by late to- day. Tuesday mainly clear and WRITE MR. ROY BOX D13 -->¢ SAVINGS 34-- + CERTIFICATES» BUY A° BED CERTIFICATE FOR *7.S@ Your Investment Grows by One-Third in SixYears! On maturity, purchasers of these Certificates will receive $10,00 for every $7.50 invested. This represents an interest rate of 4.85% per annum compounded semi-annually, or a simple interest rate of 5.55% per annum on the original investment. Certificates may be cashed at any time with graduated SLASHED REDUCTIONS 20% to 50 WALL president; Miss Margaret ase Peliow, president; Miss Leuta Pierson, assistant president; | Mrs. Frank Hunter, record- ing and communications sec- retary; Misss Isla Barker, assistant recording secretary; Mrs. Bryce Brown, treasurer; Mrs. Edward Shreve, assist- ant treasurer; Miss Marjorie Blewett, program convener; Mrs. Kenneth Proctor, visit- ing and community friend- ship secretary; Mrs. William Bickle, assistant {to Mrs DON'T FORGET Che Rih Room NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7:30 P.M. Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m, Proctor; Miss Gladys Burley ere cee - GENOSHA HOTEL Leslie Booth; Mrs. A. |) | MARTEN'S FURS interest added after six months, Available in amounts from *I0 to°50,000 at any branch of Canada's First Bank TO SMU MALS q REGULAR STOCK -- FINEST QUALITY Newest 1966 Fashions in Furs! Entire stock of Prime Quality Furs included in sale. NOTHING HELD BACK ! | 75 KING STREET EAST Opposite Hotel Genosha

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