seonneesocspeiet aN Re pile tye 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, January 10, 1966 -- - |Parliament To Discuss hared-cost Weliare ~ " | WILL PAY HALF NEW ENGLAND HIT BY SNOWSTORM Pat Curtin of Stoneham prepares to shovel out after New England was hit by its first major storm of the winter. Gale force winds that dumped up to a foot of snow in parts of the area were accompanied by bone Truckers Cast Ballots In Six Ontario Centres TORONTO (CP) -- The first| part of a two-phase strike vote) by the International Brother-} hood of Teamsters (Ind.) was completed Sunday as truckers in six Ontario centres cast bal- lots. Union officials 'in. Toronto St. Catharines and Kitchener de- | | } is truckers ar paid. temperatures with dropping chilling the thermometer as low as 10 below --(AP Wirephoto) pear rs Pe By. KEN KELLY OTTAWA (CP)--Add to the! mentary session a packaged! approach to shared - cost wel- fare programs. Federal and fare ministers provincial wel- Saturday which they agreed on some existing and some new welfare programs to be coupled under} the name Canada Assistance Plan. Health Minister MacKachen | said he hopes the final touches) will be put on the plan in time to get it into Parliament early in the session which starts Jan. 18. The price tag for the federal, government will range between $185,000,000 and $250,000,000 a| . |year, depending on the number of optional programs the prov- inces want included in the wel- fare package. Generally speaking the fed- eral government continues to ; {pay half the cost of provincial payments to the needy unem-| ployed and for the first time) assumes half the cost of provin- cial payments to mothers with dependent children and for medical care to welfare recipi- ents. | | %f the provinces individually jrequest it, Ottawa also will pay |half the cost of provincial pay-|~ iments to the needy between lages 65 and 69 and-of blind and disabled allowances. Mr. MacEachen told a press | conference he expects some The Teamsters have asked|Provinces will want to continue for a 40-hour work week with| Present the same pay rate blind under allowance cost- sharing which Ottawa} The union also demands that| Pays 75 per cent of the cost. Teamsters follow jthe companies drop suits| While cost-sharing on a 50-50 jagainst ing wildcat strikes in October|programs as aid to the needy \ealled to force the union nego-| unemployed and to the needy $2 an hour and highwayjtiating committee to reject the|aged 65 to 69, the Canada As- agreement. -|basis now is in effect for such sistance Plan will provide a NIGHT WIN A FREE- on the different system of determin- ing need. Some existing programs have list of items for the next parlia-|cejlings 'on additional income, said consideration will be given for recipients which, if ex- ceeded, scale down the amount of monthly welfare payments. Under the new plan, the ceil- eon-|ings disappear in favor of more) cluded a two-day conference at/ flexibility in determining indi-| vidual needs. Under the new plan, Ottawa also will make contributions to- wards strengthening public as- sistance administration and the cost of extending welfare serv- ices. : The conference put down for further study the question of in- creasing family allowances, now paid exclusively by the fed- eral government. Increases had been urged by} Welfare Minister Rene Le- vesque of Quebec, who also served notice that even if they are implemented Quebec in- tends to take over this field from Ottawa. He repeated this stand twice outside the conference, which was held behind closed doors. Mr. MacEachen retorted, also at two press conferences, that Ottawa is in the field, considers it has a right to be there and doesn't intend to withdraw. In agreeing on 50-50 cost- jtario that the federal share be '75 per cent, The conference communique to integrating. child welfare and welfare grants programs into the plan and providing special aid for low'income provinces. The four Atlantic provinces had made a pitch for a special cost - sharing arrangement on welfare programs to ensure they can provide adequate lev- els of assistance to their resi- dents. Long-distance Rates Reduced VANCOUVER (CP) -- Small reductions in certain long - dis- tance rates over 600 miles were announced today by the eight member companies of the Trans - Canada Telephone Sys- em . British Columbia Telephone Co. said the reductions effec- tive March 6 ,are from five to th cents on station-to-station night and Sunday calls. Rates for weekday, person- to-person and short-haul calls remain unchanged. |India, Pakistan Aloof 'To Any Key Agreement By CONRAD FINK | TASHKENT, U.S.S.R. (AP)--| Soviet Premier Alexei N. Nosy- gin worked far into the night to persuade the leaders of India and Pakistan to end their sum- mit conference today with a joint statement. But there was no indication of any agreement on major issues. With negotiations deadlocked since the conference started yet any ready solution for In- dian - Pakistani problems and | added: "Solutions may be achiev eae se ers aispiay: lexible approach and meet ch:.othor.-halfjway."' India has refused to budge an inch from its stand that Kash- : mir is a part of India and its meg nat one po fa - ~ status cannot be negotiated. chief issue dividing the - two) Pravda seemed to be calling countries of the Asian subcon-jupon India to change this tinent. : |stand and its comment seemed The Soviet Communist party to some informed observers in newspaper in a dispatch from| Moscow to be a significant shift Tashkent' said there was notiin the Soviet position. i ta Bean edt § Veen ed ee Pravda indicated that Kosy-| gin had abandoned Soviet sup-} rt of India in the Kashmir last Tuesday, Kosygin trotted| and President Ayub Khan of Pakistan. He met three times with cech and his last confer- ence -- with Shastri -- did not end until 12:30 a.m. Shastri entertained Ayub at luncheon but the two leaders apparently had scheduled no more negotiations. They have conferred privately for only two hours and five minutes since arriving in Tashkent. Even winging a joint state- ment from the two leaders was a success of sorts. Until Sun- day night, there was no agree- ment on wording of a state- ment, and both the Indian and Pakistani delegations were talking of going home without The station - to - station night rate between Vancouver and) cost-sharing on programs under| Halifax will be reduced to $1.95, the plan, the conference turned| from $2.50 for three minutes. A} Both sides, however, down the request of Welfare) similar Regina-to-Ottawa call Minister Louis Cecile of On-! would be $1.85 instead of $2. issuing any. ARE WILLING openly desired to give Kosygin some- thing tangible to show for the back and forth Sunday between) Prime Minister Shastri of India} Two inebriated gentlemen were returning from a porty in. the small hours of the morning and wondered into the zoo where they finally stopped ot the lion's cage. When the lion roared, one tugged the other's sleeve and = said: "C'mon, let's go home." "Go if you want," said the other. "but | want to stay and see the movie. STORES: 92 WOLFE 170% MARY ST. 12 BOND E. - 924 SIMCOE N. es AGENTS | vUB EAKINS ---- 3 Roxy 'variety, 'Restiyns Plaza" GH CLEAMIT SERVIC i 725-3555 JANUARY HOUSEH TOWN clined to discuss the results but, / the 600-man Windsor local, em-) bracing Sarnia and Chatham,}| yoted overwhelmingly against] acceptance of a_ conciliation board recommendation. | The Windsor rejection) sparked renewal of talk of a| province-wide strike by some! 8,500 truckers. The Windsor local's vote came as a surprise. It had been scheduled to vote Jan. 16) with Kingston, Hamilton and! London locals. Instead ballots) were cast Sunday with the DENNIS ARSENEAU Fuel Oil Sales and Service Free Burner Service \ Oshawa Bh) Whitby waar J Phone 668-5347 4,500-member Toronto local and) LUSIV HAIR STYLING FOR MEN 364WILSON RDS. Telephone 728-6007 Hair Styling Steff under direction of TERRY. KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. GUARANTEED USED CARS "We are never satisfied until you ore." 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST 668-5891 WHITBY ONTARIO the St. Catharines and Kit-) chener locals. Wilfred J. Sefton, Windsor) president, said 99 per cent of} those present at a membership meeting voted against the con-| cillation board report in the dispute between the union and) the province's trucking indus-) try, represented by the Motor) Transport Industrial Relations) Bureau. DRAWS 90 PER CENT About 90 per cent of the % Open Bowling -- Sat. Evening and Sunday P.M. & Automatic Lanes & Snack Bor COUNTY BOWL 118 BYRON ST. N 668-2631 -SHORTY'S STORE CIGAR Y * Brigham Brior Pipes * Guns * Ammunition *® 100 Kinds of Pipe Tobacco Hours: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily 121 Brock N. 668-8361 Raiph W. Mabley . Decorator COMPLETE INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE FOR YOUR HOME 723-9033 members attended the meeting during which only six of the 31 points in the report were dis-! cussed before members re- jected it. Mr. Sefton said he under- stood about 85 per cent of the membership in Sarnia and Chatlam nad rejected ine re- port: "The union now is in a legal position to call a strike at any time," he said. "But we are waiting to hear from other areas. The votes to be carried out during the next 10 days will be the deciding factors," Strife 'within the Toronto lo- cal attracted the attention of many members Sunday. Angry members demanded reinstatement of Charles Thi- beault, former business agent, and Lloyd Merritt, former sec- retary - treasurer, both sus- pended last month when Inter- national President James Hoffa imposed temporary trusteeship on the local after members voted non-confidence in Presi- dent Kenneth McDougall. CONSIDER REPORT Meanwhile, members of Hamilton Local 879 met in St Catharines and Kitchener to consider the report. Raymond Taggart, local president , declined to reveal the' results but said: "The bargaining committee has recommended that they re- ject it (the report) and this may be the case, although we won't be able to say for sure until the votes are tabulated." The Hamilton members of the local, Kingston Local 91 and the local in London will com- plete the strike vote Jan. 16. Sunday's vote in Toronto was held under the supervision of the federal and provincial labor departments. The vote in King- ston will also be supervised, ACCEPTS PROPOSALS The motor bureau, represent- ing 55 trucking firms, accepted the conciliation board's propos- als, recommending the accep- tance of an earlier agreement The agreement called for a reduction in the work week to 43 from 48 hours and increase of 56 cents an hour during a 34-year contract. Current rate for city drivers CUT MONEY SIZE The U.S. dollar bill was duced in size to 6.1 by 2.6 in- ches from 7.4 by 3.1 inches in 1928. re- THIS SPACE 1S OPEN FOR YOUR ADVERTISING MESSAGE 723-3474 WALTON'S Supertest AND Snack Bar 728-0231 DAILY SPECIALS Pies and Pastries Fresh Da We pay special attention te children" Open 24 Hrs. A Day Every Day KING ST. E. AT PRESTONVALE SEE US FOR ba exeaninc ARE BEST IN TOWN" RINKER'S CLEANERS BURK ST. 725-1191 HOW TO WIN week for 26 weeks yo nthe Fowr ' 4 t + YOU RECEIVE . Hair Style for the lady ot Oshawe Beauty Parlor Hair Style for the man ot Rudy's Hairstyling for Men. One Cosuo! Dress ond one man' suit dry cleaned ot Rinkers Cleaners . Transportation for the evening by Mercury Toxi. . Dinner for two in the Rib Room a the Genosha Hotel. Entertainment In the Starlite Room at the Genosha Hotel, "MY ANSWER IS" Address Town Lost Week's Winner Wos CAROL HICKS 327 Mary St. Oshawa the MERCURY TAXI "ae a * Fost % Friendly * Courteous 725-4771 14 ALBERT OSHAWA Genosha Hotel ENJOY OUR CONTINENTAL BUFFET 11:30 -2 PM. & 5 - 8 PM Mon, to Fri Sot. 5 to 8 70 King E Hrs. s 723-4641 t ' The NEW OSHAWA BEAUTY PARLOUR for Appointment 723-7011 15 KING ST. E OSHAWA ARMSTR ESTATES Grandview St. at Olive WA ROLLING HILLS COMFORT -LIVING ONG AVAILABLE IN TWO CHOICE LOCATIONS SOUTHWOOD PARK Harwood Ave. South Ave. MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION WEEK-ENDS HOMES AJAX ¢ CARPETS AND FURNITURE CLEANED in your home the "flower-fresh" way ty Duraclean® « no messy soaking + «no harsh scrubbing for free quotation cal} 728-8518 | S.-Y J. A. JANSSEN & SON LTD. LANDSCAPE SPECIALISTS IN OSHAWA 843 King W. 728-9429 Es) Gary Esso Service GARY HARDING ®@ Ignition @ Corburetion @ Licensed Repairs 89 Simcoe S$. 723-6532 ) WABAS so: Special Offer ! Elizabeth Arden Soap and Ardena Hand Lotion 3.3 SPECIAL, bom TOF ois 20% OFF WABASSO SHEETS, PILLOWCASES Durable Serviceweight Snowy white cotton sheets with Single-bed size, 63 x 100', Reg. 2.98! SALE, each Twin-bed size, 72 x 100", Reg. 3.25! SALE, each Double-bed size, 81 x 100', Reg. 3.49! SALE, each Extra-wide double-bed size, 90 x 104", 3 40 r Reg. 4.25! SALE, each Pillow cases, 42 x 33", Reg. 1.49! SALE, pair Fitted styles DEPT, 436 'Purrey' Blend Blankets stretch fit (bottom sheet only Twin-bed size to fit mattress size 39 x 75". Reg. 3.59! SALE, each . Double-bed size to fit mattress size 54x 75". Reg. 3.79! SALE, each . plain flat hems. 2.38 2,60 2.19 flat hems, Pillow Cases, 2.19 2.95 Twin size to Single-bed size, 72 x 102". Reg. 4.49! SALE, each Double-bed size, 81 x 102", Reg. 4.98! SALE, each Extra wide double-bed size, 90 x 102", Reg. $.49! SALE, each Reg. 3.98! SALE, each Double-bed size to fit mettress size 54 x 75". Reg. 4.49! SALE, each .... Luxurious Percale Quality Combedscotton percale snowy white sheets with plain SO 3,98 42 x 33". Reg. 1.95! SALE, pair Extra wide Pillow Cases, 44 x 33", Reg. 2.15! SALE, pair Fitted styles, stretch fit (bottom sheet only) fit mattress size 39 x 75". 3.1 3.5 DEPT. 436 own Filled Pillows In six beautiful colours plus bridal white. Viscose rayon-and-wool with 6-inch nylon binding, hoved tor.-gift ing. Choice of White, Nassau Pink, Sun Valley Yellow, Trinidad Red, Sandalwood, Light Green, Bermuda Blue in two popular sizes, Large size, 66 x 90". Reg. 10.95! SALE, each Extra-lorge size, 80 x 90, Reg. 12.95! SALE, each DEPT. 436 Irish Linen Damask Dinner Sets 6 COLOURS! 4 SIZES! Elegant imported tablecloths in snowy white, pink, blue, gold-colour, green and ivory 52 x 52" cloth -- 4 napki ion, ike. ee 52 x 70" cloth --6 napkins, 14 x 14". SALE, set bees 7.99 64 x 84" cloth -- 8 napkins, x ae SALE, set . Abie 11,99 x " cloth -- 12 napkin Cuma .... 15,99 DEPT. 236 ' 5 In 'Royal Crocus' Design z. m os Print Gover -- Luxuriously comfortable plump pillows tailored with double border and cord edge in a colorful postel print cover combining Rose/Blue/Green/ Orchid Pastel shades on white ground. Sanitized cotton in linen-like finish. Extra large size approx. 20 x 26". 8 97 i" Save 28% ! Reg. 12.50! SALE, each DEPT, 436 Floral Printed Linen Tea Towels Handsome linen tea towels adorned with gay colourful floral print on muted pin-stripe check ground. Matching bar order in red or blue on white SALE, each 65 or 4 for 2.59 DEPT. 236 All sizes quoted are approximate. EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPTS. 236/436 PHONE 725-7373 see Purchase a bottle of luxurious Ardena Hand Lotion and receive at no extra charge a cake of finely milled soap. To help keep hands soft and beautiful in all weather as easy as this -- smooth on a few drops of Ardena Hand Lotion after every washing, and when- ever you want soothing protection against the elements. Choose the de- lightful scent of Blue Grass or the deli- cate fragrance of June Geranium. Break-resistant plastic bottle with leak- proof dispenser top. Approx. 16-ozs. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 312 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S BIG SPOTLIGHT SALE OF FABRICS Continues with Yards of Terrific Savings! Listed Below Are Just A Few Of The Wide Selection Available ! 45" Plain and Checked Rayon-and-Silk Tussah Ordinarily 4.99! A roughly textured fabric with the surface slub and expensive look of raw silk. The checks dre Zepal-treated to resist spots and stain basic shades of green, yellow, mint, peach, petal pink, blue, orange, natural plains to 'mix-ond-match ! 3 99 * SALE, yard 35" English Drip-Dry Cotton Broadcloth Sanforized combed cotton broadcloth with a very a perennial Summer favourite ! In solid shades of white, pink, yellow, light blue, copen blue, mint, rose, tan, navy and 1 35 block. SALE, yard PP EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 fine weave 44" Arnel-and-Cotton Denim 27" and 36" Versatile denim . for dresses, sportswear and children's wear ! So practical because of its drip- dry, hand-washable qualities. Solid shades of light blue, rose, yellow, turquoise, melon, green, tan, brown, red, navy and bl SALE, yard 56" Rayon Sherwood Suiting A firm finish acetate-and-viscose suiting that resists the urge to shine! Hand-washable and crease-resistant in rainbow hues of yellow, gold- pink, red cocoa copen, teal light and dark willow, Hunter green, also light and medium grey mix, blue and mix, 1.68 yerd ... oeecesesoces colour brown, powder, royal, navy, white, brown SALE, wine turquoise and kelly, "moss eeeeees White Cotton Flannelette We offer you a special savings when you buy by the 10 yards! Washable and softly napped, this fabric is useful for numerous household chores drapers sheets, quilting and children's clothing seve ee, e899 3,99 10 yerds pnt Se > alee ALE, 10 yards of 36" ...... 50" Arnel Sharkskin looks always no matter ee eeeeenees Keeps its fresh crisp good how hot the day! And it's also known for its pleatability in Summer skirts prove the point in white, yellow, pink, turquoise, light and med- ium blue, medium green, natural, SALE, yard PHONE 725-7373 Open 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- Thursday and Friday to 9 p.m. f