Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1966, p. 14

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14 TH GOHAWA TIMAD, Mondoy dee ary 10 196 : e » oe age --_ 2 = te -@ 3rd? . «x 6 - a =. Go Cs <8 wie nn = . riire head Gila Use iii Sich YYorn: aac buy, Deli, i i OT ae one d 4 Fe ] imc WW & OWES FT wee ee we 23 4 * i i M i S 8 12 Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Frid aturda to 12. ' 13---Articles For Rent 15--~-Employment Wantec |17--Female Help Wa " it edadetakdneeet eee a Li " MIGBEE. AGWO bulcher (man) would - in an rw 'or C SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT RENTALS mea han hee ae PART-TIME ; WouLd kik 7 r more : SS OF ALL KINDS eniiaren In o Ye os ater ao ae Bey. a to $1.50 per hour SANDING MACHINES vie * enserasane" provided it] Women for plesant tele. fi Oscillating sanders, dise sand mace. hone ico oe phone work, 4 hours daily. . " a woman wishes 6 one ; ers, belt sanders, floor sand. Gila 1s fae Wares clephon. 68-06, 723-505] PLUMBER'S TOOLS WANTED --= Position as pent with GO Accountants Building Tredes Gardening ond Supplies Rug: 'Upholstery Service Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise No baby siting Cie be plater work th WalTaas le Ae KCRWRT WWI, Chartered Account CHROTERPIELDS reuphnletered nid be tripod, pipe whanches, pine |Oshawa, 728-7 0, the heavy. Sater ae ae ant, 47 Prince Biveat, Suite 4, Oshawa NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL "ut ' ee 41 jolyled. Free ealinrinie. See out Hater ial cutters, pipe threading dies, ted [management, Telephone 28-3433. pal Telephone 723-177) ERE f Enjoy ourse thr recayaein pile Uphaletering, 75 id foilet au er. wb RELIABLE WOMAN fo 3 to mind one to one four> GOR ECANEYS Accayiing Service , pity (OAL egal Hate Peak GAD PAINTERS BQUIPMENT year-old hoy, Must live in. Crocus Cres- toon, meow. es 778 1408 21" PORTABLE T.V SUNFLOWER SEED Sales and Service HIS FAUADOM Rr BESiGHING THN BRIDGE, OVER THE. Stepladders; aluminum ex cent, Whitby, 668-4435, "Cariitied "General PORTAS i WILD BIRD MIX ¥ PR EPAT KAGTINGS MUSK, RE SB VED terision ladders, ladder jocks, FULL Tine waitresses, T70 WT pam and GOHOON WH BAY, Coriiti by to lat 28 Customers ; y hi t A SHAPA ALOLSS FOR A HIGH SPAN BY alee! scatfaldiny comprets 1 to 7 a.m. Transportatl See contr, a ge sa kde (no gimmiéks or contests CRACKED CORM Helavea You Ruy A piesa k HAGA eesyren sore, epray uns, wallpape sowed, ep iN oa ta no gin eb 4 " , A 'oad, Bowmanville, 13-9 JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chariered Account MILLET Piana at Oran, See SCRAPS aleamers, -- tarpauline, 4 vai Asad ant, Licensed "Trustee ls fond Street HOME IMPROVEMENTS WHEAT 4 yy at 4 torches, propane tarches Spe. Teoenene 113-0 @ Rec Rooms (with every | BIRD FEEDING STATIONS HEIN TZMAN RV Ait WELDING EQUIPMENT FALE, PRIEMDLANDER AND 66, ' Avetyl waldi fit Chartered Aceouniants, Lienesed True rccbobee Over A 100 by WATER SOFT SALT & a. Lids 200 ry siecivie welders, " QUALITY CONTROL ' uptey, S74 Simeone Street ¥, AP ' § tu Noi onan aa. -- Ch SALT 148 Sintene §; Gehawe BUILDER FOUIPMEMT faiitre HOPKINS, BEADLE AWD Oy fer) @ femereliing SAND 3 Je #38383) Seren ats Almnng : ggg og SOE yp mgd BN Big @ Additions SNOW SHOVELS 1G LEPHOT =a trowele, wheel barrows, elec INSPECTORS ina 7 Kag Oe eet tar | @ Goreans rRAW UARANTEER BERAIBE io ail ih ; iff frig virator ait compressor, MACHINE Reade, CA: E, Luwew, CA ® Carports, | ete ; ' +6 rs aed fannke F q ay i * i] " At inmneere, hand trawels, Because of t PET SUPPLIE Pate if j tai Ati Alar p pariahle heat current expansion Ree ee ee eee King, direst thik my we ayer i a] BAMBRR RRARES Han RAE Eg | } i bibhee # ' [P Gad fe Aa pital Bie lee! watialding, elertrie into new product. lines, we fast, Cervaws, 174-459) William ©. Hall Cal bdweee eg a) 4 Jig f Te fy} | F tops t ibo«) peas titre Three tie he Re HRNEIATAL FAIRE! Rawer ral OPERATOR have several permanent sal- BCom, Chi Davia & Parkin, €A | Ail we wanahie guara \teed ( OOper mil ] ' , ¥ : ihe Be heite FRAUD A Bethe fave. wleetyie parinen ine aried positions ovailable in = | for over 3 veate at optic &arvica | by , FRA: iP THE REANE ARE ' 4 willing 4 risters | terme oF financing ave CO or ; | RURREN thnk Hite fey | * bis, atar (Part-time. elerient duties) the quality control deport- ar 1é fabs & r i TBs f { t ilar gawe vert CRRIEATON, BAVNAR, MUNDGEH, ft Ne EATEN 16 CELINA 81 ai sant, WAN i spain A VICTOR. fe tna a ee, ki hand joins @ fxperience essential Preference vill be given to Ganew Pleas eall wi toe We Delive | Hein, power fae vowel applic s i , ~ tree Sctitke ee id Hekihihheh Aah : ° Sitilea Eni Sule \@- -Aitielee Far Sale 4 + table is sll I tikes @ fxcellent starting salary applicants with senior mat- ae e | 13-1148 23-2418 |WOMeYAN ond. FLEISCHMANN | iad triculation or good standing A, be lime 5 4: iH At | ve 2 5 a i TH sw fie Bt | " | ertgages. arranged [TREE 70 TRIM? C4 Vy "adyie Biagatta 'Aieeete eae ad STAN/S 1 ee Pe - | 723-0781 i @dawh Fraps esti rein eal be ' i i | t A fiA | {¢ | | ; ; Apply in writing giving te BOVEHYH, ena wit | 134 Gal | e-] | aitiies a sig ik aliens, 64K! '| € = iB Mad ERY ere, " ik A | f ' iff | SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD Experience in product inspec ree SHEPEIELD Janiter Service 45 488) sf 8 . o Bhat | {} WV Aid 139 King ff West, Oshawa sume {9 wy in the steel industry will iad | ¢ tion CLEAW VGUR BACKYARD snd" bate ; ie fart | hae EVINEUDE MOTOR PrNe /ha-dee4 ¢ On Ostet NHA ord 108 King € Cahawa -- | meni Also § ap Vakon away, CAN tne | VR ele Repairs | ' 4 4H) : ig . a , P.O. BOX 706 Se heel wear wailanie +24 2368 | LJ : <i Reg Now iwiees CHAIRE, Hospital beds, waikers, For apro neue ray Barristers, Soil ATTENTION HOUREWIVES! Fal eee) TELEVISION RADIO fram Bf. 25 pil a Hit $i G47, Iki Rentals, 106 Benivica, FRE OSHAWA, ONT rere cal ¢ all Sieaning dor | ann id Rentals, i rie $ fe : ; ae. a King Siren! Cast Oe p PRES Me Fres estimates, Work] §=9.24 HOUR SERVICE Oi, He $410, $289, |envenvainine'-- Fifty to ane k interview call id ys ssa: ference V. Kelly es BC owes! rices qvaranteed, 727/34 j SS RII | | a3 HF. Klee. $710. § fi Mr. John T ; + Thames MH. Jermyn. } : ' 40, HP. Elec, $8290. $5 \ maa: Themes J Meney To Leen HOLMES one Flee $650, Tea, om parking. "Resson | r. John Tuskey ' WAEBONALH. BA LA F O ik TGAN you up Ye W008 i a! ' Brew far ite aeeurney and pik de i James Solicitor end Notary Pup ver n 25% cura rate ef interest te conseltdate| . - 4 ve igh iti thie tugged gun Push Button 4 Business Opportuni s BU RROUGH or Mr. Gordon Boles at Rui ~ e King! ' 7 iy ar of ny her worthwh e " ota FUTURAMA) [reve mis crtne say oman! -- ELECTRONICS | wit deliver veors ot sans WHILE THEY LAST | WHITBY 668-8811 or so Tisai @ KITCHENS ployed and have good credit Telephone | factory shosting $ 9 Free Storage Till Spring B KKEEPIN ace . : | 723-463) f tc f AntWONY EDWARD @ BATHROOMS ile | $24.95 : write me - for prompt service Convenient Budget Terrms IMPERIAL OIL ® Berrister anc . f F Street. Office hours @ REC. ROOMS Mortgages Evening sppolintment Example; You can have a rec Call SNOW TIRES Oshawa LTD MACHINE Lake Ontario room completely built for only | | Whitby a 668-5679 Y hth . $2.25 per sq. ft. | Mortgage Loans (+ -- - acnthaven Steel Co. Ltd > gag All nylon construction, full Offers excellent business OPERATOR ee Oo. ifd, of floor area a HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED depth traction tread, A brand Ltd. We hk taf wsaliti | j san Classified Rates | We have @ staff of quolified 7\ % new winter tire priced almost | Harbour Rd. (Off Simcoe St. §,) | Opportunities for service Recdiied for tocal dita: Box 330, WHITBY. Ont Plumbers, Electricians, Caor- TV TOWERS as low as a retread | « ' a \ : 723-1901 station erators and | Must have experience in pay- WORD ADS | penters, Plasterers, Pointers ARE THE BEST! from $17 56 up | Op! oll ond "he Solas bx Gdant 40 4 ~ pests snap led gh sali 75% OF VALUE " , Lit 3 --| menagers. the new E2100 machine, 5} s $ JHY SETT. OR LESS! ak : F ore Info tion Ai "=| CO-ORDINATED | £4 wr SeT™EFRES! | DOMINION | syonXQNQA SHOP] utes within 40. mit | Meare A SALES sec. ' ee | SNOW HUS-SKI . : sitton ords Tic. each : peditional words ee 728-1653 TRA) Model 600. 10 hp. $595 | 'radius of Toronto. ne ee OPPORTUNITY Charge -- 10 per cent additional cha ; TIRE STORE XMAS GIFT 4 Ol i DRAKE net paid within & days. REMODELLERS GUARANTY TRUST TELEVISION : helmets carriers, windshields, } Ne ish in plat Foil bellies BOWES et Counting -- Less than te d Corner Bond and Division loves, jackets. fling "SEAL FAST" psc Pg 24 words; each word, | For o free estimate call Compony of Canaita 728-5143 K W. § y BGs Mel OG. ene with OuHity ¥ words oe pareviaton counts ° . 32 King St. E,, Chars 's 145 King St. W. NEW HONDAS $295 for good sound business mon- PERSONNEL Invites inquiries from oggres- as one word; phone number counts 723-0966 ERTIM Telephone 725-6511 no down payment agement. sive, mature young men who two words Oshawa, Ontarie bah ade aa E F __199 King We 728-4242 _ Successful applicants will be 51 King St.East. are interested in_ selling BIRTHS--DEATHS-- Sm ~ caaprare STE) ea a rtrn - anne trained ot our expense, in full 728-6051 "Bowes" World: Famous SOCIAL NOTICES | ' . ie } NEW IN OSHAWA 7 week course, on service sta- No charge to applicant. 500" Car Care Products. $2.00 per Insertion with 28'cents addl- NELLIS' } 7 R | O FREE -24 hour burner service ELNA Sewing Machine tion management ond mer- The selected applicant will re- tonal charges if not paid within 8 | HOME IMPROVEMENTS | MORTGAGE . s 4 TEXACO -- Fuel and Stove SALE chandising. eis s ceive guaranteed income and j IUARY PECIAL TELEVISION wh B " Coal 1 stove, nut, Supermatics and Automatics This is an opportunity offer- full training at the factory and IN. MEMORIAMS i ANU SPEC 143 stoker coals @ Slab Wood @ Up to $100 Off! | ing a challenging lucrotive in the Field to sell to Service $2.00 for the first 25 words and 8. | $50.00 cash or hand painted N 728-5 4 Cannel Coal @ Building Sup- Cabinets half-price | fe er: 'with: definite. copor- Stations, Garages, Cer Deal- each thereafter, plus 12c. per line of picturs, ony oe or witness EAN ee : ec es plies. 668-3524 WHITE ELN me : ENT Hath il d i ers. etc ; 5c. additional charge if not LNA SEWING CENTRE! tunity for future advance ' pee within & days. range, hood ond. exhaust fon TV SERVICE SAWDONS' (Whitby) LTD. | 38 Bond St. West Oshawa ment : This position leads to an op- with lifetime filter, Remodell- Moneys available for first DAY EVENING 244 Brock St S. -- Whitby -_------- nn i Minimum 60 w.p.m, portunity to become an ins CARDS OF beige a ing and additions of all kinds, and second mortgages. OR parry ee PARTS Minimum Captial dependent businessman, op- $2.00 for the first 35 words an homes, offices or industrial oO mort No bonus. + Viking, tour Urner Neavy euty. i erating your own exclusive 2 Hlonal D . Open rtgages ys le clock and . 7 : pla gh oc gies Hogg ae lone Floor tiling, custom mede |. First mortgages, second mort- 728-5286 ald Abel ye 9 ion euaie inc For --. Stoves and Required $4,500. CLERK TYPIST es nt tsar po For cupboards. Aluminum. doors gages ond agreements for i jApt 16, 728-2537 ryers Education Requirement t : ull particulars and appoint. COMING EVENTS ond winds Talevisie china OSHAWA |TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- doo! 4 ELECTRI TOR : Clerical Experience Required) ment for interview write od- $2.00 per inch (display); $1.50 for the i al $30 00. i" 40" ht on Pee ee structure. all-channel antenna *instalted,| R Cc R C Ried O Jr Matriculation vising telephone number to first 2 words and Se. each thereatter | erials $30.00 for a, M. F. SWARTZ ELECTRONICS $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton| Xepair and Exchange Required immediately for Bowes "Seal Fast' Compon' (Word Ads). plete with lead in: Boby 1S |Road East, just east of Ritson Road. | OSHAWA APPLIANCE preferably. rmanent positions. Excel- Limited, Box 75, Station "Cr, AUCTION SALES sitting by the hour under 26% King St. fast CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs.| TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 4/1). 18S Ginna © 728-7535 " at es ke ; Hamilton, Ontario. $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION supervision of troined nurses. Oshawa, Ontario = ibs medias Si] Dean Avenue fet ont hot dipped galvanized vw tower | RO bac do > " en Reply in writing to lent working conditions and / \ jincluded, single all-channel antenna cor : mse We repoir everything also 723-4679 rear ---- jplete, Gaiatiaa tax: Wncluced: guarentee TONIA'S VARIETY WA full employee benefits appi- DEADLINES broken -- hearts Marriage cs ng--Digging Jone year, $50. See all towers a TRIO EI BOX 296, OSHA cants with grade 12 educa- i counselling by appointment | _|Television, corner Bond and vision, F igen oat PREVIOUS only, All work done by skilled | 7 & |WeLL DIGGING by machine speciatizing | 728-5143-4 : Me p ng sell i POST OFFICE, ONTARIO tion preferred. REAL ESTATE os 2 | in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut;REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; bed: , $12; pecializing in <rainian style ilk aes SOM RE BeBe LOST AND FOUND . sg Financing bank FIRST and SECOND |Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-1809 new smooth - top motiresses, "$10.98; cabbage rolls. Take out or- Nie Tee IG | ts) ink Ltd SALESMEN 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION j rotes. Call us anytime -- 24 MORTGAGES stoves, $24.95 cribs, $10.95; new crib] Gare $1.20 doz enerai rrinters : | hour service 1--Women's Column |mattresses, $9.95; stoves, $24.95; TV's, k. 5 ; BIRTHS AND DEATHS | Main office 328 Simcoe St. § -- All Classes -- Bich ateahdacldl ------- |$29.95; space savers, $54.95; cressers,| 205 Bond St. W. 725-3772 RESTALIRANT 723-2233 2 needed immediately to core 9 a.m. day of publication | Phone 722-204} bie | --~ City, Rural. Vacation -- | PERMANENTS on special. wea chror sets sais Guns, new ond used, Yee Sundoys) a | for our expanding business, : : i 376 Pine rs ivi ' i a bu aie igor apse goth she nreteus) $00 Evenings 723-8987 | SUMMERLAND Westmount, Telephone 725-5363 isuving OR SELLING furniture at SP |.FILTER QUEEN: Sales and. Service ae A Si c ee M i 3 Se t 3-229 4 s . ee ee ae on eve | -|SECURITIES LIMITED|2--Personal Ce ee Rae 2a Wephumatemme, FT MH)" Good' going business. in_ the SALESLADY | 4 sntown otic CANCELLATIONS AND JAN | (112 Simcoe St. N. 725-3568 | TYPEWRITER, standard, $25; portable a | heart of 'the city. VAALEOLANL I er, king faciliti COREA ONS | re ~ | Removal of superfluous hoir |$35/_ adding machine, $25; electric tpt Bate sib acter ed, Exp fan er decay Anias A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION rs riter, $40; total trical h a ee oe y go fl lng! eualy 1 ki nartamednn canteen - belere SPECIALS Summerland Securities Marie Murduff will be in |tegister, $74 at stectrical cash|txetes, Sold, exchanged. Expert sherpen =e ease one open FOR * Your own desk ond phones, publication will be charged one day's | Save up to 20% 'dating: Jan Oshawa Jan. 10th, 11th, THREE ROOMS of furniture, $208.50, No 'euns = bought, 'sold, traded, repaired | ' . DRUG STORE Congenial office atmos. lb Maly On Mee Baan id | Small first mortgages avail- and 12th. Phone Genosha j|down payment, wilt monthly at HonestiGy Gree on eePe 18 Bond: Streat Wael: 50 cits oc open from 6 a.m phere. BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0c, pans. tk me. Elarre | able. 10% per year guoran- Hotel on these dates for ap- |Cal's, 424 King Wes co : a Wall Catlins The A ' teed. 6 months interest, good pointment P |CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE -- colfee| [eel wera ing jindows, | unt! mdanignt poe yg nie a est ye For personal interview call whi! ry ende will be made VV alls, ih s and a - | tabi ight tabi hests, i Pa ° 4 c ee ee al a's | Sones Mets | covenant ELECTROLYSIS ----_|taratc"Bi fin." print al Fst or Fnsoh. 7") Excellent for omily operation, | mon wae ee yadda POT arg ya Econ age H. McKOY 57 723-4641 FREE! F "Ss cleaned, adjusted free |SNOWPLANE, propeller, 12 HP, 1 PH) Good turnover. Owner we ping ot ge Be gg hg Pee OY 725-85 725-3568 Guaranteed 'rouble tree winter it 'you| slecttic motor. Telephone 773-6688. larger place. McCORDICK'S ' theaugh itner tatture ger delay' In for: |CXPERIENCED. eatrenray eer RIDE WANTED from Bowmanville, King| Purchase from Western Oil Co., 725-121 ge 1 f modelling ar mmina'| WANTED $7,000 for two-year period, with RIDE WANTED fro '|9--Market Basket Telephone collect pel ot sacmauee' or oilaralea. coe ea P guaranteed. 723-9503; 468-;g00d mortgage security, at 8 percent Bloor ane dhevecaen Rend area Are eles pg SE i CAN % " es a J, Stavropoulos PHARMACY Tua. Tene Wil fal bo tespenstone for te. meres. ftter 5 _ telephone | 720-9194 ling by 0.20, Telephone. 623-3735 quality, 424 King Street West, Oshawar|b CAN SUPPLY you with Ontario or : g replies uncalled for In 20 days. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be re sponsible for errors in advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing not for more than one insertion of any advertisement for beyond the price charge for a singe insertion in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the righ? | to classify advertising according to its proper classification In the cases of display ens Whitby 668-2774, Gord May The Times will not be held sible for more space than that which the actual error occupies. The pub- lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- |MAN with new two-ton panel truck for vertising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisernent if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Personal 3--Sportsman's Column 5--Trailers 6--Marine Equioment 7--Swap and Barter 8~--Articles for Sale 9--Marke? Basket 10--Farmer's: Column liePets and Livestock 12--Articles Wanted d--Articies for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 1S--Employment Wanted lb--mAgents Wanted 17--Femaie Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 2--Real Estate for Sale 20a--Summer Properties 21--Farms for Sale 22--Lots tor Sale 23--_Real Estate Wanted 24--Stores Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent 2b--Apariments for 277--Rooms for Rent 28--Room and Board 2%--Wanted to Rent W--Automobiles for Sale 31--Compact Cars for Sale 32--Trucks for' Sale 33--Automobiles Wanted 34~Automobile Repair 35--Lost and Found 16--Legal 37~Auctions %--Coming Events PN otees Rent | NEW "PLASTERING "and repairs, _ uceo, 1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES available. AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada,| 726-719). Potatoes, 10-25-75 Ib. weekly. Eggs 'Y at attractive prices. Free delivery, Osh- dewalks, in ic --_----------_____ |sidewalks, 're-modelt ng, rec-rooms |W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Streetlrioriga, California. Bonded drivers, To:| FIREPLACE WOOD, while bIGh maple, [awa. Whiiby, Alan." 655 1983, TORONTO 767-5454 S, 728-3420 or| North, Whitby, 668-3338 , fe ahah et ABR 728-4717 fo cnaas ronto Drive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge|oak, etc., 12 and 16" delivered. 728-6857.| ROASTING CHICKENS -- Orders tal ' iat a | PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for| Street. Telephone 225-7754 ____|ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash-|for freezer, 4 Ib, $1.35, 3. 1b. s1-iS, Freel ng I I i Bl ad ee get Mle EAS Par ros ieee [ery elieaters, | cheauewriters, fies |Belivery on 0 or more. 78327. """!|-R Cholkan & Co., Ltd ur si r nd. repairs. |me ur sheds | \ i : ; Large and small jobs. L. and H Roofing Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar| portsman's Ce olumn desks, chairs, We buy. sell, rent, service| NO. 1 AND NO. 2 Ontario potatoes. Free| ' and Construction, RR 4 4, 725-6937. lristers.' ae a oe SKATE EXCHANGE -- Sharpening; new. lused,: Low, lew. priees: Bill Hamilton, | |delivery. Telephone _ 728-1306 or 723 061 | Realtors |CARPENTER WORK, cabinets, ~recrea|FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Saie|used, Bauer hockey equipment. Valley | Raglan. NO. 7 pith potatoes, 75-Ib, bag, $2.85 t ; rimmi I- f y , 128-4401. i 39. fab iin on ws a Me eae oun lalate trimming. Free esti seen arcntera al ine tareel Creek, 16 Bond West, 728-4401 laa USED -- mayer meren polishers. R Re Telephone 723-94 | = SERS ESR 4 t ; pairs to all makes, New hoses. Phone ALL TYPES bullding, "rooting repairs| East, 723-7232 i 5--Trailers Jack Lees, 728-6956, 10--Farmer's Column CYR'S and remodelling; chimneys, new and re- an a Fea idiidlisi elisa lbeLesinaesi aia + AIRST: S$ tact thor ler, BUY ANDO SELL -- Good used furniture MIXED hay, good avality, 5 5,000 pulreg: sidewalk and concrete. repair, | 'Musical Services [AIRSTREAMS rectory authorized eae. and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215|bales, in barn. Telephone 985-7495 attic _____ |SMALL DANCE BAND avaliable, EX liuv; Foeuite 1c. Ont Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481. BRAD "and Ghinsian "IAN IG Ge SNACK BAR [Cartage | fed Tay lor oe a Att , - |$KI-DOO Snowmobiles -- Sales and Serv- 1 kb A Bach esta ue ee Le: f reer' ice, United Rent-Alls, 352 Wilson Road| Telephone 'ole lampton +2721. SOS EE ee aa amon Sa amet Ss 7--Swap and Barter South (at Olive), 728-5565. Licence "66. $4,500 with only $1,500 |hire, odd labs, etc. Alax 942-0623, Optometrist -- : |BATHTUBS, $10; basins, $5; follets,|VACUUM repairs, all_mekes, hoses,| a. down, Established business. Y Den tist vem F. RICHARD BLACK, ©D, 136 Simcoe'shower, medicine and kitchen cabinets; |brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0713 11--Pets 'and 'Livestock Good potential. Located on \Mentistry Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone|stainiess steel kitchen and bar sinks;|Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,|------- S Sk Owne ae | CAREFOOT, DR. Jon w~m | 999-419) |sump pumps, pressure systems (and re-| Pickering EWES, 2, good quality, due in Febru simcoe ot, Owner anxious IT, NM. Dental -----~|pairs); fittings, piping, radiaters, bellers; | aux - ---- lary. Telephone 985-7495. sell. Mr, Roy Yeo at 728- Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa 30" RANGE and 2!-inch television, both ss '3 ee slit oBeS |For appointment, 728-517 |Painting and Decorating _ wor, ia? paundry tubs. 1 Chinn, Hills-|in excetient condition, Telephone 728-1742,|$3. AND -UP, 100 geese for sale; also| 5123 or 725-2217. shhh 3 MEA ll A SEE ED --.|dale and Park Road South. Phone 723 -- nnn men 1 AUCKS, $3. Christmas pups, large and . BIALEK, DR. €. P., Denial Surgeon, 7088 PARTY DRESS, turquoise, size 10} MA-|\ mail. 648-2067. f 112 Simene Street North, Oshawa. Fo - a -- fernity dresses, sizes 14-16. Very clean,|-- laisenatinis |nbbomtmon, St or es. r PAINTING AND 1961 AUSTIN" Mini "staflonwagon, al80| Good 'condition. Apply 23, Drew St WHITE SHEPHERD pups and grown BOLAHOOD Dressmaki ; DECORATING |?"n 'tlshSull Stephene Wine [LIVING ROOM SUITE, mera, combi-/S0R, PALS Ir" mona: oe 0! . '4 . 'olice = an usky pups. easonable |Dressmaking INTERIO! --- tion fab id leather. Good as new I RIOR and EXTERIOR ation ne ae 668-2067. BROS. LTD. |ALTERATION, pant cuffing, mending Broadioom, Custom Draperies 8--Articles For "Sale waanias chine ro aes een "RANCH KENNELS. German |Fast, accurate service! Gift Items made ¢ ~ lestinghouse. ' -- is oder tales mete FREE ESTIMATES FURNITURE -- 3 'rooms, 'new qualily| good working condition, $35; new electric| srepherds, trained | grown stock: pups. 7 ote ee fecricbtine : a é furniture, only $299., inc. complete bed- f COUR TOSS SORIGr: One DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses,| room, living room, kitchen ensembles.| Telephone daeedle om PINKY $121 655-4662 evenings Sees IhT ctelchingl tebrinaiies ae alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting | __668- -5862 Pay only $3. wkly, Unbeatable vaiuel| eepnone® 725-8416 a ~-|CHIHUAHUA puppies. Also black Minia [erection Re iy Bak liek A anon specialty. Mrs Toms, Whitby, 668 2372. |--____-- é -~ |Baron's Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Ss. io ist AL oo ie ie and carbure-| tire poodle pups and one five-month-old tim 0 ply % " a ALTERATIONS -- repairs, pant cutting, | AUTO PARTS -- 390, 352, 283 cu. In. V-8| 1c cprone 72797, ______|femaie Boston Terrier. All pups register '4 ecient tippers, men's, iadies' and children's| NOW IS THE TIME motors; six-cylinder | motors; standard, |FENDER BASSMAN AMP -- in good|ed. Telephone 728-9122 SERVICE TION and garage business.) wear. Dial 728 $ TO SAVE $ automatic transmissions for all _makes,|condition, For. further information tele- | siAmESE pedigree kittens. Three Seal-\sce' Gowmor sine bar sns3 ee sallon- wit haa Font OSS > four-speed or dua! range; fenders; doors;|Phone 623-3495 point, one chocolate. Telephone 728-1167 \counen ore house, lov other body parts. Chaskavich Auto! DRAPES (two pairs), bone background| | + seven-room house, low ' , a yf nl edia You Are One of the Paint your entire house |wreckers, 725-492 floral, mushroom pink and green, three [eeny SUR eey si: nappy 65" sca Gilled Ral nGde ee (interior) for $200. ---- |SMALL refrigerator, heavy duty stove) Widths wide and two widths wide. Rea-| sires Rp 3, Ochawa uiied Real Estate, 723-1168 Thousands i| ri x 24", Philco 21" television console model, | sonable Telephone 725-0838. SRAUTROL Gaby tao aoe | SEAWAY VALLEY -- Self-serve general ail colors trilight, mirror. 883 Masson Street after! \ aby bu gies, ready for store, gas pumps, lunch counter, butcher Who Read fiver 723-7150 "(single 'eords $100) brag « Mn training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. T.!shop; in fast growing area. Three-bed- Call 725-5922 TYPEWRITERS: how and tabulli" can. jing Smith, 786 83 t Broad, 114 Elgin East room bungalow attached, $100,000 per : o-2 . ilt, 5 y TIMES Classified ACTION ADS EVERY DAY TO PLACE AN AD Telephone 723-3492 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M, Saturday till 12:00 P.M for ail other departments 723-3474 es. Telephone Utd. 225 plies, Ltd., Plumbing, new rates and Estimates Jrebuilt Ieolstoring, 17 years e ree estimates furnity 287 Plumbing and Heating a PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-) icles Stark Plumbing, Heating and Encineering,| MPERIAL SHOE STORE -- Just open Simcoe Street South ps ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING Telephone 725-352), 774-352 Heat free Credit ® refini on Aven Harold H. ards, portables, for Students, One year. full $s Business 728-7783 Specializing electrics. Large stock to choose from guarantee. Low prices Machines, Open evenings in new The Sales shoes. ideal gift! FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS Telephone and Lad monthly Jen-| 668-6582 Ser $7.75 }9.30 a.m. jes' en's, children's. Also repairs. 369 Wil sup-| itn South, 725-6871 Harold H. Star |5 evenings ing and En pe |RANGE, Findlay, Admiral refrigerator '] 9! jInglis dryer, five-piece chrome ing, 225 Simcoe Street South ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling,|>. used materiais. 723-1191, J. Fol Rug- "Upholstery | Service by UPHOL STERY by experts Estabtis Workmanship guaranteed.|.WE BUY, terms. Matire: ' serie tte ladies' | 225-7129 small table and chairs, large quantity of|at and children's clothing Telephone | \from va '5 cok son Furniture, |OIL PAINTINGS--Landscapes, portraits, framing, |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture One location only. Pretty ine, | FABULOUS JANUARY SALE -- now on Double mattresses chairs, figure work, custom picture Clark 'Studio, telephene 468-4497, 325 and appli Brock North, Whitby Furniture, in ses|ture or anything sell and exchange you have ro) The fur City electr 8.999] single Wilson specials. cord or evenings |CLEARING OUT stock sale, | assorted sizes. Dial Brooklin 655-3107 after Furniture, chesterfield suite, bedroom suite: 20 Church Str ances 444 Simcoe South, white and Elna Repairs to ell make igpotter evénings, SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one-foot iengths,| Phone 723-2281 betere 75 aquaria, $99; chrome Ss, $119. Wil eet 723-3 from 27) SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE Singer) $19.95. shed. Oshawa Up-| Trading. Post Store, 446 Simcoe street | Oshawa Sewing Centre, 329 eunene South, ig: ORLY 723-1471 12--Articles Wanted WE NEED used furniture; radios, TV's, Valley Creek, 728-4401, appliances; 1725-9474 16 Bond West, year turnover. $20,000 down or take trade, Quick sale appreciated for hegith rea- sons. Write Box 12795, Oshawa Times or COMMERCIAL, Ontario Street, iness opportunity, good bus- barbershop, beauty ----|salon or dental office. Call Oshawa Real- 360 Wilson Road South REAL ESTATE LTD, 46 King St. West LITHOGRAPHER PRESSMAN -- familiar with all phases of Offset' proce- dures (Negs. - Plates - Press). Required immediately for combination Offset - Letter- press plant. Must have ability to supervise staff, and as- sume responsibility as Fore- man. Spleridid opportunity for responsible qualified person. Please send complete resume, of previous employment, sal- , ary expected, etc. Your reply held in confidence and ac- knowledged. Reply to: Box No. 13062M LADIES Earn average of $5. per hour working 2 or more evenings a week. Good personality and car re- quired. No collecting or de- livering. 725-3946 942-3145 - 942-6603 "WAITRESSES Required 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. 3 P.M. to 11 P.M, 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. Apply Mr.- Campbell Genosha Hotel [pamearres to care for four pres four pre-school children in children's home, Maple Grove area Working mother. HAIRDRESSER with experience, good | working hours, Apply Riviera Hairstyl- ing, 136 Simcoe South or telephone 728- | 9651, RELIABLE middie-aged lady to look after two children; one schcol-age, 6.30 to 4, five-day week, light housework. 725-8707 RELIABLE WOMAN fo sleep in, five! nights a week, while mother works, Three school-age children. For further informa: tion telephone 723-5858. HOUSEKEEPER wanted to live in, start- eon ing January 15. Two children, 5 and 2. | WAITER, experienced for cocktail lounge Telephone 723-4641, extension 325. and beverage room. Must have good jreferences, steady position. Apply Man- Oshawa Times Telephone 623-5343 MAN FOR SERVICE STATION GOOD OPPORTUNITY MIDDLEAGED -- preferred Phone 668-334] WEEKEND HELP -- woman 18 to 45, 7 for Crowley's Restaurant and Variety | West Pil alata ip dh 7 King. Street store, Taunton and Garrard. Telephone é pienso esomletnscih stinfire 725-1053. |EXPERIENCED service ' bartender re ed. Apply in person between 6 and 8 REAL ESTATE saleswomen for Oshawa | QU" area, Must be intelligent and neat. Ex-|P:™- to Mr. Enns, Genosha Hotel. perience not necessary but preferred. |WAITER required. Apply Queen's Hotel, Olive Howe Real Estate, 723-0085 eve-|67 Simcoe North, nings. Replies conteantal. | OPPORTUNITY: fo sell the most com- RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER 13--Articles For Rent _ ty, Ask for Jack Zurba, 728-9466 or pce AR Seok bbc todd ROI Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- F Po ye eee es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee oF Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal RESULTS Wear, Men's Formals, White U Fox Furs, Mink Stoles se =e SARGEANT'S RENTALS | T!MES 463 Ritson Rd. §. 725-3338 Classified CHAIRS, card and banquet tables churent ACTION ADS ist U F en 1 Simos Strat Werth cot nese' "1 723-3492. A to keep|plete line of calendars and advertising house five days week. Two children, 14 specialties. Top commissions paid weekly. jand 12 years. Mother works. Telephone Full time or part time: References are 796-473) after 6 essential. Write for further particulars to a i feel saan aes st 125 mpraler a ont GIRL for invoice typing and general, Post! Box 185, Delormier Siatio), Mont office duties. Reply in own handwriting sihinegseihicihsiitailal sides stating age and- qualifications to Bo|BODY MAN wanted. Apply Gannon's JAuto Body. 335 Bloor Street. 49919, Qshawa Times. :

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