Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1966, p. 11

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CHECKS AND BOWS are Spring news in this dress and jacket by Sarmi shown at four-day fashion show of the American Designers Series this week in New York. Green will be the big color for Spring with shades ranging from pale lovebird green through to grass. --CP Wirephoto Spring Fashions In New York Dominated By By MARGARET NESS NEW YORK of green that all but dominat the spring fashion palette fered this week at the four-da program of style preview known as signer Series. The shades range from pale} lovebird green through grass to what used to be called 'poison' green. There are total costumes, green featured ex travagantly in prints along and yellows and mauves, even verdant green in leather suits and pants, Oddly for spring, pink is with blues suede and a top contender. Black ousts navy as a spring favorite. Black-and-white prints and black with white in two- tone costumes are important. In prints, vague misty flow- ers drift across palest pastels. These are veritable fantasies. A few designers also include (CP)--Irish or not, you'll love the many moods the American De-| green Moods Of Green tremely short. hemlines now seem right not only for casuals and classics but even for the | many-layered swirling chiffon .| cocktail dresses. y| Suits feature 's|/engths. The longest, in tunic ileanness, often tops a _ low- iplaced pleated skirt with 1920s lovertures. Brass buttons re- |place the open chanel jacket. +|While a few skirts are full, they are mobile. The spare coat with its set-in sleeves is still the most popular silhouette. Some full backs are prophetic. The two and three-piece cos- tume -- the coat-and-dress en- semble -- are featured in all collections. Daytime dresses caress the figure. Many suit and dress skirts are front pan- elled, often widening to the hemline, with pockets tucked various. jacket KEEP IN TRIM Aim To Keep By IDA JEAN KAIN At the weight control session of the American Dietetic Asso- ciation convention, Dr. Jean Mayer, Harvard School of Pub- lic Health, gave some fresh views regarding the whole prob- lem of obesity. At the outset, he emphasized the fallacy of relying on height- weight tables alone for deter- mining desirable weight. What is needed is a way of measuring total body fat. Obesity can. be defined as too much fat. As a guide, how much did you weigh at 25? The weight you have put on since then is likely to be added fat. So, if your weight is much in excess of what was desirable at age 25, to that extent you are obese, Your doctor, using skin calipers, can measure the amount of fat. The study of hunger and sa- tiety. is directly related to re- ducing. The question to ask At 25-Year-Old Level your early in life, it is more likely to stay. He condluded: 'Obesity 1s compiex, both from the medical and genetic factors." THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Personal relationships are highly favored now, with spe- cial emphasis on dealings with elders and superiors. The late afternoon and evening hours will be unusually good for pro- moting unique ideas and gener- ally displaying your cleverness. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your outlook for the coming year is extremely interesting. According to the stars, both your personal life and your financial interests should pros- per and, in jobs, there is also indication of advancement and | yourself is, are you very hun- | gry, or do you eat in spite of} {not being hungry? In short, is it habit or true hunger? | Dr. Mayer stated that men} jand women differ in this re-| jspect. Men become hungrier} |after a few mouthfuls are eaten, | jwhich encourages overeating. | | Women are more successful in 'controlling their weight. Why?| |"At a meal, fully half of the! women stop eating, not because} jthey feel completely satisfied, | ibut because they know they) jhave had enough to eat," he | noted. some unusual recognition for past efforts. Currently, you are in an excellent period on all these counts -- one which pill last until about Feb, 21. Just one admonition, however: Do not speculate next week or you could offset monetary gains. Other good periods for career inicrcsats will occur during the first three weeks of March (but you may be given some additional responsibilities at) that time); also, during the last week of September, the first three weeks of October, all of November and next January. Ballet British Columbia a new professional ballet com- pany geared to small stage BALLET FOR BACKWOODS schedule. The company will presentation will start its carry about 16 dancers and first tour in the fall with 47 small towns or cities on its Mamie's Inaugural Bonnet \the museum itself. } 'eessories thus collected were {modelled in a fashion show in eight-piece orchestra.Danc- | | THE ARUAUA TIMES Meandow Honuaey 10, 1848 ing on the dock are Beverly | Huechert and Baruch Blum. pttrertes Suu c + : > Space Race Funds TORONTO (CP) -- Money spent by the United States in the space race might be better used to find cures for cancer, insanity and heart disease, Mr. Hans Selye, director of the Uni- versity of Montreal's Institute of Experimental Medicine, said Thursday night. He told the closing banquet of the Hadassah' Wizo biennial convention that medical re search now is beyond the scope of private support. "Man's study of man is the most important study," he told 870 Canadian delegates. The secrets of man's existence must be studied diligently. Dr. Selye said there is no reason to take for granted that aging must be accepted. Labor- atory tests have shown certain progressive changes believed to be inevitable in the deteriora- tion of humans have been re- versed. He also spoke about stress. He said it is essential to dis- cover whether a person is ac- tive or passive if stress is to be regulated. The passive per- json should not be pushed into over-activity, Dr. Selye said frustration is the greatest form of stress. He called it the backseat driver of i life. "If you can't do anything jabout a situation, don't," he 'advised. "Relax and forget it.' --CP Photo | Advising against fast weight) jloss, Dr. Mayer said: "If you} {reduce rapidly, you will regain) | rapidly." | Is there an inherited tendency }toward obesity? This authority) | believes there is such a ten-} | dency. He oberved that gir | with long fingers and narrow jhands rarely become over-| | weight, though they may do so later in life. Those with a ten-| }dency to gain easily should be! jon guard to take preventive | measures, Dr. Mayer is a firm believer} jin exercise to control weight.| |He urges parents to help over-' weight children establish sound |dietary habits and depend on Next good periods for finances: The entire month of April (es- pecially for long - range proj- ects), the first three weeks of| September, all of October and next January. Creative workers suvuid have a generally good year, with outstanding periods of accomplishment indicated in May, June.and September. In personal affairs -- except for brief periods of tension, pos- sibly in late February, early March, late June and-or early} July--your domestic, social and sentimental interests should prove unusually pleasant. Best} NEW YORK Royal Ontario Museum in Tor-|s onto has obtained a fashion ex- clusive--the hat worn by Mrs. Dwight Eisenhower at her hus- iband's inauguration as U.S. president in 1953. Milliner Sally Victor has do- nated the hat, which she de- signed, to the museum,s COS- tume department. | February, June, late October} Obesity in children is slowly but| so-called romances of May, Sep-|of Miss Cowley, is publishing steadily increasing throughout|tember or November too seri- the nation. When obesity comes' ously, however. seum's costume department. If You Believe In An Idea flat squashed pagoda, in silky white felt with the underside in Amer-| ican Beauty through the slashes. 'Obtained By Ontario Museum (CP) -- The, for inclusion ¥n the catalogue of ome of the original haute cou- ture clothes already assembled uy in the costume department. Mrs. Eisenhower's hat is a style, almost like a Red that shows The textbook catalogue has It will arrive in Toronto in|been undertaken as a project the custody of Gwen Cowley, a|by the Fashion Group of Tor-' eveles for affairs of the heart:|journalist and an executive of/onto, an affiliate of the Fashion The latter part of this month,|the Fashion Group of Toronto.) Group of New York. It is being The Fashion Group of Tor- compiled for the benefit of stu- exercise to reduce their weight.;and late June. Don't take the/onto, under the chairmanship|dents using the fashion collec- altion that was greatly aug- ltextbook catalogue for the mu-|mented by the fashion group in its initial drive, some 10 years York 289, to help round out the cos- tumes already both American and designers. collected, from European Many of the gowns and ac-' The textbook is printed by the University of Toronto Press and is expected to be available this year. Expense of the pro- ect is being defrayed by the fashion group's yearly fashion seminars, The book will in-| clude some 150 pictures, many | of donors in the actual family costumes, DEALING YOUR CAR? The Mon To See Is JACK HUGHES e ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. Get Expert Help And Hang On attending the spring fashion By ROBERTA ROESCH showings, was checking some) Invention-minded people with|*! biographical data about Mrs.| | Victor, one of the designers in-|_ good ideas for products should not stop before they start, sim-) leans while her husband was nging there. collection. One was donated | " 15 years ago by Miss| We used my mother as a/5°™° guinea pig," Nan said. "Then| Cowley herself. } after a year of hard work and} was FAMOUS under the folds. CHECKS BIG NEWS Tattersall checks are big \cluded in. the book. Several of| ply because they see the ob- |Mrs. Victor's trend-setting hats| Se presented her with the first) style and one of the most fa- lare already in the museum's | trial and error, the optometrist| jt was an embroidered chess ish t. 1 t ; greens jhand-ground prescription mir-|mous of Mrs. Victor's hats. DUPONT OF CANADA LTD. Hos Immediate SENIOR STENOGRAPHER in the Technical Department at its Plant in Ajax, Ont. APPLICANTS should hove ot least Regular Opening five years experience in secretario! Y.W.C.A. Winter Program for men and women Beginners Bridge Advonced Bridge @ Ballroom Dancing @ Badminton Club @ Pointing And Drawing for women only Take @ Break at Northminster (with nursery) Take « Break et Northminster (with unrsery) Keep-Fit @ Advanced Millinery Basic Dressmaking @ Copper Enamelling Advanced Dressmoking @ Curling Patterns @ Swimming Beginners Millinery for Teens Y-Teen Club ond the Leadership Training Course for Girls 8-12 Saturday Morning Fun Group NEW PROGRAMS Tor s ge The evenings. Topies ere: Meking ower c e voir styli (@, ture and exercise, Make-up, Nutrition, Vacation Planning, gift 'rapping. F Junior Art Class on Seturdey Mornings start someti in February. Ages 8-16. Instructor Mrs. Phyllis Pray hed sig Simple Leatherwork. Thursday evenings. Instructor Mise J. Linton, Business Girls Group. An informe! group for girls (18-30) whe ere working, to make new friends end enjoy @ program, Alternate Wednesdays, But neither should they be so} g Pet ; _gome violent colors. Malcolm|news. Handsome were the suits| naive that they don't expect any| _ ee OE the a s. Starr uses green, orange and|by Geoffrey Beene in curry-|hurdiles. | COST TOO MUCH f i pink printed chiffon, - but merg-|ané white check and by Frech-|' this advice is from movie| "But our hurdles weren't all sult syed ores. ee ing ie mach other rather eared Pee Bl oceania pee a pape actress « turned - inventor Nan| behind us," Nan went on, '"be-|ower & i oe ee ee a me ear ears cee wt tat eine, who Decemni th-| Cause Mis coe ERE | ema tersall checks, with the sawed: vented a close - up mirror-lens| an psec dyar method -- | d yhen you are in- STRESS SOFT GRACE off short sleeves he advocates| (0%. lation tod aplacph ga cock Rea eh Eeragal baba Jaded oe with aa invention," Nan Some 250 fashion editors have|for spring. ewe makeup without wearing igh 1 hf | said trammed 36 spring collections! pj | 84a586S. | Additional research followed. | *4!0- ie iff > oly ing a : i " » advice to people and fashion extras into the four tae Suen dominates} the wife of singer Frankie| Then, finally, after numerous). ogre bahia pangs days of showitgs arranged bythe evening scene in most col-| Taine, Nan got the idea for her) Prescriptions syere computed, a ich, ae our idea, (2) get fashion consultant Eleanor|lections, and ranges fromjinvention several years ago, Was found that two basic form- G) ne ihe fad help (3) learn ulas could meet the require-|expert trusted help, | ( Lambert. Certainly, except for|skimpy oversheaths for cock-|While she was in the hospital. | | ; cpec' 5 a handful of way-out designers sprees floor - lencth Msp lHer mother, who was far-|ments of most far-sighted peo-| 45 You 89, (4) expect obstacles the American trend setters sre| sintend | ple. It was determined that 90|and (5) don't give Up. and } : t the -women| with this. condition could use the| invention effectively by to find | ! their personal focus. | RRITATION "Now we're . getting it into] MAY DISTURB SLEEP faced obstacles there. The var-| A7*,mace m at he De enie ious lights and lighting effects | 3 assignments which hove included shorthand es well os tryping and dictaphone work. Experience in work with menegement personnel, end high school matriculation ore preferred but not essential. Independent transportation to the plont is necessary. This position will include work di ion, i and i duties; it carries © salary scale consistent with qualifications and full company benefit range. TO APPLY PLEASE WRITE DUPONT OF CANADA LTD.. Ajax Works Fairall St., Ajax, Ont, Att.: Personnel GIVING PERSONAL AND. EXPERIENCE DETAILS Synchronized Swimming. A 10 week course eon Ti 1:15 = 2:15. Only women with Senior er Bronze class. Instructor: participants, len. moll for Mra, |, Cranfield, Nursery et the YWCA Registration for all courses Jan. 10-14, 2-5 p.m. At the YWCA For information call Program Office 723-7625 MRS. M. JOHNSON, MIS&S L, SHERWOOD, Program Director Asst. Prog. Dir. BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR JANUARY CLEARANCE CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK ! SPECIAL RACK OF stressing soft grace, gentile fit-|y ar aaee- Greek - born Stavrop-\ ana Nan es ting in day clothes and yards oulos ran the gamut in some of|tice how messy her mother's and yards of floating chiffon|the most beautiful gowns ever|makeup looked. Because her for evening. : : |seen--many strapless, in tinted mother couldn't see without her Skirts remain mid-knee OT lay h glasses, eye makeup was poorly higher. The initial shock of the) oon °UC" 3 Orange and ruby | applied, foundation was put on last couple of seasons has be-| Ceil Chapman, now designing|}too heavily and rouge was a come visual. acceptance. Ex-|for Miss Winston, is another | blob of red. who used chiffon for maximum} . : jeffect. Her short wispy late-day| COULDN'T SEE Little Conformity |and clingy long chiffons are} "When. we talked about her | ostly in pastels or sombre| makeup, Mother admitted that | Shadings. when she removed her glasses 4 5 ee 5 3 cent Gi YOUNG MODERNS TOTS TO TEENS in department stores ruined our) pinot by Kidney and Bladder irritations, demonstrations until we discov-| try taking 2 little OYSTEX tablets with ¥ | @ glass of water 3 times dally for a few m ered that this kind of lighting! days.cySTEX isa cleaning urinary anti- ve septic, also an analgesic pain reliever for must be on the face and not on Rheumatism, Sciatica Pains, 'Headache, | >| the lens Backache, and muscular pains, Get "You learn something almost! OYSTEX from druggist, Peel better fast. OTTAWA (CP) ee 'woman |sons? It's still here, of course.|it dawned on me that thousands | 3 en ee ee ey may buy a size 10 shirtwaist/The skinny coat, the lean suit,)0f women who wore glasses floating} ; 81 sighted, visited her almost daily ae n't help but no-!te per the -wo -_ ""«" BLADDER the mirror-lens slightly stores," Nan said, "but we even| After 21 twice as many women as men y combat the secondary musc pains and disturbed sleep In Dress Sizing And where is bravado of the the last youthful) she couldn't see to fix her face,' few sea-| Nan said, 'so all of a sudden dress, size seven party dress|the tunic dress are all very| must have the same kind of dif- | 1] org en - shorts, and have all young. And-some of the shock-| ficulties." | of them fit. troop designers are still show-| Without looking ahez 0 the This was one fact unearthed ing mad, mad young clothes. ohatacian fond oe pa by the Consumers Association | But the so-called "mod" look!a patent, Nan recalled a film-! of Canada in a recent _Surveyjisn't overwhelmingly present.| ing technique that a cameraman| for the federal . specifications /C anad iam women should be| had explained to her during the board on the present sizing of|happy. We're conservative in| shooting of a movie . women's clothing. our tastes. We've never taken ; From more than 2,000 com-|to the extreme young kick. So Then she decided to try 13] ear een ae eee THE FOOD PLAN THATH® OSHAWA | Whe % to % HAS PROVEN ITSELF 38 KING ST. EAST rial uniformity in sizing of dresses| everyone over 18 | shots might be applied to a mir-| Reg. 25.00 to 79.95 | , solv > oy' a Present was the largest Ca. ror to solve her mother's dil-| made by different manufactur-| é | nadian contingent of 24 fashion pan, Teel ee. eee ers. One size 10 may fit per- needed, she contacted a famous | fectly while others may be too! qj ; ; jeditors yet to attend the show-| recearch optometrist in New Or- Don't miss the terrific savings In every department. , . coat, large or too small for the same ipo, fr, A ra : person, the CAC said Friday in ile wes ee ee dresses, sportswear, maternity weer, ete. All reduced to clear! ena Tas aok a sel ttyfa OM, Richeer an BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN ! _GERMAN CHOCOLATE LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE NORTH smaller in more expensive, __ dresses because they were bet-| Open to 9 p.m. Fridays. ALL SALES FINAL -- ALTERATIONS EXTRA We Guarantee to SAVE YOU $100.00 ON YOUR ANNUAL FOOD COST PHONE 723-1163 Chambers. FOOD CLUB 933 RITSON RD, 5, WHITBY 135 BROCK ST. SOUTH news were usually too high for the mature figure. ' pital ordered 100 furry "Fur- Ready - made clothes had bug" toys from a manufac- skimpy hems and seams. turer. Then the hospital's board Blouses were so short they rode| vetoed the order after seeing a up when a woman bent over, Tall girls and older women : p felt neglected by manufactur-|$0 inviting the children might ers. try to eat them. VADIANT CLEANERS NOW HAS 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS @ 1120 Simcoe St. N, 728-2361 @ Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-1023 for pick-up and delivery call 728-2361 sample, saying the toys looked DELICIOUS CHERRY PIE Make with Flaky Pastry ~ @ Custom Made Dropes ®@ Broadioom Special Special This Week This Week... @ Custom Made Slip Covers HOWARD'S ter cut. Cheapper dresses VETO TOYS--TOO GOOD 71 c ne 5 iy € seemed designed for the teen-| LONDON (CP) -- The Great @ Another Woolworth's Service Only age market, because bust darts g-mond Street Children's Hos- PARTY SANDWICH TRAYS -- Serves 16 to 20 people 5.95 DRAPERIES 926 Simeoe St. N. 725-3144

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