ASHAWA TIMES, Saturday, January &, 1°44 (Mignon) gs esnngnannny eae agen ree panna nT TEEN SCE SMS TERM NE Central Collegiate Now that Christmas is over, the real school year begins. Essays and projects keep the libraries full and busy with students doing research on S akespeare, English topics and history. A few words must be said about the most successful Christmas Capers and Christ- mas Assembly which ended 1965 so well. Many thanks must be given to Mr. Casson who directed the skits, and to the various committees and clubs who made the whole evening so enjoyable. The Glee Cluk, the band, the teachers' groups and the stu- dents must be praised for their contribution in the Christmas Assembly. Special thanks are given to Rosalind Coe whose solos, to say. the least, were beautiful, and did much to en- hance-a great many students in! land." |at Central's feeling that Christmas was surely coming. : January should be a most busy month for school activi- ties. Besides the boys' and girls' basketball games, the Drama Club is preparing for the up-coming Central Presents in February. Casting is still go- ing on, but Miss Sissons and Mr. Holiday will begin rehear- sals immediately. The prepara- tions for the Prom on January 28 are in full swing with the committees, under Organizer Tes. Normoyle, working hard to make the Prom an enjoyable and successful evening for all students. The theme of the Prom is "Winter Wonderland." Costing $2.50 a couple 'and with a light supper being served, couples will be able to dance 'to a band and enjoy themselves 'Winter Wonder- --DORIS CHROMEJ McLaughlin Collegiate 'Tis time to put away the holly and the mistletoe -- holi- days are over. Yes, our days are again filled with classes, homework assignments and the thunder of two thousand feet stampeding to the cafeteria doors at lunch-time. Besides all these daily joys, we see two months hence the up the play. The girls of the home economics department are busily creating many -or- nate and beautiful costumes of the Renaissance Period. Soon, work will begin on the sets which will create the illusion of sixteenth century Italy. The play this year will be the best yet presented. When tickets go *"'acid test'? for our New Year's| on sale for the three perform- resolutions. It's back! great to be! ances to be held January 27, 28 and 29, don't miss out! Buy Preparations are well under | yours right away! way for this year's Drama Club presentation, Next, a reminder to all mem- "The Mer-| bers of the Commons and all chant of Venice' by William) Senators that the MCVI Parlia- Shakespeare. Almost every night, rehearsals are. held for the individual scenes making | ment pill hold its first session of the New Year this Tuesday, January 11.--T, R. GLECOFF. Oshawa Catholic High School This week OCHS once again|their mothers enjoyed a lovely opened its doors to smiling faces. Work began Monday morning as usual and will con- tinue until Easter vacation. Since it is the beginning of a new year it would be wise for all the students to make the New Year's resolution to bring up those marks. Remember, exams are only two months away! Just before school closed December 21, the Theresian Club held their banquet in the school cafeteria. All the girls belonging tothe club along with supper. The special guest speak- er was Miss Siegle of Colorado, who also presented the girls with their charter. Entertain- ment after the dinner was pro- vided by the Glee Club. Other important guests were Bishop Morrocco who gave a_ short talk, Rt. Rev. Paul Dwyer, Father Cochrane and Mrs. Parke. All in all the evening was a great success, full of happiness and joy clearly show- ing the overall spirit of the girls in the Theresian Club. a. --CHRISTINE SHAW Donevan Collegiate The annual Winter Whirl held December 22 had a delightful Mexican theme. A Mexican ver- andah for the band, a large Mexican Christmas tree gaily decorated and a cart pulled by a donkey were all part of the decorations. The cart was filled with about one hundred and seventy-five gifts of all shapes and sizes. These presents were taken to Simcoe Hall for dis- tribution among the needy chil- dren in the Oshawa area. This thoughtful gesture by the stu- dents who attended the dance was well appreciated and it is hoped that it will become a tradition at Donevan. TAX TIME? The Remington 149 Only $169.50 COOK'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT 73 Simcoe W. 728-8300 Besides the excellent music 'provided by the dance band, Donevan's own folk singing group composed of Susan Pea- cock, Ralph Laxton, and Gary Nickerson entertained during intermission. They serenaded the students in a Mexican bar, where the heat was above average. The highlight. of the evening NEWe 5 S how 'Biz an DFWITW RSM e? Shee oe ' Personalities Star In Many New Books The following reviews were written by Mrs. Claude Ebbett of the Order Depart- ment, McLaughlin Public Library.) A Gift of Joy by Helen Hayes: Few performers have been held in greater esteem and affection than the highly respected actress Helen Hayes. n the 1930's when radio was in its prime I recall our antici- pation whenever Helen Hayes was to appear in one of her many dramatic performances. Since that time millions have seen and heard her in summer theatres, on Broadway, in mov- ing pictures, and more recent- ly on television. Now she has disclosed another facet of her active life by writing this slight- ly biographical book which gives the reader examples of the many pleasures life has be- stowed upon her. She reminisces about her hus- band Charles MacArthur who died in 1956 and her beloved daughter Mary who died of polio. She freely discusses her | likes and dislikes and her opin- | ions on all sorts of subjects -- | faith, fame, Shakespeare, old | age, parents and gardening. | Anyone who enjoys walking for | relaxation will appreciate the) delightful chapter on this sub- | ject and will agree, I'm sure, | with her witty comments. Her Shangri-la or Casa Serena (Ser- | ene House) is located at Cuer- navaca, an hour's drive from | Mexico City. Here she finds the | gift of joy provided by solitude | which she believes is essential | for everyone. Selected passages from her favorite books, plays, | and poetry as well as sixteen | pages of photographs are in- | cluded in this unique book. | Other books written by well- | known personalities in show | business have been recently | added to our collection. I. E.: The Autobiography of | Mickey Rooney: Today Mickey | Rooney continues to entertain | after beginning his career at the | age of one and becoming a vet- | eran actor when most people are just beginning to earn a liv- ing. He tells of his successes and failures and expresses his | came at 11.385 when the pineta was broken. Thanks to Bill Me- | Intyre, a very authentic | ca of a traditional pineta was filload | ; - Sliced . with mache figure hai- lons and noise makers. The | pineta was smashed by Barry Hobbs, Linda Eccles, and Ralph Laxton and down came a show- er of surprises for all. . The dance which ended at midnight will always be a mem- orable evening for those who attended. The one hundred couples there extend their thanks to Andy DeJong who supervised the dance committee and made it a success. --SUSAN USHER When you select Electrohome you receive the fin- est in oli Cana- dion croftsman- ship "TRITAN" Portable 249.50 YOUR COLOR TV STORE HLECTROHOME AN ALL-CANADIAN COMPANY RECOIL LISOSSIO SETI SII PARKWAY TELEVISION FULL YEAR PARTS end 918 SIMCOE ST. N. "We Service What We Sell . « » Ourselves" SERVICE WARRANTY 723-3043 own amazement over his abil- ity to earn 12 million dollars and still go into bankruptcy ... Elizabeth Taylor by: Elizabeth Taylor This is a short book but should contain some material not already published. She writes at considerable length about her children and her many serious illnesses. She dis- cusges the filming of Cleopatra and her meeting and_ subse- quent marriage to Richard Burton. Humphrey Bogart: The Man and His Films by Paul Michael This is the first of several books to be written about the life of Humphrey Bogart who died about nine years ago. This book gives a short biographical sketch followed by details of his 75 films. This should inter- est those who would like to re- fresh their memory about one of Hollywood's great stars. ; Yes I Can by Sammy Davis, r. Sammy Davis records his life in show business and his per- {sonal battle against discrimin- ation, from his days in vaude- ville to his present great suc- cess in all kinds of entertain- ment media. He also discusses his conversion to Judaism. Lena by Lena Horne and Richard Schickel ' Fans of the great Negro - singer should enjoy this honest account of this hard-working personality, She entered show business to help support her family at the age of 16 during the Depression. NEW AND RECOMMENDED BOOKS FICTION The Clown, by Heinrich Boll How Far to Bethlehem, by Norah Lofts Miss MacIntosh, My Darling, by Marguerite Young An Odor of Sanctity, by Frank Yerby The Rabbi, by Noah Gordon GENERAL Autobiography of Malcolm X The Captain's Bridge, by Donald MacLean The Crippled Tree, by Han Suyin Dictionary of Canadian Bi- ography, v.1 1000-1700. Limited, Edited by G. W. Brown Pauline Johnson, her life and work, by Marcus Van Steen NEWS An interesting exhibition of paintings by the Canadian So- ciety of Painters in Water Color will be on display in the Adult Reading Room until January 25, 520 King W. WHERE Do You Get The Most For Your MONEY GOOD BOY FURNITURE MART 728-5712 NEXT WEEK'S ACTIVITIES AUDITORIUM Sunday -- January 9th JANUARY 9th -- JANUARY 15th Thursday -- January 13th 10.00 am. -- 1.00 p.m, U.A.W.A. Hockey 1.30 p.m -- 3.30 p.m. Public Skating 7.00 p.m. -- 11.00 p.m, Senior League & Mondey -- January 10th 6.00 p.m: -- 10.00 p.m. Skating Club : Friday -- Jonuary 14th 8.00 p.m. Junior 'B' Hockey i: Oshawa ys. Kingston Saturday -- Janucry 15th 6.00 p.m. -- 8.30 p.m. G.M. Office Hockey League 8.30 p.m. -- 10.30 p.m City League Tuesday -- January 11th 6.00 p.m. -- 8.00 p.m, - Skoting Club 8.00 p.m. -- 10.00 p. m City League Wednesday -- January 12th 8.00 pm. -- 10.00 p.m, Public Skating at ll 7 am. -- 12 noon Church Leogue 12 noon -- 2.00 p.m. Little N.H.L. Tyke 4.00 p.m. -- 6.00 p.m. Church League Exhibition Hockey ey Oshowa vs. St. Cothorines COMING ATTRACTIONS Januery 25th Country Music Show Ray Price, Little Jimmy Dickens, Blake Emmons, Cherokee Indians he ane THORNTON RD. S. OFF KING ST. WEST