18--Mate Hei Wanted Area Pianning Board PLANNING DRAFTSMAN Junior or intermediate drafts- mon to undertake . voried drafting assignments. Primorily ink work --- mop preporation, tracing, ing -- Good "essential. To assist field survey projects. letter- line drawing in research and Graduate by recognized draft- ing course with experience in topographic or architectural drefting preferred. Municipal or related experience osset. Varied ond interesting work In newly established regional planning office. Fringe benefits. Salary commensurate with ex- perience and quolifications. WILLIAM McADAMS DIRECTOR Central Ontario an Joint Planning Board 5214 Simeoe St. Telephone 723-341] OSHAWA SEPARATE N., Oshawa SCHOOL BOARD Requires A General Maintenance Mon to assume the duties of the General Maintenance Pro- gramme throughout the school system, combined with limited supervisory duties. Applicant please reply in writ- ing, stating age, marital sta- tus, expected TO: OSHAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD 209 Simcoe Street N., OSHAWA qualifications and salary SALES OPPORTUNITY BOWES "SEAL FAST" Invites inquiries from oaggres- sive, mature young men who cre interested "Bowes" "$00" Cor Core Products. in selling World Famous The selected applicant will re- ceive guaranteed income and full training ot the factory and in the Field to sell to Service Stations, ers. etc Garages, Car Deal- This position leads to an op- portunity to become an dependent businessman, erating your Bowes' Distributorship in- op- own exclusive For full perticulars and appoint- ment for interview write od- to telephone number "Seal Fast" vising Bowes Company, Limited, Box 75, Station 'C', Hamilton, Ontorio REAL ESTATE SALESMEN 2 needed immediately ta care for our we offer; * A downtown office * Free parking facilities, * Your own desk and phone, atmos- * Congenial office phere. For persona! interview call expanding business, Nick Siblock sales manager 728-7576 SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. 46 King St. West EXPERIENCED PARTS MAN FOR FORD DEALERSHIP APPLY Les MacDonald MacDONALD Ford Sales 219 King E. Bowmanville | i 18--Male Help Wanted To assume general office duties including payroll purchasing and routine corres pondence and to assist in planning administration pro- cedures. High school graduation and previous administrative or clerical experience required. Municipal or related exper- jence an asset. Fringe Benefits Varied ond interesting work in newly established regional plonning office. Salary range $4,635 to $5,873. Starting salary com- mensurote with qualifications and experience, WILLIAM McADAMS DIRECTOR Central Ontario Joint Planning Board 52% Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Telephone 19-----Male and Female 20--Reai Estate for Saie om. eet. Zim ee marstne Aten eee Heln Wanted interested in SELLING REAL ESTATE? Schofield-Aker Ltd. are ex- panding. We therefore are looking for sales people with the 'ollowing back ground: (1) Preference given to some- one who can converse fluently in English and at least one other language; (2) Have liyed in Oshawa or surrounding district for some length of time; (3) Must be of excellent char- acter and have good health; (4) Must have reasonably late model car; (5) Previous selling experi- ence preferred but not an absolute necessity. For confidential interview call Bill McFeeters Vice President & Real Estate Manager, Daytime 723-2265 Evenings 725-1726 TAXI DRIVERS | Port or Full Time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAXI WAITER REQUIRED for part-time duties one night per week APPLY Mr: Campbell _Genosha Hotel SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Must be experienced willing to work nights and week-ends Married mon preferred Apply in person to: -- DEARBORN SHELL SERVICE Highway 2 and Thickson. Rood Whitby, Ont HELP wanted. Apply a Binwtar Mutcuin ele BODY MAN wanted. App + Aute Body, 3 Bicor Street, in fl pe ir sad ply @annon's| 123- vere i | |THE ONTARIO REGIMENT, | RCAC HAS A NUMBER | OF OPENINGS WITHIN | ITS ORGANIZATION FOR | |TIME FOR A CHANGE? Was last year |20--Real Estate For Sale 725-4771 | | really a successful year? Does your pres- | ent fob offer you all the epportunity you| want? Adequate income? Advancement potential? if your answer is no, write| Box 13198, Oshawa Times. | | INTERESTED YOUNG MEN TO TRAIN AS GUNNERS, DRIVERS AND RADIO OPERATORS. Applicants need be 17 to 36 years, good health and at least Grade Eight stonding. Regular Army rates of pay ore paid for training one evening per week and one Sunday per month. Recruits now accepted any Tuesday or Thursday ot 8 p.m. at THE ARMOURY Simcoe St. North, Oshawa | See Lieutenant R. M. Johnston, Recruiting Officer. Any other day except Saturday Between 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. See Sgt. Miller. MEN WANTED Medium to light concrete products work. Age 40 to 50 preferred Apply in person only, at plant STORRAR LTD. SIMCOE STREET NORTH Opposite North Oshowe Driving Range OPEN All Weekend Lights On. | | Start the New Year with an Armstrong Home Unfortunately, due to the cost of lend, the prices on all populer models will have to be increased in the New Yeor Toke advantage now of the remaining models at the old price. From $16,850. OSHAWA-- Located on Kee- watin south of Olive 1 block from Grandview. AJAX -- Harwood Avenue post the Hospital and follow model home orrows. GRIFFIN Real Estate A TEXAS OIL COMPANY | WANTS MAN OVER 40 FOR OSHAWA AREA We need a good mon over 40 who 'can mdke short auto trips for about o. week ot a time. We are willing to pay top earnings. Our top men in other parts of country draw exceptional earnings up to $12,000 ina This opening the Oshowa oreo is worth just os ~ much to the right mon. Air mail B. J. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Corp 534 N. Main St., Fort Worth 1, Texas year in FURNITURE SALESMAN Experienced only. Top wages and commission. Apply in person RUTHERFORD FURNITURE LTD, 156 SIMCOE $ EXPERIENCED DRAFTSMAN Well paying regular part- time job for person capable of line drawing Please Write Box 12597 Oshawa Times giving references and stating times available IMMEDIATE OPENING for salesman. Get in a better earning bracket by seli- nq Canada's largest line of calendars, advertising speciaities, and marking de- vices. High commission, plus bonus. 30 per cent commission on some tines. Full or sell with fines now 1, Replies heid in} Advertising Brockville, On de 'Box 94, Speciaities, For RESULTS Use TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 j } Ltd. | 723-6461 -- 942-3310 After Hours 723-4645 | Electric Heated NEW Brick Duplexes 1--five room apt 1--four room apt, These buildings qualify for a $1,000. Government Winter Works Bonus 64% N.H.A. Mortgage Excellent rental Area $23,500 FULL PRICE LESS $1,000 W. W. Bonus Trades Considered JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 | $1,545 FULL DOWN Only 2 left. Extra bedroom split level homes featuring 2 bathrooms. Extra large family toom. Carport. Built-in range and ovens. Vanity bathrooms. Storms ond screens. Storm doors. Picture brook kitchens. Plus! Plus! Plus! See.and Save the Griffin way. John Kosteniuk 723-4645 CDIFEIN Wine tf REAL ESTATE LTD, large 4 | IMMEDIATE | Adventist Church, | Rockcliffe, | Drive ALE Kris REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 NATURAL FIREPLACE 1 @ This nome -ii the North West area hos ao natural fire- place with panelled bedrooms. Large ravine lot with creek. Call to-day for ee particulars, ELECTRICALLY HEATED 1 @ Brand new large brick bungalow with ched garage jocated in the preferred Mouth East area. Large living room, separate dining rvoi and 3 moster sized bedrooms. 4 piece bath with large vanity. Why| not give us a call ond let us) tell you all the extras this home has to offer, 1. abbey, * POSSESSION Ili @ Large three bedroom brick bungalow. in the North West section of the city. Two both- rooms, large L shoped living room and dining room, good kitchen with built in breakfost nook and lots of cupboard space Very dry basement with large finished recreation room, also extra bedroom, T.V. aerial, door} chimes, wired for dryer. Furnace room with work shop area. | ® TIRED OF RENTING? | IV @ For only $9,900 you may | purchase this two bedroom) frame bungalow located in the) South East e-se This home is! well worth inspection ond re- quries only $2,500 down pay- ment e ANXIOUS TO SELL -- INCOME HOME V e@ The owner of this large ranch style brick bungalow with attached garage and income from the basement apartment, must sell as he is leaving the city. 5 piece bath, large holly- wood kitchen, ond 3 master sized bedrooms will allow the new owner to live more than comfortably, while still having a good income from the 3 room basement apartment with com- plete both. Call for full porticu- lors. REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 50 ACRE FARM -- 20 miles from Oshawa, 4 bedroom home, modern conveniences, with piped weoter, pig born © and implement shed. Full price $24000 -- Terms. 10 ACRES with 4 bedroom home, conveniences and oil heated, garage, barn, some hay and straw. Brooklin area on paved road. Full price $18,500 -- Terms. GENERAL STORE AND EQUIPMENT with modern home. Excellent opportunity for the whole family. Prosperous business located in active village in good farm area, 20 -miles from Oshawo, Full price' $32,- 500 -- Terms. BROOKLIN --- new 6 room brick bungalow, hollywood kitchen, dining room, all de- corated mahogany trim. Close to schools and shopping. Ask- ing $16,780 -- Terms. FIVE ROOM COUNTRY BUNGALOW and 1 acre of land, good well. Full price $7,000 -- Terms. COUNTRY HOME Modern with seven rooms, 2 boths, fireplace, hot woter heating, scenic location with 50 acres and painted barns. Off No 12 Highway at Black- woter, Asking $30,000 -- Terms, CALL 623-3393 After 9 p.m. HOWARD FORDER Brooklin, 655-3853 & = HANDYMAN NEEDED VI @ We hove an oldtimer need- | ing some repairs within driving distance of Oshawa. Now oc- cupied by two families, separ- ate baths and kitchens. Fifteen} ocres of rich soil which will grow most onything, Asking) price only $11,500 with low down payment and one open mortgage for the balonce. e LOCATION COUNTS VIII @ Roomy three bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage on good residential street in Whitby. Large living room with dining orea, four piece bath with vunity.. Basement has recreotion room facilities and includes new gos dryer. Good sized lot completely fenced. Call now for full particulars. Coll 723-5281 for full particu- lors. Open p.m. pt hours call Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Monitius Evelyn Cassel Len Bissell Italo Bortolussi Albert Blicharz Eleanor 'deJong Ernest Mueller Steve Englert Jean Peacock daily from 9 a.m. to| 728-0768 725-3454) 728-2754) 725-3710) 725-2070 723-6329 723-1121 728-2949) 728-0208 726-5581 725-4330 728. 99.47. 728- 4731 723-7390 728-7083 728-4241 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 exclusive and Photo law ory El. Ann Thompson Doug Trivett Wolter Mittler George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young We M.L.S. Member of O.D.R.E.B. GUIDE REALTY Limited vu REALTORS OPEN DAILY | | (Except Monday and Tuesday) | From | to 6 P.M. | PARADE OF HOMES By Lysyk and Sons Ltd. LABRADOR DRIV list (OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 TO 5 P.M. Trades Accepted Bungalows and two stories Priced from $14,975 Down Payments from $1,275) Electric or Oil heat Many other features Choicest area in town DIRECTIONS: Follow King E. to Wilson Rood, turn south to Athol and De- von Streets. Joseph BOSCO REALTOR 748 adel BY QUALITY -BLILT HOMES ECHO CONST, LTD. 4/ FULL DOWN (To Those Who Qualify) WALTON BLVD. WHITBY Large selection of 614% N.H.A, homes feofuring 3 bedrooms, storms and screens on all windows, aluminum storm doors, built-in' stoves and ovens, furniture, finished cupboards and many other exciting features. DIRECTIONS: -- Drive West on Rossland Road to Brock Street Whitby then two short blocks further west to Walton Blvd Open daily and week-ends. L. N, BIRD Real Estate Ltd. Call 668-6061 FLOODLIT AFTER DARK. DIRECTIONS: King Street East to Seventh Day turn right to then right to Bel- vedere, then left to Labrador | EXCLUSIVE AGENTS | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED * 948 Somerville | OPEN DAILY FROM 2 TO 9 P.M, Six room brick bungalow with | a' large beautifully finished rec- | rea 'oom, 1% bathrooms. TERRIFIC VALUE -- $16,900} | COME ond SEE FOR YOURSELF | | DIRECTIONS: - | Simcoe Street North to Switzer, i] west on Switzer to Somerville | | and north on Somerville to Open | House. | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED SIMCOE STREET: SOUTH FLOODLIT AFTER DARK | I and garage, fop condition Elaine Lee, 'Martin Realtor, $8,900. LAKE SIMCOE Sandy beach, safe for chil- dren. Completely finished and fully furnished. 3 bedrooms ond sun porch. Hot and cold woter, flush toilet, excellent value, only $2,400. down. Call Mr. Yeo or Mr. Bolahood ot 728-5123 BOLAHOOD BROS. LTD. BUILDER'S LOSS Two new homes located in North West, both featuring built-in stoves, - decorating ond carports. No reasonable offer refused; trades consid- ered, gage ane |ealt Real Estate. S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 HAVE A LOOK at this one ladies! An excellent value in a desirabie area, Older shaded back yard, hous For more information ca 723-0396 or 728-5103, W. O. eae Nat} Your Present HOME for a HOME Prestige Harmony Village New Exciting Models e e e Low Down payment 2 Bathrooms 2 Car Gorages Sodding front and rear 3 and 4 Bedrooms Stone front and walkout basements DIRECTIONS: King St. E. to Harmony Road South to Vil- lage OPEN HOUSE 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. or by appointment PHONE THE MODEL HOME 725-3557 J. B. McMullan Real Estate Broker OLIVE HOWE REALTOR 515 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-5853 ILLNESS FORCES SALE For this thriving business, busy lunch counter with ex- cellent weekly turnover, plus three apartments, All with private entronces Paved parking, situated on a large fot 115 x 132" with highway frontage. For further inform- ation on this Business Prop- erty contact Audrey Moore 668-4088 or 668-5853 | | VACANT $2,000 DOWN 5 room modern bungalow. 3 bedrooms, oil furnace, clean home, located Valley Drive. Asking only $14,900 with terms. Move right in. Call mg now to inspect. " Jack Appleby 728-5123 BOLABOOD BROS. LTD. Griffin Real Estate Ltd., OFFER: -- $2,400 down. Do you work at the Oshawa General Hospital? This is an older 6 room home but in reaily nice condition. Private Drive and Garage Call 723-4645 |spacious "KITCHEN, Three large bed-| rooms, northwest Oshawa area. $15,900 full price. Call Marilyn Fitzgerald, 668 | 5313 oF 728- 5103, W. 0. Martin Realtor {LOOKING for a summer home? $7,400) | full price, a good 1'/2 sterey frame house, | |very cool in summer, warm in winter, |city conveniences with 100 acres to romp on, close to Stoney Lake swimming. Use the home for summer comfort and the| land as rental pasture to tp gall jfarmers. Has strawberries planted and | good garden space. For further informa- tion call Elaine Lee, 723-0396 or 728-5103 W. O, Martin Realtor, |JUST LISTED -- income property on | Quebec Street, two four-room apartments, fone finished room in basement, garage | with Private drive. For full particulars) }phone Larry Andely, 725-4539 or 728-5103. O, Martin Realtor on |W |$13,500 OR TRY ycur offer on this cozy jhome near separate and public schools Taxes only $117. Fully insulated and eco: jnomically heated. Phone Vince Jarvis, 1728-2063 or 728-5103, W, O, Martin Realtor. CAESAREA -- Five-room, two-bedroom, clapboard bungalow, built-in verandah, rically heated, good drilied well }lar lot, $480: Telephone - Blackstock ee 4890 EIGHT-PLEX for sale. $17,000 cash? Buy this have free rent years a clear building for further Information PRIVATE, CHOICE NORTH-WEST loca. tion, three-bedroom bungalow, fireplace, completely finished recreation. room, car peting, drapes, many extras. Priced to sell, Cali 728-0996 tor appointment NEW HOMES are being built by H. Kas- singer Construction at Rossland Rd. East and Wilson Rd. North, Three and four. bedroom models in bungalows and two storeys, with down payment starting at $2,425.00 with 64 percent NHA -mortgages. Occupancy about March 1}, 1966. Trade- in. accepted. These homes are selling fast. For a good home built. by a fine builder call Schofield-Aker Ltd. -- Exciv: sive .Agens 723-2265 have and Do you eight-plex Write Box 1540 homes, ready for occupancy for Apri: Only a limited number to be ouillt. Cali) now for best seléction. Trade-In taken of course. Call Cari Olsen Realtor, 723-1133 20 Ray 'Street, Oshawa NEW 5'2-ROOM bungalow, heated, attached garage, fully decorated,| pri ogy! rear yard, one 6% per cent mort-| Call Gord Hawkshaw 723-1861, Met-| ~ electrically | WHITBY -- Private. Gifford Street; |bedrooms; large living room and kitchen On a large treed lot, close to Separate! |School. Price $12,900, with substantial |down payment. Evenings 668-3230, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: Three - bed room home, north end, large lot, low down |payment considered. Call Stan McCor- jmack, 655-3066, Keith Peters Realty. | INCOME HOME three - jkitchens, two bathrooms,. new furnace, jasphalt drive. Central iocatign. Must be| pal to be appreciated Telep me 725-216) HAZELWOOD DRIVE -- See to appreci-, te this large sevrn-room split-level home four storey brick, two California Redwood and built-in many Situated on jlarge 94 x 179' lot. Priced at $22,900, ' Sibby's Real Estate Ltd, and at the end of 22) BRAND NEW three- and four-badroom| 30,000 square feet, 3 storey building, stoker heat- ed, 139 feet by 101 feet deep. Will suit most any in- dustry.-Could be leased. Your inspection invited. Reasonably priced with low down pay- ment and easy terms, Call now-- JACK APPLEBY 728-5123 723-3398 BROTHERS BOLAHOOD LIMITED RANCH STYLE bungalow, fireplace in living room, quiet area, very near schools, owner anxious fo 'sell. Call Jack Zurba, Oshawa Realty, 728-9466 or 725-3119 PRIVATE. Northwest, three - bedroom THE OSHAWA TIMES, Séturder, Januery 8, 1966 17 23--Real Estate Wanted 26--Apartments for Rent ae rou SOLD . or just listed? Business is good. We ore just about out of listings. If you have a home to sell in Osh- awa, Whitby, Ajax, Bay Ridges, Pickering. PLEASE CALL GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 723-4645 NAL wen Want le " Listings Invited SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 brick bungalow, paved drive, pr al ladscaping, 6 per cent NHA mort- gage. Full price $16,900. Call 725-8342 PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE--Ranch bungalow, seven large rooms and _.tinish- ed basement, double garage. Will consid- er property or ? Private. Write Box 12182M, Oshawa Times. PRICE ALBERT -- large four-bedroom jhouse. All conveniences. Close to schools } shopping. Available February 1 and | 7, 900 with $3,000 down. Port Perry, 985- |NEWCASTLE -- ranch style 'bungalow, jattached garage, three bedroom shaped living and diningroom, Jate occupancy. 31 Robert Stree! jwith $4,000 down. Cail 723-6952 amt ALBERT STREET -- Many possibiti ties, for business. or apartment owner | anxious to sell and will look at all offers. Name your down payment, Cail Nick Siblock, 728-7576, Sibby's Real Estate Ltd FOUR-BEDROOM house, 639 Ritson Road South, $12,500 with $2,500 down. No agents, | piease | i : |20a--Summer Properties For r Sale o or Rent PIGEON Near PETERBORO $50. DOWN $48. MONTHLY PAYMENTS START JULY, 1966 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION LOT 75' x 200' surveyed with family-sized cottage, 3 bed- erected, $2,995. cash or Budget Plan. $50. down, $48 monthly payments start July, 1966. Limited num- ber. Year round activities Good roads, open year round. Hydro, telephone, swimming, excellent fishing, water ski- ing, boating, hunting, etc, Winter ski-town nearby. PRACTICAL FOR. RETIRE- MENT: ENJOY Winter, Spring, Summer ond Fall This property selling rapidly. DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED ORDER NOW ! MEET at Fowler's Corners, junction Highways 7 ond 7B on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each doy this week- end at | p.m. and 3 p.m. No appointment necessary. ae Can be seen Monday through Friday, day or evening, by special appointment enly. PITTS HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD. COBOURG, ONT. PHONE 112-372-9494 rooms, |SUMMER COTTAGE? at present eréct- jed in Oshawa. One 40 x 10, fully insulated, timber structure, for sale, new September, '65; two others, 20 x 10 and 24 x 10, not linsulated. Telephone Port Hop@, 885-5885 | after 6.30 p.m, or write B. R. Lloyd, RR 4, Cobourg. and Small Acreages Buyi or lling? Then peg your confidence ina fire farmer who knows the District. and your problems. Call ALLAN THOMPSON -- Repres. of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, Daytime 723-2265 Evenings | 728- 2870 Se BROILER FARM, licensed, equipment, | barn, ten acres, creek, modern five-bed- room home. John Kuipers, 723-6590, Keith | Peters Realty Simias. immedi-| $18,000} ~~ 1¥eo, 7: ILOT with COTTAGE $2,995 .jprivate drive, entrance FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE NO MUSS, NO FUSS, DON'T CUSS, CALL US. ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 728-5157 | SOLD OUT!!! Have buyers waiting. If youre planning to SELL . . . and want it SOLD... coll OSHAWA.REALTY (BOND ST.) LTD. 25 Bond W. 728-9466 |WAITING Client for home, priced under $13,500. Call Roy 23. Bolahood Bros, Realtors, |24--Stores, ( Offices, Storage OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building contact: T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES three-bedroom | esr RY 'aAsaBreE U KT, LAROC 1,20r3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS at ARLINGTON TERRACE LOOK AT THESE FINE FEATURES @ Some with 2 Bathrooms @ Immediate Possession @ Intercom Controlled @ Two Elevators @ Draperies Includ- ed @ Broadloomed Corridors @ Spacious Balconies @ Hy- dro Paid @ Laundry Rooms on Every Floor. Rental Agent on Premises APPLY SUITE 102 190 NONQUON ROAD Phone 723-8365 Royale APARTMENTS Carefully plonned one and two bedroom apartment suites. | AVAILABLE FOR OCCUPANCY » FEBRUARY Ist. } Feoturing the utmost in mdéd- ern living at. moderate rental rates, @ Bus Service at Door @ Within walking distance of Schools and Shopping Electrically Heated Completely Soundproof Controlled Entrances Spacious Balconies Drapes Supplied Mail Delivery to each suite Broadloomed Corridors FM Music throughout Plus mony more modem features. LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE OF NONQUON ROAD To inspect call: 728-5282 or 728-1582 WANTED TO BUY small buliding for) light fabrication, situated In Oshawa or Whitby area. Whitby 668-4585, 125--Houses for Rent THREE-BEDROOM, _ ranch- Ritson - Rossland area, immediate pos: session, $140. monthly, extra bedroom In basement. Write Box M12541, Oshawa Times. 26--Apartments | For Rent Planning to move See MALA GLEN COURT e -- Walk to Work * Savi Only 5 main. from South General Motors * No problem ! @ Immediote occupancy @ 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments @ 2 bathrooms in all 2 and 3 bedroom suites @ FM music @ Intercom controlled @ Mail delivered to your door @ 2 elevators @ Large balconies Rental Representative on duty Daily 1-9 p.m. at apartment 835 Oxford St. PHONE 728-9468 or 728-9466 Oshawa Realfy (Bond St.) Ltd. After Hours 723-6255 |ONE- AND Two. BEDROOM. apartments, | Jail conveniences, stove and refrigerator | supplied; parking facilities. Infant In arms jwelcome. Apply 165 Verdun Road. |TWO-BEDROOM "apartment, f, unturnished,| and bathroo! Available January 15. Telephone 728-5 3463 Jafter 4.30. THREE-ROOM private bathroom, : ' 'apartment, furnished, private -- entrance, \22--Lots For Sale BAKER'S VALLEY -- Hub of Land | O'Lakes. Lakefront lots, $750 - $1,850; |Saimon River lots, $400. Access lots $400- list, Ross $1,000. Baker, Terms available, Free Arden, Ontario. |LOT, 95x652, twenty minutes from Osh- awa, $2,200., $200. down, $50. monthly, Private financing, no interest. sis, 23--Real Estate Wanted Selling Your Home ? WE CAN, AND WILL * DELIVER THE CASH TO YOU! Call. today for quick action! J. B. McMullan Real Estate Broker Oshawa -- 725-3557 Whitby --- 668-6201 | | | | | isa ,essSsS 83.55 $5 ND $ Is S$} A FRIEb iS nn 3 S IN NEED ! s 5 Let us solve your housing problems . and you will agree you have found a friend 'indeed 12 1S 1S S iD S S Ss iS S \S \S SS:'SSSSSSSS DON STRADESKI Realtor 723-4651 63 King W. Oshawa +95 n\ pay c rural or 'small eid Send full parti culars fo Box 13108, Oshawa Times. -len, private shower, NNMNNMNHNNHANHDHUNMH v iv y. TV outlet, park- ie aapely 31 Elgin East. Telephone ONE-BEDROOM apartment, all modern conveniences, swimming pool, elevator. Whitby 668-6936, |APARTMENT -- bed- d-sitting room, kiteh- completely furnish- Jed. Bus at corner. Suitable for one or two business giris. Telephone 728-7643 after 6 |p.m. FOUR-ROOM ' a ment, _ unfurnished. Heated, hot and cold water. Suitable for ------| couple. One child welcome. Apply 82 Sim- coe North, Two BEDROOM heated 'apartment. Heavy duty wiring, Unfurnished. All _con- veniences, Available immediately. Busi- jness couple preferred. Telephone Whitby | 668-4670 anytime. | PROFESSIONAL" young woman to share la two-bedroom furnished apartment. Cen- tral location near hospital. Telephone 723-9072 BASEMENT apartment, partly furnished, near South General Motors. Telephone |723-1095. |FURNISHED bac bachelor apartment, avell- able February |. See \vetesaeet No. 1, 281 Simcoe Street South TWO-BEDROOM 'sparimants avaliable in new: buildings with Lame roaggr for nh ary | Walk-out balconies, s' rier electric heat, broadioom, Renting" for $118 and $125 per month, which includes hydro, water and hot water tank. Call § DB, Hy Real Estate Limited. 728-6286. ONE-BEDROOM apartmer prs ght heavy wir. Ing, private entrance and bath. imme diate possession, 725-2849. B. LOR APARTMENT for single lady, stove and ely oy Central. Available February 1. Phone 728-6906. APARTMENT for rent: 231 Buialie Ave or phone 728-1769. FURNISHED @ aariwiaeis he North Gen- era! Motors plant. Suitable. "tor couple. Phone 723-8987, THREE ROOMS and bath, central, un- furnished, private entrance. Sultable for couple. Available January 15, Parking. Near bus. 728-5286. ONE-BEDROOM basement rtment. Immediate possession, $90. monthly. Tele phone 725-6169 between 9 a.m. and 12 noon. ANNIS STREET, 13 FOS-TOOM « apartment Refrigerator and stove; washing facilities. Private entrance. Baby welcome. Telephone 728-4227 .after 4 p.m. UNFURNISHED apartment, heat, water, hydr bathroom. Garage. Rent $95. monthly. Phone 778-1050. THREE apartments for rent. Onebed- room, livingroom, kitchen and bathroom 190 Th each. Location at 156 Ritson Road South. Apply at 289 James Street. After 5, Tele phone - 728-1347 or 723-1647. FURNISHED bedroom in private home, kitchen facilities, middle-aged or older lady preferred. Abstainer please. 348 Colborne Street East or telephone 725- MODERN one-bedroom apartment, in fri- plex, stove, refrigerator, drapes, laundry facilities, private entrance, $110. month- ly. Apply 196 Stevenson Road South. ALBERT STREET, 33 -- Three-room | eevee apartment, Children wel- me. Near schools. Private bathroom. Telephone 723-5575. YOUNG GIRL wishes to share apart joer with another girl. Two fully furnish- rooms. Reasonable rent; In Whitby, |Phone Brooklin , 655-3063. |WHITBY -- small three-room apartment, heated, unfurnished, heavy wiring, pri- vate bathroom. Excellent for widow or middle-aged couple. Immediate posses- sion, $60. monthly. 668-2900 evenings. TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished, frigerator, stove, sink in kitchen. Park. ing. Adelaide East area. Working couple preferred. Telephone 72, 723- 3598. CENTRAL, three-room & only. No children. Appi ti eae COZY furnished 2¥room apartment for business couple. Very centrally located, Parking space. Bus at door. Vacant now. $85 monthly. Telephone 723-7244, TWO-ROOM bachelor 'apartment, $60 month. Suitable for two working oie. Apply 509 Dundas Street West, Whitby or telephone 668-5281. TWO-ROOM ; furnished apartment. only. Phone 723-6176. TWO-ROOM apartment, private entrance, built-in cupboards, stove, frigerator. Telephone 725-7970. HAVE SMALL HOME fo. share with ofher young lady. Ajax. Xitchen privileges, T 942-4629 after 7.30 p.m. Adults ONE-, two- and three - bedroom apart- ments, refrigerator, stove, controlled en- trance, swimming pool. Dial 723-2347. LARGE three-room unfurnished apart ment, three-piece private bathroom, semi-private entrance, parking. Avail- able immediateiy. Couple preferred. Bus at door. 723-7119. THREE-ROOM apartment, with base- ment, private bath, pri entrance, Telephone 728-7835. FURNISHED three - room basement apartment, separate entrance, girls or couple, $18. weekly, Telephone 728-74 7457. Two- M apartment, _ "partially 1 fur- shed, including TV; heat, hydro. One les id welcome. Parking, et hd facili-| ties; $65 monthly, Call 723-1927 FURNISHED basement apartment, suit ple or two gentlemen. No children to South General Motors, $75. y, 728-4997 Two- BEDROOM apartment, stove an refrigerator. Available January 31 or by fore. Reasonable. Apply 994 Simcoe Stre North, Apariment | THREE trance, Couple 228- 6408 unfurnished rooms, " private en- private bath, parking, TV aerial. only, $75. monthly. Telephone ONE- BEDROOM. "apartment with patio, near Shopping Centré, Controlled en-| france, electric heating, drapes, park-) ng. Available February 1. Telephone) 725-0726. LPORT PERRY -- Three-rocm apartment, 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | ELGIN N STREET EAST, 23: Furnished reom for gentleman, Housekeeping priv- lileges, close to downtown. Apply after 4 p.m ABERDEEN STREET, light housekeeping room, single or for two girls, as desired. Close to > hospital. 725-7091. VERY LARGE room for two gentiemen, beds. Close to south Gi shift workers welcome. | arking. $7 each, Telephone 725-2915. HOUSEKEEPING room, 218 Celina Street, main floor, private entrance. Tele 'phone 728- 4192, FURNISHED room for rent. Suit one or two gentlemen, kitchen privileges. Apply 428 Park Road North. BED-SITTING ROOM and kitchenetie, fully furnished, in Bowmanville. Business girls or woman preferred. Telephone 623- 3591. LARGE furnished bedroom for gentieman private entrance and bath. Unfurnished. tively decorated. information! telephone Port Perry. 985-7224 Attrac For sublet New come 'Whitby, 'Range and refrigerator. Drapes. apartment building, Children wel- Apply 303 Green Street, Apt. 2) in quiet home, Parking space, After 6 p.m. apply 574 Crear Avenue. 27--nRooms. for Rent Continued on Page 18