Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Jan 1966, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Frdey, Jeniery 7, 1966 orn 2. - a 7 r aU , Buy, , Call The Direct Classified Number 723 to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles For Sale 14--Business Opportunities| 17--Female Help Wanted ; PARTS ; 3 For Washers, Stoves and YOU CAN EARN UP TO , Dryers $200 AND MORE A & W USED FOR ELECTRIC MOTOR . PER WEEK é Bz) ert Repair and Exchange R-MANAGER OF OSHAWA APPLIANCE | QucQrstetenin oproe DRIVE-IN 186 Simcoe S. 728-7535 BETTER DISCOUNT CASH : But TE : i i les and Service ' ii . RY DRY CLEAN- : Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies {Sa Donor dA aie AND CAR 1327 Si SOLER HOWMAES Chartered AEM 9--Market Basket ING STORES TO BE OPENED 327 Simcoe Street N, SUFFER. j , a7 P. Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, , " . " Before You Buy A y 4 wit 1 CAN SUPPLY you with Onfarlo or| IN THIS AREA ' ch cree oi eres | Enjoy Yourself') rieno'or Srgan' See : te BILD |civsticscive'pritts" tree cefvery, Oh] NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY oe BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. ' 2 , ' | awa, Whitby, Ajax, 655-4983, 5 -- Complete Bookkeeping service, 299. Simcoe : Tv SUNFLOWER SEED HEINTZMAN ROASTING CHICKENS < Orders taken LEARN IN ONE DAY Car Hostesses. SE eB ee panei 21 pi ge idee Vv. WILD BIRD MIX Aco ie for freezer, 4 ib. $1.35, 3 tb. $1.18. Free! no competition at the low, ' 05W, h to Ist ustomers o, ; eK | Delivery on 10 or more. 728-5291, low cosh and carry prices, Pogue' aaa se eee {no gimmicks or contests CRACKED CORN 165 Simcoe $. Oshawa tT i NO. 1 AND NO. 2 Ontario potatoes. Free] lowest in town, all work guor- Earn onra money for your JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account MILLET eo Galivery. felepnone 726-1306 or 723.0615.| anteed, Dry cleaning service vocation. Opportunity open ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street HOME IMPROVEMENTS WHEAT - TELEPHONE 728-2921 wo! i Telephone 723-9439, company now makes it pos- for part, time and full time, . | sl a pl. Al hg See ee | 6 Rec Rooms. (with every ING STATIONS) GuaRaNTEED REPAIRS to aii OKA AWE QUEEREST me sible for you to own your very i YALE, FRIENDLANDER AND CO. rec room over $1,500 free BIRD FEEDING L washers and ranges. Free Satinates Colt ANIMAL IM AFRICAs 10--Farmer's Column own business and earn up to Evening and doy work, Chartered acces Smee iss so agg pr i gay WATER SOFT SALT yoet742, WEN THIS YOUNGSTER Sons o6 oer loos oe eee in Bankruptey, 52% Sim - TV, Hi-Fi, it SE aN ce SC SCURY! i ' tees In Bankru; ICE SALT BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can- ee aa TRACTOR REPAIR every week year round, North, Oshawa, 728-7371 stereo). bs HOPKINS, BEADLE AND €0, Char: @ Remodelling SAND mates. Mil Jelinek, 728-993. ase wie INCHES IM LENGTH AD HrAK 4 ; ; $1190 full price, fully equip- F jal Trade Build- 4 We will pick up and deliver 3 tered Accountants, Financia @ Additions SNOW SHOVELS ME CAN TOUCH ANY PART OF 2 ; ped including The Revolu- ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On- Septic Se rvice MEM W en § ' tractors for winter overhaul. A \ taro, 725- 35071 §. T. Hopkins, CA; H. A.| @ Garages STRAW ep ervic ee eo } ALLIS-CHALMERS tionary electronic presser. Beadle, . Lukow, CA. © Corports, ete. PET SUPPLIES SEPTIC TANKS clea Pro erv- ' OuINUMBER, HEN Ys No age barrier, man or wo- WALL, Fanci MaeMILLAN AND CO. This month Special igo or calls. Walter wera Fae chestnut , : AR totwo ? Aa wiwieee SP ini Bion. oF Idec! for counle: Vols y 36% K ree' eet Wes}, 668: ARO? Sa ane 15-650) William. Hall, California Redwood af : Kise WHEN HORMAL. YANG ee is truly your wonderful op- j A x7 % : B.comm., CA; David G. Perkin, CA?) All workmanship guaranteed Cooper-Smith Surveyors ecgeigry 34 suselerkicl soeb Gall Port gs ab a portunity. J, Graham MacMillan, CA. for over 5 years. Suitable DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Oniavia ® OPERATION | Ac PeEDicreD BY EM AMONG THE. _Evenings 780- | | Stores to be opened in Osh- Barristers terms or financing available. Co. Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints, i Bid (6508) wo pociors. WASIVES OF AUSIRAUA, =| BALED MIXED hay, good quality, 5,000) owa, Whitby, Ajax, and ; ola ' és } -- |bales, in barn, Telephone 985-7495. Pickering. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and} NO PAYMENTS TILL il Ontario Street, 725-632. = s corerertry | i 9 VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notari JULY 16 CELINA ST, H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| DEAD and crippied farm stock pleked| Write at once 1966 Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East, Phone [ye etemnetly. Merewilt Fur Kerm, tyrone-| fide your phone huniber Must be pleasant, courteous Bank of Commerce Building, | : f 'a We Del 725-6881 | | Telephone Collect Hampton 263-2721.) e ' and enthusiastic and Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; 1. Please coll us anytime for 4 e Deliver jaca aa, Articles Far Sate 1S-Articles For Sale jLicence 4C-66, a. ae BETTER CLEANERS, between 18 to 35 years of Creighton, QC: or residences: | Cch,| free estimate ond expert ad- 735 4196 923-2312 TV--Rodio Repairs |8--Article | e | ROONEY CATE BEE Biled "Ghls nirane| Head Office, ane Seon QC: M3-4768; J. C, Vietor, 985-7115.| vice. eS-1 V3 f Telephone 728-3893. 491 LAWRENCE AVE., W, ' Qc, 78a: ce x Sie teal eeate TORONTO, 12, ONTARIO. HUMPHREYS, SOYCHYN, and WiLL- 723-0781 TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or Ill cut TELEVISION - RADIO. SKATES CLEARANCE 11--Pets ond Livestock ce 728-573] MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36'4 King pe oven een ener 24 HOUR SERVICE ' TERRIERS, shaggy. Wonderful children's : Shree Est, oanawa,®.D" Hmphreys SHEFFIELD NEW '65 companions, ovee trained. Also, minia FOR APPOINTMENT Ger 6. 8. Boyanya, Qc) W Ns once: Scarves me j ior § i Big savings on Skating Out- MOTORS ture Collies, Also reducing stock of medi- b Sauupere™ atid? iniy | | construction Co," [enitor Service _ HOLMES - | tig trie'wteie tomy gure | EVINRUDE MO ioe yer os a sme'! ~~ RESTAURANT 799-4326; 725-5133. NHA ard} 103 King E. Oshawa jcLeAN YOUR BACKYARD and base ing our Big Fall Sole. thenlt 658 other first tgage funds a allaple. aS FUE Rea Oe es merit. Also scrap taken away. Cail Joe, Reg. NOW PUREBRED Sheltie pups" (miniature from $7 25 pr 3 HP $195 Scotch Collie), Wonderful pets. Lindsay GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici hoki ROSE, "HAS Bee RES FLE TRONIC ( | 5 lew tors, etc, 114 King Street East. Dial ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco 92 HP, $410, ' ° Good going business in the PERSONNEL 725-3278, Residence Phones: J. W. Greer Lie rices nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by 33 HP. Elec. $710 he 20, good quality, due in Febro-| pene og ety QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BeL, modern machine. Free estimates. Work 303 RIFLE E ' re +. ary. Telephone 985-7495, y | 728-5832; Thomas. H. Jermyn, BA guaranteed, 728-7736. for prompt service 40 H.P. Elec, $820. \GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, excei- 195-2662, ee © i P 40 H.P. Lark $925. . $650, fient hunters and lovable pets. Register 10 year lease one open 'ASSI TANT JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, ver he. Money | To Loan Call Known for its accuracy ond ed champion stock, Telephone Orono] mortgage. 2422. Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- $$ $$$ : reliability, this rugged gun Push Button % jal Buliding, 286 King 1 WILL LOAN you up toe $5,000 at a 1 _-- 6 - 679 te "4 int fi 6 a.m. ; Cn core terion "client parking| (FUTURAMA) reasonable rate of interest to coxsoildate| Wh tby 68 5 _7_| will deliver yeors of: satis WHILE THEY LAST 5. AND UP, 100 peter ¢ 'aie se 32 watts 4 open from 6 eim If you have had secretarial ex- available. 723-4716 or 723-4717. @ KITCHENS |Your 'bills or. for any other worthwhile | factory shooting. Free Storage Till Spring small. 668-2067. sei perience and long for a chal- --------- ose vied iri 'ou «ere steadily 3. a -- i } ' ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA. @ BATHROOMS \Bloyed and' have' good: credit. Telephone | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED $24.95 Convenient Budget Terms |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for| Excellent for family operation. poaing it position. This is it! peeks gg cae ta 5:30 p.m| @ REC. ROOMS ie 4601. TV TOWERS training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T./ Good turnover. Owner buying ou will be required to take Evening appolintment. Dial 723-1661 | Example: You can have a rec IM oe eee Oshawa Air AaB Soo. OE larger place. dictation; -- Keap- .-Sontiaential rer j | Aortgages | ARE THE BEST! WHITE SHEPHERD pups and grown records, interview people ond waar P. MANGAN, GC, Solictor | room completely built for only ET ee ee = Yachthaven dogs; part-Spaniels, four months; part- Telephone collect take over complete office. in ioney to loan. , Poll and Husky pups. Reasonable, ' East, Oshawa, 728-8232. $2.25 ber sq. ft. WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! All alod construction: full Ltd 668-2087, acted "a 4, Shebrenoblos the personnel officer's absence. | fied Rat of Legit le es Mortgage Loans depth traction tread, A brand td. COZY) RANCH KENNELS. German . is ps ipo ag gra ifie ates We have o staff of quolifie | - new winter tire priced almost Harbour Rd. (Off Simcoe St. $.) |Shebherds, trained grown stock; pups. and mature with lots of initia- Cc seit Plumbers, Electricians, Car- 7V, % Tk | O. as low as a retread. 723-1901 hls ome lg foals, ponies. Ashbu n TORONTO 767-5454 tive. WORD ge Ss Gide de penters, Priors Painters 2/0 TELEVISION from $ ] 7.56 up | GHiMDAHUA Pine aN Tes TN Te CONTACT So ratty «meh 4 etc,, co-ordinated to give you Corner Bond and Division us Mids claws ture poodle pups and one fivementholdi R Cholkan & Co., Ltd MRS. MDcONALD pos hg dla Meow ths $18) fast service at lowest cost 75% OF VALUE 728- 5143 | "HONDA SHOP _ [nd Teeshone eH. All pups register 12 ch, & com | ibaa pis Seetive,nserion, of 2 word, #804 CO-ORDINATED H DOMINION SNOW HUS-SKI |SIAMESE pedigree kittens. Three Seal- Realtors DRAKE additional words 21¢. each. CALL WINTERTIME Model 600. 10 h.p. $595 |point, one chocolate. Telephone 728-1167 Ty Wikis SUMAS: GIET P | ATTENTION IS DRAWN to a fully com. harge -- 10 per cent cagtones charge "4 v, : | TIRE STORE > : |BABY BUDGIES, ail colors, ready for|plete and equipped restaurant business in * f nor paid within 8 REMO DELLERS 728-1653 T.V. Service Anytime | helmets carriers, windshields, {trelnings, Palate strain. Apply 108 sa bebe hl a 27 Tay Gelato PERSONNEL Method ef Counting -- Less than 24 GUARANTY TRUST 43 R steam heat. Paved parking for ten autos gloves, jackets. pea is words counts a8 24 words each word, For @ free estimate call 1, 145 King St. W. NEW HONDAS $295 |12--Articles Wanted [Richard Peete: gietice oo Peer ar| 31. KING 26 OSHAWA Initial, figure or abbreviation counts Company of Canada no down payment aes wir solve 728-6051 4) phone number counts a )9 TELEVISION WANTED TO BUY -- Piano, in good|0. Martin Realtor. - fro words 723 66 32'King St. E., 728-5143 esp hac! dg eal _199 King W.__728-4242 | condition Bowmanville 623-2697. | PRIVATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY of (No Charge to Appricant) 1. wid Ba WANTED -- Coins, all kinds. Sorry, no|fered due to iliness. Store with attached BIRTHS--DEATHS-- Oshawa, Ontario AEP RRS Cm Gapiaee RRNRORE tc NEW_IN OSHAWA bills, Cash deals. Reliable, have been in|three-bedroom, fully modern home on SOCIAL NOTICES jbusiness for two years.if you have any|large lot with private double garage. $2.00 per insertion with 28 cents add NELLIS' TV SERVICE _ FREE -- 24-hour Burner ELNA sear Machine |p sell or work In satire, wrile. for iren| Extra billig, tt and, store furnehings Athi 7 ice list. Clip thi it will not included, Call Richard Pococ - or an "throm eo HOME IMPROVEMENTS MORTGAGE DAY OR EVENING Service Supermatics ond Automatics [pear aonin tor some. time. Cannot plck| 728-5103, Wi. 0. Martin Realtor. T Y PIS T % r jup fess than 50 coins. Phone 623-3157, or} Vv N i IN MEMORIAMS JANUARY SPECIAL LOANS 728-5286 TEXACO -- Fuel and Stove Up to $100 Off! [write Box 881, Bowmanville. fil hs Fg a for the first 38 words and Se. $50.00 cash or hand painted Money for first mortgoges oil, "Blue Coal" stove, nut, Cabinets half-price toad. fornlieray: "appliances; |age. Bowmanville 62 $2.00 : Plaines Minimum 60. w.p.m each thereafter, plus 12c. per line of picture, any size or kitchen stoker coals @ Slab Wood @ WHITE ELNA SEWING CENTRE irapiag Vo. Valley Creek, 16 Bond West,| CORNER STORE, house, 1 ' " 25c. additional charge W not range, hood and exhaust fan oe OSHAWA Connel Coal ®@ Building Sup- 38 Bond St, West Oshawa {| 728-4401. down payment, oon possession. verse; aid within @ days, ; s een ab bh CBRN lad Woe ai PA enue if with lifetime filter. Remodell- No Bonus ELECTRONICS plies, - FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service |\WANTED -- Box spring mattress, s4| Bullied Real Estate, 723-1168. CLERK. TYPIST CARDS OF THANKS ing and additions of all kinds F irk ekctipaisancseaeionti bi 668-3524 Repairs to all makes vacuums. Pree esti-|incnes; davenport or chesterfield sulite.| SEAWAY VALLEY -- self-serve general $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc fade offices or industrial. No Ghorges for Valuations mates, 323 King West, 728-7552. [0 ay in good condition. Telephone) store, gas pumps, iunch counter, butcher Clerical E ri R i ed m $, ice . F 728- A fq ' -bed- gech therestiers, with 25 ov Finer Wind usted si 0d ae Agreement FAST T.V. SERVICE SAWDONS' (Whitby) r16 ZAG Singer giving machina Wik Wi hs shop eed dle 1s lbh Rpg bey erical Experience Kequir ' rge not paid wi ie 5a OOH R purcnase tachments, slightly used, as new. $9: F ; " cupboards. Aluminum doors Money for Second Mortgages Service Call only $2.50 bgt ine Telephone. 725-0567 13--Articles | For 'Rent ra ee aaretines Cho ican ee Required immediately for COMING EVENTS ond windows Television Fast Service. DOMINION 244 Brock St. S$. --- Whitby |p&sK and bookcate, continental Sa sons. Write Box. 12795, Oshawa Times or} permanent positions. Excel- $2.00 per inch (display); $1.50 for the oerials $30.00 for 40' com- --- -|portable stereo, size 10 hunting boots 725-9474 : first 20 words and Sc. each thereafter iis adh lead in R Z TELEVISION OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, sterilizer, lawn chair, fong-play record RENTALS COMMERCIAL, Ontario Sireete 7 ao lent working conditions ond ich A mee iets M. F. SWART figure work, custom picture | framing.| albums. Telephone 725-2405. D ness tunity, barbershop, beauty! full employee benefits o; pi- sitting by the hour under 26% King St Clark Studio, telephone 668-4497, 325/ , ---- aenaeenren OF ALL Ki N S Iness opportunity, OP, ploy iP AUCTION SALES Ya King §$ SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and used Eost | A salon or dental office. Call Oshawa Real- A supervision of troined nurses, Oshawa, Ontario 728-5154 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Fecha wie Ruldiniie Oe ------- | skates. Sold, exchanged. Expert sharpen- SANDING MACHINES ty. Ask for Jack Zurba, 728-9466 or]. cants with grade 12 educa- NCH PER INSERTION : $2.10 PER INCH PE We repoir everything also 723- 469 7 __All_ work guaranteed. RANGE, Viking, four-burner heavy duty,|ing. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East, 725-6344! Qscillating sanders, disc sand- | 725-3119. tion preferred. oke heort M PS pegs electric clock and timer. Ex- r, > £ me 7 ore * DEADLINES br no earts arriage Colignt Condition. Apely 414 BUlilIs Ava; IMPORTED European wel Boots, size 7. ers, belt sanders, floor sand- 15--Employment Wanted e courtelling by. dpobininert [apt 16 978.297 Pad othe pga grony Berg ae ELIAELE WOMAN would Ike te gve| General Printers Ltd Poin, BAY PREVIOUS criyrAll'eerk dosr'ey'anea | FIRST and SECOND ~ 1 TOWERS ee ti ata eae, PLUMBER'S TOOLS RELIABLE WOMAN would ie fo give| JENeral Prin . ss Vv Ww aa loot tower Bb socks Hota isi a rec ' A jay care for one or two children, Lost AND: FOUN Seartenery Finencing bank MORTGAGES structure all-channel antenna installed,|GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired| Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vis@ [through Friday, in her home. Central 723-2233 Soe ae oop PUBLICATION rates. Call us onytime -- 24 All Ch $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Faunton|at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West,| tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe | aren. Call 723-8383 before 3 p.m. " Heid tables --< losaes vr ECONOMY, AND Road East, Just east of Ritson Road. | 728-9731, cutters, pipe threading dies, |GoMPTOMETER operator, experienced BIRTHS AND DEATHS Moin office 328 Simcoe St. $ RE th rd Mt dhe ad E TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 4o-f1,|MUSKRAT JACKET, Sood tondition,| toilet auger. In cost_ane lavenbory- rasirdi; name tv $ a.m. day of publication Phone 728-2061 | SUMMERLAND Pricéd 40 4uit your taidaas structure, hot dipped aalvanized. 1" tower [reasonable price... Telephone. 723-5847 PAINTERS EQUIPMENT ing and payroll . Telephone 723-4583, DENTAL | y 793. | LIAArreR included, single ail-channel antenna com- Stepladders, aluminum ex- MIDDLE- AGED butcher (man) would Seta DISPLAY i eal Evenings 723-8987 SECURITIES LIMITED TERMS ARRANGED plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed| RAPES, gold, lined, ~apariment" alze, abosieksn ladders, ladder jacks, |!ike lob in any kind of store, Piease 'i or er--10 a.m. day previous | ---- |. 112 Simcoe St. N. 725 3568 a cia ies ra CIE Nj $50, See ali towers at TRIO|two double widths, 72 and two double contact Port Perry, 986-4426, Televi pion, cornes Bond and Division,| widths, 84' Also pair double width Mili- steel scaffolding, compres- | , WP ne Po capes JANUARY OSHAWA TV oe eee ene [Um tne. 95%. Teta ee) ore spray guns, wallpaper [WOULD LIKE TO lok aner goo of more! == ASSISTANT CORRECTIONS Seen MORTGAGE LOANS REFRIGERATORS, $24.95) ea nwee, SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE Singer steamers, tarpaulins, blow view area, Transportation provided if 9 AM. DAY O C C ~ new smooth - top mattresses, dectric, whit nd El f $19.95. necessary. Phone 668-4090, e Any advertisement cancelled betore SPECIALS FIRST & SECONDS Eg Ra beg stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; new page Sewina fontve, S09 Sienk: South, OLDIE CUTE MeNiT dashes a Experience preferred but not ublication will be charged one day's 0, ' é . mattresses, $9.95; stoves, $24. "3,171 2911. R to all k ; eartion. vot sg aot of a Si ie NO BONUS $29.95; space savers, $54.95; cressers:| one bet Ral lien | Acetylene welding outfits, 17--Female Help Wanted essential, reply in handwriting ver nm Rec ooms, it- "Bill" chrome sets, radios. Guns, new and used. ~ aluminum windows, leeti I f f BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0c. chens,, Both Rooms, Floors Ask for 'Bill' Horner Just East of Ritson Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, : , awnings, railings, etc. Low, low a BUN DERS LOUIP MENT stating age, education, mari Wolls, Ceiling Til J alt 728-5157 BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap (Prices! Call 728-5385 or 723-3692, ; pd tal stotus, previous employ- While every endeavor will be made ¢ ny eiling Tiles and o Stlances' Gali Bier Hemmpien 263-2004|ANTIQUE OAK dining room suite, nine| Cement mixers, _ finishing \ to forward repiles to box numbers te seneral Repoirs - Active Realty Ltd. or 263.2995 x pieces, chesterfield sulte, two pleces;| trowels, wheel barrows, elec- ment, salory expected to the advertisers as soon 4s possible, H. McKOY 725-8576 - BaKe a - -- --jantique settee, electric range, console ric virotor, air compressor we. accept no: liability In aspect | of ----_~__| WANTED $7,000 for two-year period, with' TYPEWRITER, siandard, $25; portable,|sewing machine, antique corner whatnot] 0c Yirotor, air compressor, loss or damage alleged to arise |EXPERIENCED CARPENTRY work,| it $35; adding machine, $25; electric type-| shelf, v ther Items. Includi -| jock hammers, hand trowels, through elther thurs or delay in tor. ork.\good mortgage security, at 8 percent! OSHAWA J AND > WHITBY dain) vial wicceical: Caawl tn arious other items including an BOX 13114 rec-rooms, re-modelling and frimming.|interest. Afier 5 telephone 728-0194 writer two tiques. 723-1693 after 5.30. water pumps, portable heot- warding such replies, however ca Workmanship guaranteed. 723-9503; 6 = ~ - -- register, $75. 723-4434. i ea ive ioiceuesis whether by negligence or idewies. - 1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES available NIGHT SERVICE ae | ANNE'S FABRICS, 113 Byron Street) es, steel scaffolding, electric OSHAWA TIMES Free uniforms supplied Private transportation to your home ofter midnight Paid vacations after one year No experience required Extensive training program provided Personal and congenial working conditions. Married women preferred but not essential H | A . THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No|South, Whitby. All fabrics sale start: enerator, ramset, power rol- The Times wil! not be responsible for |W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Street jouth, y. sale starts 9 Fi , po NEW "PLASTERING and Tepairs, stucco, | - - down payment, $15 monthly at Honest! january 5. i iS replies uncalied for in 20 days. sidewalks, re-modeliing, recrooms. Free | North, Whitby, 668-3338. 725 8541 or 668 5830 Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191. y lers, electric hammers, mos ' | ite, $15. Good condition. Tel PR oy ag ---- aeS Rosado an perenne. creo, fables, night fables, chest, eesroom |p on. _Telsphone] mortar mixers, mortar boxes OPERATOR LADIES i. "Wa 7) bd A ne J w. ie i m sponsible for errors in advertisements a Law Find roofing,| Dynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar-| RADIO & TELEVISION | |bars-etc Dial 723-5862. | WASHING MACHINE big nels Ogee seine var submitted otherwise than in writing not |1)).0Pet a auc "<a bpd Anisns.att Sa a | 77 nnn | FREE! Furnaces cleaned, adj good workine, condition, $35; new electric abt spies ea BU pd xh Nba! R d'for local ¢ for more than one insertion of any 9 4 oY Oring CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs. | Guaranteed trouble-free winter if |blanket, double size, color pink, $12. band saw, 4" joiner, sand equired ror local tirm, Earn average of $5. per advertisement nor beyond the price agreements purchased and sold. Hennick) 4 i Telephone 725-0500. -- PR PR ea charge for s singte Insertion In which [CARPENTER WORK, cabinels, recrea-land Hennick. Barristere. 3) King Street) © ePnon® |HONEST CALS Gurrinors (eal Abela PONTIAC, 283 manifold and carbure-| post hole auger, roll and be able to adapt to ad coun | , . 1 ances. Big disco i tor. Telephi 3-7697, i venin mates. 728-7680, sat eH! Drilling--Digging quality. 484 King Street West, Oshawas [oc eennone 7257677, : the_new E2100 machine. enings a The Oshawa Times reserves the right | FENDER BASSMAN AMP -- in good S TA N S For More Information And |and remodelling: chimneys, new and re-| Smart 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut! i i r classification. in fi FIREPLACE WOOD, white birch, maple, 4 ' its. prope selticath paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs Business Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809. !oak, etc., 12" and. 16" delivered, 728-6852, |PnOe 2-495, SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD. Mrs. McDonald quired, No collecting or de: a prtereneeeettonesiad ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash-|tioral, mushroom dink 233 King St. West, Oshawa il not id resi : es H pink and green, three sible tor, more space hon that 'which | \Cartage ve Rita Praises 1 Women' a3 Column ers, duplicators, | chequewriters, files,| widths wide and two widths wide. Rea- PHONE 723-3224 the actual error occupies. The pub --enmtcsonties RAE ae ° snhawa PERMANENTS on special, Page # Hair- id trade, with budget terms. New and lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- |MAN with new twoton panel truck for Action Ads dressing, 996 Pine Avenue, corner of/an%y' Jetd ow pi Al Bit' Havuhon|HAROWOOD, ary Mixed cil ow veer PERSONNEL 942-3145 - 942-6603 estimates. A, C, Woods, 728-3420 'or| PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for RAE'S CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE Cl coftes| THREE-WAY baby carriage, pink and) onry saw, building jacks, -- Westinghouse, yo and Constr 725-6937 FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale| a), work guaranteed. S11 Dean Avenve. | purchase from Western Oli Co., 725-1212.| | Telephone 725-8416. t camper, wer Must have experience in pay- ern blaster, power tamper, powe hour working 2 or more error occurs. jtion rooms, and trimming. Free esti-|East, 773-7232 : jALL building, roofing repairs 5g | 728-9191. i' to classify advertising according to |ALL TYPES building, roofing repairs WELL DIGGING by machine specializing | 728 For further information tele- Interview Call: Good personality and car re- In the cases of display advertisements| Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. People |DRAPES (two pairs), bone background livering. desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service! sonable, Telephone 725- 0838. 725-3946 vertising matter correctly, but assume jhire, odd jobs, etc. Alax 942-0623 T 725-5363. Raglan, Single cord, $10.; double, $18. Telephone; Tables Chairs, Linens, Dish- no liability of advertisement if any ----s--|Cec Smith, 786-2283. inaccuracies im any form are contained Dentistry 'Musical Services NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re |--"°™ es Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Shersh, oor shart -|2--Personal ______ | pairs' to all_ makes. New' hoses. Phone) FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS -- We offer| Urns. Punch Bowls, Bridal 5] King St.Eost WAITRESSES CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN mM, --Bentai|SMALL DANCE ~ BAND Ex- ster aga Jack Lees, 728-6956, | monthly speciais. Telephone evenings, WwW Men's Formals, White . 4 IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Surgeon, 172 King sireet Hast, Oshawa. perienced, reliable, reasonable, Phone ' - 7 | 668-6583. ear, s " 728-6051 Required , ' . Ted Taylor, Ajax 942-1663 Removal of superfluous hair |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. , + For appoin 28-5 y l R ae " No charge to applicant TIMES ACTION WANT AD etl ee a is Marie Murduff will be in [40d appliances. Goold's: Furniture, 215| SCRAP "HARDWOOD -- one-foot lengihs, 9 Opplicant. . TAM. to 4PM, Call Classified Direct BIALEK, D' , Dental rg ari urou : Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481. [87,78 single cord. Phone 723-2281 betore * Sr 112 Simeoe Street North, Oshawa 25;|Optometrist Oshawa Jan, 10th, 11th, 5iKi.DOO anownchiae and Serv.|9-30_ 2m. or evenings. SARGEANT'S RENTALS iP hae 7 AM. 723-3492 appointment, 728-5842 Or Res. 728-8441 Sn wo ond 12th. Phone Genosha lice. United Rent-Alls, 352 Wilson Road|BOY'S BICYCLE and carrier, two desk| 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 T Abts Aes fe |F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe i xt widd 2 F M AsolyM bell r |Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone} Hotel on these dates for ap- South (at Olive), 728-5565. lene, radio, one burner hat plate, coffee | Ware: chains pply Mr. Camp Dressmaking 793-4191, ieee aenraeoee table, piano, all In good condition, Tele- | » hosp Seite stab | 4 pointment VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses | phone 728-27 46. lreducing machines, sick room G h H t | INDEX TO ALTERATION, pant cuffing, mendi -- ELECTROLYSIS brushes, etc. Pick-up, davere: 942-0713, WSR |Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, FE RETARY enosna ote CLASSIFICATIONS Fast, accurate service! Gift Items an Painting and Decorating 723-464) |Plekerin Vacuum Service, Main Street, ;| NINA mnee walnut ining room 30 , CHAIRS, card pnd Ganaoat tabled, Chord : to order Telephone 728-1823 " - ickering small chrome table, 4wo chairs; Eureka| © sie runners, Cleve Fax Montel FULL-TIME waitresses, 3 fo 11 p.m, and | . ll vacuum cleaner; White sewing machine of 1 A 1 to 7 T ti Howan 1---Women's Column DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, | PAINTING AND AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Can |we BUY. sail and exchange Used furnt- |(desk model); all very good condition. | Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414. Required by the Oshawa |iliowed. Call The wovegein Wevere 2--Personal alterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting a/ ada, Florida, California, 'Bonded drivers.|ture or anything you have © es culY| Brooklin 655-3817, |ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred| s, te School Board, Appl Road, B lle, 623-3604 3--Sportsman's Column specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 DECORATING Toronto Drive-Away Service, $385 Yonge|!rading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street] ;|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-| >ePorare ia SS i IRR acl oltacit ah a ne OR $--Trallers ALTERATIONS -- repairs, pant cuffing.| INTERIOR XTERIO! Street. Telephone 225-7754. font al oct [FABULOUS JANUARY SALE -- now ON duels. pariiess weddings, 'enniversarien,| in writing, stating experience | saBYSiTTER required tor two preschool é--Marine Equipment rigpers, men's, ladies' ene childrens NT R ond EXTERIOR RIDE WANTED from Bowmanville, King| PARTY DRESS, turquoise, size 10; ma- Alba Pods bth bas Moo nesses | Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking. Reason-| to-- children, to lve in, Whitby. Telephone J--Swap and Barter wear, Dial 728-4213 Broadloom, Custom Draperies Street West, to Oshawa, Highway 401,|ternity dresses, sizes 14-16, Very clean, | 10m | $2.99; peated Suites, $119. Wil.{able rates. 728-6315. 668-6988, : cay ainey Hig = =r cemenerteseneeneinestninaconnenit FREE ESTIMATES Bloor and Stevenson Road area. Arriv-|900d condition. Apply 23 Drew Street. _|son Furniture, 20 Church Street 14-- =) ~O saris iti OSHAWA WAITRESS, no experience necessary, at 'ay . u ing: 1 by 8.30, Telephone 623-3735. | FURNITURE = 3 rooms, new quality st mae usiness po! runt ies the Albany Restaurant --- under new b satheggedi pe geld od : DODD & SOUTER ---------- Iturniture, only $299., Inc: complete bed- [Tare RECORDER, wo rack Pb Be se ted SEPARATE management, Telephone 725-3433, igcariicles Wonted 668-5862 3--Sportsman' 8 Column --_{room. tiving "room," kitchen ensembles |elephone 728-050, mucus Y SCHOOL BOARD RELIABLE WOMAN to mind one four- 13--Articles for Rent Ses | enn |Pay only $3. wkly. Unbeatable value! ------_--_______ 1 year-old boy. Must live in, Crocus Cres- 14--Business Opportunities re if ed 'Plumbing 'and 'Heating SKATE EXCHANGE -- Sharpening; new,|Baron's Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $.|BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture tent, Whitby, 668-4435, Employment Wanted | ass | jused, Baver hockey' equipment. Valley \CRIB Cl y th ttress? bel babi and appliances, One location only. Pretty 209 Simcoe Street N 15--Employ p-| Creek 16 Bond West, 728-4401, arge) with mattress; beigg baby ieurniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723.3271 : HOUSEKEEPER wanted to live in, start- 1é--Agents Wanted |ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING » sup-| Creeks '| buggy; Box boy clothes, size 4. All in Bah in tS SNACK BAR ing January 15. Two children, 5: and 2. 17--Femaie Help Wanted ACTION |plies, Telephone 724-352), Harold H. Stark 5 --Trailers jexcellent condition. Telephone 723- 5868. | TYPEWRITERS, new ane rebuill, stand OSHAWA Telephone 723-4641, extension 325. 18--Maie Help Wanted {Ltd., Pl Heatin: i wou 7] ds, portables, electrics. The ideal gift ae oe ee eis a Pig iy and Engineering, |30 RANGE and. 2) inch, television P| igor trad arse binescte chinoes trom, MIDDLE-AGED reliable lady to care for WEEKEND HELP -- woman lé ADS excellent condition. ele nee as | 5 Y t dren, five-day week, afternoons, 20--Reai Estate tor Sale - |WANTED TO BUY 17 foot trailer, in good| |One year full guarantee, Low prices. Jen-| $4,500 with only $1,500 |two children, for Crowley's Restaurant and Variety 20a--Surnmer Properties [ALL PLUMBING "AND HEATING Stark Reasonable for cash. Telephone| AUTO PARTS -- 390, 352, 283 cu. in. V-8/kins Business Machines, Sales and Ser- down. Established business. 4 to ae Hie in or out. Charles - aig Taunton and Garrard. Telephone --Farms tor Sale for Ltd Plonein hai. Heeling aa Sneineas motors: six-cylinder motors; standard, |vice, 728-7783. Open evenings Good potential, Located on area. 723-9241 5 etree | 725-1053 COT BS 3--Real Estate Wanted : ling, 225 Simcoe Street South AIRSTREAMS factory authorized dealer eee ee one enderk: Geen [ARTICLES FOR SALE -- Westinghouse] Simcoe St. Owner anxious to |BABYSITTER to care for four preschool|FULL AND PART-TIME, Apply in _per- ar ateds ities Stor | Ontario Trailers Ltd., 1577 The Queens-| four-speed or dual range; fenders; doors: |retrigerator and heavy duly stave, sec ; " sg children in children's home. Maple Grove|son. Gord's Pickin' Chicken, Ritson Road came RESULTS [ALD TYTES of repairs. and remedelling, way, Toronto 18, Ont. Orne oe ents: Chaskavich Auto ltional suite with: corner table, wail mir-| sell. Mr. Roy Yeo ot 728- area Working mother. Telephone 623-5343 Souih te: ~ 3 new ny US materials easonable| __ Vrecker M92 -- 26--Apartments for Rent |rates. Estimates free. 72 J. Foley, | Weeaiee 5 [rors, peice son naire 23-2190. 5123 or 725-2217. RELIABLE WOMAN for fish and chip|MOTHER'S HELPER wanied to live in 27---Rooms for Rent Telephone |- |7-- ag aad Barter RATOR and electric range, two|crock, wicker rocking chair, rastarant: Full time, -exosriencad pre-ltor appraxinalaly Gur Genes, ius Gnas | fh nd B . Single beds aquariam with stand. Phone! sass os id for|children. Own room. Telephone before $ en oon Rug- -Upholstery | Service |GATHTUBS, $10) basins, $57 follets, | 673-2840 [IMPERIAL SHOE STORE -- Just open- ferred but will train. Top wages paid for| childr Y ephoni 29--Wanted to Rent th ' A .|ed. Specializing in new shoes. Ladies', BOLAHOOD the right person. Apply 1220 Simcoe Street|p.m., 725-9980. 20--Automobiles for Sale 723-3492 shower, snedicine ond Kiiciwn. CODING! ea ameie OUT stock salar TE ReUaHEL|men'T, cHilueenk. Also repelre: Ma Wit North LL. AERALRBEATE Golaamonton ier Danae RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish-|stainiess steel kitchen and bar sinks; | ~ 3i--Compact Cars for Sa | nt agg lh fe for ell other departments _|&¢._'7_years. Workmanship guaranteed:|sump pumps, pressure' systems (and re-|#880rted sizes, Dial Brooklin 655-3107 after|son South, 725-6871. MATURE WOMAN to mind two pre-jarea. Must be intelligent and neat. Ex- Lutein aed [Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses | pairs); fittings, piping, radiators, bollers;|5. evenings. saineeile | HORSE show Weclina, Jaodel aoa esl BROS LT D schoe! children while mother works, livelperience not necessary but preferred. d4--Automobile Repair 723-3474 jrebullt, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up-|boat iis; taundry tubs. H. Chinn, Hills |RANGE, Kenmore, four-burner,a0-inch.|HP, 35 mph, demonstrater, $5.50 725-| * . out, five-day week. Simcoe North area. Olive Howe Real Estate, 723-0085 eve- iholsterin 25-031 , Soutt 6 1 rons 28-7417 ings. Replies confidential rT Lost and Found fering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-03 dale and Park Road Sout Phone 723-'Geod condition, $30. Telephone 728-2907/3993 after 6 p.m. WOULD LIKE small Steel fabricating Telephone 728-74) ning: P| onfidenti: Open Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m CHESTERFIELDS reuphoistered and re-|/°** after 6pm PM | WANT ADS reach thousanas ot inferestee| business or partnership. Will invest, Ex- HAIRDRESSER with experience, good RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER to keep to 5:00 p.m. ~~ ed: Free estimate, See our material/1961 AUSTIN ai ini stationwagon, also; THOR GAS DRYER, two years old, like|prospects every day. Take advantage of!perienced in structural fabrication andj}working hours. Apply Riviera Halrsty!- house five days week. Two children, 14 for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75jwanted | vipment, tape recorder new. $150. (Owner moving to_apartment)the vast audience by telepnoning /23-3492\erection, Reply Box 12996 M, Oshawaling, 136 Simcoe South or telephone 728-|and 12 years. Mother works. Telephone Sat. 8:00 @.m. to 12:00 p.m, {Cheries Street, 723-7712. lor cash adjustment. Telephone 668-2067, {Folie for selling.) Telephone 723-9241. and piace your ad before them now, | Times. 9651, 728-473) etter 6, i Noy

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