Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jenuery 5, 1966 asses AATIMATT BRITns ee GITY COUNGIL DilLEr OD Hillsdale Manor management committee notified council that there is a $27,000 excess of funds after completion of the addition to the Manor and recommended that the money be placed in a reserve fund, for capital works at the Manor or a future home for the aged. The matter was referred to the finance commit- tee. Council has been asked by the City of Windsor to endorse a resolution asking the province to review the $60,000 ceiling for promotional expenses with a view to increasing it for large urban centres. The resolution was referred to the finance com- mittee. Oshawa Historical Society asked council to purchase ad- vertising in its annual year book and garden guide. The request was referred to the finance com- mittee. Council adopted personnel of- ficer Daniel Fleming's recom: mendation that the necessary procedures be taken to remove the $2,400 pension ceiling the finance committee wiih power to act, _A bylaw authorizing the exe- cution of an agreement between Provincial Engineering Ltd., and the city concerning the type of building to be constructed on a property, as provided in a site plan agreement, was approved by council. Council agreed to reimburse Norman Millman, $1,500 for his work in preparing what Mayor Gifford termed a "very comipre- hensive" apartment study re- port. "It has been a good guide," said the mayor, noting that Mr. Millman, who volun- teered to do the study, put a lot of work into it. The payment, recommended by planning board, will be charged to the 1965 budget. | Council . approved a sub- |division agreement between the leity and Michael Zygocki and | Manning Swartz. Motions were approved by jcouncil: that Police Chief Wal- | from the Standard Life Plan.|ter Johnston be paid $20 per Eight employees will be affect- day for each day (11) he was 7 | ' ed. Council also directed the working in the city during De- . io 4 / city treasurer to maintain em-|cember; and that retired Police ployee deductions for pension|Chief Herbert Flintoff remain on contributions for those who have/full pay until Jan, 1, 1966 at reached the pension ceiling in|which time he be given leave 1964 and 1965. The employee de-jof absence for three months duction will be matched by anjwith full pay and benefits sub- equal contribution by the city. jjecf to call in an advisory capacity. Three members of the public works committee or alternates' Frank Markson, treasurer, \ - If not completely satisfied with ANY fresh meat you buy from LOBLAWS \_ were authorized by council to attend the Ontario Good Roads Association one-day seminar for was authorized to attend the re- |search seminar on Comparative Municipal Costs, sponsored by SPECIAL! LEAN SOLID MEAT PRICES councillors on Feb. 21 -- the|the Canadian Council on Urban first day of the annual three-| Research, the weekend of Jan. day convention. 14 in Montreal. Expenses will be paid by the research coun- A Chamber of Commerce re-|cil. Mr. Markson was one of quest that the city treasurer and four municipal treasurers in a member of the finance com-| Canada invited to the seminar mittee attend a Jan. 20 civic af- | fairs committee luncheon to ex Council agreed to pay the $50 plain the preparation of the membership fee in the Ontario city's budget, was referred to!Good Roads Association. Rambler Officials Lose Bonus, Total Pay Cut By 12 Per Cent DETROIT (AP) -- A proxy|sales and profits declined in statement disclosed today that|1965, ended the fiscal year with top officers of American Motors |net profits of $5,205,572, or 27 Corp. were not given bonuses|cents a share. This was down for 1965 and their total remuner-| from the profits reported for the ation was cut by almost 12 per| fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1964 cent. lof $26,226,735, or $1.38 a share. The statement also revealed; The statement disclosed that that three AMC officers who are aggregate remuneration of all candidates for re-election to the officers and directors totalled board of directors reported a| $1,035,421 in the 1964-65 fiscal Boneless PORK , caer LOIN ROASTS- OS" SPECIAL! MEATY PORK SIDE SPECIAL! CHOICE UNSWEETENED SPARE RIBS -- 63° ig 3 SPECI SLICED CIAL! SPECIAL! COLOURED -- 2c OFF DEAL large decrease in their AMC|\year. This was a decline of 7 1-LB. 16-02. C PARCHMENT 6 Dither: vasa shadiicis clecemmbods PKG. bi PACK PKGS, shareholdings last year. $138,586, or almost 12 per cent, f American Motors, the ren the previous year's $1,174,- SPECIAL! PENNYWISE major U.S. auto firm whose 100-FT. C 1-LB. ¢ ' \ ROLL BOXES terres Tree PKG. . Girls Seem To Ignore or, Jans 1.00 : ti Quebec's Boom Town SPECIAL! NOODLES ALMONDINE, NOODLES ROMANOFF, MACARONI & CHEDDAR, NOODLES ITALIANO By CARL LEWIS {They all would be employed In BETTY CROCKER CHIBOUGAMAU, Que. (CP)|short order." CASSEROLE DINNERS eee Ss 2 ones, / 9. This boom town, a hub of min-| orvILIZATION MOVES IN SPECIAL! BOSTON BROWN WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE FLORIDA'S FINEST! NOW AT THEIR VERY BEST! MARSH SEEDLESS! as ree. 2 et. ce Despite its frontier aspects, women and long on opportunity.| ae SOBRE Chibougamau, sit uated 500\te town, like its mining prod- miles north of Montreal, opves| "Ct, is being refined. ffs existence to copper and gold) Chibougamau, with a popula- deposits. tion of 9,000, recently opened a LARGE Despite its remote location, | $250,000 city hall and civic cen- Y sie SIZE 80's the community lives up to its|tre. Germain M. Julien name -- which is pronounced|town's manager and secretary- She-boo-ga-mon and m . fyi treasurer, predicted that the Cree Indian, "meeting place." community would number 20,- Tt is the northern-terminusc for| 900 persons within 10. years. a Canadian National Railways; Older residents say that 15 iin aS som oie TANGELO ORANGES ....~ line and two bus lines and also| years ago Chibougamav was : : is linked with points to the nothing but moose pasture. It's GARDEN FRESH! MILD, FLAVOURFUL SHOOTS! south by an airline. a far cry from. that today. It is also the centre of a; Streets now are wide and RUNG flurry of activity and employ-|paved and lined by modern ment created by the mines!homes. The Anglican, Roman which surround. it Catholic and United churches Nearby is Lake Dore, known ali have built churches. There as the valley of copper. Here are schools, a library, recrea- are located the Merrill Island|tional areas and a general hos- Mining Co.; the Patino Mining! pital : Corp. with its Copper; - Rand mine; Jaculet: Portage and Quebec-Chibougamau_ with its goldfields operations Also in the area are Campbell- 15 FL. LUSCIOUS TANGERINE-GRAPEFRUIT COMBINATION OZ. TINS IAL! FANCY ASSORTED SIZES YLMER PEAS Mh AG. OZ. BTLS. ONTARIO GROWN! FINE FOR COOKING... EXCELLENT FOR HAND EATING! rh) 1T FL. C Mcintosh Apples = ie CFTO. com 9 SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE DAILY MON. to FRI. 10.30 to 1.00 AM. =~ -- LEMON MERINGUE 7 : oo, ' _ But Chibougamau is not rest- ing on its laurels. A new mining site, that of Albanel Minerals Ltd., with 42,000,000 tons of iron Chibougamau, with its Cedar ore to be mined tn an open pit, Bay and Henderson mines, and oe ie Norbeau Quebec, a gold pro-, Manager Julien, commenting ducer north of town. jon the present and planned op erations, asked: "Do you rea- WORK AROUND CLOCK lize what this means? We'll All the major copper produc-| need people, a lot of people, to ers work three shifts a day,|help us." | seven days a week: Each pro-) 7 acanaal | duces more than 2,000 tons of ore a day and employment un-! : derground runs to more than 500 Com wealth Meet men at. each mine. | Re neipntsgleagine is unknown in) Seen For Jan. 10 Chibougamau and all who wish a , OTTAWA (CP) -- Dipl : to-work are made welcome. An) sources said Friday eo inexperienced man is paid $2.15 appears certain that a Com. an hour. ' If he shows ability, each PT al ig shy nference on has a training program. Theltacos Niseda, "rare ya LOBLAWS PRIDE OF ARABIA course teaches the miner tol 19 » Nigeria, starting Jan. look after himself. He is taught! ; safety, scaling, drilling, rock! It is not certain, however, bolting and blasting and other Whether it will be a conference VLB 34. COFFEE +: 87¢ x: 2.55 related subjects, After the of Commonwealth prime min 3 fe : isters ; course the basic rate is $2.39 WIT COUPON & PUREMASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF an hour with incentive bonuses) It is understood that External ONE S-LB. PKG, ONE 3271. OF. TIN ONE 4)-07. AERO TIN ONE 1671. OZ. TIN ONE 60% PKG. SUCCESS HEAVY DUTY SPRUCT, FLORAL or sree 'OnE STEP ClraneEe Wax ' added grhich. if he proves able,/Affairs Minister Martin may arty Susanne MOTHER PARKER'S can double the basic rate represent Canada instead of LIQUID WAX "GOOD-AIRE" VISTA TEA BAGS fiTta The flip side of the pattern Prime Minister Pearson. 62 © COUPON HxpineS JAM. 92 G2 COUPON ExPiNES JAN. 12 GA COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 12 6s COUPON Hints JAN. 12 PE 6 of. frontier-like opportunity is| Mr. Pear. i 3 5 . arso s WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF seaage the shortage of women willing to Ng sald he ts ONE 33 FL. OZ. PLAS fens ONE ; aibntaiachiseosadige goeor ogehaktcrgatrsaige! WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 14 a conference Bebnie watAi¥ TA FL. OF, BOTTLE 'ONE PKG. 4 AMY TWO PKGS, 'TWO NINE-NCH, 6's PKG, ANY TWO BARS ONE 24 FL. OZ. BOTTLE ANY ONE 14-07. PKG. SUDS for DISHES MAPLE LEAR OVEN MITTS SUPER SOFT PERFECT ALUMINUM DIAL GOLD PINK er AQUA WELCH'S BETTY CROCKER IX VARIETIES _SUDS for Dis LigUID DETERGENT BROWNIE MIX CELLO SPONGES BAKING PLATES TOILET SOAP firme GRAPE JUICE peel = MUFFIN MIX Harry Pyke, general superin- of prime ministers as originally tendent of the Patino group. proposed by Nigeria : EXTRA is welaed Sela base EXTRA EXTRA 4 sislduahh " STAMPS Slilihassnathsatinlédlanadha PATTTETEL O12 COUPON fxrmnns Jan. 1 G1} COUPON HXPIRES JAN, 12 SPT ESE O12 COUPON MXPIRES JAN. 12 G13 COUPON mxriees Jan. 17 ARSON G14 COUPON wxnines san: 12 BARA TTOES GIS COUPON Expats Jan. 17 said But th 3ut the conference now may Witw COUPON & ruicHAte oF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITW COUPON & PURCHAS ; ; ik. wa Ait: POUR 3-05. Ful ANY Out an OF Tit" WITH COUPON' & PURCHASE OF WIT COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF viebaginel ay ee pment ennt AMY 327.07. BOTTLE 'TWO OFL OZ. BOTTLES ONE 12"s100 FT. ROLL BOX ONE 6's PKG. ONT 8-07, PKG. Two 148, PKoS. MANGE or UNICO LEMON JUICE JUMBO MOTHER PARKERS MeVITIE & PRICE NUCOA COLOURED "Naturally we have an over-jhe conducted one level below PINEAPPLE T. PINFAPPLE.GRAPEFRUIT 4 redo MEAT SPREADS Hiroyg "DRINK VEGETABLE OIL REALEMOR SARAN WRAP coal GiNRER SHAPS ier abundance of single men upithe prime ministerial. Prime 6:7 * Courow vines Jan, 12 Tapas te HOT CHOCOLATE couren mxrans Jan, 12 MARSOWASME O19 COUPON EXPIRES 2AM 12 420 COUPON ExPmES JAM. 12 421 COUPON mcPiRES JAM, 12 GIP COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 12 24 COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 12 G25. COUPON EXP) " ye UPON EXPIRES JAN. 12 e S y s ire Posmay werd the business Minister Menzies of Australia 4 n south never think .of ard President Nkrumah of 623 COUPON RKPIRES JAM, 32. prcwiy gage o WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF (WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF with COUPON & PURCHASE OF Fol caylee ae nme s28 ONE 22.07. PKG. ANY ONE TWO 1571.02. TINS TWO ISFL OF, TINS Two HEADS OME CELLO PKG. mL MLL BLUE SURF GOLDEN ACRES FROZEN FP ned ta AYUMER FANCY AYUAER CHOICE HALVES FRESH FRESH EXTRA APPLE PIE tres RECORD OREAM STYLE CORN Feemre BARTLETT PEARS LETTUCE EXTRA TOMATOES this area for progress; possibly /Ghana_ have aicchdy declined SEES TEEE O07 Chunene ERewees 348: 1 om COUPON remies 14M. 12 BERRI TE EME G3) COUPON FxPIRES Jam, 12 622 courom exons an. 17 BBRST EL age O13 COUPON EXPIRES JAN 17 634 COUPON rermers 14W. 17 BERSIEUE SA G3S COUPON FXPIRES JAM. 12 @ FROZEN FOODS e@ SPECIAL! SWIFT'S MEAT PIES TURKEY, CHICKEN, BEEF, BEEFSTEAK & KIDNEY 2.01 4 ix. 89 WINS PONTIAC MR. 5. KNOWLES HAMILTON PLUS 200 GALLONS OF WHITE ROSE GASOLINE LAST WEEKS WINNER MISS D, BOLEYSHUK TORONTO WITH. COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-07. JAR WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 107L.OZ. TIN ONE 5-02. TIN MOTHER PARKER'S LEAVER CHOICE WHOLE NOXZEMA INSTANT COFFEE Seppe MUSHROOMS DEODORANT SPRAY COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 12 SWOT Tam G16 COUPON ExPints JAN. 12 626 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 12 never heard of it. to atte n 9 "But we use all kinds of = erened Se MeCAIN. FANCY business-trained staff, clerical a stenographic, and secretarial START BOND FILM FR accounting, business machines David Niven, Ursula Andress on wis og filers and so forth. The best way! and Peter Sellers are the ctare : ees for girls to come here Would bejof Casino' Royale, a James = sas cnanE ee for, say, four of them to come|/Bond movie to be filmed in : } Pe : : Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs; and Fri. Till 9:30 - Downtown Stores Open Thurs. and Fri. Till 9 p.m. WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2.18. POLY BAG CHIP MARMALADE® " cs together and take an apartment.! England.