WEDDING ALBUM | Arecord for your Wedding Album is provided by The Dehowe Times Women's. Pace Oshawa Times office. Early record is facilitated by. submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Wpmen's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are 'asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Webster Zion Wexford United Church! was the setting for the marriage | of Donna Marie, daughter of} Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis) Peters, Oshawa, to Eric Doug-| las Webster, son of the Rev- erend and Mrs. Roy E. Webster, | Scarborough. | The Reverend Harold Frid of-| ficiated assisted by the bride- groom's father. The soloist was! Miss Alison Barrett, Don Mills, 'accompanied by the church or- ganist. Given in marriage by her} father, the bride was wearing a self - made, hand - sewn formal gown of imported Italian duch- ess silk ulisse. The gown was designed with a fitted bodice having a scoop front neckline dipping to a V at the back. The back neckline and elbow length sleeves were enhanced by tiny self - covered buttons. The straight skirt fell from a softly gathered waistline. Her hand- sewn self pillbox, adorned with a ruche, held her veil of French, sheer tulle, which cascaded to) the floor in soft folds ending in Barms are available st "The publication of this wedding a short train. She carried a bou- quet of cymbidium orchids with stephanotis. The maid of honor was Miss Nancy Stewart, Agincourt and the bridesmaids were Miss Con- nie Peters and Miss Lee Hubar, both of Oshawa. The flower girl was Miss Colleen Buchwald, Oshawa, who also carried the rings. Mr. John McKinstry, Toronto, was the best man and those ushering were the bridegroom's brothers, Mr. Murray Webster and Mr. Peter Webster, both of Scarborough. Following the reception held in the church hall the couple left : on a honeymoon to Jamaica with the bride donning for travelling, : a pale blue silk knit suit, black patent accessories, black tulle hat and. an orchid corsage. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Web- ster will make their home at 1840 Victoria Park avenue, Scar- borough, Out of town guests were pres- ent from Hamilton, Markham, Niagara Falls, Pembroke' and Golden Lake Indications Of Delinquency Recognizable In Toddlers CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP)--A| noted criminologist says chil- 'dren who are likely to become juvenile delinquents can be sin-| gled out when only two to three years old. Dr. Eleanor Tuoroff Glueck, a researcher at Harvard Univer-) sity, announced this conclusion after years of studying infant and family characteristics. She said the findings offer new hope for preventive action in individual cases before seri- ous delinquency actually devel- ops. Dr. Glueck and her husband, Sheldon, who is professor of! criminal. law at Harvard law) school, devised the widely-used Glueck social prediction table based on a 1950 study of chil- sume more ward their children. She de- plored what she described as the "view in our society that a father has fulfilled his role if he provides resources for the family." Dr. Glueck said that phile lack of family cohesion is the principal source of problem be- havior, children with certain characteristics are more likely than others to respond to an ad- verse environment by becoming delinquent. She said every child is enti- tled to a number of fundamen- tal rights. "He has a right to parents who love each other, who want him and love him, who are responsibility to-| satin THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Januery 5, 1966 19 ener | | | | % "a Mi. MR. AND MRS, ERIC WEBSTER THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA |FOR TOMORROW No daydreaming this day! With both creative and business affairs governed by generous) influences, make the most of| all opportunities and _ forge ahead with long-postponed plans and new ventures which can materially affect your future. Don't scatter energies, how- ever, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that |you can make fine headway in the coming year if you concen- trate on your most ambitious goals and are willing to assume 'some -- but not too many-- added responsibilities. Capri-| cornians have a tendency to |take on too many burdens at jtimes, but they prove detri-| |deeply concerned for his wel-|mental because they invite fa-| dren in the 514- to six-year-old! " | in 1%, y |fare, who will give him super-|tigue. Occupational progress and| range. Dr. Glueck now has added) two factors pvhich she said make the table effective for weighing up the delinquency po-; tential still earlier in life. | vision so he will not be so com-jincreased earnings are a likeli- pletely left to his own resources|hood between now and mid- that he will make serious mis- takes," she said. "He has a right to have lim-|week in September, its set for his behavior so he'November and next January. | Two years ago the New York|may early in life develop the City youth board reported that] ability to discipline himself. a 10-year study using the origi- "He has a right to be in a | February; also, during the first} three weeks of March, the last throughout} On the fiscal front, look for| gains between now and Feb. 21 (but don't speculate during the] * nal Glueck table showed that of| family that is all for one, one| third week of this month); also, | 33 boys it identified as having) for all." jin April, the first three weeks! |servatism Photo by Wilbur Caddell in September and throughout! October and next January. Con- will be important during the first three weeks of March and throughout June, however. This new year will be exceptionally good for those en- gaged in creative pursuits-- either vocationally or avoca- tionally--and personal relation- ships will be generously gov- erned for most of the year Best periods for romance: The latter part of this month, Feb ruary, June, late October and late December A child born on this day will be endowed with a fine intellect and excellent judgment, but may be subject to moodiness at times. EARN UP TO $100 A WEEK OR MORE BIG PAY JOBS WAITING for MARVEL GRADUATES Marvel Hairdressing Schools in principle cities offer ex- clusive "MARVEL TOUCH" training Complete course DAY or EVENINGS. For free brochure, write or visit MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS Established over 40 years. Dept. OT, 219 'Bloor St. W. Toronto. @ FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE © a high delinquency potential at) school-entering age, 25, or 75.7 * per cent, became persistent of- fenders before the age of 17. Of 243 boys identified as un- likely to become delinquent, only nine or 2.9 per cent, did so. Dr. Glueck believes the re vised table will prove equally accurate in assessing younger children. The original table was based «on three factors. Two were s0- cial: (1) Undesirable parental . traits such as criminality, alco holism, emotional disturbance or mental retardation, and (2) The degree of parental affec- tian far the child. One was _con- stitutional: The degree of child restlessness. ADD TWO FACTORS The revised table adds two constitutional factors: Infant destructiveness and resistance to authority. Dr. Glueck said that since the two parental factors are appar- ent from the time of the child's ' birth, she is hopeful that "iden- tification of potential de- linquents can eventually be pushed back beyond even the two- to three-year level." She placed the primary blame of delinquency on 'the weaken . ing American family." "Mothers, rich or poor, who do not make appropriate provi- sion for the physical and emo-' tional care of their children are _ the culprits in today's ever-in- creasing crime rate," she said in an interview. She said fathers, too, must as- WELSH RAREBIT 1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons ale or milk 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon cold water 11-3 cups grated, old Cheddar cheese (about 4-ounces) dash salt, pepper and cayenne 4 alices toast Heat butter and ale or milk until butter is melted. Mix mus- tard to a smooth paste with water and add to ale. Stir in cheese over a very low heat until it softens to a creamy mix ture. Mixture should be hot but not bubbling. Season with salt pepper and cayenne. Spread mixture on toast and broil 3-inches from heat for a few seconds until very lightly browned. Serve immediately. 4 servings. NEED FOSTER PARENTS KITCHENER, Ont. (CP)- There are more children avail able for adoption in Waterloo county than there are would-be parents -- increases of more! than 3 and léss than 20 per | tw e9$-eperne cers 4 FRG There were 99 adoptions in DRESSES DRESSES COATS NESBITT'S LADI Semi-Annual STARTS THURSDAY, JAN. 6th at 9 A.M. SHARP R 19.95 egular REGULAR 139.00 & 169.00 79.50 & 99.50 & 29.95 12.95 & 16.95 49.95 & 59.95 29.95 & 39.95 ES' WEAR Sale SALE Regular Value Up SPECIAL RACK OF DRESSES - To 49.95 .. SUITS @ SWEATERS rs 33 tne Anew 1964, compared with the record) of 119 set in 1963, : HOUSE COATS °¢ SPORTSWEAR V2 PRICE and LESS Charge Account Invited NESBITT'S LADIES' WEAR ® BLOUSES ® STREET EAST Open Every Night Till 9 p.m. SLIMS OSHAWA @ FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE e @ FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE e @ FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE @ @ FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE @ @ FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE FOX's STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE Starts 0.2N ad: al ad? rox TWO LOCATIONS: OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 7 SIMCOE ST. 5. @ JIVS JINVUVIID AGIM-"FUOLS S,XO4I © @® FIVS JONVUVIIO AIGIM-JYOLS S,.XOI @ © FIVS JINVUVIID AIGIM-FAOLS S.XOI © ® F1VS JONVUVITID AGIM-ANOLS S.XOdA @ @ JIVS JAONVUVAID AGIM-FUOLS S,XO4 @