Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Jan 1966, p. 15

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LI'L ABNER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES ean aa. WIT MAKING MYSELF Tr THOuaHT JITTTT! lags WERE Sa rrie! lesomnces Cities US TO HAVE PROMPTLY = WELL! TERRY, DINNER OUT WITH HIM THI6 EVENING -- a - ANP I AM TO TAKE YOU COWN TO THE CAN'T WAIT UNTIL. TOMORROW TO SEE TERRY TAWL?P MY FATHER WANTS TO RE etre PUPPY, YOU'RE SURE A LITTLE AREN'T YOU4! FELLA, Nw | [10 j MRI TORRee f § GRUCHUY, WELL TRY THE 4 B WAVING AT US! SOUTH... eee BUZ SAWYER CK BANTING AND BEST PERFORM TWO YY ON THEIR DOGS : IN THEY INDUCE DIABETES , IN THE OTHER THEY BLOCK THE PANCREAS TO ISOLATE A HORMONE CALLED /SLETIN TO INJECT BEFORE BEN WADE UTTER A CRY, A HAND CLAMPS ACROSS HIS MOUTH THE LONE RANGER THEY'VE EXTRACTED A * AMPLE OF THIS ISLETIN (THE HORMONE WE NOW NEXT STEP... THE DOGS WITH DIABETES . ( GOOD! WELL KEEP FOLLOWING THE SOUTH FORK } i SEE IF We CAN PICK UP THE OUTLAWS =~ + inet IF OUR TI HEORY'S RIGHT INJECTION WILL COMBAT KNOW AS _INBULIN DIGEASE iN THE THIS INTO ONE OF ND_SO ON JULY 27, 192/, FOR THE IRGT TIME PURE INSULIN 18 TESTED .../N AN EXPERIMENT WHICH WILL BE BOTH A SUCCESS ANDO A FAILURE YF ABOUT FIRING ME / THIS SHOULD KEEP WADE FROM GETTING. | | Nl King Feavorce Apedienna. fen. (903. World ghee tesnrend BY fk GETTING OUT OF } THE TIGeR's DEN, RoB! PP, SECRET AGENT X9 OUT OF HERE / SuRIS GOT To TAKE IT / Tis Time / OPEN THE Hi, HENRY - HOW is BVERYTH ING ? 'DONALD DUCK THAT STUPID INDIANJ ONE DANCE? DOES WELL WITH / SHE WILL NOT THE BEALDTY. DANCE AGAIN WITH Miz. OTIS, THE MAILMAN, CAN HARDLY STAND UP/ «I NEED TO WAX MY H-M/ THAT KITCHEN FLOOR / REMINDS ME.., CHAS. KKUHN- 'T THIS WAY, GRAMPS... a a I SAID IT WAS ALL A BIG MISTAKE. HE DIDN'T STEAL THAT CAMERA EQOLIIPMENT. HE..-HE STILL D i] a StS Town PBB 1M SPRUNG! CROSSWORD AOROSS * 1. Indefinite amount 18, Bat- tling fora cause 19, Pen points 21. Dry 24, Under- stands, beatnik version 25, Mimick- 2. Augury 3. Insane 4: Printer's measure 5. Nymph of the Moslem Paradise 6. Pa. river 7. Soldiers, col. lectively: 11, Senile 12, Moslem religious teacher 14, Pickwick's White Hart 15. Heal 16, Sun god 17, Music note 18. Guarantor of & kind 20. Die of hunger 22, Conceal 28, Regret 24, Bociety gal 25, Sacred bull 27, Cl 30. Teaching 32, Greek letter 33, Suffix meaning little {Zo} >) a Bea a Z|O source of the Blue © } Nile i 37. Congo Rant | 38, Parson bird 40, Semitic ed 26. Namesakes of Mr, Arno 27. Capital city. 28. Lives 29, Lustrous 15, Sheltered fabric languagé: bay 31. Bestows abbr. ! 2 718 11, Affected manners 12, Ponder 13. Rodent 9 . Becomes less bright 35, Sesame TELEVISION LOG é--Luncheon Cate 4--News end Weether 8--Popeye and Pas ag Pm. er of the Mewes 12:30 P.M. 10:00 P.M, li--The Mery Griffin Shew i Spy 63--News Magazine 7--The Fugitive 4--CBC Reports Channe! 2--Buftalo Channel 3~Barrie Channel 4--Buftalo Channel Channel Channel 8--Rochester Channel 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton erenarranemramricminmes TemeeaAyY eve. 5:00 P.M. N--family Theetre 9--Five O'clock Movie permen 6--Passport To Adventure 3--Stingray t-Lievd Thaxtes 5:30 P.M, B--Leeve i} Te Beever 7--Rocketship 7 %-- | Love Lucy -2--Let's Play 64--Searc For Tomorrow B--Noon-day Repert 12:45 P.M. ¢4--Gulding Light 1:00 P.My 1--Theatre 9--Morning Star b--Matines 7--Ben Casey Luncheon Date 4-Maat The Allies %--Summer Carousel &-AAike Dougie Show 1:30 P.M. 9--James Beard oi AS 10:30 P.M. 63--The Public Eye 4--Chopin Singing Society 11:00 P.M, N9-4-7-6-4-3-3--News Weather and Sperts é--Music Hop e--Kawnias 4:00 Pm 7--Twilight Theatre 6--Generation . +News, %--Plerre Berton Show Chuck Healy 4--Nightcap The World Turns 6:20 PLM. 12:30 P.M, 2:00 P.M. N--News ll--News, Weather, Sports| ®~ Kids Is People 6--Newscap 7--Nurses WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. 4--Laptain Kangeree 1--The Saint #2--Teonight Show 4--Sports Movie 11:40 PLM, 6-4--Password 2--Days of Our Lives 2:15 P.M. %--Dear Chariotte 2:30 P.M, %--People in Conflict 6-8--The Doctors > I-A Time For Us &--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkletter's Party Movie 3:00 P.M, \1--Donna Reed 6:30 P.M, N--Family Theatre Movie No. 8 $43--News; Weather; Sports @--Hunficy-Brinkley 7--Maverick é--Across Conede 7:00. P.M, 1--Daniel Boone 9--The Littiest Habe @--Blography 4--News, Weather, Sports 9:00 A.M. %--Pisytime With Uncle Bobby J--Dialing For Dollars With Girl Talk 4--Mike's Carnival 9:30 A.M, 9--Meta 6--Extension 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 2--Dobile Gillis 10:00 A.M, 11--Whiplash 4--Car You? 54 Where Are 36. Evolve 38, Job 39. Germanic character Playtime With Uncle | *--Fractured Phrases THE OSHAWA TIMES, stsy,-Januatz 41966. 9S 'BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top recerd-holder in Masters' Individue! Championship Pley) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. Opening lead--jack of clubs. Many contracts fail because of an unlucky lie of the defend. ers' cards, but some of them can be saved by careful play. Let's say you have the South hand and West's opening lead ig a club. You have every right to expect to make the contract, since the only combination of cards which could possibly jeop- ardize the hand would be for West to have all the missing trumps and East to have the ace of hearts. : This combination of events is unlikely to occur, and in fact, the odds against its happening are about 17 to 1. But when you. win the club with the queen and play a spade to the ace, East shows out and you are then in some serious sort of trouble. If now looks as though you must go down if it develops that East has the ace of hearts, but, when you think the matter over, you realize that the hand can probably be made even if this is the case. Accordingly, after cashing the king of spades and A-K of dia- monds, you ruff a diamond. Next you play a club to the ace and lead the nine of dia- monds. When East plays the queen, you heave a sigh of re- lief and discard a heart. This is the first trick for the defense, and, regardless of what East plays next, you are bound to make the contract. East is in the unpleasant pre- dicament where he must lead either a heart, making the king a trick, or else a club, per- mitting you to discard another dummy. What the hand illustrates is that bad luck can often be over- come by good play, provided you don't lose your head when things go wrong. The endplay is one of the most valuable weapons in salvaging doubtful contracts, and the more you make use of it, the closer you come to earning the appellation of expert. Ex-Inspector Seriously Hurt LAKELAND, Fla. (CP-AP)-- Frank Kelly, a retired staff in- spector of the Ontario Provin- cial Police, remained in poor condition today in Lakeland General Hospital's intensive- care section. Kelly, 69, suffered serious in- juries in a car accident here Dec. 26. SALLY'S SALLIES s gan's teland 2--Huntley- Brinkley Report 7:30 P.M, 9--Musical Showcase 40, Potential baby sitter 41, Droops 42, Narrow inlets DOWN 1, Seal YOUR HEALTH Breath Shortness Can Be Painful 4'end ofthe matter. By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: My son was} If more air gets into the not able to breathe one day and|pleural' space, then that lung could hardly make it home. The/cannot expand. It may in some doctor took X-rays and said it|/cases be necessary to insert a was an air bubble on his king.|needle through the chest wall in What is this: What causes it: jorder to withdraw the air from --is there a cure; is it serious?--| the pleural space and permit the Mrs, 8S. B. jlung to resume normal expan- From 'what you tell me, I'sion. assume this to be a case of} Sudden shortness of breath, spontaneous pneumothorax. Injespecially. in young people, is plain language, a bleb (like ajthe usual sign of this occur- blister) near the surface of the|rence. There may be a momen- jung breaks, This gap permits/tary. sharp pain. When there is air in the lung to leak into the/serious interference with breath- pleural space--the space be-jing, this can, of course, be tween the lung and the chest/frightening, yet in most cases wall, jit is not serious. If only a small amount of air) Usually, it happens only once, leaks through, there isn't much/although it is possible for more trouble breathing. The little hole|than orie attack to occur. seals over. The air in the pleural! A cough .or some . similar Space absorbs, and that's the|strain usually precedes the ibreaking of the bleb, $ 2--My Mother The Car 1--Combat Bobby 6-2--Fractured Phrases 6-3--Ivanhoe 4--i Love Lucy 10:30 A.M, 84--Anocther World 1--General Hospital &43--To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M, N--Funny Company 63----Red Skelton Hour 6--On The Scene 1i--Ed Allen f--ts Your Meve 4--Rawhide 3--Hogan's Heroes o:00 PM 31--Movie 4 %--Gomer Pyle +2--Please Don't Eat The Daisies 9--Bingo 8-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 63--Friendly Giant 4-The McCoys 10:45 A.M. &3--Chez Helene 11:00 A.M, 1i--Mike Douglas 9--Mr. And Mrs. +2--Morning Star 7--Supermarket Sweep 63--Butternut Square 4--Andy of Mayberry &--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show +3--Take 20 4--dge of Night 2--Kartoon Karnival 4:00 P.M, | @--Mickey Mouse Club @--The Match Game 7--Eerly Show 6-3--Bonnie Prudden Show 4--Becre? Storm 11:30 A.M, S--Rocky and Mis X-CHANGE New and Used 9:00 P.M. %--The Wackiest Ship fn The Army Le le 63--Front 1--F Troo 9:30 P.M. 7--Peyton -Place 6-3---Dick Van Dyke 4--Petticoat Junction 9--Abracadabra §-2--Paradise Bay 63--Across Canada 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:00 NOON %~Toronto Today 1-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie Friends 4:30 PLM. 1--Secret Squirrel 9--Movie 7--Early Show 6-3--Raztle Dazzle 4--The 4-Thirty Show Page Challenge p Dear Dr. Molner: Wax ac-)jam the syringe in so that it cumulates in my ears to such ajexerts pressure on the . ear degree that I cannot hear. I}drum, have had it washed out three} times in the last 10 years. What}, Dear Dr. Molner: You men- can I do to prevent wax from/tioned a book that you wrote on} hardening in the ears?--P.B. health but I misplaced the! Wax is a normal secretion,/Paper. What is it's name?--T.Y.| When it accumulates too} The book is called Stay Well rapidly, I know of no preven-|Every Year of Your Life, and tion, but it is not too difficult |it was published by Prentice- to rinse out the excess. I'd sug-|Hall, Inc., in Englewood Cliffs, gest a rinsing once a year or|/N.J. There is now an edition thereabouts by your doctor.|printed in England, too. Then ask him for any procedure} Your local book store can or- you may use between visits. Alder it. drop of warm sweet oil or olive| ie cicicienkcaseant oil, left overnight, will soften the ' wax, Then warm water, inserted) YOUNGSTER WENT FAR with a rubber ear syringe, will} A show business ¢hild, Joan wash-out loosgned wax. The im-|Blondell celebrated her first 22 portant precaution is to let the birthdays in different cities in You Can Exchange Skates Thet Are Too Small For A New or Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON. 'DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224 water flow in and out; do not|seven different countries.

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