Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Dec 1965, p. 14

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Pmt Mi WB Billie Brock street éast, will have as |' in a ail Dem wone yt % Mr. Guelph, formerly of Oshawa, is At home in Toronto curing Ars LANDERS © ie ory kon Let Landlord Deal. : With Noisy Tenants |General Hospital; Miss Deana | Hladysh, Miss Patricia McCul- j\lough, Miss Barbara Walker, Miss Catherine Dunn, Miss Maria Hugenholtz, Miss Donna Johnson, Miss Theresa McGuire, |Pegey "Seovaboun" Miss. by ; | Pe evenson, 8 ae, to get any witkins is heading for Elmira, lead the way--perhaps run a "°W ork. aie of yoursel 'age oa HERE , jone-- | say, "See sate, it's all right, } Miss Carolyn Werry, Victoria Ann Landers wears one her-|College, University of Toronto, self." wilt spend the Christmas yvaca- My failure to get this irend|tion with her parents, Dr. and started has me so depressed that Mrs. 8. G. Werry, Cadillac I ant considering psychiatric avenue north, help. What can you suggest?--| unenennmenmaune Mau Mau Manny : Dear Maniy: Why don't you; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Horslin, Weston, Ontario, will be the put a rubber band around your head and snap out of it? | Christmas \guests of Mrs. Hor- i |slin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dear Ann Landers: I. married | John Jakes, Eulalie avenue. a man whose wife 'Wied three} manana years eaflier, Their little hoy Dear Ann Landefs: My hus- band and | are a working cou- ple. The apartment next door was rented last September to a newly married couple. We couldn't care less about other people's business, ut these two have terrible fights at least twice a week, They yell, ey curse and they thtow things at each other. It becomes really intolerable when he hits her and she screams for mercy. This has happened four times-- three times after midnight and once when we had guests for dinner. Please tell us what to do. Talking to the people is out of the question. My husband even spending the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan J. Williams, Bay Ridges. Pert Poca nie Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. W. C. Paynter entertained at dinner on Sunday on the occa- sion of Colonel Paynter's Out of town guests included Colonel Paynter's brothers, Dr. Jack Paynter of Toronto and Mr. Ted Paynter of Brantford. Six of Mr, Paynter's eight grandchildren attended the din- ner, ET EMER EE Mrs. John A. Stilés, Torontd, son, Mr. D. K. Stiles and Mrs. Stiles, Grierson street. CEE Miss Sandra Naylor, Victoria College, University of Toronto, is spending the Christmas vaca- tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Naylor, Westmore- father's seventy-ninth birthday. will spend Christmas with her). season Mr. and Mrs, J, C. Snow, Leaside, Ontario and Mr. Lind- sey Procton, Brockville, Ontario. Miss Judith Wood, Renison spend the Holiday season with College, Waterloo, Ontario, will spend the Holiday season wtih her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Stan- a Harold, Adelaide avenue east. / be the Christmas Judge A, C. Hall and Masson street. Mr. Donald Anderson, Queen's University, Ki: Ontario, is spending the tide season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs; Erle Anderson, Gardenia Court. est of rs, Hall, Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gibbens, their guests for the Yuletide) Miss Jean Hall, Toronto, will ' " eanenen wine Sena cae Jim was just learning to walk.| Mr. Cameron Hall, Trinity} The two older children were six |College* University of Toronto, | ahd seven. jis spending the Christmas vaca- I was thrilled to become ajtion with his parents, Judge wife and mother all at once. 1A, C, Hall and Mrs, Hall, Mas- adores those children and took!son street. them to my heart as my very Burke streét, will be Mr. and | Mrs, L. J. Huffman and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gibbens and family, Orillia, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gibbens and family, Belleville, Ontario; Mr, and Mrs. B. H. Morfison and family, Peterborough, On- tatio, afd Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Petre and son, St. Bustache, Quebec. : land avenue. Pet ae oe tah | Mr. John Robertson, Faculty of 'Applied Science, University s of Toronto, is, spending the own.. They called me mom and PIDADAIIOIS | eee ie Gee es dain ms I loved the sound of the word.| Mrs. R. Locke, Miss Carolyn) Robertson, Hillcroft street. The two older children are|tocke and Mrs. Clare Allen, | : ong lag ig agg 4/Cadillac avenue south, will be| RARAMMPMMIMID ne relationship, It is Jim I am | Christmas guests of Mr. and) Miss Lynda Thom Vie- veins | about. Last beg he | Mrs. Norman Chapman, Agin-| torin Collebe, niversiig br Ty. AE NEN AE NN i Sua hias telad cuilans. Whan be court, Ontario ronto, is spending the holiday} Mr, Robert Bradley, Queen's introduced me, he taid "Mary, | Perrr rrr te TT dT | season with her parents, Mr,| University, Kingston, Ontario, I want you to meet my step. land Mrs: R. H. Thompson,| Will spend the Yuletide season other." Anh, Y was 86 hurt tig: and Mrs. Adam J./ Somerville avenue. | with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. é mother, Ann, as so hurt t/Nemisz, Chadburn avenué, will' : | Reuse Bradley, Simcoe street and that you heartily dpereve of|almost broke down and cried./}. the Christmas guests of Mr. menmeeng irene mens Hoven: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schuér- | Brea is (ee eed meaning ba ron pga" PM gat as erat sues) saeneeweeneees -- CHRISTMAS FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE ATTRACTIVE TO ALL AGES provided, of course, that the|called me anything but mom. [t9ronto, rocedure is perforttied by a| My husband says, 'Ignore ave ' : ehyeicien and not "'a ffiend with it." But how can I? I wondet CME TMEOREE etait aol ais' {tens wo inkversite rine cag Mrs. George Mellraith, with the delights in the " ; | ' sw | season Mr. Mrs. Ted Rapley vers ge, is ' ' 4 ' ' . an ice-pick." The final annoint-/ how many stepparents who reac 'Mr, Robert Taylor and Mr. and daughter, Leanne, Halifax,|spending the Christmas vaca-| Wife of the Public Works fort pide end wlis fevers William Taylor, Waterloo Uni-| Nova Scotia. jtion with his parents, Mr. and} Minister, like grandmothers to. conipliment "her "living everywhere, enjoys being ment came with your own brave) your mignon bes ag - sta i overly seénsitive? ou e : : announcement that your ears y, peg brary 8 are ge Mrs. Harold Gordon, Hortop fodta Becoty $0 tHe GATHE 8 eir , the Yuletide season wi ir street. with her grandchildren for tlons please 'her. But the o| Parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. UR YEE CEU EER, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Westnutt, Taylor, Farewell street. | COREL | Hortop Street, will be Mr, and| Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Breen,) : ae |Mrs, Ray Blomme, Don Mills, | Richmond street east, will have Mr. and Mrs. A. J Parkhill, Ontario, Miss Iris Morrison,| 48 their Yuletide guests Mr. and Simeoe street north, will have| Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Claude|Mrs. Calvin Breen and family, as their guests for the holiday| Morrison, Brooklin, and Mr;}Collingwood, Ontario. [secs Al? geet 5 oe Weoee, | James Eddie, Queen's Univer- mere, Quebec; Mr. and Mrs, | 'Y en |Brian East and family, Bridge- north, Ontario, and Mr. and} Lie Mrs. Michael Laskowsky, To-| anna jronto ' réfuses to say 'Good morning" to them. Can the landlord make these people move? Thanks for 'our counsel--Thin Walls and Bhaitered Nerves 'Dear Thin and Shattered; As tenants you are entitled to peace and quiet, Speak to the landlord at once. He may ask you to call him the next time the couple has a fight. Follow his instruc- tions no matter what the hour and you'll probably soon be rid of this pair. Dear Ann Landers: It was wonderful to read in your col- umn that pierced ears are "in" candy canes, show and reif> deer, floral designers put if the Christias arrangement, are obviously more fascinat- ing to four year olds. --Photo by Malak, Ottagva Christmas. In this picture, grand-daughters Catherine Sproule (playing with rein- deer) and Margaret Galli- are pierced. Jim How he hurt me?7--Bewil- gan (left) are enchanted I have travelled extensively, dered Miss Landers, and I have no-| Dear B.: Some stepparents d ticed that in some Areas of Mot object to the term, others Africa the women have their|do. Those who do, should speak roses pierced. They. wear a lp. ; small bone through the hole.| Tell Jim you were disturbed This is considered "in' pro-;when he introdticed you as his vided the bone is not too large | stepmother be¢ause you were of preteptidus. |proud he had always called you For a long time I have wanted "mom." I'll bet it won't happen to popularize pierced noses but again. Christmas Dinner Meeting Held By B&P Women's Club | ue ans sie. som nei The program, 'Christmas in|street, will be Christmas Day Song and Story,"' conducted by| guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton . 44 », Scarb h. Miss Rose Hawkes, opened with| Purley. Scarborough have as their Yuletide guests, a Bible reading by Miss Irene Di ia alata |Mr, and Mrs. John D. Moffatt Barton. Miss Olive Goldring) Wednesday evening, the Osh of Halifax, Nova Scotia. ottered the prayer by Francis|awa Young People of the Zion of Assissi. |Christian Reformed Church ; hy _| were hosts to the Young Peo- eared tee eveuaae program ple of. Hebron Christian Re- gave an introduction to the| formed Church at their annual carols after which Mrs, Mona| Christmas party. The president VPs De De Phe ee Be Holiday. guests at the home of | ve | during the summer @s adminis. | trative assistant to the exeécu- tive director of the District of Mr. Dan Hilts, Queen's Univer-| sity Kingston, Ontario will be} home for the Christmas vaca- President's Youngest Daughter Mir. "Alvin Hilfe, Oshawa boule To Be Wed In Late ummer ce teen aa ee tered ;vard north | K ENERO nenceneneentes | JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP))Lynda, 21, bélong to the Epis-| tion. Residerits of the y.w.c.a.,| Lue Johnson, whose engage-}copal Church--as Luci did be- Centre street, who are spending| ment to Airman Pat Nugent! fore becoming a Catholic. the Christmas season at home| was announced Friday night, is} A White House spokeSman) linclude Nancy Hubbs, Bloom-|a vivacious, fun-loving girl who has reported 'the family con-} field; Ann Harjung, Dundalk;|has added youthful sparkle to|siders religion a personal and |Martha Sholten, Stirlcing; Dor-|the White House scene. individual matter." enn Hill, Kinmount; Gail White,| The 18-year-old daughter of| Last September, Luci entered Torotiio; Eleanor Welch, Clare-|the U.S. president loves to|Georgetown University school mont: Patricia Briicé, Beaver-|dance, and does a cool frug. |of nursing here, planning to ton; Patricia Shaw, Huntsville;} She loves to drive, and gets|take a four-year course which Patricia Cowell, Ottawa; Stisan| around town in her sleek green| would lead to a bachelor of Ross, Cobourg; Lyn Jeénhings,| Corvette convertible. science degree as well as cre- Port Credit; Phillipa Davidson,; She pot to rm} pe le déntials of a registered nurse. , Pontypool; Janet Thompson,|ileged children, and frequently; Nugent, 22, tall and blonde, POSNER AHH Many siseet,, wi - re and Ashton; Gwen Linton, Nantcy|sponsors or attends events for|is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ger- y lave. Franke Valéatina and Harness and Cherylann McBride,| them. hard P. Nugent Sr. of Wauke- uletide guests at the home if ana Gs e and SONns,| 41 of Port Hope; Doreen Hill,| She loves a degree of privacy) gan, Ill. His father is an invest- lof Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rich-| 70 and Greg, eterborough: | winchester; Darlene MacDonaid,|and last month told-a reporter| ment counsellor. ards, Westmoreland avenue, will) On'ario Cardinal; Mary Copland, Hespe |who asked about her reported) Luci and Nugent met through be: Mr. and Mrs. Percy Moore, | ee id \'er and Gail Millar, Whitby, romance: "My personal life is| mutual friends earlier this) \ Shanhonville, Ontario; Mr. Jack| my own and I don't intend to| year. He worked in Washington| Mr, and Mrs. Robert Glover, | tiahitiahtiatitiatintatintiiia Glenicarn streét, will spend t. Robert Munday, HMCS|Christmas with Mrs. Glover's } lis, Halifax, Nova Scotia,| mother, Mrs. Mary Mutch, Cal- is spending the holiday season| gary, Alberta. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs rs ; EEE AN RN Elgin Munday, Glencaifn street Mr. and. Mrs. L. G. Glover, Glencairn street, will have as their Yuletide guest, Mr. ©. C. Sowden, Port Hope, Ontario. EEO AEM EG, | Holiday guests at the home of NE EE EE EE Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Mof- fatt, Adélaide avénue east, will The true Christmas spirit per- vaded the December dinner meeting of the Business and Protessional Women's Club held at Adelaide House. Under the direction of Miss Irene Pawson each member contributed to the fun of the évening, thereby gaining & favor from Miss Gwen Paw- @on's basket of surprises. Miss ose. Hawkes gave 6 Tasty Canadian Port INDON WINERY LIMITED of the Oshawa group, Mr. Jo-| ; EE ENE EON ee ve hcete eee resume of the B. and P. lunch- eon which she attended in Montreal. 'i THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA Tuesday should prove a highly stimulating day. Both business and personal relationships will Morrison sang, "Good Christian) Men Rejoice,"' and "Shepherds | Shake off Your Drowsy Sleep."| The history of the carols pre- eéded the singing of each, Mrs. Mabel Joyce being pianist -- "© Little Town of Bethlehem"| by Mrs. Frank Wilson; "The First Nowéll,"' Miss Léetta Pier son; "We Three Kings," Miss Agnés Strickland, Mrs. Mervin Morrison, Miss Betty Thomson seph Vanderheyden, was mas-| Morton, Detroit, Michigan; Mr | ter of ceremonies for the first) and Mrs. James Richards and) half of the evening and the|Gaughter, Kim, Bowmanville, Hebron president, Mr. Peter| ahd Mrs. T. H. Long, Hillsdale Pols, presided for the second| Manor and Mr. and Mrs. Frank) half. A varied program was pre-| Hall, Bond street prest. sented with Mr. Thomas De- IRR nN Jong leading in the ¢arol sing- : Mrs. ing. Gifts were exchanged and Mr. and Larty E Mr. Peter R. Moffat, Victoria) College University of Totonto will spend the Holiday séason with his parents, the Reverend and Mrs. John K. Moffat, Sitm- coe street south. SEE EE EE Christmas guésts at the home refreshments served. Weldon and son, Brett, Toronto, |Of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hilts, Osh and Mrs. J. B. Jackson, Van- Lia tiinaieaiaineninnieainie couver, B.C., will be Christmas| awa boulevard north, will be Mr. and Mrs. Ross Graham and fam- ied Mr. and Mfs. George Hol- land of Schumacher, Ontario, are spending the Christmas and New Year. holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tomchick, Harris Court. Today's pork contains legs fat than it did a decade ago, so éven a calorie watcher can en- talk about it." Her father, Johnson announced that Liici and Nugent would be married late next summér, fréquently has described her as a teligious girl. She was religious counsel- lor oncé at 4 girls' camp which she attended. IS A ROMAN CATHOLIC Luci became a Roman Catho- who with Mrs.] NOW AT aces... MELULES You con see the prettiest ond most practical fashier- for boys ond girls . . . infénts to size 14, LAY-AWAY for Christmas Eorly The Best Costs Less et... bé governed by excellent influ- ences, and plans made for fi- nancial and-or property deals, social everits and family secur- ity should work out exiremeiy well. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that you should attack major objec- tives vigorously -- especially those connected with your job. Despite the fact that you may uests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.lily Sarnia, Onatio. }joy it. A well trimmed loin Weldon Hortop street | chop provides about the same : CEE UE ;humber of calories as an equiv- alent serving of sirloin steak. Queen's |_ Ontaria! 2 Onter 1° @ and Miss Irené Pawson taking the part of the three kings: "OQ Come All Ye Faithful," Mrs William Atkinson; 'God Rest) 45 Ye Meity Genticmen,' Miss dav, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hughes, Beth Ford: Angels we Have} Burkes--Falt;-Mr,and..Mrs.| 'a Heard on High," Miss Gladys| Jack Reid, Sault Ste. Marie, Mr.| dale, 1 Season Hill; "Silent Night," Mrs. Grace| and Mrs.. William Hope, Mr. | Christmas guests of Mrs.|with her parents, the Reverend Heard, ¢oncluding with, "A|and Mrs. Ronald Hughes, and| Borrowdale's mother, Mrs. John|N. T. Holmes, and Mrs. Holmes} Christmas Wish' read by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hope, all| MacKenzie, Montreal, Quebec. Kéewatin street.. | J. W. Richardson. of Agincourt; Mr. and Mrs cidieinmeniueting All who participated were| Cecil Hughes, Ottawa; and Cor thanked, also Miss Grace) poral and Mrs. Lloyd Hughes,| Mr. Paul Gibbens, University Anderson, Miss Reta Robinson,| Camp Borden |of Western, Ontario, London will be given some additional re-iMics Marie Shantz, and Miss cane spend the Christmas vacation sponsibilities soon, stars fore-|Ginays Frise. ---------- |with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. cast an eS Sia. 1 ~} Mr, and Mrs. William P. Mc-|/- H. Gibbens, Burké Street. tad Feb. is; also special recog-|, Turnips not only store well] Gee hac get eng -- mnananeonnnencs nition from superiors. Next good but also are a good source of| VDT epee » . wi | "i tes Cle bas | the career and-or|Vitamin C, advise food spe-| PACs, bec e? sacle deat el Meola rie na resident super- ee "Peak: 'The first three|Cialists at Macdonald Institute, Drum, Mary street. Phot of the din ae Centre : sh. the last week(Guelph. They are a. favorite| weenetenenncd Street is spending the Yuletide}mas vacation with his mother} weeks in March, hrea|When served in sticks as a| season with her son Mr. W.|Mrs. Cleve Fox, Simcoe street | of September, the first three "finger food." | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Axtell,|Grist and family, Vancouver, |north. weeks of October and all of next | MeGregor street, will be holl.|British Columbia. November. Just one -- HOUSEHOLD HINT day Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-| ee] tion: Do nothing to -- When sweaters develop| liam Deane, Rexdale, Ontario sina ine inn ieninninsinainniineal Miss Nancy Gibbie; University] ogee po age sy oF daring pills', or little balls of fuzz,| Mr. and Mrs. Spreo Ginow and , the first three weeks of Sep- i ! Mrs. Gordon Summers, Mary|of Toronto is spending the Christ- shave them lightly with a safety) family, Toronto, and Mr. and street, will be the Christmas|mas Vacation with her parents, tember. Those engaged in erea- tive enterprises ld have a lic last July 2 on her 18th birth- day. The president is a mem- ber of the Christian Church. Mrs. Johnson and Laci's sistér, Fé PICTURE IT NOW... SEE IT FOREVER! Visit {| ORION STUDIO 17 John St. W. 723-1831 For Your Family Portrait During The Holiday Season Special low rates in effect now until January 4th. rian and American photographie schools, present- rian and American photographic schols, present- ing a variety of styles and prices. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rumpel, Wilson road south, are having) their guests on Christmas The Reverend N. T. Holmes and Mrs. Holmes, Keewa' street will have as their Yuletidé guests Mr. Wayné Nymark, Ot- jtawa, Ontario. Mr. Donald Fox, Toronto, On- tario will be spending the Christ- razor. After brushing they'll look) Mrs. Jack Heinbuck and family,| guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lat-|Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Gibbie, like brand-new. Weston, Ontario, jimer, Brockville, Ontario. |Mary street. generally good year, with pe- rieds of outstanding accompligh-| ment indicated in May, June) and September. Where financial matters are concerned, you should have a fine year ahead. As of last week, you entered a fine cycle ¥ governing monetary affairs, which will last for a full month. It will be important, however, that you do not speculate during this period or tie yourself up to long - term, budget - stretching commitments. Next good fiscal ods: The first three weeks of ebruary and, for long-range ventures, the first three weeks in April and the first three Our aim . . . enduring photographic quality te be enjoyed and remembered for yeors, CONVENIENT PARKING AT REAR SALE. CORSETRY -- UNIFORMS STARTS 9 A.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28th weeks of September. October A "ONCE-A-YEAR CHANCE" TO SAVE ON OUR SALE PRICED will also be an excellent month UNIFORMS AND FOUNDATION GARMENTS. along the financial lines. Do be } titra - conservative during the) WARD'S first three weeks 6f March and) Oshowo's Corsetry - Uniform Store up to price | SAVINGS NOW IN PROGRESS * SALE ENDS FRIDAY DEC. 31st At all Fairweather stores in Ontario throughout June, however. Personal matters will prove stimulating during the next i2 months, with emphasis on sen- timental affairs in late January, February, June, late October and late January. Do not take| the "'romances" of May, Sep-| tember or November too seri-| ously, however, Best periods for travel and social activities: Be- tween now and the end of January, tiie first three weeks in Way, iwuvemuds (lor. Short trips) and next December. A child born an this day will be extremely ambitious, siivug- willee and conscientious, ' PHONE 725.1151 © Custom Made Drapes ® Brocdloom Puzzle Contest Ends December 31, 1965 @ Custom Mede Slip Covers HUWAKD'S oe DRAPERIES Fashions Since 18067 926 Simeoe St. Ni cmniiaaiaiiis 725.3144 i

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