Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Dec 1965, p. 15

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_DISTAFF. DIARY --miniass oe. senarts of Gsiawa women's organic: submitted by their secretarie ST. GEORGE'S W.A. (Afternoon Branch) St. George's W.A. Afternoon Branch met for their devotional and Business meeting The president, Mrs. Charles Gibbs, opened the meeting with prayer, various reports from the offi- cers were given. The education secretary, Miss Flora Foster, spoke on 'Our Indestructible Bible"'. Miss Foster stated the Bible was the only book which was im- perishable -- which never could be destroyed, because it was/night On A Pilgrimage'. God's Word. She said, "Century follows century, empires rise to fall, kings are crowned and un- crowned. Atheists rise against it, agnostics smile cynically, un-| belief abandons it, higher critics deny its claim to inspiration, flames are kindled about if, modernism tries to explain it away; it is laughed at and scorned, but still it stands. Childhood needs a standard of truth; youth a beacon of light; sorrow needs consolation; weak- ness, power; old age, a rod and staff; the weary need rest; when we approach the valley of the shadow all these and much more, they are to be found in our indestructible Bible." ST. GERTRUDE'S CWL A highlight of St. Gertrude's Catholic Women's League an- nual Christmas supply was the presentation of a cheque fo $500 to the pastor, the Reverend John Myers. Also present were the Rever- end Anthony lacacs, the Rever- end Gerald Murgham and Mrs Kelly De Gray, chairman of On- tario County South Region. Conveners for the supper was Mrs. John Byrne. The president, Mrs. John Mel- nychuk, announced that St. Ger- trude's would sponsor a fashion show on Wednesday, March 2, in the parish hall. ST. PAUL'S CPTA The December meeting of St Paul's CPTA was held recently in the. school auditorium. Mrs. Joseph Gangemi presided. Those in attendance were re- minded that a "Social Bingo" will be held February 14, 1966 convened by Mrs. William Pu- chalski. . The Reverend Joseph Borg gave a short talk on the impor- tance of explaining the true meaning of Christmas to the children Mrs. Arthur VanLeeuvan in- troduced the guest speaker, tie Reverend John Markle of St. Gregory parish. Lantern slides were shown of his visit last July to the Holy Land and Rome. His tour also included visits to Greece, Switzerland, Egypt and Syria. The showing was ac- companied by a most interesting and sometimes humorous com- mentary. The evening was thor- oughly enjoyed and Mrs. Frank Maloney thanked Father Markle for his most timely and inform- ative program. Games were played under the capable direction of Mr. Wil- liam Edwards. Prizes were won by Miss N. Rowden, Miss V. Ward, Mrs. J.. Kasubeck, Mrs. Thomas Farquharson, Mrs. James DeMille and Mrs, Frank Maloney. There were special Christmas draws and these were won by Mrs. David Harring- ton, Mrs. Stanley Lepine, Mrs. David Goodwin, Mrs. John Guerts, Mrs. Gordon Jubenville, Mrs. William Edwards and Mrs Joseph Worona The attendance plaque was won by Miss Jennifer Moffatt's kindergarten class. A Christmas buffet -was-a-highlight of _ the. evening under the direction of Mrs, Everett Crosby assisted by Mrs. Peter Vandepol, Mrs. Wil- liam Everett and Mrs. T. Mika- lauskas. ALBERT STREET UCW 5 The Decemder meeting and Christmas party of Unit 5 of Albert Street United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Bent, Elizabeth street. é Mrs. Clayton Lee, the leader, welcomed the members and con- ducted a short business meet- ing. As Unit 5 will not be in existence next year, the mem- bers were requested to hand in any outstanding money so that the books might be closed. At the general meeting of the Al- ations se snrimisn meetings and activitiée "eF GE: Sepena bert Street UCW, the member- ship was divided into four units for 1966 instead of the ysual five. Mrs. Andrew Knox reported 10 visits to the sick had been made. Mrs. Edward Holiand finished the study book on Bra- zil. Birthday greetings were sung for Mrs. Thomas Peters, |Mrs. Ernest Jones and Mrs, Lee. | Mrs. Percy Boville and Mrs Jones were in charge of the wor ship service on the "Christmas Giving'. Mrs. Bent! therne } al Harvey, Mr. George Omelan- Kees finwini PST dom ULMLuLcil (At Party For The B The Humoresque Club for the! Lucky Serviettes: Miss Ada Blind held a Christmas party at) McDonough, Mrs. Guy Forrest. the Civic Auditorium, arranged| Birthdays: by Miss Vera Siblock. Mrs. Guy | Murray, Mr, Harold Bateman. Forrest presided. Oldest persons were Winners -of the games were: Blowing the biggest balloon, Mr. "revit Gatchell, Mrs. Samuel William Murray; smallest bal- loon, Mrs. Frank Cooper; break- ing the balloon first, Mrs. Reg- inald Pike; breaking the-ballooi between the knees, Mrs. Reg- inald Pike. ° Door prizes were won by Mr. | Dennis Klimezak, Mrs. Dennis Dichenko. Oldest grandmother, Peter Gatchell. Mrs. few selections on the accordion; chuk, Mrs. Cecil Oakes, Mrs.|Paul and Anna Maria, Mountjoy Captain William}; Mrs. |. Youngest grandmothers, Mrs.} Danny Omelanchuk played a read a poem "I Shall Go. To-; Harry Mandziuk. Guessing what (Should go into the oven Winners of the games were! Mrs. George Ford, Mrs. Lee and) Mrs. Bent. Capsule sister gifts) were exchanged with Mrs. Lee! acting as Santa Claus. Refreshments were serv ed| from a table decorated in the Christmas theme, by Mrs. Bo- ville, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Bent. Mrs. Holland thanked Mrs. Bent for her hospitality Roasting Time Mi Varies With Bird | Preparing and serving Christ- |mas dinner centres around the |beautifully browned turkey |Menu arrangements include checking the roasting time schedules which accompany the bird so as. to. know when it Re member though, that cooking times are approximate and many factors. affect roasting time Differences in ovens, pans and starting temperature of tur- keys, may cause variations in length of roasting time. Use the following tests to determine doneness: {1, Protect thumb and forefinger with paper or cloth. Pinch thickest portion of drum- | stick. Meat should feel soft . Insert roast meat thermom- eter into thigh muscle next to } body cavity. . Temperature should be 190 deg. F. If you like your turkey less well done roast to 185 deg, F. as shown on a roast meat thermometer. | The best known bird in Can- ada is cleaned and quick frozen at the peak of freshness. It can be identified because the major leg tendons are pulled and the drumsticks tucked into a slit of skin at the base of the breast bone. When it is time to stuff jthe turkey, the drumsticks can be removed from the tuck for easy access. After the bird is Stuffed, the legs are tucked |back into place. Trussing a tur- |key is a thing of the past. Frozen turkeys which are ready-to-stuff should be thawed before stuffing and roasting. The refrigerator is the most satisfac- tory place for thawing a tur-| allowed. Be sure to check di-| rections on the | was in the parcel, Mrs. Sheridan Johnson, Mrs. Guy Forrest. sang "Silent Night". Santa arrived to the singing of "Jingle Bells'. The children Guessing number of nuts in box, Miss Freda White,' Mrs. Percy Mountjoy; Christmas ne game. Mrs Harold Phillips; |CaPtain Murray, Mr. Val Harry Lucky Spot winners, Mrs.|¥eY». Mr. Harold Phillips, Mr. James Gatchell, Mrs. Peter|J0hn Kent, Mrs. Frank Cooper, Gatchell, Mr. Scott McColeman, as. Aes -- We Children's games: Biggest !- balloon, Helen Forrest, Carol |akes: : Mountjoy; smallest balloon,| 'The meeting closed with sing- Maureen Harvey; breaking the ing of the Queen. balloon, Danny Omelanchuk. Party refreshments were Lucky Chairs: Mrs. Dennis|served by Lionettes Mrs. Wil- Dichenko, Mr. Harold Bateman, |liam Borrowdale, Mrs. Jack An- Mrs. Guy Forrest, Mrs Percy | derson, Mrs. Kenneth Loverock, Mountjoy, Mrs. Thomas McDon-|Mrs, Harold Phillips; Lions Mr. ough, Mrs. Cecil Oakes, Mrs./ Alfred Pucher, Mr. Harold Phil- helped Santa with the gifts. Helping with the games were: PRETTY LITTLE MOD SPORTSWEAR 11. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE HURRY - ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT | key and ample time should be} accompaniment Phillip Fraser. Lucky Cup: Mr. Harold Bate- man, Mrs. Samuel Naish. Lucky Saucers: Mrs. Sheridan Johnson, Mrs. Phillip Fraser. Use Of Own Gi lips, Mr. John Kent; Mrs, A. J. | Parkhill and Mrs. S. J. Nobbin 'from the Advisory Board; Mr. William: Murray, Mr. Val Har vey and Mrs. Pucher ven Name Adds Personality To Voice By ROBERTA ROESCH Dear Roberta Roesch: When an employee (let's call her Mary Smith, who works for a-Mr. Jones) makes a telephone call for her employer, is it all right for her to say, "'This is Mary Smith of Mr. Jones' of- fice' or should she say "This is Mrs. (or Miss) Smith of 'Mr. Jones' office' I prefer the former, but I've been told the latter is more businesslike. Mrs, M. D. Dear Mrs. M.D.: The difference is so slight, the best approach is to stick to your boss' choice about "Mary Smith" or "Mrs. Smith." Since, in most offices, it's businesslike to be friendly (as long as you're not too casual), I cast my personal ballot for "Mary Smith" instead of 'Mrs. (or Miss) Smith.' I say this be cause I feel that a given name, plus a nice voice, presents a still in the wrapper can be plac- ed under cold running water. Cranberry sauce is usually served with the holiday bird.) While it often appears as an for the main course, it is especially good in wrapper. To\a cranberry - eggnog ple to top are offered speed up thawing, the turkey! off the meal. more personal picture than a nondescript "Miss" or "Mrs." In addition, there's a pleasant and human informality about a given name that 'Miss' or "Mrs."' just misses. Dear Roberta Roesch: Where can I find the right courses to improve myself for my job when I have to take them at night I am a 48-year- old widow with grown children, and I would like to go back to school At the I have a job in a tissue culture labora- tory and I love every moment present time, of it. I feel, however, that any knowledge I have about this sub ject is only what I have gath- ered over the years so I would like to learn more. What would be the best plan for me I don't think I'm college, po- tential. Mrs. §. K. Dear. Mrs. §. K.: You'll find a varied selection of courses--some of them even- ing ones,' too--in junior colleges, community colleges, vocational jtraining schools and _ tec'hnical institutes. Many of those that will enrich your iworking background and have femperatures NEW in OSHAWA WHITE-ELNA SEWING CENTRE 38 Bond West 725-7181 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER Sewing Machines from REVERSE STITCH ZIG - ZAG AUTOMATIC PORTABLES CONSOLES \ Kelvinator concentrates i----_ PER WEEK Kelvinator brings you greater value! . Through a program of Constant Basic improvement, money to bring you appliances that are more useful, more dependable and more economical to operate, f Not just three, but four 'water temperatures let:you do all your regular wash, plus wash-wear, in 'this new Kelvinator! has push-button selection Would you believe any | washer could do so mpch and cost so little! @ 2 Speeds ince utomaticall Ancf it 'or every type of fakiric. @ Lint Filter @ Automatic Pretreatiing e Golden Touch Wash- ing @ Washes 1 to 12 Ibs. Model CW-52: | @ No Gears to Wear Out 2 @ 5-Year Guarantee engineering time and -- ELECTRIC DRYER MATCHING TWIN Modei CDE 542 Only 2.50 Week hi B.F GOODRICH ef HOME & AUTO CENTRE 88 KING WES T 725-4543 Here's a dress that is just perfect for wear during the Christmas holidays. Designed for little sisters, it follows the popular mod trend and is made of a a direct and usable application to your current work. To be sure you select one that will be the most helpful to you in your present job, though, dis- cuss your plans directly with your immediate supervisor and get his opinion on what you should take This, incidentally, is a sensi ble approach for any individua who wants to take evening courses and advance in a job. Opportunity tip for the day: Quote from author George blend of rayon and cotton. The frock has an off-white bodice, red and white polka dot ruffled cuffs and a polka dot bow at the neck. The skirt is in solid red. get on in this world are the ones who get up and look for the circumstances they and if they can't find make them." them, HOUSEHOLD HINT To peel hard-boiled eggs the |g easest gway make sure you use eggs several days old. Crack each shell after cooking and put in a pan of cold water. The cold water gets under the shells Bernard Shaw: "The people whoi and they slip off easily OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE IH» Chrivtmas joyous.time to wish our fine customers all the best of the holiday and to express thanks for your patronage. LOCKE'S FLORIST (Next to Birks on West Side) so we're taking this Call 728-6555 stocking. 4.00. , Stocking Present: Sandalwood or Citruswood After Shave Lotion is the making of his Christmas Gift Set of Soap: Two cakes of Hand Soap and two cakes of Bath Soap, are set to give. 5.00. ardenzmenf Christmas JURY & WHITBY-OSHAWA-BOWMANVILLE LOVELL want, | SHE WOULD CHOOSE THE (i ( ~ For HERSELF SMART NEW SOCUMMME AND FROM HER FAVORITE SHOP TOO! WITH COATS Wool or Suede Fur or Untrimmed 45.00 up DRESSES sheer postel crepe double-knit, wool, dark or shades 16.98 up Shimmering EVENING TOPS 16.98 up SUITS Subdued Shades or Holiday Pastels 19.98 up Glamorous EVENING SKIRTS 12.98 up CURLING SKI JACKETS SUBURBAN COATS 24.98 up ROBES 10.98 up CURLING SKI PANTS 19.98 up SHELLS 12.98 up SKIRTS 12.98 up PONAKAKAKECELHeLY WHY NOT A GIFT Certificate Always Welcome STRETCHIE: SLIMS TOPS PULLOVER SWEATERS 5.98 up. CARDIGAN SWEATERS 7.98 up SHIRTS BLOUSES 3.98 up Remember WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPORTSWEAR IN OSHAWA ft TONIGHT & TOMORROW NIGHT 'TIL 9 -- FRIDAY TO 6 WE GLADLY EXCHANGE CHRISTMAS GIFTS 'SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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