Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Dec 1965, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, December 21, 1963 Vandals schools - TORONTO (CP) --Weekend, vandalism resulted in more than $3,450 damage at a public} school in suburban North York! and one in nearby Oakville. | Pupils at Gosford public, school, Toronto, were given. the day off Monday in the wake of} what Police Inspector Robert) Smythe termed "the worst case) of vandalism I've ever seen."| He estimated damage at} Damade $3,450 Dd, Oakville, vandals poured half a gallon of glue into a piano, cupboatds. were rummaged and ink and paint were smeared on floors and desks. Damage there was estimated at $450 by Arthur Burrill, board of education maintenance su-, perintendent. Police said it was one of the worst raids they could remember, Each classroom was in dis- | 'To Close UNITED (CP)... -- UN delegates pushed wearily to close the lid tonight on a Gen- eral Assembly that has plowed through two years of accumu- lated business and broken a few precedents. Assembly President Amintore Fanfani was expected to gavel the gruelling session to a close late tonight or in the early morning hours, depending on the volume of windup oratory. It will mean the end of an as- sembly. that had to take time NATIONS ~~ SS -- Cutting in on the work sched- ule of key delegates were 5Se- curity Council debates on the strife in Cyprus, the independ- ence declaration of Rhodesia's white-minority government, the India-Pakistan conflict and the situation in Portugal's African territories. The assembly session saw) China's boosters make the strongest showing yet--a 47-47 tie vote--in their 15-year strug- gle to capture the Chinese seat t == « sm Le : EEGGEE a Brushing aside U.S, objec-. tions, the Aifro-Asians Monday night rammed through the 117- national assembly a _ pro- posal which in effect junked the long-standing rule that impor- tant issues require a two-thirds majority for approval, Despite' warnings from U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold- berg that a dangerous prece- dent would be set, the assembly decided that a resolution before it calling for elimination of co- for Peking. \lonialism required only a sim- In one of the last orders of » business, a Canadian proposal 49-pay..fos..the UN. Emernency Force in the Middie Kast was virtually assured of approval by ithe 'assembly today The Soviet Union and a num- ber of other countries have re- of. &e fised: to pay-their:share cost of the Middle East Emer- gency Force, set up to patrol the Gaza Strip after the Suez crisis in 1956, because it was authorized by the assembly ra- ther than by the 1l-nation Se- curity Council. The peacekteping operation has been paid for in the past by regular assessments against UN members, A debt resulted from Soviet bloc refusal to ac- It also saw the big Afro-Asian| ple majority for approval, group manoeuvre itself into the!) Western diplomats were power role it has Ween seeking) plainly disturbed at the move, since 1955, when new Asian and| They predicted it might be ap-/ African states began flocking! plied successfully to such ques-| into the organization. tions as the seating of China| ee and even disarmament. j The Afro-Asian group, which| now numbers 61 nations, can'! make or break any question be-' fore the assembly under the simple majority rule if it | doesn't break ranks. The Africans, whose 36 mem- bers dominate the regional] group, broke other precedents | during the session. | | BOYCOTT APPEARANCES Angered over Britain's failure to smash the Rhodesian rebel- | lion by military force, African nations boycotted a reception | for Britain's Princess Margaret and walked -out on Prime Min- | ister Wilson as he addressed the| L assembly. ' out from current business to clean up financial and house- keeping items untouched during last year's session paralysed by the voting deadlock over peace- keeping finances. WEATHER FORECAST Mostly Sunny, Seasonable Today; Clouding Overnight %\ TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|North Bay........ lissued by the weather office at|Sudbury . 2\5:30 a.m.: Earlton Synopsis: The. high pressure |Sault Ste: Marie.. lridge is expected to move very |Kapuskasing ... |slowly eastward so that any) White River....,. |change in the weather pattern |Moosonee ........ will be gradual. Timmins .... Lake St. Clair, Algoma, Sault | ------ |Ste. Marie, Timagami, White iRiver, Windsor, North Bay, | 4\Sudbury:- Mainly cloudy with } occasional very light snow. Not more than $3,900. It took a 15- array with paint spread over! man maintenance staff 14 hours floors, walls and ceilings. | to clean up the mess so the 390| Obscene pictures nich pupils can return to school to- scrawled on blackboards which day. were also splattered with glue} Almost every movable object|and ink. Guinea pigs and rab-) in the 16-classroom school was |bits were let out of their cages | smashed. and aquariums in some of the At E. A. Orr public school in rooms were smashed. cept this assessment. OLD WORLD TRADITION ~ China Takes Another Poke At Kremlin-Anti-Viet Cong It said Soviet leaders had transmitted to North Viet Nam 'preposterous. terms' of the U.S. government aimed at forc- ing the Vietnamese people to abandon their anti-U.S, strug- gle. New China News Agency said the condemnation of Russian policy was contained in a pre- face to an anti-China article by the Soviet newspaper Pravda which The People's Daily printed in full. LONDON CREAM CG i; ; 6 f, LONDOH WINERY LIMITED LONDON # ONTARIO CANADA HONG KONG (Reuters) --, China today accused Russia of trying to stamp out the Viet Cong revolution in South Viet Nam In another attack on the So- viet leadership, the Peking newspaper People's Daily told 18 18 15 20 15 22 ? 10 NEWAWORLD PERFECTION re- im te Herns ingle. FIV NGS o" CHRISTMAS FOODS ~ TA-TA-TH'| 4 Vietnamese soldier blows on a makeshift horn used by the Viet Cong as a warning signal. The instru- ment is made of parts of a musical instrument and part of a rice milling machine. The horn was left behind after use by the Viet Cong last week when Vietnamese forces made a naval assault on the town of Long Thanh, (AP) | C 20 LBS. Ib UP C De- oa aircraft. carrier for the navy. Top officials believe there no urgency to get under way in either of these projects. The is 6 TO 10 LBS. HERE and THERE tion of 34 casts. There were also 819 physiotherapy. treat- ments and 583 physiotherapy visits, 106 occupational ther- apy treatments and 15 speech therapy treatments. Oshawa Fire Department dealt with three minor fire calls yesterday. First was to $4 Brock st. w. to check out smoke from a space heater. The 'second' call was to ex- tinguish a car fire. Last of the calls ;was to the Albany Res- taurant on Simcoe st. s. where a mysterious gas-smell was traced to a faulty furnace. Back BACON 79: End Cuts By The Piece Don Jackson, former World Men's Singles Skaitng champion and his father, George, were guests of the Rotary Club of Oshawa at its Monday meeting. On behalf of the club, President Geoff. Andrews extended the club's congregations and best wishes to Don on his marriage this week. City council decided last night to advertise for appli- cants for the position of per- sonnel manager. Daniel Flem- ing, personnel officer, asked council by letter to relieve him of some of his responsibilities because of poor health. Mr. Fleming has. been city per- sonnel officer for almost nine years. and modernization of . training schools. Wiped out were all 8,500 units of new housing for families of servicemen planned for this Members of the Rotary Club year, This accounted for $160, of Oshawa, at their Monday meeting;-were--given..a.pre- view of ine siide-iape prese tation which will be forwarded to the Rotary Club of Saar- brucken, West Germany. Pre- pared with the co-operation of many members of the club, who supplied: colored slides, | the presentation includes a | tape recorded commentary by Rotarian Al, Collins. Included |} among the slides, in addition to those showing a number of the activities of the local club during the past year, are | scenes of Oshawa and district buildings and industries, 'The presentation is part of the Ro- i tary International project in which the Oshawa Club in District 707 has been paired with the Saarbrucken Club which is in District 152. City ambulance answered oe La six routine house calls over the weekend, The 'Fire De- partment dealt with one minor car fire Frank Harkness, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Harkness, 92 Exter st., Ajax, received treatment for smoke inhalation at the Ajax and Pickering General - Hospital Saturday morning following a fire which broke out in a bed- room at his home. It is be- lieved the fire was caused by a faulty switch or a lighted cigarette. Short Cut Red Brand JEM MARGERINE SHORTENING, LARD |? 4 uns. tor 1.00 Three hundred and ten pa tients were admitted and 335 discharged by the Oshawa General Hospital during the week ending Dec. 18. There were 51 births. There were 78 major and 103 minor as well as 72 eye, ear, nose and throat examinations. The hospital re- ports 265 treatments and ex- aminations and the applica Fresh Christmas NUTS Delivered to Your Door AT 10 % SAVINGS All. Orders €.0.D. CASHEWS 7's price 1.89 MIXED NUTS oc 7 ice 1.09 NEED... Fuel Oil CALL PERRY Day or Night 723-3443 ® SIRLOIN, WING BONELESS RUMP : " x op i COUNTRY + || uinps.. 62: 4 lbs. 1.00 MAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS SPICED BEEF 12 KING ST. E, 723-3633 STORE HOURS: Open Thurs. nite till 9 Closed Set. and Mon, Boxing Day | 2.19 REG. 2.19 PRICE Russian leaders: "You are vainly attempting to extinguish namese people's revolution and pulling the Viet Nam question, into the orbit of Soviet-U.S. col | Sees jmuch change in temperature. a senses | Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Geor- Girl, 19, Draws 4-To-5 Years MEANS YANKS ARE COMING Tg sy gl ' ' 30 miles south of Saigon. | Wednesday mainly cloudy with | For Part In Tucson Murder The horn could be heard |occasional very light snow. Not Viet Cong disappeared, Winds light. ; | TUCSON, Ariz. (AP)--A 19-;school girl was taken into the Niagara, Lake Ontario, Hali- burton, Killaloe, Toronto, Ham- _ cused of involvement in the ap-| Charles Howard Schmid, 23,| "Jingle Bells -- Jingle Bells, it's SAVINGS all the way at BRIDGELAND parent slaying of another teen-|faces first degree murder = a' ey. on your favourite Holiday Feasting Meats -- GRADE "A" TURKEYS, ager was sentenced to four to/charges in the death of Miss Not' much change in tempera: | GEESE, DUCKS, CAPONS AND HOLIDAY HAMS AT LOW, LOW PRICES Miss Mary Rae French, 19,|Gretchen Fritz, 17, and Wendy j burs f ith tew | AT BRIDGELAND. of ogy Tex., burst betes "-- Fritz, 13 ' | Hagens Mga Rg and Wed. | in the stairway outside the) pojice sai iss French and jcloudy p ri Peles ee ee iS) (@) n e ence u ge nesday. Not much change in) Tk Wil She received two concurrent ' hedd ty Miss R as sentences on charges of conceal-|they helped bury Miss Rowe in q i via desert are 2 is- yASHINGTON t Temperatures ing and compounding a felonyja desert area the night she dis WASHINGTON (AP) 000,000 of the $620,000,000 being Aol : | datsived Low tonight, high Wednesday: murder of Alleen Rowe, 15, ofjally, charged with murder, |slash of nearly 50 per cent of The armed services have ar- oY Tucson. pleaded guilty to the reduced|this year's military construc- Miss Rowe disappeared after|charges. Saunders pleaded|/tion program foreshadows a|Nike M could cost as much as|housing was one of the major |London ly i $20,000,000,000 ultimately andisteps needed to encourage | Kitchener aise 31 1964. Miss French told au-|His sentencing was postponed anything which cannot be jus trained and pr ofes sional mom Forest.. thorities the. Palo Verde high|until Thursday. tified by military necessity and! several hundred million dollars 5 WITH DRESSING dapeninemels ee the Viet Nam war in one lump sum. duty rather than seeking het- gg Monday. in saying that indefin- Final budget decisions havi ei caf seth peddsseesoh Toronto ite postponement of $620,000,000 |. ee anh z é _-- i - Ns e er aancleistinl at homies fer a oe gence that the HATES PROFIT IN DEATH |xingston ...+++++ Breakfast Lean ils Pier ne ; ae MEXICO CITY (AP)--Sena-| Kingston . other like facilities in "sympto- y Pp by as much as $19,-|tor Juan de Dios Bojorques has|Trenton . BACON POT ROAST matic' of his approach to the 000.000 By at new defence budget now being ' cemeteries and undertakers' |Killaloe .. At a press conference, McNa-| businesses in Mexico. Muskoka .. Cc The Pentagon planned to an-|™4ra declared that his depart- vs em Ib Cc jnounce today the list of deferred lb |projects in 42 states, the dis-|everything that can possibly be sidetracked "without eating into oe ee seas. locations. the muscle" of U.S. armed It also may announce an- cm Bed other list of high-priority proj-| McNamara said that in addi- © ) Rik Rov ECONOMY SPECIALS tion to family housing and bar- ae il which will go ahead in 36 states, | racks the projects involved such lthe district, and 16 overseas mag ve NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7:30 P.M. RUMP or T-BONE sites tals, bachelor officer quarters . Continental French Buffet ROUND Cc WING may be put off because of the ' : SIRLOIN war-caused budget pinch are a STEAK start in production in the Nike GENOSHA HOTEL ROAST Ib PORTERHOUSE Ib | proposed new atomic-powered STEAKS VY % R ; "E ANY | ye ee ie 7 | ED BRAND HAND SELECTED AND NATURAL AGED ' o% | BEEF FOR 21 DAYS FOR THOSE WHO WANT ©) we | THE VERY BEST THERE IS IN BEEF ° ey (2 King St. E. 723-3633 * FRESH KILLED TURKEYS STEAKS x | (Red Brand) and ALSO CAPONS, DUCKS and ) dims HAMBURG gs FROZEN GEESE, and Ready To Eat HAMS WIENERS fe 5 Ibs. for $1.0 SAUSAGE Meat Prices Continue to Rise, Act Now, ond SAVE! M | FREEZER SPECIALS Order your Side or Hind for first of January Delivery Mm BEFORE the Further PRICE Rise Comes. 4 lbs. 49° RED BRAND BLUE BRAND TOP COMMERCIAL. -- OR -- m BEEF BEEF BEEF 4° ROUND STEAK SAUSAGE SIDES . , 52°| SIDES .. 50°| SIDES . , 40 HINDS . . 60° | HINDS. ; 50° y wy CUT AND WRAP FREE A" FREE TURKEY to FIRST 20 FREEZER ORDERS ~~, PEAMEAL BACON : rain BY.THE-PIECE CITY WIDE DELIVERY END 89: CENTRE 99* CUTS LB. LB. 909 SIMCOE SF 'N:*- the roaring flames of the Viet- is laboration."' \gian Bay, London: Sunny with) before the landing and the |much change in temperature. year-old former Tucson girl ac- desert and killed. , -- ssa at * - |j]ton: Sunny with a few cloudy Viet ? five years in prison Monday. |Rowe and in the slaying of Unnecessary Or Non- 1et s | lture. Winds light. courtroom. John Saunders, 19, told them temperature. Winds light. and being an accessory to the |appeared Miss French origin-|fence Secretary McNamara's gued that improved family|?~ leaving her Tucson home May guilty to first-degree murder./new defence budget shorn of the navy carrier would come to aah servicemen to remain on active| Wingham ---- McNamara signalled this not yet been made but there! ~ Peterborough ..-- service families, barr and Pili | 000,000,000 this year's $49,000,-| introduced a bill to: nationalize| Trenton . |put together ment is eliminating or deferring, | a 3 ey trict of Columbia and 18 over- DON FORGE strength. ects, totalling $685,000,000, facilities as additions to hospi- Among the programs which Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m, -- 5 to 8 p.m. |X anti-missile system and a Dos 4. FRESH MADE g f ac VY, an 2 cuTSs 16: FUEL OIL k gal. Why Pay More.. Phone 668-3341 Call Today -- 725-7151 SAVE!! DX FUEL OIL THE GOODIE SHOPPE ON PREMIUM: QUALITY Serving Oshawa --- Whitby & Ajax Districts

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