Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1965, p. 19

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: ~ z z 5 , ae . acta = --_ 1 NITE ORNA TTA trmEe,, , 7-F BY THE \{| WHIM |) WENE Amguat Y LE WAS-- \ mm ae } ' Saturday, December 18, 1955 -- sari (espe cuves raaxeeae mn ast eto (tt ~ ta SR es =< BEL FRANKLY, I/DNEVER 1 DO-*- WHAT 4 oe ET ; : we: a See eer = 22S CONSIDERED THE POSSIBILITY HAPPENS TO EVERYTHING k WERE FREE ages a ; Bier =< \ 5 iD ie ; THAT 1,TOO, MIGHT Go-- _/" | UY EVERYTHING ON EARTH!! /ITALLTO TO SEE HIM, : h aie ee by &. Jay SECHER SOME DAY --- ; YOUR SONI! eae ' . tga. % ; Pr e. i Sk \ (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) © + North dealer. Both sides vulnerable. --Beatrice Lillie I JUST LOANED WELL, OKAY, THEN, JUST 7 ~ oe ' po. Nt N ; OMEDIENNE BEATRICE LILLIE S LATE AS (958, BEA ANADIAN-BORN BEA HAS BEEN LLED i wisi BL ade-vir ag od Ray OMe oe : PPEARS IN TORONTO MANY DELIGHTS BROADWAY WITH THE FUNNIEST WOMAN ON ARTHS A rs Tt A Fe 'S TIMES, BUT IN 1962 REFPUSES| | HER Bie sa gies AVE a TITLE SHE MODESTLY DISCLAIMS... . THE Ute] rT. Sh OF ALL == MAD lad UN TI , 1. Py fiee CORRE. | 4 THE: VAN NATIONAL. AND AT 66, HER MOST x VARTER ALL» neice] ae eee EXHIBITION . | | RECENT TRIUMPH IS wd : MIGHT ®8€ 10982 PLEASE? "HIGH SPIRITS?*. BEATRICE LILLIE s unniese_ Ha On Earth" i$ BEATRICE Liccie £ E THE Opening lead -- queen of OURERTA, ATLANTIC _! hearts mae J Q752 ta, tang TGS. Weer cights voverved, Teaterce Syne It's not so easy to see how 4|South made six spades even if" = COULD OUGHT ZERO OVER'TO VISIT ANNIE HEY, YOU TWO! Yl JUST STAND BACK, MISTER, CLAY! CLAY, TO TROUBLEMAKERS ARE VW YOUR wiNDOW? THATS) | voy look at all four hands. The TIME was Cl | Wl era PLING Coles ' AND To SAY GOODBYE TO You } YTO " GOING 70 BUST MY STORE WINDOW / NO CONCERN OF MINE, 1 TIME HAS cone') GOCPRYE, \) | erie ms = ae a STORE! GO OUT THERE AND-- WADE! YOUR NAMES Certainly the contract was DARLIN I CAWN'T { | | AN! 1}| G0opByE -- \\ TO PICK YOU Uy y : wy StASS/ ln ON MERON. sound enough, since there would H STAY ANY: LONGER //-- 5 | ! j)/ LL Miss BuT I CAWN'T~ = PROTECTION LUST) Vinave een nothing much to the al} - ; E play of the hand if the diamonds = = Z MSP | <t VER-- age es 4 SC LITTLe- aes! or had been divided normally, that is, 4-2 or 3-3. In that case, it would have been easy to take either four or five diamond tricks and thus assure the con- tract. ri But the diamonds were divid- ed 5-1, as South quickly dis- covered when he won the heart Jead with the king, cashed the Q-A of trumps, and played the Q-K of diamonds. AND TAKING OFFINA West signaled with the eight SPECIAL FOUR-WHEEL- ¥ rT. y of clubs on the second diamond "DRIVE JOB ™ BUILT LIKE IN . ; lead, and it now looked as FOR RUGGED DUTY' GUERRILLA 4 iw though South would have to go e down one if West's signal in clubs was to be believed. , However, South realized that West was bound to have length in both hearts and clubs, since he had shown up with only three cards in spades and dia- monds, and that if West had the ace of clubs as well as five or more hearts, the slam could still be made. '. Accordingly, he cashed the* ace of diamonds, discarding a" heart, and then played three more rounds of trumps to pré- duce this position: ' THE LONE RANGER Kina Eestarce Spwdicnta, Inc, 19% LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY SECRET AGENT X9 West Har "DONALD DUCK Declarer now played his last trump. West could not afford | ~ ae hea aRaeae MAD esi aati to part with a heart, which IUUST BETTER MAKE SURE +0. BY pee ' would have promoted the A-5 "és Y '¥ ,i CROSSWORD TELEVISION LOG into tricks, so he discarded the" Pd, \ ; : | jack of clubs. oe KA - y : | ACROSS 4. Electrified 24. Worker, i Channer 2~Buttalo | &-The Christophers | 11:40 PM. South . thereupon discarded 1. Once more particle perhaps § ~ ; t channst es | 7--Discovery '66 j rest apr the five of hearts from dummy _ 6. Steps Not far: 25. Arach- RIS channet bard | ¢ sianon Abo Yv eAON@AT. and played a low club, forcing... . 11, Faux pas abbr nid | Hee Channet 1--Bultalo, eR 8:00 on West to win with the ace and . u = Channei ochester } | 11--Schnitzel ouse 4 12, French city 6. Saucer 26.Brain =} mt t=) | channel $--Teronto HS P.M. | eaptain Kangeree {concede the last two tricks. 13. Poster 7. French 3 wie : fh Channel 11--Hamilton pap pally 4:90 14. That river 8. See " ------ ee 2-Sllence Please 9--Romoer Room ad Strauss 8. Mace, for down ArTiT : savumpAY ave. | sida? BAA; nee AM, WORK WITH POOR BOYS. _. instance 30. Tense . ; 11--Spectrum | "ixTopper ith unce | PEMBROKE, Ont. (CP)--The. , 9. German | Fi &--My Hero Bobby wil piles 34. Wheat- CEM TENE ISIE) Vo Tennessee | Tuxedo Sate we Gee (Oe police department, partly 10, Observed en Yesterday's Answer 4 | '3cHerald of Truth oie pene financed by the Kinsmen's 14. Pecks flour of 40. Employ i rytine | t-Femily Playmewse =| § Mickey Mouse Cle |Club, has founded a club for. 16, Hints India 41, Relative as I is: ceghenetie Meee iia Ae under - privileged boys. With. 18. Cavity 35. Lean-to of stout 2---Checkmate Spectrum &Gypsy Rose Lee Show/sports equipment donated by @-. 19. potato __19, Fuddled 36, Arum 2.1 See poe Ea iong 3--Ann Southern Show hardware store, boxing, gym: -. -- eee co : UN. Revinw 4=Gadanbour Gaadis----|-1}--Nurses nasticsand_ other indoor activi- be ate 22,.-Deity 38. Ir A i u aah or 3--Sir ee | ggg ote ties -are -taught--ina--meeting Ball, z 5 bogie dens; wae | Acabotian &1 Cove Lucy hall to more than 200 boys. for one Ys , JANE ARDEN | Dougias Fisher 10:38 A.M, 7, 7:00 PLM My Little Margie sacks sein | DeSunaey Plavnouse | Somat ISALLY'S SALLIES Mickie-A-Go-Go -4--NFL Football } | 7--Big Show of the Week $-3--Friendly Glant ae, ' rc os | 63--Beverly Hillbillies 11--Toronto Teach In | 4-The McCoys -- el | 4-UB Round Table Pane, 9-8-2--AFL Football 11:08 A.M. | a-Have Gun wit Travei &3--NFL Football 1--Bonnie Prudden , Man's name 3:00 P.M. | 9--Mr, and Mrs. 7. Tree iy x 3 ee e %-2---Concentration . a --ABC Scope 7--The Young Set verheg a Bist frials of O'Brien | 'oung Set Overhead : | cJecklo Gleason 2--AFL Football 6-3--Butternut Square 39, Lunge 3---McHale's Navy 3:30 P.M | 4-Andy of Mayberry Solo ' i ida al +2Movie 11:30 A.M. 3. Plague 2 Hee Pesta 7--Dialogue Vi--Albért J. Steed © 4 ague mboree ; chill | ea i ae 0 lag 9--Bilko 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 2 N Football | 12:08 NOOR ox » . i Be me, g | © 12-18 | i , , 5. Affixed Z 8:30 P.M Movie 6. nto T, WOW! THE YEAH, I CAN HARDLY OH, BROTHER. : HL KIDS / ) . "Salad / Yy \--Club 1] Dance Party) 6 Sight and Cast banca My Blut SIDEWALKS I. STAND UP,/ -- Look / ae | days" a en naeree ly ne SURE ARE | 7--Lawrence - Y | 'a y I S » i MICKEY MOUSE 2 / DOWN Pale 1)--Tiny Talent. Time Luncheon Date ' + eer in 4--News anc Weather 1. Roman : Boston Toronto See ne 4--Secret Agent bap Country Caiendar | money 4--NFL Football + 9:00 P.M, 2. Football 5:00 PM 43 $4--Mevie fe he 9--1 Love Lucy field Y 9:30 PLM. be ee #-2--1'll Bet "Wonderful! My 1 3. Southern mC , \--Great Music tT eacs $-4--Seach for Tomorrow; gent check is home constella- 7~Hollywood Palace Bas Ss siling 2--Neenday Report tion -- 4--The Loner | f r 12:48 FM. 10:00. P.M. Kingdom 1--Racing Forum *--Run For Your Lite | 5:30 P.M. 6-4--Guiding Light Zambia Would Suffer Most." Sez vast | SKATE 10:30 P.M. 3--Lost: In. Space i ce. eantesy H 7--Ben Casey | | . | ---Breckbuster pe a ee &--Luncheon Date | | : }--The King Family 6:00 P.M, 4--Meet The Millers | 'From Rhodesia Quarantine "222" ae SE | X- 10-0-1-442-2--News! fererry . Meson 2--Mike Dougias show | , 1 porte : % 6:30 PM. You $T ' a ' | : - Weetner: a ' oi AL }(_ WHAT ING : | Lynn Heinzerling, Associ- leave Zambia with none of 11S P.M. ie tar ey wall $--Sergeant Biike a d U d 1M GOING TO TELL ON HERE? Y A? / ated Press writer who won |Rhodesia's coal and coke for its) "Sick Bvster Com dBall Telmanone Mour | "Aes fhe Word Ture cw an sé u : : - F nae SKEETER : Pe : Se; a Pulitzer Prize for his cov- jcopper mines, would cut off ane 100 Oe GRANDMA a \ 3 ss a Metre Final | 9-Please Don't Eat The %--Kids Is People - ae CUT IT . aw. ) BLOBS 32 erage of Africa, takes a |Zambia's main source of manu- PP Re eh | Daisies 7----Nurses You Can Exchange Skotes That te The S$ 6-4--Password against white-ruled Rhode- jequipment, textiles and other! 11:00 BM PEG nile ene ae 2--Moment Of Truth Used Pair. sia would mean. He finds, (necessities, and would scramble |?-43-Lete Show | Lassie ee as Ries cl ae ne | r Ch paradoxically, that they [its communications | Oper : een 4 Sada ate | oe Pe WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF would hit neighboring, Ne- Zambia and Rhodesia jointly| 4 Feature Showcase | %--Or. Kildare 9--People In Conflict THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- $s HE & C 18 igh ' 'i close look at what sanctions (factured goods including mine The. aves | 7--Voyage To The &--Movie Matinee hua the Sal fa A ee 9 - ee y World S2 The Dectors " gro.- ruled Zambia harder. {operate the Kariba hydro-elec-| }-Movie $2 yal $ World of a a Hei igh DITION Here is his story. jtric plant, the railways in the}, , 1:4 P.M. | a-My Favorite Martian) $--Zane Grey Theatre ; a? rn Rain | ®--Answer'ng Serv gaat i 's ar' SALISBURY (AP)--The Or-|two countries, and Central Afri 8:00 FM: spinel Atel IMovie COMPLETE LINE OF ganization of African Unity|can Airlines could cut the throat of one of; Air control is carried out at iokgiara gent vig eon | ' rappin egg. Fe HOCKEY vo its richest members, Zambia,|salisbury, The OAU announce-| 3-Tides and Trails f | 9--Fractured Phrases 218 by insisting on a total-quaran-\ment-did_not-spell "out whether | goe~eena' Don Besta | Cees eae EQUIPMENT iii --_--- yey | tine of Rhodesia these enterprises will be : 163 Boranze---- tras | | WHAT IN THE WORLO IS 1s wat I'M *~ The measures outlined byjbanned as constituting eco-|\)~iteien Journ --_-- 'i ancomt.) seh pap Troi | Hockey Sticks, Pants, BeBe oo a \ RAVING ABOUT |! OAU. Secretary-General Diallo|nomic relations ar pele lee 0 BM | "Funny comeany | Sweaters, Stockings ABOUT, WS? X NS Telli of 'Guinea for. cutting off}. It was announced that all|*-The Anewer N--Candid Camera | %--It' Your Move | . * nae | FAIRLIE ? eee i : : i 10:60 AM &--You Don't Say Shin Pads, ete. ' all trade, travel and communi-|means of travel to and from). ee | he 7--The Young Mar cations with Rhodesia would!/Rhodesia will be banned. Sev-| g7ieraia ot trum 11LWild, Wild West 63--fake 30 : | - N ? certainly damage. this white-jeral other airlines, including | ¢--Sunday haegg ' weasel Ship in The Bg hg pines | | ' ; cucae Cini (ae t ont rm : ruted-country.But-neighboring.British Overseas Airways Corp Sccmures lavierten 2-sThis Hour Has scanty Manse Givb | leg - rule Vr a fly alig ny "ty 10L Si i --Mickey US | Negro - ruled Zambia, thelfly into Salisbury from other; 10:30--A.M.. cue Devs i pay hag! hea former Northern Rhodesia,|points in Africa There are|1i--OHA Jr, A Hockey : T-Rocketship + SHARPENING & would suffer more, Diplomatic{daily flights to and from Lon-) § repeneauey os Ciob ¥ : | ee, of Truth ; 1 " f re 4 e rm observers here think the an-idon with intermediate African| 2--This ts The Lite 1:00 P.M str aaer e Pilele RENTAL LTD. le 194 )-443-2--Newns nounced measures will align!stops. i 11:00 A.M. 4:30 PMA. Rhodesia ever. more firmly) Zambia's copper production, | Rs ae Se -_ iis te gad Rel has 223 King St. W. with South Africa and Portu-|worth nearly $500,000,0°0 annu-| 7 gutiwinkle Show 11--This Space Age | 9~Sea Hunt 723-3224 guose Ancole and Mozambique. jally, reaches the rket over) 4 Servic Poacteartc bon | ee ayy wee Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p. aes ; me. ' " R rt ' | The sweeping OAU edicts, ytttedesian aud divcanivique 11:30 j . s r Thirty, Shaw | Sat. 8 a.m, to 6 p.m. | carried out to the letter, wouldirailways. ?--Fiying Fisherman | @ International Cinema | 2--Yoo! Bear MUGGS AND SKEETER 9---Peyton Place JOLIET JONES ee

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