Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Dec 1965, p. 10

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' 2 thawte ate Sisaksgiving 22 sther Me dewslhraries was another project.|Canada who are associated withy MORE SPORT IN OPEN ne = F The books would be represei-ja icugics. ~ - | SICTORTA _cP\_A _vecard I! faiths in each community/tative works on faiths prac-| But its projects wouldn't belrotal of 4.800.000 1 ted might take part in @ demon-|tised tn Canada, aimed:at the faithful alone. Thelin cctambia arte powUEOR Ant. Y oe Necereee ts Rneaeercse : iety show, part pageant and| Mri Beckers lirary sieives-and soon woulalt ©) Of ts 'Recreation "Minister ~~ part religious service. ence now represents more than|he open to agnostics and athe-|Kiernan. This was more than An ecumenical shelf for li-'95 per cent of the people inlists. 1,000,000 more than in 1964, fea catlanmamebnnne T Vaae Inter-Faith Group det For 1967 By GERARD McNEIL OTTAWA (CP)--Jan. 1, 1967, will fall on a Sunday. "That's a good coincidence," grinned Lavy Becker, Montreal businessman who is chairman sf the board of directors of the Canadian Inter- Faith Confer- ence, : ' The conference, to which 28 faiths now belong, held a press conference Tuesday to an- nounce some of the projects it is thinking about for the cen- tennial year. Mr. Becker said that within a few weeks, a poet and a com- poser will probably be chosen to write a hymn for 1967. Another project is a procla- mation "which will indicate how we feel about Canada .. . and} how we live together." A 4 g The centennial commission) * See p) recently announced a $60,000) { aE grant to help the conference} Did Spice plan inter-denominational proj- Gift Set-- ects for the next two years. For the electric shaver user -- WRITE NEW PRAYERS Pro Electric Before Shave Lotion, . The conference intends to|* ee en ee. commission the writing of new| prayers with "universal quali- ities that all support." thea eanfer. Friendship Garden Gift Set--Tollet Water, Soap and Liquid Bubble Bath, $2.00. Desert Flower Gift Set --- Dusting NEW! Powder, Soap, Toilet Water, Hand be body Lotion and Spray Co- : logne, $7.50. ; Old Spice Red Vinyl Travel Case--After Shave Lotion, Man-Power, Cologne -- nested In blue face cloth, $5.00, Desert Flower Gift Set -- Spray Cologne Ieee CRUMPLED WING ONLY CASUALTY IN 'CRASH' An Air Canada DC-8 jet it brushed wingtips with a and passengers transferred awaits repair in a Vancou- parked Canadian Pacific to another plane. (CP) ver hanger Tuesday after Airlines DC-8 while taxi- ae in Civil Service Gives Views Knowledge On Bilingualism In Ranks |Fine. But 5 OTTAWA (CP) -- Spokesmen|service to about 95 per cent of prime evening CBC program Who Pays? | for 120,000 federal civil servants|the population of Canada. ming. | were appearing before. the royal Extension. of service to un-| The broadcasting official said) TORONTO (CP)--A commit- Jewellers Sure to bring a warm glow of Yuletide delight commission on bilingualism and|served regions would take prec-;American programs take upjtee to determine how to help are the exquisite diamonds in eur large collection... all specially priced to assure biculturalism today to express |edence over the expansion of|roughly half the prime time on/teachers keep up with the know- | top diamond value. You may 'charge it'-- TRS NEW! ! es aa end Perfume, $3.00, Old Spice Red Vinyl Travel Case. After Shave Lotion, Spray Deodorant, MITCHELL'S After Shave Tale and Shampoo (in plastic containers), $3.50. DRUG STORE -- 9 Simcoe North - OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. = ing for a takeoff from Van- couver International Air- port. There were no injuries = ® 3 m = 2 4 2 < ° 5 5 4 oe = 5 x ae _j}young people to write prayers) their own idiom," Mr.|*" |Becker said. It already is working on ecu-|* |menical prayers for services on| ig co ma vas an aa Ba Pa Bs Pe Be Se Bae is Be Ss ec fo -- for those who treasure the their views about the govern-|the French networks outside|the. English TV network this|ledge explosion was set up by| ment's bilingual program. Quebec, which. would prove|season. This was a higher ratio Ontario education leaders here) Three civil service groups|costly and reach only a small|than the CBC considered desir-| Tuesday, but no one was eager| were submitting briefs gener- | audience, | ; able but it was dictated by eco-| to pick up the tab. oe ally favorable to' an extension) Mr. Ouimet said the cost of/nomic factors. Education Minister William) of bilingualism in their ranks, | Providing total coverage of Can- but expressing several qualifi-| cations. Mr. Ouimet said. it costs the|Davis said his department will | |the cost of updating teachers ore|should be paid by the teachers courses for civil servants areltites like Early Bird. The CBC planned to step up| revenue. fine provided they are on gov-) ernment time or financed com- pletely by. the government if not. . They warn that merit should) continue to be the over-riding| factor in hirings and promo- tions, They also agree that it is) unrealistic to expect civil serv- ants everywhere in Canada to become bilingual. The groups appearing today i bey had highly un Or in tet "lessened French networks, told the com-| J, mission he hopes the Board of|school trustee, said his board Broadcast Governors will relax| doesn't care who pays the bill! its Canadian content regulations 'as Jong as we don't." | The committee was set up popular | groups. NAME CORRESPONDENTS The French networks had ap-jin relation its news, public affairs and cul-| tural programming | a . dians, but there was no inten-|provided enough public tion to broadcast bilingual pro-|At present commercial factors) should be paid by the provincial | rams, Experiments in that di-\dominated CBC programming. | government and by local boards | Marcel Ouimet, head of the! of education. with both to programs Cds P. Moylan, im-| ada in both languages is pro-|CBC less than $4,000 a season|co-operate but one of his of-: hibitive. Perhaps this goal could/to purchase rights to an Amer-|ficials said the biggest share of | be reached in about 15 years|ican program while domestic The briefs say languaeltrouch the use of earth satel-|productions are much m costly and reduce advertising themselves. McCaffray of Ottawa, | The CBC would use more Ca-| second vice-president of the On-| about Cana-/|nadian talent if the government tario Secondary School Teach-| funds.|ers' Federation, said the cost a Waterloo) | SX ¥ senenreeeens Ax are the Civil Service Federation) pointed news correspondents in/ported from France, Belgium/during a day-long conference of Canada, with 80,000 mem-|Toronto and Moncton to cover/and other French - speaking! sponsored by the teachers' fed-| bers, the 33,000-member Civil/Ontario and the Maritimes, | countries. eration. Members of the com-| Service. |Winnipeg and Vancouver to|cent Canadian content, but im-|husiness and teachers. Montreal Jan. 1. Commissioner erations of the Canadian Broad- about 50 television outlets and fnglish-speaking Canadians to! with differently. par: CBC President Alphonse Oui- Scott, former law dean at Mc-|tween voluntary associations. here Tuesday to spend Christ- merger with the Federation of| Family Living. Each of the stu- od : federation with a bilingual.sec-| and group activities, learn about ; 1h 1pe ine TOpOSa jretariat in Ottawa and two au-|jthe Canadian way of life and Jean - Louis Wouldn't this be a pertect time to trade-in your oid . diamond for a new Service Association of Canada|starting next Jan. 1. Other) At present, programs im-|mittee, to report by Feb. 15,| and the 7,000-member Profes-|French - speaking correspond-|ported from Commonwealthicome from the government, sional Institute of the Public|ents would be posted shortly in/countries counted as 100 per|yniversities, school trustees, cover the West. Similarly, the|/ported French programs = patna coral 4 | English metwerks planned to #p-| counted as 50-per-cent Canadian gs | wesday's hearing was dom-/noint a national reporter in/only. C d ¥: ] | inated by discussions of the op-|5 ana lan u e The CBC brief said a greater/Gagnon said it was difficult to} ® | casting Corp. 'exchange of information|understand why Commonwealth! For Mexicans The CBC said it plans to open|is needed between French- and and French imports were dealt OAKVILLE (CP)--A group of about 90 radio outlets during the improve relations. The remainder of Tuesday's;young Mexican students, next five years in areas now' Mr. Quimet was questioned sitting was devoted to French-|ticipating in an experiment in unserved. closely by Commissioner Frank |English relations inside or be-|international living, arrived met said the five-year expan- Gill University, about the high; The Canada Junior Chamber|mas with 12 Oakville families. sion will bring broadcastingicontent of American series in|of Commerce said its executive, The visit is a project in Inter- Sere ee een A is confident of negotiating aj|national Understanding Through 4 French - Language Jaycees,|dents will live for four weeks | at am 1Cla S 0 a which broke away two years|as family member. | ago in an ethnic quarrel, The 12 Mexican students will It was hoped to form a new participate in Canadian family tonomous_bedies co-operating as|share Mexican customs with) Itheir hosts: CHATHAM (CP) -- City offi-|Lake Erie to Chatham and the equal cials here and in Wallaceburg|South Kent communities at a expressed little enthusiasmicost of $5,500,000. If Chatham Tuesday at pipeline proposalsjdecides to stay with its present described by the Ontario Water|supply from the Thames River, Resources Commission to re-|a basic grid pattern would cost lieve water shortages and pro-|South Kent $1,671,000. vide for expansion of industry|. In North Kent, a proposal was throughout Kent County. advanced that would supply ad- Kent County, one of the most/ditional water resources for prosperous agricultural areas in|Wallaceburg- alone for $1,030,- southwestern Ontario, bounded!000. Another plan, to bring wa- by Lakes Erie and St. Clair,/ter to both Wallaceburg and could solve its problems for ap-|Dresden would be $1,997,000, proximately $7,500,000, area mu- A third plan, for Wallaceburg nicipality representatives were|and Dresden would cost $2,667,- told. 000. South Kent municipalities, ex-| Joseph Shaw, chairman:of the cepting Chatham, expressed in-|Wallaceburg public utilities terest at the proposals ad-| commission, said he could see vanced by the OWRC. no benefit to his town as a re-} -- highest quolity lenses One would bring water from/sult of the pipeline proposal. | complete with carrying case . " sonnet scons ~~ werscenene { --~ automatic electric eye - meter, From *HIS' LINDE STAR, 6 diamonds; 14K SLIDE CAMERAS Fully automatic press ond forget, sturdy construction CULTURED PEARL RING 2 diamonds; 14K gold | 27.50 up MOVIE CAMERAS BRING THIS CHRISTMAS BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN---IN ACTION! The Camera Centre has a selection of movie 'cameras to suit every budget. See our famous nome selection of car- ( : 4 eras and equipment, Z / 14K gol Sterts As Low As | DIAMOND WATCHES . That will really put @ sparkle in her eyes. from 49.95 -- Charge-it DIAMOND SPLENDOR! id pendant with 12 brilliant diamonds $55 up See Our Exciting Gift Selection @ 1965 Evinrudes ELECTRONI 3-- 9.5 -- 33 -- 40 HP. FLASH Up to 30% fe) No more flesh bulbs--fully ive na cireult, «ome @ 1966 Evinrudes, including the goed dea 21,88 fold-up 3 h.p. exclusive with Evinrude MICROSCOPE A selection of compasses, tach- KIT ometers, speedometers, electri¢ £ S Seen pation tones 75x. te ed c horns, boot hardware kit. Sturdy construction i > Depth indicetors, radio tele- TAPE RECORDERS includes carrying 10 88 phones, Special Price on RCA. The Fuji' 4 transistor with of! the | cose. Now fe pies extras" built inchudes---carrying Citizens Bond 159.95 oun, aor prose, bottles 94 88 FUN SAVER MOViE For femily fun --see the new and_tope. bd CAMERA KIT Outboard Marine Snow Cruiser, THE ELECTRA Compiete-with-- now on display. Sact vale Wh eatmber senative 1S Howkeye & movie eomera dynamie microphone, input ond output, CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS jocks, tone control, self-containing case. OSHAWA pics r LS YACHTH AVEN OSHAWA CAMERA CENTRE LIMITED 723-1901 . $99.30 $150 $69.95 up . Diamond bridal set. 10 brilliont diamonds. 14K gold . Modern diamond pair, 14K yellow or white gold 19 diamond heart pendant, 14K gold. Dainty neckchoin .... Use our budget payment plan! D, Swirl bride! pair, Fiery diamond ond 2 side stones Fishtail wedding bond. 10 diamonds in 14K gold .. ~--Magnificentdiamond solitoire, 14K white gold BURNS } 3-row wedding band, Round & baguette diamonds t . Gent's diamond ring, 14K white-or-yellow-gold....... Pe | | J E W E L L E 4 S ; Matching diamond wedding ring set. Florentined 14K gold ....., $120 20 Simcoe North pe neeeoee e prcenrene 11 movie i im @ Fun Sever movie idee book vay | : menue enn mode-by Kodak. ' | : ; Bluebird Diamonds are unconditionally Guaranteed and Insured Free. Open Every Night to 9 p.m. OSHAWA aA Ag CENTRE . LAYAWAY NOW -- BUDGET TERMS

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