Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Dec 1965, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 13, 1965. sf Higher Education For Women -- Summary of reports of meetings and activities Of Oshawa women's organiaztions as- compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. : ; 2. Never- Wasted Time Or Money DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND |event. She recommended that : | The members of The ei antique section be planned ; Be J npr onan Seeing ic rit oe Pein pcg mic nor ters of England, 'Empress of| for next year as it had been . 6 Ji: SOREL i ai ; rete + at oaras be ewhere. | India" Lodge 26, held their reg-|very popular. : nity if she uses her education) As yllis McGinley pointed | ular meeting at the. Orange, Mrs. Austin Hiltz showed o home instead of one gg Pee --- ge | ig. |some exct i ' fe |in Her Shoe, it is into the hands | Temple Tuesday evening.|/some excellent pictures she had : J | , Worthy president, Kate Glover,|taken on a trip to the west) tag : One eoninins foie bors bed pcsony how cel yr atbiyys pe ided with vice - president' coast. @ is sure she does recently made/its most sign icant duties. An | Nancy Murrall assisting. - "The next meeting wwvill be e the following comment: __|as Anne Morrow Lindbergh said | Florence Turner gave.the re-jheld on January 3, at Cowan! a for my daughter's | just agthay wage in her ed 4 he sick. Correspon-| House. wedding at the time I paid the| From the Sea, women are the el ps : d by Doris Mc- i last bill for her last year injeternal nourishers of children, a it on decided that a DORCAS GROUP college," he told me, "and to|of men, of society. donation would be sent to the) Members. of the Dorcas date she hasn't done a thing but; Surely we need all the educa- | Sick Children's Hospital, To- Group of First Baptist Church put her new home in order and tion we can get for such im-| ' i buy or knit baby clothes. | portant work. : met for their Christmas .meet- re ; , oy y : Tea arrangements were ing at the home of Mrs. David am disappointed," he os | made for the Christmas party] Peters, Bowmanville. ry he gpancay bicgdl eal | USED TO TEACH which will be held at Adelaide) The president, Mrs. Fred gl Nes Maiti a aglggpal "aera Adrienne Clarkson, hostess of House on Wednesday, December | Crome, presided. Each member) : ase Shee tae nT bell /CBC-TV's Take 30. lectured at | 15. Dinner will be at 6.30 p.m.|responded to the roll call with yen, nnd oug: coal the University of. Toronto be- | followed by entertainment andia Bible verse beginning with ine Pr a 'ona thik ft fa fore joining broadcasting. exchange of gifts. the letter "J". A Christmas de- ; at" Worthy District Deputy|votional period was led by M | an he gna nt got te | Doreen Ladd presided for nom-|Ronald Trewin and Mrs. Sig- aehpey lag: aa He eee ination of officers for 1966, elect-|bjorn Vasvick ace Big ot ae ed as follows: Florence Wood,! 'The following officers One matics Ieaiked: wonisn president; Sarah Van De Walk-| elected for the coming "are : who proves this is the wife of er, vice-president; past Presi-/nast president, Mrs. an scachins and the mother of 7 = : ite la Crome; president, Mrs. Morley} several children. She is also a onald, secretary; Annie Mitch-|Chesher: vice-president, Mrs. | ; Tonalin aiaiak Wik chads , | Cris ' se to put} bt Bagge ha apa tee Brian Moorby; sectétary, adel : QUEBEC WOMAN S DESIGN WINS her sdueathe to usé ekncal chaplain; first guide, Wintired) aijan Hopper; treasurer, Mrs. i | Mills; second guide, Nancy Mur-|}j47en Manning: social, Mrs| Canadian designer, Mrs®& Ottawa. Her design, the atre. Mrs. Vermette ts igh goood nag i rg chorus rall; third guide, Edna Huband; yack Keenan, Mrs. Orville, Mariette Rousseau - Ver- only Canadian entry, is a shown here discussing the . : ARTISTRY AND fourth guide, Jessie Madder: pingman, Mrs. Frank Newell,|. mette of St. Adele, Que., textured wool in shades of . prize-winning fabric with ORGANIZED CHORUS TEMPERAMENT pianist, Eva Tipton; inside'yjy<° Hugh Gannon; telephone has won the international blues, greens and_ violets. Edward Shoesmith, design-* | "As long as I can remember, guard, Ethel Horton; right es-' Mrs, David Peters: group lead competition for fabric to It will be used for the main aan ; : 8 jl wanted to direct a choral|\Q. Why cre most artists cort, Edith Taylor; left escort,/ers, Mrs. Ronald Trewin, Mrs.| decorate the theatre of the draperies and will set the er for the Quebec firm, | oroup," this woman said. "So, |(musicians, painters, etc.) so Mary Hurst; degree captain.)James Logan: press yeporter,, Confederation Building in color scheme of the the which loomed the fabric. _|finally, after some years of |temperamental? Must o per- Nancy Kirkbride; assistant, Mrs. Lorne Craig , bringing up a family and spend-|son be neurotic to be on art- Beatrice Hurst; auditors, Wini- APPLE STUFFING ing a great deal of time with ist? ; : ' Games were played and re if . : W : ; [ fred Mills, Ethel Cockerham freshments served maginative Trappings 1 cup chopped celery music in my home, I decided to 4 Legend hos it that while Kate Glover; trustees, Mary jm 1 medium onion, chopped ry to organize a special girl | jeurosis may not be necessary Hurst, Ethel Horton; press re HAPPY DOUBLE'S CLUB ' . . scout chorus." for artistic ability, it helps Oo ani seaeunran a! District} Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burrows Give Your Gift A Lift Fagin cogs ee re aha sag shut -- a This is a misconception, ac- Deputy Doreen Ladd would be and their group were in charg Mibteszone aes the cand UK lng. dupa 40 atait Geiow es the. oeeter sorte a delegate to. Grand Lodge ses- 0f the December meeting of By ELEANOR ROSS |quickly done-up presents. Small \% teaspoon pepper tairontin fs sl rh sta a Stes gry gaits sions, which will be held at st.|King Street Happy Doubles Many experts in the field in-|terry dish towels in prints and 2 cups apples, peeled and ex cael into" a 'council-wide ae pth diner ry John's, New Brunswick, in June, Club. sist that almost anything we colors make charming wrapping chopped (about 2 apples) ona lhe, WA oesa's ability . 1966 After a short business meet- need for beauty care can be with a bonus, since they can be g cups stale bread cubes "Sinn that 'Hine. we have |do a Hood ob--whelber it's The committee for Red Crossing conducted by the presi-/found in the kitchen used in the kitchen and s0 are» tablespoons water or liquid|sung at state fairs. girl t playing the piano or lo < a I sige gE pai 1 the same could hold for| part of the gift 2 tablesp quid sung at state fairs, girl scou 9 Pp r_ loying at Hillsdale Manor are Dorisjdents, Mr. and Mr Cyt Anc , from cooked giblets conferences, football games and [bricks McDonald, Sarah Van De Walk-|Powell, a worship service de- gift-wrapping, aided by scraps; Odd pieces of wallpaper add many other functions," she said er, Nan Kirkbride jicting the "Nativity" was re-|from the sewing basket, paint- up to pretty wrappings when' METHOD: Saute celery and Thesushout the Manite gree i It was announced that the lated in story and song. Miss/!ng materials and such co-ordinated with ribbons that onion in butter. Add salt, PED-| talented ninth ise had the| ETAL EAR next regular meeting would be/Nancy Fraser was the reader.) Some of the prettiest pack- complement the colors. per, apples, bread and sprinkle) horus a Har chaitee a aawell FUNCTION held on January 4, 1966 Mrs. Stanley Gomme the|ages we have seen have been| TREAT CAREFULLY with water. More moisture will) 5s han Seay 46 but hg oa se|Q. Th Id P soloist: and Mary was por-|done up with food wrappings, Wallpapers with adhesive come from the apples and cook-) il ob a) tage P gO we ba ere is an ol oe KING STREET UCW | traved by Mrs. James Milne.|striped hair ribbons, bits of lace backing are dandy for covering/ed dressing will not be dry. ye , in Np wit Falning. As bob a bs sts i icking Mrs. Douglas Redpath opened|tThe three wise men were Mr. and rickrack braid boxes and turning them into| Mix dressing well and stuff tur-|F it s back, she has never ne ae ci aap baby the Christmas meeting of the| james Milne, Mr. Frank Bal) Usually, there is a variety of|pretty containers. These treated|key. Enough dressing for 10 to . t ae pega has been Alice Jackson Unit 1 of King)and Mr. Arthur MacPherson.,odds and ends in the sewing| papers should be used with ex-|12 pound bird. wasted simply because she), 2 4 The fejal internal ear Street United Church Women'shepherds were Mr. Robert|basket--tiny pearl buttons, se- treme care, since they tend to|---- ---- inicensn [OREE SO UNO GE ERIN SRO structures reach full adult size with a reading "Is Christmas a smales, Mr. Ivan Shephard and quins, rhinestones, bits of lace, break or tear when folded.) aoe 3 of on a job. by the fifth month and there Burden?" Mr. George Twiddy. ribbons of various kinds. Just a However, the extra effort is SCHOOLGIRL IS STAR NO GUILT FEELING is evidence that the fetus can There were: 17 beng and $2 The program took the theme|little imagination spiced with often worth it. For with a bit of Trudy Young, full-time host} All women who share this | Yeo" ee ee early date hospital calls recorded Mem- of "Memories". with Mr. and| ingenuity should put these items/patient handling, it is possible of Razzle Dazzle, the children's|Sentiment can know this fulfil-| a maintain full supplies of bers were reminded Sl ited': Cheater' Robinson vemin-|t0 work to use them to transform an old|_ |ment, too. They never need|°!! drugs, including the new- their labels to the January eee sem vat, 'The small pearl buitons are box--the only thing sometimes|TV Show, is a Grade 10 student! nave any guilty feeling that all|<sy mine te he ame te meeting shows put on by the Doubles) Particularly useful. Fastened/that may fit an odd-shaped orjat Toronto's Alderwood collegi-|\ of their training was for naught publ bared every prescription A number of well known|(.° Mrs. Gordon Hawker! With a bit of double-faced adhe-|outsized present--into. a beauti-\ate and that all the money used for|mess ond eae cs Christmas carols were sung sae solo 'Memories' fol-|Sive, the tiny buttons can be | fil presentation container ern es | hints with Mrs. Fred Ayers playing | owed by "White Christmas'|atranged to spell out holiday, Aluminum foil, cooking parch ied plano. Mrs. Kenneth Proctor) 5) by Mr, Arthur MacPher-|steetings in various ways. ment, odd linen or cotton table r ed in the devotional period,|-§.° Mrs. James Bell sang| The kitchen supplies that we) napkins and cellophane or trans-| OHN SWAN S Mrs. Thomas Scott read @| Moonlight wad Hosen' Mrs. | mentioned are ready to yield all|parent wrapping are all able) , -- , eee Means |Harry Souch and Mr Vernon| sorts of gift - wrap F gine on ready to be of service in P"\ Osborne sang as uet "Silver|such. as colored and printed gift-wrapping sessions ing Christmas" was read iy ore J Night'""| shelving paper The cellophane looks espe HARDWARE SZBs PRUGS Mrs. Jack Petrie. lprogram ended with a trio| Left-over shelf edging does a cially pretty when it is placed 28 Kine © Gifts for Simcoe Hall Christ-|comprised of Mrs. Pere yifine job of providing a frame|over colored papef or foil and/ Va... ing East Oshawa mas boxes were brought in by|rietcher, Mrs. Robert Skucelfor packages. Colorful paper|then bunched and crinkled and Open Evenings till 9 P.M, the members. The next meeting|anq Mrs. Vernon Osborne sing-\napkins lend themselves tojheld by a colorful ribbon bow 10 000 | will be a pot-luck supper at 6.30|ing "White Christmas". A high ree City Wide Delivery p.m. on January 4. Refresh-|jicht of. the evening was the ments were served by Mrs.|anpearance of a Barbershop| Proctor and members of her/Quartet, the 'Four-in-Accord" : group. |who entertained the Club with SL For All Ages! 2 jseveral selections. The evening at BLACK'S 8T. vagenw > pias ented Wile social Hour. MELMAC DINNERWARE The members of St. George's| 'Dates to remember are the COIFFEURS on owes How to get in shape le CO t +y SNOW BLOWERS e Women's Guild enjoyed a chick- ct A tccan a fe Castine TV TRAYS Beautiful fi en patty supper at the parish| the Bowinanviile Catling Club NOW IN NEW LOCATION -- SeTs or the Holidays hall prior to the December! midke: Januar fh and j RODS AND REELS H nf Tee. d fi ® COCKTAIL SETS do eee IN UNnder- ashions business meeting. The president CANISTER SETS 7 Y VETE i ith POLISHERS Mrs. W. R. Hambly, convener) SPOTTED BY VETERAN . , « in @ comfortable, friendly atmosphere. Facials w b We d B for the Christmas bazaar and) Singer Mara Lynn Brown was Revion and Sans Soucie preparations. VACUUM CLEANERS @ KITCHEN SETS Blo iy on er- ra tea held recently, thanked her|discovered by Maurice Cheva POWER TOOLS @ FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT MALS _ eo-convenor, Mrs. A. E. Barnes, |lier when her mother took her PHONE 723-6901 SMALL APPLIANCES ® FIGURINES and--all -who-had assisted in| fo see the French cabaret ar And Meany More Gifts Thet Please ! for Her this making this a very successful|tist's nightclub show Sie -- Se Mrs. L. F. N. Hind, presided|S¥imming at the Boys' Club on 14 Ontario Street -- Oshawa January 23 for the meeting when the regu- : lar reports wore made. ee ee gueeasy, Expert hair stylists to give you the ultimete In hair styling Of course, you want to put your best Christmas figure torward this gala time of the year, SPECIALS And we can't think of a simples, or more Cordless Electric Toothbrush effective way of doing so, than in fabulous ' ordless Eleetrie Toothbrus : figure-making under-fashions by Wonder= Gift Boxed HANDBAGS T.V. Table and Tray Sets, Reg. 15.95 9.99 Bra. So let Wonder-Eiva put you in shape Cordless Automatic Shoe Brush........ 3.98 for the holidays by being at Walker's HOUSECOATS Place Mat Sets Evening Handbags 15-Pee, Punch Bow! Set. Reg. 695..... 387 ---- A delightful range to choose fror So attractively boxed, you'll want | She'll love @ handbag gift, and it's so , Ye .) DREAM-LIFT HALF BRAc its lightly padded Moterials of cotton cord, wool flannel, xtre o keep for shower gifts, , f 9 easy to choose from our very large 0: : sheer and quilted nylon, Lovely styles | too. Washable Butcher linen in pastel, | dielay ... Evening Bags in brocades, 5 Terylene® lace oups are wired for superb separ- and all sizes from small to extra large. | deep tones and white. . . some with | metalic fabrics, beaded, petite point, BLACK & DECKER ation. Styled with off-the-shoulder straps and a embroidery, other with pretty oppliqu- sateens . . . also Handbags for Day- % Z low back that adjusts at waist level. $5 ; es, Colors of maize, pink, rose, blue, time in a large and interesting assort Priced 3.98 TO 15.98 beige, gold and white. 8-PIECE SETS | ment of leathers and fabrics priced OWER T OOL White. A, B, C coups; 82 to 36. " "SUPPORT 2.98 Set | From 3.98 t0 25.00 | I | pases Re AG eae ae é ' ed side panels assure lithe and Jean thighs. The HOSE WARD 7 S Ladies i Pi 14 Pee, POWER KIT, drill, 18 88 : ) special derriere panel shapes naturally, Lace s Toe : sond er grind. Reg. 24.88, : d appliqué front panel for superb tummy control, eoutitully style osiery . ., so flat e i secon ' 2 ele Gad daa ya weds talars Curling Gloves Dainty stretch lace peek-a-boo ouff can be ad- they are support stockings . . EXTRA CHRISTMAS HOURS j POWER SAW KIT justed to shorten the leg length, if desired. ue ae oe ee MONDAY TO FRIDAY The "'Scatslady" for the active curler Reg. 60.89... 41,98 Special garter placement for a smooth unbroken. fibre superior to rubber bur 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. a practical glove made with soft, ' ae line under your most revealing party $ and comfort for any occasion pliable colt-skin palm in natural : estive top trimmings-- gowns. White. 8, M, L nol : c Yo id be doubl -- ASK : colors of beige or taupe in sizes S-M FOR "YOUR «PRE y PUZZLE CONTEST shade and contrasting capeskin back 16 Pee. JIG KIT. 24.88 the newest blouses and Tall 812 to 12, COUPON and listen to "CKLB" for easy Reg. 29.89. .... | have the nicest ways MATCHING PULL-ON GIRDLE. K way to enter TURKEY-A-DAY drow. of black or red'. . . cosy cotton fleece Priced 2.98 pr. NOM pre eer yy com . 725-1151 Priced 540 pr. oll in gala variety ' ? f to freshen your (Other curlins loves from 2,98) taste not Whisper Ph ibe aang Where good in fashion is not expensive FOR HER d Nylon Hosiery pips UMBRELLAS Sy TOYS. saccs ye... 797 From 5.95. on i a é Tiger Joe Tank ... 14,88 Lee Bika SI ee! pretty in these famous - = wm ty moke: "'Whisper" nylons and A: : LADIES GENTLEMEN we Plus thousands ef others fer children of off A | F they ore so proctical ond long-wear famous 'Knitps-Brophy" telescopic x : ages. Ask enyone, we have the finest selection smoll deposit will hold your ing due to trim, tapered,-extro stretctiy x = = styles tadies-when-closed-measure in Oshewo. purchase 'til Christmas welts ond fun-guord to" knit. -- s-scant.12" and men's only 15" % Feel Free To Browse At measured length in sizes 9 to 11. fabrics of cotton, acetate and nylon } S ' | M b Bring us the sizes... we can suggest in 'plains and patterns. These are the 2 y ' : " § SERVI GPNTARIO ' new push-button s' © Operate eamiess Mesh Slips -- Panties Pat Amarin ecry 50. gperc rz BLACK S : 1.00 pr. Pei gnoir. Sets Telescopic 6.98 to 12.98 ; |i : LADIES' WEAR LTD. ay i a Gowns------Pyjemas or Slimline and Shortie HARDWARE | 72 Simcoe 'North ~ | panel ' pr. Gift Boxed If You Wish 2.98 to 10.98 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Every Night S CENTRE 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m, ee But Saturdey Til 9 P.M. Including Saturday You Name. it We'va Got lt

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