WEDDING ALBUM [#22 cumane Arecord for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as svon as possible after the ceremony. names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the | social editor either before or the day after the wedding. | Parfitt - The Reverend Helmuth Dyck officiated at the marriage of Beulah Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trotter, to Garry Arthur William Parfitt, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Victor Parfitt, all. of Oshawa. The ceremony took place in Albert Street United Church, The wedding music was play- ed by Mr. Harold Ellis. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wa~ gowned in white organza over taffeta. A bateau scalloped-edged _neck- line, lily-point sleeves and a v-shaped front waistline styled the bodice. A bouffant lace- edged overskirt was gathered at the front with a rosette and showed an underskirt of organ- za and lace. A_ detachable chapel train of lace trimmed organza was caught at t'> back by miniature bows. Her pill- box headdress held her shoul- der-length veil of organza edged. with lace and she car- ried a bouquet of red roses and white carnations The matron of honor was Mrs. Percy Lines, Oshawa, sis- ter of the bride. The -brides- You are asked to submit the | By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD It's not too early for us par- jents to look forward to Christ- imas and to develop a budget for gifts we are going to buy for our children. If we wait juntil the week or so before |Christmas, we may not make choices and expenditures wisely. With. plenty, of time, we may | be able to make selections more | |wisely, within the limits of what |we have to spend or wisn to 'spend. If it's the first baby, what patterns do we set? In case we lavish gifts upon him at the age of one or' two, and keep on adding more year by year, what will he come to expect in the future? Setting our sights so high, zhat will we do when we have more chil- dren? For how long will each child enjoy the gifts we are going to get for him STIMULATE CREATIONS % How sturdy will the gifts be? How safe Will most of them have educationnal value? In how many ways might he use them? Will they stimulate the young- \MRS. GARRY A. W. PARFITT ster to invent and create, espe- cially after the age of two or Following the reception held) three? in the Knights of Columbus For the school-age child, will, there be some good tools for Trotter Plan Your Christmas | Well Ahead Of Time maids were Miss Joyce Wires, Hall, the couple left for a wed- developing a home workshop THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, December 11, 1965 15 The average child usually |gets so many gifts at Christmas 'as to encourage him in selfish- |ness. He's always on the receiv-| ing end. What may we do to cultivate | some unselfishness in him from} Good year-round gifts may | now until Christmas? include one or several children's | a magazines which come to the| Fortunately, some teachers in child month after month. Then,|the elementary grades encour- in the budget, we might con-|age children to make gifts at sider a good encyclopedia and |§chool for their parents. Won- good dictionary. These may be|eful, too, when one parent useful to the child or whole|Prompts a child at home to family for years and years; so| make a gift for the other par- also may be a typewriter for| ent. the school-age child. It's a good time now to en- By planning and budgeting courage the child to save from now, we may be able to include his allowance--to go without| some long-lasting gifts and cut|some sweets, for instance--in down. on those of temporary use| order to have a fund with which | only. 'to purchase some Christmas | Fresh Christmas NUTS Delivered to Your Door AT 10 % SAVINGS All Orders C.0.D, CASHEWS 7'$ price 1.89 MIXED NUTS occ Zis peice 108 Call Today - 725-7151 THE GOODIE SHOPPE gifts, especially for the other parent. The child likes to keep such plans in secrecy. OFFER FOR FUND Instead of having children ex- change gifts between one an- other at schooi and bestow them jon the teacher, how much bet- ter if they would make small offerings toward a fund to send a family they know something about in another country that clothing. is in great need of food and WORLD OF AWAITS YOU HERE! Remove superfluous, hair per- monently from face, arms, legs with ELECTROLYSIS Kree Imperial Deluxe, gentle, fast by Electrolysis. MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshawa at the Genoshe Hotel Dec. 13, 14, 15 PHONE 723-4641 i in ati li @ For Quality Service & @ Selection @ Satisfaction SUR PRICES ARE AS LOW 1F NOT LOWER THAN, ELSEWHERE '0 s Miss Jo- ding trip to New York City. For t oe yng Pe Ea ge Jo-Anne travelling the bride wore a pink and for making things for fun bridegroom crepe suit, matching feathered out of paper, cardboard, clay, Mr. Bruce Bouckley, Saulticloche hat, a burgundy bro- good and scrap? Will the gifts Ste. Marie, formerly of Osh-\caded coat imported from include materials out of which awa, acted as best man. Mr.|France, and a corsage of pink he can make things? How well Percy Lines and Mr. Arthur and white chrysanthemums. will the playthings we are going Russell. both of Oshawa. were! Mr. and Mrs. Parfitt will re-|t0 provide be suited to the} vb 3 "ve » " the ushers side in Oshawa. child s development | aie aa ---- Will a goodly number of his gifts be used by him at fun with DISTAFF DIARY other children , Will the bud- j}geted list include good books-- books from a to read to the THERE'S NOTHING MORE COLORFUL THAN as THEY ARE PRACTICAL AND ALWAYS A THRILL TO RECEIVE OSHAWA | SHOPPING CENTRE cs HOLIDAY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. baby and youhg child and books for the older child to read? Will these books begin to build up a home library for him? GUILD j}Edna Huband announced that Unfortunately, children get so} LAKEVIEW HANDCRAFT |there were eight hospital beds,|many playthings all at once at} The December meeting of the|three wheel chairs, one large| Christmas. How much better if} Lakeview Handcraft Guild was|and one small walker available. these gifts were distributed) held at the home of Mrs. Gor-| Under the capable direction throughout the years. Why not don Brown. Mrs. Brown with|of the degree captain, P.N.G. give consideration to this mat- the aid of Mrs. Lloyd White had/Trene Willis and assistant de- ter. especially with the younger her home tastefully decorated) gree captain, P.N.G. Victoria|children. in a gay Christmas manner. A| Magee, the degree staff of Sun- short business meeting was held|shine' Rebekah conferred the with the president, Mrs. Ivan! Rebekah Degree on three can- Hicks, presiding. didates --Howard Hutchison, It was agreed that a dona-|and William G. Sims of Corin: tion be given to a local charity.|thians Lodge, IOOF and Mrs A number of toy animals and|parbara Cooper in a beautiful PASTEL SUITS FOR FESTIVE OCCASIONS SO EXCITING! | LEATHER COATS VERY NEW PLAIN OR FUR TRIM dolls, donated by Mrs. Ivan|and impressive ceremony. Hicks, were dressed by the past month, and are to be given to the Children's Hospital in Oril- members during the lia for Christmas distribution. At the close of the business meeting, a social e« ing was held with the members parti- cipating in games of skill and fun. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and Mrs. Lloyd White. Mrs. Everett Mountjoy thank- Several brothers of Corin- thian, Sunshine and Oshawa No. 3 Lodges were welcome visitors. P.N.G. Jennie Perry and P.N.G. May Woods will convene the annual banquet given by the IOOF lodges in honor of oddfellow widows .on December |11, 6:30 p.m. Following the next meeting on December 20 at 8:00 p.m. the annual Christmas Party will be Bridal Shees TUNTED PREE CHOOSE DANCEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ed Mrs. Brown on behalf of the|held and gifts will be exchanged. Guild for her kindnes pitality. The next meeting will be held January 17, at Simcoe! Hall at 8.00 p.m. SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE 222 The reguiar meeting of Sun- shine Rebekah Lodge was held recently inthe OOF lodge TP ee oF Noble Grand-Der rooms~ with othy Haley presiding, assisted by Vice Grand Delma Hutchi- son. Lodge opened according to ritual. The flag of the country was presented. Visitors were welcomed and roll call taken. The Charter was draped in! loving memory of three de- parted members, sisters Ann Richardson, Martha Dunlop and Alma Murdoch, who_ passed} away recently. | Vice Grand Delma Hutchison gave the report on the sick and! shut-ins, The secretary, P.N.G. Victoria Magee read the cor- respondence, invitations and cards. The financial report was given \by P.N.G. Lluella Pine and P.N.G. Anne Coakwell gave the finance Committee report The C.P.T. -report given by a aD Hs KARN'S Suggests... | % and hos-/"Names enclosed with each gift please." Refreshments were served. INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 3-4 Q a PE CREATION. PURLI-SERVICE, PARIS. P 59 <=> | ; (A '| +, Dive : Les 3 parfums de Christan Dice DOG Free City Wide Neliverw eee SR Ete eee IERIE Rete timneenf £09 KING St. EAST -- 7235-4621 4 RE ENE UE EU er ah ar arr ar ae Open Every Evening Till QPM 'DRUGS EAA eda rag aed a ara ara aaa aa Rave FAMIL Y ALLOWANCE | EVENING Ne DRAW THURS. DEC. 23-7.10" bihd 10 $200 IN CASH =A he "i JACKETS , p ¥25 ADDITIONAL PRIZES ion CURLING DRESSES PASTEL COLORS FOR ANY PARTY TOPS EVENING SKIRTS LONG OR, SHORT CAR OR SUBURBAN COATS WITH A DISTINCTIVE STYLE * THE COAT YOU. CAN'T TELL FROM FUR AT A_ TENTH OF THE PRICE PLAIN OR PERSIAN | | Q ! : i . , | KE ' | NATURKEY |<: 5 SWEATER CHOOSE FROM "KITTENS" IMPORTED LANSEA, WOLLESLEY Many Others SKIRTS DYED TO MATCH BLOUSES SHIRTS CO-ORDINATES YES ... on Thursday, December 23rd, at 7:15 p.m. the biggest draw of the year will take place! Some lucky person will wis the big cash award and 25 others will win an 18 to 22 Ib. Turkey ! BE SURE TO ENTER... YOU MAY BE A WINNER @ Simply cash your Family Allowance Cheque at the Oshawa Shopping Centre and ask for Free entry forms. @ Deposit your entry form into the ballot box at the Flag Pole in the Mall. BE ON HAND FOR THE BIG DRAW: THURS., DEC. 23 AT 7:15 P.M. 1965 WINNERS JUNE -- MRS. V. WOJTOWYEZ, OSHAWA . MRS. E. VAN' de VEEN, BAY RIDGES - MRS, G, LANGILLE, WHITBY - MRS. M. GRAY, JACK TOPS COLORFUL SMART SLIMS SABRE, ROBES HIGHLAND QUEEN ; GLENAYR, WHITE STAG @A Deposit Will Hold 4 A Gift Certificate Is Always Welcome We Carry By Far The Largest JAN. -- MRS. A. HILL, OSHAWA FEB MRS. Y.,VOERMANS, OSHAWA MARCH -- MRS. D, BRADY, OSHAWA -- MRS. V. ROSNAK, OSHAWA MAY -- MRS. A: MacDOUGALL, OSHAWA JULY AUG APRIL was 0 Stock Of Sportswear In Oshawa OCT. MRS, D. HAMM, (N ROP CA) NOV. -- MRS. G. CLAY, ay x : a8 Rar re