Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1965, p. 5

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_ WHITBY DAY - BY -DAY a -- All-Electric Growing In WHITBY (Staff) -- The num- ber of all-electric homes in Whit- by has almost doubled, during the last year, according to Harry Simpson, manager of the Public Utilities Commission. "All-electric apartment units have also increased during the year, and it would. appear there is a definite trend in favor of electric heating,' Mr. Simpson said. Concert Of Carols Planned Arrangements have been made for a concert in Whitby by the famous 50-voice choir of St. Michael's Cathedral Choir School. The choir has attained international recognition. It will present the same program of Christmas carols it sang at the Eaton Auditorium. Rev. T. B. Armstrong, LCG, LCSC, will conduct. The pro- gram will cover about two hours, broken by one intermis- sion. The choir will sing such well - loved old favorites as WI Plans Pot The Whitby Women's Insti- tute held its Christmas meet- ing, Dec. 8, in the IOOF Hall, with a very good attendance. The president, Mrs. Everett King, chaired a short business) session. | Arrangements were made for) the pot luck luncheon Jan. 26) houses with electric heating, Homes ~ Popularity In 1964, there were 24 houses with electric heating, 37 apart- ment suites and 34 new buildings under construction. In 1965 there are 29 new with two under construction and five converts. Apartment units have more than doubled with 86 units now with electric heating and 36 under construction, "Silent Night" and "O Com All Ye Faithful" as well other early carols by famous composers from other countries (Irish, German, Spanish, Polish and Italian). The school was founded in To- ronto 25 years ago by Father Somerville. Arrangements have been made to have 500 seats avail- able. The concert commences at 8 p.m. this coming Sunday in the auditorium of the Denis O'Connor High School. Construction of Whitby Township's new fire hall, at the corner of Thickson rd. and Manning ave. is fast WHITBY TWP. FIRE HALL NEARS COMPLETION ~ nearing completion. The hall, tendered at a cost of $63,000, is expected to be complete by the middle of BOWMANVILLE -- George Cawker, who was one of the ap- plicants for the use of the Bowmanville Arena for a hockey school, has drawn the attention of The Oshawa Times to an er- ror in the report of this week's Bowmanville Council meeting. He states the last paragraph of the story, appearing in Thursday's issue, which stated in part: "that since the tenders were opened Mr. Cawker had decided he would operate the school for an extra two weeks with an additional payment of $1,200," was incorrect. Mr. Cawker did not try to change his application for ice time after the tenders prere opened. The protest was taken te council because Mr. Cawker felt his tender (six weeks mini- mum) for ice time could ex- ceed the amount of the tender, financially at less operating ex- pense, to the arena. An explanation was also re- quested by Mr. Cawker of the portion of the arena board letter to applicants --"all other things being equal." Mr. Cawker states this was not answered by Paul Chant, January. The new station will service residents in the township's Fire Area No. 2. --Oshawa Times Photo Luck Supper mas."" Mrs. Russell Saunders gave a paper on 'Christmas Customs," including the history of the mistletoe and various Christmas customs. The ing gifts. A Christmas served, including lunch was Christmas Counties Head Feted 'ety tot At Cobourg Banquet COBOURG--A capacity crowd|Durham during the next fivejernment are becoming to the | chairman of the arena board. USED GAS BY TONS Kennedy Opposes: - TORONTO (CP)--Arthur M. Schlesinger, former adviser to the late president Kennedy, says he doubts the wisdom of continued bombing attacks on North Viet Nam. He said in an interview Tues- day he shares President John- son's desire for a negotiated settlement leading to U.S. with- drawal from South Viet Nam "but I would like more em- phasis on political and eco nomic reconstruction than on bombing." GIFT SUGGESTION A CERTIFICATE FOR A GUARANTEED INVESTMENT $74.41 will buy on invest. ment guaranteed to grow to $100.00 in 5 yeas -- a mightly nice Christmos Gift, In the later stages of the Sec- ond World War in Europe, the gallons of gasoline a day. Allied armies used ee Whitby Township ge Sincere and Dependable Administration VOTE W: HEBER DOWN REEVE WHITBY TOWNSHIP Saturday, December 11 BROCK For This Attraction... WHITBY One Complete Program at 7:30! With Milton Berle, Ethel Merman, Jimmy Duronte at the IOOF Hall. Conveners'cake. Tea hostesses were Mrs.|of 314 persons attended the an-| years." | provincial level. | will be appointed later. Everett King, Mrs. Leesa Fer-|nual warden's banquet Tuesday' We congr&Yulated the health | Russell Rowe, MPP for North- VOTE Shown at 8:25 Only Mrs. Ida Simpson gave anjris, Mrs. Harold Wickett and at Victoria Park Pavilion to ynit and Dr. Charlotte M,.|umberland, was unable to at- interesting motto on "Christ-|Mrs, Gilbert Drewry. honor Warden and Mrs. Arthur/Horner, medical officer of|tend. He is confined to bed with | L, Blanchard. health, on completion of 20\a cold. | years of service to the counties | HEAD TABLE Cobourg deputy reeve Lenah this summer. | Kenneth Sy mons, counties December llth, 1965 . . ° Evening Guild Plans Games Night | Fisher made a presentation of a | The meeting of All Saints'|and it would be appreciated if watch to the warden. Another step forward, he said, | Clerk introduced the head table | Anglican Church Evening Guild|they would telephone Mrs. J. W.| 'I have never seen him lose| was development of land behind | Suests. ; | was held Dec, 6 in the parish|Everett, 401 Gilbert st. e. The|his temper and there were times |the counties building by the Co-| They were: Mr. and Mrs. | hall in the form of a delicious'card game will commence at|when I wouldn't have blamed bourg Rotary Club into a park. |Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs. Hees, pot luck supper. /8 p.m. and continue until 10)him," she said. A short business meeting was|p.m. when lucky draw prizes! The warden said he was hon- held to finalize the arrange-|will be drawn, followed by ored to have served the United ments for the Jan. 10 Games| refreshments. Counties for the past year. Night. A sale of gift articles con- Anyone who would like to\cluded a very enjoyable eve-|ACTIVITIES REVIEWED make up a table may do so,'ning. He reviewed activities of the |past year, among them the area White Gift Service Planned | jail and completion of the roads Ineeds study for a five-year de- i g Spiritual preparation forjhomes, and city mission wel- veveen eer cout . Christmas was emphasized at' fare, We will pai ey ai St. Mark's United Church Sun-| The adults of the congrega- Changes in Northumberland a day morning when the sermon|tion will have the opportunity was entitled 'Advent and) of worshipping at either the 9.30) Event." The choir sang the|a.m. service when the Junior, | hymn arrangement 'I Love To Intermediate and Senior De-| Tell The Story." | partments of the Sunday School! White Gift Services are plan-|will be present, or at 11 a.m.| ned for next Sunday morning.|when the Nursery, Kindergar-} McCullough Jewellers Is | HEADQUARTERS for the WORLD'S ONLY ' ELECTRONIC TIMEPIECE | ACCUTRON* vy BULOVA é |Mrs, Fisher, Harold Muir, Mr. Warden Blanchard also re- 2 ; ' ceived praise from paritamnen- lates ey the Maciion chutes of re: a who attended the/+he United Church and past. : |warden and Mrs. L. D,. Me- "FINE WARDEN" Master of Murray Township. Russell Honey, MP for Dur-| Other guests included Warden ham, said Mr. Blanchard was|@nd Mrs. Robert Cammack of "a fine warden, who served with| Victoria County and Warden and intelligence and devotion". |Mrs. Howard Darling of Peter- George Hees, newly - elected| borough County. | Northumberland MP, reminded; Deputy Reeve Mrs. E. R.| the municipal representatives|Clarke of Port Hope, presented) that "the most important gov-|Mrs. Blanchard with a bouquet ernment in this country today|Of roses. HOME MIGRED [> potion renee BY 750 FEET | | government, you have good pro-| BOWMEN MILLE, Ont. ) VOTE and ELECT FRANK THOMPSON DEPUTY REEVE WORD HAS A HISTORY | Whitby Township | The word "electric" was soverm- coined by William Gilbert, physician to Queen Elizabeth 1! ice Perfect Gift for Christmas jvincial and national 4 Years Experience on the Council }ment,"' he said. At these services gifts wrapped] in white are presented by chil-| dren of the Sunday School and by members of the congrega- tion. The gifts will be in the/be held Sunday evening when| form of clothing, toys, canned goods, packaged foods, use in local welfare, children's and|CGIT assisted by the Junior money, These are dedicated fof) Choir will conduct vespers,' in the candle-lit church. (CP)--Ernie Schweizer has discovered he spent 10 years building his $15,000 home on land he does not own, He can't find the owner of | the land, but he's afraid | someone will show up and | order him off. Schweizer, 45, came from ten and Primary will their gifts. | The annual CGIT Vesper and) Candle-Lighting Ceremony will present) members of the St. Mark's WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thorndyke, | 714 Newman cres,, will be en- tertaining at their home Satur-) day evening at a pre-Christmas party. Guests will be Mr. and | Mrs, Les Henshaw, Scar-! borough; Mr. and Mrs. Lew Killick, Don Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Robert St. Martin, Ajax. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Trottier, 148 Lupin dr., are: Lou Trot- tier, Fred. and Clem Gauthier, | Rick Gelinas, Joseph De Garo and Rudy Robillard. All are members of the Shannon Band, Welland. They will attend the) 14th birthday party Saturday in honor of Chris Femia at her parent's residence 331 Dove- dale dr. Vimy Ridge, LOBA No. 639, is holding a Christmas tea and bake sale at the IOOF Hall this Saturday from 2°to 5 p.m. Co- Convyeners are Mrs. Robert An- derson and Mrs. Donald Weeks. Mrs, Robert Rints, Mrs Edward Lintner, Mrs. Charles Dalby, Mrs. James Wilde, Mrs. Robert Brown and Mrs. James Kirk will take an active part and attend to the touch-and- take table, Christmas gifts table and tea room. Mr. and Mrs. William Van Boxtel have returned from their honeymoon spent in Nassau in the Bahamas. WEBSTER Lumber & Supply 701 Brock St. N., Whitby PH: 668-4451 See us today for. . . Alum- inum Doors and Windows, In- suletion, Weether Stripping, In fact -- Everything to Win- terize your Home. REWARD $25.00 for information leading to' the driver of orange & black panel type truck that tied an abandoned dog in bush west of Thickson Road Sunday, Dec.. 5th. Phone Al Davidson, » Ontario Humane Soci- éty, Oshawa,.723-4251 Germany 12 years ago and bought 25 acres five miles north of here from Henry Stewart. 3 Mrs. .| or Ame ee. See Hew) Planning to sell a 10-acre art, Toronto, were guests last weekend at the home of her| sister and brother-in-law, Mr.) and Mrs. Gordon Tucker, Dono- van cres. surveyed. The survey showed his home is located 750 feet off his own prop- erty. Darlington Township land Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs.| records show nopresent deed holder. The only rec- Leonard Tutton, celebrated his} : ' ; ' |. ord shows the property third birthday last Sunday. A) deeded from the Crown in family dinner was arranged for; 1786 to an unknown recipi- the aceasion including Mr. and) ent. | | + lot recently, he had the land - Mrs. A. J. Harvey, of West Hill.| Help Wanted Female Experienced Bookkeeper For Travel Bureau in Whitby Position includes, accounts receivable, eccounts payable, bonk reconciliations, general bookkeeping, typing, ond other office duties. Apply in person. DONALD TRAVEL 102 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY To those who supported me in the December 6 Election in Whitby for the Public Utility Commission. Thank You ! "BEV" DAVIS Alex Carruthers, MPP for) Durham, said he is realizing} more and more how closely knit | the county and municipal gov-| Thank You | Wish to Thank All those who supported me in the re-election of my office as REEVE EVERETT QUANTRILL SKATE EXCHANGE 2.97 Pius Your Trade CORNER 103 Byron St. $., 'Whitby One Block) West of 4 Corners One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper end Murels Custom Draperies Broadioom C.1.L. Paints end Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 SPORTSMAN'S | TV CLEARANCE ALL SETS FULLY RECONDITIONED ALL SETS GUARANTEED TRADE-INS ACCEPTED FREE DELIVERY Call Now...«. SALE HOLMES ELECTRONICS WHITBY 668-5679 McCULLOUGH JEWELLERS LIMITED Whitby Plaza ---~- Whitby ---- Ph. 668-5051 ROUSSEAU fo 222% HERITAGE J eS HOUSEAR = 216' MARY ST. E, PHONE 668-3483, WHITBY, ONTARIO Ontario County's Gathering Place for -- people seeking unusual Gift items, WON'T YOU DROP IN AND SEE US SOON? DODD « SOUTER 668-5862 DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 BYRON ST. S. -- WHITBY 668-5862 -- BATH MATS & SEAT COVERS Machine Washable -- Plenty of Colors SPRAY BOMBS - Large 16-0z. only Hard -- Fast Dry Enamel Bedroom FLOOR MATS orator Colors -- All Sizes and Shapes Machine Washable -- SPECIAL ' i BROADLOOM Wall-To-Wall or Size Rugs DUPONT 100% NYLON, ACRILAN, PROPYLON, ORLON, VELVETS, PROPYCEL, DUPONT 501, 1 00% WOOL (ONE COLOR ONLY -- GOLD) 100% WOOL WILTON .,. ..0: HARDING, B-M-K, SPECIAL 6 95 9.95 ».. SPECIAL Ld YD. $2. YD, TALKS GARS "JUST REPOSSESSED" If it weren't for folks who never seem to learn thot there is no such thing as something for nothing, confidence men would just have to go out of business. One old and reliable gimmick that mever fails to get its quote of victims every yoor is the "Repossession Sale". Repossessions may often prove to be exceptionally fine used car buys. But more often than not it is not b they ure ions that this is so. Think about it logically for @ minute and you'll reclize thet the cars most likely to end up os a repossession is one on which the owner owes more than the car is worth. This is often the case with a used cor that was misrepresented at the time of the sale and sold with a low down payment and high fin- once charges. go on selling the same u of owners who all come costly repairs the car requires, plus U fi h is more Thus, an unscrupulous dealer can 4 har 4 in time to realize that the whet they owe in unpaid b an 9 than. the ear is worth, The logical resut is @ repossession. Repossession may occur with a quality used car that hes been sensibly financed due to personal financial misfortune of the buyer, Make sure if you buy such a car that it is from a reputable dealer who isn't using the magic sales appeal of the "repossession" label to unload a lemon at a quick profit. You con always depend on Northside, Integrity; and the sound, reconditioned used cars they offer. U.

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