--amn CoHAWwE: "'THAES, Thartdey, Decomber-9;-1965 7 198 --Comina Events "prakes, a 's- H so walls, A ov ' : "Vs suremetic. 7 Telephone 723- SABYAN .MOTOR SALES LTD, " Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used et 334 RITSON RD. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings % VOLVO & PEUGOT % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Jake and Bill's Garage Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 Zoltan, Nick and Dan's Your Authorized Datsun ond Fiat Dealer Spetializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service. 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 {Wis MGB, white with red Lite very Call 728-9673 be- bs ign 1§ Oxford station wagon, 1» good shape. 2 Telephone Whitby 668-5! if cs] ENVO , , 9250. Telephone 725- 5173. 944 CHEVELLE, in excellent condition, | goust sell. V'hitby 668-6266. BUSTIN 650, 1960 model, good s shape. | "Tdeel second car. Priced for quick sale! "$225. 728-5565, ask for Barry 32--Trucks tor Sale "1953 CHEVROLET one ton stoke. Bnd jent body and motor Four nea res, 6' x 9 body with 6 as " rice 400.. Telephone Ajax Lit 2495, WHITBY PLUMBING CONTRACTORS ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived, until 3:00) p.m. (E.S.T.) on THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1966 for the Renovations and Al- terations to the plumbing in the Senior Nurses Residence at the Ontario Hospital, Whit- by, Ontario. Tender Documents may be obtained from, or viewed at Room 6630, Department of Public "Works, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. A $700.00 Bid Bond, a 100% Performance Bond ond o 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified Tenders will not be consider- ed unless made on forms supplied by the Department. The lowest or any tender not. necessarily accepted. J, D, MILLAR, Deputy Minister. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS ONE JACKPOT MUST GO! | SUNNYSIDE PARK Monster BINGO THURS. DEC. 9 2 -- $250.00 JACKPOTS JACKPOTS Nos. 52 - 56 Both Jackpots Pay Double in 52 Nos. or less. $10 PER LINE PLUS BALANCE | FOR FULL CARD $25.00, CONSOLATION PRIZE | 0 Games ot $20 _ 5 Special Games ot $30 Regulor Games poy 'double in 17 Nos. or less. 1 -- $150.00 JACKPOT $20, PER LINE PLUS $50. PER FULL CARD $50.00 Door Prize Eorly Bird Game ot 7:45 Admission $1,00 Extra Buses SAVE YOUR TICKET STUBS FOR FREE DRAW ON 10 TURKEYS, DEC. 16 RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children under 16 not admitted | NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY, EVENING 7:45 ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars for wrecking. 1175 Nelson Street. cars for wrecking Bh yeh prices paid 200_Went Wentworth | Fast, 725- WANTED -- Cars for phone 728-4549. Robert Nichols 33--Automobiles | ; Wanted _ CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the 'New AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH GAETEN AUDET, LATE | OF THE CITY OF OSH- | AWA, IN THE COUNTY | OF ONTARIO, LABOUR- Car Dealer and "Sove"' ER, DECEASED. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res 725- 5574 Ali persons having claims against the Estote of the above-named deceased, lote of the City of Oshawa, Coun- ty of Ontario, who died on or about the 9th day of Novem- ber, 1965 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of Tires and parts for sale.| Telephone 725-2162. CAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS wan! aig ng. Tele 33--Automobiles Wanted | December, 1965 their nomes bought, parts for sale bought. 89 Blocr Street East. 725- 2311. for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. ond full particulors of their claims. Immediotely after the said date, the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which notice hos been received. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Cars! tron and metals OSHAWA AUTO PARTS-- Wanted cars DATED at 'Oshawa, Ontorio, 34--Automobile Repair this 1st.day of December, SEASON SPECIAL | '%s, AT GENERAL TIRE. Seen fete Hot aun Administratrix, @ Complete 7 point minor tune up by her Solicitors, ~ sie 30, only. $7.50 Greer ond Kelly, e Wheel alignment 114 King Street East, Reg. $10 only $7.95. Oshawa, Ontario, Easy credit terms available! See your service specialist | 37---Auctions ot GENERAL TIRE SERVICE | 534 RITSON RD. S. 728-6221 AUCTION SALE The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction ot Stirtevan't auction hall, 33 Hall St. on Saturday, Decem- ber 11 at 1:30 p.m. a quant- ity of articles from different estates. Terms cash --- MYLES KING auctioneer, FRED STONE BROOKLIN Motor Rebuilding | Cylinder Reboring | Pinfitting © Resleeving | Automatic Transmission } Crankshaft & Valve Service | Phone 655-3563 Also a quantity of new jewel- lery ond silver to be sold for $150. IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 |NORTHMINSTER Candlelight Carol Serv- lice with the junior choir, Sunday, Decem- ber 19, at 7 p.m. OBITUARIES WILLIAM G. HAWKINS The death occurred Dec. 8, at Riverdale Hospital, Toronto, | jof William Garfield Hawkins, /575 Avenue rd., Toronto. He had been sick since August. | Born in Peterborough, the |deceased was a son of Mrs. Lloyd Palmer, of Whitby, and the late Joseph Garfield) Hawkins. He had been a district representative for the Toronto} Daily Star in Toronto for a number of. years. Besides his mother, Mr. Hawkins is survived by his wife, the former Margaret Dav-| enport; two sons, Bobby and/ Billie and a sister, Mrs. June! King of Oshawa. The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m., Dec. 11, at the A. W. Miles Funeral Chapel, 30 St. Clair Ave. w., Toronto.) Interment will be in Riverside) Cemetery, Lindsay. NICHOLAS ZALESCHOOK Nicholas Zaleschook, a very active member of the Ukrainian Presbyterian Church and treas- urer of the church for many years, died early today at the family residence, 314 Oshawa boulevard s. He was in his 76th year. A son of the late Hawrylo and| Anna Zaleschook, the deceased | was born Nov. 15, 1890, in the! Ukraine. He had been a resi- dent of Canada and Oshawa for 54 years. | Mr. Zaleschook is survived by his wife, the former Dora Paras- awa in 1916 and two sons, Wil- ) THE OSHAWA TIMES.» ed PRESENT A Quick and Easy Way of Shopping For Gifts 20% to 50% DISCOUNT on oll merchandise in store. We handle the - EXQUISITE BULOVA ACCUTRON Loyaway Plan ATCH ORLD 24 PRINCE ST, 723-6922 IRESIDE ASHIONS Make Wonderful Gifts... @ Acorn and Selkirk Fire- places Ashley Automatic Wood Burning Heaters @ Fireploce Accessories Made to Measure. Built-in Screens. See the selection at LES EVENISS SALES 15 Prince 725-4632 PLAN YOUR VACATION Christmastime! Give a gift thot the whole family will enjoy for years to come, In addition to LOW, LOW prices $100 (in mer- chandise) given with each trailer sold until Christmas, BUDDY TRAILERS Hgwy. 401 at No, 28 PORT HOPE 885-4245 REFLECT A MOMENT ! WOULDN'T A MIRROR Cute and Playful GAI-LEE KITTENS Wonderful Children's Pets Siamese ---- Persians -- Domestic Short-hairs CALL GAI-LEE CATTERY 728-9609 For the GIFTS You Give With PRIDE LET Walter's Jewellers -» Be Your GUIDE (We specialize in Watch Repairs) 184 Simcoe South, 728-9351 AGH... FIT FOR A QUEEN ! At Christmas Buy Her A "Filter Queen' Make Her Work Easier All Year Long FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE 323 KING ST. W. 728-7552 For free home demonstration without obligation Sonta's Heodquorters . . BOATS -- MOTORS MARINE SUPPLIES Give That Man On Your. List An OUTBOARD Yes, we have "MERCURY 3. 'Q"" "Hl P, Special Christmas prices ranging from... $190. up ONLY AT GORD/S Marine Supplies CLAREMONT, ONT. 649-2007 Passport For the Family or Home ! "SUPREME SPECIAL" TEFLON Coated 10" Fry Pan ... $3.49 © Gifts for all Occasions @ SUPREME WINDOW and DOOR PRODUCTS (OSHAWA) LTD. Simcoe "St. N, 723-9843 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT -- Gloves -- Pads -- Sticks -- Pants -- Sweaters A'so Skate Exchange And Sharpening @ A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE 'TIL CHRISTMAS STAN'S Sharpening & Rental Ltd. 223 King St. West, Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 A Gift , . . She'll * love, beauty * * from Santa The works , . . trim, sham- poo, curl by licensed beauty Specialists A solution for every type of hair. Complete perms -- $8.50 up. She'll love you for a gift cer- tificate from . | * THE *% BEAUTY LOCK 942-442] Ajax Shopping Plaza Open Thurs. & Fri. Eve. Sat. 8:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. THE MAN IN YOUR LIFE DESERVES THE BEST | * FINE QUALITY ROBES by MAJESTIC Washable cottons, cottons, and fine imported flannels also terry cloth. SOMETHING . . . THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL LOVE BABY BUDGIES Wonderful assortment of rare species and colors. MRS. T. BROAD 114 Elgin East 723-9767 All The Latest In MATERNITY FASHIONS Full range of Sizes ond Styles. Morrison Fur and Sportswear (Opposite Armouries) 48 Simcoe North 725-6312 For A Gift Happy Home . . . Look Here FOOTSTOOLS only 2.98 SKLAR RECLINER CHAIR only 89.50 lus many more. Come browse ! !. Honest Cal's Furniture & Appliances 424 King St. W., Oshawa Telephone 728-9191. John St. E., Whitby Telephone 668-6361 AFTER SHOPPING FOR THAT SPECIAL GIFT Stop or call at GOLDEN GATE RESTAURANT . Specializing in COMPLETE CHINESE AND AMERICAN DISHES Take-out orders and home delivery. 107 BROCK SOUTH WHITBY -- 668-8321 Season's Greetings to All CHRISTMAS Otto Schwartz Custom Gunsmith Franchise Dealer for @ REMINGTON @ HUSOVARNA @ WINCHESTER Worrenty repairs for Win- ea Savage, Stephens and SALE on guns, ammunition, accessories and components. 167 SIMCOE SOUTH 723-6921 SANTA SUGGESTS ., SKATES Complete range of sizes for every boy or girl on your list. Men's and ladies' too! New and Used: Layawoy now. YCLE ENTRE 204 BOND E. 725-6344 Also we have a Skate Exchange. Toys, ete. The Gifts They Open First will come from CENTRAL PHARMACY "Ambray"" Toiletries for Women "Currier & Ives' for Men "Jenny Lind" Chocolates for Everyone these and others ot 211 Simcoe S. 723-1070 PUPPIES FOR CHRISTMAS Am. COCKER SPANIELS Reg'd. Goldens on Blacks $50. White Min. & TOY ES $75 UP Deposit secures 725-6473 From... SANTA'S PACK For All The Family SLIPPERS * Busy feet will appreciate these warm house slippers Christmas morn and every morn, * Complete range of sizes, styles and colors. BIGGEST SELECTION IN TOWN ! DAVIDSON SHOE STORE 31 SIMCOE N, 725-3312 The _ Keys OF A FIAT 750 Under the Tree NO FINER PRESENT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Zoltan & Nick 160 Simcoe S. 728-0051 GIFT IDEAS FOR DADS POWER TOOLS ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMERS HAND TOOLS TORCHES SOLDER IRONS WATCHES (Timex, etc.) x * FOR THAT SPECIAL YOUNG LADY or GENTLEMAN GIVE A PORTABLE jchuk, whom he married in Osh- | * TYPEWRITER @ UNDERWOOD 18 @ LETTERA 32 @ STUDIO 44 i MAKE A GREAT GIFT ? TRANSMISSION specialists. Transmis To Pleasure sions are our only business, 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 728-7339 35--Lost and Found _ LOST -- Boy's Timex watch, with expan- Borage. Finder: pieese: piece Asis a OSHAWA Armstrong Funeral Home until ee if -avm., Dec..11,-for service in LOSY -- Lady's. gold watch, vicinity wat y c. tl, ; Eaton's,. Shopping Centre, on Monday JAYCEES the Ukrainian ~-- Presbyterian ning. Sentimental vaive. Reward, Moakte Monster BINGO Church at 2 p.m. Rev. John liam of Toronto and Walter of |§ _.....- |Oshawa, Also surviving are a ¥ sister, Mrs. Annie Rozko of \y Oshawa and five grandchildren The deceased will be at the Ya price. $10.95 and up PYJAMAS - $5.00 and_up ELECTRIC CARV- ING KNIVES TROUBLE LITES & EXT. CORD PUNCH BOWLS SETS OF GLASSES Give... McBRINE LUGGAGE SPECIALS at FIRESTONE 15 lite Christmas OUT- DOOR LIGHTING SET . 3.33 Christmas Carol 38--Coming Events POLISHED. PLATE GLASS MIRRORS! Prices as low as LOST -- Man's initial ring at. Civic Audi valve of watch. Telephone 725- 5422 after $| Jacenty will conduct the serv- Thurs., Dec. 9th forium on Saturday. Reward Telephone | 723-358). 36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of WILLIAM DAVIDSON, late of the Town of Whitby, County of On- tario, deceased All persons having claims against the Estote of the said William Davidson, who died at Oshawa on the 26th doy of October, 1965, ore required to file proof of same with the undersigned Execu- tors on or before the 31st day of December, 1965. After that date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the soid Estate having regard' only to the claims of which they shall then hove hod notice. Whitby, this ,12th Gey of Moometen' Fock 50c ADMISSION VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST Bus to Jubilee Pavilion leov COMPANY, ond ing our Four Corners ot 7:15 ete ae ahacoaing |. p.m x > itby, tario, by their solicitors, ba cat bee 6 Alfred.M, Wootton and Wootton 304 Dundas St., West, Whitby, Ontario. 20 GAMES AT $20 5 GAMES AT $30 1 -- $150, JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS. 51 and 56 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200 PER FULL CARD IN 51 AND 56 NUMBERS. THIS WEEK PLUS $25, CONSOLATION PRIZE $150. TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES. Regular games pay double in 17 Nos, or less EARLY BIRD GAME EXTRA PRIZES JUBILEE PAVILION HOLY CROSS BINGO Every Friday 7:45 $600 IN PRIZES $100. in-56-Nos: $20 Consolation $10 each Horizontal Line $200. in 56 Nos. $20. Consolation Free Admission--Good Parking Christmas turkeys to be drawn for this week. Ne Children Please NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Credifors and others" having cloims ogainst the estote of MABEL DINGLEY, who died ot Oshawa, November 19th, 1963, are requested to send porticulors of such claims to the undersigned, solicitors for the Administrator;-on-or-be- fore the 25th day of Jonuary, 1966, after which date the Estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims that have been received. MARKS ANO-McNEELY, Solicitors, 17 King..St. Eost, OSHAWA, Ontario, eral Hospital of Mrs. ice. Interment will be in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. |MRS. EDWARD T. H. JACOBS | Following a sickness. of some months the death occurred, Dec 8, of Mrs. Edward T. H. Jacobs 613 Mary st. She was in her Sist year. The former Gertrude M. Mc- Guire, the deceased was a daughter of the late James and Jane McGuire. Born at Cobourg jshe received her education in |Cobourg schools and was mar jried there | A member of Northminster | United Church, Mrs. Jacobs had been a resident of Oshawa since 1919. Predeceased by her husband in August of this year, Mrs. | Jacobs is survived by two sons, /Stewart of Toronto and Gordon }of Oshawa and a brother, Wil- jliam Jeffrey, of Toronto funeral service will be held at 3 p.m., Dec. 10, at the McIntosh - Anderson. Funeral Home. Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow minister of Northminster United Church, will conduct the service Interment will be in Cobourg Union Cemetery. MRS. RUSSELL MOLLON The death occurred _ this morning at the Oshawa Gen- Russell Mollon, of 754 Somerville ave., Oshawa. Mrs. Mollon is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mrs. G. Robinson (Marlene) of London, Ont. and Mrs. H. Har- ris (Diana) of 'San Francisco and a-son; Paul, of North Bay: Mrs. Mollon is at the Mc- Intosh - Anderson Funera! Home. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. | WILL USE COMPUTER OTTAWA (CP)--A huge com puter system will be acquired by the federal government to maintain records and calculate individual benefits under the| Canada Pension Plan. The fi-! nance department said Wednes- jday the computer iv larger in} | most respects than any other in Canada, 1B TEESE! With silver backing that's Guoronteed for 5 years * Ovol and Rectongular * Plain ond Omate * Wall and Full Length * Mantel and Vanity JUST IN TIME FOR GIFTING ... 25% OFF ODD SIZES Vern Glass SIMCOE NORTH & WAYNE STS, 728-6214 | WHAT A WONDERFUL Starting... $9.95 and up * FITTED VANITIES *% OVERNIGHT CASES te AERO PACKS COLLINS SHOES 119 Brodk S., Whitby 668-3476 CHRISTMAS IT WOULD BE, IF THE KEYS TOA 1966 RAMBLER WERE UNDER YOUR TREE! S/ 7 athe S77 DOWN MONTHLY 36 MONTHS Can buy You a 1966 AMERICAN Two Door--S Sedan WELLMAN MOTORS LIMTED @ Open Evenings:'till 10 @ 100 NONQUON RD. 728-735] Sport Shirts All patterns, checks, stripes and plains. From $5.00 up SPORTSWEAR by Craft ond Utex SUITS and TOPCOATS By Savile Row and Shipley * GIFT CERTIFICATES * Bond CLOTHES SHOP Next to United Cigar Store OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RECORD (Stereo or Mon.) 8 transistor PORTABLE RADIO 4 speed RECORD PLAYER 11" GE PORTABLE TV 1.39 21.95 21.95 139.95 GE, HAIR DRYER 15.99 Hoover VACUUM CLEANER Nylon Fur SEAT COVERS Palomino SPRING HORSE Christmas TREE STAND .69 48.88 8.88 10.99 Lionel ELECTRIC TRAIN Outdoor FLOODLITES Christmas WRAPPING PAPER (8 rolls) FIRESTONE STORES 190 King St. E. Phone 725-6566 19.95 3.77 1.44 For a Merrier Christmas Hong o key to on Armstrong Home 17. different models NHA Financing $16,850. GRIFFIN Real Estote Ltd on your tree, Prices from Ajax 942-3310 Oshawa 723-6461. HARRISON HARDWARE 337 Simcoe St. S. Telephone 723-4425 $79.50" UNDERWOOD 'LTO. 1188 SIMCOE ST. S. TELEPHONE 723-1105 EATON'S * * in Oshawa Whatever The Gift Make it Glamorous with GIFT WRAP ! When you're gift-shopping at EATON'S, take a few minutes to go up to the gift-wrapping department, and have your purchoses beautl- fully wrapped and decorated. The cost is slight... prices start et 45c, go to $1.50 for standard size packages; larger wrops, of course, are priced according to size. Eaton's Gift Wrap people will be happy to suggest styles, colours and trim that will be sure to please the hoppy recipients of your gifts. EATON'S UPPER LEVEL -- DEPT. 1019