<n TNT ITT TTT ETS a ETS * ee ee ee eee Soe ees 2 seen toes tnt an eee aes a ! * oni th pear noes FRE GSHAWA TIMES. Trureder. Decamber S$. TSEE s Vmave Poverty Blame Put On Ottawa OTTAWA (CP) -- Past na- tional policy has been blamed for poverty in Canada. The Manitoba government made the charge Wednesday in a brief submitted to the federal- conference on pov- erty and opportunity. . It said that since Confedera- tion, government has played a vigorous, positive role in na- 'tlonal expansion but By yer A been gafficiently concern re- gional disparities "and the so- clal inequalities that inevitably grew out of that development." in recent years had Can- ada become conscious that these were serious obstacles to economic growth, W'th this re- alization of the links between ideals of social justice and re- quirements of economic pro- gress "has come understanding) «. of the need to reformulate tradi- oe national policy in Can- This policy would have to deal effectively with the plight of the urban poor and with regional disparities that were at the root of farm, non-farm and even urban poverty. DANGER Continued primary concern with "national economic aggre- " rather than balanced re- development could be erously divisive since it 'would intensify the disparties in income and employment be- tween the regions, the brief aid. "What is needed now is a comprehensive and co-ordinated national policy of regional and gocial development as the essen- tial means for eliminating avoidable poverty... . A report to the conference said some 1,300,000 Canadians have a permanent physical dis- ability and have to be poverty- stricken to get government aid. The profile on disability said 51,671 -esigaaed qualified in Jan- uary this year under the -Dis- abled Persons Act for an aver- age $69.48 a month. "Last year, nearly 10,000 per- sons were turned away because their disability was not assessed as total or permanent though many were severely handi- capped,"' said the report by the federal government's special planning secretariat on poverty. Another 567 applicants were "not quite poor eough," to qual- a year. The report said 223 died be- their applications. HEALTH IS WORST Another federal report. said health conditions among the na- itive patnla of the Canadian|been working in five discussionichalrman. told revorters Wed-1 A. al ¥ . among the| groups" for two 'days, Boes: Basdrd base en "the conference is gomng] ts ten ton.. a pret soueiwia* wuay 7 oar wont: 3 what eacn group has been tall, ing about. [aorty "a wotse it tie Average lifespan' of~ 'Native woman in the Northwest Terri- tories is 21, against 63 for an outside Canadian. For a man in the territories, it is 26. For an- other Canadian male, it is nearly 60. The report said Canadians in low income groups have more disabling illnesses and less health care than other groups. " With no decisions being made at the four-day meeting, little hard information has from the closed-door confer- ence, aside from the release of prepared briefs. flowed Tom Kent, head of the federal government's special planning secretariat and the conference Most of the briefs contain old} statistics, but gathered together they are evidence that the af- fluent society has not yet reached many Canadians. Be- tween 3,500,000 and 4,000,000 persons are said to have some poverty problem. FLY DISPLAYS MUSCLE A dragonfly's wings beat 20 to 30 times a second. Niagara River police said. of Buffalo. T44 yp aso GRAND ISLAND, N.Y. (AP) A woman jumped or fell 100 feet to her death Tuesday from a bridge over the Niagara River, Police said the woman was identified as Jill L. Simom, 238, . The children of the poor suf- fered particularly from ill health and died more often from illness. But the problem was at its worst among Canadian Indians and Eskimos, Eskimo mortality rates were three times the na- tional average. The ried which has BIG TOWN BOYS Dancing 9 Ai sg ti 1 Admission $2.00 CL 2 a rr tr fore a decision was made on|'S } | TODAY FRI. -- SAT. "Genghis Khan" in color SECOND FEATURE "GIDGET GOES HAWAIIAN" in color BILTMORE | A MONTH FOR LIFE From Age 65 DINE and DANCE The Bob Wall Trio Fri. & Sat. Nights GRAHAM PARK TAVERN No 2 Highway 284-1605 at. Rouge Hill @! suggest. TODAY ! CONTINUOUS FROM 2 p.m. books of S ERMOUS PLAYERS | THEATRE TICKETS Seven Slaves aGalsT THE WORLD. peoaemnptenaincesimcennen? "SSSSSSHHHH, DON'T NOISE IT AROUND !" Oh, come on Miss Claus, we don't mind, Let's tell the world ! | ASSURA 4 | NAME . ( |, ADDRESS " occuPATION Here is @ plon to provide for your family if you should. die, and now... Open Sundays for your eating pleasure from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Che Rih Room Continental French Buffet GENOSHA HOTEL or for your retirement years if you survive... ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER 723-2883 725-4563 Home: Business: By completing the enquiry form below, you cen obtain details sulteble te your personel situ- ation. SUN LIFE ANCE COMPANY of CANADA Oshews Shopping Centre ae mnmnehenmn nm mm * OME Oe nes were bee 4 ess + OE ee Meow reer mET ees WTR cece seweew woe ( fl Exact Date of Birth FANTASTIC versus THE UNEARTHL as Science Fiction challenges the Forces of Darkness to scare you screamless! @ TODAY! forces of the KILLER PLAN = afin SULLIVAN mo BENGELL ST WELCHOR..LOUIS M, HEYWARD 1B MELOHIOR-NIARIO BAVA-FULNIO LUCISANG 2 BiG HITS! |i}. The north end of Grand Island, a "Take a Break" ; from the hustie end bustle The Colonial Restaurant 10 BOND 87. Ww. 723-602) CARRY ON <L€O. Pouteat «PevERROGERS, by PUTER ROGERE - Oroocted ty ATRALD TOMAR ee NOW LAZA0® PLAYING - SHOW TIMES -- 1:35 - 3:35 ~ 5:35 - 7:30 - 9:35, LCS 9:10 WILSON & LEE LTD. - MUSIC STORE @sMDBEN) RECORDS - SOUND OF CHRISTMAS--The Three Suns Betts Helle with Boughs of Hol , Deck "the sleeves end many other Ch WESTERN POPULAR JAZZ CHRISTMAS VOCAL HONKY TONK PIANO CLASSICAL CHILDREN'S ORGAN @ Hundreds to choose from--All for only J on Holy. Night," Groce: CHRISTMAS CAROLS--Organ end Chimes play 20 psig Angels We Have Heord Deck DANCE TIME--Lowrence D On Hi ns Ga Rest Yo Merry Gant ie Helis, gat By hago F Lente. re brat Ps bya Red Raven play, Pepper, Pet Humdinger wg ag end BLACKWOOD BROTHERS--12 Sacred songs includin: is @ Wonderful Savior, Lord is @ Busy Man, Take @ How SONGS, ony 1 1 Prey, Christ 00k inthe Book, Times GAMES "AND FUN--For Browing Boys and Girlk--Mother Goose Play Son s, 1-2-3-Fun, | Know An Old Ledy, Fun On Old MacDonald's Form and others. HI-FI CHRISTMAS PARTY--Sleigh aged Jingle Bells, First bora -- Cleus ts ore in' To Town, Rudolph i Pa Night plus others. HONKY TONK PIANO--10 tunes ve Fg! ag Ace in the Hole, Kiss, Bye Bye Blues. e Red-Nosed Reindeer, heopes, Smee t borers Favourite Sea Shanties ond Songs, include I'm My 7 the Seilor Man, Sid Mestoneld Hed A Farm, London Bridge Is Down ond Bio Felling Man Down SUNDAY gttg SONGS--The. All Churches Children's Choir Jesu: a here Hf pple Sunbeam, Luther's Credle Hymn, Tell Me Stories VIENNA ny a Artists' 4, Blood, Tales From The Vienna thers, PERRY COMO--Somebody Loves Me--10 tunes ineludi: the Moonlight, Thet Old Gang of Mine, Juke Box Baby, ond others. FIMEn-- siti Ke iM itize 'Korlus with orch---Wine, Women end ite, Emperor Waitt, Roses From the South, Vienne end o Mandolins in roting Moon JESUS LOVES ME--Roy Rongers and Dale Evans sing Lord is Counting on You, Bibie Tells Me So, Jesus Love Me and other wonderful Sundey School fovourites RUDOLPH THE "RED. NOSED REINDEER--Wonderful tele told in song @nd story. Also included are Frosty The Snow Man, Suzy Snowfleke and other stories. ARTIE SHAW--September Song end other favourites includi Room, Georgia on My Mind, My Blue Heeven, Shadows, Reco: tween 1938 and 1945. THE IMMORTAL HARRY LAUDER--A Wee Deoch end Doris, in Bed on Sunday Morning, Wee Hoose 'Many The Heether, The End Of The Rood. Original recordings. PHIL MARRIS--Feotures his fomous Dark Town Poker Club, Abe 1 Like About The South, The Thing, Preacher end the Beer, of Cards plus other favourites, Peteree DAVIS--Blueberry Hill and other favourites ineludin Musie Box, Lost to a Geisha Girl, Face of @ Clown, FAR AWAY PLACES--Lee Addeo and his tigue, Le Vie En Rose, Never On Sunday, Istanbul, Three Coins in Fountain plus 9 other tunes, Bacay CARTER as in Canede--10 tunes Ineuaing Rudolph hag = Nosed way Mg it. Silver tis, White Treat Yourself Tonite! RICKSHA CHINESE FOODS Opening Soon in the Cadillac Hotel HOME DELIVERIE AND TAKE-OUT ORDERS DAILY 11 A.M. to 1 A.M. poh eigaad end Ting-a-Ling-o- ingle. NED LANDRY Bowing The Stri with his New Brunswick Lumberjacks. Old Men ond eS oe, Dundee og pcg plus 6 gerade it dreamer, My Susonne, Old Black Joe and others. JOHN M ful of Sugar, Chim Chim Expi-Ali-Docious. My Bonnie Lessie and 6 me Sweet Girl, Seven or Eleven, A Fine end Fourteen Karat Gold. wood Flower, I'm Thinkin: are -- A favourite Rose led be- Breakfast MARIO LANZA Sings Christmas Hymns end Cerols including Joy to the World, We Three Kings of Orient Are, @ Holy Night, First Noel, | Saw Three Ships, Thet's Little rling. ed Walk So! Orch, gt Li amonat bendegrag PH 4 ome end only sings | Catch ital Crying, i Be Somewh: § Get Up Early in the Morning pius 6 othe MEXICAN 'SHUFFLE~ Mogie Trumpet, Mexican Peerls, Whipped Cream, ween others played by The Livin Brass. Mexican Hat Dance, Java SWEETHEART TREE--and other fie favontiter inclad ing Forget Domeni, What's New Pussyeet? Hush Hush Sweet Chorlotte, Ship of Fools plus others by The Living Strings. DR.SEUSS--Presents Fox In Socks and Green toe and Mam, Two ef the most populer Dr. children drametized 'by Mervin Miller, with RRY COMO--Si Christmas Music. Tunes include "Twos the Night tb Christmes, Twelve Days of Christmas, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Joy to the World, Frosty the Snow Man end CHRISTMAS MAGIC--Hugo Winterhsiter and his Orch.--White Christ- mas, Winter Wonderia: a Thet Christmos Feeling, Cerol of the Bells, Pid Hy) a Menge others. SONG OF THE *TLANDE "Rey "Andrede end his orch, play Lovely Hule Hands, Little Brown Gel, Aloha Oe plus 7 other Hawaiian tunes. GUY LOMBARDO--Ti-Pi-Tin, When My Dreamboat Comes Home, it Looks Like Rein im Cherry Blossom Lone, I'l! See You in' My Dreem lus other danceable tunes, ERRY COMO--Wednesdey Night Music Hall contains Keep it Gey, Fellow Needs « Girl, Roses of Pi "gaa dy, Dreamer's Holidey ond other Md es only Como can do a S CRAMER--The Magic Ti easy Fo Three Loves, Hor Pepper, Suddenly There's @ Valley, Chottemesse hoo Choo and 6 other piene im bers. AMERICAN WALTZES---16 Waltzes specially ployed for -- Beautiful Dreamer, Irene, Bend Ployéd On, Daisy Beit, After The Boll, weet Rosie O'Gra ACRED Vie idee "Speer Family Sing I'm Climbing Up The Mountein, Love, | Wes There When it Happened, Let Me Be The Com E--Perry Bechtel Susanne, Ain't We Got Fun, Rady be, Dixie, favourites. and other banjo CALY! Addeo pieys islend Favourites thet include Jameice or, ys wong Bee Hag sau Smert, Brown Skin Gal, Matilde, mauict CHEVALIER<Sing one side of this elbum in French and he other side in English. 12 tunes to delight the heart of @ Chevalier Hd LIVING 4AZZ--Conteins Giri From ipenemo, One Note peony Tong tie iad Waltz, Lullaby of Birdiond. Sound lust wait WHEN IRISH tis ARE cg syne ig Irish tunes paved my Se Living Strin 1 Kerry Dance, Rose of Tra nt Take You Home goin eae "and others, PIPE ORGAN mngie The Famous Jesse Crawford plays 12 selections prmongg My Becutiful Lady, On The Road To Mandelay, Gypsy Love Miss You ond Little ite Lies. Sitting MILLER--Origine! recordin, by Glenn and his Orch. include los. Eimer's Tune, My Reverie end pores eos -- The Angels others. BENNY GOO! N--Ffesturing Greet bbs onontit4. Clerk, lle Fitzgerald, Johnny Mercer, Merthe Tilten. town Races, Oh! jelis of St, Mery's *Goodt RICHARD CROOKS--Sings Stephen Foster--Oid Folks At Home, Beau- ti Old Kentucky Home, De Camptown Races, Oh! eCORMACK--Sacred Music, Panis Angelieus, The Rosery, Ave Mario, -- My God To Thee, Just For Toso sag bn * old tl Be rite secred son MARY POPPINS--Alt the top songs from 'the show Includi jim Cheree, Jolly Holiday, Super-Cell- rs al ty Istle- OSCAR PETERSON--10 piono numbers include | Got Rhythm, sete ""C" Jam Blues, My Blue Heaven, East of the Sun and Sweet AMES BROTHERS--Sweet and Swing includes Next Time It He § Can't Believe Thet You're In Love With Me, 49 Shades of ears. Lorreine. others SOUTH PACIFIC--Vocolists with Al Goodmen ol hoy Orch. All the hits including Some Enchanted Evening, Cock-e: Ho'l and I'm Gonna Wash That Mon Right Out Prd may MART KENNY--The West, A Nest and wk Ramona, Beloved, and | Wonder What's Become +. Selly. NK LOCKLIN--12. songs ena d From Here To aad Ball 'oul 10 Old Faveurties inelud- There To You, Good Women's Love, The First CARTER FAMILY--The Orig asec and Greet pag Family Wild- 'onight ef My Blue Eyes, Wetesn AMOR ball and more of their a Ltine oer hits ss JIM REEVES--Yonder Comes oa Sucker, Highwey to Nowhere, My Lips Falten Ster, Waitin' For @ Train, plus S$ other country HANK 'SNOW--The Old end Greet Songs include My Sweet Texes Blue net Queen, Let's Pretend, In Memory of You Deer Old Pel, That's right, we don't mind because we're proud of the feet Brand On My Heart and Blue Velvet Band, thet we do shirts clecner than anyone else in Oshewe, How de we know? Everyone tell us so, We try not to let it ao to our heads though, consequently our quality end service is always the best. Yep! "CLAUS CLEAN" shirts (end slacks, and sults, and dresses end etc., etc.) is the way we do them. Give ws @ coll ot 728-5141, we pick-up end deliver free, in © " twinkle of the eye, -- ACADIAN cleaners 299 BLOOR ST. WEST 728-5141 FRIDAY & SATURDAY 'TIL 2 A.M, -- SUNDAY 'TIL 12 P.M. rao: 728 - 1676 WE CATER TO LOUNGE @ BANQUETS @ ANNIVERSARIES @ PARTIES @ RECEPTIONS - -- ANY SOCIAL OCCASION - CALL US! ¢| rVVvVUVVUVUUVUUC TY? THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY -- The Living Voices me Drummer Boy, Sleigh Ride, De You Heer ' Bells, We Wish You « Merry Christmas, Holly Jolly plu 8 others. Little Silver Christmes Eastern Ontario's Largest Music Centre WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE B7 Simcoe St North Phone 725-4706 OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M.