_ S--Automobites Fer. S Sale [36--Automobiles for Sale. FINAL CLEARANCE 1965 FORDS NEW. and DEMOS MUST BE SOLD PRICED BELOW COST SELLING DATES DEC 11) TO 18TH ONLY! OPA Ab cee UCINCRKAL MOTORS O. K: USED CARS A Special For This Week ! FORD FAIRLANE 4 door, 1962, Lic. H25388. Will sacrifice. 1964 CHEVROLET 4 door sedan. Lic, H45796, Color beige $1995 1964. CHEVROLET IMPALA Convertible. Lic, 490072. 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA V-8 four door hardtop, auto- matic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Lic. 196799. 95 LOW COST FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY FINANCING SPECIAL 1962 STATION WAGON 4 door, Lic. K7E04. Motors (1965) Ltd. "Your Authorized Dealer for Lincoln, Mercury, Meteor, Comet, Ford and Mercury Trucks" 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 door hardtop, V-8 auto- matic, power steering, power brakes, wheel discs, whitewalls, lic. H47858. This is an exceptionally clean car. You have to see To Serve You to appreciate ! aoe 1120 Dundas St. E. 1964 STATION WAGON Hwy. 2 and Anderson St, Lic, 16288X, V-8, automatic, | Whitby, Ont. Six Courteous Salesmen } 1961s egal "lew i, Wikiam MEDWiO, ; i of 476 Cromwell | Oshawa, will not be ieee 1965, without my written (Signed) Wm. Medwid. debts. contracted in my. name by} conse. oe | Hatar Pe and Ae MAL wey ANDRES res nounce the -virth< oF @ daughter on Sunday, December 5, 1965, lat the Oshawa Genera! Hospital. Many 38--Coming an | thanks to Dr. McKay, Or. Dilton os 4th | floor staff. OSHAWA JAYCEES Monster BINGO Thurs., Dec. 9th 20 GAMES AT $20 5 GAMES AT $30 1 -- $150. JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS JACKPOT. NOS. 51 and 56 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200 PER FULL CARD IN 51 AND 56 NUMBERS, THIS WEEK PLUS $25. CONSOLATION PRIZE $150. TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN' THESE TWO GAMES, Regular games poy double in 17 Nos. or less EARLY BIRD GAME EXTRA PRIZES JUBILEE PAVILION 50c ADMISSION Bus to Jubilee Pavilion leav- ing our Four Corners at 7:15 p.m CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED. ONE JACKPOT MUST GO! SUNNYSIDE PARK Monster BINGO THURS, DEC. 9 2 -- $250.00 JACKPOTS | JACKPOTS Nos. 52 - 56 power steering, power brokes, 668-5893 very low mileage. One owner cor. 1961 PONTIAC, fair condition, 6, auto- matic. $750. Must sell. Telephone 725-8150, OLDSMOBILE '65 F-85 George Automatic, One owner. 1958 PONTIAC, Excellent condition. $325 PELESHOK- az euemoitr sare ia we STARR good mechanically. $100 or best offer 668-4517, 37 RAMBLER, real nice car, good "Your Friendly G.M, O.K. Used Cor Dealer" STATION ROAD, AJAX tires, and body, automatic, ood maar 942-6300 |$295. Telephone 725-2932. |32--Trucks for Sale | KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. |1953 CHEVROLET one ton stake. Excel-| lent body and motor.. Four nearly new! tires, 6' x 9 body with 6 racks. Price $400. Telephone nie 942-2495, 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 | Cars bought arid sold | Liens paid off | Trode up or down Both Jackpots Pay Double in 52 Nos. or less | $10 PER LINE PLUS BALANCE FOR FULL CARD $25.00 CONSOLATION PRIZE 0 Gomes ot $20 5 Special Games at $30 Regular Games pay double in 17 Nos. or less. 1 -- $150.00 JACKPOT $20. PER LINE PLUS $50. PER FULL CARD $50.00 Door Prize Early Bird Game at 7:45 Admission $1,00 Extra Buses SAVE YOUR TICKET STUBS FOR FREE DRAW ON 10 TURKEYS, DEC. 16. RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children under 16 not admitted 1948 V4 ton Chevrolet pick-up truck, '300d | Always top quality jtires, new clutch, Telephone Bowmanville) | 629-31 3156. oe -------- | 1948 "CHEVROLET truck, ~ good "condition. | Cars Bought and Sold | MORLEY STALKER | MOTOR SALES | Best offer. Bowmanville 623-3966. | |33---Automobiles Wanted 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA CARS WANTED 723-6322 Buying A New Car? On the spot financing Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New pa CAR PARTS, spindies to make also 2 ga 509 Bloor Street Car Dealer and "Sove" TED CAMPIN. MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale. 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars for wrecking. Highest prices pald 200 Wentworth East, 725-1181 {WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. Tele phone 728-4549. Robert Nichols. es |33--Automobiles Wanted "4 FORD Siena XL, 390 motor, power- @d, radio, roll-away steering wheel, Ex- |SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars celient condition, low mileage, extra snow bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals fires. 668-2524 affer 7. bought. 8? Bloor Street East. 725- 2311, 9957 CHEVROLET, standard six "cylinder, | OSHAWA AUTO. PARTS-- Wanted cars very gocd condition, also 1957 7jfor wrecking. Tires and parts for sale. V-8 automatic, Good Condition, $225. vue Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. best offer. Telephone 723-5466 after 6. bc aah sels anal nated li and RR 7 CHEVROLET station wagon, periec|34--Automobile Repair mechanically, 6 cylinder, raphe ie down payment. Trade consider Terms available. Licence X6535. Gus} FRED 'STONE Brown Motors Lid., 725-6568. | BROOKLIN 9962 PONTIAC Bonneville, 389 cubic it Ineh, ib automatic, power steering, @ Motor Rebuilding power wi indows power sont wonder-ber @ Cylinder Reboring radio. Seaett ity color iow =m leage. . Snd owner, A-i condition. Telephone 725-| © Pinfitting © Resleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshaft & Valve Service Phone 655-3563 TRANSMISSION specialists. Transmis- 1964 PONTIAC Strato Chiat, in 900d con-|sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe dition. Reasonable. Cali after 5 p.m.,,North. Phone 728-7339 Bowmanville, 623-5269. 4 PONTIAC convertible custom sport 25-----Lost and Found Bucket seats, white-biack interior, fully' Lost -- Lady's gold watch, vicinity automatic,' radio, front, rear speaker, Eaton's, Shopping Centre, on Monday eve- back-up lights, power steering, brakes,\ning. Sentimental value. Reward, double thousand miles. One owner. $2,875.|vaiue of watch. Telephone 725-5422 after 6 196i CHEVROLET Bel Air, two-door hardtop, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, many part pent condition. Phone 728- 0704 after 5 p.m. Jaycees Presents "INTRO 66" Dec. 31st, 1965 PICCADILLY ROOM Hotel Genosha FEATURING MUSIC BY 'THE DOMINOS' HOT BUFFET -- $15 PER COUPLE For information call 725-0860 FREE ADMISSION LIONS BINGO TONITE $1,200 in cash prizes a I day Saturday, | oe = Cee 6 ee Sl Say Setureey |Last -- Man's lnitial ring at Civic Audi. "3 IMPALA two door hardtop, power'torium on Saturday. Reward. Telep brakes, steering, over sized white walls, | 773-358) ped sige le Must sell! Telephone 723- 4:30 p.m. pe PONTIAC four Bh automatic, low mileage. A-1 shape. Tele phone 728-3317. 36--Legal 1953 CHEVROLET, ciean, dependable transportation. Motor, body and tires in 900d condition. Best offer. Telephone 728 075 after $ p.m. 964 PONTIAC four-door Strato Chief, 327 eda 300 HP, four-speed transmission, ta aqua, one owner, 27,000 miles, 800x 14 whitewalls, radio, discs, retractable seat bells. A-1 shape. $2,450 or best offer 72-4007 after 6 p.m. 1S MUSTANG hardtop, ivy green, three speed, 6 800 miles, radio, whitewalls, washers. Affer 4, telephone 725.5549 31--Compact Cars For Sale| SABYAN "\LOST -- Red key case, three keys, "Shop: | ping Centre area, Telephone 725-7069. | - door sedan, V-8, en | PLUMBING CONTRACTORS ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be re- |-- | t | ="Yackpot Nos. 51 and 52 Early Bird Game 7:45 Jubilee Pavilion NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY, EVENING 7:45 at ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $150. IN JACKPOTS ~ | Owens, | MEELLIGOTT. -- Raymon dand' Margot | (nee Wallace) are proud to announce the |birth of a son, Cameron james, 6 Ibs. }9 ozs., on Tuesday, December 7, 1965, at |St. Vincent de Paul, Brockville. A broth- er for John William. DEATHS AUGUSTUS, Wesley Gordon in failing health for sometime at the Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on Tuesday, De- cember 7, 1965, Wesley Gorus:, Augustus, beloved husband of the late Lena Pearl McBride, dear father of Harold of Whitby, | Lloyd of Etobicoke, and dear brother of Birdie and Florence of Whitby, Mrs. J. esters (Violet) of hee ag?) in his 77th ear. Resting at the W. C, Town Funeral | Chapel, Whitby for service in the chapel jon Friday, December 10 at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, Min- jister the Rev. J. Smith. (Visitors com- |mencing 7 p.m. Wednesday.) members of | Composite Lodge No. 30 AF and AM, will hold a Masonic service Thursday at 7 pm. | FLINDERS, Arthur Ernest |At Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, December 7, 1965, Arthur E, Flinders, be- | pees husband of Harriet Moore and lov- | ing father of Mrs, E, Plowright (Irene) |Oshawa and Mrs. F. Hare (ida) Etobi- |coke. The late Mr. Flinders is resting at Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home, Serv- ice In the chapel Thursday, December 9%, | at 3.30 p.m. Intermem: Mount Lawn Ceme- |tery. Corinthian Lodge No, 61 100F serv- jice on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, JACOBS, Gertrude M, |On Wednesday, Dec. 8, 1965, | McGuire, beloved wife of the Edward \T H, Jacobs, Arrangements later. For jfurther informatiof call + pil a Ander- isn Funeral Home, 725- 'trude M. SMITH, William J. | Entered into rest in the Oshawa General |Hospital on Tuesday, December 7, 1965 |Willlam John Smith, beloved husband of | Edith Statham, father of Mrs. John Daigie |(Mariorie) Whitby, and Lorne of Bran- |ton, @ brother of Mrs. George Smith |(Annie) Toronto, Mrs. Clarence Dye | (Maud) Toledo Ohio George si. Cath. j}arines John West Hill James Horace Jand William, all of Oshawa; lyear. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral/| |Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in} ithe chapel Friday, December 10 at 2 p.m. jInferment Oshawa |Donations to the Cancer Fund would be} | appreciated WHITE, Gall Patricia jher 20th year. Beloved daughter of Rose jand Jack White; loving granddaughter of Bert and Margaret White and Mrs. Wil |bert Smith (Marie) of Whitby; dear sister e. Bonnie and Donna. Resting at the rrow Funeral Home, 390 King Street | Waste for service in the chapel on Friday, {December 10 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount} |Lawn Cemetery. WHITSITT, Thomas Suddenly in Oshawa on Monday, Decem- ber 6, 1965, Thomas Whitsitt. (30? Buena Vista), In_ his 70th year. Beloved hus- band of Ella Malone and dear father of Robert William and John James Whil- ut, Resting at Mcintosh Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King East, for serv- jlce in the Cheaper on fhursaay, Oecem- jber 9, at 2 p.m. Interment Union Ceme- tery. Temple Lodge will hold @ Masonic iservice Wednesday evening at 7.30 p.m. |The family will receive friends at Pine |funeral home Tuesday from 7 to % p.m. and Wednesday, 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9% p.m. Friends are invited to gall at the |home of Wm. Whitsitt, 71 instead of 309 Buena Vista. Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all, GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements ond floral arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA 2 iad CEN 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Everlasting Memorialization is almost 'possible with the MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER | that we supply and install; Please call MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 -IN MEMORIAM BOURNE -- In loving memory of my dear son and brother, Ernest William Bourne, RCAF, who died suddenly De- cember 8, 1940. Memories are like threads of gold, Never tarnish, never grow old. |--Always remembered and sadly missed by loving Mum and sisters. HORNELL -- In loving memory of a loving husband and father, Sam Hornell, who passed away December 8, 1964, | He would not wish for sorrow, | He would not wish for tears, But just to be remembered Throughout the passing years, --Always remembered by wife children | NORRIS -- In loving memory of my | dear aie Annie Liewellyn Bouckley, who |passed away three years aseeges an 1962, " oF ee God knows how much | miss her, Never 'shall her memory fade, Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where she is laid. F ~Ever remembered by husband Henry) Norris. | OWENS -- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Joseph James vay who passed away December 6, God took Dad home, it was His will, But in our hearts we love Dag still, His menfory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. Lovingly remembered by daughter Donna, son-in-law Edward and grandson | Edward, OWENS ~ Jn loving memory of « dear father and grandfather, Joseph Owens, _.|who passed away December 8, 1944 Door Prize $15 INGO, Bathe Park, Eviaile Avenve,| hursday, 2 p.m. and Euchre, Saturday, 8 T 8 p.m, MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. S. 7233461 Open Evenings * VOLVO & PEUGOT * MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Jake and Bill's Garage _ Auto-Electric Service * 449 Ritson Rd. South 'Oshawa 728-092) ceived, until 3:00 p.m. (E.$.T) on | THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1966 | for the Renovations and Al- terations to the plumbing in the Senior Nurses Residence at the Ontario Hospital, Whit- by, Ontario. Tender Documents obtained from, Room. 6420,. Desartment--of Public Work East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2. Ontario 5 moy be | or viewed ot Zoltan, Nick and Dan's Your Authorized Datsun ond Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service. 160-Simcoe South 728-0051 999 WORRIS | MINOR, new muffler, good heate', directional signals, good condi- k or best offer, Phone 725-6455 EVROLET sedan. Aviomatic, radio, white walls. Like new inside and Priced to sell. Licence No. 120449, 147', A_ $700.00 100° 50% be rec Bid Bond, 6 Performance Bond and Poyment Bond will quired o - pecified | Tenders will not -be-consider- ed made forms supplied by the Deportment | | unless on lowest The not or any tender orily ac 4. necess epted D; MILLAR, Deputy Minister, | |Gideon Bibles, floral jduring our recent bereavement ed | ding | plained, ' [CARD OF THANKS| ZAJAC -- We would like "to extend our Sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors far their kindnesses, cards, tributes received) in the} loss of a loving husband father, Anthony Zajac; his consoling words, and The Armstrong Fu: jneral Home for their kind and efficient management of the services, Or Maroosis, nurses on Sth tlosr, Oshawa General Hospital, and al! those who help. iso many ways --Wife Paraska and Family LOVE WINS THROUGH IPSWICH, England (AP)-- | Robert Cooper and Alice Sporle E were married here 66 years after they met and fell in love. We met at Bob' §-sister's- wed« in 1899," the bride ex- 'but our parents didn't approve."' Both married other people and were widowed They jmet two years ago in a park hand love bloomed. again. He is G1 and she is $3. a of é also to Rev. Derkatch for in tears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away; Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to stay But when we saw you sleeping S52 peacefully, free from pain, We could not wish you back To suffer that again |--Sadly missed by son Joe, daughter-in- jaw Carole, grandchildren Joey and Janet. WENS -- In loving memory of a dear fun band and father, Joseph James} wrens, who passed away December 8, in fears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to stay, But when we saw you sleeping, So peacefully free from pain, We could not wish you back To suffer that again Sadly missets lovingly remembered by wife Fran and daughter Diana.. | ROBERTS -- In loving memory of our ide ar parents, Mother, Emma Roberts,| who passed away December 5, 1986; father, who passed away November 1041 and | Sunshine fades and shadows sll, But sweet remembrance outlasts all. Sadiy missed by her loved ones, Mary Brant, Dorothy and Gerald Suppelsa, Charles and Jean Roberts and families. WODNISKY dear mother they ky In loving memory of our and grandmother, Soph' Ab » who passed away December h | Wa have only your memory, whole life through, will linger forever, As e the image of you. j ~Lov ovingiy re bered by son George. deughterin-teaw Berbera and grandchil- aren But in his 63rd) Union Cemetery. | and) A month after getting in- dependence from Britain the former Sultanate of Zanzi- bar was rocked by revolu- tion last January when the UNION DAMPENED REVOLUTION African majority turned on the dominant Arab minority. Scenes of Africans looting Arab homes (above) were common, Union with Tan- ganyika in April produced the republic of Tanazania and, for the moment, damp- ened the flames of revolu- tion. But to some, Zanzibar, "Wednesday, December ', with its links to communist countries, is still the Cuba of Africa: --CP Photo from AP | Suddenly at Oshawa General Hospital on| | Tuesday, Decémber 7, 1965, Gall White, in| WESLEY G. AUGUSTUS A printer for 57 years prior to his retirement six years ago, Wesley Gordon Augustus, 230 Euclid st., Whitby, died, Dec. 7, at Fairview Lodge, The de- ceased who was: in his 77th year, had been in failing health for some time. A son of the late Joseph and Fannie Augustus, the deceased was born at Brooklin and re- ceived : his education in the Whitby schools. A resident of Whitby almost all his life, he was an employee of the Whitby Gazette and Chronicle and later |General. Printers Limited in Oshawa. A devoted member of Mark's United Church, Augustus was an elder for many years and in recognition of his service was elected an honorary elder some years ago. He also served as secretary of the Sun- day School for 15 years. A prominent member of the masonic order, he was a past master of Composite Lodge, No. 30, AF and AM, and a past grand steward of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Prov- ince of Ontario. He served his lodge for 21 years as secretary. Mr. Augustus was pre- |deceased by his wife, the |former Lena Pearl McBride, whom he married at Selby, Ont., in 1911. He is survived by two sons, Harold of Whitby and Lloyd of Etobicoke. Also surviving are three sis- ters, Misses Birdie and Florence |Augustus of Whitby and Mrs. J. "Walters (Violet) of Grims- ve grandchildren and-three [pre grandchildren. | The funeral service will be held at 2 p.m., Dec. 10, at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, | Whitby. Interment will be in |Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. Rev. John Smith, minister of St. Mark's Church, will conduct jthe service. Composite Lodge will hold a} service at the funeral home at \7 p.m. Dec. 9. | St. ARTHUR ERNEST FLINDERS A former employee of Gen- eral Motors, Arthur Ernest Flinders died, Dec. 7, at Hills- dale Manor. The deceased, who had been in failing health for |some months, was in his 83rd |year. Born at Nottingham, England, the deceased pvas a son of the late John and Louise Flinders. A resident of Canada and Osh- awa for 53 years, he was an employee of General Motors for 35 years prior to his retirement Mr. | ton OBITUARIES WILLIAM JOHN SMITH William John Smith, 376 Ade- laide ave. e., died, Dec. 7, at the Oshawa General Hospital. The deceased, who was in his 63rd year, had been seriously sick for four months. Born in England, Sept. 16, 1903, the deceased had lived in Oshawa for 38 years. He was a member of Westmount United Church and was a foreman at the T. G. Gale Lumber Co., td.L where he had been employed for $2 years. Mr. Smith is survived by his wife, the former Edith Statham, whom he married July 7, 1934, in Oshawa; a daughter, Mrs. John Daigle (Marjorie )of Whit- by and a son, Lorne, of Bramp- on. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. George Smith (Annie) of Toronto and Mrs. Clarence Dye (Maud) of Toledo, Ohio; five brothers, George of St. Catha- rines, John of West Hill and James, Horace and William of Oshawa. and = seven' grand- children. The memorial service will be held at 2 p.m., Dec. 10, at the Armstrong Funeral Hoje. Inter- ment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev. F. Ward, minis- ter of Westmount United Church, will conduct the serv- ice. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be ap- preciated. GAIL PATRICIA WHITE The death occurred suddenly, following a heart attack, Dec. 7, at the Oshawa General Hospi- tal, at Migs Gall Patrizia White, Gf MISS GBis SF avricia vw mie. 404 Glendale ave. She was in her 20th year. A daughter of Jack and Rose White, the deceased was born in Oshawa and-was a student at O'Neill Collegiate and Vocation- al Institute. She was a member of Northminster United Church. Besides her parents, Miss White is survived by two sisters, | Misses Bonnie and Donna White, at home. The funeral service will be held at 2 p.m., Dec. 10, at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel. Inter- ment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. Dr. H. A. Mel- low, minister of Northminster United Church, will conduct the service. FUNERAL OF SAMUEL JAMES GREER The memorial service for Samuel James Greer, who died Dec. 5, at his home, 496 St. Law- rence st., was held at 10 a.m. today at the Armstrong Funeral Home. of Unit 42, Canadian Corps As- sociation, conducted the service. Interment was in Cataraqui Cemetery, Kingston. The pallbearers were three members of the Oshawa Naval Veterans' Club, Ed Quinn, Har- old Gallant and Charles Ryan and three members of Unit 42, Canadian Corps Association, George Paterson, Frank Hughes and William Anderson. FUNERAL OF MICHAEL LISCUM The funeral service for Michael Liscum, RR 1, Nestle- ton, who died Dec. 5 at the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, Home. Rey. Gregory's John Markle, was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Kenneth} Bird, Sam Buffam, Reg. Liscum | and Arthur Atkinson. FUNERAL OF MRS. ARTHUR T. STAINTON The funeral service for Mrs. Arthur T. Stainton, RR 3, Bow- manville, who died Dec. 5, at the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, was held at 2 p.m. Dec. 7 at the McIntosh-Ander- son Funeral Home. Rev. Charles Catto, minister of Zion United Church, conduct- ed.the serviee. He was assisted! by Rev. Fred Reed, -of Sunder-| land. Interment was in Zion) Cemetery. The pallbearers were three| sons-in-law, Ross Lee, Adam William Hasiuk. FUNERAL OF JOSEPH W. THOMSON Holy Cross Roman Catholic; Church at 10 a.m., Dec. 7, for Joseph William Thomson who died at his home, 82 saticeatad ave., Dec. 5. The mass was sung by Rev. | M. Beriault. Interment was in St. Gregory's Cemetery. The pallbearers were James Moore, Jack Moore, Mitchell Kennedy, Daniel McKinnon, David Thompson and Robert Dobson. No Longer An Easy Task in 1952. He was a precision in- spector 'with the company. Mr. Flinders was a member of Christ Memorial Anglican Church. He was a past grand of Corinthian Lodge, No. 61, Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows and the Ontario Encampment. He is survived by his wife, the former Harriett Moore, |whom he married Mar. 27,-1903, lat Nottingham, England and \two daughters, Mrs. E. Plow- right (Irene) of Oshawa and Mrs. F. Hare (Ida) of Etobi- coke, Also surviving are a sister, Mrs, Ada Scott and a brother, /Steven, both of England; seven i4 grandchildren | grandchildren, Fal The funeral service will jheld at the MeIntosh-Ande |Funeral Home at 3.30 p.m., Dec. 9, Archdeacon H. D. |Cleverdon, rector of Christ|" Memorial Anglican Church, will conduct the service. Interment and great- be TSson dear| will be in Mount Lawn Ceme-| Territory. iery Corinthian Lodge will hold a service at the funeral home at . Dea. & ELSA, Yukon (CP)--How to! keep them up in the mines is becoming as great a problem as keeping them down on the farm. The problem concerns old- timers in the North as they watch the changing world be- ing created by mining and con- struction companies developing the vast resources of Canada's sub-Aretic. "We have to provide as much in the way of entertainment and good living as we possibily can or the men _just won't stay," an of- ficial of 'the United Keno Hill Mine here. Mill manager 'Hal Pawson says it's especially difficult to keep married men on the job because their wives 'get fed up" with wilderness conditions. United Keno is near Mayo, a growing community located about dead-centre of the Yukon The town is con- nected by road with Dawson to ithe northwest and Whitehorse to the south. There is a hospi- tal, school..and .churches; And thare are bars. To Keep A Miner Bapoy| | Mine officials agree the bars are the greatest attraction for the men who dig out the rich silver deposits at United Keno in the Potato Hills. "Some of these men are mak- ing more than $1,000 a month," said Mr. Goss. "They work all day all week and then, on the weekend, there's nothing to do but drink beer." So on Saturday night the 30- odd miles of winding road be- tween Elsa, where the mine is located, and Mayo, where the beer is located, is dusty with| cars, | The problem of keeping men| on the payroll is universal in the North and the big cornora- tions are taking steps to lick it.| Where miners once lived in log shacks, modern trailer homes are being provided at} subsidized rent for the men and their families. In many| cases, two trailers have been| joined together to form an airy, three-bedroom home with pan- elled. walls, built-in bunks for) the kids. and efficient kitchens and other facilities, | | Major Gordon Holmes, padre} was held Dec. 7 at 11.30 a.m. at the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral of &t. Roman Catholic Church, said prayers. Interment Hawley and Thomas Sobil and| T. C. Glaspell, Carl Bradley and| Requiem mass was sung in| FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Toronto, outpointed Joe By- | graves, 20914, Britain, 10. | New York -- Ulysses Jim- enez, 136%, Puerto Rico, out- pointed King David Nahon, 141, Israel, 6. Sao Paulo Romiro Santos, 12934, Brazil, 1. San Antonio, Tex.--Jose Pollo Gabino, 134, Reynosa, Mex., outpointed Blackie Zamora, 135, BOWLING NEWS MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE Games -- Al. Hill 482 (228, 254)2 236) Zak WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH Over 700: Annabelle Cobb 736 (233-275)? Maurice 724 veteg oe Ken arnt (218-291-200); John jack 75 . ty tr acPherson "eller Dwellers" -- Betty Somerville, ris Sutton. Points Taken -- = Sree, ral | 4; Dove Wrens, row (Owls or two, Robins, egies, TOWN AND COUNTRY LADIES' LEAGUE High Triples -- Earline aig 733 (259, 256, 218); Jackie ee oe (305, 230) Audrey Hepburn 593 ); Barbara Mina- ret 590 (249, EE Elizabeth Hutcheson 577 (231); Betty Guscott 570; me: " Diane ey a, 224); and Pauline Starr 506 (205 High Singles -- Edna edie 229, Irene Horne 218, Joan Anthony 212, Eleanor Vaillancourt 208 and Isobel Biglin 200, eague -- Audrey Eyman, 97, ings -- Mustangs 31, Falk cons 29, Wildcats 26, Valiants 25, Cor+ vettes 23 and Stingrays 22. org -- 'A' LEAGUB Strikes 7 --- Ristich 19 "aoe "ert ito. Hay tl Dutehies 6-- Kastner 734, F, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | 706 7 London--George Chuvalo, 207, Gog! ick M lard 730, Hardie pig Vasko 727 (321), Ville 71% Brown 79 High Avail -- Cassells 253, Keeler 250 and Bragg 244. High oe? --_J. Rostich 410, L. Sabins 397 and P, Knight 378. Hien tbs ae _ A, Keeler 950, H. Gil lard 920 and L. fos) 893. R --Carlo Nanete, |Lua 129%, Argentina, knocked out/|)/ son 736 (284); H ri Bali Highs 10--Ballem 711 and B. a 677; 'Hl Balls 4--Cluciure 682 earn oe -- Ballem 251, Bishop Corpus Christi, Tex., 10. Hi Taylor. sat" 881 oe) 5s. JOHN SW HARDWARE has... 10,000 | | MELMAC DINNERWARE CORNING WARE SNOW BLOWERS TV TRAYS CARVING SETS RIFLES RODS AND REELS COCKTAIL SETS CANISTER SETS POLISHERS VACUUM CLEANERS POWER TOOLS SMALL APPLIANCES For All Ages! 2 KITCHEN SETS @ FIREPLAGE EQUIPMENT © FIGURINES And Many Mere Gifts That Piecse? AN'S | | | SPECIALS Cordless Electric Toothbrush.......... 9.95 T.V. Table and Tray Sets, Reg. 15.95 Cordless Automatic Shoe Brush....... 3.98 15-Pce, Punch Bowl Set. Reg. 6.95..... 3.87 BLACK & DECKER Pe aa TOOL 14 Pee. sand or grind. Reg. 24.88, | | 16 Pee. JIG KIT. Reg, 29.89. POWER SAW KIT, Reg. 60.89. KITS POWER KIT, drill, 18.88 47.98 . 24.88 TOYS Tiger Joe Tank Plus thousands ages. Ask anyone, we have the finest Catt in Oshawa, SWAN'S HARDWARE OSHAWA SHOP You Name it -- Se Johnny 7 Gun ... 7.97 - +. 14,88 of others for children of all PING CENTRE We've Got It!