Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Dec 1965, p. 2

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ae Hooper Loses In Deputy-Reeve Bid BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A disappointing 41 per cent of the 4,338 eligible voters went to the polls here yesterday to elect a deputy reeve, six members of council and two PUC commis- sioners. " Incumbent councillor: Wesley | Failing to pin a seat on council were incumbent coun- cillor Maurice Prout, 746; Mur- ray McKnight 681; Keith Shackleton, a former councillor, 1653; Reginald Bowen 519; | James Coyle 419; William Wal- {lis 391; and Jack Niddery 146, BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Rnd Mo It started, Donald Calder told Magistrate's Court here yes- terday, after he, his wife, younger brother and friend had taken their seats at the Regent Theatre to watch a movie. He and his companions, he said, made a bit of noise as they were taking their seats. "A man sitting behind us,' he said, "'yelled 'be quiet'."" My brother made some remar st Of The Action Was Not On The Screen Having liquor in a place|found in a side door to the other than his residence Lorne | rooming house. Traviss, of RR 2, Bowmanville, was fined $50. and costs or 20 ati oe An Oshawa. store owner |days in jail, | pleaded guilty to selling a fire- ' arm to a person under 14 years A man arrested and brought |of age. back from Edmohton 'pleaded! payl Wysotski, of 589 'Albert , Zuilty to break, enter and theft! st was fined $50, and costs or at the Nu-Way Photo Service|19 days in jail. store on King st. e. He admitted taking a .22 gun, Fice got the nod over fellow; Ross Stevens, incumbent councillor Kenneth Hooper for) deputy reeve, topped the polls the deputy-reeve's chair. \for the Public Utilities Com- Robert Keith Morris, form-| aj j that we should be quiet as ; 3 jair pistol and §2. from a 13- there was a big shot. behind us, \ctly of Ritson. rd. s., was re-\year-old boy in return for a A }manded in custody for a week' 393 ri The next thing:I knew this man 40 & pre-sentence repert couléy" 3 rifle, Mr. Fice polled 1,045 votes to Mr. Hooper's 783. Mayor Ivan Hobbs and Reeve Sidney Little received acclam- {mission with 933 votes, Incum- b commissioner Wilfred Carruthers was re-elected with 772 votes. Mayor Hobbs is the had grabbed my brother, "I got up to see what was the nose," going on and the man hit me in '" jbe obtained. | The same boy was involved In court he admitted break-\in another charge of selling a ng into the store and stealing firearm to an underage child. ations to their posts at a nom- ination meeting last month. | § : Thirteen persons, including) The other two candidates for four incumbent 'councillors,| PUC_were Melville Dale 734; sought the six seats on town/and William Morrison 623. council. In the race for deputy-reeve Bee councillor Pauliby the two fellow Goodyear Chant, a former chairman of| ire and Rubber Company the public school board, led the! mployees, Mr: Fice defeated polis with 1,099 votes. New-| : |Mr. Hooper in all but one of third member of the commis- : ' sigs fon The trip to the movies, he told cash and cheques, The missing! m,, charge, which was dis- the court, cost him a week off money and cheques were found) wissed for lack of evidence work and a broken nose. th Mortis' rooms on Ritson rd./ ya, laid against William Pleading not guilty to the|* Nichols, of Creek Valley Furni- assault was Russell Willan, of| ture 104 Brock st. s., Whitby. He was) "A little guy gels a fittle later found guilty of the charge tired of being pushed around" PEL by Magistrate Harry Jermyn|a 63-year-old man told the court ear pers oa oe and remanded in custody for alin. explaining his reasons for | charge of impaired epee and week so a pre-sentence report|firing a revolver at a door Of ined $100, and oate pie prygh nes in jail. He had pleaded not tica |the 14 polling divisions could be obtained. Cold a Simcoe at. 4. rooming house pons oceg ge he py fas' Gag sla 'ohdoiek a Sp . : Biigne F a hia ad " maior Bg gf ng te guilty to the charge. with 859. ? victory, in an_ interview, | ; " fb ' 4 Hb, i q finger" against Willan, He only cuts a cares pene 90 The court heard -evidense that Kenneth Nicks, a former Would like to see new industry ; w |stood up to see what was going pe Be by firing # revolved O'Neil skidded off Olive ave. councillor, ran third with 952;|come to this town. There is| on and got hit in the nose. Ht fined $54 atc ap Ah Smashed into the side of a Edward Rundle, an incumbent|steat possibilities for this town) In the witness box Willan said |.» 'an -- he yg? ee sey house fa Pgs dont badly : * : | "nicely" FR" damaged in the accident, councillor, was fourth on the|in the next few years. It can't) that he asked the four "nicely"| ynun ordered to confiseation Relics wheilaiias Mand slate with 838; Mrs. Annie Oke, | lie dormant forever." ' , iat ae aaket e nola. When |Sermy™ ordere another former councillor, held) A member of town council they didn't he 'told them to ' Otek wactenty a6 te tok I realize it was & SUDIG Neil denied being impaired Zipping Round The World |geons, reported on food and wa-jspacesuit because the capsule | tt him. 1 am not sure whether 30 p.m. EST Sunday): | and took sleep periods in turn. jhour sleep. period began, Bor-| was awake and checking in-|son, Ontario Humane Society In- down fifth spot with 833 votes;|for the last seven years, Mr. | | "*shut-up."" " F 'f : ' i ; 5 that the thing to do", he told the court clsiming he had sustained a Municipal Election Results unicipa ec 10n esu 2: iter consumption and were in-|was a little warm, WHITBY (Staff) -- The height\; was throwing a punch or just Orbits 1-15. After flying Second day in space (ended|™an said he had unzipped his|struments at the start of No. 39.|spector for Whitby and Oshawa comer to the Bowmanville poli-| Wor "y Dog Tied, vie Abandoned and incumbent councillor Glen-|Fice will take a seat beside He went on to say after hearing his sentence leg injury in the accident, This, First day in space (ended { in |formed Russia's unmanned! Orbit 36. Trackers sent word| of cruelty to animals was reach- trying to block one." formation--for the first time in} holme Hughes nabbed the final|Reeve Little at Northumber- next thing he knew the man | Crown Attorney Brace Affieck ne said, had. caused his = , d spacecraft failed in trying to|that both astronauts were|ed this week when unknown) "Givin A eh id 4 siving his evidence he sai Ontar 10, Durham Counties on seat with 812. \land-Durham Counties' council. (Calder) jumped up and made said that bullet holes were unsteadiness space--with the discarded sec- make a soft landing on. the asleep. persons left a young cross-bred\ipat the four had not just ar-| as if to swing at him. d stage of the booster rocket| moon. Orbits 37-39. No voice com-| male German Shepherd dog tied | rived before the assault.' They | : "{ did the first thing that | In Woods came into my head and swung launching them, astronauts) Shortly before _|munication but the ship Rose) on a short rope in thick brush, | there half an hour, he started : series of experiments} Orbit 35. Shortly before a 10 Knott said it appeared Borman|The dog was found by Al David- ee y EMERGENT MEETING TEMPLE LODGE 649 The following is a capsule,was followed by incumbent) summary of the various Mon-|D. M. Simpson, with 197 votes, | day municipal elections in On- and Floyd Nicholson with 148. tario and Durham Counties: Unsuccessful candidates were| On charges of break and EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP Neil Smith wn his fourth term as reeve of East Whitby!and incumbent Harry Mercent| Township Monday when he edged Walter Holliday by 10 votes. Mr. Smith polled 236 votes and Mr. Holliday 226. Lloyd Slute, W. R. Hancock and H. C. Toaze won the three) Township School Area Board) seats. Mr. Slute polled 277 votes, Mr. Hancock 237 and Mr. Toaze 210 The other candidates for the board were D. R. Clark and Rudi Maeder. The former poll- ed 176 votes and the latter 106. CARTWRIGHT. TOWNSHIP Harold Kyte, Douglas Sleep atid Robert Wheeler were elect- ed to the board of education day in Cartwright Town- 8. qi tT. Kyte topped the poll with incumbent Roy Forrester with (2:99 P-m. EST Monday): 144 votes, Roy Winter with 103, with 78. Out of an eligible vote of 590, 367 cast ballots. Mrs. H. H. Barlow, with 383 votes, and James Lowery, with 307, were elected to the two seats on the Clark Township School Area Board. Incumbent R. Stephenson was defeated with 297 votes. RAMA TOWNSHIP Hector McKinnon unseated Ambrose McMillan, the 1965 reeve, in the election held Sat- urday in Rama Township. Mr. Mewkinnon polled 232 votes to his opponent's 160. Frank McPhee, Abner Powell and Leonard Cooper were ed to the council. Their votes Orbits 16-30. Navy Cmdr. James A. Lovell Jr. shed his |pressure suit and reported his long cotton undersuit was just the thing for space travel. Lov- ell and air force Lt.-Col. Frank Borman saw a Polaris A-3 mis- sile launched from a submarine at the end of their 30th orbit while: passing over Cape Ken- nedy, Fla. Third day in space (ends 2:30 p.m, EST today): Orbit 31. Although Borman could spot white squares marked on the ground near Laredo, Tex., he said a lack of jcontrast in lighting made it im- {possible to see them clearly. Orbits 32-34. Space travellers elect-|measured the intensity of stars} membership chairman, lin radiometry experiments, sup- HERE and THER Woodview Park Neighbor- | hood Association has elected | its new executive for 1966; Bryce Smith, past president; Joseph France, president; | Mrs. Richard Donald, secre- | tary; Mrs. Allan Leavitt, | treasurer; Mrs. Joseph France, | bulletin ae Mrs. J. | Major and jalter Dowe, | bingo co-chairmen; Roy Cor- | | nish, program and tainment chairman; Norman | Boddy, sports chairman; | Mrs. Ronald Code, sick and Mrs, Cornish and Mr. Smith, cen- tral council alternates; Rob- enter- E man. Next regular meeting of the association was planned for Dec. 8. Progress reports on the Canadian Automotive Museum will be presented at an an- nual meeting and dinner ban- quet in the museum Wednes- day night. 8. C, 7. English has been transferred to the Boys' Training School at Bow- manville from Simcoe. He will serve as office manager at the school ---- | District, near the intersection of enter, and attempted break and. Ese road and the Fifth enter, Leonard Aubie, 20, of | ssi ste Flena st., was sentenced to a} "There is a $25 reward for total of 12 months definite and | anyone who can provide in-'sixy months indefinite yester- | | formation that will lead to the|day, He appeared for sentenc- | ; arrest and conviction of the peo-| ing on the charges heard at an) ple who tied up the dog," David-| earlier court hearing. | son stated. He paid tribute toa' Ye also pléaded guilty to a) "Mr. Howard" who turzed in the| further charge of minor con- oes Mr. Howard phoned my -- re "- oot Mail t0| é mr. ; ' sentenced to ! Eeog log told us ig grandson! ryn concurrently with his other | | 8 some men of young jajl term. | | boys take the dog into the brush ? | Seale Mie inspector €s:| | Mautner youth, John babar "When I investigated the spot ae steers ak cuatees lon trees ou. © Short rope, Halt Seek ome nom Se Be | could have starved to death ears protons ag pois re- Fologs had seen the dog taken formatory definite and Care fasere tener: Seca hs indefinite on eac The inspector recalled an inci- mont ' i | | dent some years ago when a dog| Charge. The sentences will run All Masons ere requested to attend @ Masonic Service for our late brother THOMAS WHITSITT WED., DEC. 8, 1965 -- 7:30 P.M. The Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home Masonic Clothing Wor. Bro. ad E. Bethe Wor. Bro. tag D. Friend patina « .|plied blood pressure and body . . llow fwere: 272,216, and 208 respec-|P! A y Mr. pov wag del eee ban Vel': Raymond Cooper, the|temperatures for flight sur- Mr. Wheeler with 205 votes. other candidate, polled 193) eee mae three Owen Morris was returned by | WEATHER FORECAST ee eee a lacclamation as deputy reeve " . toe | Overcast, Warmer Today As New Front Sweeps In The contract for the construction of an_ inter- change at Bennett rd., on Highway 401, east of Bow- manville, had been awarded to George Wimpey ' ¥y. was tied to a tree in heavy | Concurrent; brush country much similar 'to the area. "That dog wasn't ' |found in time," he said. "When|Place, his fourth liquor offence | Con. |we came on the animal it was|this year, William Palmer, 79, struction Co. The firm's |{rozen stiff and had died from| was fined $50 and costs or 30 bid was $326,529.41. The . bias ois days in jail, avidson said the offence was | 40d is scueduled 0. la violation of the Criminal Code| Also fined $50, and costs ert Germond, publicity chair- For being drunk in a public | c e y JOV: - ert oo oven jand carried a penalty of $500 30 days in jail for being drunk |fine and or six. months in jail./in a public place was Orville | 'We'll do our best to track down Burr, of no fixed address. He it was his liquor offence this year. Sharp 140 and Norman Tenny-| the municipality. son, 128. SCUGOG TOWNSHIP DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP For the first time in the Carl Down, with 540 votes,|memory of residents, Scugog headed the poll Monday in the/Township next year will have Darlington Township Councili!women as members of the race and was followed by Rich-! council. Both Mrs. Clifford Love | Nancy Triumph, an yee 517, and Mrs. = Mrs. Keith Crozier won the herd of 64 purebred ary Budai, 507. seats. 'olsteins the ova? All three are incumbents and} Raymond Fralick headed the yeatutes es ieee: finished ahead of Russel Dow, council poll with 154 votes. He ville, has produced 25,564 with 310, who failed in his elec-|was followed by Mrs. Crozier pounds of milk and 1,004 tion bid. with 153 votes, Mrs, Love with pounds Of butter fat in 265 days. This is the first 1,000 of butter fat pro- duced by a cow in one year at the school. The cow is giving 90 pounds of milk per day. one of fourth the guilty parties, make no mis-| admitted take about that,"' he said. Thomas....... 3 28 28 St. London Kitchener .... Mount Forest.....+ Wingham Hamilton St. Catharines.... Toronto Peterborough .... Kingston Trenton Killaloe'... e Muskoka ...s06- North Bay Sudbury . Earlton . Sault Ste. Marie.. Kapuskasing TORONTO (CP) -- Official forecasts issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: Gradual will prevail Wednesday along with increasing cloudiness in southern Ontario but little change in northern areas Lake: St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- tario, Haliburton;-Killa Loe. southern, Georgian Bay, Wind- sor, London, Hamilton, Tor- onto: Mainly cloudy and milder. Winds south 20. Northern Georgian Bay, Al- goma, Sault Ste. Marie, Timag- ami, Cochrane, North Bay, Sud- ap bury: Cloudy with a few sunny White River... periods and an occasional snow Moosonee . flurry. Milder with winds south |Timmins 10 to 20. White River: Cloudy and mild with snow beginning in the afternoon or evening. Winds south 10 to 20. Western James Bay: Vari- able cloudiness becoming cloudy with snow by evening. Winds light. 40 warming Township Clerk Walter|132 votes and Joseph Dowson Rundle said that only 819 out of} 115 votes. With the exception of an eligible vote total of 5,069|Mr. Dowson, all elected mem- cast a ballot ularvoteibers are. sitting for the first percentage of 16 percent, which' time. | hé termed: "'one of the lowest,, The two defeated council if not the lowest, in the mem-|candidates were Glen Demara oty of the oldest residents." with 111 votes and Everett ORONO VILLAGE Prentice with 88. E. R. Woodyard, with 241) Mrs. Clifford Redman topped) votes, headed the poll Monday |the poll for school board seats tm the race for three seats on the with 188 votes. Donald Ash-} Orono Police Trusteeship. He pridge was third with 124 votes pounds SK-000 *he ight-footed snowmobile Bombardier" OUT-SELLS OUT-PERFORMS ALL OTHERS for a pe inventor of the first snow-mobile 1926 now the world's pn eget producer of soft soil vehicles and made in Canode, 1K; Good Names To Remember When -Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg, Aker--Presiaent Bill MeFeeters--Vice Pres. Schofield-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 i ACADIAN ) Sirst on ONTARIOS WHISKY LIST ie ACADIAN "SIGNATURE" Fuel Oil | CALL PERRY Dey or Night 723-3443 tailored b Soft, warm lambswool blended with long-staple cotton-- that's Viyellal Then there's 60 years of shirt tailoring know-how -- that's Deacon Brothers! With comfort-fit collars and cuffs, careful finishing of buttons and seams, the Deacon Brothers take extra care making their Viyella shirts, take extra care with their Viyella shirts ACADIAN "PORT ROYAL" : = | GENEROUS CUT a UNITED RENT-ALLS SALES -- SERVICE -- RENTALS . ; < nes OLIVE AVE. AND WILSON RD. S$. 728-5565 'orecas 'empe eS Low tonight, high Wednesday: Windsor OVER 35 AUTHENTIC TARTANS & PLAIDS PLAINS 13.95 Ashbridge are new members of) mut Matthiss and John) Edward Oyler was elected Matthiss, president of Mat-|1,040, -according to Township TARTANS 15.95 Water Resources Commission|Larry. Doble, deputy reeve; | ----\ and Robert Cawker second with) Fi Fi d 162 votes. Milton Demara, the the board. | Victor Aldred was returned as| Krauter, two area businessmen,/reeve of Reach Township Mon- were fined $250 each and costs;day with 528 votes over Allan speck Construction Co. Ltd.|Clerk Alex Johns. and Krauter, manager of a| Other seats on the Reach | NEED after an investigation showed Chester Geer, Mrs. Lucille Gray) that sileage from the farm was and Allan Bertrand as council-| defeated candidate, polled 109 jvotes. Mrs. Redman and Mr.) For Polluti or 0 u 10n reeve by acclamation. COBOURG, Ont. (CP)--Hel- REACH TOWNSHIP Monday on charges of causing) Crosier, with 512. water pollution. The eligible vote total was farm owned by the company,|Township Council were return-| were charged by the .Ontario|ed by acclamation as follows: | polluting a tributary of Cobourg/lors. All but Mr. Bertrand are| FITTED COLLARS Brook north of here. |ineumbents. For perfect come Sort collars and cuffs ove carefully fitted by hand. -- . } Extra shirt teil i A\ length gives com- | plete coverage and | no "'vide-up", =. ii] Ae os ea PERFECT MATCHING Aili collars and yokes of sportshirts match, ACADIAN '"'FOUR SEASONS" ACADIAN WHISKY is made on the principle that quality whisky must be put into the barrel to assure quality whisky comes out! y That's wy ACADIAN is such good whisky... and YOU choose the age that suits your taste! The WHISKY that tastes as good as you think it should! SECRET SEAMS Seams are carefully turned and stitched foraclan . smooth finish, mms The Equitable is a mutual company. Dividends paid its policyholders have always exceeded the results anticl- pated when the policies were issued. You can get your Deacon Brothers Viyella from: STATION Christmas Tire Sale ALL SIZES 11.95 sis PRICED FROM THE MOST RELIABLE TIRES ON THE MARKET TODAY TURKEY DRAW | 2 TURKEYS WON EVERY WEEK, Anyone Purchasing @ Tire at Dove's Fina Station Is eligable to win @ Christmas Turkey. DOVE'S FINA STATION 792 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RRL ELLE ELITE Ni ett. 4 "Door Way to a -- World" FOULL wary YOUR FRIENDS ty 232 simcoc lal COT ECIVMSTREET SOUTH | I edaiees Phone 728-7977 gaa eroread oof i bd sa cadian Distillers \__ ANNAPOUS VALLEY NOVA SCOMA =) =< --~* ee oy iia cet, ---- INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA rf L-- HEAD OFFICE: WATERLOO, ONTARIO M. G. SOWTEN, CLU, Branch Manager, Suite 308, Times Bldg.: 86 King St., E., OSHAWA :

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