Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Dec 1965, p. 12

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ANN LANDERS 'Rehabilitated Patients Defend All Treatments: 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 6, 1965 Wiis oe ee. ee VISITICE WOV! At the Oshawa Rotary Club's recent President's Ball held at the Oshawa Golf Club, those receiving were the president, Mr, Geoffrey Andrews and Mrs, Andrews; the District Governor, Mr. Jack Hughes and Mrs. Hughes; and the vice-president, eg jOVEINOL Greeis Guesis | Annual Rotary President's Rall Sliter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leing, Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert E. McKinstry, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Magee, Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Hall, Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Eliott, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Lyons, Mr. and Mrs, Terrence Kelly, Mr. Dear Readers: I received tre--months in the state hospital. I mendous response to the letter|just read the letter from the from the mother of the 15-year-)mother who complained about old mental patient who com-|the way they treated her son. mitted her son to a state men-|What did she expect? Color TV tal hospital. She wrote: 'I know|in every room maybe? A lot of patients used to be treated like|kids who are mentally ill get animals but I thought conditions|away with murder at home. This had been improved." Her signa-|doesn't help them get well. I ture was "Faith Shattered." | know because it was part of my » I asked my readers if this let-/problem. They are teaching me ter could have come from theirjhere to be an adult, and I am state. Here is a sampling of the/grateful.--Ex Psycho replies: : ; New York: I was a patient in California: I am a former pa-|@ New York state mental hos- tient of a state mental hospital|pital and I swear to God a per- in California. It might surprise|son couldn't get better treatment but I am taking the side of|if he went to the fanciest private e state. If that boy tries to es-/hospital in the country.--Re- cape twice, the third time he|covered might have twisted the iron leg off a bed and split a nurse's! Mlinois: My sister is a patient head open. at the Illinois Psychiatric Insti- I was put into solitary when I|tute. We hated to commit her be- fmagined the attendants were|cause we had heard state hos- conspiring to kill me and hide/pitals were snake pits. I can re- my body. port that she has been treated ' I threw a full tray of food at|beautifully and has shown re- a nurse and I. was placed in a|markable improvement. I thank Toom with only a mattress on|the Lord we live in Illinois. -- the floor. Now that I am well I/Proud understand things better. Th | employees of the California} Connecticut: "Faith Shat-) state hospital system deserve|tered" could not have written Medals for their bravery andjfrom our state. We operate two their kindness. --D.B.L. residential treatment programs ' for children up to 16, plus many North Carolina: I, too, had a\child guidance clinics. Children teen-age son who was committed/who are able to attend Classes to a state mental hospital. I/do so in a fine building opened thought the attendants were mis-jin 1962. We have excellent rec- treating him because he cried so/reational facilities complete with} much. I now know he only|swimming pool. Connecticut wanted to be taken home where|does very well by her disturbed he would get his own way. To |children and she hopes to do day the boy is 21 and self-sup-jeven better--Senator Abraham porting. Our state hospital did|Ribicoff for him what I, his mother, could never have done.--Appre-| Indiana: After living next door ciative [to a 15-year-old homicidal boy whose parents took him out of a Michigan: I have nothing but}mental hospital because 7 good to report about the Tra- didn't treat him like royalty, I have a word to say to all moth- yerse City state hospital. I wasn te dtavued catlaven: a patient there for over a year./ | heard the rifle shot that The food was good, the rooms|killed the boy's grandmother. I were clean and the attendants,/saw them carry the body out of doctors and nurses were kindjthe house. I recall how his and thoughtful. I now hold a re-|mother kept saying he'd "'out- sponsible position, drive my own| grow his meanness." ear and am living proof that the| Our late president was assas- mentally ill can be rehabilitated. |sinated by a man whose mother --T.C.R. didn't think he needed psychia- tric care either and the whole North Dakota: I am a 16-year-|world has suffered the conse- old boy who has spent eight/quences.--Indiana Mr. Gilbert Murdoch and Mrs.|and Mrs. Kenneth E. Arbuckle, Murdoch, Mr, and Mrs. John C. Dudley, Among those seen dancing/Dr. and Mrs. Peter Zakarow, were: Mr, and Mrs, lan|Mr. and Mrs. William S. Alger. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Robert} Dr. and Mrs, John M. Phillips, Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. John|Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, Weiss, Mr. and Mrs. Charles|Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Norton, Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon|Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Snyder, and Mrs.|Dr.-and Mrs, Gordon E. Hare, Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Davis, Mr. Dr. and Mrs. C, M, Culp, M.R. = bid dope Af rate Ag and Mrs. Richard Donald, M.R.|@ rs. Daniel E, Sturgis, Dr. and picture by Mrs. G. R. Booth/present. : and Mrs. C. R. pom gene and Mrs, J. P, G. Maroosis, at the November meeting held) Mrs. Jan Drygala, President, | yr. Roger Morrison, Mr. and|Mr. and Mrs. William E, Austin, in the home of Miss Ruth Skin-|conducted the business and an-| yy." Ray Wotten Mr. and Mrs./Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lovell, Mr. ner, Sutherland street, nounced that arrangements were| navid L, Bowman, Mr. and Mrs,/and Mrs. F. G. Brooks, Mr, and Mrs. Booth, who spent the|@lmost completed for the Young}, F. Biggar, Mr. and Mrs.|Mrs. W. Harry Faint, Mr. and summer overseas motoring | Artist Recital of Senior Students) Ro, sawyer, Mr. and Mrs, How-|Mrs- Frederick Jones and many around the British Isles and|t0 be held in the Kingsway Col-|,1d smith, Mr. and Mrs, Ed-| others. Ireland and joining a continentaj|!ege Auditorium, tentative datelward 4, Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. tour of France, Switzerland and|March 30, 1966 and that Mr./Gordon Curley, Mr. and Mrs. Italy -- made very real the| Reginald Geen will discuss 'ex-| Robert 'Taylor. T ion beauty and history of the old aminations | at og cmt Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Rundle,| tic material ro vin ten tee meeting w wi e held in ¥ erie nv? , he the pom of Mrs, L. W. Parrott|M®- and Mrs. T. Harold Coppin, | your ironing board until the pad- Starting in the land of her and dueto renovatl t the|Mr- and Mrs. Harry Williams,|ding is good and warm. Spread ancestors, Scotland, with pic- ibra De aber ve in ed Mr, and Mrs. Leo Glover, Mr.|the plastic on the board and tures of the country side and 7 ser . bal and Mrs. John A. Lowry, Dr./the wrin! el , the date of the last student y, the wrinkles smooth themselves castles and the beautiful old recital to be held th this)2%d Mrs. E. Holt Webster, Mr. | out St. Giles to Ireland with) roa ere ™S/and Mrs. Richard B. Snowden, |-- thateched cottages Jucshia!" D.r. and Mrs. Douglas Lang- E hedges growing on top of old maid, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- MAY RATE GADGETS stone walls and pretty lakes--| MEET FOR OYSTER BINGE |Cansh, Dr. and Mrs. C. M.| Officials of 30 countries, in- to England where she attended| HULL, Que. (CP)--The Hull|piiott, Mr. and Mrs. F, E.|cluding Canada, are trying to a recital in Coventry Cathedral|Rotary Club played host to more/Tyrney, Mr. and Mrs. Robert|work out a standard method of on the organ for which a large|than 2,000 people at its annual/proadbent, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.\rating the performance of elec- gift of money was raised by the|Oyster Gala. The guests polished| world, Mr. and Mrs. Harold S.|trical household appliances. Canadian College of Organists--|off 64 tons of oysters, 35 pots of attended services in St, Paul's|pork and beans, 4,803 bowls of Registered Music Teachers Taken On Continental Tour A 'Journey to Europe' was| Villa-Lobos. enjoyed by the Oshawa and} The speaker and artists were|Charlton, and Mr. District Branch of the Ontariojintroduced by Mrs. J. H. Wil-|John Preston. Registered Music Teachers As-jkins and Mrs. Charles Naylor sociations, presented in Wordjexpressed the thanks of all HOUSEHOLD HINT iBT A AOL AOE House of Flare COIFFEURS NOW IN NEW LOCATION 14 Ontario Street -- Oshawa AND OTHER GIRDLES and BRAS By Famous "Wonder-Bra" All designed to give you the ultimate in comfort and figure control. "DREAM LIFT" BRA -- the new "ultra-decollete" as illus trated . . . a low-down fashion bra to hold and curve you, Has removable fiberfill" paddets, lace cups, "Lycra" low Expert hair stylists to give you the ultimate in hair styling back that 32" adjust at waist. White and black. A, B and + « + In @ comfortable, friendly atmosphere, Facials with C in size 32 to 36 Revion and Sens Soucie preparations. PHONE 723-6901 "DREAM-LIFT" Bro for the lowest decolletes. Lightly pad- ded terylene lace cups to give flattering uplift .. . are wired for superb seperation; low, low back that adjusts at waist level. White in A, B in sixes 32 to 36. gift to give "FLEUR DE LIS" Longline Wonder-Bra to free you from ARROW Sport Shirts For the man of leisure or the sports- man we have an Arrow Cathedral and Westminster Ab-|oyster soup, 14,384 peices of 75 ' bey--to the beauties of Paris|varieties of cheese and 11,706 - and through the rugged moun-jitems of hors d'oeuvres. | tains of Switzerland to the} | changing scenery of Italy where) IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING | she heard Verdi's Aida in the) | y open air at Cara Calla, which| A LAXATIVE ONCE, TWICE or JUNIOR HAND KNITTED SUITS has the largest stage in the| THREE TIMES A WEEK world and can seat 10,000 per-| ... ryew vous | The junior miss can shave trated. The ribbed skirt has stamped self-addressed en- |sons -- and to the La Scala/ the Aid sce scutes gi | pec ksh ee ae ae a-nice swing to it and the _--velope and ten cents to /Theatre = gro -- its eleven GENTLE DIFFERENCE ndknitted suit jus ike ane i rooms of priceless treasures) a her mother. This jacket fea- gentle flare is accented with cover cost of handling to from the Wotld of Art, Mucor eee Po nce tures raglan sleeves and vertical stripes of plain and the Needlecraft Department |.44 Drama -- and of course| i He re no letdown, no there is a choice of classic purl knitting. If you would of this paper, requesting |st, Peters in Rome. poe opiewned piendnang N is round neck, collared neck- like the leaflet for all these SUITS FOR 8, 10 and 12, diva auth: wak "quviatua wine evegetavle tive, For over line or a "'V'" neck as illus- designs, simply send a Leaflet Number 1-66. Mrs. Booth was assisted BY) 70 years, Nt has been giving folks § signs, --simpl} ' ee Ruth Skinner at the pro-| pleasant, effective relief overnight. jector, | KEEP IN TRIM the acceptance of responsibility} Mrs. Elaine Broughton and| M tonight... | for what you eat. |Miss Judith Davison <ulortalng' | tomorrow alright! : Once this has been estab-|with piano duets, Cyrl Scott's Holps you feel better A ti R ibilit lished, you can allow yourself a|"'Nursery Rhyme" and '"The| -+ and look better! ccep Ing e€sponsl 1 | y snack--but only if you are hun-|Little Train of the Caepira"' from) REGULAR + CHOCOLATE COATED + JUNIORS gry. Make sure it is hunger, not| the Baehianas_ Brasileiras by| habit. The measureed snack wil | ---------- -- or at ou at @ ps always fall within the day's cal-| orie allowance. It will never be} By IDA JEAN KAIN slimming pattern of eating and,|\in addition to." And it will} A woman who weighed close|in her new-found sense of self-/never again be an established) Can di 0 d Of F esters to 200 pounds appealled to her|responsibility, succeeded in los-| habit. a an T er or doctor to try once again to helpjing her excess weight. In fact, one smart dieter broke her reduce. He rose to the oc-|' pieters, do you feel a positive|the snack habit by asking her- Ann al Christmas Dance casion with this wise reply: "I/appeal in this idea? If you do,|self this potent question: "Am I NOW HAS 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS U ill help you if you are willing) you will discover-that when you\hungry enough to eat cold, un- @ 1120 Simcoe St. N, 728-2361 4 © accept responsibility for what/make a firm decision in yourjadorned mush? No? Then I'm h : Court Charlene and Court| Mrs. Reginald Noakes, Mr. and)you eat. However, if you are not/own mind to be responsible for|not suffering for want of food!" @ Oshawa Shopping Centre Oshawa of the Canadian Order|Mrs. Robert Wright, Mr. andjready to take on this responsi-/what you eat, the whole picture) When you come to feel that| 725-1023 of Foresters held their annual|Mrs. E. Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs, bility for yourself then there is| will change. No more alibies and| you are firmly in the saddle and fi ick d del it Christmas dance at the Oshawa|George Roberts, Mr. and Mrs.jno use in starting. pretenses for you. They'll seem|your own master, you'll ride on| 'or pick-up and delivery ca Airport, recently, with the pro-|B. R. Jorgensen, Mr. and Mrs.| What a challenge! In it this|so childish. And with your truly|to victory over your weight| 728-2361 ceeds going to charity. jLeonard Yuill, Mr. and Mrs./woman caught a revealling/mature set of mind toward food,| problems. ee Those winning prizes were|E. C. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs./glimpse of the cause of her|you'll be happily on your way to) ---------- Mr. and Mrs, 0. C. Weeks, Mr.|Albert Hircock, Mr. and Mrs. |previous failures at losing ex-|normal weight. With the effort| and Mrs. D. Brown, Mr. and| W- Rosnak, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C./cess poundage. Each of those|to straighten out your thinking, Mrs. V. Vanstone, Mr. and pee ae org og igus failures had stemmed from her|the urge to overeat will fade! Mrs, R. Wright and Mr. and/\/aTk, Mtr. an Ss. R, Fores-|refusal to accept responsibility) away. Mrs. George y thes The lucky|tet, Mr. and Mrs. Jack David-|for what she ate. With enlight- : ones to win door prizes were | 5°. enment came the realization|REACH NEW HEIGHTS Mrs. Paul Beauchemin and Mr,| Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Hender-|that her doctor could "pre-| Your morale, too, will rise to George Oliver. son, Mr. and Mrs. .W E. Lock-/sctibe," but it was strictly up|new heights when you realize Those enjoying the dancing ~ ig Cain he ay a om to her whether she chose to ac-|that you can lose weight without ° Mr. | ets. Barry » Mr. and Mrs.|cept his advice. i were: Mrs. Elsie Blair, Mr.|R Conboy, Mr. and Mrs. D. P' d : going hungry. Three meals a and Mrs. Horace Hartshorn, |; M e Sie HT So this patient accepted the|day are. yours--but not three big . and Mrs. William Overy, | Powis % gage 4M * yy jchallenge spiritedly. In fact,)meals. Take modest portions, . and Mrs. O,; Yourth, Mr. | Mor agi gs ba hs 'ther wholehearted acceptance|with the emphasis on taste sat- and Mrs. James Wilson, Mr.| Batso 5, M 'ig ai s i Nomis. brought her blessed releaselisfaction rather than that full Mrs. D. Taylor, Ottawa; \ Sar wind Ma L 'le Col bir from her old habits of thought|feeling. Before approaching the . and Mrs. William Taylor, | 4 po V Filet, tS a --she turned from immature re-|table decide there'll be no sec- ; and Mrs, C,H. Taylor, | Mrs : ee tick --Wilishi = ur actions to the problems of daily|ond helpings for you. That ad- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hurst,|..q° " 2 8 Web " Mr |life and her consequ nt overeat-|vance decision will give the Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred|2"G ype oR i. Stephenson |iN& She followed a healthful'firm mental set. In short, it's Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelock, | 4, and Mrs. John Nutter, Mr.\pae ' RCRA RO ET soot = perineal hha E Love-|04 Mrk Marvyn Weight, Mr. egg Eee ee an Ts. .H. Powers, ; ong pole penute>| and Mrs. Ross Mann, Mr. and| Mr, Stewart Doherty, Miss Aria|\ps; games Gurvid. Mr. and Crekaj, Miss Virginia Zelvys,| Mr d Mrs. B. C. M Mr. William McPherson, Mr. | » 80 ar, * Ria ee | and Mrs. Brian Findlay,' Mr.|Mr. and Mrs. M. Ridley, Mr. | and Mrs. Russell Findlay. and Mrs. Forrest Gordon, Mr. | 7 : and Mrs. Edward Roberts, Mr. | Mr. 3g ng Phe pam | and Mrs. V. Vanstone, Mr. and | eron, , S. BK. held,' Mrs. Jack Dewell, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strathdee,| 4,5" Keith Clarke, Mr. and| Mr, and Mrs. Paul Beauchemin, | irs, George Oliver, Mr. and = =, "9 Rent | ee a cae. Mr. ane . an te oe 2 | . Douglas Vice, Mr. an Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Fulton,| wirs. Charles Twining, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Grosjene,| Mrs, W. I. Matthews, Mr. and| Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fice, Mr. | Mrs, John Bothwell, Mr. and and Mrs. Frank Kalar, Mr.|Mrs. R. Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. - Fe aes onl Carl Griffith and many others. a rs, Hen » Mr.) --___ and Mrs. John Barrett, Mr.) and Mrs, M. Steves, Mr. and What . Mrs. D, Allen, Mrs. and Mrs. po Egend: gowns shifting, tiding loging bien! Supple. 2:lnth. walthand F. Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- 4 : i luxurious fabric. We have fimli you to fashion perfection, in terylene loce and liam Robinson, Mr. and Mrs.. ; complete elastic. Available in B, C cups and D and DD cups, Sizes ™, Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. Jef- : ' ' 32 to 46. frey Ryan. ; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reese, | EACH 7.50 ~ 8:00 = 8.50 "WINKIE', the now CusFom-fitted "Lyera" spandex . pontie girdle by Wonder-Bra. Winkie slims you beautifully Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mor-| Plan to Make den, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Love, now Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Lowden, | Mr. and Mrs. Bud Elliotte, Mr.' and Mrs. Earl Rose, Mr. andj Your S to sg him. Imported fa' Reservations for Your | ARROW Accessories shirt smart 5g of plain '§.00 thanks to Span', o new sizing Only in Winkie to you find these luxury fitting features so ingly low. Inch-trimming sleek sizing in average and long spans, White only in S-M-L-XL expertly fitted. EACH We're very proud of our excellent staff of graduate corsettiers, and bright, attractive fitting rooms... we think you will be pleased, too. And you can be sure of @ stylish and proper foundation fitting at Ward's. Please eall in and shop around. HOUSEHOLD HINT Screwdrivers with rounded) tips can be reconditioned by) . grinding tips straight across) the "'fine' wheel of a bench) grinder. Dip into water fre-| to wl the nfetal, then' 'rub lightly with steel wool. 8 ------------ + We have a wide variety of fashionable eg dy Cg gg beng oe kerchicls. Pri oa w Hand- 1.50 "CHRISTMAS BANQUET on holding your holiday social functions, ami a idst thi ise boar nh Se the A Dutchman Motor Hotel -- (Just 10 ieee Drive pmaget = Interchange 75, on Ontario's new super Hwy--401, some crea stenion troy soup io Lal will "Feeeive the Flying Dutchmen are especially proud of the presti; ee eo achieved through the personel and meticulous nm which Is given to the minutest detail of your function, For Your Reservation PHONE 623-2373 WE GIVE CHRISTMAS PUZZLE CONTEST COUPONS : gi ts that are sure WITH BACH PURCHASE... YOU CAN WIN UP TO 200.00. to please him at your one-stop Christmas store UN NEED of a HOMEMAKER? & Listen to CKLB~ Radio! -- Learn how to win a Free Turkey . . . a Free Turkey Draw Every Day! WARD'S 1919 =<. Oshowa Downtown Corsetry Shop 725-1151 DOWNTOWN STORE 36 KING ST, EAST Open to 6 P.M. Wed. to 9 P.M, Thurs, and Fri. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open to 9 P.M. Every Night in Dee. Call... RED CROSS 'Homemaker Service at 723-7073 FOR HOTELS ighway 401 Bowmanville INTERCHANGE 75 . 623-3373 P Since "Complete Charge Conveniences" : ehecon wir. Simcoe st. S. at Athol

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