MOTORS > °":. %& CHRYSLER %*& PLYMOUTH %& DODGE dealer Oshawa Meedquerters for te MORRIS % AUSTIN * MG. from the British Motoring Corporetion 331 PARK S. 723-2284 ii pen ANENT _ | ¥ 4 Beery Perms Regulorty 8.50 for 6.95 10.50 for 2.50 12.00 for 10.00 15,00 for 12.50 18.00 for 15.00 " 728-0422 Open Thursdoy & Friday From 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. LAKE VISTA BEAUTY SALON & BARBER SHOP 1198 Wecker Dr. Oshowa 86 We The Bia "M" Drive-!n, Of Course It's McMurray's -- for -- ENGLISH STYLE FISH 'n CHIPS sees BE aie BIG "M" BURGER McMURRAY'S DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Px Simeoe $t. N. of Taunton Rd. Phone 728-2291 SHOP : >» AT : ROGER'S | WHER PRICES CAN'T BE BEAT! Shop brand mame quality the lowest prices . .. GE. Philips, advionine, Wlaeiny tary Fleetwood, . Normande and Grundig Stereo Smoll Appliances, me oe ROGER APPLIANCES & FURNITURE 50 Bond E. 728-2151 - _ {The Old Credit Union Bidg.) Your Christmas Gift Shop CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE Buy 1 or Buy 1000 WE DELIVER ! MIL JELINEK 728-1993 PEPI'S PIZZA PALACE For PIZZA at it's Finest e COMPLETE TAKE-OUT SERVICE 728-0192 134 Simcoe S$. OSHAU G LAUNDRY AND deserter emrcnemearmn %& FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY y ALTERATIONS & TAILORING DONE AT PLANT 50 Mill W. 723-9531 OR 723-1471 Oshowe DRY CLEANING MODERN GRILL home. of "DIXIE LEE FRIED CHICKEN" Delivered Piping Hot to Your Door Anywhere in Town ! 345 RITSON S$, 725-3887 OSHAWA, ONT. BEATTY HAULAGE SAND GRAVEL LOAM TRENCHING EXCAVATING BACK FILLING LOTS LEVELLED 725-2156 344 Pine Ave. Oshewe DESIGNED FOR COMFORF-y JAMES O'MALLEY Construction Ltd. 723-7122 @ Homes @ Additions @ Offices @ Remodeling -QN TELEVISION SATURDAY CBC SPORTS PRESENTS -- A program of interesting sports films. The first is film about New York's Polo Grounds, once a sports stadium of great fame and now torn down for a hous- ing project; the second is the Babe Ruth story, one of the all- time greats of the New York Yankees; the third segment is a film entitled '"'The Lure of Golf."' (2 p.m. Ch. 6) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS-- World Auto Crash Champion- ship, Islip, N.Y.; All-Ireland Football Championship, Dublin, Ireland; National Water Ski Kite Flying Championship, Aus- tin, Texas. (4.30 p.m. Ch. 9) ACADEMY PERFORMANCE -- 'Imitation of Life,' stars Lana Turner, Sandra Dee and John Gavin. (8 p.m. Ch. 9) HOCKEY NIGHT IN CAN- ADA -- Toronto Maple Leafs play Detroit Red Wings in Maple Leaf Gardens. Bill Hewitt reports. (8.30 p.m. Ch, 6) SUNDAY OHA JUNIOR A HOCKEY Repeat of Thursday night's game between Hamilton Red Wings and St. Catharines Black Hawks. (10.30 a.m. Ch. 11) NFL FOOTBALL -- Los Angeles Rams play St. Louis Cardinals at Busch Stadium, St. Louis. (1:30 p.m. Ch. 6) AFL FOOTBALL -- Boston at Huston. (2 p.m. Ch. 9)- COUNTRY CALENDAR -- Syndicalism in Quebec. Story on new developments in farm or- ganizing in rural Quebec. Also a story on Ontario's white bean industry. (4.30 p.m. Ch. 6) WALT DISNEY PRESENTS-- Part III of "The Three Lives of Thomasina.' '(6 p.m. Ch. 9) DOCUMENT -- The Mills of the Gods --A film report by director Beryl] Fox on the war in Vietnam. Miss Fox. and cameraman Erik Durschmied recently spent a month touring the fighting areas of Vietnam, concentrating on the effects of the war on the civilian popula- tion, including the death, de- struction and heartbreak they suffer almost daily. (10 p.m. Ch. 6) MONDAY THE FUGITIVE -- Stranger ae FOLK SINGER Guy Car- " Network, Decemb awan who was largely res- Blonde Raun McKin ponsible for the format of We Shall Overcome, the the Kingfishers, bbs: freedom song of the south, Halifax, alse appe will sing. this song, with , Oscar Brand on others, on™ Let"s--Sing Out gram which orig over the CTV Television the University of in the Mirror -- When Richard with special refe Kimble accepts a job as a cus- ark County near todian at a private | boys' p.m, Ch. 6). elub, he doesn't know that his new boss is an ex-cop. (8 p.m, TUESD. Ch. 6) THE d "High Society' COUNTRY MUSIC HALL -- their pretence of Porter Wagoner, Norma Jean high society, Hot and Cy Anders join host Carl young people to Smith and The Maple Creek that clothes don't x Boys. (9 p.m. Ch. 9) er woman. (7 p.r THE SIXTIES -- Poverty in RTE RED SKE! Canada -- First of two pro grams about Canada's poor, :» (Continued on Oshawa Yachthaven With the boating season drawing to @ close, now. is time to think of winter storage -- We offer, The Boating Public... ® Winter Storage Facilities © Outboard Maintenance. © Pius @ Complete Line of Marine. Paints & Varnishes Call 723-1901 _ Manufacturing Custom- THE R. H. CABINET COMPANY Built CUPBOARDS and Bathroom VANITIES. finished and instglled _ in a choice of 12 de- signs, Dealers for Moffat Appliences and Built-in Units 668-6911 1614 Charles Whitby KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD. ASKING $14,900.00 B room brick bungelow in spottess condition, sitw- sted om @ good size lot 50 x 206, 4 piece beth end private drive, carries for poy per month incivd- leg P end i LOOK -- 3 VALUES PLUS Grevel Pit Roed -- $8,900.00. Tewn Line North -- $10,900.00, Bewmenviiie -- $9,000.00. Fer further informetion please call Bob Johnson -- 728-2548 ' 103 King E, 728-7328 RIAE CHCLE | sane Shee te & SPORTS || Entertainment C.C.M, & Rawleigh is Fast Approaching This space is available for be Advertising Sigvetts eed tom 16,95 || O0e. Lewn Mower Sales & PHONE wi gle i t