Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1965, p. 12

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\ stars that all the family can work at. If you'd like instructions, please send self-addressed stamped en- velope and ten cents to Are you looking for some- thing original, to hang in the Christmas tree? Here is ' your answer . . . delicate CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS ] Women 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 30, 1965 SOCIAL & Jo Aldwinckle, The November program meet- ing of the Oshawa Pilot Club }|was held recently at Simcoe Hall, with the president, Miss Beth Miller, presiding. Mem- bers and guests. were welcomed -- followed by dessert and cof- fee. Mrs. F. J. Goyne, chair- man of the public relations com- mittee, introduced the special guest of the evening, Mrs. Lucas Peacock. Mrs. Peacock took the members and guests on a tour of Ontario by showing a perfect selection of the many beauty spots in the Province. Miss Lor- raine Ostle thanked Mrs. Pea- cock on behalf of the club and presented her with an arrange- ment of gold and yellow chrys- anthemums. Guests from out-of-town at-| tending the Fice-Waddell wed-| ding last Saturday in St. George's Memorial Church were: Mrs. George Shewring, Mr. Alan Shewring, Mr. and PERSONAL Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department Arthur McConnell, Belleville, in Hart House Chapel, Toronto, and the reception held at the Four Seasons Hotel. At the luncheon being spon- sored by the Women's Mission- ary Society. of Knox Presbyter- ian. Church, on Saturday, those receiving will be Mrs. Joseph Swindells, chairman of the Afternoon Group; Mrs. A. J. McDonald, the Arvilla Me- Gregor group;: and Mrs, Nor- man Short, the Laurie Cormack group. The guest speaker will be the Reverend Clare McGill, a missionary of the Presbyter- ian Church in Canada, who has been engaged in work among aboriginal tribes of Northern Formosa. Mrs. Victor Peacock, Rich- mond street east, will open her home to the travel group of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association on Wednesday eve- Mrs. Frank Shewring, Miss April Shewring, Miss Kathleen| Shewring, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-| liam Nicholls, Mr. and Mrs.| \Nelson Fice, Mr. and Mrs. George Bertrim, and Mr. and Mrs. George Cochrane, all of Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Frank) |Westlakef&\Miss Joan Westlake, /Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westlake, cover cost of handling, to the needlework department of this newspaper asking for Leaflet No, 8569. Banquet, Presentations, Dance 'Close Grandview Golf Season -- : The closing banquet and|president of the Women's Sec-) dance was held at the Grand-|tion. view Golf Club last Saturday! The trophy winners were as) evening. Mr. Robert Brown was/follows: Club championship, | master of ceremonies and in-/Steven Heney; A flight trophy,| troduced the guests at the head)Sam Smith; B flight trophy,| fOr B.A. B bk kan Lemas Glen, Mess cousin! + Dr. B. A. Brown spoke brief-/Leonard Clapp; Men's consola-| ly in appreciation of the loyalty|tion trophy, Oswald Sponer;| and enthusiasm of the member-|Ladies' championship trophy, | ship and forecasted a continu-|Martha Stauffer; B flight, Shir-| ance of the maintenance andijley Gellette; consolation, Janet expansion of the club's golfing/Ellwood; Don Brockman me- facilities. jmorial trophy, donated by the| egg meen "dpe ogg ane! ba ono mae for the Junior} e winners 0 e various|championship, won tournaments and events. . Mr.|Dart. Steven Heney, president of the} ip.m. and from 7.00 to 9.00 p.m.| by Tom/qualified for ' lafter a two-month course con-/Sutton, Midhurst; Mr. and Mrs. A gala dance followed under|qucted by William Young of Mr. Allan Westlake, Mr. Donald) SOCIAL NOTICE RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sutcliffe,, Guests from a d | Utica, will be pleased to receive |tending the Fice - Waddell wed-| their relatives, friends and ding last Saturday were: Mr.) i ;./and Mrs. Roy McInnes, Pleona, nS Ontario; Miss Marguerite Con- |\Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr., all lof Hampton. istance at-| daughter, Mrs. Stewart Bray, naty, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Raglan, on Sunday, December) Jones, all of Toronto; Mr. and 5, 1965 from 2.00 p.m. to 4.30) Reginald Baker, Miss Cusanne Baker, Trenton; Mr. ae Pk | rs. on the occasion of their pe pvetcr ag eie ay bape wedding anniversary. Mrs. Thomas Westlake, all of Sg ey ce ~|Bowmanville; . Mr. and Mrs Albert Alford, Corbyville; Mrs. IN SOU) t. --|E, M. Salisbury, London; Mr. ee Se {Walter Pletch, Woodstock; Mr. More than 20 local girl guides) 4 Mrs. Kevin Gaughan, their gold cords) Huntsville; Mr. and Mrs. Gary GIRLS KNOW UNIVERSE \Grant Stoneham, Mr. and Mrs. ning. DISTAFF DIARY translation) .' 8T. LUKE'S GUILD Ladies' Guild of Presbyterian Church The Luke's Caught by the camera at the St. Andrew's Ball, at the St. Andrew's Society Annual Ball A Lively Gathering Of The Clans The St. Andrew's Ball, held at}Harmer, Mr, and Mrs. Charles! the Kinsmen Community Centre|Ford, Mr. this year proved an unqualified| Ford, jsuecess. Opening with the grand|/Thompson. |march at 9:00 p.m.' dancing fol-| St.|lowed until 11:00 p.m. when sup- per was served. Ed Brydie's held its final meeting for the|Scottish orchestra provided the year on Wednesday evening at! the Church, Abbot presided.' | In place of the Mission Study \the Reverend Donald Sinclair described the work being done y the Reverend Clare McGill a Missionary in Formasa, who is at present visiting and speak- ing in this area. An invitiation was received from Knox Pres- byterian group to a luncheon being held in Knox Church on Saturday, December 4th at 1:00 p.m. at which Mr. McGill will ibe the guest speaker. Nomination and _ installation of officers for the coming year was_carried out by Mr. Sincliar, as follows: son; vice - president, retary, Mrs. George Russell; |Gordon Farndale, all of Whitby; President, Mrs. Morley John-|. jmusic for ballroom and Scottish | : ; Plett,| - ws : \dances |Westlake, Mr. Murray Fett.) "The president, Mrs, Dennis|reels and speys. including the favorite Guests of honor were the Hon- orable Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr; Mr. A. V. Walker MLA| and Mrs. Walker and the presi-| dent's party also included Mr. and Mrs. john Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mowat and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford. Mayor Lyman Gifford and Mrs. Gifford sent their regrets. Among those seen dancing were Mr. and Mrs. J. Holland, Mr. Robert Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. W. Calder, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hutchins, Miss Flora Ford, Mrs. Ann Hastie, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Craig, Mrs. N. Hynes, Mrs. G. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Young, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- rt Gowans, Mr. and Mrs. Jack . MrS./MacGregor, Mr. and Mrs, Ed- Robert Stacey; recording sec-|ward Buttery, Mr. and' Mrs. W. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. W. treasurer, Mrs. Adam Morris;|Robertson Jr. | | members of the St. An- drew's Society of Oshawa. They are from the left: Mr. Robert Crawford, entertain- ment chairman; Mrs. Craw- Kinsmen Community Centre -- Friday night were these ford; Mrs. Taylor, Mr, - Archie Taylor, president; Mrs. John Ford; Mr. Ford, vice-president, --Oshawa Times Photo } } | GRANDMA MOSES' PAINTS IN DIGBY DIGBY, N.S. (CP)--Canadian| artist Maude Lewis lives in a} ' jone-room cabin, 10 feet by 12,| Mr. and Mrs. H. Reid, Mr.|four miles west of here. | and Mrs. J. Park, Mr. and Mrs.| Sometimes called 'Canada's John Strachan, Mr. and Mrs.|\Grandma Moses"--she now is in Charles W. Parry, Mr. and Mrs./her sixties --Mrs. Lewis: has K. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs.\never travelled farther than Andrew Rankine, Mr. and Mrs.|Halifax in her life. Yet her| Charles McKay, Mr. and Mrs.| paintings, which sell for $5 each, John Sym and Mr. Kenneth!are becoming known from coast) Durno. to coast and appear in many) Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grandi-|collections. | son, Mr. and Mrs. John Mac-| She was apologetic about rais- Farlane, Miss Doreen Chese-|ing her prices to $5 from $4, but brough, Mr. Wayne Sayers, Mr. |it had to be done because art and Mrs, W. Forbes, Mr. and|supplies went up in price. | Mrs. Alex Chalmers, Mr. and| "Sometimes I think I should) Mrs. D. R, Smart, Mr. and Mrs.|charge more," she says, but| and Mrs. Ernest) Mr. and Mrs. J. L. W. D. Law, Mr. and Mrs, J.|fears it might drive away her) Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie|present customers. | Irving, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wil-| Her paintings show the sort of son, Mr. and Mrs. B. Stevenson, rural life she has known all her Mr. and Mrs, Albert Adams, life--small houses, farm ani- Mr. and Mrs. P. Mallett, Mr./mals and gardens. and Mrs. A. J. Evans, Mr. and| "Everything is playful and in- nocent, and people love it," says Bill nearby art gallery and one of Mrs. Lewis's admirers. ; Ferguson, owner of a 5% Discount You Mrs. R. J. Vieau, Mr. William Ness, Mr. Hugh Shields. : Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, Mr. and Mrs. James Kirk, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Miller, Mr, and Mrs. V James Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. ONG -- men's section, thanked the|the supervision of Gordon} members for their co-operation|Johansen with Jack Walmsley nd expressed his appreciation|as music director. The winner of pf the success of the season's|the golf equipment was Andy activities as did Mrs. Heney,|Elrick, Athol street east. 'KEEP IN TRIM Right Food Pattem : Best For Teenagers By IDA JEAN KAIN jcut the exercises to three times * Teen - agers, let the spirited|4 week. | tyoung lady in today's story help| "The encouragement I got you to catch a glimpse of what|from my mom, dad and brother good eating habits and slim-|and from your column, gave me Owen Sound. Set up five years) > lago, the course includes elemen-|Mr and. he agg a tary knoledge of the causes of/ py Ne nit Brooklin; Mr. |the seasons, eclipses of the sun,| 4 Mrs Waiter wach and the tides and the rotation of the family, Tonawanda, New York; universe. |Mrs. Elizabeth Sine, Belleville; {Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker, meals a day with no sweets Or/Ratawa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred) junk calories between meals. |Dart and family, Woodville; 3. Exercise to find those/and Mr, and Mrs, Melville Park- curves. Walk to school. ler, Millbrook. 4. See your dream unfold! ..| : fu tient teeners, here is the| Mr. Fred Dobney, Hillsdale food pattern that can help you|Manor, has been a patient in to form those beautiful eating|Oshawa General Hospital for a habits. few days for a checkup. While there he was honored by. the inursing staff of the fifth floor, who presented him with a birth- day cake to mark his 93rd birth- social convener, Mrs. Harold) mr. and Mrs. Russell Bryans, Davidson; |Mr. and Mrs, T. D. Thomas, Mr. The devotional period is to}and Mrs. G. Simeson, Mr. and be taken in turn by each mem-|Mrs. Ian Sym, Mr. and Mrs. ber. |David Miller, Mrs. Horace Delicious refreshments were} served by Mrs. George Russell, | F. S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hair, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Houston, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tailon and many others. OL "Boerpehing fr the Student Body DUNN'S of OSHAWA 1,500-1,600 Calories Breakfast -- Citrus fruit or juice; egg, 1; cereal, % cup; or toast, 1 slice; with butter down exercises can do for you.|that extra boost I needed to 'A spark can be blown into a/carry on. To my surprise every Dlaze with enthusiasm. Her let-|\word you wrote hit home, so 'ter is just the most. "Tam writing to thank you for those inspiring columns written to overweight teens. You hit! -just the right notes. "IT once weighed 185 pounds "and now I'm down to 135 pounds a started to weight - watch in early spring. I kept it up all dur- 'ing the summer and fall. I'm still sticking to those beautiful new eating habits. "T eat three well - balanced -meals a day with no in-between sweets. I have a piece of fruit "before I go to bed. I exercised every night to a record my gym teacher gave to me. However,} mow that I walk to school, I've} hard it really startled me! FACE-NEW- LIFE | "You were so right when you said that the best possible beauty routine is to team exer- cise. with good... nutrition...My. measurements were once 40-34- 44. Now my body has an entirely different look with these meas- urements: 36-26-36. I can scarc- ely believe it myself! I now face the life I live with a new out- look, and face each day with| joy. I urge every teen ager with| a serious weight problem to do| this: | 1, See their doctor. or margarine, 1 tsp.; whole milk, 1 glass, 8 oz. Choice: Cheese, 2 slices, Z oz. | gmall hamburger, 3 oz. cottage cheese, % cup; bread, 2 slices; butter or margarine, small oz. After - School Pick - Up (90 Calories) -- Choice: Hard cooked egg; glass skim milk; slice bread, 1 tsp. butter; ap- ple. Dinner--Lean meat, fish or chicken 3% oz. serving cooked weight; small potato; butter or margarine, 1 tsp.; green or yellow vegetable; 2. Get on that beautiful diet of eating three well-balanced | fresh fruit; milk, skim or whole. AIT Te 20 SIMCOE ST. S. A © >, HOLDS YOUR GIFT TIL CHRISTMAS © Diamonds © Watches © Rings © Jewellery © China ® Silverware © Cuff Links ® Tie Bars © Lighters © Desk Sets © Cut Glass © Luggage OPEN THURSDAY AND , FRIDAY 'TIL 9:00 P.M. @ TWO LOCATIONS @ HORWICH . CREDIT EWELLERS @ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Launch -- Protein food-- | pat; vegetable or fresh fruit, | 1_serving;. glass-skim. milk, 8.| day, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Sheri- WIFE PRESERVER | jdan, King street east, attended) Keep seldom-used dishes in \the wedding of Mr. Sheridan's|plastic bags. You won't have to daughter, Mary, to Mr. Comresiwedn them before use. They Had Me Crying The men from. Ross Mills come in and gently removed the rugs from the floor. It wasn't the men's fault, | thought our rugs had gone for good, so | cried like a baby. But was | ever glad later! They brought our rugs ba king so fresh, clean and room brightening right | literally pranced with joy. Where had they gone? To the famous Baker Cleaning plant for their annual cleaning. You try Baker Cleaning today, you'll see what | mean. "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" = "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" = "Over 80 Years Experience" For "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your local wie Cleaning Co. agent ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 leads a plush campus life OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Every Shopping Nite in December the velour shirt Plush looking, plush feeling . . . our velour knit shirt has a dual personality, too. Wear it open for a continental look, zip it closed for a neat turtle effect. Either way, it's great . . . so are the velour colors! YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT STORE OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT No Money Down -- No Carrying Charges @ 2 LOCATIONS e@ 12.95 ...YOU you loo by Formfit to make you gorti DOWNTOWN 36 King E. Open to 6 P.M. Wed, irs. & Pri, Open to 9 P.M. Thu Formfit Dress-Shapers know k right! An exciting new Dress-Shaper Bra... created and your clothes look fashion right. Lyéra powernet side and back €.., nvion lace cuns lined with soft spun. Dacron, that combine with exclusive "Airlon" underbust support for subtle lift and just-right separation. Poly stretch straps frame low neckline and scoop back. Style 528 White 32A-38C $6.00 Available at all Fairweather stores in Ontario

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