Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Nov 1965, p. 19

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OH, MY i GOODNESS ri i WiLL Gg LEE (eater T Guess miss wane Wh ar 1S HAVIN' A SLOW TIME i FINPIN' WOOP FOR THE FIRE~ H PLACE--I WANTEP TO HELP BUT A-AAH= LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY ( SHEARD A noise, \| DOWNSTAIRS! 17'S PROBABLY A BURGLAR STEALING YOUR Z\ NONEY,/ OR HE COULD BE STEALING THE 4 SILVERWARE! SECRET AGENT X9 AE aa aol ANNI PEDESTRIANS } SHOULD f ALWAYS BE | ALERT ve oe eee "© King Feemre Soweto (mcxe Xe ia _\ War MICKEY MOUSE T'S EVEN FUN HAVING A FLAT TIRE IN IT! GY EANWHILE soone STRANGE OL' RAFE 16 THROWIN TWENTZ-DOLLAR cop Pieces AROUND... WE NEVER HAD ANY NEY kIDG, I GUESS WE'LL HAVE TO POSTPONE OUR TARGET PRACTICE... «WHEN THE AMMUNITION IN OUR WATER PISTOLS 6 Masia FROZEN / 1's A New PRopucT 4 OUR GROCER ASKED US TO TRY... WHAT DO YOU THINK OF IT? _MUGGS AND SKEETER 7 EARLS DOING TI | FORME, Jt JULIET JONES NEVER GO... STOP HIM BEFORE ITS *\ "TOO. LATE. THERES NO TELLING WHAT HE'LL. yours is "a little high." THE LONE RANGER THIS CORRIGAN 1S LIKE A CLAM ~ BLT THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO OPN MORE TO HIS LIKING ARG FISHING AND OCAYORBAMING SimMcos \DUATE RO UPPER CANADA 1687, THE VERY YEAR THER SesanTs His BROTHERS AND rat ill ACAN OF TURTLE SOUP PLEASE! DONALD DUCK TELEVISION LOG -Buttato j &-Teke A Chence 1: Am, Barrie | 4--Buffalo | 6--Toronte 7--Buffale Channel 8--~Rochester Channe) %--Toronto Channel 11--Hamiiten Channe Chatwiel Channel Channel Channel 7--Peyton Place #--Abracadabra 4--The Law and Mr. 8-2--Paradise Bay 4---Dick Van Dyke Show abe noon li--The Merv Gritfin Ghew | %--The Bin Valley #2--Run For Your Life J--Ben Casey 63--The Sixtiees 4--Steve Lawrence tin Pm, | .6=Toronto File | 3--Mone McCluskey %--Toronto Todey $-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date 4--News end Weefher S--Popeye ond Pale 12:18 Pe. 4--Spesker of the Hounp 12:88 Pm. Ti--Albert J. Steed %--i Love Lucy 8-2--Let's Play | 64--Search For. Tomorrow b--Meendey Raper? 1 Pm, MONGA, EVES 1-- om N--Pemity Theatre %--Five O'clock Movie 6--Supermen 10:45 A.M, 6---Passport to Adventur:) é3--Chez Helene | 11108 Poe. | 164-7443-3--News; Weather end porte its Pe 6--Viewpein? P-Metro Final t 1138 Pay Ti---News t4--Late Show 64--Guldi ul é--Night Matre snd epg | 1:00 a8, 1) Pe Theat ire $--James Beard Show S-ieeve To Beever | é--Music Hop 3--Gunsmoke 1 Pm, 1-3--News é--Reach For The Top 4-News, Sports oh | N--The Saint | @-Sports -- Weether | 6-3--Tonight j Third Man 48 PLM | ®--Plerre Berton 6--Sisttery's People | 12:38 P.M. | li--News; Weather; Soprts! é--News Cap 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 4--heet he 3~Movie &-tAhe Devgles Ghee nm Pam ant' Bilke +3--Luncheon Date #4--As The World Turns Movie oe Pm, S--Kide is People J--Nurses | &4--Password B--Basedall Sports O--Huntiey-Brinkley News ¥--Cheyenne @-Acress Consde 10 Pm | +00 Am li--My Three Sons | N--Schnitzel House 0--Thunderbirds | @Ceptein Kangerwe &--Dodle Gillis H News, Weather, Sperte +100 ADM. 4--Littiest Hobo 4--Mike's Carnivel 3--Horey West %--Pisytime With Uncle 9--Huntiey-Brinkiey TURSOAY 2:18 PLM. %--Dear Chariotte oe PA %--Peopie in Confit? 68--The Oecters TA Time For Us 4--June Allyson Show | 4--Linkletter's Party oe Pm i--Donna Reed Bobby | #--Dlaling for Doilers With Girl Tele 1m AM 9--Mets 4-Gypsy Rose 3--Doble Gillis 10:00 A | 11~Topper %--Playtine With Unct 0b) '-2--Hullabaloo 7-12 O'clock High 63----Don Messer's Jubliee| 4--New York Concert 00 Pan P--Bewitchet esse Se ba--John Forsythe' Show | ¢.4--Fractured Phrases tee 2. Morse! &. Biblical ®. Semblances 10. Exchange 12, Append 13. Tibetan monk 14. Spawn of fish 15. Unauthore ized 7, Current 18, Murder 119, Small weight jas Continue 26. Roof edges 11, Companion 16, Substances used in' soap- making" CTHIETLIAMMCTLIETRIK| [HIAIRIE MBHIAIGIUIE | TAILS UE IN Mme DOL TLE [PIOISTTIEIRIS MSIE IN] ISIE TTA) IFIEIAISI TIS MEGIUIL|P] RIATITIVEEHIOISIEIA Al ISIEIAl 23. Rubber [AiR TAMIAIEIC IAIN 18, Diving duck 20. Greet- ing FOTRIAICTH| f (RIOIGIUIE BEUTL INTATS) [KINIE TE JS MSIL IAINIT THE OSHAWA TIMES, 19 | Monday, Nevember 29, 1965 Qy 8. JAY SECKER {Te in Mesters secord-holder i a FAMOUS HANDS South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. a 5 SSi07a K1074 31053 EAST 8763 ASS Ags Opening lead-- jack of spades. Here js an unusual hand played in the team of four knockout event during Los An- geles Bridge Week in 1961. Star of the deal was Bill McWik liams, who had the East cards. South got to three notrump on the bidding shown and West led a spade. Declarer took the jack with the queen and led the king of hearts, which held, and then the queen of hearts, which also held the trick. South now shifted his atten- tion to clubs, playing first the king and then the queen, Mc- Williams ducking again each time, Declarer then played the queen of diamonds, and for the fifth successive time, East re- fused to take a trick. Had McWilliams taken any one of these five tricks, South would have had an easy time making the contract. But his re- fusal to allow declarer to estab- lish an entry te dummy eventu- ally paid off-when South wound up going down one, losing @ spade, a heart, a club and two diamonds. Certainly this is one of the most extreme cases on record of the value of a holdup play. It is not often that a player refuses to win a trick five times in a row--in three different suits-- and gains as a result of the re- fusal. Actually, McWilliams knew every high card in South's hand as soon as dummy came down, since North-South were playing an opening bid of two notrump as showing wither 21 or points. McWilliams' only real concern from the start was that South might have either four hearts or ofur clubs, in which case it was clear that the contract could not be defeated. But as the play progressed, it became obvious that South had only three-card length in the key suits, and all that McWil- liams had to do then was hang on to his three aces as long a8 he possibly could. ' MAP SHOWS ONE TREE The Tree of Tenere in th' African country of Niger is marked on maps as the i large plant for 100 miles around, EXPLOSIVE LONG IN USE First used in war in 1346, 37. Manacle 38. Wagers 39. Skating Naples area 85. Inquire 42, Sprint parties 88. Island in Bay of | 28. Storage places a [5 T 18 Y 1 [2 29. Simmered 4 | 81, Money, gunpowder was not obsolete un- til the introduction of TNT is 1902. VALUE IS HIGH The most valuable tree ia North America is the black walnut, of which single specl mens may be worth $1,000. S : ; humorously speaking 32, Applied science: Fractured Phrase | Sf--Anether Werle | I@ofiers! Hespited | #43-To Yell The Truth | om Pm, 43--The Fugitive | 63---Canadian Schools al've Get a tears © | tt Love Lucy 0: am on Fe Allen 1i--Laredo 9--Andy Griffitt +3--Dr. Kildare %--The Legend of Jesse, James | 4--Tie Lucy Show 1:08 Pm %--Country Music Halt 8-2----Kraft Music Hall 7--Man Caiied | @-2--Morning Star Shenandoah | %--The Young Se? &3--Show of the Wear | ¢3--Butternut Square Andy Griffith Andy of Me 1 Pm. P 11:20 A.M. N--Mona McClusky 43~--Across Canada YOUR HEALTH Blood Pressure "A Little High?" By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD | | Tee | 9--Bingo | 8-2--Concentration | 7--Donns Reed &3--Friendly Giant The McCoys 10:2 AM | dpe of Wight #--Kartoon Kerntvei | oe Pm --Mickey Mouse Clud O-- The Match Some 7--Early Show 63--Bonnle Rudden Show | 4--Secret Storm B--Recky end Hie Prients 11:00 A.M, li--Mike Douglas | 0--Mr, end Mra, * Dear Dr. Molner: The doctor|woi!ld have instituted suitable told me my blood pressure was treatment. a little high: What can I do to' ui ail he said was "a little lower it to normal?--M.B.C. high," and that is not at all un- I won't discuss high blood|Co™mon. For one thing, nervous pressure in general, but limit to- tension affects it. Patients yr chi day's remarks to the report that likely to be apprehensive for - - fear an examination may dis- ree close' something seriously wrong. Don't take this too soberly. If) Take the blood pressure 10 min sided and so has the blood pres- sure.' (Pulse rate also can go up and down like that.) Many a time a physicl for in- surnce,. new job or military duty resilts in n elevated read- ing just because of nerves. I re- call one young man, obviously healthy, who wanted desperat- ely to enlist in the air corps, He had several examinations and every blessed time his pressure went soaring. He wanted so much to be accepted that the doctor finally arranged to be on hand when the youngster first woke up in the morning. Result: Normal pressure, because he hadn't had time to get his nerves in an uproar. Consequently when a doctor finds bidod 'ta little high" on an initial visit, he isn't alarmed, Subsequent examina- tions, as, the -patient---becomes more at ease, often show a truer reading. (Abnormally high pres- sure, of course, is another mat- ter.) For the patient who still wants to do something for pressure that is "a little high," the most useful suggestions are these: 1. If you are a tense, high- strung individual, ease up. 2. If you are overweight, presen ressurs your blood pressure had heenlutec after the svamination is seriously elevated, your doctorlover, and the accves have sub- reduce. 3. If you are wortled about something, either resolve the problem or make up you mind that it isn't worth all that worry. One way or the other, get rid of it. Worrying about your blood pressure is a fruitless pastime that just makes it worse. Dear Dr. Molner: I am a man and was in my late 50s when I learned that I was a diabetic. I lost 25 pounds. Can I gain some weight back? My blood sugar is normal as ! obey the rules. I am five-foot nine and weigh 148. Is it impos sible to gain weight with thi: condition?--T. J, * You are fortunate to be abic to control your blood sugar so readily after having (evidently) to a considerable degree. You are not seriously under- |weight, and if you start gaining lyou may have more trouble keeping the blood sugar level normal. With. the majority of patients, the problem is to pre- vent them from gaining weight If I were you, I'd consider my. self lucky the way: things are Note to "ORA"': The only an- swer I can give to intimate sex questions is that if a certair practice is displeasing to one nartner ae the anther than it's lvzong for that 'couple. SKATE X-CHANGE You Can Exchange Sketes Thot Are Too Small For A New or Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF | HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, ete. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W.- 723.3224

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