Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1965, p. 25

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LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER © King Fostaree Speiionts, inc. 1965. Wedd Ta eed | OKAY I'LL CALL You MISTER BUMSTEAD IF YOU CALL ME MISTER HIPPLEHEIMER WE WERE ONLY ; TRYING TO HELP YOU Yo ey DO, Ny) 525s" AS PPWARNT YO' TELLIN' THEM THEY'D LARN ?2-WHY IS \ THEM SWINE OF COURSE WE COULD ORGANIZE GANGS AND HECKLE EVERY PUBLIC SPEECH ACADA MAKES! * BUZ SAWYER [> PROVE HIS: KNOWLEDG# OF THE NIAGARA RIVER » WILLIAM "RED" HILE © Ring Foster Syedisata, ine, 1965, World rights remervedl, cali KN, : » "Red" Hill Ano INsiOn THE CONTAINER . TL mr AIRPLANE SPOTTING 2 f i M SHELTER--AND IF IT IS SHUT UP WE'LL OUT THE LONE RANGER IN A BARREL» ON MAY 30,19: '7 AN OREW Se a (a Or SECRET AGENT X9 HAVE YOU SEEN ANYTHING }NOT A OF THAT MAN, LAREDO TH& TRADITIONAL COCKTAIL \ AN OCCUPATIONAL FIRST AT A NEW EMBASSY J AFRAID, MADAMS POGT » TRUE, MR.CORRIGAN F BARA! SPINNING IF [4 MARSHAL, (71 4 "KEEPING! 9 I THINK I PREFER. DONALD DUCK 5. Gonscious wheat-husk 5. Entrance 9. Rocky mountain formation 11¢Waterloo marshal 15, Nourished 17, Memo- randa journals 18, Swine genus 19. Sault Sainte Marie . Spacious . Past . Lively . Unper- LARGE BIBS FOR LITTLE LEROY... 60 I MADE EXTRA-| = Oe Fone Semtienin, Ben POO Wild ches el "THEY'LL ALL LEAVE AT 4 OCLOCK! 20, Embrace 22, Marbleized 23, Perch ceived . Sheet 21. Orient 25, Puts out 24. Pewter ure 28, Bitter vetch 80, Female wild 32, Cubicle 33, Tom, Dick, and Harry, for instance Yesterday's Answer 35. Not any 36. Asiatic isthmus 38, Male sheep 39, Borneo pepper plant 26. Teutonic Bt 7 (8 sea god 27. S-shaped molding 28, Printing errors 29. Merest 31, Performers 84, Blacken 37. Wading bird 38, Shaving instrument 40. Sfinilar 41, Stadium 42, Forfeit 43, Manu- YOUR HEALTH OUR Li'L HERO HAS DISCOVERED THAT BOSS FAIRLIE WAS NASTY TO MAYBB THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH HIS EARS... COULD BE...BUT JUNIOR ISNT WORRYING... HIS NOSE KNOWS WHEN /TS TIME FOR PINNER/ I LOST MY HEAD "OVER THE EVE JONES KID. DO I GET My HEAD THATS MY Boy. I KNEW You'D SEE THE LIGHT, EARL. COME OVER HERE. 'Valve Action' So Acids Escape Upset By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD } Dear Dr. Molner: Would youjulcers or heartburn really have/ this rather common ailment: please explain "'hiatal hernia." Is there danger of cancer from this? Will nonacid foods prevent stomach?--Mrs. D. W. | Few if any ailments have as| many names as this one--hiatal! down stomach; esophageal her-| nia. They all mean the same| thing. | Hiatal hernia. No, lems: ulcer besides. hernia; hiatus hernia; upsides] Please remember the forego ing remarks in view of what you might learn from the otherwise, but here is the answer to your I can't put it into a few words, |question about acid. Briefly, though, a slightly larger| ACID NECESSARY than-average aperture allows a| The content of the stomach is portion of the stomach to slide/normally acid. A-certain amount | 7--Rocketship 7 2--Buttalo 3--Barrie 4--Buffalo 6--Toronto 7--Buftalo 1: Pm 11--The Merv Griffin Show #4-2--Dean Martin Show 7--A Visit to Washington 6é--A Man Called Shenandoah 3--Man From UNCLE 10:38 P.M, 6---The Serial 110 Pm, 197-6 4-9-9-- Nowe, Sporte Channe! Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel 8--Rochester Channel 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton THURSOAY CVE. 6:0 Pm. A--Femily Theetre 9--Five O'clock Movie &-- Superman 6--Passport To Adventure 3--Atom Ant tLleyd Thexten un Pam S--Leeve it Te Beaver 16 Pm. Metro Final +Viewpoint im oz 1--4--Lete Show bight Metre 1: Pe "~The Saint BMovie 6--Music Hop S--Maverick 0 Pm. 7-2--News 6--McHales Navy 4+--News, Sports "Chuck Heely 6:20 P.M, News 11:40 PLM, 6--Ounsmoke %--Plerre Berton ., 12:30 A.M. ll--News - Weather - | ports 0 Pm | Familiy Theatre Ne, & 9-43--News; Weather and Sports &--Huntley-Brinkley N 6--Newscap PRIDAY 6:00 AM, 11---Schnitzet' House 4<Ceptein Kengaree 0:00 A 1--Topper Playtime With Uncle 'obb' | _ Bobby | 7--Dialing fer Deters Girt Tek 4--Mike's Carnival 9:38 AM N--Ed Allen 9--Meta ews 7--Maverick é--Across Canede 1:00 P.M. 11--Farmers' Daughter 9--The Munsters SL Ittlest Hobe é--News, Weether Sports 4--Forest Rangers SGremn Acree 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 2--Huntley-Brinkley Rare acta Report | | Nurses 1m. PA | 9--Playtime With: Uncle 1i--Donna Reed Bobby | 9--Hollywood Palace $-2--Fractured Phrases |63--Canadian Schools | 4-1 Love Lucy 10:30 A {Pe cencent cation --Donna Reed oo Pe. | 4--The McCoys N--OHA Jr. A. Hockey |6-3--Friendly Giant 7--Donna Reed Show | §--Bingo 6-3--Seaway | 4--Gilligan's Isiand 63--Chez Helene nm Pm 11:00 A.A. 9--I's Your Move Bonnie Prudden +-2-Laredo | PaMr. And Mrs. 7--Okay Crackerby 8-2--Morning Star 4--My Three Sons 7--The Young Set 9:00 Pm, 63--Butternut Square %~Branded sgt be te 7--Bewltcned 11:20 A.M, 63--| Dream of Jeannie |63--Across Canada Munsters 3--The Adams Family 10:45 A.M, it doesn't cause cancer, | this awful acid I have in my/but it can become ulcerated and then a 'sufferer has two prob- The hiatal hernia and an prevent this. trouble with some of the stom-| ach contents rising, you will find! that drinking milk, or taking one| threshold of danger. In some of the common antacid prepara-|countries human waste is used upward slightly, deranging thejof it is necessary for digestion.|ons (your doctor can suggestas fertilizer--and dysentery and 4--Movie 2--Quarter Back Ciub 11) Ane s; 11--Racing Forum and 7 Pe Albert J. Steed %--Let's Sing Out 9--Abracadabra §-2---Inherit The Wind 8-2--Paradise Bay 1--Peyton Place usical interlude 10:00 A | 3-Mo TELEVISION LOG ne NOOR %--Toronto Today §-2----Jeopardy T--Money Movie | 6--Luncheon Date 4---News and Weether 4 S--Popeye end Pots 1 Pee, 4-Speeker of the Mewes 1s Pm, %--1 Love Lucy 8-2--Let's Play 6-4--Search For Tomorrow 3--Neonday Repert | 12:48 Ppa. li---News | &4--Gulding Lipht 1:08 Pa. |11--Theatre 9--James Beard Show 7--Ben Casey &--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers vie 2--Mike Douglas Show 1:03 Pa. 9--Sergeant Bilko &4-As The World Turns ee Pm, | $--Kids Is People 7--~Nurses | Moment of Trvth 2:15 PLM, | %--Dear Charlotte 2:00 Pm 9%--People in Conflict | ##--The Doctors 7A Time For Us 6--Zane Grey Thestre 4--Linkletter's Party | wie 0 Pm 1i--Donna Reed %--Fraciured Phrases nether World 7--Benere! Heepitel $43--To Tell The Truth aes Thursday, November 25, 1965 _ BRIDGE. (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Chempionship Pley) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable, K95 743 K972 AK9 EAST 4AQ102 0109652 O54 oa° 8 3 toss Stetes bidding: West Pass Pass 3764 Skois 'The South 1¢ 4¢ North East 8@ Pass 5¢ Opening lead--king of hearts. When you are declarer it fre- quently happens that one op- ponent is far more dangerous to have in the lead than the other. As a result, you try te Shape the play of such hands so as to keep the dangerous opponent out of the lead. Here is a.typical example. Let's say you're declarer at five diamonds and West leads a heart, which you win with the ace. It is obvious at once that there is a possibility of losing two spades and a club, so you start to think in terms of how to prevent this from happen- ing. If West has the ace of spades, you say to yourself, there is nothing to worry about, so you commence your thinking by as- suming that East has the ace. Since you have to lose a club in any case, what you would like to do is arrange to lose it to East, who can do you no harm. Your hope is to find the clubs divided 3-2, in which case, if West can be kept out of the lead, you will discard two spades from dummy on your fourth and fifth clubs. In line with this, you there- fore cash the Q-J of diamonds and lead a club. If West follows low, you plan to play the nine, losing the trick to East, who cannot successfully lead spades. Note that in the actual hand this play makes the contract for you. However, let's say that West inserts the ten when you lead toward the A-K-9. In that case you win the trick with the king, ruff a heart, and lead another club. West is forced to play low -- otherwise, you lose no clubs--and you now finesse the nine, forcing East to win with the queen. East is helpless, which he ac- tually was from the time when West made the opening lead, and you make five diamonds. In effect, your mission is accomplished by evasive action. CARDINALS AIL ST. LOUIS (AP)--St. Louis Cardinals' injury list took a turn for the worse Tuesday, al- though quarterback Charley Johnson may return Sunday for the National Football League encounter with Philadelphia Ea- gles. The Cardinals learned that safety Jerry Stovall, with an in- jured shoulder, and back Joe Childress, with a pulled abdom- inal muscle, will be lost for the year. SALLY'S SALLIES » "Please tell him I'm up a tree: again at the same place." 8:08 PA, il--Funny Company %--Ite Your Meve 8--You Dent Sey 7--The Yeung Merrieds $3----Take 30 4--Bdge of Night 3--Kartoon Karnival eo Pm Mickey Mouse Club The Match Gene 7--Early Show 63--Bonnle Prudden Show 4--Secret Storm t--Reaky And Mie Priends 40 Pa \i--Super Car $~Sea Hunt I arty Show 63--Razzie Dazzle +3--Telescope 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 4--The. & Thirty Club 2--Sting Ray So-called non-acid foods | Dear Dr. No matter whatlbe any ill ou eat, your system creates|carrots, b Molner: Would the: effects from eatin; eets, potatoes anc acid in the stomach because it/other vegetables grown in is a necessary digestive juice.. |garden where septic tank later- If you are having considerable|als are laid underground?--Mrs |E.H I would say this is on the SKATE X-CHANGE You Can Exchange Skates That Are Too Smell For A New or Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON' DITION. coe COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, « Sweaters, Stockings, « Shin Pads, etc. 2 a ts Ree wea ORE normal '"'valve action' so that,| If you regurgitate (something}one for you) will ease this.ltyphoid are rampant. The sep- among. other things, a smalljthat you have swallowed rises|Changing your diet to non-acid|i\. tank jaterals being buried amount of the normal contents|up again into your gullet) you|foods won't help. oi ate .jof the stomach can escape up-|notice the acid taste. }- Sleeping with the head of your|Present less hazard, but depend- ward, Regurgitation is the term) This doesn't mean that it|bed raised two or three inches|img on the type of soil, general for it jshouldn't be acid. This justjis suggested if you notice this|terrain, and (especially) ¢ondi- bbieones foment 44: dy shiicshesstrtntshtretstases soanssicaharbhhdabeinted-bbaea kn ih LLP 2. 1 Gray ){lons that exist in times of flood- finding out in recent years,|terial of the stomach has madelity will help prevent traces ofjing, germs could be carried up- some considerable number ofja brief excursion to the wrong|the content of The stomach|ward and contaminate the soil people who thought they hadiplace, STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD, 223 King St. W. 723-3224 "JULIET JONES from slurping upward. around the vegetables,

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