Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Nov 1965, p. 5

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+) WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Proceeds From Play Will Aid Hosnital WHITBY -- The Rotary Club|period, the play will be directed of Whitby is sponsoring the|by Marigold Charlesworth, ar- presentation at Anderson Street|tissic director of the Canadian High School Nov. 27 by the|Players' Foundation. The set- Canadian Player's Foundation of|tings and costumes are designed Oscar Wilde's farcical comedy|by Desmond Heeley, well known "The Importance of Being Ear-|for the designs at the Stratford nest". All proceeds will go to| Festival. Among the members of the the Whitby General Hospital : : '. t 1 k f Building Fund. cast will be Donald Pickering, Charles Palmer, Mary Barton, Replete with the wit, humor|Rosamond Burne and Jennifer and elegance of the Edwardian' Phipps. WA Names Nominating Committee , St. John's Anglican Church)for 1966 officers was formed. It WA met at the Church Hall lastjincludes Mrs. Ernest Northam, Wednesday afternoon. The pres-|Mrs. Ernest Vallant and Miss ident, Mrs. Martin Gouldburn,|Olive Goldring. opened the meeting with a de-| A corporate Communion for votional. Mrs. Ernest Northam|the WA will be held at the Nov. gave the scripture reading. 28. evening service. 'Final plans were made for) Rev. John McKibbin closed the bazaar to be held Nov. 24\the meeting with prayer. After- from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Church] wards members journeyed to} Three Ontario Scholarship ment Exercises at the Ajax AJAX SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS HONORED Hall. |All Saints' Anglican Church to| winners were presented with High School Friday night. last year. From left are Sandford 511; Doreen a : The nominating committee'attend the annual bazaar. their Grade 13 Honor Gree gp A ---- - Alas Baia Michael Kent t singles over 200 Marion Sturgess 251; pcg ea abi align, geo a play by Oscer Wilde. uation Diplomas at the the scholarships. who and John Houghton. arg Farquhar 240; Bernice Moase 212; 0 ; Ninth Annual Commence- received over 80 per cent --Oshawa Times Photo |M#y Amel! 212; Alice Anderson 206;|titled '"'History of Medicine' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, November 22, 1965 § Berothy Moore 206; Liz Martin 904, 900) dauriei McKim 204 and Shella Villeneuve Audrey Barker, WHITBY DISTRICT |i BOWLING SCORES ga ular 9. Be n Jeppesen, 99) th -- graces one of the hospital . JOHN THE EVANGELIST BOWLING |Schieder, 9% "Ree Thierman, 72) Mil eh Sores. babes Bowling Leagues © | Gred Thomas, 58; Serah Vanstavern, 97.| Taking part: in the ceremony Standings end scores for Nov. 8, 1965: were Dr. D. I. Gove, Hospital sn Pinfall' Weekly Total (WHITBY LADIES' FLOWER 'LEAQUE| > wt '¢ s Poinis" Points| Toom Standings' Roses &, Ponales 6 willie m Wi a? deooe pg ba 1Hy $B asters 1, Tulips 9, Pom-Poma 4, Violets page 7 saul wer director] Genmiore 14s 6 ga |G Lilacs 1, Lillies 2. 'oronto Art Gallery; Cotton Pickers 147087 pe pouek plats Ev Curtis 25, |Mayor H M. Smith of Ajax, a or eben ao 62 ; on g Township; High Single with Handicap: Muriel Me- Namelgas, 8 Lng Siawle heat, K. J, MacInnis, hospital ad- igh Scores : Ladies 500 Triples and over Pat Mor-|,175 and over: Dora Cook 208, Leons|ministrator; Hon. Michael Starr, f : Brasier 204, Millle Elliott 298, Ev Curtis , oe BP hid Bronishewsk! 578, Tess ei, 196, Betty Beckley 194, Mary Elliott MP and Marlene's art teacher, Ladies 200 Singles -- Lorraine Broni-| 18% Belty Petrie 200, Vivien Phillips 178,|Ian Black. shewski 237, Pat Morrow 222, 215, Tess|Marg Connelly 234, Eileen A fat fl 5 "Caller Ductiert: Be Gaine 7. A. Schell Men's 550 and over -- Ab Samanski) wa oF yal tahoe 803, Ed Samansk! 757, John Bedard 731,|74 A. Cormack 9, 73, A. Rowland 89, Jim McCaroll 704, Jack Veltenheimer 675,| J: Miller 76, M. Willison 89, |. Wolfe 98, Bill Fraser 648, Bill Schoer 628, John|0- McRae 0% B. Beckley . Majcher 616, Matt Kolstern 615, Don Ken-|7%: 66, M. Ellloit 96, T. Keogen 89, V. nelly $76, Tom 'Hammond $72, Mike Kose 82. Reuter $14. 3 Men's , 200_ sii and over -- John Bedard 313, Ab Samanski 290, 229, SCIENTIST SWEPT FLOOR Anton van Leeuwenhoek, the discoverer of germs, was the janitor of the city hall in Delft, Holland, in the 17th century. THE WHITBY ROTARY CLUB PRESENTS CANADIAN PLAYERS FOUNDATION "THE IMPORTANCE of BEING ERNEST" 24, 29, TF = Bill Fraser 648, Bill Schroer 628, John os es 221, Ed Samanski 171, 251, 235, Jim Me- H pit ] F t Carrell 268, 240, 232, Bill Schro a e ft 'a ute yg 2, at at . olsteren , , Don Kennelly 217, Fr. Cochrane 215, Mike Reuter 206, 205, Tom Tee M list Hammond 203, Allan Oerton: 200. n ura ef wROWLine LeAguE Pong A (Staff) -- Marlene + NOV, 17 erst, of Aax, was honored || Points for the day: Allsorts 1; Gum- if vf "4 drops 3; Humbugs 3; Jelly Beans 1; by a group of distinguished dig- Lite Severs 4; Lollipeps 4; Maple Buds| nitaries Sunday afternoon at the and Peppermints 0. ; Triples over 500: Liz Martin 584; Mar- Ajax and Pickering General fon Sturgess a), Marg >jfarguher EH Hospital. t i asi i Dori joore S51; ; Sheila Villeneuve 534; Katle Loyst 327;|_ Miss Herst was presented with way Petes 524; Alice Anderson 524;/& $200 Canada Savings Bond as aod eT, Doreen oie, *12,,S'ace| a token of appreciation for the in'eight papers in Grade 13 Mission Group Makes Layette The Faith Baptist C hurchjnald Molyneux was in charge of Women's Misionary Society|work night. held its "Work Night" Thurs-| at the close of the meeting day at the church. lunch was served. Members busied themselves making a layette for Mrs.| The next general meeting will j George Peck, a missionary injbe Dec, 2 with Mrs. Molyneux) I obacco TOWeTrS old torte ; James Bay district. Mrs. Regi-|and her group in charge. } | WORLD'S ONLY | Group To Buy Santa Claus Suit \bacco growers must ensure that|to Hong Kong, Rhodesia or Lon- ] 'hurchirecently held.'Thanks were ex-|there is a market for their to-|don, England. We 'must have d ee: Abeer Valles Charckirecently Be Past ajbacco in spite of the current/definite word from Great Bri- Women Evening Group held its}tended to all who attended and) : : lov: j | d to make this event a|poor relations between Rhode-|tain and the tobacco advisory November meeting at the home|helped to Ue ont Great Oriain, 145 Natt: | : : < : \s ttee there before we can of Mrs. Norman Gibson. The/success | jcommi ) leader Mrs. William Hicks, was} The group decided to purchase] umberland and Durham gowers|set Ontario acreages for next| were told. year, in charge of the worship serv-|a Santa Claus suit for the Sun-| i | : ; ot ice. As there will be no Decem-|day School Christmas party. It! Speaker at the annual ban-| He said the marketing board s| ber meeting her theme was|was also decided to donate to-\quet of the Northumberland-jexport committee, headed by} "Christmas." wards gifts for the children, |Durham flue cured tobacco|P. G. Newell of Newcastie will) During a short business ses-| At the close of the meetingjgrowers was Lyle Tait, vice-|meet with the British commit-| sion the treasurer, Mrs. Nor-|the hostess served refresh-|president of the Ontario Flue|tee within the next few weeks man Gibson, gave a report on|ments. The next meeting will be};Cured Tobacco Marketing to "establish a more sound the successful bazaar and tea'Jan. 18, 1966. |Board. basis for export of gur to- Oe ae ae He said Canada is confronted b |with several major problems in| Man Named In Kidnapping =": acco." i "We will be asking the British! the| more Canadian tobacco in his) "We had hoped the jsituation would have imnorved : of Saas |product. This will ensure a, ion' resento most important he said. Cana-|P™ 5 ®'sensible to cut back. We must) ' Don't miss this delightful tion f . |dian tobacco producers must| Steady market for us,"' Mr. Tait! produce to the limit and rach/ Whitby Plaza -- Whitby -- Ph. 668-5051 is " Turns e In or uery maintain their trade relations|S*'°- jour full potential for tobacco."'| } with Rhodesia and Great Bri- tain if at all possible. | (AP) --jwas recovered during the week-| "We are doing everything in|by. now. But, as it stands, we'll | He E. --, _-- ot ci: Wil iN ie ase (ut power to sell tobacco where have to Fut up with peed rere jather named by "he ringleader e big break in Cas€|we can. All the tobacco coun-|the. wor powers straighten as an acemuptice in os aay -- ihn 3 ena Ut [tries in the world are closely|themselves around," he said. ing 0 - year - old Charles|ford Baker, 34, a Taco -\associated," he said. vee III, was reported to be on/penter, turned himself in at the| "We face the problem pre- as Tacoma to turn him- get gir ba ane thie lan |sented in competing against two Britain, described the atmos- self in today. "Baker sa "lor three companies who have in the African republi Detective Ta Ernest Keck ning -- he masterminded the me wad nt on tobacco. rept a4 sultan auaa" : of the Pierce County sheriff's thing," said George J. Jano-\we find we're talking to the| He said there was little hope office disclosed Sunday he re- eo rb nota jsame yity "ed no = where of an ir meta ge rage : ceived a telephone call Satur- € 4) |we go in the world. : |the problems there. e sai day night, presumably igen ine See seg Sie a "We have to deal with the|there was little hope of either i as the rive | side -- black or white--gettin pe ecg he understood he/2"4 said the ransom money was' exactly what they want. divided at the Evans home. All) "Conditions there have be- TACOMA, Wash. Must Ensure Market COBOURG -- Canadian to-|same companies whether we go|they will be exploited by the! } | get cigarette manufacturer to putican be sold and we must gO) world |. McCullough Jewellers | is HEADQUARTERS ELECTRONIC. TIMEPIECE ACCUTRON | by BULOVA | other." He said Canadian tobacco producers have been very much interested in developments in Rhodesia. 'We want to grow tobacco and I hope we don't have to base next year's acre- ACCUTRON "214" : " " age on the present situation." | Handsome staintess steel ease, "We intend to increase our post se Delarpeeet® ha Sal Nov 27 { . production whenever we can . : "7 s " . . a fair price for it. Our acreage shouldn't be cut back," Mr. Tait said. | Newly - elected member of Parliament, Geoerge Hees, told the growers that "This crop A Perfect Gift for Christmas McCULLOUGH JEWELLERS LIMITED ANDERSON ST. HIGH SCHOOL, WHITBY Tickets are 2.00 each end may be obtained from eny Whitby Rotarian er from Courtice Pharmacy. after our markets. It is not} For Practical Santas Famous Products Sold For Particular Shoppers Fun - Premium - Savings For Price Sake For Perfect Selections For Powerful Specials Fantastic Price Slashing Fine Professional Service TUES. & WED. ONLY | } was wanted and that he was Nthree were charged with first- his way back to Tacoma," Keck ldegree kidnapping, which car- Donations Aid | come increasingly worse. Each side feels that if they relent said. ; ' | ; the maximum death pen- yans, a mechanic, has al , '§ Beng ne punter children alty in Washington State. | ummer amp in Tacoma. Baker led deputies to a bow!l- ing alley between Tacoma and COBOURG -- Part of the 4% Seattle, where $34,360 was found) program planned. by the North- (@) a bowling ball bag in a umberland - Durham Children's The Hyde.boy was abducted i Wednesday morning as he walked to a school bus stop. He !? q locker. Aid Society with the money ON cas We ante tar Bromley was arrested by the collected through mail dona- renilent Gt a cwhilesale grocery FBI Saturday night in a Mc- tions is a two-week summer | : ; " Crory, Ark., tavern. camp for its charges. firm, Patt $96,000 ransom, During the first two weeks of | July the society rented a camp jfor the children. During the first week, 11 boys aged 9-16, went nowy CHAMBER PLANS VOTE MEETINGS | cr'name o o WHITBY -- The Whitby | During the second week, Mrs. Chamber of Commerce will |Nancy Bonner was counsellor hold two meetings next week ifor eight girls aged 13-16. The RECOVER $40,000 All but $5,000 of the . Honey Crop _ ACCOUNTS Chequing Privileges No Service Charges 'ue to permit candidates to pre- |youngsters enjoyed a full out- al orma sent their platforms. Both \doors program including swim- = meetings will be held at |ming instruction. | BOWMANVILLE -- Durham! Kathleen Rowe Public School | They prepared and officiated County's honey crop for 1965, commencing at 8 p.m at their own 'church services was described as being a "'nor-| At the. first meeting sched- |and were responsible for keep- WHITBY mal years' by one of the coun-| uled for Nov. 30 candidates |ing the campsite tidy. for the offices of reeve, dep- try's largest producers, Jack Ar-! f nott of Orono uty reeve, council and public school board will be heard. One Complete Program Each BROCK | | Mr. Arnott, who has 300 hives : 2 ; ; ; in Durham as well as colonies} The second meeting will be | WHITBY Evening Starting at 7:30 wy Nunc ; < held Dec. 2 when candidates near Napanee west of Kingston. vieainders <5 | for council, Separate School | ¢ The Ontario honey crop this) poard and Public Utilities | "re / 17'S A RELAPSE... into laughter! year was low compared wilh) Commission will be heard. | NS . for a specialist with a" other.years. Mr. Arnott said. af, dside manner He attributed this to 'dried out AWE RANK, ORGAMILATION PRESENTS i flora" which created a_ short- mn ; \ age of nectar, necessary for pro B © (fp 1 OR tt ROVE duction of honey. id \ "IN COLOR Mr. Arnott said the overall One Stop MICHAEL CRAIG VIRGINIA MASKELL picture was fair in the western JAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE Prownces ™ *") DECORATING cn mse PLIPS ne rono yoney ing, e scribes the occupation of a SHOP ¢ Begins 9:20 -- R ded es Adult € i t } commercial beekeeper as 'A; Also 2nd Feature Attraction Begins 7:30 gambler's gamble." One year | » Wallpoper ond Murals you can be driving a Cadillac] @ Custom Draperies THE NAKED BRIGADE i and the next a second hand car. | e Broadloom With SHIRLEY EATON and KEN SCOTT = SS @ C.LL. Paints and Varnishes | = VOTE © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints O'CONNELL || 0000 & SOUTER ; DECOR CENTRE LTD. Rags, anus 4 tor 107 Byron St. $., Whitbw ROUSSEA : - \ COUNCIL PHONE 668-5862 Deovrrclue | Fnloninns iia mcr cue HERITAGE tee O.H.A. METRO JUNIOR "B" HOCKEY ' WHITBY LASCO STEELERS vs i WESTCLAIR YORK STEELERS Whitby Community Arena WON'T YOU DROP IN AND TONIGHT - Game Time 8:00 P.M. Admission -- $1.00: Students (with cards) 50 cents. SEE US SOON ? Children Under 12 Admitted Free with Adult | FEHOUSEAR 216 MARY ST. E., PHONE 668-3483, WHITBY, ONTARIO Ontario County's Gathering Place for people seeking unusual Gift items. CANADIAN MADE RUBBER BOOTS e@ MEN'S Compere et 4.95. pair. FOR PRICE SAKE Boys' Compare et 4.50 poir, FOR PRICE SAKE .....,.. LOWER LEVEL Men's Wintertime Suede DESERT BOOTS Waterproof soles; oll sizes from 6 te 12; choice of black, grey, beige, brown. Compere at 7.95 peoir. FOR PRICE SAKE .. 5,55 LOWER LEVEL USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Purchase 'Til Christmas OPEN DAILY 10 - 10 Adults Only Allowed Specials We reserve the right to limit quantities. Men's Famous SLIM RIDERS Thunderbird DENIM JEANS 1334-02, denim; Canadien made better work elothing. Compare ot 5.95 pair. 3 FOR PRICE SAKE...... fi MAIN FLOOR Men's Rugged Heavy Doeskin FLANNEL SHIRTS with strong double durable seame. Compare et 4.98 each. 2 be FOR PRICE SAKE ...... rT MAIN FLOOR Men's Christmos Gitt Boxed DRESS SOX and MATCHING TIE Compore ot 2.98 set. FOR PRICE SAKE 1.88 MAIN FLOOR Boys' Sizes 7 te 14 HOCKEY SWEATER SETS Including sox and teque in major league potterns. Compare at 6.50 set. FOR PRICE SAKE ....... 4.44 MAIN FLOOR Rein Repellant for All Clothes "SCOTCHGARD" Philishove Pre-Shave LOTION and AFTER SHAVE LOTION PLUS Prevents stains on all fabrics, three Select i ler to 3.98. CHRISTMAS td FREE FOR PRICE 'SAKE, From . 1.79 Compare at 1.25. 88° From LOWER LEVEL FOR PRICE SAKE both TREES ie aa rges i on / Stock PUREBRED 26" x 26" "'Sleeptite"' Weatherproof! Flameproof! Of Cut FRENCH DIAPERS MERRY CHRISTMAS (A Dortex Product) . . . of soft brushed POODLE totton flannelette. 2.99 'PUP Trees C In The North American Continent Ca LR TP SAR SEARNRR ER Is OES RDI TET LANTERNS S-dimensional! You can read from @ angle. Use indoors or outdeors for thet ets Christmas Spirit. Compare at fon PRICE SAKE . 12,87; LOWER LEVEL Stuffed Plush Toy SANTA CLAUS 30" high with 3-D boots, hands end foce, Soft fluffy beard end trim. Compare et 6.98. FOR PRICE SAKE .......... LOWER LEVEL T.V. SPECIALS "SECRET SAM" Compore et 4.95 dozen, FOR PRICE SAKE, doz. .. MAIN FLOOR Registered with nadian Kennel Club 18-Light Indoor Sparkle Bulbs or Frosted Velvet Glow Complete extension style wiring to join . Compere at 4.30 set. 2 88 FOR PRICE SAKE +... & LOWER LEVEL . Three Rainbow Colored . To MUSICAL TOPS ELECTRO TOP SPINNER for spinning and ejecting tops up to 5,000 rpm. Operates on two JUMBO SIZE PARCEL POST WRAP PAPER Three extra large 30" x 40" sheets heavy brown paper. Battery Powered Slot Trock 'C" size flashlight batteries for ROAL RACE SET hours of fun for everyone, Can- FOR PRICE 22° Compare at 15.00 edien made by Peter Austin. BANE soos cece Rd sah dad pA octnlhite peat Re Fon PRICE Lahn 7.88 Compare at 1.98. MULTI-PISTOL' ,09 9T' tracks for skill testing. Compore 1 c 8.95 FOR PRICE SAKE........ MAIN FLOOR ' ot 4.95 set. FOR PRICE SAKE We Son Puree SAKE 4,88 LOWER LEVEL LOWER: LEVEL LOWER LEVEL 1038 KING ST. WEST AT GARRARD RD. OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUS RETRY, PRR RR

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