Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1965, p. 15

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WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office, Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form anc a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. MacKenzie - Clark A candlelight wedding cere-|carried a bouquet of chrysanthe- mony took place in St. Marks|mums and roses, Lutheran Church, Anaheim,' Mrs, Michael Bowden was ma- California, when Susan Jaynetron of honor, Judi Beard gras Clark, became the bride Of/maid of honor. The other at- Wayne Douglas MacKenzie. The tendants were Miss Nancy Files, bride is the daughter of Mr. and|sister of the bride, Mrs. Glenn Mrs. Robert W. Files. The bride-|Kerykendall and. Miss Connie groom is the son of Mr. anditijacco. The flower girls were, Mrs. Robert MacKenzie, for-\Miss Ronda Files, sister of the merly of Oshawa, and the)pride, and Miss Ronda Keryken- grandson of Mrs. Edith Mac-'qall. The ring bearer was Mas- Kenzie, Oshawa, and Mrs. Mary ter Michael Douglas. | Batty, Brooklin. Pastor Hug0 'ne best man was Mr. Patrick| Gehring officiated. ee Conniff, the head usher was Mr.| Given in marriage her | torr ; | rte y Hickman and the ushers} father, the bride wore a tradi-\ ore Mr. Robert Files. Mr.| tional chantilly lace gown with Cianh dcheskendell and Me! lily point sath the scalloped nelson Clark. The weddltgl coat. Ter ack Paks accented|Party are all residents of Cali- by a rose bow holding tiers of » LLANE TOG EN N BOG OT OT E L Ow N wee aa "Perhaps someday you will apply for a passport. You may not get it. "You may want to take a position of trust and a surety bond will be required. When your record is known you will be. refused by most bonding companies. By the time you find a company which will take a chance on.you, the position |will be filled by someone who has no criminal record, "In a few years you will be THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 20, 1965 18 ANN LANDERS Walk Much Safer For Cooling Rage Dear Ann Landers: My fiance,just to take children to church. has 2 terrible temper. When: |'They should know why they are| INTERIOR DECORATOR ever we get into an argument/there and ihey should be iaugit|2!: Others vour age will be "0 he storms out of the house and|how to behave. jallowed to vote. You wili be FURNITURE 8 says, 'I'm too mad to talk. I'll) Dear Ann Landers; Before denied this privilege. DRAPERIES "s ride it out of my system."'| passing sentence on two teen-| "I am granting you a parole. BROADLOOM Then he zooms up the street in|agers convicted of car theft an|A parole is in no sense a par- his car and heads for the open|Iilinois judge said some things|don. Your conviction is now a 15 King Street East highway. which I feel are worth repeat-| matter of record. It will be with "f Wouldn't it be better if he ing, Wer ca te tie and of Vee! tava" CUSTOM MADE DRAPES |stayed and talked things out? I The judge said: "You two --M.M.B. Phone 725-2686 worry that he might have an|young men have been convicted) Dear M.M.B.: The judge's * accident. He says he's a goodjof a felony. A felony is awords are sobering, indeed. nd driver and that this is a mature crime for which you could have'Only a full pardon from the jway to get over his anger.'been sent to the penitentiary. I governor or the president can Comment, please?--Drusella am not sending you to prison restore citizenship rights to a wae Dear Dru: He would be better|but you should know the record felon. But even if a pardon is c off if he parked the car and of your conviction will stand as/gratited, the record stands for- took a brisk walk--or even ran long as this court house stands. |eyer. : laround the block. And so would, "'If you are called as a wit-| P.S. My legal eagles tell me} everyone he meets on the road.|ness in any court you will be|that if the sentence is served An angry driver is a dangerous asked if you have ever been/and the individual is not on pro- driver. I hope you can get this|convicted of a felony. You will|bation, a passport can be! across to him before he be- have to answer 'Yes.' isecured. comes a Statistic and takes a/- i i The reception was held at few people with him. i a en Sr ee pe Wheel Inn, Anaheim. ' gl a Agee or on s ins. r pearl and crys-| The couple spent their honey- and ant just return m ' Bt ieeisel wile lace head-|moon in San Francisco and the a vacation on the west coast haute coiffure ... dress, held a five tiered, elbow coast, and will reside in Ana- i acs wm =\Tast Sunday we wanted to length, tulle illusion veil. She'heim, California. FOLLOWING A_ honey- Oshawa, and her de Fagot at hour in a house moon in Bermuda, Captain groom is the son of Dr. an yOrsmip. - . } H ilt n- Walker and Mrs. Robert Harris Mrs. Arthur Harris Crow-| We were appalled at what we Modella Havr Stylists \ aml 0 Crowson will make their. son, Ottawa. The ceremony vl oe thee tive in Kingston, io. ' in St. G *s (dren vhis : gh- ; : The Reverend K. W Housejof white and gold sprayed cat The" pride. is the "Eee Memurial hares, Angiioat: ing, and hitting each other dur- cherie dcablmidaaes aulblcasias officiated 'at the wedding ofjnations with ivy. Carolyn Ann Johnson, Oshawa. ing worship. They popped gum, | Rosemary-Ann Walker of Toren mie William shale bbaon daughter of Mr. and Mrs. --Ashley and Crippen, jate peanuts and rattled candy : to, and Alan George Hamilton to, was the matron 0 honor, hibeit Bdwatd LOHAs 6h Toronto |bar wrappers. penne 7 celina at. of Oshawa, in Fallingbrook/The bridesmaids were Miss} *, Two boys about seven years 725-4531 stylists oshawa, ont Presbyterian Church,' Toronto./Kathryn Hamilton, Oshawa, and old lav down in the pews and ty f . The music was played by Mr./Miss Helen Percival, Toronto. Crowson a ohnson pretended to be pedalling bi-|7 MacRae. The flower girl was Miss Deb- cycles. One youngster left for -- ------ Se | The bride is the daughter ofjora Wilson, of Galt. St. George's Memorial Church|both of Oshawa; Miss Dorothy|the bathroom right in the mid- | Mr. and Mrs. David Walker,| The best man was Mr. Ross was the setting for the marriage| Donald, Whitby, and Miss Lynda/dle of the Lord's Prayer. ' FOR THE FINEST | m Toronto, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Edward Hamilton, Oshawa. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor length, empire waisted sheath of skinner peau with Alencon lace, enhanced by tear drop pearls. The gown had_three- quarter length sleeves, and train. Her headdress was match he lace with shoulder-length pille veil. She carried a bouquet|moon in northern Ontario -DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. WESTMOUNT U.C.W. The regular meeting of the/Miles was held Tuesday in the Sun- day school hall with the presi- dent, Mrs. Percy Neal, presid- ing. After welcoming the mem- bers and opening the meeting with the UCW theme song, Mrs. Frank Owen led in the devo- tional period taking the writings of Dr. W. E. Berry on the les- |George Saunders; Mrs.|Cowan House with Mrs, Eric\" Hamilton, Winnipeg, and the o¢ Carolyn Ann Johnson, daugh- ushers were Mr. Warren Clark,|ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ed- and Mr. Samuel Bone, both of|ward Johnson, Oshawa, Oshawa. The reception was held) captain Robert Harris Crowson, in the church hail son of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Har- As the couple left the bride|yic Crowson, Ottawa was wearing a black and white; Canon F. G. Ongley officiated tweed suit. with grey stede)at the ceremony. "Music was trim, and black patent acceS-|supplied by the choir-boys of St. sories. George's Anglican Church, ac- The newlyweds are living in|c¢qmpanied by Mr, Alan Reesor. Oshawa, following their honey-| Given in marriage by. her father, th bride wore a formal gown of ivory pure silk, fash- ioned with a bateau neckline and 'lace capucci sleeves. The empire bodice of re-embroidered Venetian lace fell into a grace- ful "A" line skirt, edged with matching scalloped Venetian lace hem, featuring a watteau meetings and activities of train flowing from the neckline.; : cards, Mrs. Her pearl beaded scalloped Stoughton; OGIT, Mrs./headdress held her bouffant Goron Near, fish pond, Sunday|French tulle illusion veil, She school teachers; tea room, Mrs.|carried a formal cascade bou- Kenneth McWilliams, Mrs. Keith/quet of white butter fly roses Peters and Mrs. John Colley;|with French white chrysanthe- kitchen, Mrs.°Gordon Holbrook.|mums entwined with ivy gar- . 29 vet lands ST. GEORGE'S GUILD ' oo The November meeting of the Bont pit gerortticens gor Mary Parker group of St.) 0" =~ u : . George's Guild was: held seineennialas were Miss Joan Stanley, and Miss Carol Conlin, Crowson, Ottawa The best man was Mr. Barry and/Stranks, Peterborough. The ush- Will ask themselves if they are lers were Dr. James Biggar, guilty of allowing their children Burlington; Mr. Paul Saunders, {0 behave in this shameful 'Toronto; Mr. Robert Johnson, manner.--Miles City, Montana Oshawa; and Mr jer of Toronto The reception was held at the Oshawa Golf Club. As the couple left for a Ber- muda honeymoon, the bride was wearing. a cherry red virgin wool suit, trimmed with ranch- mink collar, matching hat and black accessories. Her corsage was white gardenias, Captain and Mrs. Crowson will reside in Kingston Richard Fish- Both my husband and I hope i\that the parents who read this Dear Miles City: Parents who) permit such behavior disclose a shocking lack of respect for their religion. It isn't enough) PORTRAITS f @ Children i. Family Ete. OPENING SPECIAL H 2 for 1.00--16 for 1.75 | H, E. Stillwell Studios Oshawa Shopping Centre | 74 Celina Street 728-4801 Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades ond Fobrics .. . see 7? Mé&C DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 16 Simeoe St. N. SEWING CENTERS} *hewe, Ont. USTED IN YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK UNDER SINGER COMPANY OF CANAD™,.<®. Tema of Simgee Oneeam af Camede tit, | | LINGERIE, featuring: @ Negligee Sets @ Slips @ Baby Doll Jamas @ Panties @ Toreador Jamas @ Bikini Jamas @ Brand Name Bres and Girdles. FULL SELECTION citi cieaiticnemeneaal A Iso PERE RARER @ Ledies' HOUSE COATS son on the prodigal son. Harry Bennett assisted in th service and Mrs. Rupert Harri- son played the piano. The business meeting | taken by Mrs. Percy Neal and} the members decided to change the date of the next meeting to December 14 and at that time the members will again bring the|Green as hostess. the Guild annual party after which Mr. this summer. pictures of Britain The White Cross Association to be,terior and exterior were very) taken to the patients at thelinteresting and _ beautiful Whitby hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John have again offered to decorate the trees in the church. Mrs.| Gordon Brown, co-convener of "efreshments. the bazaar, announced that Mrs.| Mrs. William Atkinson on be-} sented to open the sale and Mrs The conveners reported on Leah Garrow sang Litchfield,|"Feed My Sheep" and "So Near gifts to be forwarded to the Salisbury and Coventry both in- to God Am I". The UCW will take care of the as|Christmas cheer baskets again were also Bladen, Haddon Hall,|this year. Mrs. Rupert Edwards Harris Oxford University and Stratford.|will be Mrs. Green assisted by some/Mrs. members of the group served)were also given by the nominat-! jing committee. The highlight of the evening John Gaskell had kindly con-|half of the group thanked Mr.|Came when Mr. Donald Houlden, Green for coming in|@ Member of the church choir, from: Raglan to show their pic-|Showed pictures taken when he and his family were on a trip to | Mrs. O. €. Richardson pre-|siding in the absence of Mrs. H. sided for a short business meet-|V. Myers. was|img regarding the bazaar and} The devotional period was led Christmas|by Mrs. §. J. Taylor and Mrs. Green) Ralph Jewell gave a reading en showed pictures of his trip to!titled '"Mama's Way'. Mis convener Fred Harding. two solos, assisted by Reports. the plans. for their respettive tures Vaueouver lace aaainen booths Christmas Se grey SIMCOE STREET UCW Mrs. .Lloyd Moody thanked Mrs Harry gg rr oat nd (Lenore Unit) Mr. Houlden and refreshments John Harris; Nee ore a0 The November meeting of the were served by the committee * crochet, Mrs Rupert Harrison, Lenore Unit-of Simcoe Street'in charge aprons, Mrs. Elbert A ay United Church Women was held' The December meeting will ang pe fant recently with 22 members pres-|be in charge of Mrs. J. T ome baking, Mrs. Frank yen; 'ent and Mrs. Ira Trav re-!T' ' ae Nachos "Mus Saines Sulton: Mal ecstasy e knitting, Mrs. I re Estabrooks = . ~ and Mrs. J. E. Elliott; touch and is i take, Mrs. William Ward anit | Canadian Concert Assoc. wood and Christmas nuts, Mrs of Oshawa SALE Full Length FORMAL GOWNS 19.95 "" 19 Simcoe St. N. MEMBERSHIP WEEK Mon, Noy. 22 to Sat. Noy. 27 @ 4 OUTSTANDING CONCERTS Commencing January, MEMBERSHIP HEADQUARTERS Central Ontario Trust Co. 12 Noon to 6 P.M. 1966 Sargeant's Rentals & Sales versus 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 We Guarantee to SAVE YOU $100.00 ON YOUR ANNUAL FOOD COST PHONE 723-1163 H. E. STILLWELL STUDIOS Identification 1 95 . Service Christmas Portraits THE FOOD PLAN THAT 933 RITSON RD. 8. Greeting Card Special HAS PROVEN ITSELF Sitting plus 12 cords 3,25 Sitting plus 12 cards (deluxe) 5,50 Wedding Coverage Home, church and reception 85.00 3 albums 59.00 Book Early Business Sittings 1 'glossy print 7.50 . CUSTOM FRAMING H. E, STILLWELL Oshawa Shopping Centre 728.4801 444.7231 728-1132 Don Mills Guelph MODERN HAIRSTYLING Is Proud To Announce The Return of RITA ANHUT To Its Excellent Styling Staff So Call Now for An Appointment 13 Prince St. Ladies' PURSES © Ledies' BLOUSES from 3.98 @ Reversible SKI JACKETS from 14.98 © Ladies' DRESSES . from 14.98 e © Ladies' CAR COATS from 19.98 § @ Ladies' WINTER COATS from 39.98 Sa. © All Wool SLIMS . from 12.98 © Ladies' SKIRTS . from 6.98 FOR & prey BULKY gee WEATERS .... from 10.98 with © MATERNITY WEAR | @ Open a:Budget Account! @ No Down Payment! ¢@ Easy. Terms! @ Use Your Credit! : OPEN THURS & FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. MORRISON'S OPPOSITE THE ARMORIES 48 SIMCOE ST.N. -- DOWNTOWN OSHAWA - "LIVING ROOM DINING, ROOM: "BEDROOM ~~» Guernsey Gold "Money Milk" Check under the top flap of every Pure-Pak carton . , . or under the cap of every bottle of GUERNSEY GOLD 2% tor the magic words that could make you a CASH WINNER in the IDEAL DAIRY LTD, GUERNSEY GOLD 2% "Money Milk" contest. Bring in the lucky flap or bottle top to Ideal Dairy Ltd., 390 Ritson Rd. North, Oshawa . . . answer o simple question and we'll give you your CASH PRIZE! it's simple! . .. as easy as enjoying delicious GEURNSEY GOLD 2% ... fresh every day frorn IDEAL DAIRY LTD, IDEAL DAIRY LTD. 390 Ritson Rd. North PH: 728-6241 Pi. S, Spptoveds Sices: tp tea full 315 6g Fe ANADIAN BROADLOOM MILLS --r#ont 694-3361 IN OSHAWA CALL 723-6751 1570 KINGSTON RD

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