Forecasts indicated continued cold weather today, with tem- peratures below Wednesday's level. As winds sank from 30 miles an hour to 15 about midnight Wednesday, marine officials hoped to reopen the Welland Canal and begin moving some of the 47 vessels tied up since the canal was closed early Wed- nesday. | Late Wednesday, with snow still drifting before winds that gusted to 49 miles an hour over the area, 24 ships were waitingithe ZELLER'S KEEPS YOU WARM'N'DRY THIS WINTER: FINE WINTER FOOTWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY WATERPROOF BOOTS FOR THE JUNIOR CROWD "STRAPPER" "GUARD" Sizes 6 to 3 in brown, With expanding top sstrop, fleece lining, inside shearling cuff -- sturdy rubber -- Made in Canada, leveau a 45-vote victory over, Mr. Trepanier, the Conserva- tive candidate. Paul Langlois, returning of- ficer for the constituency, said Tuesday he found one of the riding's 185 ballot boxes sealed and empty during the official counting. passage downbound at Port Col- borne on Lake Erie, 10 of 'anal Ocean-going vessels. At- Port Weller, on the Lake Ontario end of the canal, 23 vessels waited to move up, eight of them ocean-going. ta With only 15 days remaining!" nerstburg until the St. Lawrence Seaway/four members is scheduled to close, 153 ocean-|Guard cutter sw going vessels are reportedithe cutter went above the Welland Canal atjroute to the rescue of a : Port Weller, compared with 110jing self-propelled derrick. at this time last year. They re-|reached a highway and quire three days after clearingia ride to Detroit, while - : canal downbound to navi-iwere made to save the cutter, © gy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, November 18, 1965 ONLY 4 WITNESSES CALLED 'Ss yam By 'Minister Talk' ~Heaps of Legal Ar ea ree oy ar te sage one oe ee Lath Mr. Trepanier said in an in- terview Wednesday night he : ® ® |(Bud) Olson, Social Credit MP/|bridge. : Kee Tl Ta for Medicine Hat, said Wednes-| The recount was sought by a j day speculation that he is being|representative of Agriculturejhas '"'other evidence of tamper- ' _leonsidered as minister of agri-|Minister Harry Hays after theling." He said he will ask for a ' of evi-lculture in the federal govern-|service vote totally left onlyjnew election on the basis of his ment is premature and "'per-|158 votes behind the electedjevidence if the judicial recount member, Conservative Ray Bal-|does not give him a victory. lard. The election night margin was 889 votes. Liberal party scrutineers complained ballots were spoiled due to confusion of voters be- ballot count put him 158 votes|tween Social Credit candidate i .\Dr. Leonard Pearson and behind Conservative Ray Bal Brite 'Minisser' Pantede, " The recount, which will open Until his status is officially in Calgary Monday, is expected eas nS Pee bin. determined it is not fair to ex-\to take several days. Thursday end F pect any comment from the | to 9 P.M, prime minister or myself," Mr.| GRANBY, Que. (CP) -- Paul Olson said. ds Trepanier, mayor of Granby, plans to ask today for a judi- CALGARY (CP)--A_ judicial cial recount of the Nov. 8 bal- recount of ballots cast in Cal-|loting in Shefford riding. gary South in the Nov. 8 elec- The official vote count Mon- tion was granted Wednesday byiday gave Liberal Louis - Paul ATTENTION ALL ARTISTS = COURSE IN ART FOR LEADERS ANE 2.27 AND POTENTIAL LEADERS PICTORIAL ELEMENTS OF COMPOSITION Sponsored by: -- The Community Programmes Division of the Ontario Depart- ment of Eucation and the Osh- awa Recreation Department. November 20th and 21st WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE CADILLAC AVE, N. Gulf Sunny Skies, Less Windy, But Colder. Diminishing winds and clear, cold skies were expected to bring. relief today from the freakish winter' weather that struck parts of Ontarie and Quebec Wednesday. Socred Bothered ciden lof th certain OTTAWA (CP) -- Protractedadmissibility * fegal arguments continued to|dence. ; the trial of a former vice-| Earlier Judge Peter Macdon-|haps a little unfair." ; quariermarte general of thejald ruled that the second charge) 14, Gison noted that the pres- ednesday, |--conspiring to accept advan-|on¢ agriculture minister, Harry Brig. John Baxter Allan, 51,|tage or benefit--must be separ- - of Ottawa, is charged with un-jated from the first count. He ' Jawfully accepting advantage or|reserved decision on a defence benefit of a value exceeding|motion to quash the conspiracy . $8,000 while he pas a federaljcharge. verment official. between| The jury is excluded while . j bboy 1957, and May, 1963. {counsel argue on admissibility The trial, before a 12-manjof evidence. jury at the Carleton County gen- - eral sessions of the peace,TELLS OF bo ng on "ended its third day Wednesday| On Wednesday, Gordon Mo. * "with only four witnesses having 'Cormick, an employee 0! the * een called. Most of the time Ontario provincial secretary's has been taken up with legal office, testified to the incorpo- argument, initially on the word- a Bond sag of vray of ; 4 ree Toronto companies--Levy ; ig of @ second charge, then On). parts Co. Ltd., Levy In- dustries Ltd. and Levy-Russell ; 4 s td. é Ontario And The charge against Brig. Al- ' rood ity Bag Bosco a Quebec Need i One Another hotel bills, for merchandise and transfer of stock from Morris, MONTREAL (CP) -- Can- ada's two main cultures, Mark, Edward and Benjamin Levy while these brothers were agents or directors of the three firms, which had dealings with the go hd | Mr. McCormick said the auto) French and English, are inter-|narts firm became Levy Indus- dependent and cannot exist oneltries Ltd. in 1960-61 and that without the other, Stanley Ran-\Mark, Benjamin and Morris dall, Ontario's minister of eco-|tevy 'were listed as directors of nomics and development, said/the parts firm from 1956 to 1961. Wednesday. Mr. Randall said the two cul- tures need one another even in the building of pavilions for a world exhibition. He spoke as Ontario broke ground for its When the firm became Levy Industries Ltd., Edward Levy's name was added to the direc- tors' list, along with those of Thomas Rong Baker and Don- ald Arthur Jewett 'amongst $5,000,000 pavilion on the site of " | the 1967 Montreal's world falr.|"ner "rectors. The Ontario pavilion, a 115- foot-high tent-like structure of opaque fibre glass and steel, will be located adjacent to the pavilions of Canada and Quebec said Levy-Russell Ltd. | was incorporated in 1962 and| on Ile Notre-Dame, a largely man-made island in the St. its directors were listed as the Lawrence River. same six men plus Joseph Ro- senthal. The firm's expressed purpose was to buy and sell "wholesale or retail... kind of merchandise" and take | Mr. SMM mld the bel ee @ependence of Ontario and Que- bec is illustrated in the pavil-/KNEW ACCUSED fons being built by the two prov-; Col. Earl Chandler Mayhew, inces. "Ontario will have graf-jnow retired, former chief super- ite from Quebec and Quebec |intendent of the Canadian Army | will be built partly with Ontario steel", he said. Among the displays will be one setting out the profiles of six persons prominent in On equipment engineering estab- | lishment, testified to knowing | tario life. After final selection is made next year their like- the accused. Col. Mayhew was stationed in| nesses will be fashioned by a sculptor in eight-feet-high hol- Hays, has not officially been declared psn in the Nov. 8 election, although the official Z E ie . E R'S RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Doilv Have expanding tops, fleece lining, shearling cuff inside, Sturdy rubber, ee eee ? - af MISS Sizes 5 to 10, BLACK Oe er VINYL SNOWBOOTS 8" SNOWBOOT in softy glove fin- ish. Waterproof with moulded out- sole, Warm with heavy pile 6 99 a 2.79 SNOWBOOTS FOR TEENAGERS and WOMEN eet bet ke Ltt For information and registration contact -- RECREATION DEPT. 725-1111 entailed promoting standardiza- | tion of military equipment) among the armies of Canada, | the United States and United) Kingdom, } Washington from March, . 1955, | to June, 1958, as chief of the | low forms through which Expo visitors can look in at a film Canadian Army staff and mili- | tary attache. He said his job) highlighting the prominent per- son's life. 6" LEATHER COCKTAIL BOOT with wide strap top trim inside zipper. With 15/8 Cuban heel. Mama in "E" wid 9.99 Sizes, B10 9. wicecreveras 12" "SWAGGER" COSSACK BOOTS in leather grain finish vinyl, with Russian vomp, curl pile lining. Cow- boy heel, Moul sole. 5 Black or brown, Sizes 5 te 9, 88 11" HIGH COSSACK-TYPE COCK- TAIL BOOT in smooth biack leather with grain. underlay trim. Pile lined. Stack heel. Women's 10,99 sizes 5 to 9. 10" COSSACK COCKTAIL BOOT with zig-zag glove stitch on leg, Pile lined, smooth black leather with centre seam. Stack heel. Sizes 5 to 9, ve 8" COSSACK SNOWBOOT for grow- ing girls--biack crushed glove leo- ther with pile lining foam sole. Russian vamp, h a9 e if sizes 5 to 9. 5" LABRADOR Imitation Seal Snowboot 11.99 With front zipper, shearling lining, foam sole with rubber. mudguard. For girls, sizes 5 to 9, SEAL" 6" PULL-ON SNOWBOOT With Labrador seal dio- mond trim in softy glove leather finish viny! BUY NOW PAY NEXT YEAR NO DOWN : A PAYMENT g with curl pile lin- ing. Sizes 5 to 9. HARDWEARING SNOWBOOTS FOR THE MENFOLK Men who can judge whisky say it's superb A smooth and spirited whisky... aged for at least six years in charred oak casks "SABINA" 9" COSSACK BOOTS In black or brown vinyl! for teen- agers. Soft glove finish, pile lin- ing. With cowboy heel, pointed toe. Sizes 5 to 10. 5.77 "ARTICA" 7" PULL-ON BOOT FOR BOYS In black vinyl with water-proof moulded sole and heel, heavy pile lining. 5 44 SINGS BNO. iki veks 2 "GUARD" Feature expanding top strap, fleece lining, inside shearling cuff. @\ In brown, Made in Canado. 10" RUBBER OVERSHOES has front zipper, fleece lining. In black. pies. 6 to 11, 455, " "STRAPPER" OVERSHOES with inside shear- ling cuff and fleece lining. In brown, for men, sizes 6 to 1]... 4,57 FOR BOYS, Size 1 to 5 L1MtTe®, Caceaey, CaAmaoa MEN'S 4°" Sizes 6 to 12 CANADIA Mhishy C6 8 vo Md Riarnadias Fonwunmns! THREE-EYELET KIP LEATHER CURLING BOOT TWO-EYELET LACE BOOT in black: leather with grey 10" "Mustang" Pull-On Viny! Boot For Men Peem ALetaTA COME CARAGaS PHSUBEST waiccrs w Gap sceces eesteccens USTED AS "ALBERTA WINDSOR" ipsizes 7'to 12 Windsor Canadian is made exclusively from Western rye grains=the world's finest. A product of Alberta Distillers Limited. In simulated leather grain with curl pile lining, Russian vamp. Black; g 54 s with grain leather facing, heavy pile lining. Foam sole and heel. In black. 4 99 s Sie 7 12 Labrador seal tongue vamp and quarter: overlay. Foam sole and heel. 11 9g * Sizes 7 to 12 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 723-2209 ZELLER'S DOWNTOWN STORE SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 723-2294