HEY CUYS, LOOK WHO'S Governor-General Vanier's attention is riveted to his speech at ceremony in To- teen ronto Art Gallery Tuesday but Mme. Vanier was look- ing out window (top). Her IN THERE! attention had been diverted by two young peepers (bot- tom) with window-box seat Peking Price Of UN Entry Unacceptable, Says Martin OTTAWA (CP)--External nesday that able. Mr. Martin issued a four-page Canada's vote against China's entry into atatement explaining th Af- fairs Minister Martin said Wed- that accommodation. Much so," ACCUSES CHINA Mr. Martin said Red China has sought to discredit the UN entry is expulsion of Nationalist tion. China. "Canada would have in the world organization had statement said, "Tf that has not y it is because Peking itself has set a price on participation which is unacceptable. "In the view of the Canadian government it is not for the UN to accommodate itself to the views of a single nation, how- ever powerful or popul et happened, | He noted that on Sept. 24 he wel-lhad yepeated before the UN comed the opportunity to see) General Communist China take a seatisupport for the principle of uni-| : ae versal UN membership. Peking made this possible," the| Nevertheless, Canada hadjther Assembly Canadian voted against China's entry be cause: 1. China had asked as a con dition of its seating at the UN that the UN rescind its resolu- |tion condemning China as an laggressor in Korea jhad_ fought and died in Korea ous. It isito defeat aggression. Canadians for Communist China to make! 2. China had _ not departed Mom And 8 Kids In Cold House Not Worth Repairs BRANTFORD (CP) A mother and her eight children were left-temporarily out in the cold Wednesday because city welfare coufcit decided the house the family was going to thove into is not worth the cost of repair. Committee Chairman Howard Winter said the former occu pants, also on welfare, left it in such a state of disrepair that it would not be economic for the city to restore it. Mrs. Vivian Kusch and her children, aged 2 to 15, now will have to wait before another house is available. 'Mrs. Kusch and her family were evicted from another house Noy. 4 when it was ruled unfit for habitation. The seven youngest were taken in 'by the Children's Aid Society. The mother and her 15-year-old son are staying with friends. TORONTO (CP) Mr, and Mrs. Vernon McLeod and their six children, aged 18 months to fine years, are living huddled in one room for warmth, with a canvas curtain over the door to keep in the heat from a gas stove. The old brick house, sur- rounded by abandoned and con- demned buildings, has been without electricity since July 1, Mrs, McLeod said Wednesday. It was cut off because the land- lord refused to fix wiring ac- cording to Hydro - Electric HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS jtold "by Power Commission standards. Mrs. McLeod said' she was the Ontario Housing Corp, that she cannot have one of the corporation's 45 available housing units in Toronto be cause her housekeeping is not up to standard. "How can I keep house prop- erly in here?" she asked Mr. McLeod is unemployed The family lives on welfare al- lowances A spokesman for the housing corporation said prospective tenants for its units are graded according to their housekeeping stnadards, and poor ones must improve. to the regret of the Canadian gov- Peking itself hasjernment there is no present evi set a price on United Nations|dence that she is ready to do membership which is unaccept- irom its policy that the popula- |tion of Formosa should be de- jnied representation in the UN | 3. Chinese membership in the JUN could not be considered in lisolation. Canada had to assess |the total impact of the seating jof Red China on its other rela- e UN. lto the point of urging the cre-itionships and on the UN itself. He said Red China's price forjation of a rival world organiza-| Mr. Martin said it will con- tinue to be Canadian policy to jencourage contacts between! |Canada and Red China and the rest of the world. It was hoped that some means {might be found to obtain "fur-) clarification" of Red| \China's intentions regarding |UN membership before the is- isue is dealt with again in the General Assembly. SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS OF Chambew; FOOD CLUB SHOPPING HOURS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Tuesday - Wednesday and Thursday Evening 7 p.m. 'til 9 p.m. Fri. -- 1 p.m. 'til 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m, 'til 5 p.m. December prices effective November 20th E | From BUR PHONE 725-4611 Winter Footwear warm and tight RUBBERS NS SHOES . BOOTS e Man ® Women ® Children SHOE STORE 1 KING W, jtwo predecessors, John XXIII By EUGENE LEVIN VATICAN CITY (AP)--Pope Paul today ordered the start of the beatification process for his and Pius XII. His action was a first step toward their possible canonization as saints. Pope Paul made his surprise announcement at a public cere- mony in St. Peter's Basilica for the promulgation of two new decrees of the Vatican ecumen- ical council. Speaking of the renewal of Roman Catholicism started by the council, which was first con- vened by Pope John, Pope Paul said his two pre decessors promote the council's deci- sions. --That he hopes to convene this new synod of bishops for the first time next year or, if not feasible then, in 1967, Pope Paul's statement on the curia had long been expected. He said he felt there was no need for great changes but for "perfectioning." He said the transformation would be slow and partial, but that the statute on the Holy Office would show his intentions. The Holy Office, which grew out of the inquisition of the Middle Ages, was the first of the Vatican curia congrega- Canonizing Of Two Popes: Process Begun By Pontiff tions. The curia has long been considered a stronghold of the church's conservatives, A jubilee is an indulgence, sr a remission of temporal punish- ment due for sin, granted over a specific: period to persons tak- ing part in prayers and the services for a special intention announced by the pope. ESTABLISHES ADVISORS Pope Paul established the sy- nod--or senate--of bishops, with representatives from various nations, to advise him on vari- ous matters after the council TORONTO (CP) -- Concilia- tion hearings were to open to- day between the independent Teamsiers' Union and represen- tatives of 55 Ontario trucking companies, About 5,500 teamsters walked off the job last month after a bargaining team headed by Ken McDougall negotiated a con- tract which included a gradual reduction to a 43-hour week from 48 and a_ 53-cent-an-hour pay increase during the next 3% years. ends, Many experts feel it will amount to a sort of continua- tion of the council. should be piously r ed He said the church and the world owed much to them. "We are arranging," he said, "that to this end there be ca- nonically begun the processes of: beatification of these holy and Union Prexy eminent supreme pontiffs who are so dear to us." "Pope Paul said many persons had sought such action for the two popes. Beatification declares someone is worthy of public veneration because of excep- tional holiness during his life. It is a step toward canoniza- tion, which declares that The virtues of persons pro- |posed for beatification or ca- |nonization are studied by the |Vatican's congregation of rites. \These studies usually take} }many years. Reports circulated in the Vat- ican ecumenical counci) a }month ago that more than 370 |bishops, including many from Africa, Latin America, 'Europe and Asia, had signed a request jasking Pope Paul te canonize |Pope John. In his speech, Pope Paul also jannounced: --That the long-awaited re form of the Vatican curia is progressing and that he will soon announce a new statute for the Vatican's Holy Office, the curia's most powerful unit and its most controversial. --That the period from the end of the ecumenical coun- cil, Dec. 8. to Pentecost Sun- day, next June, will be a spe- cial jubilee period for the world's Roman Catholics to shat the} BRANTFORD (CP) -- Cana- dian Westinghouse Co. employ- ees went on strike here Wed- nesday after a union official was dismissed for refusing to be time-studied on the job, A total of 187 day and night |workers, stayed away from their |jobs after technician Glen Pat- Given Sack On Time Study; 187 Strike the company makes a decision on his case, He had not refused to work, he said, but objected |to being time-studied on the job. | Mr. Pattinson was among 20 per cent of the workers classed as hourly-wage employees. The jrest are "incentive" workers |with wages based on produc- beatified may be called a saint. itinson, president of their union|tion. The strikers wanted an imme- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, November 18, 1963 ig Conciliation Hearings Today Between Teamsters, 55 Firms posed pay increase in a two- year contract. Current rate for city drivers is $2 an hour while highway truckers are paid on a mileage basis. Mr. McDougall, who also is president of Toronto Local 938, won the second round Wednes- day in a bid by Business Agent Charles Thibault to unseat him as president and head of the negotiating committee bargain- 'ing for 9,000 truckers in the \province. The negotiating team \voted 25-3 in favor of retaining | | Mr. McDougall. Mr. Thibault won the first round Sunday when a Local 938 meeting voted non-confidence in Mr. McDougall as president. Mr. Thibault and two others were elected to augment the 24-member, five-local negotiat- ling team. However, Mr. McDougall has refused to recognize the = confidence vote, saying he be removed only if a trial com- mittee found him guilty charges that would have to be laid by the local mem 5 Dey Plan To QUIT SMOKING 8 P.M. Nov, 22 & 26 - Adelaide House Pree Admission & Parking diate 40-hour week at the pro- | \local, was told not to report for Company officials were not| }work,. Mr. Pattinson, president Local 555 of the International Union of Electrical, Radio and |Machine Workers (CLC), said \he did not. know whether his dismissal was permanent. He said he received a tele- gram from the company telling 'him not to report to work until of available for comment. Good Names Te Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill MeFeeters -- Vice Pres. Schofield-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 Why Pay More. 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