30--Automobifes For Sele 1965 CUSTOM sport Parisienne V-8, au- fomatic, whitewalls, wheel discs, tinted glass, red with white top, radie, heavy duty suspension $2,995. Pickering 92-6414 "61 PONTIAC convertible, Licence H29188. va automatic, power steering, brakes White with red trim. Redfonably priced. No. dows payment, Easy terms. Gus . are Ltd, 7OR-7I76 94? OLDSMORILE A-1 condition, winter- | _ ized. Best offer. Telephone 723-4173. 19°? PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, standard trans mission, radio, good body and motor, $s) T 725- 1956 OLDSMOBILE, In very good condi- tion, Bert offer, Whitby 668-6223. '59 BUICK, four-door hardtop, good con- dition, power equipped, with snow tires $695, 728-3643 atter 7. | discs. Must be seen, Will down. 725-8442 '38 PONTIAC station wagon, four wint ime. i958 chanicaily good. off Simcoe North. Telephone 728-7909. F-45 OLDSMOBILE, 1962 sport coupe,|1962 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, cv five new ia 5 ring and . brakes, matching interior. top, power stee radio, dark blue with Telephone 725-8465. eae 1953 CHEVROLET, automatic, in average condition. $75. Phone 725-9218. 1959 CHEVROLET impale, two-door h tires, | radio, 'oom d tion. One owner. Telephone 728-7085 after 31--Compact Cars for Sale 38--Coming Events = DEATHS SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New ond Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. S, 3-3461 Open Evenings * VOLVO & PEUGOT %* MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and JAKE AND BILL'S GARAGE Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 good tires and 78-1049 after 5. o, power steering, five new whitewall tires. Showr p.m. "1963 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 series, low m' a in A-1 condition. Must 850. I] extras. elephone 7: top, high performance 263, standard s ft. | der, 725-3471, Body good condition. Best off phone 723-9044. 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, sedan, beige . |32--Trucks for Sale cond' BINGO vo) PONTIAC, new palniy radio, wheel|'61 SPRITE, recent motor overhaul, $600 finance, $100 or nearest offer, body. Telephone 4007, 45 OLDSMOBILE, 19 rt coupe, A-| condition. original 42,000 miles. Four) -aqj bebaclesigadetotrd a shor. Canes new Atlas tires. Has never been driven IN Telenhone 728-1603 days. tires n, me-| 198%? VAUXHALL sedan. In excellent con- Road, | dition. Winterized. Apply 218 Lee Avenue, Whitby. [REPOSSESSION ~-- 1962 Chevy II, four- |door sedan, radio, automatic, 6 cylinder. Other extras. Will be sold to highest bid- PATTERSON, Ernest E. lal Hospital, HOLY CROSS At Memor' Thursday, 8, 1965. Patterson, 98 J. { 7:45 | Every Friday $600. IN PRIZES $110. in 56 Nos. $20 Consolation $10. each Horizontal Line Orony, Resting the Northcutt |Smith Funeral Home, jo'clock Saturday afternoon. Orono Cemetery. TOPPING, May lday, November 17, 1965, May Brook Hoved wife of Harry Topping | Boulevard), dear mother of Harold Free Admission--Good Parking Tickets on Turkeys to be drawn for Christmas. la SUNNYSIDE PARK Bingo. Tonight 20 games at $20. 5 games ot $30 --- $150 Jackpot 2 -- $250 Jockpots NUMBER 52 - 56 Service in Interment East. le 2 o'clock. Mount ---- fyneral home on Wednesday from 7 Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all, GERROW 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, radio. 1953 CHEVROLET one ton stake. Excel Limited slip differential, Asking price $2,000. 723-9175. low mileage. 'ient body and motor. ltires. 6 x 9 body with 6' racks, Price 1953 CHEVROLET coach, good condition, $400. Telephone Ajax 942-2495 Two new front fenders, body very good. HALF-TON pick-up. Three new tires, motor overhauled. $175. side, $600 or best offer or best offer. Call after 3.30 p.m. 728-0685. | sa: nd Landscaping, 725-1721, Four nearly new; 1960 Chevrolet Fieei-| Telephone Hard- '56 CHEVROLET two-door, Absolutely in 1962 FORD tandem truck. Good mechan-| showroom condition! Licence 285638. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. '99 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 hardtop, avto- matic, fully powered, radio, black body, red trim. Terms! Licence 47442. Gus Brown Motors Lid,, 725-6568. Excellent 2nd car. ical Alax 942-4713. 1958 BEDFORD vai ning condition, Telephor condition, Reasonable. 623-2753. Telephone | ~ naan ae | two new tires, run-) '33--Automobiles Wanted "@ PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, V-8,| automatic. double power. Low mileage. | See! Save! Nothing down. Terms. Licence! 119139, Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 725-6568. | '@ CHEVROLET station wagon, perfect) mechanically, 6 cylinder, standard, radio.| No down payment. Trade considered.| Terms available. Licence X6535. Gus) Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. | 13 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard-| fon, V-8, automatic, double power. Trade considered. Terms available CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "Save"' TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Nothing | OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars down. a yg 795508. Gus Brown Motors for wrecking. Tires and parts: for sale./ Ltd., 725-6! 1957 FORD Ranchero, restored to ex tires, engine and body. ized. $89. Telephone 728-3195. for wrecking. Highest prices pa 725-118) & Bloor Street East. 725-23 __|117$ Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162 i-| LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS went lent condition. $795, Evenings, Bay Ridges |cars 39-2985 |200 Wentworth East, HAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars Requires $24 side glass repair, Winter-/hought, parts Ptodatts ___. | bought. | tron and metals 11) '65 CUSTOM Beaumont two-door hardiop. WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. Tele Excellent condition, six, pate Reasonable. 725-1909 between 4,30- 7.3 je. Make offer, 5 a: automatic. | phone 728-4549, Robert Nichols. 1956 TO "60, six cylinder, automatic trans-| a= - ~ |mission, good condition. Cash. One owner Ry 6 cylinder, Handard shif.| preferred. Telephone Brooklin 655-3721. Whitby. 1964 PARISIENNE 327. P and brakes, four door white walls and accessorie 728-9543 '63 BUICK y one-owner car. Black, red int top. All powered. Just like Brown Motors Lid., 728-7375. USED CAR PARTS, spindies to mak i! new! '34--Automobile Repair | 272 P| . A} TRANSMISSION specialists. lor, white sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe Gus | North, Phone 728-7339, ,|35--Lost and Found om King Street West, 728-0817. | | Transm | | j | trailers, also used tres. 509 Bloor Street (ost -- Collie. Registered Lassie-like,| East, after 4. 723-228). = |female, name "Sandy." Child's _ pet | *@ CHEV. IMPALA, two tone white and|Please return Whitby, Tag 802, Tatoo! blue, V-8 automatic, fully equipped. AHH6R right ear, Reward. Phone $1,050. Telephone 72 7. 668-2537, 199 PONTIAC two-door 6 cylinder standard LOST -- Beagle, m very good mechanically, north of Whitby, on November 10. Re} "Winter-| ward, Call Whitby 668-3446. Needs minor body repairs. $325 Cosy -- white cat, deat, needs attention, | transmission, » washers, chrome discs. "pine years o} id, | or offer. Call 12 to 5 p.m. 725-5555. _ vicinity of Simcoe Street North area and| 196) BUICK La » fully j T 723-405). Best offer. Apply or tele) phone 728-5245, |\36--Legal 390 KING STREET WEST 1 -- $500.00 Telephone 728-6226 52 NUMBERS apes Be ce 1 ----°$250.00 LOCKE'S FLORIST 56 NUMBERS Funeral) arrangements and if EARLY BIRD GAME floral arrangements for all Mrs. T, Hanna (Helen) of Cree RED BARN nagar reat-grandchildren. Children under 16 not admitted OSHAWA SHOPPING eee tonaral sorvite will ba Extra Buses CENT BAZAAR 728-6555 Bowmanville, on , Ernest Street West, beloved jusband of Myrtle Morgan. Dear father of James, brother of Mrs, it Mrs. H, Gal- G. Jones (Ethel) of ny Funeral service 2 interment | Beatty, lin Oshawa General Hospital on Wednes- Craig of Oshawa and Raymond of Wind- sor; sister of Ellis Brook, Scarborough; | Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street the chape! on Friday Lawn Cemetery. Officiating clergy Rev, N. Swackhammer of the First Baptist Church. l(The family will receive visitors at the \p.m. and Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.) FUNERAL CHAPEL! RE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | MRS. HOWARD T. COWLING at the Oshawa General and schools of the town. and ; in Clode and Mrs. Fl p $200. in 53 Nos. At ar Tories and Mra, Vietat taught school, prior to ear mar $20 Consolation Lytie, Dorset; step-sister of Normanirjage, at Winona, Grimsby an if Hughes of New Orleans; also survived by + |fones Gchiidren, "Resting at' Mcintosh.|Hampton. A resident of the n the United Church. to 9 jand Elgin of Peterborough. lheld at the W. C. Groveside Cemetery. | AND TEA St. George's Parish Hall IN MEMORIAM SPONSORED BY Sometime It is hard to understand ' | Why some things have to be, . _WOMEN'S GUILD ™ | In His wisdom God has planned OSHAWA GENERAL [isi roe BY win Rov HOSPITAL _| WOMEN'S AUXILIARY |mother, |November 18, Mammoth Bake | Sale and Tea Dollis of all Nations, treasures. Hospital Cafeteria. 1964 As it dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of you are ever near. |~Ever remembered by the family grandson Jamie. id ther, Herbert ~ FRIDAY, NOV. 19 jgear_tatner, and orandtather, | Mertertithe late Mr. Gillman lost anlie whom he married in Osh- 2-4 PM. vember 18, 198. ae jarm, Inspite of this physical awa in 1913 and a daughter aE mea ERE mana neonate _ ving an ind in al is ways, infi . ig Ps . Sone an tat ie ne end of nia deys,/imfirmity he farmed very SUC-lMrs G. H, Willson (Isabelle) of NOVEL BINGO Sincere and Kind In heart and rind, secre for ga : = Oshawa. THURSDAY EVENING 7:45 What @ beautiful memory he leftinear Brougham. e late r Iso surviving are four grand- ot ST, GEORGE'S HALL leckiave renin by son Harry,|Gillman was an avid apiarist| nndven. two Macey she two (Albert and Jackson Sts.) jdaughter - in - law Kay and grandchil'and for many years kept beeS|,enhews in Toronto and two 'dren Charles and James. Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled | $150. IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 Want-Ads Don't | Cost-They Pay HUTTON Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; But trust in God to meet again. Vi, son Ken and families. HUTTON fe away November 18, '99 CHEVROLET Bei Air coach. Licence) H35642.. Blue and white with matching interior. This car must be driven to be ap- preciated. No down payment. Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. ' EVROLET Gimpala Station Wagon) 4324). Metallic brown with! interior, No down payment.| Gus Brown Motors Ltd., sods matching Easy terms. 7375. ENNE two ~ door hardtop, | Many extras.| Telephone 723-5710 PARI 19465 V-8 automatic, Danube blue. Will accept after 5 p.m. 1959 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door top, 6 cylinder, automatic, two new ti and snow tires, Must sell immediate! $600. 728-0776 or 728-7247. | '59 DESOTO Firedome, four - door, tully | powered, A-1 Condition, clean, no rust Must sell. Terms private, 6683046 Whitby. 1943 CHEVROLET super sport, all extras 327 ~ 250 HP motor, telephone 728-6570. 1962 CHEVROLET Ermine white, two trade. es yt i. ' door Bel-Air, Radio, discs, whitewalls.| dents contracted automatic transmission. Excellent condi-| tion. Phone 728-4870. 1959 RAMBLER Super. One ow mileage, push button drive, radio, two- fone green sedan. Apply 710 Newman Crescent, Whitby 668-3062 hardtop, V-# automatic, radio, padded dash, sea! belts, white wall tires, me chanical and bodywise A-1. Private, 728-| 790) 1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, auto-| matic, whitewalls, chrome discs. Must sell this weekend. Licence No. 232028.| Telephone 942-5693 } 1965 CHEVELLE Malibu, two-door hard- top engine, miles. 728-3471 "65 CHEVROLET Impala white, red trim black equipped. Licence 291598. sidered, Terms available. Motors td. 728-7375. "65 BUICK Wildcat, convertible. Licence H58588, fully equipped. Very reasonably priced. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. "4 BUICK conve: Licence 76742A.) Power steering, br: . windows. Tan with matching trim. Just like new! Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors, Ltd., 728-7375. '60 TRIUMPH convertible. Licence H4055!. Red with matching interior. Very economical to run. No down payment. Euy terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728- "63 OLDSMOBILE, licence 21536. Super 88, all power. This car must be seen to be appreciated. Low down payment with peste tetms. Gus Brown Moters Ltd., 728 5. 'S? PONTIAC, licence H40716. Parisienne, four-door hardtop, 6 cylinder, automatic, | white with blue trim. No down payment Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728 automatic, 6 cylinder, 230 cv. radio. Many other extras. Immaculate throughout. in $800 Phone convertible, roof, Fully Trade con Gus Brown '64 BUICK Skylark convertible, power | + radio, bucket seats. Still under $2,850 or best offer. Telephone! licence No down pay-| Gus Brown Motors) 1987 CHEVROLET station wagon X7)5) An ideal family car ment. Easy terms. Ltd, 728-7375. 1963 CHEVY I! Nova, whitewalis, rugs, radio, automatic. in excellent condition.| 23) Brock Street South, Whitby, Apt. 3,/ 668-8344 | '64 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard top. custom sport, white with red interior, fully equipped. One owner, low mileage. Telephene 728-2583 | 1964 METEOR, custom, two-door hard-| top, 352 inch engine, dual range. auto-| a ¢, full power. For appointment, 728- LIENS PAID OFF! We trade up or down Over 40 cars to choose from. No down:-| Payments! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728- on or after this date, out my written consent. '37--Auctions : '38--Coming Events Slavic Pentecostal Church nvites yoy to attend spe- cial services Thursday and Friday evenings at 7 p.m. and on Sun. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Radzewich, | Missionary from U.S.A. will be bringing the mes- sages. held in the Polish Catho- lic Church, 300 Court St., Oshawa. All are welcome. Pastor Peter Solotorow "William Polak, of 257 Cordova Road, Oshawa, will not be responsible for any in my name by anyone 1945 with Services will be Nov. 16, The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction a pri- vate estate sale ot Stirtevont's Auction Hall, 33 Holl St,, Oshawa on Saturday, Novem- ber 20, at 1 p.m. sharp. Cuckoo clock, refrigerator, spool bed, rocking chair, washing machine, vacuum cleoner, holl tree, chest of drawers, electric stove, tables, power lawnmower, typewriter, dishes, many other articles too numerous to mention, no re- serve. Terms cash MYLES KING AUCTIONEER OSHAWA JAYCEES Monster BINGO Thurs., Nov. 18th EARLY BIRD GAME EXTRA: PRIZES JUBILEE Agnes Cook, who passed away We who loved you, sadly miss you, |dear husband and father, Herbert Thomas) ae who passed away November 18,/ 95 years ago, Mr, Gillman oper- jated an implement agency for! a+ the McIntosh - Anderson Fu- He was also an and ---Sadiy missed by wife Janet, daughter' spent his leisure hours in his {woodworking shop of which he We who. loved him sadiy miss him, In loving memory of 8) » Herbert Thomas Hut- | Centre Street service. BURTON - In loving memory of : Sat., Nov. 20 [,S0NtGN > td ames Bao euren| JOKN L, GILIMAN who passed away November 18, 1962 rev ; fs [wre Paes hew'when'we woke that morn] 'The residents of Brougham | Featuring Antiques, Home The sorrow the day would bring, and district were saddened to) | Baking, Fancy Work and Tea | ra ie call was sudden, the shock ian of the passing of John| Room To part with one we loved so dear. (Lumley Gillman after a short ang the age of 83. ley. One sister, Mrs. |Wilson of _ Stouffville *"4 deceased him. | In an unfortunate sawing acci- HUTTON -- in loving memory of aldent, at the age of nine years,| lin In loving memory of aifarming activities. After moving to Brougham, jmany years. linveterate woodworker was justly proud. In_ recent} ic Maakd the late Mr. Gillman 'Iserved as curator -- for BIRTHS | fp al and ie vd the ' na his | | What a beautitur 'memory 'he iene was emminently suited. died suddenly Nov. 16 at the behind. | He leaves to mourn his pass-|Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Ev b . ip BAKER -- Bob and Anne (nee Rundie) | Ever ' dat id ing his wife, Mildred; two/The deceased, who was in his a roud to announce the arrival of a Ruth. | . * | , " s Yarey Robert, 7 Ibs. 10 ozs, on jdaughters, Mildred (Mrs, Harry|74th year, had been sick for a ' Haveerer Uh We Mt Sara TRULL -- In loving memory of w dear|SPang) and Ruth (Mrs. Hay),|week. _ hi tc De. Becket and the ain floor steht ft ag git ey vl we passed) both of Brougham. He is also A son of the late Mr. and Mrs | Sadly missed along life's LLOYD -- John and Sharron (nee Jubb)! Silently remembered every day |Bud Harden of wish te announce the arrival of @ daugh-! No longer in our tives to share, Ny y y ter, Liana Maureen, 9 Ibs. 11 ozs., at, But. in our hearts he's always there jNorna (Mrs. Walter the Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday,|--Lovingly remembered by sisters, Edra Of Don Mills |November 14, 1965. A sister for Connie,,and Mabel; niece and nephew Florence|Harden of Ajax. W. Polak | DEATHS | | Isia, Iva and.tvan. Special thanks te Dr.| and Georgi King, nurses and staff. sg. . Everlasting Memorialization MUNRO --- Ron and Gloria are happy is almost possible with the fo announce the birth of a daughter, vember 17, 1965, at the Oshawa General Hospital, | thot we supply ond install; Please call MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 WARD -- The Rev. Frank and Elize-; beth Ward are happy to announce the) birth of their son lan, on Tuesday, No-| vember 16, 1965, at the Oshawa General Hospital. The funeral |McKachnie . Funeral |Pickering, with interment | The pallbearers were json, and Glenn inanen. Wayne CARD OF THANKS, ERAL OF FREDERICK H. BALSON The memorial service Frederick H. | OBITUARIES | The death occurred Nov. 17, Hos- pital, foilowing a lengthy sick- ness, of Mrs. Howard T. Cowl- }, Rerry (Elva),/ing, 617. Byron st. s., Whitby. The former Florence Mildred the deceased was a daugnier of the late Benjamin and Hattie Beatty, Born at Col- lingwood, she received her edu- w'pe-(cation in the public and high (Darlington A graduate of the Toronto Teachers' College, Mrs. Cowling Hampton area fox many years, she had lived in Whitby for 27 -lyears. She was an adherent of Mrs. Cowling is survived by her hushand; seven daughters, Mrs. L. Stephenson (Olga), Mrs. W. White (June) and Mrs. H. McKeown (Verna) of Whitby; Mrs, L. Cochrane (Norma) and iMrs. E. Lee (Jean) of Enfield; Mrs. K. Kogdon (Joyce) of Kin- sale and Mrs; F. Lycett (Dora) of Oshawa and three sons, Ray _.lof Whitby, Stanley of Oshawa Also surviving are a_sister,) more; 23 grandchildren and 11) peter Alexander Macdonald, a lillness at the Oshawa General) Mr. |Hospital Tuesday, Nov. 16, at) : A life-long resident of Picker- ling Township, Mr. Gillman was) COOK. In loving memory of our dear/horn in Pickering Village June)" |9, 1882, the son of the late John |Gillman and Mary Alice Lum- Alice pre conjunction with his other) the/seven years, Brougham Museum for which|of 302 Scugog st., Bowmanville, isurvived by three stepchildren,|Robert Needham, the deceased Brougham,|was born in Derbyshire, Vickers) |land. He came to Canada in 1913 and Dorothy |and farmed for a time in the was held from) During his residence in To- Home,ronto, Mr. Needham served as in'a security guard with Research |Rhonda Jean, 6 Ibs., on Wednesday, No MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER {the Brougham Union Cemetery.|Entetprises Limited and for 15 Rev. A. E. Cresswell officiated./years in a similar capacity with all great nephews, Eldon and Glen |Wilson, Kenneth and Ivan Wil-|England. | Pen-| Mr. Needham is survived by for Balson, of Cour-} The pallbearers were Gordon Vinson, Ernest Gearing, Ronald Robi Dale Robi Gor- don Balson and Frank Balson, MRS. EDWARD KAYES Foliowing a serious five-week sickness the death occurred this morning, at the Oshawa General Hospital, of Mrs, Ed- ward Kayes, of 291 Simcoe st. s. She was in her 59th year. The former Margaret Helen Lambert, the deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Johnathon Lambert, She was born at Belleville Mar. 29, 1907 and was married in King Street United Church, Oshawa, June 1, 1930. é A resident of Oshawa nearly all her life, Mrs. Kayes was a member of King Street Unit- ed Church, Mrs. Kayes is survived by her husband and a sister, Mrs. Asa Alexander (Elena) of Oshawa. The memorial service will be held at 1.30 p.m. Nov. 20 at the Armstrong Funeral Home. In- terment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev. L. W. Herbert, minister of King Street United /Church, will conduct the ser- |vice. PETER A. MACDONALD 'former mayor of Oshawa, died Nov. 17, at the Oshawa General| Town FU- Hospital. He had been in failing neral Chapel, Whitby, at 2 P.m.| health for two months, | Nov. 19. Interment pill be in Rev. j Born in Glasgow, Scotland,| ; nc J the deceased came to Oshawa) Smith, minister of St. Mark's anout 55 years ago. He was em- United Church, wiil conduct the ployed by Pedlar People Lim- lited from 1910 to 1930 and later worked for the Oshawa Public |Utilities Commission. He was employed in the parts and serv- ice department of General! |Motors for 21 years, prior to his} retirement in 1958. Macdonald was a mem- |ber of St. Andrew's United jChurch and a former member lof Cedar Lodge, AF and AM, No, 270. A public spirited citizen, who \took an active part in municipal \politics, Mr. Macdonald was a member of the Oshawa City \Council from 1926 to 1931. He }was elected mayor in 1932. | He is survived by his prife, the former Annabella McKen- inephews in Scotland. | Rey, J. F. G. Morris, minister of St. Andrew's United Church, will conduct the funeral service neral Home at 2 p.m. Nov. 20. |Interment will be in Oshawa {Union Cemetery. FRED NEEDHAM A resident of Bowmanville for Fred Needham, Eng- |Burketon area. ithe Canadian Arsenal. He was an adherent of the Church of jhis wife, the former Emily Gar- \side whom he married in 1919; jand a daughter, Mrs. A. Mas- sie (Bernice) of Toronto. He jwas predeceased by a daughter, arjorie, in 1936. BEDELL, Brig, Reginald Hudson |, erie thanks and appreciation for we(tice, Who died Nov. 15, at the| Also surviving are a sister, Be NA ety, hs Rol many acts of Kindness, messages of sym Oshawa General Hospital, in|Mrs. J. Middleton (Rose) of Reginald H. Bedell (ot 407 Colborne St. Essie feenday, neunbors, and trier, |his 92nd year, was held at 2/Scarboro and a granddaughter, Iisa a f'Binoa 'ot Rr i ersnzeom doing ev Serevent, Nov. 1, at the Arm-[Donna Massie. mond, Virginia, U.S.A., brother of MIS |ouniop. We thank the staff ai, Oshawe|Stroue Funeral Home. | The funeral service will 'be} H. Campbell Giliared of St, Thennas Generai Hospital for their kindness, Rev Rev, D Arscott, assistant\held at the Northeutt and Smith} Wc. Town Funeral chapel, Whitby, for eend Morris for his consoling words, and/nastor. of Courtice United|Funeral Home, Bowmanville, at! ne Howard T. Cowling, dear mother. of Mrs Stephenson (Olga), Mrs, W. White Alma G. Rogers | (une), Mrs. H. McKeown (Verna) and expecially thank nephew James B. service in the chapel. on Friday, Novem kind attention, Thanks @ million to Stur- rock and wife for their attentiveness to ber 19 af 3 pm. Interment Mount a5 Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, Minister, or ee v1. Gilets ant Fan Interment was in the Rev. §. Armstrong ily, Mrs. Robert Dunlop. Cemetery, COWLING, Florence Mildred ROGERS --1 would like to thank all After a prolonged iiiness at the Oshawa |My friends and relatives for the lovely General Hospital on Wednesday, Novem fiowers, cards and visits during my. stay ber, 1948, Florence. Mildred Beatty (of i Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, D. M ----------~ | 417 Byron St. 5., Whitby) beloved wife of |SProvie and Rowsell for their all Mansfield Talks With Gromyko But Refuses To Reveal Portent (AP)--U.S, Senate throughout his secrecy-shrouded Church, conducted the service.|10 a.m. Nov. 20. Interment will! Ebenezerjbe in St. John's Cemetery, Blackstock. "We are over here to look,| Nam listen, ask questions and report! Foreign Minister back to the Senate of the United} Ray of Whitby; Mrs. L. Cochrane (Nor- acum ma) and Mrs. E. Lee (Jean) of Enfield; hyena Mrs. K. Kobden (Joyce) of Kinsale; Mrs. e MOSCOW F. Lycett (Dora) and Stanley of Osh majority leader Mike Mansfield|trip: awa; Elgin of Peterboro in her 75th year d . s ' ' Resting at the W. C. Town Funera and four other senators dis- Chapel, Whitby, for service in the Chapel {cussed the war in Viet on Friday, November 19, at 2 witt "4 iet terment Groveside Cemetery, AML Buys 5 Minister: Rev, 3. Sanah Andrei Gromyko during a 2% Cemetery 'tee members Mr. Dick said that for the two and a half years ending Jastiinto the field of bankruptcy in- pleted. MACDONALD, Peter Alexander At Oshawa General Hospital on Wednes "Bankrupt Act hour meeting today. ment Mac-\June, only 10 orders fro prose-| vestigation." States." There has been speculation Mansfield told reporters they |that Mansfield, a confident of Gro-|Sound out Soviet leaders on pos-| \sibilities of. Viet Nam peace ne- He said he would discuss Viet| in Romania, the! group's next-stop, "if they want! to talk about it." PQ-Hydro Gets | (CP)--Premier -le-) |sage of Quebec said Wednesday DEYO, Cyril Britton 20 GAMES AT $20 Gey, November ae hs 1 reritton : jhad an interesting and "'a very President Johnson, is trying to 5 GAMES AT $30 Deyo of 1058 Lombardo Ave., 'London, rosecution jinform@tive" talk with 1 -- $150. JACKPOT [clovah) Deyo: Dear tather of _ Diane myko, tiat i tiie his eee es ee ee He declined to elaborate. (RO eid $50. PER FULL CARD Ont, Also survived by four grandsons TORONTO (( P) Members The Montana Democrat, Nani" Genin 2 $250 JACKPOTS Funeral ors: a1 Dunder fivests. Lob: of the legislature's select com-(whose group had discussed Viet) JACKP dL. 2 hom. for service in the chapel on Thurs.; mittee on company Jaw ex-|Nam earlier with high French CKPOT NOS. 53 and 58 day, November 18 a! 3 p.m. Interment pressed dissatisfaction Wednes-jand Polish officials, gave no in- $10 PER LINE PLUS $200 (Donations ate cee uae London day with the amount of enforce-|dication of how much of the| PER FULL CARD IN 83 AND." would be appreciated), ment of the prosecuting sections|lengthy meeting with Gromyko 58 NUMBERS. THIS WEEK. | of the Bankruptcy Act taken by| was devoted to the war. | PLUS $25. CONSOLATION esthad Marae Helen the attorney-general's depart-| He said any statement would) PRIZE, $150. TOTAL PRIZES |Hitaeiel or rhurday. Monee Ree have to come from Gromyko. | L GUARANTEED IN THESE (Margaret Helen Lambert, beloved wife' A. Rendell Dick, deputy at-| The only Soviet statement was} oan rom . a TWO GAMES. i grt a A rd Riek Pi ts i torney-general, who presented a/@ brief official announcement Reguler games pay doublein (hme ee the Arthstrong, Fu brief on behalf of his geval Peet had met with the) QUEBEC 17 Nos. or less vice In the Chapel titurday, Novemner ment, was subjected to lengthy |sena Ore at Eel requcat: | was '< 2 a! 1.30 p.m. interment Oshawa Union questioning by several commit-| Mansfield repeated the state-\negotiations for a $50,000,000 he has been' making|loan for 'Hydro-Quebec on_ the ree ------|U.S. majket have been com-| The loan at 5.31 per cent ar-) day, November 1965, Peter A 1958 CHEVROLET stationwagon, stan-| Soe ot koeabcre eles Bileved bus: cution were made by the bank-) Mr. Dick said-it was, difficult|"@ansed through the First Na- dard, $580. Phone 723-1708 father of Mra GE Wwititon wtsatatiey ruptey court. Three of these are|to act on nothing more than|tional Bank in Boston is for Jan. PAVILION ihe. late Mr _itacdonats resting it under consideration. Charges\unsubstantiated allegations of}! It had been arranged earlier AcIn - Anderson Funer 4 , 18 Jov. j vas Zoltan, Nick and Dan's -| : King St, East Service invine craw, \have. been laid against seven, |fraud. for Noy. 15 but it was put off Your A (bes | 50c ADMISSI Saturday, November 20, at 2 p.m. In-\with two dismissals, three con- Lloyd W. Houlden, speaking|because of a Canada-U.S. agree- Oo tho mr \ ferment Union Cemeter : git a i alana tg SSION Neen victions and two: pending. on behalf of the Canadian ge ee een such loans) Specializing in Volkswagen | . Bus to Jubilee Pavilion leaov- NEEDHAM, Fred Elmer Sopha, Liberal mem: Credit Men's Association, said|O"_ ff z market. 4 Repair ond Service, ing Four Corners at 7:30 p.m Suddenly, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman ber of the legislature for Sud-jone of the reasons for the small | 180. Siivicces Saath CHILDREN UNDER 16 ville 'cn Wednesday, November 16, 1965 bury, said: Inumber of prosecutions was) PRAIRIE TOLL RIS 728-0051 NOT ADMITTED ay Pe dacralaa Ld rs Scugog Street in' 'This seems astounding. Only|that it costs between $5,000 and| REGINA (CP) -- A record ee SoRU AIK Cote ich ail ST. PHILLIP'S Catholic Women's League, cu'side, dear father of Mrs. A Massie 10 orders, despite the extent of/$10,000 to initiate a prosecution, |total of 229 people were killed : Corse, light hive, four-\Oxford Street, Ba: d Tea, : ernice) of Toronto and the late Mar cruptey yntar' T ' | ini geet speed, radio, rear apeater le Rl pi tly emma iy Tee Salsteeyit ica) dear aracctethan cot tented aryprinly. an Ontario. ie bg too : igge an estate had and 6,401 injured on Saskatche- nted glass, 14 HP. $2,478. 423-2724 eae SORE Gaines ___|brother of Mrs. J. Middleton (Rose) of our a year erejoniy a small sum remaining.|wan's roads in 1964, compared) jp WALRGWAOEN. 4255. Ge nacrant corner, "MaDe Gitte Pee ee Pont ey alt i the Northcutt andiis no evidence that the attorney-|There is no machinery or funds|with 200 and 6,052 the year be i al 12 Lloyd Street or telephonejber 19, 1¥ a.m. to 3 p.m. Alger Building, \o'clock Saturday morning. Interment g1i2cneral S department has, in|that the bankruptcy court could/fore. There was $8,417,966 worth) \ 127 King Bast, \John's Cemetery, Blackstock. \fact, initiated any investigation|use te initiate a prosecution. lof damage to 17,771 vehicles, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 18, 1965 3] +\/owns Commander Investments. TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Chib Kay 970 19 19 19 oRESULTS wares: Rae ee -- 2s {S = {| _ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Quotations in cents uniess marked 8.) Coch Will 500 355 355 355 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim- Odd 'lot, xd---Ex-dividend, xr---x- Met 1000 22% 2h 2714 +1 |ing, mi th r-year-vids, arate dane Ml Coone M OIe MO lous board-lot closing sale. Coniagas 300 $3 830« 83 «1 9-Bide Lip, Sarraby 440 290 2.50 Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Conkey "we te Wh 'Bnd Sen keen ae ~ ie sata . Ba erry { Con 1000 15 15 15 --2 | Also Ran in Order; Currycemy, Wille' INDUSTRIALS C Bel 16000 10% 10 1 Brief, Twilight Tar, Babcliff, Canadian un" SS ln dat Wltaian ty eel tii 150 $10% 10% 10% -- Stable Entry. Ane Gas TS Sh WA WM € Marcus 2450 5855 Winner, b ¢, 3, by Alberta Blue -- Winnie Alte GCp 1060 $97'2 9714 97'2-- tu) © Mogul 575 390 38S 390 Yates by y Alta Gasw 200 $124» 125 12%-- Ve plage thea ue ci Bee "4 + \3)Poo! $22,372. "Dally Double Pool $46,656. Ig Ci % 9% --" po Pg 1 2 Wia-- ve) CS Rambler 1000 191 191 191 -- 1| SECOND RACH -- Purse $2,100. Claim- Algong pr 100 $102 10% Wia-- Conwest 280 775 757 77S + Siing, three. four-year-olds. One and 'Alliance A 325 $7% 7% Tia) COP Corp 11200 74 70 70 -- 3ione-sixteenth Miles (8). Alumini 1575 $30% 30% 30% Cop Fields 428 116 115 116 -- 1/4Chinese Festival, D'fach 3.10 2.70 250 'Alum Iprd 710 $2 22 Cop Man $00 8% Bh Bi 1-What A Question, Parsons 8.40 §.30 Anthes A 200 $22% 22% 22% -- | Coulee $00 25 25 (95 8-Cipliner, Leblanc 3.10 'Arg CPpr 1040 $12% 12% 12% Cowich .600 83 83 83 + 1) Also Ran in Order: Roman Warriors, Aibestos'€ 550 $25. 25. 25 --- Ve| Craigmt 450 $134 13° 13 = %e|My Sweet Love, Merit Rippey, Tanama- tact 950 $25% 25% 25%-+ va, Cstland % 2 27 --1 \koon and Twilight Tango. Ae a 100 as as ws -- | Crowpat ' 8 DAILY DOUBLE, # AND 4, PAID $10.10. Bank Mont 380 $604 40 40 --%%| D'Eldone 12100 49% 45 45 --3 | Winner, dk B or br 4, by Chop Chop -- Bank NS 473 $714 71. 71 ~-- '| Denison 25 $38% 38% 38% Festivity by Fair Bath PA 25 $55'4 55) + Ye) Dome BL We ee +" 969. 10% 10% -- % - bay a4 5 He x 37 + Ya) Dureine 1900 4 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claiming Bell Phone 2528 57% S7%-- ve} Ouvan $00 74 7% 7th --114\ three-year-olds end up. 7 Fi . icks 100 $122 12% 12% East Mal 500 180 150 150 |4Popsaysno, Steve 80 cv") Brazil 620 38% 8% 8% Be en nes Pee $40 BC Suger 200 $38 3 FM ' i413 +1¥4|5-Soclel , Wal 2. Burns 200. $1914 191 er $25 Also Ran in Order: Remister, Shereen, Burrard A 300 ua au +3 iar etiee hy inl ore. . CAE Ind = 720 ' G -- Diesel Cal Pow 710 $27% 27% Power by Polynesian. Pool $53,743, Can Cem 200 $46 46 46 Sin 0 =w i 3 23 in Exp 2200 12 12 «#12 Cen en "30 He 3 45 Gortdrm 2000 305 305 305 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,700. Aliow- Can Foil A 50 $40 «40° 40 ied and 266 266 266 + 1 rie three- and four-year-olds. 13% + 'andue 4335. 335 335 & eat 390 i Hy get Pg cry 2000 26% 26'% 2614 +114 TMary Cotharta, Ferre 12.90 n - unnar 300 217 218 215 -- 2/8 Beau's Delight, Parn \ fa Am A mo stew 16% von | Heath 26000 94°99 yA|3-Cup OF Kindness, B CB AIBW 100 360 360 360 -- § ee 350 940 935 940 +15} Also Rae fe 795 67 26% 267% -- Y i } € Girw 300 te ye -- 4] Hud Bey 2115 $77 76° 77 | 8nd Cavaline, C Dredge e00 380 375 «375 -- §| [nt BiblsT 2000 119 117 118 ,| Winner, 6 1, 3, by Salled Away -- Miss CGE pr 100 as 52, 5244114] [nt Hellun 1000 18 He He 4 4| Romenveue By Mneaayeur tnd, 5 5 425 | aimcr 000 % % | jroo 95, coum ee | Pea ee a gt | ¢€ Hydro p 150 $21% 21% 21% + %| (ren Bay = $00 211 210 2) -- 3 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. Clalm- ci BkC 325 $6294 62% 62 ise 300 215 215 218 jing, three-year-elds and up. ? Furlongs Cind GO 2945 $13% 13% 138+ Ww) Jaye Exp 17000 18 17. 1p 44 | (6) IL 10 $212 21% 21% =| Jelex 19000 39 «3737 4 -Well To Do, Steve 14.40 8.40 2.70 MA 800 $64 ba ba Joburke 7a 1% Ti 4 tlt "Buttermiik Pike, Cuthb'son 9.10 2.60 CATs ete ee ee Tole -- th, Jonsmith 8200 1614 16 160s 4 05) YAMarlin's Ark, Dittfach 210 Pet 3 $114 11% NM% Jovtel Ris 5700 7 hi 614. 14|,, A080 Ran in Order: Warrlor's Day, A- tan Salt a $35.35. 35 ye 2300 99 «99 | Mitzi's gp Bon, Brant. . er Add 400 8 A--Willow ms Farm Entry. wn Aen {0 320% ors oy + Kilembe 150 $194 iO Ove + 8) | QUINELLA, 4 AND 2 Palo 0.00. 1s 15 = %| Kirk Min 1000 12 12 12 «9 |Winner, ch g, 4, by Nedir -- Feeling Chemceil lag sis 1515 boas pe free gy lly HE caren HO stra wa Wi | Lee taU 0 813% 13% 13% -- Vy) 00! SF5,282 Winellie Peo} 686.096. Col Cellor 25 $25V0 2516 5m + Yo in ee ee te te SIXTH RACE -- Purse $3,100. Allow Con Bidg | Latin AM 500 1 ances, two-vear-olds, 1 Mile (8), ~ 1 ces, is, 1 Mile (8), Con M $ '1112 $51%2 Si%e Sie-- Ml Cone, mun a 6-Ceasar's B Good, Walsh 3.90 3.60 2.40 Con Paper 100 $3914 39% 3% ~-- Ve} 4 25 630 ' Con Gas 2145 $1 14% 14u-- | LOuvict % 3% 36 wy | SGarden's Ace, McComb 9.70 $.00 Corby vt 100 $20% 20\4 20% -- %| Macleod 1000 9) «(919 2-Third Moon, Inouye 3.20 Corby B 120 $20 2% 20% -- 4! Madsen 3300 252 250 250 ~~ 2 Also Ran in Order: Shipmate, Michael Corenain 1500285. 255.255 Marchant 2400 25. 282 381 Al pail ang Acchante Breemninn, Oe a 8 4 Red 2500 67 46 66 = 1 4 A Crain Re 175 $30% 30% 30% -- ve| Matigm! 300 $17% 174 174e-- Ve tn ink and @ Mato Entry. Crush Int 115 $14%4 14% 14% Maybrun 90000 814 2727 1 |oreeaeh, GG MOY Meery 8 sy Cygnus A 213 410 4)0 410 a ne Ad $932 93% 9314 -- Vo| Pool $50,577, an by Roman Night. y y jam " - . ; ee a McWat FO Og in com 7 11], SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 add- DaleR Ap 100 $10 10 10 A 334 Wh + M Dist Seag 565 $38 3838 Merrill 4500 462 «40 iad eat Selb. Pht agi At Taree ly Midrij be iP, es @ mars, e Dom Elect 200 $15¥a 15% 15% -- ta] Midrin 17yno Ae Me 46 +14 and three-sixteenths Miles (10). Dofasco 520 $284 2612 2814 -- Ye 6800 123-118 118 = 2 Dom Store $0. $2586 25%e 25%--%| Nat Exel 222 20 2 2 aie de oe oe tes Domtar 725 918% 18% 18% han Pry ime 25a 25 28 1 le Soya are tae 3.70 3.90 2.90 Dom Text 5 Wa 332 334 sa 6h 6! rel $ M East chir a te" o #4 ll oe! A % e¢ 2 'annie tin yin Valentine, pet 1 250 $13 3 13 x x 7 760 ", Y Exquisite. > 100 $12! 12h 121% Neonex w 400. 355 350 350 Low. "Victoria Garden, A-Beauante, A- Exqut Aw 100 305 a05 305 -- 8 Me oe 7 Hh 6% bh A~Dane Hill Acres Entry. Falcon 490 $108'/2 108% 1081 --1% r fh 8 | --Windfl Fam Play 50. $2514 2514 25%4--Ve| N Hosco 1700 270 266 266 | Winners dk'b oe Pays Victoria P Fed Grain 7% 7% ™% N Mylame 1000 24 24 24 = 'Angele by ti ot ja Park cla vA fp Ande gE rg N Senator 800 15th 1514 154 + 1%4| Poot $69,308 pees FPE-Plon 225 $17 aN Vv ne pew Taku 009 » DP DP w= " nes FPE-Pn pr 25 $681 6814 8a + | Nisto 3 1% 17 7 <1 | lew GS Weres 11 $12. (:12«12 Norbeau 000 142-162 16 + 'ling, Shrpeyenrotie ak an eae GS W pr 110 $9595 9S Norgoid 21000 164 1514 1514 -- | sixteenth Miles (7) Up. One and one GL Paper 1100 $22 24 2 Normetal 5 485 4S 4 -Letin Artist, Werry 920° 430 3041 $28 2B OB Norpax 4000 (12% 12 12+ tal ia-sii oe . . 3.00 330 85) «685 85 C+ 4) CN Amerien 1000 63 630 6k 1 tAcReap The Wind pati 3.20 3.2 20.93), 3) N Rank 3500 2) = 4 We] Also Ran In Order! Admiral's itt, ate Too 9233 ' we ny" 4" |sent Son, 'Scadedie and Winlsteo, oe t 7 ie eee 25 35 10 108 100. te ag Sanelll and Grovetree Stabile 240 818% 430 800 795 795 -- 10\ winner, 125 $194 1000 13 ts ot tgs sk 25% by Teneran! -- Nenuphar 675 $12¥2 1400 67 #47 «(67 {Pool $61,749. Tebal 575 $14% 1695 925 910 910 = 20lAtlendance S.9pne en ram Sae.séa. 272 $14 1000 aw y 200 $17% 1000 171 171 «171 + 1120 $5314 1345 $11 10% 10% -- Shin Jjne wees? MOHAWK A c xp 7200 18 kOe 2 Su be boul Soe tot HB OB By TS Va - 3 "% Inland Gas 150 $10%2 102 10%2-- We! Placer 430 $26 26 26 we | RESUL Inland Gpr 300 $192 19% 19% Preston 1100 $10% 104 104 ---~ ui Inland Gw 200 43 43 43 + 1) Probe M 2050 " | Int Nickel 484 $100 100% 100' --114| Purdex 2000.12 12 12 + |, RIRST RACH -- 7 Mile (Trot) for ue, SSM PTR Be ue GRO 1 ayuistemy kee See Mus teem ene ntpr --h 9 1¢ al * a ¢ i .40 3.10 Int Stl P 100 $5 Sve 5% Quemont 2S $11.11 17 1) 4|SCornish Horn, Stansell ce 60 2.40 1850 $14% 14% 14% Raglan 2160 207 205 207. 4 1 a Moray Comet, Ingles 2.30 900 pe 10 10 --¥e| Rio Algom 1582 $19% 1914 19% so Started: House of Commons, Rex core, ee ee eee a ee bee elly Ma 790 790 -- 10 Kelsey Co 100 $18¥e 18% 18'0 | Ryanor 1h Be fi ) Boe 1 | SECOND RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace) for Labatt 1248 $18% 1814 18% + Ve! Sherritt 1550 $00 S85 S85 |slx-year-olds and under, Purse $700 (8) LOnt Cem 225 $6% 612 62 -- | Sil Evreke 100 135 195 195 4 19 /@PUrdy Gordon, Hill 8.10 6.10 3.30 ee a oe fal Siivrfige 600. 365 360 365 4 | "Homestead Irish Fergie, Habkirk Laura See 687 OO vad 6500 36 44 4 25.40 10. Lav Fin 725 $124 124 12' . Sil Miller 1200 16 #16 (16 ' [Renny Chief, Boily 0 Lay Fi2g 250 $1) 18 Sil Stand 29 118 115 Ms onl tice Royal Oaks, Gay Selaxy, Life Invest 100 $814 M14 Ale een 810 710 700 700 = 15 Jean Third and Redd! 8, LobCo A 1100 $10%% 10% 10'%4-- Ve; Sullivan 2500 605 600 600 -- 10 Sle Lobte B 435 $10' 20% 10%-- 1% Teck Corp 700 805° S00 = 's/DAILY DOUBLE Nos. 4 - Bucky Song Loeb M 125 $1658 1658 165 Ferrttory 20 10 10 10 and @-Purdy Gordon PAID $121.70. Maclean 205 $3514 354 35% exmon 10900 159 155 156 + 3) MB PR 940 $2534 2514 25% -- a| "Tex-Sol 1000 33 3333 |petiRD RACH -- 1 Mile (Trot) for m Leat Mi B $16% 16% 165% rare 1500 128 124 124 o U Kite ge stemaa li up. Purse $700 (7) ass- 495 $34 39% 337% -- Ve 'ormon' 00 14 «#414 «14 ee, , Hansen 4.90 3.10 2. Monti: so $174 174 174 A a 2500 938 235 238 ate walker 3.60 i 'ont Love $U% 14% 14% rin 400029 2~2O«8 by q er 21 Moore 130 $81 80% 80%---~%| U Buffadn 8000 $6 56 56 | Also Started: Star Nib, Safety Man ae Morse A '125: 816% 16% 16%-- ta! Un Keno 945 850 $40 $4n -- 19 SPCONd: Buckaroo and Wybetty C. Scratch. Morse B 100 $14 14° 14 = %| Urban QO 00 24 jed, Lila Lee Henley. Nat Drug 500 $13% 13% 13% + Ve) West Mine 2700 S05 500 SOS 4 5) re N Groc pr 25 $28% 282 28¥a-+ t4| White Star 1000 33 33 33 FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for Norande 1090 $524 51514 --154! Wileo 4200 ES es Se | Glia Mies vp. Purse $700 (8) an «1380 $2888 | Willroy 180 «179 «179 Rebs » Gelsel 3.50 3.30 3.30 NONGas p 200 $2828 2h | Wineh 2000 6 «66 )~-- 6 41 «| Rudy's Rebel, Knapp 10.40 4.50 Nor Phone 175 $11% 11% 11% -- Ve) Windfall 00 > 8 UM le v4|Nalor's Missey, Norris 4.80 NW Util pr 210 $8012 80% ov Yale Lead 2500 13'4 13° 13! | uAlso Started: Hal Spirit, Dandy Hai, Ogilvie 25 $lue 14a Ide Yk Bear 300 166 185 186 |Mighty Glen, Mountain George and Bob- Oshawa A. 170 $28 27% 28 Yukeno (Be gaa Ste y,| OY Brainerd, Pac Pete 185 $10% 10' 10% Zenmac 6000 3% 35 35 | Parker 145 (85% «(S54 5% + Ve) Zulapa 9100 234 21% 2314 +42%) Praha) RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for Popwins bs $11% 11% 11% -- & Perea' iaurrvear cee Purse $1,000 (6) ow Corp 5 $13 13 13 red} ard, Wellwood) 3.90 3.00 2.40 Price Bros 150. $39% 394 3914 OILS 2Miss Teressa Mac, Hamel 7.20 3.60 QN Gas 2946,813% 13 13%+ Vel Acme Gas 500 19% 19% 191 S-Royal Duke, Hie 250 Rank -Orgn-.200.-445.445__445_-+_$1_Alminex 300 290. 9Rs Jeli as Mole d told dé Delight, Another sania Srp 400 40-40 40+ 1S) Am Leduc. 9500 18 1714 18 aa ceyeey Ps Ibehkahr and Scratch. Rien 25 $274 27a 27Va | Ang UDev 1025 55 55 55 ~J| si, Ruih's Daisy, pple as $00 190 90) 190, | Anamers 2800 159 155 159 -- 1| SIXTH RACE Falta Yee 425 $234 23% 235% ~~ Ve) Calvert 2200 % OH ihres-Yearaine ond. 1 Mile (Pace) for gore en nye ast irs rhs "l ¢s uate 300-211 210 210 -- 1/2-Dean Sultan C. Moree thee ioe an $ ? 16 295 295 25 nd 30 4. 1 Sayvelie 250 4S, 445 44s ¢ Ox Gel. 1140 2) an 2 DATAcnncs Lou Locke, Hughes 3.30 3.50 Scot YK 100 $17 17%4 17 | Can SupO 621-821 0M 71 + WA] Ale Startode nine Mike, So oe + ay - D vy Wy | ! 0 Cy Vi Shell. Can 452. $20.20 | bg Meee a deg WM jfory Van, Jimmy Whistler, Captain ha Shell Tw 500 45 6 <1 10| Game Pe Mel GE itm ie LOUIE LEA" avortte Song. Sjater Si 2308 $186 18 18 | Provan <0 te Us Ns + Ai Guinea Nest" ends pap singe Slater Aw 800 945 928 925 -- 15]. French Ph 425 ans 0540s XEDH-Deadheat for 2nd position pad Heat ze me @ | Gridol a ol Stattord $58 8 + 4) Lande 266 400 400 400 three-yaretae soe oo. ule (Pace) tor Steel Can 3115 $26% 2604 261A | Mideon 7 $7 57 + Vadarvig Roe Sane, 0m Purse $1,000 (8) Tancord p75 TS HO We N Cont 2376 22 |B Peter W. Grattan, Wes Coke 300 3% Toy PA ae tea eet ae Oe 100 370 370 370 + 10|7-Careless 'Hal, Starsely Coke 3.90 3.20 Toram 8k 126 som Os WH ul BO BL tw | Also Started: Iva Sea Patch, Andy Elic Ter Iron A 350 $282 28% M+ %) pri' Se as an B es alateeny sine Mighty Midnight and UE al eis Provo Gas 1265 29 226 227 | baal curr' n Ss $173 H Yg = Vel ae Stanwell 2300 18 a5) teoryearelae oa ob! Bile Mace, for Triad Oll 1100 260 257 r, sa . rse $2,000 (8) Un eartia | ice, St 'ah Sa "eto + semana' aor 'Fttoan MP fyh 28 Unispher 1000 4 «#414 8-Graci Sf 00 3.70 Un Gas racie Lochinvar, Graham @ U_ Canso 500 350 350 350 A 5.90 Versatile | Also Strated: Greentree J Wespac r22 15 #18 15 i e Judy, Lochin Walk. GW, 270 $26¥6 3646 36% |W Becalte "875 380: 375 375 -- Slang igh Polen Soot" Mountain Way Well Fintc 7250 $5' Sie 5¥a | PAPO NINTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pp. ' West Ind' 195 255 255 255. ok Seo Leo 9 5 Meat beds igs 7 Purse 81500 (8) estcoast 025 $21%» 215m 21% + ta! Fr rettor, Icks 28.90 12.1 7 Weston A 100 $20¥4 20V2 20'a-- 'a ¢ Mogul mew vee 2Altorney Brooks, Holmes io a0 Weston B 515 $21 20% 203% -- 3) Cheskirk 2000 16 «16 (16 I-Leo Mann, Bolly 3.40 West Awl 150 $11% 11% 11% -- Vel Beerhorn oe & % 2 Also Started: Mac Byrd, Edgewood Y Knita 100 $84 Ble BM | Gunnar 200 225 225 295 a3 Key, Jimmy Chief Junior, Mighty Lady L., Zenith 2000 215 215 25 -- S| Lorado 200 140 «140 (140 Ves Brains i Midcon 500 59) 59. 49 | Total Poot $106,007 MINES Un Kene 100 570 570 570 se getancem raves Advocate 1000 520 590 8m ® Agnico' 100 195 125. 128 Area Companies Akaitcho 1000 56 56 SH ' Pr | All Pitch ¥200 15 1518 C l 0 | AAm Moly 2950 158 181 155 + 8 ast e § wner et Ang Ruyn 4400 242 236 | 240 H M Tac s , i H Secu He uty y/ Has Metro Home | orrawa «specia -- oshawe , | rea firms ye ape cr A ae ie | LORONTO (CP)--Jules Sokol- contracts by the ieee i ge Bankene $000 $30 «90-30 +29 (OFF, identified Wednesday by the|netence Product epartment of Haste es ae 4 United States maritime admin- nounced h a Be at was an: Seicher prt Re HI dak istration as Canadian owner Ofji¢ar c ge: by Industry Min- Belletere , 2000 30 30 30 the disaster ship Yarmouth Cas-|" nowis E Drury, aides Lil asae a is eae tle, once operated an appliance y Equipment of Canada Big Nama 1050 50 50 50 store here. Ltd. at Ajax was awarded an fee mm ht MW A relative said: Mr. Sokoloff $11,708 contract for specialized Breen 1 8 He commutes regularly. between|* 7 °Ta!t Tepair equipment. ro m Pagtch ia ace 400 12' 124 124 | |New York, Nassau, Miami and General Motors Products of Bunker H 300. 30° 3030-1 |his home here in central Forest of Canada Ltd., Oshawa, was amftlo 0 340 S 340 ; ni awarded Camp Chib 11100 680 650 650 --ao[Hill Village. ne 'on contract for ie a BS red nt vid ie The maritime administration sayy TCHS, _€ Dyno 375 147 147 47 ~ g(Said the Yarmouth Castle, AM International Electronic <,dapien zw 10 Ie it ~ "which sank Saturday off 'The|SPecialisis Lid. was awarded a Tne, a ie 8 te ~ |Bahamas, is owned by Chadade|$10,446 contract for electron Ce ee a, Steamship Co. of Panama. The/|tubes. andor y y a V ? : yeaa wes canta aa en | company S owner is listed. as} The contracts are among 114 Cariboo 1000 3B |Commander Investments Inc. ofjunclassified defence contracts Cassiar 200 $13 3 n airy iy Le wie . ur Cheskirk 4700 ISA 15 15 The Bahamas. Mr. Sokoloffjawarded by the department and Shester 400 2] MA 21 totalling 1.024.033.