| i j { 18--Mele Hellp Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted 20---Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 18, 1965 29 The Bell Tele- phone Compiany REQUIIRES YOUNG MEN TO TRAIN AS TELEPHONE CRAFTSMEN MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS @ High School or Technical School graduation diploma @ Above average nuechanical and mathematical apti- tude, Must be willing te: move. Age 18 to 25 years. Driver's license (ne signifi- cant demerits). @ Good health and physique. Apply in Person To Our Employment Cffice 64 King East 9 a.m. to 4 jx.m Mon. to -Fri. APPLICATIONS will be received from those with parcel delivery exper- ience, ond those who feel they have the qualifications to perform the following duties: (1) Regular paper deliweries Oshawe oreo (2) Regular weekly deliveries and collection of accawnts Bowmanville -- Couwtice creo. (3) Regular weekly deliveries and collection of accounts Whitby creo. REQUISITES First class equipment, relitxb- Hity,, punctuality, finaneial responsibility, excellent chiar- octer. Applicants should indicate whet crea they are applying for. Specific duties ond re- muneration will be discussed during interview. In appiy- ing write to: BOX 8764 "OSHAWA TIMES __ PRODUCTION CONTROL -- CLERK Applicants must have thor ough knowledge of planning ond production control pro- ceedures. @ Permanent Position © Education -- Grade minimum @ Full company poid bene- fits including | Hospital, Medical and Pension Plans APPLY Personne! Department CANADIAN AUTOMOTIVE TRIM 274 MACKENZIE AVE. AJAX, ONT. 942-4160 12 Plant Manager Required for, warehouse and assembly plant in Ajax Duties will include supervision of staff of 12; control of in- ventory system covering 5,- 000 items; receiving and ship- ping; manufacturing. and as- sembly operations and quolity control. Reply in own handwriting, giving full details of educa- tion, previous experience to Box 8878, Oshowa Times. USED CAR SALESMAN Must have used car sales ex- perience ond be bondoble. DON ARMSTRONG GUS BROWN MOTORS LTD. 725-6568 | | | i | | | | | Be Mr. H. . Westerlink. @ Trim sawyers $2. "per. hr. @ Machine room helpers and belt sanders $1.75 per hr. @ Cabinet makers and assemblers 1.85 per hr. Required immediately for an aggressive woodworking plant in Kitchener, specializing in laboritory, office and custom- built furniture Experienced man or man will- ing to learn, pleasant working conditions. No bonus system. Moving arrangements can be made if required. INTERVIEWS will be held at 912 HUTCHESON STREET WHITBY Telephone 668-4392 on Sat., Nov. 20 SALESMAN Alert young man for Oshawa's finest Men's Wear Store Write stating age, experience if any ond telephone number to BOX 8793 _ OSHAWA TIMES LICENSED MECHANIC REQUIRED To specialize in brakes and front end. Excellent starting salory, bonus, commission, all company benefits Apply to W. Fertile FIRESTONE STORE 190 King St. East Oshawa -- 725-6566 | | | | FULL TIME MAN Required up to age 55 for building service work, exper- jence in all phases of janitor work preferred. All company benefits. Must be able to pass rigid medical | | WRITE GIVING AGE | AND EXPERIENCE TO BOX 8494 | OSHAWA TIMES SALES SERVICE POSITION Young mon 19-25 Grade |! education Car essential Salary plus commission All company benefits Complete training program Musical background help- ful. Write BOX 8606 OSHAWA TIMES MAINTENANCE MAN REQUIRED FOR LOCAL SHOPPING CENTRE Should have experience land- scaping ond some on snow plows Write full particulars to BOX 8955 'OSHAWA TIMES WANTED 3 experienced Real Estate Salesmen or Salesladies. To handle New and Resale properties Tremendous advertising port Only persons interested in earning over $10,000 yearly need apply. Confidential interviews. GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-4645 MECHANIC CLASS "A" LICENSE Starting Salary $125. WEEKLY sup- |! CROWELL'S SHELL SERVICE STATION 22 BOND EAST 728-8712 "CLOSER" sMan over 21 with car wanted tto work in Oshawa oreo. $75 mer week ' 723-5051 | EXPERIENCED WAITER GOOD MECHANIC | ACCOUNTANT Required for Progressive Cobourg Manufacturer Duties to include: Preperation of monthly finan- cail statements and super- vision of small staff. Candidates. must have com- pleted two or three years of a recognized = accounting course. Starting Salary $6,000 to $6,500 Please write stating full quali- fications to BOX 8834 OSHAWA TIMES MAN TO ASSIST IN WAREHOUSE Operation of local plant. Pre- vious warehousing experience required. Grade XI education minimum. Benefits. Apply in writing stating qualifications ond personal details to BOX 8792 OSHAWA TIMES LICENSED MECHANIC @ 5 or 5% day week @ Good working conditions. Apply MEADE'S SUNOCO Based.) Must be neat in appearance. Ideal. working conditions. APPLY IN PERSON BILL WHITTICK MOTORS 1250 Dundas East, Whitby NO. PHONE CALLS PL EASE MATURE MAN Part time DESK CLERK Mostly week ends GENOSHA HOTEL Apply Front Desk 725-816) FULLY QUALIFIED TINSMITH Steady work year round. Older mon considered. Apply 91 Bruce St., Oshawa, 9 a.m. = 5:30 p.m. SERVICE STATION Attendant Required Also be able to. operate a tow-truck. App! 925 SIMCOE ST. N, 725.2552 for i. Street West, Oshawa. |STEADY, F jand SS years, RELIABLE man, between nings. EXPERIENCED automotive parts sales- man. Must be over 21 years of age. Ex- cellent working conditions and company |benefits. Apply in person to Canadian |Tire Corporation Associate Store, Ns) cocktail jlounge and beverage room, Steady posi- ition. Apply Manager, Hotel Lancaster, 7 for light maintenance, | steady employment. Whitby 668-5647 eve- | Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. TAX! DRIVERS wanted, Whitby | dents, six day week, Wage guaranteed. | Telephone 668-3413 or 668-5110. {TWO LABORERS for construction, steady| ul pended Telephone 648-3214 after 6, '19--Male or Female on, | PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD of TOWNSHIP of PICKERING SCHOOL AREA No. 1 invites applications for. fully qualified teachers for (1) ONE JUNIOR TEACHER) 1966 | TO START JAN. 1, (2) SUPPLY TEACHERS Salary schedule based on ex- perience and qualifications. Apply, stating qualifications and name of last Inspector, to Lloyd Johnston, Admin, Greenwood, Ont. i, Be C MULLAN REALTOR 120 Dundas West WHITBY 668-6201 COUNTRY ESTATE 3% ACRES LAND 2 miles west of Brooklin. 4 room frame home newly de- corated. 3 piece tile bath and new oil furnace. Plenty of fruit trees and raspberry bushes. Toxes $83. yearly. Heat $80. yearly. Carries for $89. monthly, principal, in- terest and taxes. List Price $12,300 CENTRAL LOCATION 8 ROOM -- 2 STOREY In excellent condition, 4 bed- rooms, 3 piece tile bath, Pav- ed drive, carport and garage. On large well landscaped lot 51 x 132 ft. Carries for $85. per month, principal, in- terest and taxes. Asking $13,600 | WHITBY |' SOUTHWEST AREA $2,000 Down rooms. Heated with oi! heat. 4 piece bathroom, aluminum | | | ay Brick bungalow with 3 bed- storms and screens, paved drive and beautifuly land- | scaped.. Carries for $98. | monthly. Principal, interest | and taxes. MEDALLION ELECTRIC HEAT New 3 bedroom bungalow. Individual room thermostatic control. 4 and 3 piece bath, Built-in vanity. Mahogany kitchen cupboards. Vented hood in kitchen. Patio. Ex- terior lighting. T.V. aerial, Double aluminum windows and screens. Complete re- creation room 25 ft. x 12 ft. Total of 1,525 ft. of floor space, many, many extras too numerous to mention. Full Price $18,300. SHOWING REVENUE $7,500. YEARLY Older 9 suite completely self contained apartments. Three and four room units. $10,000. down, List Price $38,000. NORTHWEST AREA 3% ACRE OF LAND Four room brick bungalow. Sun porch, 3 piece bath. Gar- age and small barn. Suitable for horses, etc. Hen house, also a ploy house for the children. Asking Only $14,400 BEAUTIFUL TREE-SHADED LOT Level lot 83 ft. x 181 ft. in exclusive Rob-mar Subdivision situated between Brooklin and Whitby on oe No. 12. Terms to suit client. Priced to Sell at $4000 TWO LOTS PACKAGE DEAL -- $2,600. On Taunton Road East. Situat- ed on high level ground. 100 ft. frontage x 150 ft. depth. e We accept older homes as trade-ins "Call us for all your real estate needs." After Hours | Mr. APARTMENT BUILDING | $19,000 FULL PRICE On this 2 pag old 3 bedroom home, Hollywood kit- chen in geo French Provin- cial, fully finished rumpus room plus. separate laundry room and storage room. Large carport, all on good size cor- ner lot in new subdivision. Contact 728-5157 for inspec- tion, NEW NINE SUITE APARTMENT BUILDING Electrically. heated, one and two bedroom suites as well os a Bachelor apartment. Fridges, stoves included. Thermopone doors leading to balconies. $20,000, down will take this terrific buy. Phone 728-5157 now for more information. MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED Consolidate your debts, refinance your house, First and seconds at low rotes. CALL "BILL" HORNER 728-5157 DUPLEX $13,500 Two self contained apart- ments in excellent condition. Upstairs rents for $75. monthly. Taxes are very rea- sonable at about $216. year- ly. Phone 728-5157 for ap- pointment. ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South 728-5157 'Metcalf REAL ESTATE A 2S 40 King St. E EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Invest now in 266' of high- way frontage, west end of Whitby, complete with very large six room 1% storey brick home in excellent con- dition, very scenic property with tall trees. Asking only $25,000. with good terms. call now for full information. SUBURBAN -- NEW Very large 1560 sq. ft. ranch bungalow with 2-car base- ment gorage, rec. room al- most finished, electric heat, natural stone fireplace, built- In stove and oven, balcony. Call us now, this home must be inspected to see all the features. List price $23,500. 4 BEDROOMS A real nice 2 storey style home, close to schools and new -plont. Modern throughout on a nicely land- scaped lot in good open loc- ation. Only $14,500. with very good terms. NORTH WEST A very smart brick end stone ranch bungalow on an exceptionally deep 160' lot, garage and paved drive, nat- ural stone fireplace, a real buy at $17,500. with terms arranged to suit a reasonable down payment. Call us to see this home right now ! SALES ARE GOOD! STOCKS ARE LOW ! LIST. YOUR HOME NOW! Free appraisal and waiting buyers should bring the results you desire. Coll to list to- night. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Tim Vipond Bull Lundmark 668-5475 BUY -- SELL -- TRADE Thru GRIFFIN Director of Nursing Male or Female For modern 140 bed hospital situsted in the beautiful Kawartha Lakes district. Ex- cellent working conditions and employee benefits. Please reply stating qualifications ond salary required to: Personne! Director Ross Memorial Hospital Lindsay, Ontario TAXI DRIVERS Part or Full Time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert St 725- 477) MEN "OR 'WOMEN, ¢ full or r part time. No} experience necessary. We train you, No investment. Write Rawieigh, Dept. K-310-) NN, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal. | REAL ESTATE LTD. 155,Simcoe St. S. MEMBER 0.D.R.E.B. $1,000 down. Ajax. Only $8,000 full price. Detached 4 room bungalow. Carries for $75 monthly. Call 723-4645. $1,000 down. 200' lot. Situated at Pickering Beach. 5 room bungalow, Alum. siding, 50' water front- oge with a lovely sandy beach. 1 open mortgage for the bal- ance. Call 723-4645. Attractive bungalow. Neet and clean. 3 bedrooms. The | | $1,500 down. Oshawa south. | $14,000, Coll 723-4645, Harmony Rood N. Detached 5 | large rooms, 114 storey home, The condition is excellent. | Rustic appeal with this lovely gorden. Only $15,900. Down payment? What can you man- age? Call 723-4645, FOUR BEDROOMS . Older clean home with eosy payments. Asking only $11,- | | COLLEGE HILL 500.00. Call GEORGE VALENTINE 728-2633 WANT ADS reach thousanas of interester| Prospects every day. Take advantage «| ACTIVE REALTY the vast audience by telephoning 723-3497 and piece your ed before them new, LIMITED wooded Carries $85 monthly. detached _ brick price? Only Dial 728-4678 KEN HANN JACK OSBORNE BOB JOHNSTON JACK HOGAN JOE MAGA GORD. HAWSHAW ELDON KERR Member O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and Photo M.L.S. SO EASY TO OWN A HOME IN braemor gardens STEVENSON RD. N. AND ANNAPOLIS BUILDING LOTS Pollard Subdivision COURTICE For the finest in rural living -- adjacent to pub- lic school, large new high school, bus service, paved _-- large attractive ots. For Appointment 728-5579 i Electric Heated NEW Brick Duplexes 1--five room apt. 1--four room apt. These buildings qualify for a $1,000. Government Winter Works Bonus 6%4% _N.H.A. Mortgage Excellent rental Area $23,500. FULL PRICE LESS $1,000. W.W. Bonus Trades Considered JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King St. West 728-6286 SHAKESPEARE AVE. 5 room brick bungolow, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen and living room, home complete with storms and screens on living area, close to schools, shopping ond bus. NORTH END 6 year old, three bedroom bungelow, detached garage, owner building a new home and this listing must be sold. COUNTRY Bungalow, 4 bedrooms, 6 rooms, very modem kitchen, built in stove ond oven. Full price $14,600. ELECTRIC HEAT Built in stove and oven, 3 bedrooms walkout basement, patio at rear, completely de- coroted and situated in the north west area of the city. OPEN 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. After hours call: Les Holl 728-5513 Frank Smith 723-3533 Bob Stevenson 728-1903 Dick Barriage 725-6243 Jack Sheriff 723-3775 Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 Douglas J. M. BULLIED Realtor ®@ 6 room brick bungalow Built in stove and oven Extra 2 pc. washroom off master bedroom @ Enclosed breezeway @ Underground services Priced ot $21,900.00 See it for yourself You'll love it. BULLIED Real Estate 333 King St. W., at Park Rd, 723-1168 John Howson Bob Hobbs Munro Smith John O'Driscoll Alberta Wood MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA INDUSTRIAL BLDG. 30,000 square feet, 3 storey building, stoker heated, 139 feet by 101 feet deep. Will suit most eny industry, Could be leased. Your inspection in- vited. Reasonably priced with low down payment ond eosy terms, Call now-- JACK APPLEBY 728-5123 723-3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED FRANK Mma cera Ts REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Real Estate Boord 100 acre Stock Farm, Peter- borough area. Two storey 7 room brick home with two bathrooms, oil furnace, ex- cellent codnition, Very pro- ductive soil, stream, $14,000 full price. 147 acre Stock Farm, Sunder- land atea, 6 room farm home. Excellent soil, apring and Seeger large barn, VY mile from village. $28,- 000--terms. Kendal Hills--50 acres with fest trout stream, Excellent cottage and pond sites. $12,- 000--$3,000 down. Stock Farm off No. 12 Hwy. --100 acres of level clay loam soil, barn 50' x 86' and an implement shed. 1% storey 8 room brick home with two boths, furnace, modern kitchen. Asking $32,- 000--terms. Call George Beaton 985-2987 Port Perry. Bowmonville--Third Street--- 3 bedroom brick bungalow on lot 70' x 115', washer ond dryer included, finished re- creation room with ber, wall- to-wall broadioom. Owner transferred, $17,200--excel- lent terms. Estate Sole--Oshowa. Sunset Street. 3 bedroom brick bun- galow close to schools and shopping. Immediate posses- sion. Must be sold to settle estote. Asking only $15,900. Newcastle -- 6 room 1% storey home, extra lot, large trees, double garage, oi! heat- ing, bath. Extra 3 room apart- ment with separate entraance which could be rented. $14,- 900--$3,000 down, z Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m. Joe Barnoski 786-2202 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Jack Whiteman 723-8835 George Beaton 985-2987 Howard Forder 655-3853 Herb Cooper 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District ~ JACK REALTOR BOWMANVILLE 623-2503 For suburban living inspect this modern rug brick bunge- low on Taunton Road. Detach- ed brick garage. 330' x 660' lot. Call for inspection. Ask- ing $24,000. $2,000 DOWN will buy this brick bungalow in Newcastle. Finished rec. room. Fenced rear yord. 60' x 200' lot, Full price $16,500. ENNISKILLEN. 22 ACRES with large stream, rolling land. Frame bungalow with 3 pee, bath. $13,700---$2,500 down. 50 ACRE FARM on Taunton Road. 4 bedroom brick home with 4 pce. bath, Larae bam. Up to 150 acres of land can be purchased If needed. $25,- 000--Terms. 150 ACRES neor Erinli Golf Club north of Bowmanville. Stone house, large barn, fast stream. Estate sale. Asking $60,000--Terms. SKI HILLS. 40 ACRES with exposure in the Kendal Hills near Oshawa Ski Club. Fast stream; pond sites, ete. Call for details. 100 ACRE FARM near New- tonville. 5 bedroom house with 3 pce. bath. Good barn. Large spring fed pond, $5,- 000 Down. EXECUTIVE'S HOME In Brookside Acres Outstanding split level with double gorage on beautiful landscaped lot. 3 bathrooms, natural stone fireplace, and very many features, Can be seen by appointment only, Coll : Arthur Weinberger Real Estate 725-8851 32 Perk Rd. N. Garnet Picard 723-5688 Wilf Hawke, Orono 1 R 12 | Len Bissell 725-2070 RICARD 20--Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 (Over A Quarter Century of Service) Member of the Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. THOMAS ST. -- $15,500. This beautiful brick bungalow shows the fine care the owner has given it. Wall to wall broadloom in living room and hall. Partially fini recrea- tion room 40' long, Don't de- loy on this one -- coll right now, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 8 room brick home for only $13,900.00 with $2,000.00 down. Close to separate and public schools and shopping. See it to-nite. 30 DAY POSSESSION NLH.A. in Whitby. gage, cluding taxes only $99.00, EAST END $3,200.00 down buys this 6 months old, 3 bedroom bun- |galow with extra large Holly- wood kitchen and loads of cupboards, Basement divided for recreation room, Carport, private drive, alum, storms and screens throughout. Good area for both separate and public schools. JANE STREET place, @n appointment to see. LUXURIOUS LIVING in this ultra modern home-- only 1% years old with large outdoor swimming pool and 0 lovely patio. Broadloom in living room, dining room and hall. Master bedroom has its own private bathroom, plus balcony. Den with fireplace. Double gorage has radio con- trolled door. Call for details, SOMERVILLE STREET resale, 6 yeors old, located on Centre St. North Five good size rooms, consisting of attractive living room, good size kit- chen, 3 bedrooms and 4 pce. tiled bath. Full price $13,- 500.00, reasonable down pay- ment, balance on 6% mort- monthly payments in- Immaculate six room brick bungalow with attached gar- age. L-shaped living and din- ing room with natural fire- spacious modem kit- chen with ample cupboards, glass shower door in 4 pe. tiled bathroom. Only 2 yeors old. Call for particulars and offers an immaculote 12 yeor old, 3 bedroom brick bun- galow with garage and paved drive. You will love the large living room overlooking a lovely back yard with large trees, brick barbeque and patio --- completely fenced. Modernized kitchen pills bath- room with vanity, Asking $17,900.00. GOOD LOCATION Close to Dr. Phillip's School. Well built 114 storey home with 23 ft. living room, large separate dining room, custom built kitchen, 3 bedrooms and modern bath. Basement has a pletely fini: room. List _ $14,500. 00 --open to offers. 1 ACRE TREED LOT with a five room home with attached garage one block from. city buses. Large living room with natural fireplace, broadioom in living and din- ing room, modern kitchen, 2 bathrooms, recreation room 22 x 12 are just a few of the features in this home. Call tonite for an appointment to inspect. for full particulars call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Ed Drumm 725-9345 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Don Howe 723-9692 Marg Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 George Koornneef 723-2859 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Margaret Lee 723-2894 Reg Aker 725-0201 _Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe parking QUALITY BUILT HOMES BY ECHO CONST. LTD. 1,000 FULL DOWN (To Those Who Qualify) WALTON BLVD. WHITBY Large selection of 6%4% N.H.A. homes featuring 3 bedrooms, storms and screens on all windows, aluminum storm doors, built-in stoves and ovens, furniture finished cupboards and many other exciting features. DIRECTIONS-- Drive West on Rossland Road. to Brock Street, Whitby then two short blocks further west to: Walton Blvd. Open daily and week-ends. L. N. BIRD Real Estate Ltd, Call 668-6061 NEW *& *& BUNGALOWS by W. ROTH Const. Ltd. $16,500 FULL PRICE LESS $500 Winter Works Bonus 6%% Mortgage Joseph BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 ELECTRICALLY HEATED Ten new home by Lysk Con- struction starting at $18,150. with N.H.A, financing located in Kingsmere Gardens. S. D. HYMAN KEITH PETERS Realty Ltd. 728-7328 103 King Street East ia TO "ad Be RITSON Ri 8 room brick home ne Spot- less condition, has a 2 ond 3 piece bath with extra toilet in basement, all rooms are good size with extra large kitchen, home is oil heated ond hes walkout -- and private drive, Call So yaa 728-7328 or ns: NEW LISTING $10,900.00---Economy home with income in the east sub- urbs, Investigate this property with a basement opartment, large fot 600 ft. deep with gorage. Call Stan McCormack e553 3066. LEAVE THE HIGH TAX AREA Here is o beautiful split level home with attached garage, large living room with dining room, modern kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, 4 pce. bathroom with vanity and tiled walls. Sliding glass patio doors lead- ing to rear of home, large lot well landscaped situated be- tween Oshawa ond Whitby. Call Robert Johnson 728- 2548, BEING MISSED This property is being missed by purchasers who want in- dustriol property close to downtown with large two fam- ily sage room house with in- come. Large modern cement block Fn 32 x 40 that could be used or rented, large lot 7 6" x 144', room for lots parking. Phone Bill Rat- Shtte 655-4457. MAKE AN OFFER Are you economy minded, then look ot this spotless 3 bed- room brick bungalow asking only $14,900, seven years old, $94.14 includes princi- pal, interest and taxes, 6% interest. Call Earle Allen 725- 7782 for more info: ; REALTOR BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street Phone 623-3950 2 Acre farm, ~ 4 miles harl all eine conven- iences. Barn. Excellent gord- en soil, Down payment only $9, 000. , 35 Acre farm, only 6 miles from Oshawe. Brick home, modern conveniences. Lorge barn. Pond. Asking $30,000. 20 Acre farm, Orono area with house, bam, Asking $16,000. Terms. 100 Acre farm located north of Oshawa. Good buildings. building. Asking $18,500: Terms. EAST OF NEWCASTLE, 5 roomed new bungelew with oll modern conveniences; on 3 acre lot. Only $2500 down. NEWCASTLE, 5 roomed new home. All modern conven- iences. Carport. Asking $15,- 000 with $3,000. down. NEWCASTLE, 5 roomed. bun- galow with furnace, room. Centrally located. Ask- ing $10,500. 10 Acre Lots on No, 2 High- way, east of Newcastle. Pric- ed to sell. 10 Acres with brick home. All modem conveniences. East of Oshawa. Priced to sell. We list etd M.L.S. and Exclusive JOHN F. DeWITH OPEN HOUSE DAILY HARMONY VILLAGE Harmony Road, South; East of Donevan Collegiate; Har- court Dr, and Walnut Ct. Featuring the exclusive "Luxury Living' Home by K, R. BELL & SONS LTD. New, exciting models includ- ing 2 bathrooms, 2 car gar- ages, sodding front and rear, 3 and 4 bedrooms, stome fronts and walk-out base- ments. Low down payments or trade, Possession one week. 11 NHA Approved LOTS Registered plan M 81 ready to build on 725-9478 20--Real Estate for Sale -REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 (Continued on Page 30) }