28 THE CSHAWA TiMeS, Theredey, Movember 18, 1968 8 "Want Extra Cash for Christmas..Use Times Action Want Ads Now' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8---Articles For Sale |9.---Market Basket |14--Business Opportinities SCOTTS SCRAP BOOK By R J, SCOTT APPLES -- Mac, Courtland. | i £2'50bushel_ and 'up. Maybelle Orchares, BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | eg. MSMR) CiERA" SSaoeneeaee | "SIORe Intosh apples, $2.75 bushel. Fri delivery. Call evenings 655-4983, cece | This is a retirement type SPANISH QNIONS, 50-Ib. bag, + W.) : ; ; 5 , CLEARANCE ti Gate ee ee 28), business located 18 miles Berristers iMoney To Loan |TV--Radio Repoirs : ! : Garage, Courtice. Turn north to first cor-| north of Cobourg on Hwy, 45 Accountants ps é i = ner. | Consists of store 24 x cH GORDON R. DAY, Certified General| JAMES MACDONALD, LLB, Bar-|} WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 a . i ; A e E ROASTING CHICKENS -- Orders taken| completely equipped end ha 20sw, Shop-|rister and Solicitor and Notary Public,| sonable rate of interest to PAB Be for freezer, 4 ib. $1.35, 3 Ib. $1.15. Free the vill \ Accounten, iy i saab the Commercial Buliding, 286 King Wesk|your bills or for any other worthwhile Dativery i 10 or more, 728-5291, | village post office, 3 Med ara Contre, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking avall-\purpose providing you are steadily em edly Wn BARI, wrehys TAL UNiED Hates livery _ 28-529 room living quarters with liv- CLANCY'S Accounting br dtc able, 723-4716 or 725-4717 ployed. and have good credit, Telephone, é VOTING WAS MOSILY BY YOICE. LATER, ,NO. 1 WINTER | potatoes, 75-Ib. beg, 92.75. ing room and modem kitchen Pe "gs He phd ie meee ANTHONY. EI EDWARD _ HASKOWSKY,| ae Gt PN er eee ae ) pote Piieveemaeee te: IN ON Eehory: 10 MARE Petals a wr Siniece en . $0097 a oe chor DIstRiBu 3 San ee = |BA, BCL, Barrister and Solicitor, {Mortgages --__ CANDIDATES OUTSIDE THE POLLING PLACE, ROOM FOR OUR CHRISTMAS 10---Farmer's Column | only $10,000. $2,500 down JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account-|Centre Street. Office hours: 9 a.m 5.30| Priced to suit your budget. STOCK WE MUST MOVE OUT : : ; ond only $67.00 monthly. censed Trustee, 17 Bond Streetip.m, Evening appointments, Dia TERMS ARRANGED , } THE FOLLOWING | WAVE $3,000 for 20 To 30 acres of Fpastore| For further details call HAR- 13-4833, | ek | ane Charteres Account- [Building | Trades MORTGAGE : i DEMONSTRATORS NOW, = [2300 Mijn running, water. rss 3) OLD McGRATH at " | 4 ip.m ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, oe | OSHAWA TV i yo Most Are One Baie on creer oe ge ees 742-4234 | Ontario. Telephone _ 723-1221. PECIAL Money for first mortgages \ gh) . . HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Char- : SPEC Onan Medosa SUPPLY LIMITED ; aw Of A Kind vp promi. Margwill Fur Ferm, Tyrene fs tered Accnuntants, Financial Trade Bulle! 10% Discount | (ren atone TAUNTON RD, E. t Licence 389-0-85 bis ion WoS-3508; $7. Hopkins, CAI. H. | On All Orders | No Bonus Just Eost: Of Ritson aN pet Full Factory WARRANTY straw AND ROONEY cats Yor sale Bowes and Cocks 'ukow, CA. ; G Telephone 623-5077 | Lukow, No Charges for Valuations 728 8180 EK HOPKINS, "ur rinse WHAT 95 tt. Pp On All Models = reo soa enGre Eo Limited, Realtors, | | e F SLANDER AND CO., r til- FRIEDLANDER AND CO.) Remodelling, carpentry, ; pellet | s " ceountants. Licensed Trus-| ° in inting, plumbing, elec- Mortgages. ond Agreement | ADMIRAL OF THE U.S, NAVY BAWISCANCE be ce EGE OF truck load. Will deliver, $6. or by bushel Peterborou h Chartered A 9, pa 9, P purchased Sesichs Aes COLDRS ER oad Wuck ioe 9 | TTS, bY SKE CONINENTAL, ah gales alae: Nt, CIVIL WARY e & e@ _ IN WHITBY -- Shoe repair busine | | tees in Bankruptcy, 52% Simcoe Street trical work, roofing, eaves- ' " M ) f 'ond Mortgages . North, Oshawa, 728-7371 troughin lastering, cement ey snd Second tgag IT7S, BY THE CONTINENTAL e NEWSPAPERS |30 GRADE cattie, Holstein, some Charol Chinery and stock. No 1 aaa meee ghing, P Fost Service, WS HALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND CO.,| k of all kinds. Aluminum WINTERTIME CONGRESS, COMMANDER IN= WERE PRIMED : Ai tants, 36% King St. E.,| work of all kin u bl i , : ies sie ---- ------ | by 668-3606 or 668-3691 Genawae 72545397, William. Cc. Hall;| doors and windows, siding. M. F. SWARTZ T.V. TIME CHIEF OF THE NAVY, WHICH ANG fo ALT ANDICAME, | on WALLPAPER, 11--Pets and Livestock % pple CA; David G. Perkin, CAi) 950. skilled ah ad te . T.V, Service Anytime CONSISTED OF B CONVERTED CLANS fo WHICH THEIR, ets an ivestoc OWNER of @ well equipped sheet metal J. Graham MacMillan, CA. | eee 7 26% King St. East ; MERCRANIMEN: WEARERS BELONG, ee z COZ¥-J_ RANCH KENNELS. German| Sep would take partner with experience serve. you. | Oshawa, Ontario Ey R | O oie teen KODAK ESCORT, automatic, Shepherds, trained grown stock; pups. Write Son 54, Shine re work, | ' . | Barristers NELLIS' HOME 723-4697 ' oe ' Manu. Suag. List $64.50 ge ego ee pon-| EREIGHTON, BRYNAN, MUROOCH, ard IMPROVEMENTS : TELEVISION SALE $49.88 gE AUTIFUL baby budgies, read for '15--Employment | Wanted -- VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Oshowa -- 728-2061 FIRST FE , training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. T..LADY will mind chil x Bank ot Commerce Building, 5 Simca: rerhorough 748-2184 ST _& SECOND 728- 5143 _ |8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles For Sale Broad, 114 Elgin East home. Lake Vista pg 4 eee ee Pn valianin 6. Klee MORTGAGE FUNDS | |city rower also repairs. |---- . poe! VERNON B, Auhornatlon [tease eer gare V7, " eighton, QC; . | , . Brynan, QC, 728-8554; G. L, Murdoch, | : . [28 ae Gaaracien sit Dean' Avenve. HONDA SHOP Manu. Sugg. List $59.95 |small deposit. will hold for Christmas. - - ac. 723-4768; J, C, Victor, 95-7115. NOVEMBER SPECIAL | foi well. laewian Hames elephone 725 : ) | SALE $39.88 | Brooklin 655-3071 ay ue 7--Female Help Wanted mortapies. Sirener pic) Seve up to 15% during No- . Well Drilling-- Digging Oshawa's largest motorcycle 303 RIFLE | THREE AMERICAN COCKER Span me MAN, ph Bl se Mting| Yember on Rec Pas ded Cup. | Prime apartments eT) "2 racine apeclalising dealer , Buy <sall 7 rade ~ SEKONIC DUAL RUN, Auto- |[s- Regine female, "alte black © write Stree! East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys. | Pparet Vies the all general e in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut Pe a! DP hileceg et esti- | Known for its accuracy and | motic Manu. Sugg. List |femaie. Ajax 942-1507 U R G E N bu | Qc; G. S. Boychyn, QC: W. A. Hillman, ome Remodelling Prime Lease Commercials Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809, | GIES ccess: ~~ helmets, reliability, this rugged gun | $64.50 HORSES BOARDED << new, Inavinied| . LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office All Work Guaranteed ~ | vine hields, carriers, jackets, { ™ ; | %1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby; ° aye G will deliver years of satis- SALE $44.88 barn, box stalls, $35 monthly, Brooklin. HA Dye, Symas26e 778-5139. NHA and] Just phone for my prices Purchase of Mortgages 1--Women Column tires, etc. Winter storage. factory shooting } | Dial 655-4937 | gage funds available H. Mc Koy 725-8576 and Sale Agreements PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair, New Hondas only $295. No | $24 95 ARGUS 8, Automatic Manu. |¢HIHUAHUA, registered, brown, 'male, | U R G E N ai GREER | ELLY, Barristers, Solicl- ---- 8% dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, corner of down payment. : Sugg. List. $59.95 32 menths old, very lovable, good wit! Street East, Dial) ' West t. Telephone 725-5363. 2 children, has all needles. Please call Hy 114 "King, 'Street | asi. Dia! THE CENTRAL ONTARIO. westmooni 199 King W 728-4242 SALE $39.88 {sn Se Sek We 12- - ral 3 backs c 7253068; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL TRUST & SAVINGS |2--Personal_ SKATES |WELEH PONY -- filly, three Years, F80:| phone lat ian Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, RH, CABINET CO. | CORP ericke 2--Pe -- mm PARTS KODAK FUN SAVER \istered, partly broken, from champion $1.00 sah hone has rts --P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. 1014, CHARLES 9 1, WHITBY a 3 1 Removal of superfluous hair 7 Washers, Stoves and Big savings on Skating Out- | SALE: $19.88 {pee lespoy Meal ha mail|. cash bonuses Morning after- ev un kK | TRAINED PUPPIE ths, 9, io to loan. pataee Vay King Street 668-6911 S 23-522 Marie Murduff will be in ee Dryers fits for the whole family dur- HANIMEX. zboni. putomete Meus 'Also one Toy Collie, $26-835 dal noon and evening shifts East, Oshawa, 728-8232. | Oshawo Nov. 22, 23 and ELECTRIC MOTOR ing our Big Fall Sale manu. Sugd. List $69.95," |@fed. Telephone Port Perry 985-2645. : ASTEDO, Barristers, Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, Re nd 'Exe | : ucoTRBON 88 SYEDO., | arristers; Ptord: ill abliets 'MORTGAGE LOANS 24th. Phone Genoshe Hotel pair gnd Exchonge from $7.25 pro SALE $49.88 [PUPS FREE to good homes. Telephone | Telephone MR..BROWN Trust Bullding, 32 Simcoe Street South, ~-- -- ---- FIRST & SECONDS on these dates for appoint- | OSHAWA | Gibbon, QC; ROOFING, " 1 roofing, | | Py Y, CROSS-BRED Beagle 'pups. Make ideal Zee h, Gieae Sti Sramt Me Arlene' eescdny Nee' et" eee, reper NO BONUS | ELECTROLYSIS APPLIANCE SNOW TIRES morn: S000 Lia ak0 95." | eect al ae te eae 723-5051 i ec List reasonable, 423 Phillip Murray. 7: strong. Large and smal jobs. L. and H. Roofing Baye 186 E 72B-7535 monu. Sugg and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937 Ask for "Bill"" Horner 723-4641 PAN Alb otatt- 28-75 : SALE $59.88 (REGISTERED CHINUAHUAS -- sight | CARPENTRY, remodelling, rec. rooms,| 728-5157 x All nylon construction, full | weeks old, male and female, Have medi-| W ea UTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada, S Ss | F | Classified Rates [repairs etc. Telephone 725-2406 or 942 Active Realty Ltd Florida; Caliterniag anywhere, "Co re. ASSEN S POWER | depth traction tread, A brand ANSCO. TITAN, zoom auto- | £4! papers: had some needies. Telephone NO IN OSHAWA evenings ' A - y : ronto Drive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge! a EQUIPMENT CENTRE | new winter tire priced almost motiec monu. Suga. List . Tre Cr eck, teriant HI WORD ADS NEW PLASTERING and repairs, s10CCO, private AND CORPORATE monies for Streets, 225-7754 Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- | ac low os a retread | $89.95 POODLES -- Miniature, 'black, females | WHITBY -- AJAX i Ing, r 5 . -- 5, = ats Ww males, Deposit secures. Telephone Cash--1 insertion of 24 words, $1.08; |sidewatks, reed tg ee oo sion (er all mortgages. Mortgages and. agree.| "1 SAW WHAT YOU DID and | know| Ferguson Riding Tractors, tn $1756 up | SALE. $74. BB | 668-4105 | jovese, o ducks, police pups. see 087, 7.- 9.| refused. Owner deceased. Telephone Whit- additional words, 4'2c. each; 3 e Imates. . Bee ments of sale purchased. Creighton,|who you are. If you dare to speak to the Service on all power equip- nt tS eae ve secutive. insertions of 24 words, sm; TAIN). . Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar-|dark intruder, call 725-5833 : : additional words 12c. each, 4 CON' COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS risters".) DRIVING TO" TIMMINS ment. Licensed mechonic on | | BELL & HOWELL, Caononet |12--Articles Wanted ; farlo, ar : Housewives, students and secutive insertions of 24 words, $5047 'done to your satisfaction. Call Oshawa| ooo - "on duty. tomatic, Mi Si i FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Saleiriving Saturday at 5 p.m., reom for zoom automatic, Manu. Sugg. |COMBINATION radio and Hi-Fi re required singh le Fy additional words 21¢, @ach Home "improvements," 725-2476. agreements purchased and. sold. Hennick |four passengers. Telephone Jan-sa7s, ask) 843 King West 728-9429 List $129.50 Telephone 7239883, ater" §" p.m. | iy oA laa bey i Charge -- 10 per cent additional charge GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer and Mennick, Barri sters, 31 King Street for Mr. Gibb ADDING 'MACHINES, typewriters, cash SALE $99.88 USED TILTING ARBOR lable saw wan.| 5 HW net paid within & days. 9 ld hac hil ea Call East, 723-7232 yn i i -- oe Col liars: Guplicators, "dhequewriters, files, | ed. Call Brooklin 655-3884, Canadion cosmetics of pres- Less than 4 la _ 3-- portsman's olumn desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service SEKONIC. DUAL RUN tige, Has immediate openings. Method of Counting -- Less ALL TYPES building, roofing repairs) Optometrist WEE SKIN CUT :and wrap deer or moose, 4nd trade, with budget terms. New and . aad 88. zoom | sf Re t Highest benefits and words enunts as 24 words) #ach word: | and remodelling; chimneys, new and re - w, to i I Hamilton, C utomatie, manu. Su List 13--Artie es oul erat eee Initial, figure or abbreviation Counts |oyired: sidewalk and concrete repairs. F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simene| Telephone 623 ne Ps id etdlanel a we 145 King St. W $179 os 99 - diate income, as one word) phone number counts |Witn' gang. Gord May Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone| ae ; Telephone 725-6511 cigs 9 hwo words EXPERT PAVING. BS come care ene EA! 6--Merine Equipment FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual pre oe SALE $99.88 Write Box 8953, BIRTHS--DEATHS-- reludes grading and fill, two-year quar = pare termece aime = {ity furniture, only a sie Spengler' SKI JACKETS, $6.77; better dresses, | KEYSTONE K.10 antee. Terrano Paving. 723-5841 P iting ond Decorating bedroom, living ry Hchen ensembles.' $17.77; uniforms, $5.44; stretchies, $6.77;| KEYST K power zoom | OSHAWA TIMES Garces ance ts addi. RENOVATIONS, REPAIRS. Recreation WINTER STORAGE Pay only $3 mkly. Unbeatable value! transistor radios and many more gift] automatic, manu, Sugg. List | : Sn ents ; oa He martin ee Be OY nem s eecty Eceieeen lees] «PAINTING AND | BOATS & OUTBOARD foun, Uo nen ernie ail at Nesbitts onngn, § Celina] $169.95, OF ALL KINDS WAITRESSES REQUIRED | sil and surrounding orea tional charges. if not co ing : Street at King. All first quality merchan aie service. Telephone 723-7732. DECORATING MOTORS FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, new auaiity|@i8¢, guaranteed. Doors open' Thursday, | SALE $109.88 Al CARPENTRY, bigck and cement ; ' We also store lawn mowers, furniture, only $29%., inc. complete bed-|/Tiday, Saturday, 12 noon sharp. | * Sand Machin Full and part-time. il bir, |foom, living room, kitchen ensembles, TYPEWRITER, standard, $35; portable, sanding acnines tillers, tent trailers, cobin [pay 'only $3. wkly. Unbeatable value! |$30; adding machine, $25; electric type. NIKKOREX, zoom automatic, ? 7 to 4 p.m. 4to 11 p.m. troilers, ete. | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S,|writer, $40; electric cash register, item-| 79.95 * Plumber's Tools ! D 9 | manu. Sugg. List $179.95 to 7 a.m. \MOMMEY GALS Furnture ond Appl-(re: S10 7 | CAREFOOT, OR. JOHN M,, Denini| DODD & SOUTER WILDE RENTAL ances. Big discounts without sacrificing THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No| SALE $114.88 * Painter's Equipment Apply MR. CAMPBELL CARDS OF THANKS Surgeon, 172 King Street Rast, Oshawa 668-5862 } SALES & SERVICE quality 424 King Street West, Oshawa.|down payment, $15. monthly at Honest : me Seas tor ti Rest words ane: Se. [For eppoiniment, 728-5 ' 1415-Dundos St. E, 668-3226 | 726-917 Cal's, 424 King West, 7289191. | «SANKYO 4X, ar outers. * Welding Equipment Genosha Hotel each thereafter, with 25¢. additional |/RIALEK, DR. €. P.. Dental (Suraegn, Plumbin n "Hee cet. Cerne %| HARDWOOD, beech and maple, cul any REMINGTON shot-gun model 870 pump| tic, manu 199. is OL charge if not pald within ® days, 112 Simcoe Street' North, Oshawa, For Aa nd buon JNM hy gh PRL uth cabin Gane "as ltenathy single cord, $10. double $18 de-\gun; also fishing equipment for sale, in| $179.95, * Builder's Equipment : appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-R4d1 P| 942-5056 livered. Newtonville 786-2283 collect cluding rods and lures. Telephone Port SALE $119.88 Girl with Experience COMING. EVENTS manila -- | piles, Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Sta seb lice |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture Perry 985-7197 | : Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Erinewr 1959 40 HP OUT: RD MO trie == oun US y 4 : -- in a General Ins $2.00 per inch (display): 1.50 for the | Dressmakin: and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 REFRIGERATORS, eds, ; AT urance Ds Gb Grds bho fe sch Hereater | 9 ing, 225 Simcoe Street South. start. Good condition, $225. Apply 223 ae East, Whitby. 668-481 rae Gene su9s,| BELL. & HOWELL CANON, SKATE AND IN MEMORIAMS work, New or remodelling, Special fal! INTERIOR ond EXTERIOR $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc. [prices. Call Tony 725-4953 \ ' each thereafter, plus 12c. oer line of - Broad oom, Custom Draperies verse; Bic. additional charge if not Dentistry paid: within & days. FREE ESTIMATES f -- - siege ing Street West Off (Word Ads) DRESSMAKING wits, coats, dresses./ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling.|* 3 stoves, $24.95; cribs, new crib ower zoom automatic, manu ice. alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting & new and used materials, Reasonabie| SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and Used) nitiresses, $9.98) shavers auger' tae] PO Q HOCKEY sy "shower BARGAIN Y wil f jwise women! Dressmaking, alterations Rug- -Upholstery | Service madicine ond Kitchen oaeinan, stainiess | CHESTERFIELD ARGAINS -- at Wil- used Valley Creek, 16 Bond St " DEADLINES Laren © SPReY SOIR: FOF PRO eo ear eay DY experts. Establish. Stee! Kitchen and bar sinks; sump pumps, at sivas ton coins "erom "499, CASH REGISTER, trades wholesale| FUJICA, power zoom auto EXCHANGE 73 King St. Eost n ; i me jpressure systems (repairs); piping, fit Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, "orking order; Victor itemizer; National matic, -- manu Sugg. List SINGLE GIRL -- {Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses! nari Ra. South, 725-7088, VACUUM repairs, all_makes, hoses, Raglan | SALE $169.88 Now at Stan's you can ex Lost AND FOUND TOG Concent ar Be ee brushes, ete. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213 | ' } - old SKATE 9 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION holstering Company, 287 Dean Avenue, WESTINGHOUSE combination radio, TV) G Q f BUYING OR SELLING furnjture or ap-| cnange your o t For General food store, work BIRTHS AND DEATHS . CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re °° '$4 Chevrolet. Call 723-5996 monu. Sugg | " TREES ee erience, Full time $ a.m. day of publication covered like new. Get the best for. less STUDENT TYPEWRITERS, NW. US| ceRAP HARDWOOD -- oneloot lercihe.| SALE $133.88 | MENT with a fair allow- é CLASSIFIED DISPLAY | 5 ' Ba poe oath eae aly els 6 ok | SUNFLOWER SEED uth, Call 728-645). Free estimates es chines, 728-2664, 725-9748 30 a.m. oF evenings 5 ae Equipment : urns er larger--10 a.m. day previous | DEANILITS CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoisiered and re RECONDITIONED refrigeraiora, guar- FOUR 1955 CHEVROLET wheels with y ' " | styled, Bras antthaie. dae cue saatarall anieed. Apply $05 Anderson' Street, (tires and tubes; two are snow tires. Tele-| mm NIGHT CASHIER CANCELLATIONS AND | CHIC SCRATCH Clee ee alten Ubhelmerirag. 7 Whitby 668-6661 fecal de Mg publication will be eharged one day's FT Al Si " -- ~ wirinlipedebaseinmeabiahii ne : : i GUARANTEED REPAIRS fo all wringer Gibbons Street, 728-8180. ELECTRIC TRAIN, HO Horndy Dubin.| Save o insertion | WATER SOFT. S washersand-ranges. Free-estimatesCos-- O70! top quality Rodanie complete with three engines, two trans-| 279:99 a ' ' E ' Sharpening & Rental Ltd. PURITY DOG MEAL BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can. Diete line of men's and ladies TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-71 sak Felenhine Ha5 a5ia after 6 pm ald P 9 Genosha Hotel While every endeavor will be made MASTER DOG MEALS vas awnings. Completa service, free est! Plus other top savings On --_| structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower |. --.| CANON R.M. with meter and 2923 St. West, Oshowa RELIABLE housekeeper required for AUCTION SALES specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 648-2372. |rates. Estimates free, 723-1191, J. "Foley |7--Swap | and Barter skates cie Centres 200 Bond Ent sharpen' | $49.95; space savers, $54.95; dressers, Sugg. List $179.95. c Apply in person. $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION | PERSONAL STYLING for fashion lFHREE-PIECE bain" sets; 958) at i chrome sets, radios. Guns, new SALE: $159.88 EQUIPMENT Bob Stroud Ltd WORD ADS ed 17 years. Complete range of materials. |tinos, poilers, rads; small boat kits; new| two-total, National one-total, $20.; small 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Gardening and Supplies Workmanship guaranteed five y@@rs.|isundry tubs, $15. H. Chinn, Hillside and) Oshawa business or recreation bar. Bill Hamilton,| $269.99. ) " ] " a 'Fleming Vacuum Service. Main Street, fe) t tic . "for the BIRDS | 725-0311 and record player. Will trade for 'S3 Pickerine pilancts, cal Elmer, Hampton 263- 2294, FLMO, 2 dg je eurrere 6nd HOCKEY EOUIP- with some cash register ex- ) cash registers, adding machines, $35. up. ' . j WILD BIRD MIX at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simene Street 8--Articles For 'Sale Teas" guaranties Oshawa Business Me. i$7.25 single cord. Phone 723-2281 before ance on New or Used PI 728. 9 | Ione CORRECTIONS ; ~ é tes 9 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION | Bird Feeding Stations | -- 0 TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower aecailank conaition: ih ca ba uy te TOPCON RS th met d | I V1 p.m. to 7.¢.m, a F i structure all-channel antenna. installed, 0 ' : S., with meter an Q Any advertisement cancelled betore | |CE SALT Sales and Service vr 40% SAVINGS Fincure _ sitehanne entenne ineialed, 355 Wotdien AvErie See eta Gas tan 'APPLY haolle oi a MR: CARMPBELL BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 50c. | STRAW TATA? merchandise. We carry a com- | MUSK AT [Ur COT eon rnTeis te |formers, one hundred feet of track. and| SALE $219.88 | ia bec Hcp arc Pada hat taenivottrs Astle ei ir other merchandise. A smail included, single all-channel antenna com- 13, ALUMINUM bosi, compieie wiih 20). 0 ¢ 1.8 mony Sugg. List | |motherless home with five girls. Live In, yt Maen slp coh ps . a | , " HP 'motor, controls, tarp and oars. One| we accept no fiability in respect of PURINA DOG MEALS | 'deposit holds any article un- [plete, Installed, tax: included, guaranteed! io, noat windshield. One complete set ot]. $279.95. PHONE 723-3224 Telephone Whitby 668-3237 or 668-4701 CAPABLE WOMAN to live in. Housekeep- ti rvi , $50 ll towers at TRIO loss or damage alleged to arixe |) PET SUPPLIES Sep bd Se vice til Christmas. Yeor guaran. [220 years $50. See all towers Division, White leatherette foam filled boal seats. SALE $199.88 | through either failure or delay in for SEPTIC YANKS Cleaned: Promet sero u Apply 218 Lee Avenue, Whitby ____|ing and care of three young school-age t 1" tch 728-5143-4 vs warding such replies, however cue ce or calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut ep 30 Gi WON) -Tepenrs 5 MOVIE SOUND PROJECTOR, 14 mm. REIL & HOWELL CANON children. Private room- with bath, sep- E whether by negligence. or otherw . Mammn ¢ sipact Seall; Whity. toe sos ONE FRIGIDAIRE 30" range, $25. Good : , > | ': arate from family, Professional parents The Times' wil nol be response or COOPE R SMI | H -- . WATCH WORLD condition. Telephone 725-7970. Freier! condition, $125. Telephone 723: Gutomatic, with meter and Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish Location Whitby, References requested. replies uncalied for In 20 days Surveyors PHILLIP'S TAPE RECORDER (new); |i), yp $KI-BOO with eange iT | case, f 1.9 manu. Sugg. List | ¢s, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee [Write Rox 8242 Oshawa Times | Ait , "roe op cooler: pressure system; two rota! 102 : bo ¢_ Slightly Irns ch Bowls riadl | SALESLADY for ladi dren' REGULATIONS | CO. HO FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land 24A PRINCE ST. filers: Ford tractor, model ON, with back used. Excellent condition, $625. Telephone) $124.95 : Urns, Punch , Briad |SACERLADY foe ladies and a dren' Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street. Bast. Phone ; ; ri rey | 725-4555 SALE $87.88 | Wear, Men's Formals, White ua ay The Oshawa Times will not be re 16 CELINA $T Survey gin § 723-6922 end loader; '50 Ford V-ton pick-up; '57 vie | ' Collis and Sons, 50 King Street West, Dacia ler accare 8 savarhaarnen 16C NA OT, 25-6881 Oldsmobile needs motor job, good body,| TWO-WAY FM RADIO, one bass and! AGEAMATIC. IIS th ; | Fox Furs. Mink Stoles Oshawa. Hed otherwise than | ting not : DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario ¢ ' rh ; , tires, and transmission, automatic; pony, one mobile, GE transreceiver, 25 watts) AGE/ TIC 1S, with meter | eT eo ONceT HBT Sr Gara inet oes ettion. et day 724.1139 3 Jos-aale Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints, Open til 9 Thursday ond Friday|one year old. Apply Ferguson's BA Serv-leach, Full price $200. Telephone Bowne and cose. f 2.8 manu. Sugg SARGEANT'S. RENTALS |DOES A "BEAUTY COUNSELOR" call Ma f Ontario Street, 725-5632 Soturday 'til 6 ice Station, Taunton Road East, 263-2351. | ville 623-2503. i é ENTS abe > jon you? We may need someone in your advertisement nor beyond the orice 70 TRIME Call Sim. Or rit cut 1 Ontario Stre 632 An : , KU ta | List $123.50, . area, or call for products. 723-9349, charge for # singe Insertion in which TREE all VPEWRITERS, adding machines and) BICYCLE -- suitable for seven-year-old | 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 __ |WOMAN for light household duties, livein eo ae Free estimates, 725 : Ht eburit Delmon a) Moe | SALE $89.88 ue Ett aloes mn Tv--Radio Repairs FREE -- 24-hour Burner ine, locks, new and rebuilt. One year a0, iso iste $8 loboogan 2 ' CHAIRS. cord hd banaue ible, curgh|and' cae' tor"chitdren, Telephone Ajax The Oshawa Times reserves the right FOp SOIL, with or withoul manure) also Service kins Business Machine Sales and Ser-'wheelbarrow, $8; lawn mower, $25.; gar-| YASHICA -EE with meter and (aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412/942-5056 fo classify advertising according to manure for sale. Wm. Kuzik, Whitby HOT -DIPPED GALVANIZED TEXACO Fuel 45 vice, 728-7783. Open evenings den tools, $5.; stacking stools, $5. Call 19 5 List [Sibioe_Strest_Nerin. Call 72-206. [BABYSITTER REQUIRED for Tuesdays, its proper classification Telephone 668-3906 or 668-398) ---- Fuel and Stove 728-5840 case. f 1.9 manu. Sugg, Li |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers,| Thursdays and every other Saturday, % " rp FERGUSON tractor with Davis loader sister ante mana TV TOWERS gil, "Blue Coal". stove, nut," 1¢-° anow. removil, A-l condition. Tale: GAS DRYER, inglis Superb; Beatty) %!09.95. reducing machines, sick room supplies./to 6, for one child,» north-west area. stoker coals @ Slab Wood e phone 942-6628 washer, Telephone evenings, 263-2280. SALE 69.88 Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. peseenane 7 iw The Times will not be held respon Instraction sible for more space than that which ARE THE BEST ! Canne! Coal @ Building Sup- | RIFLE, Mossberg 22, semi-aulomatic, 30" MOFFAT electric range, very good on p [ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred | EXPERIENCED pie for ni ronre the actual error occupies. The pub HIGHLY-PAID FUTURE WHY cot plies $25. Apply 106 Connaught Street, Oshawa. condition, fully automatic, $40. Telephone) YASHICA Minimatic C wit |people! Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-|variety store, 5-11 (p.m. shi elephone fishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- 3H | JT WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! en Whitby 668-5205 eter ond case. ¢ 2.8 manu quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries, | 725-2932. Sena a: coe ou eee n just a few months you can 668-3524 TWIN STROLLER, dolly, Jumper: FERCEELBGO oa - -- ~~ Su List $79.95 ea lities, bar kitchen, parking. Reason-lpractiCAL nurse for' nursing hom i ; p ! z - ! no liability of advertisement if any fave a highly-paid career, T R | O SAWDONS' (Whitby) walker; Borg bunting bag. Telephone) SKI- 00 snowmobile sanles and nar, ugg. List $79.95 jabie. rates. 728-4315 Mr |BRACTICAL 'nurse for ural 3. pam me . inaccuracies in any form are contained ' ' Be 54.8 therein ndependence and he LIMITED WEDDING DRESS, size 12, long sleeves, 90U'n (at Olive). 728 5565 SALE 8 | WANTED -- bench saw, reasonable, Tele-|awa Times hance to create somethin 2 S i i lace, $3 ti eee IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Sv atHuL avert' do ve TELEVISION 44 Brock St. S. -- Whitby phone 728-5587; epee ghee bap coats Goes ICT PAXETTE Instamatic, with F : Pa tie lady; private home in Brooklin, tive in. + : DA BrALIT GUITAR, MARTIN Dif. Origi a : j 4 usine ortunities a further particulars, telephone 655- TAMES ACTION WANT AD life. PAUL POGUE BEAUTY Corner Bond and Division $320, two aul, EME Scipinal wis STEAK DINNERS, .99, consisting of steak, 778-8813. REGEN Sh and sess, f 2.8 manu. | ss Upp Call Classified Direct SCHOOLS will train you to be 728-5143 phone 728-7008. | chips, coleslaw and roll. Crowley's Restau- STOVE, refrigerator, good condition, rea Sugg. List $74 723 3492 Pas Ke tylist Giniaticlar x Search: Pink Chtimen freak Oe rant. Taunton and Garrard Roads. 725- sonable offer accepted.. One Hallicrafter) SALE $54.88 i a. hair-s : smetician, a _ ir 8. n| 5968. dio, Model $85, tf = | pacts salon monager. Your talent is a stump or delivered. Churches, clubs, Boy ; condition. Telephone "7268810. eta TELEVISION - RADIO Scouts given speciai consideration, Tele-/BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture : | CANON Dial Automatic, with developed under _ personal . phone 668-5470 after 6 and appliances. One location only. Pretty\NEW, USEO -- vacuums, polishers. Re-| tor Wha tele 18 nkD INDEX TO guidance. No advonced edi 24 HOUR SERVICE FIEEPLACE' WOOD atile birch, maple | UMN M44 Simcoe South, 723-2271, _/pairs' to all makes. New' hoses. Phone] 'meter o comet 26 -w | 5 5 cation required, Call or write aketc., 12" and 16" delivered, Phone|TENT TRAILER -- Never used. Com-|J@ck Lees, 728-6956 sugq. List ds } on ae ie gies CLASSIF ICAT IONS PAU POGUE BEAUTY HOLMES 728-6852. pits at canvas, $225. After 4, tele-|UNDERWOOD portable typewriter and SALE $59.88 ) AV t 4 -- --_ -- iphone 668-35' Und od addi hii L _Wamen's Column SCHOOLS, LIMITED, 2337 COMPLETE TABLE TENNIS ouifit, goit ae Oe Sear, coemrac uaed . ay a Ty ~ two months. 321 Rosedale Drive, Whitb' = Personal Yonge St., Toronto, telephone bag and cart. Boy's clothing. Reasonable, |SAFES -- For office or home. All hittsy | 668-6245 Ce care er e1 sulomane ' ; Pp id prices. Telephone Phil Harper Whitb ¢ n ag és Telephone 728-0382. and pi nnn | with meter and case. f 2.8 $--Sportsman's Eotum 487-2107; 6+ 249 Queens - | 668-4558, "VINCENT BACH" B-fiat trumpet and) "YU MME 5 3 rah A ANTIQUE GRANDFATHER clock, ap sae Jeather case. Excellent condition. Shipped} manu. Sugg. List $64.9 6--Marine Equipment Avenue, London, telephone proximately 200 years old. Shallow wel| PLUMBING TOOLS, musical --_instru-//¢2/ner Rute aettae Gen Rit pped | For furthi va Swap and Barter 439-0101 pump. two' years old. Telephone Wewer| ments. gas water heater other miscel. ("fom New York. Asking $200. Telephone | SALE $39.88 | Campers, For further inform- }. B--Articles for: Sale mpt service ville, 706.2931. laneous items to clear, Reasonable. 509 ation write: Market Baskel : : sa _ [Dundas Street West, Whitby BEST QUALITY aluminum windows, | | = ; SERVI EMAN Farmer's Column Canada Driving School Ca OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits,|20"S, awnings, railings, etc. Low, low] MANY MORE VALUES TOO | TRAVEL EQUIPMENT Aida Wantea ® Fully. ingured cual contest |. WWRItbY 668-5679 T figure work, custom. picture' framing, |Pricest Call 728-5385. or 723-2692 NUMEROUS TO LIST 2 ' Articles for Rent nis ©. Licenced bo Ontane O SELL Clark Studio, evenings and weekends, GUNS -- Boughi, sold, traded, repaired | CANADA LIMITED Rusiness Opportunities Ors . J a | 668-4497, 325 Brock North, Whitby at arte Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, | 661 Third Line One of Canada's largest food arenenk ot pails © ~ | Employment. Wanted Departme ° FAST T.V, SERVICE [FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS -- Sprciais 72°? | e e @ Ookville, Ont service organizations requires Agents Wenten Cars supplied for Government Service Coll only $2.50 FRE H FRUITS offered now for Christmas. Telephone eve- 1965 ADMIRAL Stereo, $325 cash. After é,| YOUNG MEN between. the etal ig bie Ag | 'Tests @ Home pickup ser wh SS * i telephone 668-3992 aS. 4g " ages of 25-30, to train as Male or Ferisle Help' Wented | vice @ $4 per lesson DOMINION WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-) SKATE-X-CHANGE ~-- Discounti New, OSHAWA BOWES "SEAL FAST Ro , Servicemen for: th Real Estate for Sale | 7 28 ABl] TEI EVISION and ture or anything you have. The City used. United Rent-All. (Householder's | ISTRIB TOR Route cera en Tor wne Sinner Prosertios af A on Trading Pos! Store, 446 Simcoe Stree! rental store, 352 Wilson Road, South (al| D at IN U nS vending division: Excellent rate * eA f p | South, 723-1471 Olive) | | | ' * ; Fa ale 154 9am. to9 p.m salaries and benefits. Mechan In the cases of display advertisements ceeetimeminanne ee ee [phone 728-6527. (Mares LADY companion for elderly ~ | fonati Willing to look after four-vear- WANTED old boy part-time in her home, Cedar Street area, Whitby. Call 668-2878 QUALITY DEALER HOUSEKEEPER, 45 to 50 years, edu- caled tady. Apply 149 Wilson Road South, We require a dealer in your orea for Travel Mate ond Camp Mate trailers and | | FOR ay Jasys Apply. 149 Wilko Road South | QUALITY PRODUCTS |18---Male Help Wanted | Capable, mature man to in 515 isa plait Lots for Sale nd a ' |SKATE EXCHANGE -- new and used: FUR JACKET, excellent conditions two! " eg 495 ical or electrical aptitude and Real Estate Wanted | Gl 2SANDO | work quoranteed VEGETABLES Raver skates, hockey equipment, Valley winter coats, all size 12. Apply 92 Quebec vest $2,500 in Bowes fran one A GE as 3 sa re eo ea ee Organ Guild cay Creek, 16 Bond Street Wes B-A401, | Street chise for. Oshawa ond' sur minimum of three years hig' | ga a 7 school required, Houses for TV SERVICE | | DINING SUITE, wainul, seven pieces - -- rounding area Full auto i Apartments $150. Telephone 723-1664 For accessory line for calling on "Reems for 94 hour practice service Room and Free trial period. Try before DAY OR EVENING 'USE TH BABY'S STROLL-O-CHAIR includes high S . | service stations, gorages, ec lease Call MR. M K 29--Wanted tn ; you buy : 790.t USE E Gals CArHian Unset, teble ane tok EUS mB | pipes ae Netiontily asad as ee ice 20--Automobites for Sale Suan ech od ON 4 -5286 ing chair; also crib, vaporizer, Phone} | Jee ee ti d be o ie lta advertise proven quality, 3 --Compact Cars for : - 480 Rader, 728-1718 before 9 p.m | | fue Gi : o : : BiG boronic Neils eon OSHAWA MARKET ~ ANTIQUE CHERRYWOOD corner what| TIMES LIMITED best ptofits and company 728 696] Janitor Service a LECTRON ICS not cupboard | with mirror. Telephone eve Classified | Z bali "dyna pire Be ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Ens ace | F : Te new ee : i re Oshawa Shopping Centre se aay BE saat namical coving. wall cleaning done ROWS TV TOWER BASKET . with teething. a3) ACTION ADS | os 4 aa 765 we a 4 RHYTHM GUITAR player wanted imi 3S Woedwar n machine. Free estimates. Work |Past. serv | wee a : r | pany; Limite 5 Woodwa or mimes guaranteed. 72-7736. o" Barewal Y Phone Saris). ! Telephone 723-1 adel na 723-3492 | Telephone 728-5211 Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario, cat. Telephone 723-2134, Picton --