j THE @SHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Movember 18, 1965 25 For Fim to refrain from any modifica- tion of the tariff on machinery imports so that this country can . establish a secondary machine tooling industry based on the Canada - United States auto trade pact. George Shaffer, president of the Canadian Tooling Manufac- turers' Association, said in an interview Tuesday his group is opposing a proposal by the Au- tomotive Parts Manufacturers' Association of Canada that the existing 22%:per-cent tariff be modified. His association believes Can- ada's tooling firms can supply the bulk of new machinery that auto parts manufacturers need for expansion programs, Mr. Shaffer said. D. S. Wood, executive vice- RMC DOWNS LOYOLA MONTREAL (CP) -- Royal Military College downed Loyola University 87-65 here Saturday in an Ottawa-St. Lawrence Ath- letic Association basket- ball game. Top Loyola scorers were Mike Montrichard with 26 points and John Goettishein with 18. Jim Leitch with 29 points and Bob Mason with 22 led the RMC attack. RESTRICT SMOKE ADS Australian television stations have agreed not to direct cig- Canada Tool Manufacturers Tariff Stand TORONTO (CP) -- Canadianpresident of the parts associa- manufacturers of productionjtion, has said Canada's 185 machinery are asking Ottawalauto' parts manufacturers will ing produced in Canada may be brought into the country at a 7%4-per-cent duty. Se, FRIDAY JAY'S RAYDER'S 'Dencing 9 p.m. il 1 er place orders for $100,000,000 worth of production machinery in the next 14 months. NEED MACHINES They need the extra machin- ery if they are to compete ef- fectively for new business gen- §% f erated by the auto trade pact. Parts manufacturers are pe-; titioning for modification in the modification in the machinery import tariff because they be- lieve domestic suppliers may not be able to handle all their orders, he said. "Canada has been withou: a secondary machine tooling in- dustry and we believe the ma- chinery tariff should remain in force until we have a chance to get started in this new area." Mr. Shaffer said. Parts manufacturers import- ing machinery now have to pay a 22%%4-per-cent tariff on equip- ment of a class or kind made in Canada. Machinery not be- j CE > Fie arette advertising at adoles- cents or non-smokers: ONE NIGHT ONLY! PAS WHAT You. AND | KNOW WHOYOU ARE! COMING SUNDAY--BILTMORE Fro rn ONE COMPLETE SHO' STARTING AT 7:15 BILTMORE) \ WED., NOV. 24 8:30 p.m. ONE IN FIVE CLAIR DE LUNE ey NUTCRACKER ACT It ALL SEATS 3.00 2 BIG TECHNICOLOR HITS! Vo A STANLEY KRAMER rrooucram es. (oan BEFORE YO A MONTH | FOR LIFE | From Age 65 =| | Here is @ plan to provide for your family if you should die, er fer your retirement yesrs if you survive... ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER Home: 723-2883 Business: 725-4563 By completing the enquiry form below, you cen obtain details suitable te your personel situ- SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA Oshewe Shopping Centre ' { ADDRESS f occupaTION ... ie tide Catactn sans J | g Exoct Date of Birth ( y ~wwewewewewewwew SAY IT ISN'T | Joseph E. Levine pum 5 Stanley Baker Juliet Prowse "ON TAUT, TINGLING FILM!" ~McCALL'S TODAY FEATURE AT: 1:40 - 3:35 'from fhe Gresthinss best-setier by 5:30 -.7:30 a8 Pa LEN DEIGHTON . MICHAEL CAINE TECHNICOLOR? BLUE HORSE LOUNGE In response to the demand for A RETURN ENGAGEMENT We present a Trio featuring the lovely "Penny" @ Direct from 5 week engagement at 'The Swiss Bear" @ Recent appearance "Skyline Hotel' @ Featured vocalist with Moxey Whitney's Orchestra THE BEAUTIFUL GIRL WITH THE BEAUTIFUL VOICE HOTEL LANCASTER OSHAWA, ONT. +4 -atehiey OS = Coie ee SEPP ae agp ay a TE A Diulalos of the 3.4. Kresge Company Llenl ted mmomaamaanaconiiaiscors Be Ready With Gloves For The Cold Days Ahead Come in and take advantage of the many bargains awaiting you at K-Mart! Choose from our wide selection of top quality gloves and mitts for the whole family, A. Ladies' Mi . Ladies Mitts Stylish lodies' mitts in gay jacquord designs, assorted colors, fits lad- es and teens, oe B. Misses' Gl . Misses WloVves Bulky gloves in solid colors with contrasting turn down cuff. We also have jacquard de- sign gloves with turn 9 down cuffs. One size tits § to 7. Poir ..... C. Children's Mi Children's Mitts (Not as illustrated) Durable mitts for child- ren, in a two-tone black design, Attractively styled with contrasting tip and turn down cuff, One size fits 2 to 4, Poir c ' Mi D. Boys' Mitts Wonderfully warm mitts with a leather palm longer wear, knitted wrists and a lining for added warmth, Sizes 3 to 7 in assorted colors, POIr .vepeccccccecs c E. Boys' Mi . Boys' Mitts Rugged lined mitts with elastic wrists, Per fect for school or play! Available in brown, beige and green colors gg 5, 6 and 7. 7 ar R ° 9 F. Men's Dress Gloves Handsomely styled cape slip on gloves with Hyten comfort, Three pile lining for added warmth and rows of pointing on back with wedge sides and over- stitch seams. Sizes 8Y to 11 in. brown, black ond Oey. Pale x... ccasvcnsn * eeeee weesescee G. Ladies' Gloves Bargain value! Beautiful fancy cuffed, 6 button length gi . These gloves ere an ottroctive gloves. sombination of style and tomfort that will certainly be a welcome addition to your winter wardrobe, One size fits $, M and L. Pair 99: H. Bulky Knit Mit . Bulky Knit Mitts Fine quality mitts for children, misses' and ladies' at this low, low pricel Misses' -- one size fits 7-12. Pair Ladies' -- one size fits S-M-L. Pair I. Boys' Gloves 87: J. Boys' Gloves K. MEN'S LEATHER Dress Gloves Here' bargain not to be missed! Smooth, rich cope "wother loves that ore full eut for @ com- fortable fit. Three rows -of j 8 / eo ee "Charge Ii" ON YOUR handsome dress gloves for men, Sizes 8Y2 to 11 In K-MART CREDIT CARD! Jacquard design gloves with 3" ribbed cuffs, Sizes 5-6-7, Polr Warm, fancy gloves with 3° cuffs, Choose from a wi variety of solid colors. Sizes 5-6-7. Pair, .... , black and grey. Other Glove Bargains Not Illustrated Children's Ski Mitts vinyl palm 'quilted' nylon backs and cuffs, -- colors thermal foam Hning, assorted Misses' Bulky Mitts im gay jacquard design, assort- ed colors, Ladies' Gloves In Lambswool with knit back ond cuff with leather palm. sizes s. bye 1. in block, brown, and beige colors, bo 2.87 Misses' Ski Mitts Vinyl palm quilted nylon backs and cuffs, thermal foom lining, essorted 1 wl eolors ond sizes, Children's Bulky Mitts white with dork trim on 9T* euff and back . eeetee Children's Gloves In assorted colors, one pel oseses aK 'a a . r a : . OPEN 16 aii. to 16 pin. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY REMEMBER! J CAN SAY "Charge it" WHEN YOU SHOP WITH A K-MART CREDIT CARD « ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA & WHITBY