7 tang ot peor aii oa ale i es iy gin BIRR REL TSE 7 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, 1, November 18, 1965 4 f, ju P| / f . ai A Division of the S. S. Kresge Company Limited prominent part in the un- successful 1916 Easter rebel- lion and was sentenced to death by the British, but was released under the gen- eral amnesty in 1917. (AP) Bid Fails At The UN Seat China By BORIS MISKEW UNITED NATIONS (CP)--A strong bid by the new Afro Asian nations to seat Commu- nist China in the United Nations failed Wednesday when the Pe- king government could not mus- ter the neesscary two-thirds ma- jority vote. The vote in the 117-member General Assembly was tied at 47 in favor and 47 against, with 20 abstentions. Three members did not participate in the vote --Dahomey, Laos and Congo Leopoldville. A few minutes before the vote on the 22-nation resolution call- ing for the seating of Peking and the expulsion of the Na- tionalist Chinese, the assembly adopted a United States-backed| resolution. calling for a two- thirds majority requirement on the Chinese issue. The vote on the first resolu- tion was 56 in favor, 49 against, with 11 abstentions. Canada voted against the seating of Peking as she had done in the past and supported) the U.S.-backed resolution call- ing for the two-thirds majority. The Soviet Union, Britain and France prere among those vot- ing in favor of seating of Com- munist China. Britain, however, voted in favor of a two-thirds majority requirement. Shortly before the voting be- gan, Ceylon withdrew an amendment to the 12-nation res-| olution. It had asked members' to vote on the seating of Pe- king without touching on the status of the Nationalist Chi- nese government, POSITIONS SHIFT Today's vote showed substan- tial shifting of position since the last vote on the issue in 1963. At that time the Chinese Com- munists were rejected by a vote of 57 against, 41 in favor and 12 abstaining. Despite the shifts, however, the Peking regime fell far short of a two-thirds majority. This was the 15th time the assembly had faced the China' representation issue and it was the first time Peking had been seen in advance as nearing or obtaining 2 simple majority. In today's vote 40 per cent of the total membership voted for and 40 per cent voted against seating Communist China and ousting the National- ists. Seventeen per cent ab- stained, That compared with 51 per cent voting against and 37 per cent voting for in 1963 when the assembly had 111 members. Only 11 per cent abstained in 1963 and one member was ab- HIGH SCHOOL If you are 16 years of age or over and have left school you con study at home with Canadian Academy's HOME STUDY COURSES Grades 6 te 10 course qualifies Pecan teats Complete High School Courses to qualify you to write Provinciel Government Ex- emi @ FREE Assessment Tests before starting Course. @ All books end. instructions supplied. @ Low monthly peyments. e ncaa booklet tells yeu @ All teachers fully Heansed by Depertment of Educetion. coupon to: Canadian Academy, 40 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario. My Neme ie / "cnow-time special " LADIES' AND GIRLS' 9" PULL-ON BOOT Guaranteed waterproof, heavyweight, Vinyl pull-on boot with full fleece lining for max- imum warmth. These durable boots are resistant to road salt. Women's sizes 4 to 10 in brown and block; Girls' sizes 10 to 3 in black. 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