Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Nov 1965, p. 23

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Expert 'Pro Power Grid, Feels Bigger, The Better By JULES LOH the size of a household electric meter, every moment where the cheap- : ,_jest electricity is available NEW YORK (AP)--History's| within the network. worst power failure apparently| 'These networks have been began in a piece 'of equipment iformed throughout the U.S. and all of them are connected with|but not all, : _ neighboring networks. But the larger question iSipresent, the inter-network con- what's to prevent it from hap-|nections are generally weak. Syracuse, But at tem. the big pianis at Niagara through Buffalo, Rochester, Utica, Poughkeepsie to. New York City. At some points along the route, Falls Albany and there are double lines, providing a backup sys- All the systems in the entire Four Claims On Blackout TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario Hydro's legal department has received four damage claims in connection with the Nov. 9 blackout and more are starting to come in, a Hydro spokesman said Wednesday. Lorne McDonald, general 1 for Hydro, said all claims were from persons in THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Nevember 18, 1965 23 . The blackout, which left an estimated 30,000,000 persons without electricity in Canada and the northeastern United States, originated in the failure of protective equipment at Queenston, Ont., near Niagara Faiis, Hydro officials issued a state- ment, saying: "The interconnection agree- ment Hydro has with other util- ities is founded on the principle that while both parties share highest possible standard of service to its customers and in- terconnected utilities, absolute continuity of service is not and cannot be guaranteed."' TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario Liberal Leader Thompson said Wednesday Premier Robarts should explain his statement that Ontario may withdraw from an international power grid. Mr. Robarts made his state- ment following the power black- pening again--accidentally OFThus trouble in one network on purpose? jusually doesn't spread to an- That question goes beyond the |other. The eventual plan is to immediate cause of = pecen! |replace the weak connections) massive. blackout = whic ed | in strong ones. lin precise synchronization, each fected the northeastern Unit r States and Ontario, where it or- ARE THEY VULNERABLE? jturning as though on a single And thus expanding the area|@xle. They have to be, Hol- iginated. . ; -e plan- vulnerable t el \lander explained, so that the It is troubling defence plan-jvulnerable to a house-of cards tire system will throb simul- ers, government officials and|power failure? sewer company executives, and) "Not necessarily," said engi- taneously at 60 cycles a second. has caused at least the 30,000,-neer Hollander. "Time zones, ae a generator accident- 000 people whose utter depend-|and seasonal differences can|@!ly get out of synchronization ence on electricity became dra-|save us. it must correct itself quickly-- matically clear Nov. 9-10 to! "When it's 5 p.m. in New\% get off the system. Automatic wonder about the very nature|/York, a time of heavy power equipment ag supposed to see of a power grid, the distribution load, there's plenty of surplus that it does one or the other. system which enabled the fail-|power in, say, Los Angeles|, If @ bid bird should fly 'be- ure to zip across the northeast| where it's the middle of the aft- tween the high-powered trans- like a run in a stocking. --_|ernoon." Similarly, power needs| ™/ssion lines, for example, or a Power grids are interlocking|in sunny Dixie differ at any |'ree limb fall and disturb the networks of utility company|given moment from those in|{0W, a device called a relay de- lines which now extend to the/frigid New England, and each tects it and causes a circuit Rockies and in a few years are'can bail out the other. breaker to open momentarily-- expected to link 48 states in one' But how vulnerable is a_net- for 1s to 3 cycles, the barest big party line. |work to--dare anyone mention 'traction of a 60-cycle second-- it--sabotage? then close again. THEORY 18 GOOD "If | wanted to knock out the.../f the trouble hasn't passed "phe theory is good," said/entire northeastern United the process repeats itself. If af-| electrical engineer Lawrence J./States, just as happened Nov. ter a third time it still hasn't Hollander. "There is nothing'9" said Hollander, '1 would 'ixed itself automatically, a re- wrong with the theory." pick a Thursday or Friday night Paitman has to go out in a truck. Hollander is assistant to the/just before Christmas. That! That's what the automatic dean of New York University's!would be a time of enormous equipment is supposed to do, school of engineering and sci-/joad--lots of lights, stores open alinndar anil hao meines tie ence, and is one of a handful for shoppers, cold weather. of academic men in the U.S-/That would be the time to do expected, Perhaps the answer is wywhose scholarly field is power|it, And I would simply cause |More backup avsieria, more re generation, transmission _and/some damage to the backbone dundancy. distribution. When the lights)tine," Hollander said when the back- went out last week, Hollander i bone line is heavily loaded the was in the middle of a lecture |IT'S ONE WIRE generators are extremely sensi- on the effects of lightning strik-| The backbone line is the extrajtive, subject to the slightest dis- ing transmission lines. i high voltage wire running from'turbance. Me ee oe UY eC x broad toms, involves compa-| * nies with power to spare send- ing it quickly on interconnecting < lines to companies with tempo- rary shortages. Years ago each company op- erated independently, Each had | to have what was called spin- ning reserve--spare a ane rotating but. not producing elec- tricity, against the possibility of | a working generator conking | out. It made sense, then, for two) companies to agree to keep & single spinning reserve to sat- isfy both. The more companies making such co-operative agreements, the better. In the' northeastern U.S., 42 companies are thus interconnected. Among them are more than 400 gener- ators, all linked together. | m's CHEAP Another advantage of such a wetwork is that electricity can be delivered te customers more economically. Old generators tend to be in- efficient, producing electricity at costs°as high as 8.5 cents a kilowatt hour. Newer ones can do it for as low as three-tenths | of a cent. A kilowatt hour is the| amount of electricity it takes to, light 10 100-watt bulbs for an hour. Many times it's cheaper for a company to buy extra elec- tricity for demanding custom- ers from another company, which has efficient generators operating, than to produce its own with only tired old ma- chines on hand, Electricity can't be stored; it must be pro- duced the instant demanded. Computers tell companies at eight-state network are linked eventually to the backbone. And, most significant, all the generators in the network are MAKE CHRISTMAS A HOME AFFAIR "Hey, it looks great! How about things that don't show?" The '66 Classic's quality-- like every Rambler--goes deep beneath that handsome surface. You'll discover fittings and appointments that result from thoughtful craftsmanship. And the built-in features that make Rambler another word for value. Like Single Unit construction (an all-welded body) that means no bolts and no rattles--just a solid car of solid worth! This feature and many more-- add up to family-minded quality you've never experienced before! car?" Home Improvement OR Winter Hobbies ARBORITE AND FORMICA HARDBOARD WALL PAN- ELLING for Rec. Rooms SHEET PLYWOODS for FLOORING & PANELLING CEILING TILES for All Home Use HARDBOARD TRAIN AND AUTO RACE BOARD KEM-TONE and KEM-GLO PAINT for Finishing Your Remodelling or Project Units. BERRY GARAGE DOORS for WINTER PROTECTION COTTAGE PLANS -- PLAN NOW FOR WINTER OR SPRING BUILDING POWER TOOLS end HAND TOOLS for the HANDY MAN er HOBBYIST COMPLETE SELECTION of LUMBER and BUILDING PRODUCTS for EVERY PURPOSE a family-minded Free Home Delivery | HOLLAND LUMBER CO, R.R. No. 1, OSHAWA at 5-Points 725-4709 And see the allnew RAMBLER 100 NONQUON ROAD NORTH BOWMANVILLE McQueen Motor Sales Ltd. the evening of the big blackout.|ara Falls. equipment may not perform as 4 : : of power from the huge Niagarajits current to other lines, al-| will do only as much as they are sources, "What do you mean by a family-minded Just this: the Rambler Classic was designed from the start for family use with lots of interior room, bags of luggage space and lots of power. What else? Economy! In maintenance, in running costs, all in terms of actual price! That's what we mean by HOLLANDER AND THE RELAY IN DISPUTE Niag-jder a lesser load, generators throughout the system might New York City at that time; Instead of isolating the have met the sudden demand, as drawing enormous amounts|troubled line, the breaker sent' But generators, like donkeys, That was exactly the situation plant at Queenston near ready loaded. They couldn't capable and no more. When Something caused a distur-|handle the excess. they sensed electronically that bance--nobody seems to know| The current flowing to New|they couldn't meet the demand | what--and_ the little relay box|/ York reversed itself and, like/they cut themselves off to pro-/ signalled a circuit breaker tojair in a punctured tire, rushed tect open near the giant Ontario Hy-|to the point of least resistance, |click, click, click, and 80,000 droelectric Power commissionidraining the power from thelsquare miles went dark. their own wiring, click, ambler Classic 66 the one car for the one-car family! Furniture and Upholstery benefits, each is fully respon- sible for it's own operations." "While Hydro maintains the Southern Ontario. He described them as small claims appar- ently related to the blackout. out last greek in parts of Canada and the United States. oemmmaa THE BOWMANVILLE & OSHAWA PLACE THE FACE CONTEST ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED Your Quality G.M. Dealer "GOODWILL GUARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS' 166 King St. E. Bowmanville N BEAVER LUMBER \ . 61a eco. ir. wo Your Home Improvement Headquarters 623-3388 623-3396 PETER KOWAL Jr. REAL ESTATE Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Boord 623-2453 Exclusive Agents for Oshawa | Wood Products Homes 52 King St. W., Bowmanville | BRESLIN'S PADDY'S MARKET Specializing in USED WASHER PARTS & REPAIRS CALL TODAY! Complete Line of Beatty-Thor-Cros- ley Appliances, Speed Queen. Hempton 263-2241 COMPLETE 96 King St. E., Bowmanville INSURANCE SERVICE $ IN é 5.00 CASH "All Classes OF Insurance" Contact Don Mountjoy at EACH WEEK DeWith & Mountjoy 7 King W. : @ RULES @ INSURANCE AGENCY 7 623-5854 | Each, "er for 26 weeks you can win 623-3980 Res. 622-3614 $5.00 in cash from the participating WHYTE BROS. Cushion Squares 39¢ to 1.00 Bowmanville 14 Frank St. businesses on this advertisment, All you are asked to do, is complete the questionnaire identifying the business E: b Teds which relates to the person in the JUST IN... picture and the question that is asked. Send your answer with your name and Party Dress Fabrics and New Drapery Samples address to the Contest Editor ot The 28 King W. 623-5551 Oshowa Times. There will be a drow made each week, the first correct answer drawn will win @ $5.00 cash prize, Entries must be In no later than 4 p.m, Tuesday of each week, Enter now, @ QUESTION @ Whet Service Station located et 117 Simeoe N. Oshawe the finest service and Te ducts at reasonable prices FOR ALL YOUR FURNISHING NEEDS Automotive Trim 102 King St. W. 623-5252 Classic--770 2-Door Hardtop Options? "I'm sold...you're JURY & LOVELL LTD, Get that GO-GO feeling with REXALL SUPER PLENAMINS 623-3361 2 KING E. BOWMANVILLE SCHWARZ BROTHERS . DAIRY CATTLE Bought and Sold R.R. 3, Bowmanville Bowmanville 623-2895 or 725-0815 a @ ANSWER @ Cadillac Billlards 17 TABLES Broedioemed Floors OPEN 9 A.M, - 11 P.M. "Bring the Family" Lod. ies, Gentlemen and = Children with Parents. Lecated in CKLB Bldg. 725-8112 360 King W. GILLARD Cleanit Service 725-3555 DEPOTS 92 Wolte 170% Mary 12 Bond E. 94 Simcoe N. Office & Plant at 92 Wolfe Address Town @ LAST WEEK'S WINNER @ M, JAMES 112 Cromwell Oshewe Oshawe E. A. VIRTUE & SON DEPENDABLE STOVE OIL B.A. SOLAR HEAT 263-2431 BYAM & BARNES PLUMBING & HEATING AGENTS 'FOR... DUO-HEAT & PRESTON FURNACES Tyrone 263-2650 or 263-2288 Tyrone the one car maker that talks my language!" Rambler Classic's got plenty on both counts, in motors we've got 2 new 7-main- bearing, Torque Command 6's (the 6's that act like 8's), a powerful 198 h.p. V8. In options we've got more than any one man can want! A long list of 72 (yes, seventy-two) with everything from complete power equipment (steering, brakes, windows) to reclining bucket seats. You'll have no trouble dressing up your Rambler Classic to suit your own particular needs. and, above car! | 511 Dean Ave. 725-0500 CITY TV TOWERS Seles and Installation WOODLYN BEAUTY SALON Grace Ann Wood, Prop. e@ |! Qualified Operators To Serve You! MIDTOWN TEXACO e@ COMPLETE REPAIRS e@ QUALITY PRODUCTS e@ COURTEOUS, EFFICIENT 3 Clase "A" Mechanics 117 Simeoe N. 728-0541 e@ Lotest Hoir- styles and Permanents 723-1143 Oshewe Poul Ciesler--Prop. 81 Simcoe N. Rug & Upholstery Cleaning , STB In Your Home or Our Plant! BUCKAROO RANCH * Christmos Porties * Benquets end Donces * Sleigh Rides * Trail Riding 725-2737 End of Rosslond Rd. E. SFLYINGS=SERVICE= * Service * Overhouls * Storage Custom Welding & Fabrication C.I.L. Paint Service Into re Flight Training 728-6135 725-9961 OSHAWA CLEANERS Osh Airport shawe Airpo 94 Bruce St. as 0 BUY OF LEASE SHE YOUR AMBRICAN MOTORS RAMALER DEALER '66 RAMBLER CLASSIC AMERICAN MOTORS (CANADA) LIMITED -- where we believe quality is what you build in --not what you add on, REBEL at your American Motors/Rambler Dealer today! oT fen i{ »® ome i ome entaren a oo oe Building Contractor 723-7711 254 PARK N. LE Giant Summer CLEARANCE SALE Continues ot . . . Canada Outdoor Supply Company 1437 King E. 728-1555 VY Mile E. of Town Limits @ Beautiful European Dishes @ Smorgasbord Dinners on Satur- day and Sundays e@ $1.50 Business Men's Luncheons Daily. OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE 1626 Simcoe St. N. 725-9111 WELLMAN MOTORS LIMITED ABNER'S ESSO SERVICE 728-7351 1003 BROCK STREET SOUTH, WHITBY ° 668-5391 PORT PERRY Harry Peel Rambler Sales & Service WATCH THE JULIETTE SHOW SATURDAY NIGHTS AND NFL FOOTBALL SUNDAY AFTERNOONS ON CBC-TV CUSTOM WOODWORK ' ot % CABINETS % WINDOWS DESKS a d = x FILING CABINETS + STORE FIXTURES BMY VIR, nt idential -- C trical -- Institutional TAUNTON RD. EAST 723-7143 OSHAWA, ONT.

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