Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Nov 1965, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, November 18, 1968 the Genosha Hotel with 17 mem- DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of ' meetings and activities of Oshawe wamen's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. HAPPY GANG TOPS CLUB | The Happy Gang TOPS Club met in the Civic Auditorium with an attendance of 27. The Queen of the month was Doreen Thompson, who was crowned by Leader Beverley Jollow. Joan Vickers presented the queen with the trophy and Men's Branch. dues will be taken that night. a corsage of white chrysanthe- mums. The runner-up, Georgie Kingsley, was absent. Doreen Thompson also won the prize for the most weight lost in the past week and gave an Inspiring talk on her suc- cess. Teresa Cormier won the weekly draw prize. Two new members, Gail Cock- burne and Charlene Groat, were welcomed. It was announced that elections would be held in November and November 24 was set for the Christmas party. It was announced that the club "still had room for a few more members and a general invitation was extended to any- one wishing to join. KING STREET UCW 9 Mrs, Leslie Hall, leader of Unit 9 of King Street United Church Women, opefd the No- vember meeting with one min- ute's silence. Miss Effa Wright) read a memorian for a former| A. Lee Twenty-three home calls and 32 hospital calls were reported. It was announced that Mrs.| H. 0. McKee and her group would be in charge of the De- cember meeting. Mrs. Oscar! Morrison reported on prepara-| tions for the Merry-Go-Round| bazaar. | Mrs. Theodore Wilkins was in| charge of the devotional period,| taking as her theme, "Remem- brance." She was assisted by| Mrs. Robert Bland, Mrs. Leslie| Hall, Mrs. Emory Burdge, Mrs.| Charles Silver. Deaconess Miss) Nancy Fraser spoke on Cove- nant College. Refreshments and a social} half-hour were enjoyed. ST. GEORGE'S WA (Afternoon Branch) St. George's Afternoon Branch of the Women's Auxiliary met!| for its devotional and business | meeting. The president, Mrs, Charles | Gibbs presided. | The reports from the various|ed by the committee in charge. | officers were heard with e| members bringing in their cent-| a-day money for 1965. | The mothers' group peaseniot Oo aawe sak tists ceca be 4 | to look after the selling of the - dollar. one dollar. In January members will take a trip to a Toronto studio to see the program 'Take a Chance", At conclusion of meet- ing tea and cookies were serv- ed and a social time enjoyed. P.M.A, The Pleasant Monday After- noon Club held its weekly meet- ing with the president, Mrs. George V. Lee, presiding. Fa- vorite hymns were sung and two readings were given by Mrs. Rose Zufelt. Christmas savings cards must be turned in next Monday, No- vember 23. The annual Christ- mas party will be held, De- cember 13 and names will be drawn at next week's meeting for Christmas gifts, to cost one The election of officers will) be held on December 6. A warm| welcome was given illness. freshments were served by Mrs. Benjamin Jacklin and Mrs. Wil- jliam Rutherford. | REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 xing, bands, also any member of the On December 7, the election of officers will be held. Dues must be paid up to September 30 to be eligible to vote and no The annual Christmas party will be on December 14, with ex- h of gifts, these to cost bers present, Mrs. Walter Bestwick an- nounced that a work party would take place at Northmin- ster Church for putting TB Seals into envelopes. As many members as possible were urg- ed to attend. A discussion followed on "poli- tics from the viewpoint of women", Some members felt that it would be advantageous to the club as a whole to have political figures speak to the club, so that a better knowledge of the country's workings might be known, Others felt that 'because the club was a service club, this was where concentra- tion should be placed. No defin- ite plans were made. Evenyone was urged to keep up service efforts by selling magazines, cosmetics and Christmas cards, 'Cash is need- ed before it can be donated." Mrs. Jules Perrault offered her home for a work party to prepare Christmas gift enclos- ures for the approaching season. The next business meeting was planned for November 18, at the home of Mrs. Ralph J.| Mackie. Mrs. Orville Souch, Miss Ma- deline Kelly, and Miss Helen Van Camp gave a brief outline of events from the Belleville Fither, treasurer's report. Plans were discussed for the Christmas party for children at King Street Church on December 4, and ar- rangements are to be made by Robert Lean for a card party at Woodview Park ciub- house in February. Luppe won Mrs. at Sunnyside eral Mrs, prize. ST. DAVID"S WELSH SOCIETY St. David's Welsh Society met Park Clubhouse with the president, Mrs. R. J Andrews presiding. members The (East The East Unit Unit) the draw donated a Welsh doll to the Oshawa Gen- Hospital Women's Auxil- iary for its Dolls of All Nations Exhibit, It was decided to hold the children's Christmas party at the Sunnyside Park Clubhouse, Tuesday, December 14 at 6.30 p.m, The date set for the annual St. David's Dance is Saturday, February 26 at the UAW Hall on Bond street. CENTRE STREET UCW of president, read thejsupper. Mrs..Harry Young ee oi of the i Ai team in ihe copper contest. The group will be at Hillsdale Manor on December 27. BETA SIGMA PHI Beautiful music and nursery rhymes enlightened -the -recerit meeting of Beta Sigma Phi, Gamma Epsilon Chapter, held at the home of Miss Pauline Eastmount betic nited Centre| Durkin, Oshawa. The beautiful music was sup- plied by Miss Susan Entwistle 'land Miss Jeanette Taves. The two girls tied for the award pre- senied to the Grade 8 piano stu- dent in Oshawa and district wiih the highest avérage mark over the year's work. Miss Joyce Fisher, service chairman, presented the girls with the award, Following the presenta- tion the two award winners honored the chapter with a recital, Miss Heather Thomas speak-| ing on behalf of Miss Vera| Johnson who gras unable to at-| |tend, gave an entertaining re-| view on 'The History of Nurs-) lery Rhymes." Miss Thomas explained that Street United Church Women|nursery rhymes go back to the held its November meeting at| lseventeenth century in Europe the church recently. Mrs. Irwinjand how erroneously many be- street, Wherever You Turn These Days You'll See Knits In Some Style By ELEANOR ROSS Wherever you turn days, you are bound to see knits being worn--whether at a special luncheon, a club meet- ing, the office, the schoolroom, or even on the dance floor. Knits have come of fashion age. They are used in gold jump suits, bathing suits, lin- gerie, and loungewear, as well as the' more traditional coats, suits, sweaters and dresses. Some of the prettiest dresses these be formal. Friday, failure. was decided that dress would A Christmas party and dance was also planned to be held on December 10, at the /Oshawa Tennis Club. Refreshments were served by the hostess and the light-heart- led mood of the evening was not darkened despite the power) REMOVED PERMANENTLY Superfluous Hair area meeting. was won by Mrs, Walter Best- wick, A draw on a tin of cookies) j, ng as Among her Women." theme published. The Humphreys opened the meetingjlieve that the American ' 'Tales with the devotion period choos- lot Mother Goose"' "Blessedifirst to be written down and first Mrs..Eldon Southwell presid-|Thymes were published in Eu- were the and tronic nursery ph y the fastest By Electrolysis newest selek- 7) Shortwave to Mrs.|Mothers' Group, Diabetic Asso- life member, the late Mrs. John|Jack Jakes who has been ab-|Ciation, was held at the home lsent for many weeks due tojof Mrs. W. G. hae welcomed to the group. ed for the business meeting. As|OP® this was the last meeting for|@0ose." this year all outstanding money} Miss was handed in. DIABETIC MOTHERS The November meeting of the Smith, There were eight members|ber 24 and will be a toy party.|to In the absence of Mrs. H. J.jbe held, at the church on De-|ferred treasurer, Mrs. previous to "Mother Thomas asked each recite a rhyme The UCW gen-|member to jeral meeting will be on Novem-|Many members wore a costume j emphasize At conclusion of meeting re-|present and two new members, (There will be a short business|These were enjoyed by all. [Mrs R. Luppe and Mrs, Bragg,|meeting at 7.30 p.m. Plans were laid for the Ritual | 'The secret pal banquet pvilljof Jewels degree to be con- Jules|\cember 8 and will be a pot-luckion Tuesday, their rhymes, upon several members| November 30, It! MARIE ~ MURDUFF Will be in Oshawe at the Genosha Hotel Nov. 22, 23, 24 | PHONE 723-4641 Over 15 experience. method, Reveeling true self, tree of worry and embarrassment years' N.G. Sister Luella Smith pre-} isided for the regular meeting of Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. | 13, on Wednesday evening. P.N.G. Sister Pearl Peacock | presented the flag of the coun-| try. The Chaplain Sister Betty | Parm conducted the devotional |period. Several members were report-| jed on the sick list and a speedy | recovery was wished for them. | Members were reminded of | the penny sale which PNG Sis- ter Vera Wirsching is conven-| ing November 24 after the regu- lar business meeting. | Other routine business was) {dealt with and the secretary, \Nelda Thompson read the corre- spondence and thank you notes, Dainty refreshments were serv- SOROPTIMIST CLUB | The monthly dinner meeting Club of calendars, for the next three | weeks. Mrs. Gibbs reminded the members of Corporate commun- | jon on St. Andrew's Day. It was agreed to hold a buf- fet supper, on the next meeting day, December 14. LEGION AUXILIARY Bazaar goods were shown and | the bazar is to be held next | Tuesday, November. 23, at 8.00) p.m. Mrs. Alyn Elliot and Mrs. | Robert Williams are the con- veners and Mrs. William Reed will open the bazaar. Conveners of booths were ask- ed to be at the Legion Hall on/| Monday evening at 7.00 p.m. to price goods. Mrs. Norman Mc- Evers is convener for draw tickets. Members having tickets, or goods, of any description for the booths were asked to bring dame in early. Donations also for the tea room may be taken to the hall on Monday evening. Four scholarships to Colleg- jates were presented last Satur- day evening, also one to Sr. Jo-| | seph's Separate School. A social evening and pot luck) supper will be held November 30 for members and their hus- SALE OF WOOLLENS Tweeds, plains, effects in a nice range of weights and colours for Fall and Winter 54" width, REG. $4.98 yd. SPECIAL PURCHASE ~GLITTER FABRICS Fabulous brocaded party and holi- day fabrics for th Many colours in lurex raised designs blended with rich colour too -- 99 yd. . SALTAIRE WORSTED WOOL CREPE -- Beautiful Fall and of Ruby Brown and many o and. suitings 54" wide va, 6. 98 16 Simcoe St. N. Red, Teal, H. E. STILLWELL STUDIOS PASSPORT SERVICE | Identification Service ... Christmas Portraits Greeting Card Special Sitting plus 12 cords 3.25 4 $7 989, Peat AITS Ae $e HE es. thar. PAM OER wiurmenesu HRD it F 3 CISLEEBER I Fi Bilis oid See UR SER SASE BEAM $? Sitting plus 12 cards | (deluxe) 5.50 | Wedding Coverage Home, church end reception 85.00 3 elbums 59.00 Book Early Business Sittings 1 glossy print 7.50 | CUSTOM FRAMING} H. E. STILLWELL STUDIOS Oshawe Shopping Centre 728-4801 444-7231 Guelph | Bon Miiis new diagonal ya. 2,99 e festive season gold and silver Winter colours soft Beige, thers for dresses Phone 725-5443 A wademet mf Hinge Mamseny mf Comedy | ot Hie U PRERibiOn for your Select Your Christmas Daperies From Oshawa's Largest Selection draperies for Christmas ! It's not too early to order your Dress up your home for the fes- tive season. Select now. fr patterns and styles . . . and assured you'll have them in ti for the Holiday Season. Ward's, your recognized drapery specialists for Oshawa and district, now have a vast selection of domestic and im- ported fabrics... For every taste, for every decor... ready to hang or custom-made -- Select yours now ! FIBERGLAS READY TO HANG "FIBERGLAS DRAPES * THE REALLY CAREFREE DRAPERY FABRIC In ook now in 10 different sizes and in dozens of pind and potterns. As Low As Custom Made DRAPERIES If you haven't visited Ward's Drapery Dept. lately, you will be pleasantly surprised at the tremendous variety of fabrics available, either by the yard or custom-made by Ward's experienced staff to your exact specifications. YOU WILL ALSO BE PLEASED WITH THE MODEST MAKING CHARGES. 31 Simcoe St. S. at Athol thiteys : © GOS AN Dede TWO RANGES Big variety of sizes, 1000 pair in stock now. Ward's vast collection of fabrics, om be me . Ready To Hang LINED DRAPES colors and patterns, ECONOMY RANGE Faber Path GE he bas 06 BAR Bota dear eae Over | Fivs | Fits | | " 72" - =| | 96" 4s", | Track | Track | Teak ay : rinsiea | 1098 '1698 1998 are FITS | FITS | FITS | 144" | Troe | 2998 4498 5998 192° k | Troek ees a DELUXE RANGE / es Length rns 1 898 | | 1338 nh u" 70 tf FITS | FITS Fits | FITS FITS 48" | 72" | 96" | 144" | 192" | Treek Bhivaes has Be biclas Troek | 3890 5898 7898 "Oshawa's Largest Drapery Selection" WARD'S DRY GOODS Phone 725-1151 OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. AB CSR 6 EE HE? Yh HOM K: WARD'S are knitted of wool with a cro- \cheted look, and are bonded to acetate tricot. Many sweaters are full-fashioned orlon and lyera spandex styles, designed with long belted or tunic lines. m. growing wash, home, need no blocking. should need to be washed by hand, just. squeeze it in cool- increasingly easier to Washable clothes are ore. economical and conveni- Always support Most modern knits can be achine-washed and -dried and line te If knitwear--a sweater, say-- ment, There are even 'Op art" orlon| -- to-warm suds and rinse water. from underneath while wet, and ent to keep clean right in the, blot it in a towel after rinsing. If blocking should be needed, trace the knit on cardboard prior to laundering, cut the out- make a frame for the body and sleeves, insert this in the damp gar- _and pat it to lo shape. the sweater three-piece knit doublets to wear over tur- tleneck pullovers. Girls look their most fashion- able in pleated plaid skirts and cable knit stockings. One of the highlights of the winter vacationer's wardrobe. will be stretchknit swimsuits that don't sag when either wet or dry, and are even advertised to improve with laundering. | New knits feature textures; and blends, double knits, otto-| mans, and circular patterns, They are available in a full gamut of synthetic fibers as well as wool--a fiber that is/s | A Beautiful BONUS Exclusive Christmas colours. Limited. quant Visit Angie Jane whe you, 11 King St. E, 72 Opposite Genosha Hotel Angie- Jane CHRISTMAS 20% OFF WINTER COATS Beautifully styled to top eff your winter wardrobe, in the latest French tweeds, with beautiful and cozy 'fur collars ond bright will find clothes worthy of Exclysive, Not Expensive Angie-Jane v « haute coiffure... international coiffures S 6 european stylists 725-4531 ity at: re you 5-711 71 celina st. oshawa, ont. Fo] KALMAR "TR-125 centre; designed for sate "We Service Solid state brilliant sound, 6 precisely balanced speake' 125 watts AM/FM FM stereo radio; dual "1009" 4 speed auto professional changer; AFC; speaker conrl Scandinavian modern, W-60"; YOUR COLOR TV STORE PARKWAY |; TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH llites and remote speakers. H-29"; D-20", What We Sell -- Ourselves" - 85000 723-3043 ELECTROHOM STEREO HI-Fl WITH THE DIFFERENCE

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