; ' 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, November 18, 1963 Ian Falls Deeper Toward Isolation Geritol Ads Hit In U.S., Okay Here OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada, in OTTAWA (CP)--A_ continued effect though not formally. has| Canada Tripled UN .Commitment By DAVE McINTOSH part of it in Rhodesia. Such ad- lery |vance planning usually takes/from the 4th Regiment--is on|\equipment up to 4,000 miles in place when there is even the/ UN duty. It is in Cyprus with toria; the 2nd Battalion, Black WA&tch, at Camp Gagetown, N.B.; and the 4th Artillery Reg-| iment, Ist Field Engineer, all at Camp Petawawa, Ont. For the first time, an artil- unit--a 130-man_ battery "By HAROLD MORRISON confidence behind the Smith|seal of approval has been given|more than tripled it it-\Slightest indication that the] : ; 'Canadian Press Staff Writer facade. ; ja Canadian broadcast advertise-| ment in Iititary forces ta the| government might accept i oe The rebellious Ian Smith ap-| | The fact that Sir Hugh Beadle,| ment for Geritol, the iron and|United Nations for peacekeep-|"eW peacekeeping job for the Guards. ars to be driving himself into|the chief justice, also resides|yitamin tonic that landed in hot ing duty, informants said Wed-|UN. | The defence department rther. isolation by baad aorare -- abl in Sy een weler in the United: States be- surreptitious appointment of his|House and apparently did not\cause of its advertising. 500- kak sire own deputy, Clifford Dupont, to|participate in the swearing in of 'The ad aired by Canadian sta-lice force, which ulin theve replace the unbending Sir Hum-ithe new governor may be Aitions originally was approved] infantry battalions, is intended|!° phrey Gibbs as governor of further indication of the lack of/hy the federal health depart-|pasicaily isin not exclusively o Rhodesia. |white cohesion. Dupont was|ment's food and drug directo-\for UN service, they said. | Dupont, a_ one-time London|sworn jn before a justice of the|rate, It was reviewed after a <2 t y i solicitor -- malgrated te i : U.S. crackdown last month on desia in 1948, can neither give Ree effective advice nor receive ad-\OPPOSITE EFFECT aed' green' light, vice from the Queen. : The whole operation, rather, 'The position at the directorate, While in a British parliamen- than indicating that Smith is inlig that some leeway should be |arose. I tary sense, the governor merely|full control of events in Rhode-| allowed in ads for items on authorities acts on the instructions of his|sia and : government, the recognition|received and recognized by the/pought without prescription and|UN duty. that he is respected at court and|world as the effective leader of|that are not harmful. Officials stressed that is a link between government|Rhodesia, merely concentrates and the sovereign provides the/attention on the Smith siege On|free - wheeling as those that possible use of the force or any) essential strength of his appoint-|Government House, accompan-|drew the fire of the U.S. Fed- en ment. ied by admiration for asman|eral Trade Commission, Smith, with his courageous who refuses to be ordered out. The U.S. and Canadian @ar record and striking person- ff instruction came from the followed the same general ality, built up a lot of sympathy Queen that Gibbs should leave,|theme: A person feeling tired would carry "strength and en-| nesday. it de-| said, that NO} m, a person feel stronger and bet-jin ads ter. m for his cause among the British| he undoubtedly would do so. The|might have what the Geritolergy" through the body. Thejnadian Guards Battalion at Pic-| i people. But the stubborn resist-\only other way would be forci-|people call "'iron-poor blood"|Canadian ad only says it willjton, Ont., now the UN standby) School. There is no reg ance of Gibbs, who refused tO)nle eviction. and the tonic could help suchicarry vitamins and _ iron. \battalion; the ist Battalion,| EARMARKS ONE 'y battalion for UN service. ome cally widens when the designa-| The force's terms of. refer-|teq battalion takes on a UN as- Geritol ads and given a contin-/°"ce Were deliberately left|<icnment. When a battalion was vague so that it could be as-|<cont | signed various roles as needs|\another was designated as the But there is no doubt,jstandy unit for UN service. therefore should be drugstore shelves that can be(Signed first and foremost f0r special service force will be drawn on for all The Canadian ad is not as\Plans are being drawn up for|have to be made. not operate as a single entity But the U.S. ads said Geritol/seas as one large formation. Squadron, 2nd Signals Squadron|world within a week. | and 2nd Brigade Headquarters, | By the end of this year, | \RCAF Tfansport Command will) jhave enough long-range planes to ity of the armed forces so that, in Canada for the !>-t ° ~--~ eventually, it will be possible to will be observed March 13-19, Queen's Own Rifles, at Vic-jwants to triple the airlift capac-|Health Week, an annual event{1966, the Health League of Can- ada has announced. move the special force and its equipment to any place in the| NEW move 1,000 soldiers and) iseven days. | SET HEALTH WEEK ! TORONTO (CP) -- National For many years, Canada has rmally earmarked one infan- This commitment automati-| to Cyprus, for instance, | It now is intended that the! UN assign-| ents though exceptions may There will be @ special session The special service force does Ss dary School A Canada but, if events de-| anded, could be moved over-. Its units comprise the Ist Ca-] interest to oll so bring a box HOME and SCHOOL AREA CONFERENCE Te Be Held at CENTRAL COLLEGIATE, OSHAWA NOV. 20, 1965 9:00 A.M, te 4:00 P.M. All Home and School members and friends ore cordially invited. Of special importance to the parents of High Se! . How they operate end why they are so important. Many importent people are taking part in this conference including Mrs. G. J. Rorke, the Ontario Feder- ation president. Also the key speaker in the morning will be Mrs, Athrur V. Piggott of Toronto, There will be sessions of and enjoy this conference and learn more about Home end ation fee. Gary 9 hool Students. in the afternoon dealing with 93.5 M.C, on your FM Dial funch, (coffee will be supplied) FM SOUND ON CKLB-FM Price "Sunrise Serenade" Daily Monday to Friday 6.05 A.M. to 10 A.M. Luncheon Date Daily Monday to Friday, 12 Noon to 1 P.M. 24 hours listening on your home station bow to Smith's demands that he vacate Government House, un-| doubtedly destroyed some of Smith's British popularity. The war of attrition that fol- fowed, cutting Sir Humphrey's | telephone lines and stripping him of his automobiles and part of his white staff, will not help Smith's cause in Britain. Smith faces at least some white opposition in high Rhode- sian places and the haste to oust Gibbs and replace him with his own deputy indicates the | possibility of a nervous lack of 1 Kilns Burn, | $36,000 Blaze SIMCOE (CP)--Fire causing an established $36,000 damage} destroyed 21 kilns of stored to- baceo and a barn on a farm owned by Mrs. Anna Repasy of| Delhi, Ont., near Glen Myer, 16) miles southwest of here Tues- day night. The farm is operated by the @wner's son, John Repasy. Fireman fought the blaze more than four hours in winds that custed to 40 miles an hour. NOW first on your RUM LIST | flor Modern contemporary high back styling; sleek-85'" sofa, with matching chair, plus extra chair and an ottoman in 3278 4 Pce Decorator New for fall/65. 6 Pc. Swivel Dinette Modern round pedestal table arborite. 4 HI back swivel chairs in floral decoration fabrics. 3168 See our display of over 40 Dinette Groupings. in walnut LIVING ROOM Exactly as Shown al decorator fabrics -- Choice of colors. GIFT CHAIRS Swivels -- Recliners -- Rockers, Relaxers -- Modern end Period, Dozens of styles and colors. A. small deposit holds your choice. Model illustrated -- modern 3 WAY RECLINER ~-- covered in vynelle. $58 New! Open Stock WALNUT DINETTE With Heat and Stain Resistant Top Sleek modern lines in soft toned sandal-wood walnut -- 7 PIECE SUITE as shown----Buffet, Hutch, with glass doors, ablong table and 4 diners. $238 @ Buffet -- $78.00 @ Hutch -- $58.00 @ Table -- $57.00 @ Chairs ea. -- $19.95 New For Fell 3-PC. 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T M e with 7 ply quality Choose from ever 40 Bed- rooms displayed on our floor 38 Night Tables LANE - price, 52" long in lustrous satin Cantemporary siled walnut or Tenk storage for 25 records fT] solid state T9 chassis Garrard 3000 Record changer - 5499 $ Spenkers 10% DOWN. Balonce easy Monthly Payments styling in tentre opening lid - 12 pushbuttons --- tastes like Rum should taste FOR THE ACADIAN eae "SEVEN SEAS' RUM is Vall by ACADIAN DIS S OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 From the Ann FINEST FURNITURE VALUES IN OSHAWA A Fabulous "Buy" ot FREE PARKING 725:6559 fabrics SOFA by DAY SLEEPS 2 AT NIGHT ! ry | 48 Budget Terms Who'd ever quess this handsome sofa opens into a come fortable full size bed with on innerspring mattress? Ideal for the expanding family and always ready for overnight quests. Foam cushioned. Choice of tweed or solid color