co ENS 9 ee ee ee pease Sree as ti ae 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, November 18, 1965 Ex 3-St New Commissioner By CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN 'CHICAGO oar re a public image began form- tag today behind the leadership of a new commissioner--a re- three-star air force gen- He is William D. Eckert, 56, of Washington, D.C., a trim, sharp-visaged man with thin- ning steel-gray hair and the build of a high school football halfback. ag His unanimous recommenda- § tion Wednesday to the major * 20 club owners ended a six-month search by a screen- ing committee headed by John etzer of Detroit Tigers and John Galbreath of Pittsburgh Pirates. The soft-spoken Eckert, a much-decorated officer who re- tired from the service four years ago, was a_ surprise choice to become baseball's fourth commissioner. He fol- lows a line that includes Judge K. M. Landis, who ruled with a mailed fist; A. B. (Happy) Chandler, who was ousted by owners in favor of Ford Frick, retiring at the age of 71 after serving since 1951. Eckert's first lieutenant will be Lee MacPhail, baseball-wise 48-year-old president of Balti- more Orioles, named to head a so-called cabinet as adminis- trator in the commissioner's of- fice. DEPARTMENTS PLANNED The new-image baseball gov- ernment also will have de- partments doled sirle player affairs, public information, tel- evision-radio and amateur base-| ball that includes Little League, American Legion, high school and college levels. i 'J Grid Rumble ar General NEW YORK (AP)--The rum- year contract ss League president. feree for the next three months|American Football League held and will aid in officiating at the|a secret advance draft or just) baseball . meetings in Miamilan informal discussion. next month. A year ago in : | Phoenix, Frick was successful} Faced with newspaper re- in getting owners to restore the|ports that the AFL already had commissioner's power whichiselected several players at a ' an argument about whether the|i965 Frick will be Eckert's con- Valuable Player award. Versalles, Twins to their first American a_ special Zoilo Versalles Named Still Noisy | American League MVP BOSTON (AP) -- Zoilo Ver- Baseball Writers Association of ble about the pro football draft,|Salles, Minnesota Twins' spec-|America. now set for Nov. 27 in both ma-|tacular shortstop, was a near American) ior U.S, leagues, has turned into|wnanimous choice today for thelwhe won the The other first - place vote went to teammate Tony Oliva, leasue batting American League Mostichampionship for the second who sparked the|second in the voting, year in a row. Oliva finished| being picked second on 13 ballots, and the 1964 winner, Brooks |League pennant, received 19 of Robinson of Baltimore Orioles, the 20 first-place ballots cast by finished third. committee of the The only other player named -- reduced after Landis'! neeting held two weeks ago, ADMIRES LANDIS Ill., whose only close connection with baseball was playing first base and the outfield for Mad- ison, Ind., high school and on|in Denver: West Point intramural teams,| «we sat cuss top players. down Landis. college football czar and, at the same time Iling a lot of time. ge tower. "My authority will be exer-| WILLIAM ECKERT | ised by analyzing, studying 'and considering. I will not use Whether directors of each of|it dictatorially. I will call the these branches will be named |signals as I see them." is yet to be decided, said Mac-| Since his retirement, Eckert lating any regulations." Sonny Werblin, owner of New York Jets of the AFL, joined the general denial of any secret draft and charged the National Football League had held and defense advisory boards where 13 players were named Eckert was given a seven-|but plans to leave most af them|®* 'musts to the league in the) to devote nearly full time to his|Si8ning period. year pact at $65,000. st. af Pete Rozelle, NFL contract at $40,000 annually. e and went|used to help said he was a great admirer of|through a group of outstanding|Players and players' families in players. We|needy "But I don't intend to be alwere just trying to avoid wast-\SPeaker at this' year's Dinner| REMEMBER WHEN? ... I want to|Will be famous don't intend to live in an ivory|make it clear we were not vio-|Jac0bs,. former Winnipeg Blue Bomber star. Tickets are $10.00 each, available at the O'Keefe Centre, by mail, phone or at the box office. Come out and rub shoulders with football greats, r om to the Head gotten of er - ' : CFL or just swap tall tales o Phail, who signed a three-yearjhas served on many industry|meeting in Chicago last week|r oan with your buddies. Make jit a date on Friday, November 26 at 5:30 p.m. at the Grey Cup Dinner. Ladies are most wel- commis-| «ome. owner Gerald Phipps of Denver Rig crea tag ig cg Ba White Sox. The knuckle - ball Broncos said he and the other|-- don't forget the Grey Cup Eckert, a native of Freeport,/owners met informally to -dis-|Dinner at the Royal York Hotel|Pitcher in the American League on Friday, November 26. This is : i ' . ___ |the official football Dinner, and| *. Said Phipps in an interview|net proceeds go to the Grey Cup pov Dinner Trust Fund which is injured football circumstances. Guest Indian Jack on all 20 ballots was relief pitcher Eddie Fisher of Chicago artist became the first relief ever named on every ballot. Fisher finished fourth in the with 122 points, com- pared with 275 for Versalles, 174 for Oliva and 150 for Robin- son. By THE CANADIAN PRESS Winnipeg Blue Bombers smashed through Calgary Bronks 26 years ago today <in 1939--at Calgary for a 28-7 victory and their third successive Western Canada senior football title, after being beaten 13-7 in the first game. Bombers went on to defeat Ottawa 8-7 for the Grey Cup. | Olympic Unity Country Needs Says Mayor CALGARY (CP) -- Calgary Mayor Jack Leslie Wednesday said = Montreal bid for the 1972 Summer Olympics indicates Canada cannot present a united front on the matter of the Olym- pic Games. Mayor Leslie said he hopes the Canadian Olympic commit- tee will ask Montreal to delay its application until 1976. A Calgary group has received permission from Canadian Olympic authorities to apply to hold the 1972 Winter Games at Banff and Lake Louise, Alta. Montreal Mayor Jean Drap- eau, who announced his city's proposed bid Monday, said in Montreal that, because he will be meeting the Canadian Olym- pic committee in Toronto Satur- day, he does not want to com- ment on Mayor Leslie's re- marks, = Sales & Service WERNER'S SERVICE CENTRE 985-7162 | Highway 12 and 7, | VOLKSWAGEN } SPORTS IN BRIEF BARR SIDELINED DETROIT (AP) -- Lions' flanker back Terry Barr was operated on Wednesday for a carilage injury to his right knee. He will be out of action member universities competing Detroit|for the championship. DISPLAY BOAT TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- for the balance of the National|'ian boat that three times won Football League season. STAGE MEET the Harmsworth Trophy, the top award for power boats, will be displayed at the centennial cen- GUELPH (CP)--The Ontarie-itre of science and technology Quebec Athletic Association willjin 1967. The boat, Miss Super- stage its inaugural volleyball|test If1, was donated to the cen- tournament at the University of|tre by its designer, James G. Guelph Saturday with five'Thompson of London, Ont. SK-000. he lght-footed snowmob All new for '66 "Faster Meer agar Pay fun than S G2, OLIVE AVE. AND WILSON RD. UNITED RENT.ALLS SALES -- SERVICE - RENTALS COME SEE THE SENSATIONAL 1966 SKI DOO s. 728-5565 oe .,. |new po kg new Aue of the ye ws During the Second World War|sioner, said no league meeting welkingr of baseball and that|ne is Berean bo a ahd was held but several field rep- Aer 3 : » European theatre o foper- ; . his first action will be to confer ations. Then followed a series of "esemtatives, who have no offi with as many club owners aS|nromotions taking him into the|'ial connection with any club, possible and the presidents of |fields of air force business man-|met at Chicago and other the American and jagement. places. National leagues, Joe Cronin and War- ren Giles. Cronin was mentioned prom- | inently as Frick's successor but| eliminated himself Wednesday | by accepting another seven-| STnEREE | | From SMITHS SPORTS Threatened Grid Boycott , Appears To Be Settled TORONTO (CP) -- A threat- ened boycott of Saturday's Save the-Children Fund college foot- ball bowl game at Varsity Sta- dium apparently won't mate- rialize. Peter Gorman, fund bowl chairman, said Wednesday that differences between the bowl committee and University of Toronto students about ticket prices has apparently been solved | Earlier, university athletic director Warren Stevens said students threatened to boycott the game between University ef Toronto Blues and Univer- aity of Alberta Golden Bears. At dispute were the premium $4 tickets which Stevens said the committee should have re- considered in view of the finan- cial problems of university stu- dents However, in defending the ecommittee's stand, Gorman moted game tickets were also on sale for $2 and $3. He said that 80 cents of each dollar spent on tickets for the|backs Gerry Sternberg and| go the fund, pro-/Erkki Pokonen and end Mike e will The percentage will be reduced | if there is not a sellout because the cost of using the stadium, which holds 27,000, will stay the} same. | ® Gorman said he will recom- | mend to the national football bowl committee that one - third of the gate receipts from games | for the next 10 years go in turn | to each provincial fund cam-/ paign. | The Bears, meanwhile, con- | tinued to work out at home and} were scheduled to 'arrive in| Toronto today with their wei practice at Varsity*Stadium set | for Friday. | The Bears, champions of the Western Intercollegiate Foot- ball rence, are d to run the ball--which they do well through the efforts of twin fullbacks Jim Hale and Irwin Strifler, who combined for 1,282 yards on the ground in six scheduled games. The Blues have an explosive attack spearheaded by quar-| terback Bryce Taylor, half-) @ BOAT HARDWARE JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS @ FISHING RODS, REELS, LURES, ACCESSORIES @ SHOT GUNS, RIFLES @ HUNTING COATS, PANTS & ACCESSORIES @ A GOOD SELECTION OF USED OUTBOARD MOTORS NEW & USED BOATS gam vided there is a sellout crowd. Eben. | --- i FA MILLERS TOOLS eee ee oe THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT ! The tools with the 7 LIFETIME GUARANTEE MILLERS FALLS LLS Practically every Millers Falls power tool and many hand tools now carry a Lifetime Guarantes. I any wach tool fails for any reason ether than abuse er normal wear, it will. be repatred or replaced free. our customers... carrying and Friction Tape at both our Courtice Showroom and Oshawa Shopping Centre Store. z COURTICE 728-1611 ATTENTION! HOCKEY PLAYERS As an added convenience for + we are now Hockey Sticks _ LIMITED OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Mr. 'john Chircoski MILLERS FALLS TOOLS REPRESENTATIVE who will be present at our... SHOPPING CENTRE STORE FRIDAY, NOV. 19th AFTERNOON AND EVENING and at our -- COURTICE SHOWROOM SATURDAY, NOV. 20th MORNING UNTIL 12:00 NOON To discuss with our customers and friends the technical superior quality of MILLERS FALLS TOOLS Wood Products SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1617 Today, any good snow tire will get you through the snow. But the fact is, a snow tire spends about 80% of its life on snowless roads. That's right, snowless roads. And snow tires can be pretty much of a nuisance when you're traveling down a snowless highway at a good clip. Not to mention how they feel . on bumpy side roads. ' That's why we built a new type of snow tire: the Dominion Royal Super Winteride.® As a snow tire, the Super Winteride is a brute. It has the big, thick tread you need to go crunching through deep snow. But when the snow is plowed off the roads (which is usually right after a snowstorm) the Super Winteride doesn't behave the way you'd ex- pect a snow tire to. Its tread is designed so DOMINION TIRE STORES An unusual new snow tire. 80% of the time, it's not a snow tire. the back wheels of the its life on snowless roads. RUSS BOSWELL SUPERTEST, TOM GOCH SUPERTEST, MURPHY that the sound frequencies cancel each other out. The result: a sound you can live with. And its ride is surprisingly soft and comfortable, right up there with "original equipment" tires in ability to absorb rough roads. In fact, in the Shell 4000 Rally, where cars were driven over some of the roughest roads (snowless roads, that is) i in Canada, Super Winterides were used on Ford Mustang that fin- ished 11th out of 64 cars that started. In a nut- shell, the Dominion Royal Super Winteride is a great snow tire when there's snow on the ground; a great all-round tire when there's no snow on the ground. You can't ask for + much more + NiROvAL | than that. Dominion Royal all Asnow tire spends most of OIL CO., UL ee eee Oe ee ee "ALLONT - THE NAME TO BUILD ON" i A! LONT Ni , 145 King St. West, Oshawa ARCHER MOTOR SALES, Port Perry, Ontario BEARE MOTOR SALES, Port Perry, Ontario ERV BROOKS SUPERTEST, 195 King St, East, Bowmonville 351 Wilson Rd. South, Oshawa ONTARIO MOTOR SALES, 140 Bond St. West, Oshawa CLIFF MILLS MOTOR SALES Ltd. 266 King St. West, Oshawa CLEMENT'S SUPERTEST 102 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa 437 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa MORING and TOMLINSON SUPERTEST, 1373 Simeoe St. North, Oshowa DX OIL CO., No, 2 Highway, Whitby 78 Bond St. West, Oshowa SID ASHTON GARAGE, 149 King St. West, Oshawa DEAN HODGSON WHITE ROSE, Ajax, Ontario