28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Movember 17, 1968 i Apna "Want Extra Cash for Christmas..Use Times Action Want Ads Now" Call 'The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Barristers JAMES MACDONALD, BA, L' rister and Solicitor and Note: Pl Commercial Building, 286 King West Ontario, Cllent parking avail- Accountants RDON R, DAY, Certified General feconient; Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, 725-9953. BOB CLANCY'S Accounting service. Complete bookkeeping service, 299 Simcoe South, 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. BA, JOSEPH GUTMANN, Charte od Account- y' pI p |? nd ey ag Money To Loan i WILL LOAN you Up fo $5,000 af « sonable rate of 23-4631 TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS ECONOMY, AND DELUXE Interest to consolidate 'our bills or for any other worthwhile wrpose providing you are steadily em- loyed and have good credit, Telephone < ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street East. Telephone 723-4833. ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account- ant, 47 Prince Street, Sulte 4, Oshawa, Ontario, _Telephone TB-NV33). ADLE AND co, Cher- HOPKINS, BEAD Financial Trade Bulld- Ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On fario, 725-3509; §. T. Hopkins, CA; H. A. Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. YAL FRIEDLANDER "AND CO. Chartered Accountants Licensed Trus-/ tees in Bankruptcy, ave Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 728-737) ERKIN, i; MacMiLCAN "AND €O., fred Accountants, 36% King we Ly Oshawa, 725-6539; William © B.comm, CA: David G. Perkin, ON J. Graham MacMillan, CA, Barristers sHREYS, ciple pint SL Solicitors, 36/2 King} Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys.) QC; G. & Boychyn QC; W. A Hillman, | LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office:) 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; ~--Whitby,| 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA first mortgage funds available. | ER AND KELLY, | Barristers, Sollel-| iors, etc., 114 King Street East. Dial) 123-2278 Residence Phones: J. M fol OC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL. 728-5832; Thomas H, Jermyn, BA, LLB, 725-2662 JOSEPH P. Money to loan. Office, | East, Oshawa. 728-6232 MeGIBBON and | BASTEDO, Barristers | THE Solicitors. Mortgages arranged Nationa Trust Building, 32 Simcoe Street South, | R. H. CABINET co. Ly era Se le Pr al 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY 668-6911 strong CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and] : vier Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, Cutom built cobinets. SPECIAL 10% Discount On All Orders Remodelling, 'carpentry, | til- ing, painting, plumbing, elec- trical work, roofing, eaves- troughing, plastering, cement work of all kinds, Aluminum doors and windows, siding. 20 skilled men ready to serve you, NELLIS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS Oshawa ~~ 728-206) Peterborough --- 745-2184 NOVEMBER SPECIAL Save up to 15% during No- vember on Rec, Rooms, Cup- boards, Tiles and all general Home Remodelling All Work Guaranteed Just phone for my prices. H. McKoy 725-8576 BOVCHYN, and HILL. MANGAN, QC, _ Solicitor.| 144 King Street VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 723-3444; 1. K Creighton, QC; or residences G. kK, shee oe G. L. Murdoch, ROOFING, | conerere Moors, fiat roofing, eda hy ae Victor, 985-7115. ed specialty he work i tng ? ~e : ° Large and smail 1y Lan looting Mortgages arranged, land Construct CARPENTRY, Classified Rates repalrs, etc 4535, evenings NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, | gone Oy aia of 24 words, $1.08; | Sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms. Free| PF ash-- ; additional words, 4c, each: jf estimates, A, C. Woods, 728-3420 or] alt secutive insertions of 24 words, $2.88; 728-4717, additional words 2c. 'emodell i Telephone 7: 3008 or ema. | each, 6 con COMPLETE HOME -wasnovewsuvs| secutive insertions of 24 words, $5.04 [done to your satisfaction. Call Oshawa 4 additional words 2i¢. each. Home Improvements, 725-9428 | GUARANTEED repairs to ail i ° Hone! eNerge. |e hers and ranges 728-1742 Less than 24 [ALL TYPES buliding, ing repairs each word, nd remodelling: chimneys, new and re counts | paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs. counts j Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. | EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foo jinctudes grading and fill, two-year guar- jantee. Terrano Paving, 723-8841 SOCIAL NOTICES Charge -- 10 per cent add' 1 i" rsh paid within & days. Cal Free estimates, E Method of Counting words counts as 24 words; initial, figure or abbreviation as one word) phone number two words BIRTHS--DEATHS-- {St jagreements purchased and sold "wringer! and Hennick, Barristers, 31 Optometrist 8. | 723-4191, Painting 'and Decoratin, Priced to suit your budget, TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV UPPLY LIMITED AUNTON RD, E. Just East Of Ritson 728-8180 WINTERTIME T.V, TIME T.V. Service Anytime TT. 8.4, ©, MORTGAGE LOANS Money for first mortgages Open Mortgages Interest at 7% No Bonus No Charges for Valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchosed Money for Second Mortgages Fast Service M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 fp Se OF THE TOWER oF pase. ARE OM A PLAIN SOUTH oF BABYLON. 'SCRAPS. Ae WM te omer WHERE ARE AWE ORGANS OF SMELL INA SHAKE 2 DIAMOND RATLESNAKES ARE KILLED fo OBTAIN 4Wo OUNCES OF venurt, WHICH 15 USED INTHE CURING OF SHAKE BITE. 1 THE ROOF OF 15 MOUTH. Php Remen* CoV Sie el fe Cows a AWS AMS HESS DURING WOMER THE APHIDS, MUICE THE ANTS LME. TELEVISION 728-5143 CiTY TV TOWE: All work guarant Telephone 725-0500, FIRST & SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS . for well located homes ° Prime apartments * Lease Commercials Well Drilling--Digging _ |WELL DIGGING by machine specializing In 30-inch tile, W., Ward, 204 Chestnut Prime Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809, |1--Women's ¢ 's Column PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, corner of Westmount. Telephone 725-5363. ° Purchase of Mortgages and Sale Agreements CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 723- 5221 "MORTGAGE LOANS FIRST & SECONDS NO BONUS for "Bill" Horner 2--Personal Removal of superfluous' hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Nov, 22, 23 ond 24th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- nt, ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 Ask |AUTOS DELIVERED anywner: ineda, To 728-5157 : Active Realty Ltd. -- [Fiorida, california, Bonded "drivers, ronto Drive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge RIVATE "AND CORPORATE monies for| Street, 225-7754, mortgages. Mortgages and agree- "1 SAW WHAT YOU DID and | know nis of sale purchased Creighton, ' 7 |who you are. If you dare to speak te the) nen Murdoch and Victor, (See 'Bar peed intruder, all 725-5833, Isters".) me 4 DRIVING TO" TIMMINS, re IRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale| I rlving Saturday, at § for Hennick BM. ree four passengers: foisphens 723-3474, Ask King Street) tor Mr, Gibb. "Ontario, ast, 723-7232 = uae ier: de: ih te '3--Sportsman's Column WE SKIN CUT :and wrap d 126 Simeoe| Telephone 622-2808, Telephone | "ACK, oD, te 6, Oshawa, RICHARD B reet North, Su' ity |Pa CUSTOM FLOOR coverings, _Corion, $2.00 per insertion with eatin tiles, linoleum and eeramic wall tiles tional charges if not |New and remodelling, Work guaranteed. days. | Free estimates, Whitby 668-2527, |RENOVATIONS, REPAIRS. Recreation |rooms @ specialty, 3, ge rellable| | service. Telepho 3-732. |AT CARPENTRY, block work, New or remodellins |prices, Call Tony 728-4983, 1N MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 38 words and Sc. each thereafier, plus 12c, per line of verse; 25¢, additional charge if not paid within @ days. CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 25 words and Se, Dentistry _ @ach thereafter, with 25¢. additional CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M,_ Der pore! at d cement Special fal! P charge if not pald within @ days. Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshawa COMING EVENTS For appointment, 728-5171 $2.00 per inch (display); $1.90 for th® jgiateK, OR. E. P.. Dental first 20 words and Sc, each thereafter |117 Simcoe Street' North, Oshawa. (Word Ads). |appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728-8441. AUCTION SALES ee $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION |Dressmaking |DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, ;|R pl jut Surgeon, {in For! DEADLINES specialty, Mrs. Toms, PERSONAL STYLING for ~ fashion-| wise women! Dressmaking, alterations, | Fitting a specialty. 728-1823 for appoint ment Whitby, 668-2372. led |W Fr WORD ADS 5S p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Lost AND FOUND 9 AM, DAY OF PUBLICATION hy a | BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m, day of publication Gardening ond Supplicn at CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Sol 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous; 2 col umns or larger--10 a.m. day previous "for the BIRDS" WILD BIRD MIX SUNFLOWER SEED PEANUTS CHIC SCRATCH Bird Feeding Stations ICE SALT WATER SOFT, SALT STRAW PURITY DOG MEAL MASTER DOG MEALS PURINA DOG MEALS PET SUPPLIES CANCELLATIONS AND fo CORRECTIONS 9 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before publication will be charged one day's insertion Ss é 1 BOX NUMBER RENTAL ~~ 50c 7 endeavor will be made replies to box numbers to as soon as possible. we accept no liability in respect of toss damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in for warding such replies, howe' ed whether by negligence or otherwise The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days. While every to forward the advertisers m 1S c St Ss REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be re sponsible for errors in advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing not for more than one insertion of any CO advertisement nor beyond the price * 1 charge for a single Insertion in which 16 CELINA ST. error occurs. i T 723-1139 TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or I'll cut them down, Free estimates 55118 or 728-0610 The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification tn the cases of display advertisements The Times will not held _faspon sible for more space t the actual error occupies. The pub lishers endeavor to reproduce al! ad- yertising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if any Instruction inaccuracies in any form are contained therein nure; also Whitby School ontrol Canada Driving e sured dual cars censed by Ontario of Transp e IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD i Call Classified Direct = » Department 723- 3492 } ( supplied for Government Tests @ Home ser- vice @ $4 per lesson 728-481) GLISSANDO Organ Guild hour trial Fully in ort 0 pickup INDEX TO" CLASSIFICATIONS --Women's Column 2--Parsonal 3--Sportsman's Column $--Traliers 6--Marine Equipment ?--Swap and Barter | &-Articies for Sale 9--Market Basket | 24 Free you buy, 725-6617 |Janitor Service ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! nomicai ceiling, wa' modern machine. Free guaranteed. 728-7736. practice period, Try service before 1O--Farmer's Column li--Pets and Livestock 12--Articles Wanted 13--Articles for Rent Opportunities Fast, eco cleaning done by estimates. Work 19--Male or Female Hein Wanted 2--Real Estate for 20a-Summer Properties 2 Sale | Money To Loan Farms for Sale --Lots for Sale Real Estate Wanted 24--Stores Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent , 26--Apariments tor Rent LIKE A BUNNY ! 27----Rooms for Rent . 28--Room and Board " 2--Wanted to Rent Get a Low-Cost W--Automobiles for Sa Life Insured N--Compact Cars tor PLAN LOAN QUICK : ~Trucks for Sale --Automon Wanted ve ~Automobiie Repair 1S---Lest and Found 16--Lege! Auctions %--Coming Events W--Notices SCOTIA | THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA iF ALC" PLUMBING AND HEATING » sup HP ALL TYPES of 'repairs and remodelling new alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting 4) RE-UPHOLSTERY py experts. Establish rebuilt holstering Com |CHESTERFIELDS and co" CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and te. Charles washers BAMBOO DRAPES, vas SEPTIC TANKS H. Su 25-688) DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario and Sur F2S3GA2) 728 Fast |Ba | Sou WINTER STORAGE BOATS & OUTBOARD MOTORS We also store lawn mowers, tillers, tent trailers, eabin trailers, ete. WILDE RENTAL SALES & SERVICE 1415 Dundas St. E. 668-3226 184-FT, Weymouth Johnston mot les, Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark! 949. 086, sin id.» Plumbing, Heating and €ngineer-| 17, 225 Simcoe Street South. PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadloom, Custom Draperies FREE ESTIMATES | DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 lumbing and | 'Heating | fur iPa Ba an qu 726° cabin cruiser, 50/liv Telephone | 7--Swap 'ond | Bart r mz THREE- PIECE 'bath sets, $55.3 show materials se 723-1191, and used atl mates free, Reasonable er, | J tes. Foley, | steel kitchen and bar sinks; Pahang ae systems (repairs); tings, boilers, rads; laundry tubs, $15, H. Chinn, Hillside and wi Parl Rd. South, ry 7088. Os 8--Articles For 'Sale ug- j-Upholstery S Service piping, fit- 17 years, Complete range of materials. orkmanship guaranteed: five years Credit terms. Mattress Furniture refinished. Oshawa Up- 1¥, 287 Dean Avenve, ee estimates 5-0311 ws Fully lined, 14° 6 m 6', Both 85° long. |= old chairs, re|Complete with valance box, $50, ered like new. Get the best for less Madern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re-| ve Call 728-6451 pairs to all_makes, New hoses. Phone chi Lees, 728-6956 UNDERWOOD portable | Underwood two months 668-6245 biog NT BACH" uth Free estimates Jack typewriter and ant adding machine. 321 See our material Upholstering, yied. Free estimate pong A) AR ls Rosedale Drive, Whitby |) ales and Service "B-flat trumpet and | sso UARANTEED REPAIRS fo ail and ranges, Free estimates eather case, Excellent condition, Shipped) Gibbons Street, wringer fr New York. Call | 723-5990 BEST doors, prices! Asking $200. Telephone pat Shee QUALITY aluminum Windows, awnings, railings, etc. Low, Call 728-5385. or 723-3692. SCUBA diving equipment, complete; wal- nut bedroom suite; dining table, chairs, buffet; pink, 13 cubic foot refrig-| Tei erator, two-doof; brown Scandinavian | 728. sofa. 728-0174 --_ ON GUNS -- Bought, at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West,; 728-9731 ple venetian blinds, can Complete service, free est 728-19 993 awnings. Mil Jelnik Inc ple' ates eptic Service cleaned, Prompt serv- Ward, 204 Chestnut 668-2563. Waiter Whitby @ or calls, reet West, urveyors FLIM AND TROLLOPE, rveyors, 113 Elgin Street 1965 ADMIRAL Stereo, $325 cash. Affer 6 fille telephone 668-3592 SKATE-X-CHANGE | ised United Rent-All, rental store. blue prints, |Giive Ontario L peng East. Pho Discount! New, (Householder's veyor tario Street, Commerc 725-5632 a ice yt REFRIGERATORS, Nid new smooth-top foves, $24.95 cribs, $10.95; new mattresses, $9.95; stoves, $24.95; TV's, $49.95 space avers, $54.95; -- dressers, chrome sets, radios, Guns, new and|FE Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West for JACKET, excelient all size 12 $24.95; beds, $12.5 mattresses, $24.95; V--Radio Repairs "if kin: HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE ls BEST ! FOR LESS! TRIO. TELEVISION Bond and Divis 728-5143 TELEVISION - RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS ssed FUR condition; ¢ " Apply 92 Quebec sf WHY REGISTER, trades wholesale, (9° Victor itemizer; National al, National one:total, $20; small/® ess or recreation bar, Bill Hamilton, |" | Raglan CASH pllances. Call or 263-269 SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one-foot lengths, $7.75 single cord. Phone 723-2281 9.30 a.m. or evenings FOUR tires and tubes; phone 728-0196 STORMS AND SCREENS for and doors; glass doors; child's table and chair set jtwo lawn mowers; two Ichairs, 728-1855, |ONE SPANISH GUITAR, Elmer, Co on wa 728 ner two are snow tires, Tele-i st chi "windows |Fu good 'quality, | Te a Avenue |evecrric TRAIN, HO Horndy Dubio,|sa\ {complete with three engines, two trans-/ an Call fo , one hunde f tr n Whitby --- 668-5679 [resis * Valve "8250." Complete: seh ler FAST T.V. SERVICE Telephone 725-8514 after 6 p.m. | me Service Coll $2.50 ALUMINUM boat, complete with 20/ lan + controls, tarp and oars, One! Du: DOMINION TELEVISION Ss ndshield. One complete set of c eatherette foam filled boat seats eye 9154 9a.m, te A work qu nteed ee Avenue, thy path eg Fasrbatiy PROJECTOR, 16 mm ion, $125. Telephone 7: Cla 'slightly | 668 Telephone! 54) off Cc 8 ? P.M. [101s HP SKI-DOO with canvass ed, Excellent condition, $625. 1 TWO-WAY M RADIO, one bass ne mo GE transreceiver, 25 watts each, Full price $200, Telephone Bowman- © 423-2503 BICYCLE -- suitable for geven-year-old, | Sou 0; also child'sfesk, $5.; toboggan, $5.) | ge $15.; GE vacuum, $7; B lawn mower, $25. oe gar stacking stools, $$. Call TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS serv arewel tur sewing machine GI S STROLL-O-CHAIR Includes hig arriage, stroller, table and rack-. 88 30 crib, vaporizer, Phone | DI (480 Bader, 728-1718 before § p.m. ON'S TOWERS . ce. 8 Avenue. work Phone | hee 186 Simcoe S. ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash: . | and trade, . | used, Raglan, |FURNITURE -- three rooms, bedroom, |FURNITURE -- 3 room, HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Y Appli iARBWOOD, beech and maple, cut any length; Alax = jhore|TYPEWRITER, st BUY AND SELL -- Good used turn ture| $30; adding machine, $25; electric. type. | appliance: and appliances, electric cash register, item-| |Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481. skates. medicine and kitchen cabinets, stainiess|!"9. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East, 725-6344, sump pumps, | CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS -- at Wil- son's. small boat kits; new ern styling, ~~ |VACUUM brushes, 725-3302. sr |RE -CONDITIONED Used only |Whitby 668-666! | structure MUSKRAT fur coat ~~ | 38-40. Full length, four one-year, Sold, traded, repaired condition, end loader; Oldsmobile needs tires, 352 Wilson Road South (at one year old. Apply jtime crib guarantee wo phone 942-4 ma j/ Plano and benc |RIFLE, 2 BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-|%2 APPiy 106 Connaught Street, Oshawa Hampton 263-2294/TWIN S)ROLLER, before| WEDDING DRESS, size 12, 1985 CHEVROLET Wheels with|Phone 728-5587 rant modern kitchen cabinet with) 5%68 |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture | les. chesterfield/and appliances. One location' only. Pretty BEAUTIFUL | eee ent. Condition, with case, $45. Apply plete but nd esr enhs $225. After 6, e [Phone 668-3 PIANO -- upright, na sa ol eld abate - figure and /nings. WE BUY, sell |Trading Post Creek > larey fur Bye) 18150, Telephone 723-1664. for Sale 8--Arrtic les HONDA SHOP "Oshawa's largest motorcycle dealer'. Buy - sell - trade. Re- pair all makes. Free esti- mates Access: helmets, windshields, carriers, jackets, tires, etc. Winter storage. New Hondas only $295. No down poyment. __199 King W, PARTS Washers, Stoves and reliability, this will deliver factory shooting, 728-4242 Fo : Dryers ELECTRIC MOTOR Repair and Exchange OSHAWA APPLIANCE 728-7535 JANSSEN'S, POWER fy): yee EQUIPMENT CENTRE Toro, Moto-Mower Mossey- Ferguson Riding Tractors, Service on all power equip- ment, Licensed mechanic on duty, 243 King West 728-9429 $s, duplicators, chequewriters, files, sks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service with budget terms, New and Low, low prices. Bill Hamilton, new qual furniture, only $299., inc, complete living room, kitchen ensembies. y only $3. wkly. Unbeatable vaive!l| FREE rons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe) uth | rooms, new quality| niture, only $299,, inc. complete bed-| living 'room, kitchen ensembles, y only $3. wkly. Unbeatable valve! rons' Home Furnishi ngs, 424 Simcoe §. Bi | "Blue Coal' oil, plies, 668-35 ces, ality, 919) Big discounts without sacrificing) 424 King Street West, Oshawa. LIM single cord, $10. double $18 de) 244 Brock k St. ered Newtonville 786-2283 collect S; Goold's Furniture, writer, $40) -- izer, $100. ATE EXCHANGE -- New and us Sold, exchanged. Expert Ghareeret 723-4434, down | cal $, Brand new two-piece sultes, mod-| RACER BICYCL foam cushions. From $99,|°ffer. Telephon ad, lson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, CHESTERFIELD hawa. | brown, payment, $15, airs, all hoses, | Phone 728-6718 etc. Main Street,| gun ' cluding rods and UDENT TYPEWRITERS, new, used,/Perry 985-7197 h registers, adding machines, $35, up.| WALNUT double ares guarantee, Oshawa Business Ma- four drawer chest, like 728-3664, 725-9748. phone 723-5530 SKI JACKETS, $12.77; uniforms, transistor radios items. - lures. ar ines, refrigerators, Anderson quar- $6.77; Street, eed, Apply 505 TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower all-channe! antenna installed, TV Supply Limited, 361 728-8180 Good as new, Telephone 723-7645. dise, guaranteed. Doors Friday, Saturday, size, GAS DRYER, washer Oshawa Inglis hot dipped galvanized 1" tower|range, McClary, good luded, single all-channel antenna com: te, installed, tax. included, guaranteed $50, See all towers at TRIO 9--Market B corner. Bond and Division, mis |NO. 1 WINTER potatoes, E FRIGIDAIRE 30 " range, $25, Good| Telephone 723-9439 Telephone 725-7970. ees TAPE RECORDER (new); cooler; pressure. system; two roto|!2 miles ers; Ford tractor, mode! 9N, with back | Highway. '50 Ford Yeton pick-up; '57|NO, 1 WINTER" motor job, good body, |intosh apples, and transmission, automatic Ferguson's BA Station, Taunton Road East, 263-2351, PEWRITERS, adding machines and clocks, new and rebuilt. One year de Outstanding good buys. Jen Machine Sales and Ser Open evenings evision, 5143-4, TA man, _a-mile _ past s Business @, 728-7783. RGUSON tractor snow removal, for freezer, loader Tele with Al Davis condition 'OVE, electric $75 ef < bic fee top freezer upright hb, $90; good PRM, oss the $20. st sell Alt After Mossberg condition, Moving, 668-4235 Telephone Collect semi-automatic, |Licence 389-C-65 Jolly Jumper; baby bunting bag. Telephone Telephone 623-5077. ker; 3808 Borg long sleeves, lace, $30. Tele Call 725-7700 ktail length, satin and EAK DINNERS, .99, consisting of steak, ps, colesiaw and roll, Crowley's Restau- Taunton and Garrard Roads cozy.) |Boarding; Palominos, Ashburn, baby _ talking strain, Com-|Broad, 114 Elgin East. tele-|WHITE, purebred Smal! deposit will FES -- For office or home. All sizes |Brooklin 655-3071 d prices, Telephone Phil Harper Whitby THREE 4558, UMBING TOOLS, musica! nts, gas water heater other eous items to ¢ Reasonable. das Street Wes, Whitby HORSES BOARDED dark finish, Best rea Dial 655-4937 Telephone 728-2837 after 5S! cuimyanua, months old hildren, 06 WELSH PONY -- stered, tniture, 444 Simcoe South, NT TRAILER 723-327 used i training, Never e Registered. One red instru misce' 509 female. Ajax 942-1507, offer very Landscape: Kk, custo ure framing and weekends, Whit portraits, | c Studio, evenings 325 Brock North LLER BRUSH PRODUCTS ered now for Christmas. Telephor 668-6583. filly, Partly broken, Telephone 942-2957. 4497 ecial eve. ome a = breeds. and exchange used furni-} have.. The City| 446 Simcoe Street @ or anything you Store, Oshawa OBedience classed filled. Enquiries vary classes. Telephone uth, 723-167 ATE EXCHANGE -- new and used; ver skates, hockey eq nent. 16 Bond Street Wett 7 RL'S coa! and hal, size 78 $$ $__--_______ 728. COMBINATION Telephone 72 USED TILTING evenir SUITE, after NING walnut, seven pieces,| For : construction, depth traction tread, A brand new winter tire priced almost as low as a retread. from $17.56 up DOMINION TIRE STORE 145 King St. W. Telephone 725-6511 makes, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.) REMINGTON shot-gun ™modei ------- |Fleming Vacuum Service. DRAPES -- two pairs beige "dam K. | Pickering, Telephone evenings, ATO; $2.75 bushel. eli delivery. Call evenings 655-4983, SPANISH ONIONS, 50-ib, bag, $2.50; Ww. WELL ROTTED cow manure, truck load. Will deliver, $6, or by bushel, AMERICAN COCKER one red-white female, also black $35 monthly. registered, lovable, has all needies. three years, TRAINED PUPPIES--Six months, Also one Toy Collie, $25-$35. deliv- ered, Telephone Port Perry 985-2645. DOG TRAINING CLASSES -- Sponsor: Association radin and Hi-F ARBOR | @d, Call Brooklin 655-3884 Sole 303 RIFLE Known for its accuracy and rugged gun years $24.95 SKATES Big savings on Skating Out- tits for the whole family dur- ing our Big Fall Sole from $7. SNOW TIRES of satis- oo Oty full 24-hour Burner Service TEXACO -- Fuel and Stove stove, nut, stoker cools @ Slab Wood @ Cannel Coal @ Building Sup- SAWDONS' (Whitby) ITE D fc Whitby jard, $35; portable, | THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50, No| monthly at Honest) 424 King West, 728-9191. new condition. Beat | 728-5758, and matching one year old. Reasonable. Tele-| "chair, Telephone 'and matching] new, $75. Tel belter dresses, $5.44; stretchies, $6.77; and many more gift all at Nesbitt's annex, § Celina Street at King. All first quality merchan- open Thursday, 12 noon sharp. Superb; Beatty 263 +2280. low TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-ft. THREE-BURNER electric, heavy duty structure, condition, $20. | Apply 721. Whitman Crescent, Oshawa, asket € 751d, , bap, $2.75. |- APPLES -- Mac, Courtland, 'Snow, Spy, | $2.50 bushel and up, Maybelle Orchards, | forth of Whitby on No, 12 \¢ | Free home! Roy _ Nichols Ey Garage, Courtice. Turn north to first cor. r ROASTING CHICKENS -- Orders taken 4 ib, $1.35, 3 Ib. $1.15, Free Delivery on 10 or more, 728-5291, 10--Farmer' 's "Column 30 GRADE cattie, Holstein, 9 some Charole, geese, ducks, police pups. 668-2067, 7 | % power jawn MOw:| DEAD and crippled farm stock picked up promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Hampton 263-2721. STRAW AND RODNEY oats for sale pick-up 1 1--Pets and Livestock RANCH KENNELS. 725 Shepherds, trained grown stock; pups. Pintos, y_655- 4662 evenings. budgies, German foals, pon- "read for |r Apply Mrs, T. Christmas, Span- and white male, insulated Brooklin. new, brown, maie, good with Please call 728: reg: from champion small Fall invited for Jan 723-9708. 12--Articles Wanted required 5 p.m table saw want 870 pump also fishing equipment for sale, in Port " ~~~ |KITCHEN HELP Samoyed __ puppies. hold for "to 6, _| Telephone 728-5987 12--Articles far Rent 18-Mele Help Woented '$--Male Heip Wanted RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, dise sond- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- PLUMBE?'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex- tension ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres- sors, sproy guns, wallpoper steamers, torpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement = mixers, _ finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric virator, air compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- CRAFTS INSTRUCTOR To work with boys in 14-16 oge group, instructing ond supervising arts and crafts classes. Minimum grade 10 educe- tion, should have completed formal course in Arts and Crafts, and two years' experi- ence in related work such as Y.M.C.A., community ree- reation, etc, $4,200 Salary range . $4,400.00, "Additionel l- lowance' of $500.00 per an- num for Supervising Respon- sibility, Generous pension end fringe benefits. 40-hour, 5- day week, Apply to: Superintendent, ONTARIO TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS Bowmanville, Ont. ers, stee! scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rol- lers, electric hammers, mos- onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' band saw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD, 223 King St. West, Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 Dish Coffee Briad! White Tables, Chairs, Linens, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Urns, Punch Bowls, Wear, Men's Formals, Fox Furs, Mink Stoles | SARGEANT'S RENTALS | _463 Ritson Rd. S$. 725-3338 CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, chureh aisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, ENTERTAINING - Fifty to one 'hundred | people! Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-| quets, parties, weddings, enniversaries. | Facilities, bar kitchen, parking. Rosner | able rates, 728-6315. 14--Bus ess 'Opportunities IN WHITBY -- Shoe repair business, ma-| chinery and stock. No reasonable offer) refused. Owner deceased, Telephone Whit-| by 668-3606 or 668-3691. | 15--Employment Wanted LADY will home, 1797, "| GIRL, T, wants "Saturday work, - baby- sitting or domestic Telephone Wintby| 668-4948 after 5 p.m. |17--Female » Help Wanted URGENT!! URGENT! | Six women for pleasant tele- | phone circulation survey $1.00 per hour plus large | cash bonuses, Morning, after- noon and evening shifts mind children In her own| Lake Vista area, Telephone 728 | Telephone MR. BROWN __ 723-505) WAITRESSES REQUIRED Full' and part-time. 7 to4p.m.--4to1l p.m. 11 to 7 a.m. Apply MR. CAMPBELL Genosha Hotel Girl with Experience in a General Insurance Office. Apply in_person Bob Stroud Ltd. __73_King St. East oe SINGLE GIRL For General food store, work with some cash register ex- perience, Full time. Phone 728-0851 NIGHT CASHIER 11 p.m. to 7 a.m, APPLY MR. CARMPBELL Genosha Hotel RELIABLE housekeeper required for motherless home with five girls. Live! in Telephone Whitby 668-3237 or 668-470) CAPABLE WOMAN to live in, Housekeep- ing and care of three young school-age children. Private room with bath, sep. larate from family, Professional parents | |Location -Whitby. References requested Write Box 8242 Oshawa Times | SALESLADY for ladies and children's wear, experienced preferred Apply 1. Collis and Sons, 50 King Street' West,/| Oshawa | DOES A "BEAUTY COUNSELOR" cali) on you? We may need someone in your area, or call for products, 723-9349. WOMAN for light household duties, live-in} and care for children. Telephone Ajax! 942-5056, | i -- Experienced, Eve-| nings from 5 p.m, to 1.30 a.m. South-End/ Restaurant, 5 Bloor Street South | EXPERIENCED waitress, day shift, & to Apply R. J. N. Restaurant, Whitby Plaza, 315 Brock South > white! 649-2061 BABYSITTER REQUIRED for Tiesdays Thursdays and every other Saturday, 9 for one child, north-west area EXPERIENCED gir! for coffee bar and variety store, 511 p.m. shift Telephone 725-3932. PRACTICAL nurse Steady employment. awa Times MATURE LADY companion for lady, private home in Brooklin, For further particulars, telephone | 4438 \~ ceistae PER MONTH The cost-of. this od for nursing hy Write Box 8813 Os! elderly live In 655 ag to be noticed? ing it? K daily for 'one Too sma You're tead- work tion. 2 ake | STEADY, RELIA jand Steady employment. Whitby 668-5647 eve ROUTE - SERVICEMAN One of Canada's largest food service organizations requires YOUNG MEN between the ages of 25-30, to train os Route Servicemen for the vending division. Excellent salaries and benefits. Mechan- ical or electrical aptitude-and minimum of three years high school required, Please Coll MR. M, BAKER 128-6961 LICENSED MECHANIC REQUIRED To speciolize in brakes and front end, Excellent. starting salary, bonus, commission, all compony benefits, Apply to W. Fertile FIRESTONE STORE 190 King St, Eost __Oshawa -- 725-6566 -FULL TIME MAN Required up to age 55 for building service work, exper- ience in all phases of janitor work preferred, All company benefits, Must be able to pass rigid medical. WRITE GIVING. AGE AND EXPERIENCE TO BOX 8494 OSHAWA TIMES WANTED 3 experienced Real Estate Salesmen or Salesladies To handle New ond Resale properties. Tremendous advertising sup- port Only persons interested in earning over $10,000 yearly neéd apply. Confidential interviews, GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-4645, MECHANIC CLASS "A" LICENSE Starting Salary The Bell Tele- phone . Company REQUIRES YOUNG MEN TO TRAIN AS TELEPHONE CRAFTSMEN MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High School or Technical School graduation diploma. Above average mechanical and mathematical opti- tude, ; Must be willing to move. Age 18 to 25 years. Driver's license (no signifi- cant demerits). Good health and physique. Apply in Person To Our Employment Office 64 King East 9 am. to 4 p.m. Mon. to Fri: SALESMAN Alert young man for Oshawa's finest Men's Wear Store Write stating age, experience if any and telephone number to BOX 8793 OSHAWA TIMES REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wanted for Oshawa Preferably licenced or with experience in selling fields. Business is good and we ore short of help. All inquiries strictly confidential. Write BOX 8285 OSHAWA TIMES MAN- TO ASSIST IN WAREHOUSE Operation of local plant. Pre- vious warehousing experience required. Grade X1 education minimum, Benefits. Apply in writing stating qualifications ond personal details te BOX 8792 OSHAWA TIMES $125. WEEKLY apply CROWELL'S SHELL SERVICE STATION 22 BOND EAST 728-8712 @ LICENSED BODYMAN USED CAR SALESMAN Must have used car sales ex- perience and be bondable, DON ARMSTRONG GUS BROWN MOTORS LTD. 725-6568 ALSO APPRENTICE LICENSED PAINTER Also experienced painters, helper, All fringe benefits. Paid holidays. Apply 227 Pearson St. OSHAWA WANTED: Part-time parking lot atterid- Must be neat, able to meet the public, courteous ond not over 65 years of age, ant Apply to the manager of DOMINION STORES LTD. 35 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA | EXPERIENCED WAITER for cocktail inge and beverage room. Steady nosi Apply Manager, Hotel Lancaster, 27 na Street West, Oshawa GOOD MECHANIC Must be neat in appearance, Ideal working conditions. APPLY IN PERSON BILL WHITTICK MOTORS 250 Dundas Eost, Whitby NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE E man, between 40 55 years, for light maintenance. | ngs FWO LABORERS tor construction, sleady dents, u :. 'Telephone 668-3413 or 668-5110, Telephone 668-3214 after 6. MATURE MAN Part time DESK CLERK Mostly week ends GENOSHA HOTEL Apply. Front Desk FULLY QUALIFIED TINSMITH Steady work year round. Older mon considered. Apply 91 Bruce St. Oshawa, 9 a.m 5:30 p.m TAXI DRIVERS ne a Whitby = resi- six day week, Wage guaranteed,